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electronics [2013/11/08 17:26]
storyteller [VIDEO PHONE (PL 7)]
electronics [2013/11/08 17:41]
storyteller [BLACKOUT GOGGLES (PL 6)]
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 Personal and professional electronics grow in complexity, convenience,​ and popularity from PL 5 onward. Often, having the newest electronic gear is seen as a status symbol. Everything from advanced communications gear to multi-use optics to a variety of sensor devices are quite easily available in the [[timeline|26th century]]. Personal and professional electronics grow in complexity, convenience,​ and popularity from PL 5 onward. Often, having the newest electronic gear is seen as a status symbol. Everything from advanced communications gear to multi-use optics to a variety of sensor devices are quite easily available in the [[timeline|26th century]].
-===== ALL-PURPOSE GOGGLES (PL 6) ===== +  * [[all purpose goggles equipment|All-Purpose Goggles]] 
-[[all purpose goggles equipment]] +  ​* ​[[Blackout goggles equipment|Blackout Goggles]] 
-Favored by craftsmen and technicians,​ the protective goggles that develop in the Fusion Age combine several technologies to produce a great all-purpose device. Protective goggles have automatic dimmers that protect the wearer from all forms of blinding light, including flash-bang grenades and similar phosphorescent explosives. Protective goggles shield the eyes from all forms of radiation, pollution, dust, contamination,​ loose particles, acids, and any other matter that could harm the eyes. Furthermore,​ they have built-in magnification lenses that provide a +2 bonus checks made to manipulate, build, or objects that are at least Tiny in size. +  ​* ​[[fabricator unit equipment|Fabricator Unit]] 
- +  ​* ​[[mass transceiver equipment|Mass Transceiver]] 
-===== BLACKOUT GOGGLES (PL 6) ===== +  ​* ​[[power backpack equipment|Power Backpack]] 
-[[Blackout goggles ​equipment]] are the PL 6 equivalent of night vision goggles more effective against standard darkness and the only means of seeing through the smoke generated by [[midnighter grenades ​equipment|midnighter grenades]]. The wearer can see in total darkness better than [[darkvision_mutation|darkvision]] (without the -4 penalty on Spot and Search checks), and the goggles do not require even a little light to operate. In total darkness (such as midnighter smoke), blackout goggles enable the wearer to see up to 60 feet, though only in black-and-white. +  * [[Comm gear equipment|Comm Gear]]
- +
-===== COMM GEAR (PL 6+) ===== +
-The special frequency-agile transceiver inside this wire-thin headset can cover the entire electromagnetic spectrum below microwaves. The unit may also take the form of a thin card or handset. By adjusting band-widths up and down, comm gear can locate the best frequency for transmission based on range, direction, and environmental conditions. Comm gear has a range of 100 miles at PL 6. At PL 7, this increases to 1,000 miles and can reach into high planetary orbits. +
- +
-For an additional +1 to the purchase DC, an encryption device can be included to scramble and unscramble signals as needed. +
- +
-[[Comm gear equipment]] is frequently installed in [[computer gauntlet equipment|computer guantlet]] and other computers using the Integrated Equipment gadget. +
- +
-A charge cell for the device lasts 30 days regardless of use. +
- +
- +
-[[fabricator unit equipment|Fabricator Unit]] +
- +
-[[mass transceiver equipment|Mass Transceiver]] +
- +
-[[power backpack equipment|Power Backpack]] +
 ===== NEURAL SCRAMBLER (PL 6) ===== ===== NEURAL SCRAMBLER (PL 6) =====
 The [[neural scrambler equipment]] is a restraint device used by many law enforcement agencies in the place of physical restraints such as hand-cuffs. The neural scrambler consists of a six-pronged device that, when placed over the head, interrupts brainwave activity. A character wearing a neural scrambler may not take any actions whatsoever, though she moves her normal speed under the command of an-other individual. When the neural scrambler is removed, the character has no knowledge of events that took place while she was re-strained. The [[neural scrambler equipment]] is a restraint device used by many law enforcement agencies in the place of physical restraints such as hand-cuffs. The neural scrambler consists of a six-pronged device that, when placed over the head, interrupts brainwave activity. A character wearing a neural scrambler may not take any actions whatsoever, though she moves her normal speed under the command of an-other individual. When the neural scrambler is removed, the character has no knowledge of events that took place while she was re-strained.
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 Often installed in office buildings, government and military installations,​ and other high-security environments,​ the [[remote retinal scanner equipment]] resembles an Information Age camera. The remote retinal scanner can take an instantaneous retinal scan from any character or creature that passes in front of its lens, without the need for lengthy eye scans or processing. Remote retinal scanners are usually connected to computers capable of cross-referencing retinal scans with existing data bases. Often installed in office buildings, government and military installations,​ and other high-security environments,​ the [[remote retinal scanner equipment]] resembles an Information Age camera. The remote retinal scanner can take an instantaneous retinal scan from any character or creature that passes in front of its lens, without the need for lengthy eye scans or processing. Remote retinal scanners are usually connected to computers capable of cross-referencing retinal scans with existing data bases.
-===== SENSOR, ARMACOMP (PL 7) ===== 
-The [[armacomp sensor equipment]] is a hand-held computer or computerized gauntlet designed to detect and locate weapons of all types. It grants a +6 equipment bonus on Search checks when searching for weapons. Additionally,​ the armacomp sensor'​s advanced data on weapons of all types makes it a valuable resource when repairing weapons, granting a +4 equipment bonus on all Repair checks made on weapons. This does not include explosives and other demolitions devices, which are covered under the democomp sensor. 
-===== SENSOR, BIOCOMP (PL 7) ===== 
-[[biocomp sensor equipment]] 
-The biocomp is a handheld computer or computerized gauntlet designed to analyze biological life forms and data. It’s main use is as a reader of bioelectric signatures, unique to each individual, for security and identification purposes. Using a biocomp in this manner is a full-round action, requiring the target to be relatively still throughout the round, and requiring the user to make a Knowledge (earth and life sciences) to correctly interpret the data. In order to confirm an identity, the biocomp must have access to a library of bio-electrical signatures to which it can compare the one being scanned. 
-Biocomp sensors are often added (using the integrated equipment gadget) to computers at checkpoints and doorways into secure facilities. In these cases, the computer stores a library of bioelectrical signatures, as well as software that allows it to run the Knowledge (earth and life sciences) check. 
-In addition to the uses above, a bio-comp sensor provides a +4 equipment bonus to any Knowledge (earth and life sciences) check made to analyze or identify biological organisms and ecosystems. 
-===== SENSOR, CHEMICOMP (PL 6) ===== 
-The [[chemicomp sensor equipment]] computer is a handheld computer or computerized gaunt-let designed to find individual chemical com-pounds. Chemicomps can locate a specific chemical, providing a + 10 equipment bonus on Search checks when attempting to find chemical compounds. 
-===== SENSOR, DEMOCOMP (PL 7) ===== 
-The [[democomp sensor equipment]] is a hand-held computer or computerized gauntlet designed to detect and locate explosives of all types. It grants a +6 equipment bonus on Search checks when searching for explosives. Additionally,​ the democomp sensor'​s advanced data on explosives of all types makes it a valuable resource when planting them, granting a +4 equipment bonus on all Demolitions and Disable Device checks made involving explosives. 
-===== SENSOR, ELECTRICOMP (PL 7) ===== 
-The [[electricomp sensor equipment]] is a hand-held computer or computerized gauntlet designed to detect and locate electronic devices of all types, including computers. It grants a +6 equipment bonus on Search checks when searching for electronics of a specific type. Additionally,​ the electricomp sensor'​s advanced data on electronics of all types makes it a valuable resource when repairing computers and other electronics,​ granting a +4 equipment bonus on all Repair checks made on them. Additionally,​ the electricomp can be used to identify any flaws in cybernetics. 
-===== SENSOR, GEOCOMP (PL 6) ===== 
-The [[geocomp sensor equipment]] computer is a handheld computer or computerized gauntlet designed to find individual minerals. Geocomps can locate a specific mineral, providing a +10 equipment bonus on Search checks when attempting to find minerals. 
-===== SENSOR, MECHANICOMP (PL 7) ===== 
-The [[mechanicomp sensor equipment]] is a hand-held computer or computerized gauntlet designed to assist in the evaluation and repairs of mechanical devices. The mechanicomp can identify a vehicle'​s,​ starship'​s,​ or mecha'​s current and maximum hit points. Additionally,​ thanks to the mechanicomp'​s extensive library of mechanical blueprints, any repairs made using the mechanicomp as a reference are more efficient, granting a +4 equipment bonus on all Repair checks made to vehicles, starships, and mecha. 
-===== SENSOR, NANOCOMP (PL 7) ===== 
-The [[nanocomp sensor equipment]] computer is a handheld computer or computerized gauntlet designed to detect ambient and internal nanocolonies. Nanocomps locate almost all nanocolonies,​ providing a +10 equipment bonus on Search checks when attempting to find nanocolonies either within a living body or floating independently. 
-===== SENSOR, PSI-DETECTOR (PL 6) ===== 
-[[psi detector sensor equipment]] 
-The psi-detector is a handheld computer or computerized gauntlet capable of detecting and pinpointing psionic activity within 300 feet. Its use requires a full-round action and a [[search_skill|Search]] check (DC 20 minus the effective power level of the ability or effect in use). A successful Search check detects any psionic activity within range and its rough direction. If the check beats the DC by 5 or more, the location or source of the activity is pinpointed. 
-A character with the [[knowledge_life_sciences_skill|Knowledge (Life Sciences)]] skill can spend an additional full-round action to analyze the nature of the psionic activity. With a successful Knowledge (Life Sciences) check (DC 15) the character can determine the [[psionics|mindwalking school]] of the effect. With a success that beats the DC by 5 or more, the character is able to determine the specific effect. 
-===== SENSOR, RADAR (PL 7) ===== 
-[[radar sensor equipment]] 
-The radar unit is a handheld computer or computerized gauntlet that contains a powerful phased array radar system. It does not work in enclosed spaces, but in an open area it maps the terrain and detects objects regardless of visibility. The radar unit’s display can be zoomed in and out to any radius up to 200 miles, though only solid objects of Large size or bigger can be detected beyond 50 miles. 
-Use of the radar unit requires a move action and a Spot check with a +10 bonus. The DC of the check and modifiers to are detailed on the chart below. 
-Radar is an active sensor, meaning that it emits a signal rather than passively receiving input. Any character using an electricomp or other sensor capable of detecting electromagnetic activity may spot its use. 
 [[shepherd_chip_cybertech|Shepherd Chip]] [[shepherd_chip_cybertech|Shepherd Chip]]
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 A small box that fits in one hand, the [[soother pulse equipment]] emits sub-audible noises and subtle vibrations that can soothe almost any animal. It carries in its memory banks the codes of pulses to soothe almost every known animal in the galaxy, and new pulses can be loaded into the device whenever they are discovered, A character using the soother pulse gains a +6 equipment bonus on all Handle Animal checks when dealing with an animal identified in the soother pulse'​s database. A small box that fits in one hand, the [[soother pulse equipment]] emits sub-audible noises and subtle vibrations that can soothe almost any animal. It carries in its memory banks the codes of pulses to soothe almost every known animal in the galaxy, and new pulses can be loaded into the device whenever they are discovered, A character using the soother pulse gains a +6 equipment bonus on all Handle Animal checks when dealing with an animal identified in the soother pulse'​s database.
-[[telephone equipment|Telephone]] +  * [[telephone equipment|Telephone]] 
- +  ​* ​[[subcutaneous telephone equipment|Subcutaneous Telephone]] 
-[[subcutaneous telephone equipment|Subcutaneous Telephone]] +  ​* ​[[unicom equipment|UniComm (Universal Communicator)]]
- +
-[[unicom equipment|UniComm (Universal Communicator)]]+
 ===== VIDEO PHONE (PL 7) ===== ===== VIDEO PHONE (PL 7) =====
 The process for placing a [[video phone equipment|videophone]] call is essentially the same as that for a telephone. All of the same functions are available, in addition to still picture and video recording and viewing. In regions with an appreciable Grid, the videophone can even be used to access the Grid as a marginal GID. The process for placing a [[video phone equipment|videophone]] call is essentially the same as that for a telephone. All of the same functions are available, in addition to still picture and video recording and viewing. In regions with an appreciable Grid, the videophone can even be used to access the Grid as a marginal GID.
electronics.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/04 00:39 (external edit)