====== Academics ====== This catchall Knowledge covers the character’s erudition in the humanities: literature, history, art, philosophy, and other “liberal” arts and sciences. A character with dots in Academics is generally well rounded in these fields, and at high levels may be considered an expert in one or more areas of study. * * Student: You’re aware that 1066 isn’t a Beverly Hills area code. * •• College: You can quote from the classics, identify major cultural movements, and expound on the difference between Ming and Moghul. * ••• Masters: You could get a paper published in a scholarly journal. * •••• Doctorate: Professor emeritus * ••••• Scholar: Scholars worldwide acknowledge you as one of the foremost experts of your time. **Possessed by:** Professors, Literati, Topical Bloggers, **Specialties:** Post-structuralism, Impressionist Painting, Imperial Rome, Color Theory, Linguistics {{tag>sys}}