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Inspirational Merits and Flaws

Merits and Flaws are special options that a Storyteller may allow their players to take. They are mainly a device meant to help with backstory and to help flesh out a character, but main of them are very useful. At character creation a player may choose as many merits they can afford with 'bonus points' and may only choose a number of flaws that award additional 'bonus points' totaling seven for a total of 28 'bonus points' at character creation.

Inspirational Merits

Finder's Keepers (3 point Merit)

Somehow, you're always the person to find what everyone else is looking for. Whenever you spend at least 3 temporary Inspiration points for dramatic editing, you can ask the Storyteller for a Plot Ramification for the cost of a point of temporary Willpower (instead of Inspiration). In addition, your Plot Complications gain you two temporary Inspiration if it involves stealing something significant from another character. What is significant is, of course, up to the Storyteller.

Lucky (3 pt. Merit)

You enjoy some special favor. You may re-roll any three failed rolls per season, including botches, but you may try only once per failed roll.

Master of All Trades (5 point Merit)

Your skill and knowledge are second to none. By taking this Merit, you can have four Ability Masteries instead of just three. Taking this Merit requires an Intelligence of 4 and a Wits of 3.

Reactive (5 point Merit)

You're the first person to react in any encounter. Your Intuitive facet starts at one higher dot after character creation (meaning that your total facet dots are one higher than your total Inspiration). This cannot raise your Intuitive facet above five dots. This merit cannot be taken in conjuction with Thinker and Smasher merits.

Smasher (5 point Merit)

You have a tendency to destroy everything you touch, even when you don't mean to. Your Destructive facet starts at one higher dot after character creation (meaning that your total facet dots are one higher than your total Inspiration). This cannot raise your Destructive facet above five dots. This merit cannot be taken in conjuction with Thinker and Reactive merits.

Thinker (5 point Merit)

No matter what, you're the type that sits down and mulls over every possible outcome. Your Reflective facet starts at one higher dot after character creation (meaning that your total facet dots are one higher than your total Inspiration). This cannot raise your Reflective facet above five dots, however. This merit cannot be taken in conjuction with Smasher and Reactive merits.

Charmed Existence (4 pt. Merit)

Your life is somehow protected, and you do not face the perils that others must. It could be that you are simply lucky. Because of this Merit, you may ignore a single one on every roll you make, as though you had an extra success. This Merit makes it far more unlikely that you will ever botch and grants you more successes than others might obtain.

True Love (4 pt. Merit)

You have a true love. Simply the knowledge that this individual exists provides joy and strength to you even in the darkest hour. The battle may be endless, but you know there is something beyond the esoteric to keep fighting for. When you are suffering, the thought of your true love gives you strength. In game terms, this Merit allows you one automatic success on any Willpower roll, but only when you are actively striving to protect or come closer to your true love. However, having a true love may also be a hindrance, and they may require aid (or even rescue) from time to time.

Inspirational Flaws

Knackless (3 point Flaw)

You'll just have to be happy with staying normal. While you still gain all the benefits of your base Inspiration and Facets, your costs for buying Knacks is increased by 4 experience each.

Dark Fate (5 pt. Flaw)

You labor under some future doom, marked by Fate for a horrible end. All you strive for will amount to nothing. From time to time, you receive flashes of visions regarding your destined fate, causing you to suffer prematurely. You can overcome your morbid moods by spending Willpower, but this only works temporarily. Sooner or later, you will meet your fate (when is left up to your Storyteller, but it will happen during the course of the series — otherwise, this Flaw would be worth no points). In the meantime, however, you can still attempt to achieve something worthwhile. You may do so with a sense of freedom and abandon, since you know that unless a situation leads directly to your ultimate doom, you stand a good chance of surviving and succeeding.

In Search of Inspiration (7 point Flaw)

Telluric energy certainly hasn't done you any favors. Your starting Inspiration cannot be above three, and increasing it with experience costs you a whopping new rating x 9. As if that wasn't bad enough, your Willpower gains cannot be converted into temporary Inspiration if your Willpower pool is full.