Injector Unit (Cyberware)


This unit, attached the recipient's forearm or thigh, incorporates three medical hypo-syringes. Upon command, the unit can inject any or all of the medicinal substances into the recipient's bloodstream.

Benefit: The injector unit has three built-in hypos, and each hypo holds a single dose of one of the following medicinal chemicals: antitox (PL 6), boost (PL 6), neutrad (PL6), sporekill (PL 6), or biocort (PL 7). As a free action during his turn, the recipient can contract his muscles to inject himself with any or all of these hypos, gaining the benefits immediately. A drained hypo can be removed and replaced as a full-round action.

Type: External.

Location: One limb

Hardness/Hit Points: 2/5.

Base Purchase DC: 15 (medical hypos must be purchased separately).

Restriction: Lic. (+1).