Getting Started

The character-creation system is designed around a few precepts. Keep these in mind while generating the persona you will assume in the game

Concept: Choose an overall concept of who the character is: what they've done, how they've lived, and what is unique about them. This concept may describe their profession, how they saw themseles, or what others felt about them.

Nature and Demeanor: Nature is the “true” personality of your character - who they are deep down. Demeanor is the personality your character presents to the world. More often than not, Nature and Demeanor are different, especially given the complex and mysterious nature of the mind.


Characters with ratings of 4 or higher in Attributes or Abilities may choose specialties for those Traits. Specialties represent a particular focus and proficiency related to the character’s concept or profession. Some characters are especially good at particular applications of their Traits. For example, a mechanic might be particularly good with muscle cars, a sprinter may be swift-footed, a thief might excel at breaking and entering, a chauffer may be especially good at off-road maneuvers, or a brawler might be infamous as a dirty fighter. A player may declare a specialty as a guide to roleplaying even if the character does not have a rating of 4 or higher but it has no effect on rule mechanics.

A specialty is a particular subcategory or facet of an Attribute or Ability — thus, a character with a Strength 5 might choose to be especially adept in deadlifting, while a character with Performance 4 might be renowned for her singing. Most players select specialties simply to flesh out a character, but they can have some very real effects on the story as well. A specialty allows the player to count 10s on actions as two successes where the specialty directly applies to the action being attempted.

Players should clear any specialties with the Storyteller, who can veto any specialties that are too broad (such as “guns” for Firearms or “healing” for Medicine) or that focus solely on game mechanics (“dealing damage” for Strength or “soak rolls” for Stamina). The player and Storyteller should work together to express the character’s concept through specialties.