====== Sleep (Talent) ====== ===== Sleep (Cha) ===== You can psionically put other creatures to sleep. **Requirements:** [[telepathy_feat|Telepathy]] feat **Check:** You can attempt to psionically put a target into a deep sleep. The target gets a Will saving throw against your skill DC. Success negates the effect. If the Will save fails, the creature falls instantly asleep and remains so for 1 minute per skill rank. Sleeping creatures are helpless. Slapping or wounding awakens them, but normal noise does not. Awakening the creature requires a standard action (an application of the aid another action). Creatures that do not sleep are unaffected by this skill. **Special:** You must be in [[mental_contact_talent|mental contact]] with the subject. You can take 10 on Sleep checks, but you can’t take 20. **Time:** Sleep is a standard action. It lasts for 10 rounds (1 minute) per skill rank. **Strain:** 4. {{tag>skills chabased psi telepathy}}