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Tangler Security Robot (Equipment)

Though Tanglers are designed around an armature frame, many of them resemble biomorph spiders or other crawling insects. Tanglers usually serve as mobile security forces - designed to apprehend interlopers with their onboard weaponry. Some models receive upgrades to include magnetic feet for true wall-crawling and AV transmitters to send back surveillance data to their owners.

Purchase DC: 24

Restriction: Licensed (+1)

Skills: Balance +4, Climb +3, Jump +3

Feats: Personal Firearms Proficiency

The tangler security robot has the following systems and accessories:

  • Frame: Armature
  • Locomotion: Multiple legs (6)
  • Manipulators: Feelers
  • Armor: Alumisteel armor
  • Sensors: Class III sensor
  • Skill Software: Balance skill chip (3 ranks), Climb skill chip (3 ranks), Jump skill chip (3 ranks)
  • Feat Software: Personal Firearms Proficiency feat progit
  • Accessory: Weapon Mount (Tangler gun)
tangler_security_robot_pl_6.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/04 00:39 (external edit)