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-Content-Type:​ text/​x-zim-wiki 
-Wiki-Format:​ zim 0.4 
-Creation-Date:​ 2013-07-25T22:​55:​21-04:​00 
-====== Balance (Skill) ====== 
-Created Thursday 25 July 2013 
-=== BALANCE (DEX) === 
-//Armor Penalty// 
-You can keep your balance while walking on a tightrope, narrow beam, slippery surface, or uneven ground. 
-**Check:** You can walk on a precarious surface. A successful check lets you move at one-half your speed along the surface as a move action. A failure indicates that you spend your move action keeping your bal-ance and do not move. A failure by 5 or more indicates that you fall. The DC depends on the conditions, as detailed below: 
-Conditions Balance Check DC* 
-Surface 7-12 in. wide 10 
-Surface 2-6 in wide 15 
-Surface less than 2 in. wide 20 
-Surface uneven or angled 10 
-Surface slippery 10 
-*Add +5 to the DC if a narrow surface is slip-pery or angled. Add +10 if it is both. 
-**Accelerated Movement:** You can try to move across a precarious surface more quick-ly by taking a –5 penalty on your Balance check. You can charge across a precarious surface, as well, by taking a –5 penalty to the check, and taking an extra check if you move more than your speed. 
-**Being Attacked While Balancing:​** While balancing you are flat-footed (you lose your Dexterity bonus to Defense), unless you have 5 or more ranks in Balance. If you take damage you must make a Balance check again to keep your balance. 
-**Resist Zero-G Bull Rush:** Normally, a successful Bull Rush in zero-g results in the target being moved 10 feet, as opposed to 5 feet, for every 5 points by which the at-tacker’s Strength check exceeds the defend-er’s. However, the defender may make a Balance check (opposed by the attacker’s Balance or Dexterity check) in order to reduce the Bull Rush movement to the normal 5 feet per 5 points. This check is made as a free action, in reaction to the attacker’s successful Bull Rush. 
-**Special:​** You can take 10 when making a Balance check, but you can’t take 20. A character with the Focused feat gets a +2 bo-nus on all Balance checks. 
-**Time:** Balancing while moving at one-half your movement speed is a move action. Accelerated Movement, allowing you to move at your full move rate, is also a move action. 
-@skills @dexbased @armorpenalty ​ 
balance_skill.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/04 00:39 (external edit)