====== Cipher ====== Adventure is set in a world at international danger, intrigue and excitement. That’s all well and good, but there are times when your character doesn't want international danger following her home and kidnapping her fiance. Cipher represents factors that impair those who would delve into your character's secrets. She might have simply led an uneventful life (at least as far as written records are concerned). Maybe your character doesn't have a birth certificate or passport — or maybe she has several of each. Regardless of how you define her aura of secrecy, each Cipher dot adds an additional level of difficulty to any investigation of your character. if she does something stupid such as leave her business card at the scene of a crime or get photographed holding a gun to the German Ambassador’s head, her Cipher rating may suffer. X Anybody can dig into past with a minimum of effort. 1 You've got a couple of well-hidden secrets. 2 There is a certain amount of uncertainty about your past. 3 A mystery wrapped in an enigma. 4 Your own mother wouldn't recognize you. 5 “Who was that masked man?" {{tag>sys}}