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backgrounds [2013/12/23 03:29]
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backgrounds [2021/12/04 00:39]
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-====== Backgrounds ====== 
-The character’s advantages from his parentage and upbringing, such as wealth, define the character’s material assets and social network. ​   
-The character'​s circumstances describe advantages of relationship,​ circumstance,​ birth, and opportunity: ​ material possessions,​ social networks, and the like.  Backgrounds are external, not internal, Traits, and you should always rationalize how you came to possess them, as well as what they represent. ​ When choosing Backgrounds,​ make sure to flesh out the what, why, and how.  Who are your [[Contacts|contacts]]? ​ Why do your [[Allies|allies]] support you?  Do you have a couple of people who will give you aid when she needs it?  A network of informants? ​ What did you do that leads your Allies to trust you?  Where did you meet your retainers or [[Followers|followers]]? ​ What investments do you possess that yield your four dots in [[Resources]]? ​  ​Background Traits should fit the character concept — a destitute street preacher isn’t likely to have Resources, for example — though the Storyteller may disallow or encourage players to take certain Backgrounds for their characters. ​ When you’ve put enough detail into your character concept, selecting appropriate Backgrounds is easy.  A starting character has five dots worth of Backgrounds,​ which may be distributed at the player’s discretion. 
-Backgrounds usually stand alone, though sometimes they’re used in conjunction with an [[Attributes|Attribute]]. ​ Although it’s uncommon to make rolls involving Background Traits, your Storyteller might have you do so to see if you can obtain information,​ goods, or favors. ​ For example, you might have to roll Wits + Resources to keep your stock portfolio healthy, Manipulation + Contacts to wheedle that extra favor from your smuggler “associate”,​ Wits + Resources to keep the cash flowing in a recession or Manipulation + Allies to convince your friend to accompany you on a life-threatening mission. ​ 
-Most Backgrounds improve as a result of the events in the story: making new contacts, recruiting new allies or landing a significant financial windfall. ​ As such, they are //usually// not raised with experience points. ​ Certain Backgrounds may be “pooled” among characters in a team.  See “[[pooling backgrounds]]” ​ for more information. 
-[[allies|Allies]] — Confederates,​ usually family or friends. ​ Your friends and confidantes among people. 
-[[Backing]] —  Standing in official (or unofficial) organization. 
-[[Cipher]] — Factors that impair those who would delve into your character'​s secrets. 
-[[contacts|Contacts]] — The information sources the character possesses. ​ Who you know, in society. ​  A network that you can tap for information. 
-[[Followers]] — People who obey your character'​s orders, for whatever reason. 
-[[Gadget]] — Special device unique to your character or something that is not available on the mass market 
-[[influence|Influence]] — The character’s political power within certain areas of society. 
-[[Menagerie]] — Owner of one or more unusually able and totally loyal animal companions. 
-[[mentor|Mentor]] — A patron who advises and supports the character. ​ Someone who's taken an interest in you and advises you.  Takes an interest in your progress and offers advice. 
-[[Nemesis]] — An enemy, one who's history with your character goes way back. 
-<​del>​[[Reputation]]</​del>​ — Noteriety within the world. 
-[[resources|Resources]] — Wealth, belongings, and income. ​ Your personal wealth and possessions,​ as well as your regular income. 
-[[Sanctum]] — A unique secure location. 
-[[Background Enhancements]] 
backgrounds.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/04 00:39 (external edit)