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biowarrior_advanced_class [2013/08/31 06:09]
storyteller created
biowarrior_advanced_class [2013/10/31 05:04]
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-====== Biowarrior ====== +====== Biowarrior ​(Advanced Class)====== 
-===== Psychic Adept Advanced Class =====+<WRAP right square box 25%>​**Storyteller House Rule**</​WRAP>​
-===== Biowarrior ​=====+Biowarriors bend their wills toward complete mental control over their physical bodies: mind over matter. They learn to control their physiological responses and to enhance their bodies in various ways.  Becoming a biowarrior requires an iron will in addition to psionic talent. In time, biowarriors become perfected physical beings, beyond many of the limits of normal creatures. 
 +To qualify to become a Biowarrior, a character must fulfill the following criteria.
-**Primary ​Feats:​** ​ [[Psychometabolism (Feat)|Psychometabolism]],​ [[Mental Recovery (Feat)|Mental Recovery]], [[Mental Fortitude (Feat)|Mental Fortitude]],​ [[Psionic ​Stamina (Feat)|Psionic Stamina]][[Psionic Weapon (Feat)|Psionic Weapon]], [[Shield Penetration (Feat)|Shield Penetration]],​ [[Imbue Weapon (Feat)|Imbue Weapon]], [[Combat Concentration (Feat)|Combat Concentration]]+**Feats:​** ​ [[psionic_ability_feat|Psionic ​Ability]] and [[psychometabolism_feat|Psychometabolism]]
-**Primary ​Skills:​**  ​AdaptationBody Control, Life Drain, Psionic Weapon, Drain [Ability], Drain Power, Drain Vitality, Enhance Ability, Enhance Senses, Psionic Sense, Psionic Shield+**Skills:​**  ​[[balance_skill|Balance]] 6 ranks, [[concentration_skill|Concentration]6 ranks[[body_control_talent|Body Control]] 6 ranks
 +=====Class Information=====
 +The following information pertains to the Biowarrior advanced class.
 +**Hit Die:​** ​ 1d8
 +**Action Points:​** ​ 6 + one-half character level, rounded down, every time the Biowarrior attains a new level in this class.
 +=====Class Skills=====
 +The Biowarrior’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
 +[[Balance (Skill)|Balance]] (Dex), [[Climb (Skill)|Climb]] (Str), [[Concentration (Skill)|Concentration]] (Con), [[Escape Artist (Skill)|Escape Artist]] (Dex), [[Hide (Skill)|Hide]] (Dex), [[Jump (Skill)|Jump]] (Str), [[Listen (Skill)|Listen]] (Wis), [[Move Silently (Skill)|Move Silently]] (Dex), [[Search (Skill)|Search]] (Int), [[Sense Motive (Skill)|Sense Motive]] (Wis), ​ [[Spot Skill)|Spot]] (Wis), ​ [[Swim (Skill)|Swim]] (Str), [[Treat Injury (Skill)|Treat Injury]] (Wis), [[Tumble (Skill)|Tumble]] (Dex)
 +**Skill Points at Each Level:​** ​ 4 + Int modifier.
 +=====Class Features=====
 +The following features pertain to the Biowarrior advanced class.
 +====Psionic Strike====
 +A biowarrior can deal unarmed damage and gains the benefits of the [[combat_martial_arts_feat|Combat Martial Arts]] feat.  Additionally,​ for 5 points of strain per attack, a biowarrior can psionically “charge” his unarmed strikes, making them into touch attacks that deal their normal damage, but ignore the targets armor bonus.
 +====Psionic Stamina====
 +A biowarrior gains [[psionic_stamina_feat|Psionic Stamina]] as a bonus feat, regardless of whether she meets the prerequisites.
 +A biowarrior adds her Wisdom bonus as a dodge bonus to her Armor Class. This bonus is lost like any other dodge bonus.
 +====Perfect Balance====
 +A 3rd-level biowarrior can use accelerated movement with [[balance_skill|Balance]] or [[climb_skill|Climb]] skill checks at no penalty, requiring only one check per round. Attackers gain no attack bonus when attacking a biowarrior with perfect balance using either Balance or Climb.
 +====Body Equilibrium====
 +A 3rd-level biowarrior gains the ability to mentally adjust her weight to move across any surface (sand, snow, quicksand, water, etc.) without sinking, provided she moves at least a 5-foot step every round. The biowarrior sinks normally in the surface if she stops moving for one round. A biowarrior with body equilibrium steps so lightly that she is effectively “invisible” to any type of "​tremorsense"​.
 +====Mind Over Matter====
 +A 4th—level biowarrior gains [[mind_over_matter_feat|Mind Over Matter]] as a bonus feat, regardless of whether she meets the prerequisites.
 +====Psionic Leap====
 +A 5th—level biowarrior does not require a 20-foot running start to make [[jump_skill|jump]] checks. The biowarrior can make standing jump checks with no increase in the Difficulty Class.
 +====Psionic Speed====
 +A 6th-level psychic adept may increase her base speed by 10 times for 1 round. This multiplies jump distances by 5 for that round. This requires a full-round action (including the character'​s movement) and costs 5 points of strain.
 +====Improved Body Control====
 +A 7th-level biowarrior is always considered to be taking 10 on [[body_control_talent|Body Control]] skill checks and can make a Body Control check as a move action rather than a full—round action.
 +====Improved Ability Enhancement====
 +An 8th-level biowarrior can use the [[enhance_ability_talent|Enhance Ability]] psionic skill as a move action rather than a standard action and can take 10 on the skill check even while distracted or under duress.
 +====Timeless Body====
 +A 9th-level biowarrior no longer suffers penalties for aging and cannot be aged by any effect. The biowarrior does not suffer ability score penalties, but bonuses still accrue. ​ The biowarrior still dies at the end of her normal lifespan.
 +====Body Mastery====
 +A 10th-level biowarrior can take 10 on __any__ psionic skill check with [[psychometabolism_feat|Psychometabolism]] as its required talent, even if distracted or under duress.
 +=====Advancement Table: The Biowarrior=====
 +<WRAP center round box 95%>
 +|**Class Level**|**Base Attack Bonus**|**Fort Save**|**Ref Save**|**Will Save**|**Special**|**Defense Bonus**|**Reputation Bonus**|
 +|1st|+1|+2|+2|+2|Psionic Strike, Psionic Stamina|+|+|
 +|3rd|+3|+3|+3|+3|Perfect Balance, Body Equilibrium|+|+|
 +|4th|+4|+4|+4|+4|Mind Over Matter|+|+|
 +|5th|+5|+4|+4|+4|Psionic Leap|+|+|
 +|6th|+6/​+1|+5|+5|+5|Psionic Speed|+|+|
 +|7th|+7/​+2|+5|+5|+5|Improved Body Control|+|+|
 +|8th|+8/​+3|+6|+6|+6|Improved Ability Enhancement|+|+|
 +|9th|+9/​+4|+6|+6|+6|Timeless Body|+|+|
 +|10th|+10/​+5|+7|+7|+7|Body Mastery|+|+|
 +{{tag>​advancedclass charactercreation psi hr canon}}
biowarrior_advanced_class.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/04 00:39 (external edit)