Psi-Detector Sensor (Equipment)


The psi-detector is a handheld computer or computerized gauntlet capable of detecting and pinpointing psionic activity within 300 feet. Its use requires a full-round action and a Search check (DC 20 minus the effective power level of the ability or effect in use). A successful Search check detects any psionic activity within range and its rough direction. If the check beats the DC by 5 or more, the location or source of the activity is pinpointed.

A character with the Knowledge (Life Sciences) skill can spend an additional full-round action to analyze the nature of the psionic activity. With a successful Knowledge (Life Sciences) check (DC 15) the character can determine the mindwalking school of the effect. With a success that beats the DC by 5 or more, the character is able to determine the specific effect.