====== Ninjas ====== Japanese assassins who dress all in black and rely on stealth to achieve their missions. They ambushed [[traicho_yaroslav|Triacho]], [[elena_sobieski|Elena]], [[evgeny_ivanovich|Evgeny]] and "[[El Reyo]]" when they came to the [[Compania de Jesus]]. They later attacked [[traicho_yaroslav|Triacho]], [[elena_sobieski|Elena]], and [[evgeny_ivanovich|Evgeny]] at the [[panama_city_beach|beach]] while they were awaiting pick-up by the [[seaplane]]. Twenty of them were guarding the [[oriental house]] when [[traicho_yaroslav|Triacho]] and [[evgeny_ivanovich|Evgeny]] arrived the night of [[Casa Nueva]]'s opening gala. {{tag>lca fluke union}}