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climbing_claws_cyberware [2013/08/27 21:13] external edit
climbing_claws_cyberware [2021/12/04 00:39]
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-Content-Type:​ text/​x-zim-wiki 
-Wiki-Format:​ zim 0.4 
-Creation-Date:​ 2013-07-28T01:​26:​40-04:​00 
-====== Climbing Claws (Cyberware) ====== 
-Created Sunday 28 July 2013 
-===== CLIMBING CLAWS (PL 6) ===== 
-The recipient has small, sharp spikes that can slide from hands, wrists, elbows, knees and feet. This makes climbing much easier and allows melee attacks when otherwise unarmed. 
-**Benefit:​** A recipient with climbing claws gains a +5 equipment bonus on [[Climb (Skill)]] checks and is always considered to have climbing equipment. If the recipient beats the DC of a Climb check by 5 or more, he is not considered [[Combat|flat-footed]]. 
-Additionally,​ the climbing claws act as spurs, though they deal damage as a creature two size categories smaller than the recipient. 
-**Type:** Internal (external in use). 
-**Location:​** One in each arm and leg. 
-**Hardness/​Hit Points:** 5/5. 
-**Base Purchase DC:** 16. 
-**Restriction:​** None. 
-=== Climbing Claws Damage === 
-**Recipient Size Damage** 
-Small 1 
-Medium 1d2 
-Large 1d4 
-Huge 1d6 
-Cybernetic Limbs 
climbing_claws_cyberware.txt ยท Last modified: 2021/12/04 00:39 (external edit)