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 ====== Glossary ====== ====== Glossary ======
-Created Tuesday 30 July 2013 
 [[Psiberware]] [[Psiberware]]
 +====== Craft ======
 +===== Spaceships =====
 +Abstraction--A Borealin battlecruiser. This ship fled the Second Galactic War, making its way to Silver Bell. It served as part of the colony'​s defense fleet until the colonists learned of its cowardice. It disappeared shortly after. ^^
 +Acheron--A sifarv-built fortress ship, and the flagship of the Exeat fleet'​s Second Armada. It was destroyed by the Sanctuary and Pittsburgh during the Battle of Ignatius. ^^
 +Activity--A Concord cutter. It docked with Stormbird before its transit to Hammer'​s Star, and is part of its battle group. ^^
 +Adana--An Orlamu ship. It delivered an initial payload of supplies to Yellow Sky, and disappeared on its way back to the Stellar Ring. ^^
 +Admiral-Class Cruiser--A class of Thuldan cruiser. ^^
 +Adroit--A heavily-armed Daring-class corvette operated by HelixTech. It went missing during the battle at the medurr riftship. It is alternately designated HTCV 117. (Was it destroyed? pp 309 of ZP seems to indicate that, but I'm not sure if there'​s enough evidence.)
 +Aeneas--A Rigunmor battlecruiser. This ship was responsible for the destruction of the Cyclops, and explored the Oberon system for the Consortium. ^^
 +Aireon--A Concord light cruiser. It was destroyed in Hammer'​s Star during an engagement with several other ships of its class. ^^
 +Ajax--A Galvinite vessel. Its crew set off a fusion bomb in the middle of Beronin, leveling most of the city. ^^
 +Alpha-Class Launch--A class of system launch.
 +Amsterdam--A Concord frigate. It is stationed in Karppolla to enforce a quarantine of the system. ^^
 +Angelwing--An old Dreth cruiser owing loyalty to Ferrand. ^^
 +Annabella--An Orion colony ship. It transported the first colonists to Bluefall. ^^
 +Ares 22--The last remaining Warhulk, Ares 22 is a cruiser-sized vessel captained by a malfunctioning AI unit. Its current objective is the destruction of the colony on Alitar. (pp 6-7, LW) ^^
 +Ascension--Ython Kadar'​s cathedral ship, and the largest vessel in the Exeat fleet. It hasn't been deployed in battle, having recently arrived in Hammer'​s Star. ^^
 +Aspirar--A Regency survey vessel. It crashed on Raeb, killing all aboard, under unknown circumstances. ^^
 +Augila-Class Scout--More heavily armed than Pato transports, these small craft are used by the Externals as scientific vessels and are rarely encountered in combat. ^^
 +Augustine--A StarMech research cruiser sent to study the alien ruins on Atlas in the Tendril system. It was destroyed during an experiment involving an alien shield generator. ^^
 +Autolycus--A Vendetta-class marauder operated by Thomas Kind's pirates. ^^
 +Bad Break--A ship owned by Dogger Maartens.
 +Bala-Class Heavy Carrier--The heaviest class of External carrier, the Bala carries over 100 fighters. Though not very fast or maneuverable,​ it is surprisingly well-armed for a ship of its class. ^^
 +Behemoth-Class Dreadnought--The only class of dreadnought in the Exeat fleet. Behemoths are among the most powerful dreadnoughts encountered,​ carrying fighters and troops in addition to their own formidable weaponry. ^^
 +Beine-Class Heavy Fighter--The heaviest class of fighter deployed by the Exeat. It has a three-man crew, heavy armor and armaments, and stardrive capability. They are often employed as couriers. ^^
 +Birmingham--A Solar light cruiser stationed in Lucullus. It was, for a time, the flagship of the ULDF, and took to preying on the External fleets after the system fell to the Exeat. (pp 199 of ZP mentions that it's a heavy cruiser, not a light cruiser. I'm not sure what other sources have to say about it.)
 +Bitter Pill--An ancient Dreth cruiser in service to the government of Ferrand. ^^
 +Blackguard--A modified Vashon-class freighter and Shanassin'​s personal marauder. It was captured by Sokolov during the battle at the medurr derelict. (pp 132, SDCS) (Hm. pp 43 mentions that the ship is a military hull, which doesn'​t match with the statistics in the SDCS).
 +Black Radiance--The flagship of the Radiant Pirates'​ fleet. ^^
 +Bloodhawk-Class Corvette--A powerful class of corvette.
 +Bodkin--A Concord Blade-class scout. (pp 201, SDCS) ^^
 +Bonnie Brae--A drive-capable destroyer in the Verge Alliance fleet. During the Battle of Tendril, it was sent off to Aegis, its computers carrying information about the drive-capable torpedo that destroyed Tendril'​s drivesat. ^^
 +Boron Wind--An intelligence vessel in the Verge Alliance'​s Second Battle Group. It first detected the unusual changes in the Phlegethon'​s electromagnetic signature. ^^
 +Brightfall--An Orlamu survey vessel. Its crew made first contact with the weren. ^^
 +Brighton Strand--An Alitarin transport. It was fired upon by Ares 22 at Tendril. ^^
 +Broadsword-Class Cruiser--A class of Thuldan cruiser. ^^
 +Bronze--A Steel-class destroyer, and part of the Thuldan task force at Lhop. ^^
 +Bushwhacker--A pirate corvette, commanded by Captain Narvis. Its crew attacked a Concord expedition at Lilith, while in search of the Finders Keepers treasure.
 +Cargo Conveyer Shuttle--A modified STG shuttle used to transport cargo from the surface of Lison. ^^
 +Cathedral Ship--The largest class of spaceship ever encountered. Cathedral ships are built and used by the thaal, and serve as temples in addition to warships. ^^
 +Centurion--A Thuldan fortress ship. ^^
 +Challenger--An Orion ship. It was part of the League'​s Verge Fleet, but was reassigned to the Stellar Ring by Admiral Christopher. ^^
 +Chapman-Class Trader--A class of well-armed trader manufactured by Thorn Industries. (pp 51, SC) ^^
 +Chiron--A Galvinite cruiser sent to hunt down the Relentless. It was crippled by the battlecruiser during a skirmish in Crow. ^^
 +Cizre--An Orlamu survey vessel. It conducted the first survey of the Tychus system. ^^
 +CL 351--A VoidCorp cruiser based on Iphus. It boarded Nightbird while it was in transit to Grith.
 +Cold Harbor--A Concord vessel, part of the blockade assigned to stop the Warhulk Ares 22 at Algemron. ^^
 +Concordiat--A free trader hired by the expedition at Lilith. It transported the survey team and their equipment to the moon before heading back to Tendril.
 +Conjecture--A Borealin cruiser, formerly part of Spes' defense fleet. It crashed to the planet'​s surface following the battle with the klicks, and was being looted by Marcus Corge and his scavengers. (pp 17, RS) ^^
 +Constitution--A Concord battlecruiser. It was heavily damaged during the Battle of Rakke.
 +Conviction--A Borealin heavy cruiser currently stationed in the Hammer'​s Star system. It is the largest Borealin vessel in the system'​s defense fleet. ^^
 +Corinth--A Concord light cruiser stationed in Hammer'​s Star. It recently destroyed three klick vessels near Charitas. ^^
 +Cranston--A Concord scout vessel. It explored the Lightning Nebula and discovered the native lifeforms contained therein. ^^
 +Crash Villain--An old Dreth cruiser in the service of the government of Lorient. It is currently being refitted on Torpoint. ^^
 +Crazy Jane--A tradesman. Its owner occasionally works as for the ID as a corsair. ^^
 +CS 549--A VoidCorp shuttle. Dr. Nuna stole it while escaping to Walin III. ^^
 +Cyclops--An independent research vessel. Its crew discovered rhodium under Lison'​s topsoil, but a drivesat technician sold the data to the Rigunmors, who hunted the vessel down and destroyed it. ^^
 +Daring-Class Corvette--A class of corvette (Daring-class military scout mentioned on pp. 10, ZP Same thing?).
 +Death Hog--A light freighter belonging to William "Mad Dog" Morgan. ^^
 +DE 710--A VoidCorp Fury-class corvette. It was present at the dig site on Storm.
 +Decisive--1) A Vendetta-class marauder operated by Thomas Kind's pirates. 2) A dreadnought in the Verge Alliance fleet. It participated in the Battle of Aegis.
 +Decouverte--A Concord research cruiser. It conducted a survey of Aegis' primary star. ^^
 +Desert Wind--An Alaundrin freighter. The crew of this ship first discovered Rivendale. ^^
 +Deuces Wild--A small Slinger-class scout craft owned by VentureMax Inc. of Bluefall. (pp 9, LW) ^^
 +Devastator-Class Attack Craft--A class of attack craft used by the Concord. The Vition carries ten of them in its hangar bay. ^^
 +Dictator-Class Pocket Battleship--A class of External battleship. It is well-designed and durable, but somewhat lacking in firepower. Dictators are often deployed in groups of three, and carry fighters of their own. ^^
 +Dierden--An independent freighter carrying goods to Alaundril. It met up with the Relentless, which transferred several cargo crates for it to deliver. ^^
 +Diomedes--A Thuldan Hero-class cruiser, recently assigned to Aegis. It tailed the Stormbird until it left the system. ^^
 +Distant Horizon--An attack craft modified into a scout. It is contracted to the Regency, and owned by Cullen McGuinness. It was recently sent to the Exile system. ^^
 +Dolch--A Thuldan Broadsword-class cruiser, and one of the ships in the task force at Lhop. ^^
 +Donath--A civilian trader that was nearly stolen while docked with the Lighthouse. ^^
 +Eagle--A class of External capital ship. (Battleship?​ Designation?​ Class? Mentioned in Ythapsol Maree'​s sidebar, nowhere else.)
 +Eclipse--A Rigunmor dreadnought assigned to blockade Lison at the behest of Admiral Sarn. (pp 58-60-BC, POD) ^^
 +Eisen--A Thuldan Steel-class destroyer, and one of the ships in its Lhop task force. ^^
 +Embark Niner--A codename for a Concord troop transport.
 +Emperor Gregor I--A Thuldan fortress ship. ^^
 +Esilio--A trader owned and operated by Jessica Belwe and Durante.
 +Executive Forecast--A VoidCorp frigate stationed at Hux. ^^
 +Exemplar--A survey cruiser that went missing on Dione. ^^
 +Exploit--A Thuldan survey cruiser. It logged a claim to Alitar in the Algemron system. ^^
 +Fair Chance--A vessel in the service of the Jamaican Syndicate, captained by Ikai. It observed the situation at the derelict near Lucullus, and was ultimately captured by the medurr.
 +Falada--A Concord heavy cruiser captained by Elinke Daryev. It was stationed in Thalaassa to mediate a peace settlement between its two inhabited worlds.
 +Falcon--A class of External ship. (Battleship?​ Designation?​ Class? Mentioned in Ythapsol Maree'​s entry, referenced as a transport in Rael Gramm'​s entry.)
 +Finders Keepers--A vessel owned by Garvey.
 +Fiscal Responsibility--A VoidCorp corvette. It is currently stationed near Hux. ^^
 +Fortinbras-Class Transport--A class of fast transport designed by StarMech and used by the Concord. The Stormbird is one such vessel. ^^
 +Freefall--A merchant vessel owned by Reno Stokes. It is registered with the Regency of Bluefall. ^^
 +Fury-Class Corvette--A class of corvette used by VoidCorp.
 +Galactic Queen--A hypothetical name for Questar, suggested by Jarrett Aylen.
 +Gandolf--A StarMech dreadnought,​ and the former flagship of the Verge Alliance Third Battle Group. It was destroyed during the Battle of Tendril. ^^
 +Ganesh--A Concord battlecruiser that was damaged during the Battle of Rakke. It's currently being repaired at Tendril'​s shipyards. ^^
 +Glory of Andrakar--An Alaundrin merchant vessel owned by Jasa Durenova. It was confiscated by the Galvinites after they searched it and uncovered illegal weapons. ^^
 +Golden Nebula--A passenger liner that makes runs to the Verge.
 +Grifter--A Sojurn-class transport owned and operated by Insight. (pp 23, CV) ^^
 +Grim Determination--A StarMech survey vessel, it originally surveyed the Tendril system. ^^
 +Guardian (K'​Chal)--A t'sa colony ship that recently arrived in Aegis. ^^
 +Gull-Class Launch--A tiny ship design manufactured by Solar X. The Gull is typically used as either a planetary exploration craft or a ship-to-ground shuttle. (pp 92, AEG) ^^
 +Hadrian--A Star Force cruiser. It recently participated in the effort to capture the renegade chief Hatala.
 +Halcon-Class Cutter--These light gunships are used by the Externals to guard friendly convoys and raid the convoys of enemies. They are seldom encountered on their own. ^^
 +Hangman'​s Temptation--A Mindwalker aboard this ship was struck unconscious when it struck a corstar while in Dione'​s atmosphere. ^^
 +Heavy Cruiser 319--A VoidCorp warship. It devastated Diamond Point, as well as several other settlements in nearby systems, before returning to the Stellar Ring. ^^
 +Hebrides-Class Cruiser--A type of liner developed by McLachlan Spacelines. Though comparatively small, they are capable of carrying multiple vessels. ^^
 +Hermes-Class Courier--A small, fast ship design manufactured by Solar X of Tendril. While it's incapable of interstellar travel, it is more than capable of ferrying passengers and cargo between planets in a system. (pp 90-91, AEG) ^^
 +Hero-Class Cruiser--A class of cruiser used by the Thuldan Empire. The Diomedes is one such vessel. ^^
 +Hope--A Leodal States colony ship, and the vessel that brought the first settlers to Coulomb. ^^
 +Horizon--An Orlamu trader. It was intercepted by pirates while hauling rhodium out of Oberon. ^^
 +Hornisse-Class Light Fighter--Deployed by the Externals as scouts and interceptors,​ these fighter craft are fast, but are lightly-armed and lack stardrives. They are piloted by a single crewman. ^^
 +Hughes--A Regency battlecruiser,​ the Hughes was the former flagship of the RIN. (Conflict with another entry mentioned in email. Resolve it.)
 +Inamorata--A Concord light carrier stationed in the Hammer'​s Star system. ^^
 +Innsbruck--A Concord frigate that serves as Mercury Company'​s primary transport. ^^
 +Intruder-Class Light Cruiser--The smallest External cruiser class. Intruders are either found accompanying larger vessels, or serving as the flagships of fleets of small craft. ^^
 +Invader-Class Heavy Cruiser--The largest, strongest class of cruisers fielded by the Exeat, Invaders have heavy armor and powerful weapons. They often act as the flagships of small task forces. ^^
 +Jacland--A free trader that regularly visited the Tychus system. Its crew took advantage of the Orlamu colonists, offering a few supplies in exchange for rare ore. ^^
 +Jerrid--A Daring-class military scout that sought refuge at Icewalk. Its crew is wanted in the Tendril system for piracy. (See note under Daring-class corvette, above.)
 +Justice-Class Destroyer--A class of Thuldan destroyer. ^^
 +Kepler--A Concord survey cruiser that conducted several missions in the Verge. ^^
 +Kiku--A Solar fortress ship that doubles as the Sunlord'​s command ship during times of war. It was built during the first wave of fortress ship construction. ^^
 +Klick Attack Ship--The primary class of vessels used by the klicks at Hammer'​s Star. (pp 219, SDCS, insert, KC) ^^
 +Klick Scout Ship--A type of light craft used by the klicks on scouting missions. Though small, they are drive-capable. (pp 23, OB, pp 16, RS) ^^
 +Kordova--A Concord fortress ship. It visits Tendril every four months. ^^
 +Korrch--A Tyrant-class battleship commanded by Ythapsol Lyphaz. It has been assigned to hunt for Triilaari in the Khiir Cluster. ^^
 +Kupfer--A Thuldan Steel-class destroyer. It is part of the Thuldan Vanguard Task Force, and was responsible for the destruction of the Labor of Hercules. ^^
 +Kurtalan--An Orlamu colony ship, it delivered the first colonists to Yellow Sky. It disappeared on its way back to the Stellar Ring. ^^
 +Lamprey--A Vendetta-class marauder operated by Thomas Kind's pirates. ^^
 +Lander Blue--A troop lander from Stormbird. It retrieved the remains of Witzko'​s Recon Platoon after they were attacked at a cave mouth. ^^
 +Lander Green Four--A troop lander carried aboard Stormbird. It was knocked free during a battle with klick vessels. ^^
 +Lanza-Class Carrier--The most common type of External carrier. The Lanza is larger than the Saeta, carrying eighty fighters. It also has a heavier weapon complement. ^^
 +Lethe--A sifarv fortress ship, one of four accompanying the Exeat. It is the flagship of the Third Armada, and was assigned to sever the link between the Verge and Old Space. ^^
 +Lightbringer--An Orlamu-built research vessel, the Lightbringer'​s crew explored Hammer'​s Star. Ultimately, the ship was destroyed while surveying the Pit. ^^
 +Lighthouse of Faith--This mobile space station was built by the Orlamu Theocracy, and destroyed by the Solars. After the war, it was donated to the Concord, which refurbished it and sent it to the Verge, where it serves as a center of commerce and diplomacy. Unbeknownst to all but its engineers, Michael Thayne and the Orlamu priesthood, the Lighthouse is capable of acting as a superweapon,​ firing its stardrive like a bullet from a charge gun. ^^
 +Lightning-Class Destroyer--A class of Thuldan destroyer. ​ ^^
 +Lightship--A type of remotely-operated system-ship manufactured by the mechalus. Lightships use solar sails for propulsion, and are common in mechalus space. ^^
 +Liquid--An aging cruiser owing alliegance to the government of Torpoint. It goes on regular patrols of other Dreth settlements,​ and has reportedly engaged phantom ships. ^^
 +Little Rock--A Solar ship that was attacked by the Radiant Pirates while patrolling Lucullus'​ Arch. ^^
 +LKA 444--A Vanguard-class assault ship operated by VoidCorp. It attacked Starstation Aurora. (pp 33, CV)
 +Longshot--Helm Ragnarsson'​s heavily-armed tradesman.
 +Lu Harred Kal--A Wanderer city-ship, and the original home of Ta Shaa Ta.
 +Lucre-Class Escort--A variety of escort manufactured by Ion Productions of Tendril. Some have fallen into pirate hands, and four travel with the Lighthouse. (pp 106, SDCS)
 +Manticore--The personal shuttle of Commodore Pfender, formerly a Pestilence-class cutter. (pp 104, SC)
 +Marathon--An Orion survey ship. It first explored the Aegis system.
 +Marshall--A Thuldan Justice-class destroyer, it is part of the Vanguard Task Force.
 +Marshal Ngombe--A Concord dreadnought,​ assigned to keep peace in the Verge.
 +Matador--A StarMech freighter that was attacked and scuttled, then left in a decaying orbit around Werth. The Collective is offering 100,000 Concord dollars for information regarding the parties involved in the ship's destruction.
 +Merchanter-Class Transport--A class of transport used by VoidCorp.
 +Meteor-Class Aerospace Fighter--A class of fighter used by the Concord. The Vition carries twenty of them in its hangar bay.
 +Mirage One--The larger of two Wanderer city-ships in the Verge at the time of the External invasion. It has since disappeared,​ leaving some of the general public to believe that it has sided with the Exeat.
 +Mirage Two--A Wanderer city-ship. It was present in the Verge at the time of the Exeat invasion, and has since remained at the edge of the Aegis system.
 +Miranda--An Orion colony ship, it transported the first colonists to Bluefall.
 +Mon Ami--A vessel docked at Icewalk.
 +Monarch--A carrier in the Verge Alliance Second Battle Group. It aided the destruction of the Acheron at Ignatius.
 +Monitor--The Concord fortress ship that reestablished contact with the Verge in 2497. It visits the region every four months.
 +Nabulas--An Orlamu survey craft sent to re-survey the Tychus system after contact was regained with the Verge. It discovered the Orlamu colony on Yellow Sky.
 +Nardo-Class Short-Range Fighter--A class of low-endurance fighter craft used by the Galactic Concord. The Lighthouse carries twelve of them.
 +Nestor--A Galvinite cruiser sent to hunt down the Relentless. It was destroyed by its quarry during an engagement in the Crow system.
 +New Hope--Formerly known as Fortress Ship 6 (VCM BA00006), the New Hope is one of Insight'​s fortress ships. It was built during the first wave of fortress ship construction.
 +Nightbird--A freighter owned and operated by Lila Artemis. One of its escape pods was specially modified to smuggle sesheyan refugees.
 +Nike-Class Gunboat--These durable craft are found in the defensive fleets of many systems. They are incapable of interstellar travel, are generally employed by the Calefir family itself. (pp 91-92, AEG)
 +Nomad--Originally constructed as a trader and escort by the Orion League, this vessel was nearly destroyed by a pirate raider. It was refitted as an exploratory vessel and donated to the Concord Survey Service. (pp 15-16, ACSR)
 +Oneagle--A fortress ship that serves as the headquarters of the Rigunmor government. Its stardrive is rumored to have a 60 light-year range.
 +Osprey--A Galvinite trader sent to deliver a team of operatives to Ares 22. (pp 33, LW)
 +Pato-Class Troop Shuttle--These lightly armed transports are deployed by the Externals, and used en masse in landings. A Pato transport is capable of carrying a single platoon and its gear, or several ground vehicles.
 +Patriarch--A carrier. It is part of the Verge Alliance'​s Second Battle Group, and participated in the battle at Ignatius.
 +PC71--A VoidCorp luxury yacht equipped with highly advanced sensors. It's nicknamed the Talon.
 +Peacekeeper--A Concord dreadnought. It recently made a patrol run through Lucullus, and detected ships hiding within Lucullus'​ Arch.
 +People'​s Justice--A Nariac fortress ship.
 +Peregrine--A freighter owned by Pyotr Sokolov. Its serial number is SGL3007898, and it possessed a dedicated AI unit. The ship's memory core was wiped during a confrontation with HelixTech, and it was since claimed by the company.
 +Pestilence-Class Cutter--A well-armed class of cutter designed by the Thuldans. They are slowly being phased out of service.
 +Philadelphia--A battleship in the Verge Alliance'​s Second Battle Group. It was damaged during the Battle of Ignatius, and was undergoing repairs in Tendril when it was caught up in the battle there. It became the acting flagship of the Third Battle Group as its original flagships were destroyed.
 +Philosopher'​s Stone--A Borealin tourist liner that visited the Verge.
 +Phlegethon--One of four sifarv fortress ships accompanying the Exeat. It is the flagship of the Fourth Armada, and was recently refitted to incorporate a powerful tachyon cannon into its armament.
 +Pirsk--An Aleerin lightship. It was the site of the Rigunmor Star Consortium'​s first contact with the mechalus, and the subsequent negotiations.
 +Pittsburgh--A human battleship. It is a part of the Verge Alliance'​s Second Battle Group, and helped destroy the Acheron at Ignatius.
 +Poniard--A Concord Star Force corvette stationed in Hammer'​s Star. While patrolling near Arist, it encountered a klick vessel that vanished from its sensors.
 +Positive Revenue--A VoidCorp corvette stationed near Hux.
 +Poulton--A Concord cruiser that visited the Dewi system.
 +Princeton--A carrier in the Verge Alliance Third Battle Group. It participated in the Battle of Tendril.
 +Prominence--A Concord cutter, originally tasked with taking Administrator DuPree to Cambria. It was destroyed by the medurr shortly after it arrived there.
 +Questar--Nicknamed the Quest, this tramp freighter is owned and operated by Smilin'​ Jack.
 +Ranger--A ULS vessel.
 +Raptor-Class Light Fighter--Designed and built by the sifarv, these single-pilot fighters are fast, well-armed and extremely maneuverable.
 +Raptor-Class Fighter (Interceptors?​ Called such on pp 307, ToM)--A kind of fighter craft employed by VoidCorp.
 +Ray-Class Assault Escort(**)--A type of light escort craft used by the Externals. It relies on an armament consisting of energy weapons, and is the most common type of escort.
 +Relentless--An Alitarin battlecruiser that recently broke out of a construction yard. The Relentless'​ goal is to inflict casualties among the Galvinites'​ shipping forces.
 +Reload Time--A Thuldan escort assigned to diplomatic duty in the Vieron system. It was destroyed by an External fleet while attempting to make contact with it.
 +Repulse--A Concord fortress ship. It deployed Omega Station in orbit around Nike.
 +Revealer--A Concord dreadnought assigned to keep peace in the Verge. It is part of Stormbird'​s task force, and is commanded by Admiral Skorbo. It first served in the Second Galactic War.
 +Reverence--An Orlamu transport carrying penitents to Hymn. (pp 30, POD)
 +Riddare-Class Light Destroyer(**)--These External vessels typically operate in groups, using numbers to compensate for their relatively weak firepower. They are excellent commerce hunters.
 +Rigunmor Space Probe--A variety of system defense probe manufactured by the Rigunmors before GWII. A number of upgraded probes have been deployed in the Oberon system to keep free traders out. (pp 6-7, POD)
 +Ringbearer--A spherical liner owned by McLachlan Spacelines. It makes regular trips to the major systems of the Verge.
 +Robot Fighter, Type I--A semi-autonomous fighter craft controlled by a pseudo-AI system. Ares 22 carries 24 of them. (pp 19, LW)
 +Roland--This Austrin-Ontis scout logged a claim for Galvin in the Algemron system.
 +Säbel--A Thuldan Broadsword-class cruiser, and one of the ships in its Vanguard Task Force.
 +Sabrecat--This vessel was owned by Marcus Barret, until his capture. Pete Sokolov obtained its IFF, and uses it as Peregrine'​s Sierra-Two alternate identity. Its serial number is RSV8183587.
 +Saeta-Class Light Carrier--The lightest class of carrier employed by the Externals. It carries some forty fighters in addition to pilots and support crew.
 +Sanctuary--The dreadnought flagship of the Regency Stellar Navy. It was built by StarMech.
 +Seishimi--An independent freighter owned by Marcus Corge. (pp 12, RS)
 +Serendipity--A trader chartered by TXI. It was originally scheduled to transport the Radlevich expedition to storm, but was impounded by the Lison authorities after contraband rhodium was discovered onboard.
 +The Shanath--An External vessel (battleship?​ Eagle? Falcon?) and the command ship of Ythapsol Maree.
 +Shark-Class Fleet Escort--Rarer but more powerful than the Skate or Ray, the Shark-class escort is armed with missiles and other projectile weapons and used by the Externals.
 +The Ship--A temporary name for an unusual alien vessel that was discovered near Aleer, and its accompanying intelligence. It crash-landed on Spes while escaping from the Negationists.
 +Shiva--An Orlamu fortress ship that was gutted during the Battle of Songham. It was converted into an outpost and tourist attraction and renamed the SS Karma.
 +Shrike--A Sparrow-class scout in service to the Concord Survey Service. It was sent to the Hammer'​s Star system ahead of the Monitor'​s fleet to determine the status of the Borealin colony. (pp FC, 7, RS)
 +Shuttle 198--A Concord space-to-ground shuttle.
 +Sirocco--A Buckley-class trader. It was a pirate raider before being captured and refitted by Captain Beighur. It is employed when he wishes to act covertly. (pp 145, SDCS)
 +Skate-Class Escort--This class of External escort relies on a combination of projectile and energy weapons. It is equally effective against ground forces and other spacecraft.
 +Slinger-Class Scout--A type of small scout craft manufactured by Ion Productions.
 +Sojurn-Class Trader--A class of trader used throughout the Verge. (pp 45, POD, pp 23, CV)
 +Soldat-Class Fleet Destroyer(**)--Heavier than the Riddare, destroyers of this class commonly operate alone, blockading civilian installations and exploring frontier space.
 +Sparrow-Class Scout--A class of scout.
 +Starfarer--This independent scout discovered star pods inside the Lightning Nebula.
 +Starliner--A class of civilian vessel designed to ferry passengers from system to system in comfort and style.
 +Starrunner-Class Corvette--A class of corvette.
 +Star Traveler--A passenger liner owned and operated by Concord Starlines.
 +Steel-Class Destroyer--A class of Thuldan destroyer.
 +STG Shuttle--A type of shuttle used to ferry passengers from orbit to Lison'​s surface. (pp 42, POD)
 +Stingray--A Concord Manta-class cutter that served with distinction in the Rigunmor-Borealin border conflicts. Currently stationed in Corrivale. (pp 118, SDCS)
 +Storm Delay--A merchant freighter. It escaped the Vieron system before the kroath took over Corazón. It alerted the Thuldans and Concord to the system'​s invasion.
 +Stormbird--A Concord Fortinbras-class transport, and the first of its class to appear in the Verge. It serves as a transport for the Third Battalion of the 26th Regiment.
 +Stormfront--A carrier assigned to the Verge Alliance'​s Third Battle Group. It participated in the Battle of Tendril.
 +Strong Wind--A ULS freighter. It was attacked by pirates while travelling between Hux and Lison, and was saved by VoidCorp vessels.
 +Styx--One of four sifarv-built fortress ships accompanying the Exeat fleet, and the flagship of the First Armada. It was badly damaged by Admiral Raastad'​s kamikaze attack.
 +Sunhawk--Formerly an FSA cruiser, the Sunhawk was a notorious commerce raider. It was eventually hunted down by the Regency Stellar Navy and destroyed in the Rinstoke system. Its hulk is still intact, and its cargo is said to be secreted amongst Caina'​s moons.
 +Sunrise-Class System Defense Craft--A class of system defense craft currently being designed by Ion Productions.
 +Suritane--A Nariac survey vessel bound for Vieron. ​
 +Sword of Orion--An Orion battlecruiser. It was one of the ships that took part in the Flight from Ericis.
 +Tamurlane--A Galvinite cruiser sent to hunt down the Relentless. It was driven off by the battlecruiser during an engagement in the Crow system.
 +Tang--Formally designated CSV 1197, the Tang was a Concord attack craft stationed in Algemron. It was gutted by an unknown ship while chasing a smuggler, and was found drifting near Wreathe.
 +Targe-Class System Defense Boat--A type of system defense craft manufactured by Thorn Industries. (pp 53, SC)
 +Tauran Vortana--A false IFF signature used by Bushwhacker to fool the Concord expedition at Lilith.
 +TDK Shuttle--A class of small shuttlecraft commonly found in civilized space. They are used exclusively by the TDK Shuttle Service.
 +Tempestad--A Thuldan Lightning-class destroyer. It is part of the task force at Lhop.
 +Tender Dawn--A Concord dreadnought assigned to keep peace in the Verge.
 +Therise--A freighter owned by an independent investment group. It was detained by the Concord for smuggling, but it crashed onto Palshizon'​s surface while its crew was being questioned.
 +Thunderer--An Orion battlecruiser. It was part of the armada that took part in the Flight from Ericis, and was originally one of the two flagships of Operation Homecoming.
 +Tomorrow'​s Flower--A commercial liner that also smuggles sesheyans from Tendril to Dewi.
 +Total Commitment--A Thuldan light cruiser. It self-destructed during a battle with an External cruiser in the Vieron system.
 +Tranda--An Exeat battlecruiser stationed in Vieron to reinforce the kroath there. It is Apsol Ptarue'​s command ship.
 +Trinity-Class Trader--A class of escort designed to carry cargo while defending other, more vulnerable ships. It was designed by the Orion League.
 +Triumphant--An Orion dreadnought. It was originally assigned to Aegis, but returned to the Stellar Ring during the Second Galactic War, and participated in the Battle of Kendai.
 +Troop Lander--A small craft designed to carry Concord Marines to the ground from orbit. Stormbird carries a number of them.
 +Twelve Clutch--A t'sa science vessel that disappeared while participating in a stardrive test. It was taken over by the I'krl during its submergence in drivespace, and has reappeared in the system several times as a "ghost ship". Its captain was attempting to see if any sentient beings lived in drivespace.
 +Tyrant-Class Battleship--One of the deadliest craft in the External fleet, the Tyrant-class battleship is durable, maneuverable and very heavily armed.
 +Ulysses--The first human ship to use mass reactor technology, the Ulysses made a grand tour of the Sol system.
 +The Untouchable--A heavily-armed,​ frigate-sized freighter that serves as the base of operations for Selena Lucino of the Mob.
 +Valiant--An Orion vessel. Admiral Christopher originally sent it to patrol the Verge, but reassigned it to the Stellar Ring.
 +Vanguard-Class Assault Ship--A class of ship.
 +Van Slyke--A Thuldan Admiral-class cruiser. It is part of the Vanguard Task Force.
 +VCM BC25251 (Poison)--A VoidCorp battlecruiser. Though officially on patrol in Open Space, it has been sighted in Corrivale several times.
 +VCM CA43532 (Positive Negotiator)--A VoidCorp heavy cruiser on patrol in the Verge.
 +VCM CL13532 (Good Friend)--A VoidCorp light cruiser on patrol in the Verge.
 +VCM CV13532 (Peaceful Delivery)--A VoidCorp fleet carrier on patrol in the Verge.
 +VCM Endgame--A VoidCorp scout equipped with advanced sensor equipment. It was attacked by the Amsterdam after intruding in the Karppolla system.
 +VCM FF78332 (Economist)--A VoidCorp frigate, it first surveyed the Karnath system.
 +VCM PZ538203 (Dark Cloud) A VoidCorp bulk freighter on duty in the Verge.
 +VCT DD964325 (Feather)--A VoidCorp destroyer on patrol in the Verge.
 +VCT DE46433 (Solarstorm)--A VoidCorp corvette currently patrolling the Verge.
 +VCT FF95023 (Lost Shipment)--A VoidCorp frigate stationed in Eldala. It is conducting survey operations on Tavkath.
 +VCT LKA859434 (Ironfree)--A VoidCorp assault ship on patrol in the Verge.
 +VCT Nimbus--A Sojurn-class trader. It is disguised as a Rigunmor vessel. (pp 45, POD)
 +VCT PM53425 (Labor of Hercules)--A VoidCorp medium freighter. It was attacked and destroyed by the Kupfer after failing to answer its hail.
 +VCT PM65266 (Seriad)--A VoidCorp medium freighter on duty in the Verge.
 +VCT PZ80563 (Formorian)--A VoidCorp bulk freighter on duty in the Verge.
 +Vendetta-Class Marauder--A class of attack craft used by the pirates of the Oberon system. (pp 28, POD)
 +Venture Star--A freighter owned by a private investment group. It was detained by the Concord after a patrol discovered illegal weapons aboard it.
 +Viceroy--A battlecruiser in the Verge Alliance'​s Second Battle Group. It was the first ship to be destroyed by the Phlegethon'​s tachyon gun at the Battle of Aegis.
 +Victoria--An Orion colony ship, it transported the first colonists to Bluefall.
 +Viento--A Thuldan Lightning-class destroyer, it is part of the Vanguard Task Force.
 +Vigilant--A frigate in the ULS stellar navy, and the flagship of the force sent to intercept the Eclipse.
 +Vigor--A Concord cutter assigned to Stormbird'​s squadron. It helped Damion Witzko'​s Marines comb through the wreckage of an External ship, and was destroyed in an engagement with the klicks after that.
 +Violator-Class Cruiser--These External cruisers are heavily armed and armored, but retain much of a light cruiser'​s maneuverability. They are typically found in the escort fleets of large vessels.
 +Vindication--A battlecruiser owing fealty to the government of Alaundril. It was originally planned to be one of the two flagships of Operation Homecoming.
 +Vition--A Concord Academy-class dreadnought currently stationed in the Hammer'​s Star system. It is the flagship of the primary defensive fleet there.
 +VoidCorp Survey Cruiser 547--A survey vessel. It retrieved an escape pod from the Unity Gain.
 +VoidCorp Mining Vessel 757 (Unity Gain)--A VoidCorp mining vessel that was reported destroyed while surveying the area beyond the Lightning Nebula. Its crew started to contract a strange mental disorder.
 +Voulge--A Vendetta-class assault craft operated by Rajak Jharl of Thomas Kind's pirates.
 +Voyageur--A fortress ship owned by the Rigunmor Star Consortium. It was built during the first wave of fortress ship construction.
 +Warhulk--A class of ship designed by StarMech during the Second Galactic War. Warhulks are heavily automated ships run by AI systems, and are designed to be more or less independent.
 +Watson'​s Folly--An independent tradeship owned and captained by Garron Terhune.
 +Wespe-Class Fighter--Larger and slower than the Hornisse, these two-man fighters have no stardrives, but possess heavier weapons and enhanced life-support capability.
 +Wolfling--A vessel docked at Icewalk.
 +Zapata--A free trader owned by Fernando Villalobos.
 +Zekip'​s Hope--An independent freighter that was sabotaged and destroyed by the Mob.
 +===== Ship Classes and Types =====
 +Cutter--A class of small, light spacecraft usually used for system patrol.
 +Dreadnought--One of the largest ship classes ever built, a dreadnought is a strictly military vessel over 500 meters long. Dreadnoughts are heavily armed, and are sometimes found as the flagships of task forces.
 +Driveship--A term for any ship equipped with a stardrive.
 +Spaceship--A spaceworthy vessel designed for in-system travel.
 +Starship--A ship capable of interstellar travel, usually using a stardrive.
 +===== Space Stations =====
 +Berthing Compartment Alpha--A berthing compartment aboard Kendai Station.
 +Berthing Compartment Beta--A berthing compartment aboard Kendai Station.
 +Berthing Compartment Gamma--A berthing compartment aboard Kendai Station.
 +Blue Chamber--The drivesat relay housing Kemal, an AI. It was formerly known as Verge Relay 2.
 +Darkhold--A space station in orbit around a large asteroid in the Cyra Belt. It's home to a variety of seedy entertainment venues, but is losing ground to StarMech. Of late, it's been jamming the sensors of vessels that try and mine the Belt. StarMech offered to buy it for four billion Concord dollars.
 +Defender-Class Heavy Monitor--The largest class of External monitor. Defender battle stations are exclusively military in nature, with complements of fighters, heavy weapons and durable armor.
 +Defense Net--A complex system of remotely operated orbital defense stations protecting Galvin. They are armed with a variety of weapons, including nuclear missiles, infrared lasers and particle cannons.
 +Drivesats 1-5--A series of drivesats aboard the Kendai Relay. They were infected by the Geneva Virus. Drivesat 1 delivered the first messages from the Verge, including Silver Bell's distress call.
 +Far-Out Drones--A far-flung network of Concord recon drones positioned in the Hammer'​s Star system.
 +Frame 167B--An incomplete section of Omega Station. A group of klicks tried to sabotage it with explosives.
 +Goliath--A gas mining station in Sperous'​ upper atmosphere. It relies on induction engines and gas bags to keep aloft. Its crew is relatively small, and has a high turnover rate.
 +Guardian-Class Light Monitor--The lightest class of External monitor. These small space stations are lightly-armed,​ and are usually used as centers of scientific research or commerce.
 +Hermit--An automated science facility owned by the Regency. It is located at Avob, and monitors Redcrown'​s weather patterns and electromagnetic field. (Orbital station or land-bound base? I don't think that the SGA mentions which.)
 +Highport--A seedy space station in high polar orbit around Penates. Owned by the Free Trade Guild, it was originally an orbital defense station.
 +Junior--An instrument package attached to the Hermit scientific facility. It monitors Redcrown'​s rings.
 +Kendai Relay Station--A large, spherical drivesat station in the same orbit as the planet Gobi in the Kendai system. It was destroyed during the Second Galactic War, but was reconstructed afterwards. VoidCorp attempted to sabotage it. (FC, BS) 
 +Melas Station--A Concord space station and listening post in Bluefall orbit.
 +Mindara Station--A space station orbiting Mindara. It was the site of an uprising during the Lison rebellion, and is rumored to be haunted. The klicks have set up a base there, and are using the ghost stories to scare off visitors.
 +Monitor--A generic term for a space station lacking a stardrive and system engines.
 +Nectaris Orbital Station--In orbit around Bluefall, Nectaris is the clearinghouse for anyone entering the Aegis system. It's also home to CCC offices and the system'​s drivesat.
 +Nova Station--A large space station in orbit around Atlas. It's home to Tendril'​s drivesat communications array, as well as maintainance facilities. An unknown, hostile xenoform killed several ambassadors there in 2500.
 +Omega Station--Only fifteen (20?) percent complete as of 2501, Omega Station is the Concord'​s base in Corrivale. It orbits Nike, a moon of the gas giant Lecterion. In addition to its military facilities, it's rumored to be home to more classified operations as well.
 +Orbital Blast-Mining Facility 278N--A VoidCorp drill-beam platform in orbit around Hux.
 +Outpost T-38--A small mining outpost located near Darkhold in Tendril'​s Cyra Belt. Maria Williamson conducts meetings with Nariac representatives there.
 +Platon Station--A space station under construction by the Concord. It was supposed to orbit Platon, but has been moved to an undisclosed location.
 +Protector-Class Monitor--An External monitor of medium strength. They are well armed and armored, and are almost always used for military purposes.
 +Solar X Shipyards--A series of orbital shipyards orbiting Alaundril. They are owned by Solar X, and manufacture small spacecraft.
 +Starstation Aurora (Aurora Station?​)--An Insight-owned installation in orbit around Walin III. It extracts water vapor from the planet'​s upper atmosphere, and was recently attacked by VoidCorp. (pp 28, 36-39, CV)
 +Thorn 1--The largest of the assembly lines in Thorn Shipyards, capable of manufacturing vessels of cruiser class.
 +Thorn 3--The smallest assembly line in Thorn, it manufactures small craft.
 +Thorn 2--This Thorn assembly line manufactures bulk freighters and other medium vessels.
 +Thorn Shipyards--Located in the Focault Belt, these shipyards have only opened recently. They are divided into four main sections, including three assembly lines and an office complex.
 +Vallis Station--Originally built by the Borealins to house the system'​s drive relay, Vallis Station now plays host to a branch of the CCC and a repair yard. Newcomers to Hammer'​s Star are directed here. The station itself orbits Spes.
 +VCT SO850265 (Watcher) A VoidCorp space station in orbit around Hydrocus.
 +Verge Relays 5-3, 1--The drivesat relays spanning the 270 light-year distance from Tendril to Kendai.
 +VoidCorp Mining Platform VA-10391--A VoidCorp gas mine located near Redcrown'​s pole. It also contains a n'sss research facility and an External communications system.
 +Vortex--An aging, cantankerous space elevator that transfers passengers and cargo from Goliath station to upper Sperous orbit. Most of its cargo makes it to orbit intact.
 +===== Land-based =====
 +Adler'​s Pride--The private yacht of Dr. Artemus Vych.
 +Agamemnon--A Thuldan submarine. It was spotted in the area of some anomalous seismic activity.
 +Aircab--A skycar that serves as a taxi cab.
 +Broadsword--These heavy mobile fortresses are used by the Exeat, and have no human analogue. They have over ten turrets, including two main guns.
 +Buoy A712--The site of the wreck of the Adler'​s Pride.
 +Comar Intercept--A variety of light gravski manufactured by Comar Crafts for the REC.
 +Comar S-3--A make of skiff manufactured by Comar Crafts.
 +Comar SX-1--Manufactured by Comar Crafts, these light patrol craft are used to keep the peace in Regency waters.
 +Comar Y-9--A model of light luxury gravyacht, made by Comar Crafts. ​
 +Comar YA-6--A heavier gravyacht manufactured by Beford-Oalin. They are only available via government contracts, as they come standard with heavy defenses.
 +Condor--A make of skycar manufactured by Solar X. It is built for high-endurance,​ and includes navigation systems and a fully sealed cockpit. (pp 86, AEG)
 +Crawler--A caterpillar-like vehicle used to transport miners and gear though the tunnels of Lison. (pp 37, POD)
 +Crawler Alpha--A crawler operated by the ULS.
 +Cutlass--Bulky and unmaneuverable,​ this heavy External hovertank has thick armor and a powerful main gun. Some Cutlasses are even equipped with anti-air weaponry.
 +Destroyer--The personal yacht of Mary Kytola.
 +Falcon--A make of skycycle manufactured by Solar X. (pp 87, AEG)
 +Flamberge--A heavy External mobile fortress.
 +Gladius--A class of small, agile light tank employed by the Exeat'​s ground forces. They are usually equipped with blacklasers or cluster rockets.
 +Glory--A Regency submarine. Its crew made first contact with the deepfallen.
 +Greatsword--A class of heavy mobile fortress used by the Externals'​ ground forces.
 +Grizzly--A make of durable ATV manufactured by Solar X. It contains a number of useful features, including fold-out sleeping spaces, a multiband communicator and a winch. (pp 85, AEG)
 +Groundcar--A generic term for a small wheeled vehicle.
 +Ground-Hugger--A hovering vehicle with a very low flight ceiling.
 +The Hot Nose--A Mark XIX mole that was originally used by Tribon'​s first miner colonists. It was retired after the Lison Revolt, and turned into a bar by an enterprising entrepreneur.
 +Icewalk--A mobile fortress on Dioscuri, and Devriele Shanassin'​s base of operations. ​
 +Invader--A make of all-terrain groundcycle manufactured by Solar X. (pp 87, AEG)
 +Jenny--A Surveyor King ATV owned and operated by Martin Kile.
 +Klick Borer--A type of heavy vehicle used by the klicks in the caverns under Arist. It is equipped with a heavy blacklaser drill.
 +Longsword--A class of heavy mobile fortress used by the Externals.
 +Mako-class scout submersible--A small submarine scout craft.
 +Manta--A small jet-propulsion unit designed to carry a single passenger underwater.
 +Mark XIX Mole--A type of burrowing vehicle used by Lison'​s original colonists. All units of the make have since been retired, due to safety issues.
 +Rehjib--This model of skisail has an active motor and aluminum sails. It is rather popular with Bluefall'​s youth.
 +Sabre--A main battle tank used by the Exeat'​s armored forces. It is a well-balanced assault craft, mounting a primary gun and two secondary weapons.
 +Sea Lion--This heavy, armed gravski model is manufactured by Bedford-Oalin for the REC.
 +Skycar--A hovering induction-engine-equipped vehicle designed to carry more than one passenger. They'​re also known as aircars.
 +Skybike--A light, one or two-person vehicle, also known as a skycycle. It uses an induction engine to hover some distance above the ground.
 +Sparrow--A make of gravbelt manufactured by Solar X. It senses the movements of its user's limbs during flight, and adjusts its course accordingly. (pp 87, AEG)
 +Spinnaker--A type of unpowered glider manufactured by Solar X. 
 +Stiletto--A light External armored personnel carrier, capable of carrying a single squad. It mounts a single heavy weapon, and is lightly armored.
 +Striker--The first submarine in the Thuldan Empire'​s deepwater navy.
 +Subrail--A type of mass transit system used on Penates.
 +Surveyor King--A type of large, battery-powered groundcar ATV built for extended periods of travel in hostile environments.
 +Thuldan Mini-Sub--A small submarine employed by the Thuldan Empire. (pp 85, SGA)
 +Tubecar--A type of mass transit system used in Tribon. It consists of numerous small car-pods capable of seating several people apiece. ("Tube train" mentioned on pp 103, ToM. Different?)
 +ULS Skycar--A model of skycar sedan used by ULS government officials. (pp 37, POD)
 +Things and Terms
 +===== Government ​ =====
 +Abhaal--A bhruu organization consisting of a number of family units, analagous to a tribe.
 +Absentee--The term for an escaped Employee of VoidCorp.
 +Arnak--The emperor of the Sifarv Demesne.
 +Bluefall Economic and Commercial Outreach Network (BEACON)--A program instituted by governor Windsor-Lynn of Bluefall. It provided colonies with the supplies and services they needed during the Long Silence.
 +Cultural Preservation--The Solar practice of adopting the lifestyles of older human cultures.
 +Chancellor--The chief executive of the Galactic Concord. The Chancellor serves a six-year term and is in charge of the Concord'​s military and Administrator corps.
 +Council Chief--The leader of the weren of the settlement of West Lodge.
 +Death Oath--The official memo that forbade Employees from leaving VoidCorp.
 +Directors--The officials in charge of the Concord'​s various departments. At least one is present in each Neutrality.
 +The Eight Gods of Happiness--The nickname for VoidCorp'​s representatives on the Galactic Consulate. ​
 +Employee--The official term for a citizen of VoidCorp.
 +Executive Director--A member of the Concord'​s Executive Council who represents a stellar nation. There are twelve total.
 +Executive Guilder--The title of the leader of the Rigunmor Star Consortium.
 +Exploitation teams--The term for VoidCorp resource survey teams.
 +External Affairs Ambassador--An Orlamu official in charge of dealing with External species.
 +First Secretary--The director of the Galactic Consulate. The First Secretary cannot vote, except when breaking a stalemate, and is responsible for appointing Undersecretaries. Thus far, only Concordans have been elected to this position. The First Secretary can be removed from office via a vote. 
 +Great Matriarch--The empress of the Medurr Imperium.
 +High Matriarchs--The eleven most powerful Aaln clan leaders in the Medurr Imperium. They generally assist the Grand Matriarch with the process of governing.
 +Imperial Potentate--The leader of the ISA.
 +Inseer--1) An Insight citizen. 2) A member of the Insightful faith.
 +Lord-Governors--The leaders of the states of the ISA.
 +Lord-Ministers--Individuals in charge of the various departments of the Alitarin government. ​
 +Magistrates--A rotating group of mechalus officials assigned to supervise large projects and pass judgment in criminal cases.
 +Marhu'​u--A bhruu term for a small family unit.
 +Null--An former employee of VoidCorp whose contract has been terminated (Mentioned on pp 178-179 of ToM. A bit unusual--I thought that terminated Employees were killed, as the Death Oath states).
 +Operation Safe Haven--Conducted by the Bluefall navy, this program was enacted by the Orion colonial government. It transported refugees from dying colonies to Bluefall.
 +Parag--A weren clan leader.
 +Regent--The ruler of the Regency of Bluefall.
 +Regulator General--The official in charge of the Galactic Bank. The Regulator General serves a five-year term.
 +Shareholder Referenda--The StarMech term for its electoral process.
 +Station Administrator--The Concord Administrator in charge of overseeing the operations of the Lighthouse. ​
 +Stellar Nation--One of thirteen large interstellar entities in the Stellar Ring. 
 +Sunlord--The formal title for the executive officer of the Union of Sol.
 +Supreme Commander--The ruler of the FSA.
 +The Twelve--The highest tier of leadership in the Sifarv Demesne, consisting of the Arnak and the eleven Arakan.
 +Ubhruusa--The official title of the leader of an abhaal.
 +Undersecretaries--The First Secretary'​s mediators. There are six total, and one must always be alien.
 +The Vision--The dream that inspired Gregor Kent to move his followers to the stars.
 +===== Business =====
 +Bull--An obsolete StarMech currency.
 +Class Seven Failure--A degree of failure, as measured by VoidCorp'​s standards. The usual punishment for one is Contract termination.
 +CompuCatalog One (CC1)--A virtual catalog and mail-order service updated monthly by VoidCorp'​s Divison One. Copies of CC1 are located in most major star systems.
 +Concord Dollar (CD)--The official currency of human space, as mandated by the Treaty of Concord. ​
 +Credit--The former currency of the Union of Sol.
 +Creeve--A currency used in the T'sa Cluster.
 +Czar's Awards--An award given out for the best vodka at the Vodka Distiller'​s Conference and Symposium.
 +EdgeTech Outfitter'​s Catalog--A catalog of camping, hiking and exploration gear published quarterly by EdgeTech of Alaundril. ​
 +Guilder--1) A unit of currency common in the Rigunmor Star Consortium. One guilder is worth one hundredth of a Concord dollar. 2) The formal title for a citizen of the Rigunmor Star Consortium.
 +Kent--An obsolete Thuldan currency.
 +Kind Tax--A tax imposed on all merchants carrying rhodium from Lison. All vessels caught by the pirates of the system must give them twenty percent of their cargo.
 +Mark--The currency of the Orion Frontier.
 +Scrip--An obsolete Alaundrin currency.
 +Triple-Bullseye Award--An honor given by Merrick'​s Personal Security Report to a weapon that is the best in its class.
 +Vodka Distiller'​s Conference and Symposion--An annual conference of vodka-makers.
 +Watchdog--An employee of MicroCore Investments tasked with making investment inferences from news and current events.
 +===== Military =====
 +AAMG-12--A make of mass rifle manufactured by Karadnya-Brusilev. It is brand-new, and is the most advanced model on the market.
 +AAS-23 Titan Assault Armor--Also known as zero-g armor, this body tank model is extremely unwieldy, but provides unparalleled protection. It features a reentry shroud, air/space radar, and has a gravity induction drive. It is produced by General Arms Manufacturing.
 +ABM-5 Paladin Battle Armor--A main battle tank produced by General Arms Manufacturing. Both the Concord Marines and Planetary Defense Force use it as their standard powered armor model. (Planetary Defense Force? I thought it was the CDC.)
 +ABS-11 Dragoon Recon Armor--A specialized recon body tank that provides greater protection than the Paladin while being easier to use. It features a gravity induction drive that allows its user to fly if necessary. It is produced by General Arms Manufacturing.
 +Accelerator Cannon--An External heavy weapon that bears some resemblance to a human rail gun.
 +ACN 4--A model of nonpowered cerametal armor manufactured by Austrin-Ontis'​ Armor Division. It's lightweight,​ compact, and easily carried, and is the standard armor of the Concord Marines'​ Recon/​Marauder teams.
 +Aegis 650--An unpowered cerametal shield manufactured by SekureTek. It features a bulletproof polymere vision slit, and is fairly lightweight.
 +AET--An acronym standing for "All Environments and Terrains"​.
 +AGC-7--A make of autoflechette shotgun manufactured by the StarMech Edge One Division. It's also known as the Aggie or Aggie-Seven,​ and is extremely deadly in close combat.
 +Aggie--The common nickname for the AGC-7 autoflechette shotgun.
 +Airburst Weapon--(What?​ Mentioned on pp 35 of OTV).
 +Aleer Kanin--A type of mechalus martial art.
 +Alpha 50--A kind of particle screen. It generates a defensive field consisting of alpha particles in electromagnetic containment fields, and serves to augment other armor. It is manufactured by MRA Technologies.
 +Am-gee--A nickname for the AAMG-12 mass rifle.
 +Anvil 44--A kind of electromagnetic screen manufactured by Soze Arms.
 +Apache LX--A model of reflex bow made by StarMech Edge One Division. ​
 +Aquamarines--A derisive nickname for Concord Marines newly stationed on Bluefall.
 +Arc Gun--A type of heavy, rifle-like weapon that uses a powerful electrical discharge to stun or kill foes. It employs a targeting laser to "​paint"​ a target and ionize the air between it and the gun, then follows up with a lightning bolt.
 +Archer AA--This specialty round deploys small fins to stabilize its flight, resulting in accurate long-range shots. It's manufactured by TexMex Munitions for charge and sabot rifles.
 +Argos Victory--Taking place in the Argos system, this battle pitted the Concord against the kroath, and was the former'​s first major victory against the latter.
 +ARIES System--A device built into cylinders of weapons-grade plutonium. If activated, it turns the plutonium inside into oxidized, fuel-grade material.
 +ARZ--A model of 6mm charge autorifle made by Karadnya-Brusilev,​ the Union of Sol and the Thuldan Empire. It is fully automatic, and is one of the most widely-used weapons of its type.
 +AP Grenade--A shaped-charge high-explosive grenade designed to penetrate heavy armor.
 +Assault Gear--A type of light, full-body armor used by security professionals and police forces. It usually includes some sort of respirator to protect its user from poisonous fumes.
 +Attack Armor--A type of comparatively light full-body armor made from polymere. While polymere armor is slowly being phased out, it still provides decent protection. Attack armor comes in both powered and unpowered versions.
 +Autoflechette Shotgun--A type of shotgun-like automatic weapon that fires bursts of needles instead of conventional slugs. Autoflechette shotguns are deadly at close range, but less so at long range.
 +Autolaser--An SMG-sized laser weapon. While it technically doesn'​t have an automatic fire mode, it employs sustained laser streams to damage targets.
 +Avenger 5--A make of repulser rifle produced by Austrin-Ontis. It is an extremely powerful rifle, being capable of throwing around body tanks. ​
 +AVX--A make of neural whip made by SekureTek.
 +AX2--A model of chainsword made by Pulan-Tough Job Corporation. It was designed to be used against heavily armored targets.
 +Ballistic Armor--A kind of light armor made of cerametal plates sandwiched between carbonate fiber layers. It usually appears in vest or jacket form. It's also known as battle armor.
 +Banshee Mk IV--A type of sonic pistol manufactured by MRA Technologies. It is frequently used by bodyguards and security officers, and is the most popular sonic weapon on the market.
 +Banshee Mark IX--A sonic SMG produced by MRA Technologies. It is far less popular than its smaller cousin, being too bulky for law enforcement and dealing out too little damage for something of its size.
 +Bantam 5 Rocket Launcher--A popular, powerful model of bantam rocket launcher manufactured by Soze Arms. It has five reloadable rocket tubes, instead of four, like most other models.
 +Battle Command--A tactical (computer? people? Mentioned on pp 148, OTV, in conjunction with Stormbird and the klicks.)
 +Battlehawk--This type of assault gear, produced by SekureTek, is intended for use in a zero-g environment. It is fully vacuum sealed, and includes a vacuum mask, a zero-g web, and integrated systems that reduce recoil.
 +Battle of Aegis--This battle pitted the Exeat fleet against both the Second and First Battle Groups. The Alliance took heavy casualties from the Phlegethon'​s tachyon gun, but was able to drive the Externals from the system--but not before losing the Lighthouse. Much of the battle took place in a sensor blind spot behind Aegis.
 +Battle of Calliope--A battle that occurred early during the Second Galactic War. (Rigunmor space? Anything else on it?)
 +Battle of Cambria--An engagement between the Verge Alliance Third Battle Group and a medurr fleet. The Alliance'​s superior technology allowed it to come away the victor, dealing much damage to the medurr, though the Third Fleet flagship was badly damaged.
 +Battle of Hammer'​s Star--A battle between the Concord forces in Hammer'​s Star and the invading Exeat fleet, led by the Acheron, Styx, and Phlegethon. During its course, Admiral Raastad sacrificed himself and the Vition in an attempt to destroy the Styx.
 +Battle of Ignatius--This engagement pitted the Verge Alliance Second Fleet against the Exeat forces, led by the Acheron. It served as humanity'​s first true victory in the External War.
 +Battle of Kendai--This battle took place in the Kendai system. During the skirmish, the Kendai drivesat station was destroyed, cutting the Verge off from the rest of human space.
 +Battle of Lucullus--An engagement during which the Exeat fleet, led by the Acheron and Phlegethon, siezed the Lucullus system from the Verge Alliance. Most of the ULDF betrayed their fellows during the battle.
 +Battle of Megalen--A battle during the Second Galactic War.
 +Battle of Morgan'​s Bluff--An engagement during the Second Galactic War. It marked the first combat deployment of the Hatire Mind Knights in the war.
 +Battle of Rakke--An engagement between human and klick forces focused on the asteroid Rakke. ​
 +Battle of Songham--A major engagement during the Second Galactic War. It took place in the Songham system, and marked the end of the Expansion Pentad'​s advances.
 +Battle of Tendril--Though technically an Alliance victory, this battle between Verge Alliance and Exeat forces ended with the destruction of Tendril'​s drivesat and the siege of Alaundril.
 +Battle of Vicek 62--A comparatively recent battle between the Concord and klicks in Hammer'​s Star. The Concord subsequently suppressed all casualty reports from the public.
 +Bellweyn Sil--A type of elegant light fraal body armor. Its name means "​battle coat" in the fraal language, and it is usually worn on diplomatic overtures to more primitive cultures. Innishaal Space Industries is one common manufacturer.
 +Big Daddy--A Concord Marine nickname for a heavy plasma gun.
 +Big Slate Offensive--Led by General Murrad, this Alitarin campaign succeeded in reclaiming the Big Slate Mountains.
 +Bird--A slang term for "​missile"​.
 +Black Thunder--An armor-piercing discarding-sabot round made for projectile-firing small arms. Black Thunder rounds are made by ThunderCorp Arms.
 +Black Wars--The weren term for the first series of wars involving gunpowder and firearms.
 +Blacklaser--A type of laser weapon used by the I'krl Theocracy'​s forces. They are similar to human laser weapons in most respects, but operate using a different wavelength of light in the ultraviolet spectrum. They are sometimes referred to, incorrectly,​ as x-ray lasers.
 +Bloodhound F3--A homing system and rocket motor designed to be attached to certain types of grenades. It requires time to lock on an activate its image recognition system, but it greatly improves accuracy. It is produced by SekureTek.
 +Bloody Summer--A vicious campaign between the Kell clan and two other clans. It took place during the Black Wars, and is also known as Black Summer.
 +Blue Bolt--A type of arc gun produced by Dietterlich Industries. It is unique in that it has a taser-like secondary fire mode in addition to its normal fire mode.
 +B-Mace--This round, designed for use with charge or sabot guns, is full of a soft, nonlethal gel. It puts a target down without killing it, and is produced by StarMech Edge One Division.
 +BodyGuard--A model of ballistic vest made by Olsen Personal Defense Corp. It offers good protection against most small arms, but only protects its wearer'​s chest.
 +Body Tank--The heaviest personal armor available, a body tank is a mechanized suit armored with neutronite plates and powered by lanthanide cells. It comes in a standard "main battle armor" model, and special models adapted for different situations. It features comm suites, scanners, Trauma Pack IIs, and weapon hardpoints.
 +Bomb Grade P--A grade of plutonium-239 used in nuclear bombs.
 +Bug Hole--A Concord Marine term for caverns on Arist suspected of housing klicks.
 +Bulldog--A make of 9mm charge SMG manufactured by Dietterlich Industries. It is durable, compact and extremely accurate.
 +Bushmaster--A type of cerametal chain-mail made by MRA Technologies. It was meant to stand up to attacks from alien lifeforms, and while it doesn'​t offer full-body protection, it's light and durable.
 +Canis Epsilon Two Incident--A weapons accident that occurred in the Nariac Domain. A small quantity of nanite virus was released into a refinery, infecting the workers and requiring the Domain to sterilize the site with a fusion bomb.
 +Capacitor Screen--A type of particle screen that ionizes air molecules and forms them into a shield. It provides relatively good protection against impact weapons and excellent protection against energy weapons.
 +Carbonate Blade--A kind of knife made from carbonate fiber.
 +Cease-fire Zone (CZ)--A zone within .01 AU of Pahsizon wherein Algemronian ships are forbidden from engaging each other or merchant traffic.
 +Chainsword--This powered melee weapon features a cutting edge made of thousands of micro-engineered teeth. When the cutting edge spins, it acts much like a chainsaw. Chainswords come in gauntlet and sword models.
 +Challenge--A formal duel between weren.
 +Charge Weapon--A form of advanced slug-thrower. It employs an electrochemical reaction instead of conventional powder, and has a high muzzle velocity. Charge weapons come in all makes, including pistols, rifles and heavy weapons.
 +CHE Rocket--A conventional high-explosive rocket. Most of them contain Detonex, or a similar explosive.
 +Cheanet Campaign--A series of engagements between the mechalus nations of Pesh and Megarin. During the campaign, the Nidrazh cavalry played a major role.
 +Cherry Bomb--A type of seeker mine employed by Helm Ragnarsson. They are equipped with sophisticated sensor suites and nuclear warheads.
 +Chig'​tanth--A state of weren battle-rage.
 +Ch'​raak--Also known as whip guns, these t'sa weapons use electromagnetism to fire projectiles. They are named after the sound they make when fired.
 +Chuff Rifle--A type of mechalus firearm. Chuff weapons come in pistol, rifle and launcher models, fire non-lethal ammunition, and work on the same basic principle as an air rifle.
 +Chuurkhna--A weren polearm. It has four blades, and is designed for chopping.
 +Class One Battle Gear--A set of battle geat carried by Concord Marines.
 +Close Approach Campaign--An annual assault launched by the Galvinites and Alitarans when their planets are on the same side of their sun.
 +Close-Combat Badge--A Concord Marine decoration.
 +CLR-19--Techncially designated the Combat Laser Rifle-19, this weapon is the standard-issue rifle of the Orion League'​s infantry. It is manufactured by A.M. Industries, and is extremely accurate.
 +Cluster Missile--An improved version of the cluster rocket. Cluster missiles are virtually identical to cluster rockets, but have enhanced homing capability.
 +Cluster Rocket--An External heavy weapon. Cluster rocket launchers fire three rockets at once, which detonate in mid-air, pummeling the target with matter bombs. The target must be "​painted"​ with a target designator laser.
 +Cobra F77--A pocket-sized dart-gun model manufactured by SekureTek.
 +Combat Assault--A military tactic used by the Concord Marines.
 +Commando 3000--A type of crossbow manufactured by SekureTek.
 +Concord Moron--A playfully derisive nickname for Concord Marines.
 +Concord Peacekeeping Protection--A state of order imposed by Concord Marines while resolving peacekeeping missions.
 +Concord Observation Post--A term for numerous neutral posts throughout the Occupied Zone. They are staffed by the Concord.
 +Concussion Grenade--This grenade type is designed to stun enemies without killing them. It consists of explosives in a nonfragmenting case.
 +Condor X7--A heavy stutter pistol made by SekureTek. It is commonly used by security forces and law enforcement officers.
 +Converter Gun--An External weapon, encountered as either ship-mounted or artillery-based. It fires a concentrated packet of antimatter at targets.
 +Crystaff--A metal quarterstaff with large crystals embedded in the ends. They are the standard weapons of krl'​osar priests.
 +Cybermariner--A Nariac soldier cybernetically optmized for underwater operations.
 +Cyclone 700--A stutter SMG manufactured by ThunderCorp Arms.
 +D16 (D9? Mentioned as such on pp 64.)--A model of plasma gun manufactured by A.M. Industries. It is the standard-issue heavy weapon of the Orion League'​s heavy infantry, and inflicts massive damage on anything in its target radius.
 +Dait'​sya--A type of thin, double-edged t'sa dagger, designed to penetrate an opponent'​s scales. They are typically wielded in pairs.
 +Dark Fusion Weapon--More advanced than dark plasma guns, these External weapons are comparatively rare, using fusing dark plasma as their ammunition.
 +Dark Plasma Weapon--A type of weapon commonly used by the kroath. They use plasma made from dark matter as their ammunition, and sacrifice range for damage-dealing potential.
 +Dauntless 29--A type of unpowered polymere attack armor manufactured by Dietterlich Industries. It is the last such model in production, and is a superior design, including two Trauma Pack Is, comm gear and a built-in respirator.
 +Defender 4--A model of repulser SMG produced by Austrin-Ontis Unlimited. It can throw around targets significantly larger than a human, and may be marketed in the Verge soon.
 +Deflection Inducer--A type of shielding system that uses gravity manipulation technology to surround an object in a bubble of gravitational force. It has a chance of deflecting incoming weapons fire, but in the case of armor-quality models, affects the user's aim as well.
 +Deflection Screen--A general term for a type of energy field designed to deflect incoming attacks.
 +Defsat--A defensive satellite. A defsat is equipped with a warhead of some sort, and attacks nearby orbiting spacecraft by ramming into them and exploding.
 +Demon 9--A pistol-sized flamethrower manufactured by Soze Arms. 
 +Detcord--Also known as primercord, this plastic explosive is molded into long strands that can easily be applied to almost anything. It is usually used as a fuse to trigger other explosive devices.
 +Detonex--A type of high-yield plastic explosive, used in demolitions operations.
 +Devastator--A model of flechette pistol made by Soze Arms, Ltd. It is a potent weapon, but lacks any sort of automatic fire.
 +Dragon 3--A heavy, rifle-sized flamethrower manufactured by Soze Arms. 
 +Dragonfist 20--A model of stun-chuks produced by Koshimi Industries.
 +Dueling Claw--A weren dueling weapon. It consists of a number of blades sized to fit over the weren'​s claws, and is usually used in places where larger weapons are too cumbersome.
 +Du Shaa--A fraal martial art. It is used extensively by members of the Vis Jiridiv.
 +Dyclyffe Campaign--A massive military campaign launched by the Union of Sol against the Orlamu Theocracy.
 +Echo One--A codename for a Marine unit led by Sergeant Lavon and Captain McRae.
 +Echo Two--A codename for a unit consisting of Lieutenant Witzko, Sergeant Kran and their troops.
 +Explosive Lance--This powered weapon is primarily marketed to weren, due to its simplicity. It consists of a long titanium pole tipped with a grenade warhead, which detonates when it strikes something. Most are armed with AP warheads, to prevent the blast from harming the user.
 +Eye Three--A codename for a small unit in Lieutenant Witzko'​s platoon.
 +Falcon T9--A small stutter pistol made by SekureTek. Its tag-like is "Point and say good-night",​ and it is one of the most common weapons in known space.
 +Falcon X--A sight designed to be used with Talon X guided ammunition. It uses a laser designator to paint targets for the ammunition to home in on. It's manufactured by MRA Technologies,​ Inc.
 +Fighting Ships--A publication dedicated to analyzing the navies of the various stellar nations.
 +Filament Blade--A powered melee weapon. Its cutting surface is a molecule-thin strand stretched between a lead module and the weapon'​s handle.
 +Filament Weapon--A type of weapon used by External ground troops. Filament weapons employ molecule-thin blades capable of cutting through almost anything with ease, and can also be employed in traps.
 +Firebird--A type of 80-watt SMG-style mega-melter produced by Soze Arms. Its excellent performance against unarmed targets may lead to it being adopted by tyrants and anyone looking to violently put down uprisings.
 +Flash Weapon--An unusual type of energy weapon. It uses a rapidly-strobing light pulse to temporarily blind and confuse its targets.
 +Flechette Gun--A type of weapon that fires bundles of aerodynamic flechettes at high speed. They are capable of causing severe damage at close range.
 +Frag Grenade--A grenade consisting of explosive in a fragmenting case. When it detonates, it sends out shards in every direction, and is designed to take out personnel.
 +G12--A model of plasma pistol produced by A.M. Industries. It provides excellent stopping power at the expense of clip size.
 +Ghost Skin--A special item of cybergear commonly used by Credo warriors. It reduces its owner'​s skin temperature to match that of the surrounding air.
 +GM-In-One--Lieutenant McShane'​s radio callsign.
 +Goebel and Schatt Model 74--A type of heavy charge rifle.
 +Gravmace--A mace-like powered melee weapon, also known as a gravity mace It uses gravity induction technology to amplify the force of its blows.
 +Greatsword--A type of heavy, finely-honed weren sword. Its blade is capable of cleaving through even heavy armor.
 +Grid Seven-Seven-Niner--A grid coordinate on Arist. Stormbird'​s sensor crews identified unknown activity there.
 +The Group Mind--A generic term for the rumor mill among the Marines onboard Falada.
 +Had'​niltas--A type of mechalus powered armor, composed of nanocircuitry and engineered to interface with its user's bio-circuitry. Nori Cho' Manufacturing produces the most common model.
 +HAK-59--A model of quantum minigun produced by Karadnya-Brusilev. It is currently used by VoidCorp and Nariac infantry.
 +Hammer 5--A model of 11mm charge pistol made by Soze Arms. It is bulkier and more expensive than most other models, but is more accurate.
 +Haramaki 100--A type of CF armor produced by Koshimi Industries. It looks like a flight jacket, but provides decent protection for the wearer'​s torso.
 +Haramaki 200--A make of CF armor made by Koshimi Industries. It provides excellent protection against small arms while looking like a common long coat or duster.
 +Hard Hat--A codename for the Concord Marine command center in Alcazar.
 +Harkamp Overland Mark IV--A type of powered armor used by the Concord Marines (body tank?). It combines a gravity induction engine with a sensor suite, heavy plating and built-in weaponry.
 +HeadBuster--A model of power cestus made by SekureTek. It won the Merrick'​s Triple Bullseye, and is considered to be one of the best of its class, as it lightweight and requires little specialized training.
 +Holdout--A type of Derringer-style 9mm charge pistol manufactured by Dietterlich Industries. It is easily concealed, and favored by businessmen and travelers in the Verge.
 +Holo Sight--An improved form of gunsight. It projects an image of whatever it's pointed at using holographic technology.
 +Hull Gang--A Concord Star Force term for crewmen assigned to repair and maintain a ship's hull.
 +Hureja--A native sesheyan throwing weapon, consisting of a wooden haft with two blades at one end. Its name translates into "wind claw".
 +Hyperblade--A generic term for a bladed weapon with a monomolecular edge.
 +Hypo Pistol--A pistol-like tranquilizer gun.
 +Ice Gun--A unique type of ranged weapon used by the t'sa. It uses cryogenic technology to freeze water or similar liquids into shards which are fired at the target.
 +IF-3--A durable, dependable 11mm charge rifle. It has been the standard-issue side arm of both the Concord Marines and the CDC for more than twenty years, and is manufactured by Austrin-Ontis Munitions Div. 1.
 +Imaging Sight--A gunsight designed to intensify ambient light.
 +Impact Pistol--A more powerful version of the stutter pistol. The impact pistol fires blasts of compressed air with greater force than its cousin, and is designed to wound rather than stun.
 +Ion Blade--A powered melee weapon designed to short-circuit certain types of electronics,​ including cybergear and powered armor. It delivers a powerful shock to anything it contacts.
 +K-3--A model of zero-g axe made by ThunderCorp Arms, Ltd.
 +Kell Campaign--A two-year-long,​ bloody campaign during the Black Wars, during which children were drafted as combatants.
 +Khe! Burund--A type of weren mail coat, designed to resist firearms. DhuuQueshQhe Maarhak produces some of the best available.
 +Klickstopper Pistol--A special heavy pistol custom-designed for weren. ​
 +Krasnya Model 6 Mass Cannon--A make of ship-grade mass cannon. Peregrine has one mounted on its hull.
 +K-SAT 100--A type of 9mm charge pistol optimized for use in low gravity. It's manufactured by Karadnya-Brusilev Industries, and has been in existence for more than fifty years.
 +KZ 160--A heavy, 13mm charge machine gun made by Krund Armsworks. It was meant to be used as a stationary weapon, but it can be fired while it's being carried due to its weaker recoil and lighter weight.
 +Jaeja--A sesheyan term for dagger.
 +Landsknecht 34--A make of ballistic jacket manufactured by Dietterlich Industries. It covers the wearer'​s torso and arms, and includes a sealable hood with a vacuum mask. 
 +Laser Weapon--A type of ranged weapon. Laser weapons use focusing devices to concentrate light to the point of coherency, and have superior range and accuracy. They aren't as powerful as most projectile weapons.
 +Low-Boy Five--A Concord Marine designation for an area of the ice caverns on Arist.
 +Low Niner--An area of the Arist caverns, designated such by the Concord Marines.
 +Low Twelve--A Concord Marine codename for a low area of the Arist caverns.
 +Low Fourteen--A Marine codename for a tunnel in the Arist caverns.
 +M5--A make of 15mm sabot rifle made by A.M. Industries. It has excellent hitting power, but suffers from a slow rate of fire.
 +M9--A model of 9mm charge pistol made by A.M. Industries. It has been the standard-issue sidearm of the Orion Star Service for over eighty years. It is equipped with a visual baffler which hides its muzzle flash.
 +Magnetic Screen--Technically known as an electromagnetic screen, this defensive device generates a field of electromagnetic force. It provides excellent protection from metallic and electric-discharge weapons, but is useless against everything else.
 +Mass Cannon--A type of advanced starship weapon, based off of gravity-manipulation technology. It fires a mass singularity at its target, striking it like a massive physical blow.
 +Mass Weapon--A type of weapon that fires a gravity-induced mass singularity at its target, causing massive damage. Mass weapons are expensive, require lots of power, and come in a variety of calibers and model types.
 +Matter Charge--A powerful demolitions device that uses dark matter decay to produce a potent matter-reaction explosion.
 +Melter Weapon--These ranged energy weapons use microwave energy to melt or burn their targets. They are commonly used by Verge militaries, but are less effective at penetrating armor than other energy weapons.
 +Merrick'​s Personal Security Report--A comprehensive and unbiased listing and evaluation of human-manufactured weapons, published quarterly by Merrick'​s of Powder. ​
 +Metal Plague--A top-secret nanite weapon developed by the Nariac Domain. It converts its victims into mindless, zombie-like cyborgs. (It's called "the metal plague"​ on pp 183, ZP, but it's not a proper noun. Should it be included?)
 +MightyMite--A kind of Detonex-tipped bullet produced by Dietterlich Industries. It is designed to explode after penetrating its target, causing serious damage, and is compatible with both charge and sabot weapons.
 +Milano GX--Manufactured by New EuroTech, this CF bodysuit is designed to be worn in place of clothing. It provides more protection than a CF coat, and is probably the best of its kind.
 +Mjolnir 220--A model of rocket maul manufactured by ThunderCorp Arms. It is the largest model of rocket maul that can be practically used as a weapon.
 +Mjolnir 330--A make of rocket maul produced by ThunderCorp Arms. It is too heavy to be used as a melee weapon.
 +Mjolnir 420--A large, cumbersome rocket maul produced by ThunderCorp Arms. It is too heavy to be a reliable melee weapon.
 +Mongoose--A type of imaging sight made by NiteSite Manufacturing Inc.
 +Neural Weapons--Originally developed by the n'sss, these melee weapons use ultrasonic vibrations to tear tissue apart. The principles behind them are also used in some security devices.
 +Neural Whip--This powered melee weapon generates an energy field that disrupts its targets'​ neural processes. It can knock out opponents easily, and keep Mindwalkers from using their psionic powers.
 +Neutralizer Coat--A form of light, clothing-like armor designed to stop electrical weapons. It absorbs power using superconducting circuitry woven into it, and the stored energy can then be used to attack opponents.
 +Nighthawk A5--A model of pulse baton made by SekureTek. It has a telescoping handle, and is specially designed to evade most weapons scanners.
 +"The Nine"​--A common nickname for the 9mm charge pistol.
 +Ninja 600--A light, easily-concealed model of laser pistol made by Koshimi Industries.
 +Nova 6--A model of mass pistol made by MRA Technologies,​ Inc. It's considered to be the most advanced mass pistol on the market, and dummy versions have appeared in some Jack Everstar movies.
 +Occupied Zone--The name for the Alitarin territory occupied by the Galvinites.
 +Operation Homecoming--A joint mission to the Stellar Ring by the governments of Tendril and Aegis. It was canceled after contact was renewed.
 +Operation: Rache--A relief campaign organized by the Concord, StarMech and the Orion League. It was organized to help the Verge in the war against the Externals, but is being delayed by VoidCorp machinations and stellar nation politics.
 +Operation Sack--A maneuver plotted by Lieutenant Witzko during a training exercise in Training Course D.
 +Passing the Helmet--A Concord Marine term for raising money to benefit the relatives of deceased Marines.
 +Patriot II--A model of explosive lance made by Pulan-Tough Job Corporation. ​
 +Pinnacle IV--A larger cousin of the Holdout, this durable pepperbox-style 11mm charge pistol is popular among those who work on worlds with dangerous native life. It is produced by Dietterlich Industries. ​
 +Plasma Jelly--An electrochemical jelly mixture that turns into plasma when an electrical spark is applied. It causes serious damage to anything in the area, and is commonly used in demolitions charges.
 +Plasma Weapon--A kind of weapon that electrochemically excites chemical slugs to a superheated plasma state, then uses a magnetic accelerator to fling them at high speed. The plasma explodes upon striking its target, causing severe damage.
 +Particle Screen--A kind of shielding device that generates billions of subatomic particles, then forms them into a screen using magnetic fields. They provide good protection against all weapons, but are extremely bulky, and can only be fit into the heaviest armor.
 +Ph60--A model of pistol-sized flash gun produced by Karadnya-Brusilev. ​
 +Phoenix--A make of 200-watt rifle-style assault melter produced by Soze Arms. Its sheer damage output is enough to overcome its lack of armor penetration,​ and it is being adopted by some militaries.
 +Power Cestus--A powered melee weapon. Power cesti are heavy gloves containing gravity induction devices, which are used to amplify the power of a user's punches.
 +Power Sword--A variant of the chainsword made by Austrin Limited. It consists of two monomolecular-edged blades that saw back and forth rapidly. Power swords are fairly rare outside of FSA territory.
 +Ptokh K'​se--The t'sa equivalent of a bulletproof vest, the ptokh k'se is a good compromise between protection and flexibility. Some are sold by Aakhi Bros. Goods & Trade.
 +Pug Gun--A type of weapon used by the Exeat'​s army. It vaguely resembles a sawed-off shotgun, firing two rounds at once. It comes in dark plasma and dark fusion varieties.
 +Pulse Baton--An extremely powerful variant of the stun baton. It delivers a larger, nastier shock, and is meant to wound rather than stun.
 +Pulse Grenade--This grenade creates an EMP blast on its target, shorting out most forms of electronic equipment.
 +PunkThumper 6000 (PT 6K)--A model of stun baton, made by SekureTek, that recently won the Merrick'​s Triple Bullseye Award. It delivers a more powerful stunning shock at the expense of battery longevity.
 +Pyrenex--A type of material used to make incendiary bombs.
 +Quantum Minigun--A type of heavy weapon that accelerates subatomic particles to high speeds, firing them like projectiles and causing massive damage. It is also known as a particle gun or neutron gun.
 +Rail Rifle--A kind of rifle that uses electromagnetic accelerators to hurl projectiles at its targets.
 +Rampart--A type of deflection inducer produced by MRA Technologies. It is lighter than the standard version, but less powerful.
 +React-2--A drill used by the training personnel at Training Course D.
 +Readiness Condition One--A term used by the Concord military for situations of very high alert. It is abbreviated Readiness One, RedCon One or Red One.
 +Readiness Condition Three--A state of low alert used by the Concord military. It is abbreviated RedCon Three.
 +Reaper 700--These IFF sights, made by AccuTron Optics Ltd., can be keyed to transponders worn by a gunman'​s allies. They prevent the weapon they'​re attached to from firing if allies are in the way.
 +Recon Eye--The radio callsign of a scouting group from Damien Witzko'​s Recon Platoon.
 +Recon Five--Damien Witzko'​s radio callsign.
 +Recon Listening Post One--A Concord Marine codename for a large ice cavern in a cave system on Arist.
 +Recon/​Marauders--The elite units of the Concord Marines. They are expected to operate on planetary surfaces for long periods of time with minimal support.
 +Reentry Shroud--An ablative device designed to protect a zero-g battle tank from the stresses and heat of reentry. It is burned away after a single use.
 +Reflex Bow--A high-tech version of a traditional bow. 
 +Render Rifle--A kind of rifle that uses gravity technology to set up randomized gravitational tides within its target. These tides can cause massive damage to living and nonliving things alike.
 +Repulser Weapon--A variant of render rifle technology, a repulsor weapon uses gravitational energy to knock targets away from the user. They are popular with security and law enforcement officers.
 +Rescue Commendation--A Concord Marine decoration.
 +Ris--A weren term indicating open, declared war.
 +Ristath--A weren term indicating open war. (Ristath is mentioned on pp 118, SF, where Ris is mentioned on pp 114 and in the Glossary of the book on pp 325. Are they the same thing, or is there a subtle difference?​)
 +Roaches--A Concord Marine nickname for the klicks.
 +Robohawk--This 4mm charge autopistol, manufactured by Soze Arms, is designed to give some semblance of rapid-fire without taking up as much space as an SMG or rifle. It has a burst mode, but not full autofire capability.
 +Rocket Maul--Originally designed to break up rock formations, this miner'​s tool has been adopted by some Verge militias as a powered melee weapon. It uses a miniature rocket engine to amplify the force of its strikes.
 +Roc Z1--A stutter cannon model manufactured by SekureTek. In addition to stunning its targets, the Roc Z1 also has a significant area of effect.
 +Ronin 900 Sabot Cannon--A make of 25mm sabot cannon manufactured by Koshimi Industries. It was designed for sheer hitting power.
 +Sabot Weapon--A type of firearm. Sabot weapons use rail technology to fire discarding-rocket slugs at supersonic speeds.
 +SAI--A powered shield manufactured by StarMech Edge One Division. The SAI contains a small gravity induction drive, and uses a threat detection sensor to position itself between the user and incoming attacks.
 +Samurai 300--A make of ion blade manufactured by Koshimi Industries.
 +SCM-16--A make of capacitor screen manufactured by Austrin-Ontis Munitions Division 1. It's also known as the Scam-16.
 +SCM-20--A type of electromagnetic shielding system that protects its wearer from electrical discharge. It's also known as the SCAM, or SCAM-20 (It's mentioned on pp 207 of ToM, and the SCM-16 is mentioned on pp 77 of the AEG. Two different versions, maybe?​). ​
 +Scout 230 AET--A type of assault gear produced by Brusilev Armor Manufacturing. It's designed to hold up to dangerous environments,​ and is essentially an armored e-suit.
 +Scramble-D--A type of secure comm channel used by the Concord Marines.
 +Scrambler Field--A kind of energy field designed to conceal weapons from weapon scanners.
 +Screamer--A common name for sonic weaponry.
 +Scrod Squad--A group of Concord Marines assigned to clean all the shipboard compartments designated as Marine quarters.
 +Second Galactic War Special--A type of charge pistol manufactured during the Second Galactic War.
 +Shockstick--A type of stun baton.
 +Sho'​ileer--A type of short spear commonly used by the t'​sa. ​
 +Shredder C5--This specialty round is essentially flechette ammunition made for charge guns. It is manufactured by Soze Arms Ltd.
 +Silver Cross--A Concord decoration awarded for exceptional valor.
 +Sliver Weapon--A type of External weapon designed to fire razor-sharp crystalline needles at high velocity. The needles can be filled with paralytic drugs to knock out a target instead of killing it.
 +Sirocco 100--A make of stutter rifle produced by ThunderCorp Arms. It was awarded the Merrick'​s Triple-Bullseye award for best in class.
 +Skytank--This heavy military vehicle is heavily armed and armored, and floats some distance above the ground using gravity induction technology.
 +Snake Eyes--This ammunition type is compatible with charge and sabot weapons, and homes in on any nearby heat sources. It is produced by TexMex Munitions Inc.
 +Sniffer Mine--A small semi-autonomous robot mine. Sniffers are programmed to home in on organic targets, then detonate in the largest group of suitable targets.
 +Sniper--An exceptionally accurate blacklaser sniper rifle, commonly used by the Externals'​ snipers.
 +Sonic Weapon--A type of ranged weapon that employs waves of coherent sound to stun and injure targets. They come in a range of calibers, and while they'​re less popular than other guns, they are effective against any type of armor that doesn'​t protect the wearer'​s ears. They are also known as "​screamers"​.
 +Spike Cap--A railroad-spike-like explosive charge. It is meant to be driven into a corner or seam, and is very simple to use.
 +Spinbolo--A type of projectile weapon.
 +Spysat--A spy satellite. It is capable of making video recordings of human-sized objects from orbit.
 +Stalwart ZF--Developed by StarMech Edge One from the Z-LOC render rifle, this repulser pistol has yet to gain widespread use. It can throw a human-sized target a considerable distance.
 +Standard Death Benefits--Benefits given by the Concord to the families of dead Marines. They are said to be insufficient for many.
 +Starfie--A playfully derisive term for a member of the Concord Star Force.
 +Star of Valor--The Concord Marines'​ highest decoration, awarded for exceptional bravery. It is sometimes known as the "Big V".
 +Stealth Holster--A kind of weapon holster made with antiscan weave. It is designed to conceal small weapons from weapons scanners. Some kinds are made by DarkTech Inc.
 +Stinger--A blacklaser gun typically carried by External spies. It is neither powerful nor accurate, but it is small and easily concealed.
 +Stun Baton--This powered melee weapon delivers a powerful electric shock to any target it contacts. It is meant so subdue opponents without killing them.
 +Stun-Chuks--A powered melee weapon consisting of two small stun batons attached by a cable, and used like nunchuks. They are very difficult to use properly, but can sometimes short out enemy powered melee weapons.
 +Stutter Weapon--A type of nonlethal weapon that uses powerful blasts of compressed air to knock targets unconscious. Stutter weapons come in a variety of calibers, and are typically used by law enforcement officers.
 +Supernova X1--A man-portable mass cannon made by MRA Technologies,​ Inc. It is a fairly rare weapon, as other heavy weapons have better range.
 +Sword Claw--A larger, more powerful version of the weren dueling claw, used during ceremonial battles.
 +Tachyon Cannon--A potent ship-based weapon unearthed by the Exeat at Mantebron and mounted on the Phlegethon. It uses captured tachyons to inflict terrible damage on enemy ships.
 +Tactical Intuition--A score measuring tactical competence. It is divided into two categories, ground and space.
 +Talisoi Campaign--A campaign during the Second Galactic War, involving cyber-enhanced Nariac soldiers. (Is the name attached to a system or planet? Might not be enough info to tell that. Mentioned on pp 131, ZP).
 +Talon--A class of missile used by the Thuldans.
 +Talon X--A kind of guided round designed for use in conjunction with a charge or sabot gun and the Falcon X sight. It homes in on designated targets, and is produced by MRA Technologies Inc.
 +Target X--A type of holo-sight manufactured by StarMech Edge One Division. It projects a holographic image of whatever it's pointed at, allowing a sniper to focus on something without losing peripheral vision.
 +Tauri 9--A model of impact pistol made by MRA Technologies,​ Inc. It has a limited burst mode in addition to standard single-shot mode.
 +T-Bar--A make of TN blade made by the StarMech Edge One Division.
 +Templar 27-N--A model of power sword manufactured by Austrin Limited of Galvin.
 +Thunder 150--A model of gravmace manufactured by ThunderCorp Arms, Ltd. It is extremely common among armies and private security companies.
 +Tiger Mod 6--This powered attack armor, made by Raupp Arms, that was formerly the official armor of the Thuldan Heavy Infantry. Production has been stopped, but it is still commonly used. It has an integrated comm suite, microcomputer,​ optical suite, and two Trauma Pack Is. 
 +TN Blade--A knife-sized weapon made of tungsten-neutronite alloy. It is extremely dense and sharp, and is capable of punching through heavy armor.
 +Tong Fe--An unpowered, blunt melee weapon that been adopted by police and security forces. It is especially designed for parrying, and two can easily be wielded at once.
 +Tornado 600--A 15mm sabot pistol made by ThunderCorp Arms.
 +Trigun--A type of gun used by the Externals, essentially a larger, heavier submachine gun. It comes in dark plasma and dark fusion varieties.
 +Tri(i)llyth--The official title for the leader of the Trillaari.
 +Unholy Three--A term, possibly coined by Sergeant Lavon, to denote Gre-Ikwilisan Thumn, Corporal Lee and Sergeant Chen.
 +U'​pom'​krl--Literally meaning "an unknown stranger subordinate to money",​ this I'krl Common term means "​mercenery"​ in Standard.
 +Valkyrie 9--A model of autolaser made by Soze Arms, Ltd. It's the biggest, most powerful autolaser on the market.
 +Valor Decoration--An award given to Concord Marines who have demonstrated bravery in combat. A greek Epsilon on this green, white and blue band signifies that it was won during the Epsedra conflict.
 +Vennet--Also known as the herder'​s club, this weren weapon was first used to help marrizhe herders deal with unruly animals. Today, they'​re typically used for ceremony and decoration.
 +Vip--A Concord Marine term for a higher officer.
 +Viper D--A type of filament blade produced by Dietterlich Industries. ​
 +Virtual Matter (VM) Shield--A defensive system used by External starships. It uses unknown technology to create a damage-absorbing force bubble around a vessel.
 +VMP 40--A 40-watt melter pistol manufactured by StarMech Edge One. It is the first melter weapon to be produced by a company outside the Verge, and is in the running for the Triple-Bullseye Award.
 +War of Unity--The Megarin term for the conflict between it and Leenest.
 +Wars of Unification--Another term for the last major conflicts between the mechalus nations.
 +Wesshaur 390--A make of sabot pistol.
 +Why You Should Never Turn Your Back on a Lucullan--A tentative title for an after-action report written by ibn Beighur after the incident at the derelict.
 +X-LOK--A model of render pistol manufactured by StarMech Edge One. It is less powerful but more easily concealed than its larger relative.
 +Zeke 5--The Concord Marines'​ nickname for the ZK5 grenade launcher.
 +Zero-G Axe--A powered melee weapon. The zero-g axe consists of a conventional carbonite blade balanced at the haft by a powered counterweight. It is designed to be used in zero-gravity.
 +ZK5--A make of grenade launcher, made by Pulan-Tough Job Corporation and used by the Concord Marines. It's affectionately known as the "Zeke 5".
 +Z-LOK--A model of render rifle manufactured by the StarMech Edge One Division.
 +===== Territory =====
 +Aerie--A cluster of seven moons and three planets, located in sifarv space near the Whalon Nebula and Nyoth system. They are the heart of the Sifarv Demesne.
 +Alien Reservation--Worlds left exclusively for a stellar nation'​s alien citizens. The exact conditions on these worlds vary greatly depending on the nation in question.
 +Chavol Expanse--A sector in the I'krl Theocracy. The system containing the n'sss homeworld is located there.
 +Concord Neutrality--Areas of space that are governed by the Concord.
 +Concord Prime--The Concord Neutrality containing the T'sa cluster and the Galactic Concord capital. It is interposed between the Nariac Domain and Austrin-Ontis,​ and contains many war-torn systems.
 +Concord Sagittarius--A large Concord Neutrality located between the Borealis Republic and the Hatire Community. It was formed by the Treaty of Concord, and contains many systems devastated by the Second Galactic War.
 +Concord Taurus--One of three large Concord Neutralities created by the Treaty of Concord. It acts as a buffer zone between the StarMech Collective and the Thuldan Empire, and encompasses many worlds that were devastated during the Second Galactic War.
 +Congregate--A single continent or orbital holding in the I'krl Theocracy.
 +Curia--A single planet in the I'krl Theocracy.
 +Evremmar--A cluster of four home systems ruled over by the Evrem, located in the heart of the League of Nine.
 +Far Reach--
 +Freehold--An independent settlement. ​
 +Grattan Wastes--A backwater sector in I'krl Theocracy space.
 +Great Pyaar Territories--A sector of space in the I'krl Theocracy. ​
 +"The Hammer"​--The local nickname for Hammer'​s Star.
 +Holding--An undeveloped "​reserve"​ world.
 +Jamaican Triangle--The three primary cities of the Jamaican Syndicate of Lucullus: Ocho Rios, Kingstown and Port Royal.
 +Kadar Hanuthen--A holy see that Ython Kadar hopes to establish. It would enclude the entire Verge within its boundaries.
 +Khiir Cluster--A sector of space in the I'krl Theocracy, and the home of a worldcomm unit. It is located near Evrem territory.
 +Known Space--A term encompassing every system that has been colonized by humanity and its allies.
 +Old Space--A region encompassing all systems within 200 light-years of Sol. Old Space is heavily settled, and contains most of the stellar nations'​ capitals.
 +Open Space--Space that hasn't been formally claimed by a stellar nation. This includes the Verge, the Far Reach and the Orion Frontier. By default, Open Space is subject to Concord laws.
 +Orion Frontier--
 +Seat--A single system under the rule of the I'krl Theocracy.
 +Starleaped--A term for systems that were passed up and unclaimed by their discovers in hopes of finding better ones.
 +Stellar Ring--The region encompassing almost all of human space. It includes the home territories of all the stellar nations.
 +Tese Region--An I'krl Theocracy term for the Perseus Arm.
 +Trean Hanuthen--A greater holy see administered to by Vurhon Kasahl.
 +Trimaarn Expanse--The medurr term for the Verge and surrounding territory.
 +The Verge--A sector of colonized space closest to the Perseus Arm, bordering the Lightning Nebula. The Verge is rich in resources, and is home to an unusually high number of inhabitable worlds. It was cut off from the Stellar Ring during the Second Galactic War, but recently regained contact with it.
 +VoidCorp Home District--A core district within the stellar nation VoidCorp. (Mentioned on pp 301, ToM. What is it?)
 +===== Legal =====
 +Aegis Imperium Accords--Documents detailing the tentative alliance between the Concord and the medurr, signed by both Administrator Sela Taris and Stykor.
 +Article Seven--A component of the Bill of Sapient Rights, guaranteeing the right to privacy.
 +Article Nineteen--A component of the Rules and Regulations of the Galactic Concord Marines. It allows a prosecuting party to make additional charges against someone already under court-martial.
 +Article Thirty-Three--A component of the Treaty of Concord governing the rules and regulations of making first contact with an alien species.
 +Bill of Sapient Rights--A part of the Galactic Concord'​s charter. It outlines and details the basic rights of all sentient beings.
 +Concord Field Guide--A primer issued to the Concord'​s ambassadors and Administrators.
 +Contact Decree--An Orlamu document authorizing the integration of the weren.
 +Concord Directives--A set of protocols governing the Concord'​s legal system.
 +Contact Treaty--This archaic agreement granted the fraal full citizenship and recognized their outpost on Ganymede as an independent colony.
 +Cyra Convention--A treaty, made during the Second Galactic War, describing protocols for the ethical treatment of prisoners.
 +GC14872.23.153--A law guarding against criminal neglect and the mistreatment of minors.
 +Guilder Van Huys Case--A murder case that established the status of robots as legal witnesses.
 +Expansion Pentad--One of the three great alliances, the Pentad was composed of the Thuldan Empire, VoidCorp, the Nariac Domain, the Hatire Community and the Dreth Commonwealth.
 +First Contact Exclusion Zone--A legal buffer zone around the site of a first encounter of an alien species, intended to keep unscrupulous parties out.
 +FreeSpace Alliance--One of the three great alliances, the FreeSpace Alliance was composed of the Orion League, the Orlamu Theocracy, the Borealis Republic and Insight.
 +Ielmar--A weren term for a convicted criminal, literally meaning "​blood-slave"​. Ilemarg must serve the parties they'​ve wronged, and can only redeem themselves through heroism in combat.
 +Integration Act--An act, passed by the Galactic Consulate, that allows ten percent of each stellar nation'​s military to work with civilians and militaries of other nations.
 +Kalht Initiative--A program launched by the Concord Survey Service. It will award one hundred grants to companies interested in exploring and developing the Verge over a five-year span.
 +Krusgurrg--A sect of weren warriors dedicated to upholding the traditions of their species in interstellar society.
 +Lawreaders--A group of weren dedicated to enforcing codes of honor. They recite the clan's laws at important occasions such as coronations and trials, and act as lawyers.
 +Lison Trade Imperative--A body of laws governing the conduct of foreign traders on Lison.
 +Lock-Out--An unusual form of death sentence imposed on criminals by the ULS. It involves taking a prisoner up to Lison'​s surface, and leaving him to die of exposure.
 +(First?) Lordan Conference--A meeting that was supposed to have determined the legal owners of Lordan. It was held aboard Omega Station, and is in indefinite recess.
 +Mahdra Ruling--A ruling that established the sesheyans of Grith as a soverign species, yet preserved the Hatire claim to the moon.
 +Mannevar--A caste of weren vigilantes dedicated to enforcing the law. They are largely restricted to Kurg due to Orlamu laws.
 +Mend'​lya--The sesheyan term for an elite corps of Hatire lawmen dedicated to stopping the crime lords of Grith.
 +Mindwalker Repression Acts--A series of acts issued by the Lucullan League. They ban all unauthorized use of psionic abilities outside of Supervisor territory.
 +Monitor Mandate--This treaty severed the Algemron colonies'​ ties with their parent states, set up a demilitarized zone within the Algemron system, and created the Algemron Neutrality Patrol.
 +Pito Ta--A traditional weren punishment for criminals, involving the removal of the offender'​s claws. This typically cripples the victim. It literally means "​claw-washing"​.
 +Profit--One of the three great alliances, Profit was composed of the Union of Sol, the StarMech Collective, the Rigunmor Star Consortium and Austrin-Ontis Unlimited.
 +Rules and Regulations of the Galactic Concord Marines--A body of regulations governing the behavior of the Concord Marines.
 +Sesheyan Compact--The legal agreement that made all sesheyans Employees of VoidCorp.
 +Treaty of Concord--The legal agreement that ended the Second Galactic War. It recognized the twelve remaining stellar nations, and provided for the creation of a thirteenth, the Galactic Concord.
 +Treaty of Earth--A treaty signed after the First Galactic War. It eliminated the Terran Empire and recognized the sovereignty of its colonies.
 +United Lison Charter--The governing charter of the United Lison State. Under its direction, the ULS constantly operates under a state of emergency.
 +Vuruthen--A collective term for the states of the I'krl Theocracy and the Sifarv Demesne. (Exclusively I'krl Theocracy? ​
 +Warden--A sort of restraint implant used by the mechalus to control violent criminals. It keeps its recipient from acting suddenly.
 +===== Scientific =====
 +Agromanufactories--A type of large-scale agricultural production facility.
 +AirClear--A patented type of air scrubber featured in the Gliese 300 habitat dome.
 +All-Terrain Stretcher--Also known as the AT stretcher, this piece of medical gear is designed to traverse nearly any sort of environment. It is portable when packed up, and moves using a gravity induction engine.
 +Antiradiation Serum--This drug is an electrolyte solution meant to stabilize radiation-damaged cells. It is usually administered through an IV tube.
 +Antiscan Weave--A type of fabric. In addition to normal fibers, antiscan weave contains microcircuits that can baffle most types of scanning equipment.
 +Apocalypse--A virus that was allegedly developed by a stellar nation during the Second Galactic War. It kills by attacking the nervous systems of its hosts, causing them to break down.
 +Aqualaser--A type of laser modified to function underwater. They are commonly found on underwater drilling equipment, but can also be used in standard laser weaponry.
 +AboReal--A model of raised sleeping platform in the Terra X product line. It uses an induction motor to levitate into the air, and includes a safety harness and numerous gear attachment points.
 +Argon--A noble gas. It's used in the manufacture of supercoolants for stardrives, and is a common component of the atmospheres of gas giants. (See the note for rhodium, below.)
 +Armadillo MPT--A brand of two-man tent in the Terra X product line. It includes a self-inflating support matrix and automatic tent pegs.
 +Artificial Blood--A powdery substance that can be mixed with water to form a proper blood substitute. The most common varieties can be transfused into any Series I lifeform. ​
 +Artificial Skin--A type of advanced, aseptic pressure bandage designed to repair flesh wounds and burns. It is made of smart plastics, doesn'​t require changing, and can be easily removed with rubbing alcohol solution.
 +Astrocognitive--A term used to describe navcognitive psionic abilities used for interstellar travel. People with these abilities are called "​astrocognitives"​.
 +Astronomical Unit--A unit of measure 150 million kilometers long. It is abbreviated as AU. (Should this be included? It's a real-life term, and can be easily looked up.)
 +Att--A slang term for an attitudinal maneuvering jet.
 +Autokey--A device designed to unlock computerized locks by quickly cycling through number combinations or whatever variable is required to unlock the lock.
 +BattleKlaw--A form of cybernetic fighting blade, usually mounted on the user's forearm. Some versions are retractible,​ and can be pulled into the user's limb when not in use.
 +Bertek Quick-Flush--A type of plumbing fixture manufactured by BerTek.
 +Biaxinin--A highly illegal drug made from the whitespike plant. It is also known as spike.
 +Binders--A set of highly advanced handcuffs, binders are made of carbonate fiber, and rely on microcircuitry instead of locks. They can emit stun charges if necessary, and are controlled by command batons.
 +Bioartifact--A scientific term for a species directly created by one of the Precursor races.
 +Biodamper--A type of power restraint designed to prevent certain mutations from being consciously activated.
 +Biodetector--A kind of scanner that searches for life-forms within a certain radius. They are also known as biosniffers.
 +Bioelectric Wrap--A kind of medical device designed to speed up healing using drugs and electrical stimulation.
 +Biolock--A security device that unlocks when a person with a recognized biosignature comes within close range. They are extremely difficult to pick.
 +Bioprocessor--A technolgically advanced kind of farm.
 +Black Fever--A viral disease that attacks its victim'​s red blood cells, causing brusing, anoxia and death. There is no vacciene, but coagulants are somewhat effective in combating the infection.
 +The Blacklight Project--A Concord project dedicated to the study and reverse-engineering of Precursor technology. It has created a highly experimental shielding device for use near Karppolla'​s star.
 +BlastProof--A name brand of biolock.
 +Bleeding Air Offensive--One of the Great Plagues.
 +Blinding Plague--One of the Great Plagues, it induces blindness in its victims and was used against the Megarin. Today, rare cases still crop up on Aleer.
 +Body Plating--This cybernetic device consists of armor plates grafted to the user's skin. Subdermal armor, a more easily concealed version, consists of subcutaneous plates protecting the user's vital organs.
 +Bolthole CD--A brand of sleeping bag in the Terra X lineup. It includes an air mattress and integrated climate weave, and helps camouflage its user's appearance and scent.
 +Bond-o-Matic--A trademarked name-brand of molecule weld.
 +Bone Graft--This gel-like substance is used to repair broken bones in the space of an hour. It is injected into the bone itself, where it forms a support matrix that disintigrates after the bone heals naturally.
 +Brain--A term generally applied to organic External computer systems.
 +Breather Mask--A type of survival gear.
 +BRECUM Situation--An archaeological acronym for a "​burial or religious customs motif"​. It refers to treatment of the dead and other last rites.
 +Brown Barge--A gas miner term for an open patch in a gas giant atmosphere that lets internal heat escape into open space.
 +BugZap--A brand of sonic barrier in the EcoTour line. It uses ultrasonic vibrations to repel bugs and other vermin.
 +The Burn--The 13-day-long period of abnormally high radiation in the Tendril system that occurs every 67 days.
 +Camping Module--Often included with portable shelters, a camping unit can heat or cool an enclosed space for a sustained period of time. It doubles as a stove and freezer.
 +Carbide Shears--This power tool is a high-tech bolt-cutter designed to cut through almost anything. It has a power-assist piston, and can also be used unpowered.
 +Carbonide--A light, flexible, durable alloy used in lightweight objects.
 +Carbonite--A lightweight carbon alloy.
 +Carbonate Fiber (CF)--A light, flexible substance made by linking carbon atoms in nanoengineered chains. It is often used to make weapons, rope and lightweight armor.
 +Celestial Navkit--This navigation device allows its user to determine his position on a planet'​s surface by identifying the relative positions of the stars in the sky.
 +Cerametal (CM)--A lightweight,​ durable alloy with the ductility of a metal and the heat-resistance of ceramics. It is technically known as ceramometallic alloy, and is used to make armor and other durable objects.
 +Cellcomm--An advanced version of the 21st-century cellphone, the cellcomm transmits communications signals to relay towers, from which it can access any comm network on a developed planet. It comes in card and handset models.
 +CGT Lanthanide Cell--A variety of lanthanide cell used to power cybernetic limbs.
 +Chem Detector--This handheld sensor pack contains a broad-spectrum sniffer that can detect and identify a wide variety of organic and inorganic chemical compounds.
 +Children of Ylem--A term used by the victims of a strange disorder to describe themselves.
 +Circuit Finder--A short-range EM scanner designed to find electrical conduits and wires in walls.
 +Circumspot Vortices--Smaller vortexes of gas located near larger storms in the atmospheres of gas giants. Some of them contain high concentrations of noble gases, and are mined by independent gas collectors.
 +Clearsteel--A type of transparent,​ durable material.
 +Climate Weave--A type of fabric specially engineered to keep its wearer comfortable in hot or cold climates.
 +Climbing Guards--This climbing aid consists of a pair of knee-length boots and a pair of elbow-length gloves. It's designed to help a free climber keep his grip on almost any surface.
 +Coagulant--A drug designed to stop bleeding by inducing artificial clotting at the point of injury.
 +Coleman Expedition--A scientific expedition to the Glassmaker sites on High Mojave. It was wiped out when it attempted to explore an unsecured site.
 +Command Baton--A baton-like device used to activate and deactivate security restraints.
 +Comm Pad--A kind of handheld communications device.
 +Comm Port--A cybernetic device that lets a nanocomputer-equipped user send data, comm chatter or visual feed through a wireless uplink.
 +Commsat--A communications satellite.
 +Comp Card--A type of credit-card-like device.
 +Cortex Bomb--This cybernetic device consists of an explosive device installed inside the victim'​s skull. Its detonation can be triggered remotely. ​
 +Credit Chip--An old-fashioned money-storage device.
 +Credit Crystal--A data crystal designed to hold digital currency, also known as a bank crystal. They come in two varieties; a disposable crystal designed to hold a set amount of money, and a crystal containing financial information,​ intended for repeated use.
 +Credstick--A small data-storage device designed to carry digital currency.
 +Cyber-Burn--A term for a period of intense pain that occurs after the deactivation of reflex software.
 +Cyberdampers--A type of power restraint designed to interfere with signals transmitted by cytronic circuitry, preventing its use.
 +Cyberwear--Alternately known as cybergear, cyberware is a catch-all term for any artificial devices implanted into or grafted onto a user's body.
 +Cykosis--A medical condition that occurs when a sentient being is driven insane by the installation of certain types of cyber gear. Victims of cykosis are known as cykoteks, and are more often than not violently insane.
 +Cykotek--A victim of cykosis. Cykoteks are typically classed as a cult of sorts, believe in the purity of cybernetic technology, and have no qualms about murdering people who don't possess technological implants. They tend to band together in clans, though rogue cykoteks are infrequently encountered.
 +CXY Lanthanide Cell--A type of lanthanide cell used in cybernetic limbs.
 +Dark Matter Nullifier--A device used by the Gardhyi to render mass reaction-based technology inoperative. (pp 13, POD)
 +Daywind--A term for the furious winds that cross Lison'​s terminator from its day side.
 +Deflection Web--A cybernetic defensive device. It functions much like a deflection inducer.
 +Diacarb--A tough, diamond-like substance used to make drill bits.
 +Diver Gauntlet--This gauntlet computer was designed to be worn by divers. It contains a small sonar unit, an inertial mapper, and sensors that monitor a diver'​s blood chemistry.
 +Drivecore--The central core of a stardrive.
 +Drivesat--A nickname for a drivespace transmission satellite. Drivesats are typically used in groups of 10 or more, and use stardrives to starrise and starfall. While in drivespace, they transmit and receive messages from other drivesats within 50 light-years. Since they don't move while in drivespace, the process takes only a second.
 +Drivespace--A parallel dimension where faster-than-light travel is possible. Ships can transit drivespace by employing stardrives, and the exact distance traveled in a jump depends on the craft'​s mass. Regardless of distance, all jumps take 121 hours to complete.
 +Drivespace Sickness--A mental illness involving disorientation,​ sleeplessness,​ irritability and hallucinations. It is sometimes contracted after long periods in drivespace.
 +Dual Holocam--A device consisting of two holgraphic imagers attached to a boom. It takes holographic stills. ​
 +Dumb Lock--A type of lock that isn't computerized.
 +Duodecium--A type of dark matter used in mass reactors.
 +Duraplas--A type of resiliant, molecularly-strengthened plastic. Duraplas comes in many different types, and can be used for a variety of purposes.
 +DuraShine--A trademarked type of permanant shoe finish.
 +Durasteel--A type of molecularly-strengthened steel alloy. Certain types of it are transparent.
 +DuraWeave--A type of tough fabric used to make clothing.
 +EC Board--A type of computer board designed to monitor and control a ship's mass reactor.
 +Eclipse--The period of time when Storm is in the shadow of Salamanca. (Should I include this? Mentioned on pp 230, but pretty generic and could be applied to any moon.)
 +Ecodome--An enclosed dome structure designed to provide habitable living space on inhospitable worlds.
 +EM Detector--A handheld scanner capable of detecting, classifying and measuring electromagnetic radiation.
 +Endoskeleton--A piece of cybernetic equipment. It consists of a number of carbonide structures meant to replace or reinforce parts of the user's skeleton.
 +Erfani Glass--A type of special high-quality glass manufactured on Grith.
 +E-Suit--A full-body suit designed to protect its wearer from hostile environments. They come in three basic models, soft, hard, and armored; each designed to be used in different circumstances.
 +Excacation Projector--This power tool uses gravity induction technology to break up rock, earth or stone, and then haul it out of the area. It consists of a heavy backpack, and a gun-like graviton projector.
 +Exoskeletal Walker--A kind of powered oversuit used for heavy lifting or work in high gravity. Most use advanced feedback systems, so no particular training is required.
 +Exoskeleton--This piece of cybernetic equipment is mounted on the outside of the user's body, providing a sturdy place to attach heavy cybernetics.
 +Exothermal Torch--A cutting torch that uses an exothermic reaction to create a high-temperature cutting beam. It is less powerful than the laser torch.
 +Exploration and Economic Development Initiative--An initiative started by VoidCorp to establish claims in the Verge.
 +Explorer D9--A type of armored e-suit in the PlanetWide product line. It can protect its user from almost all hostile environments,​ and includes comm gear, a rebreather similar to the C1's, and an optional powered support system for use in high gravity.
 +Externals--A catch-all term for any species that hasn't been legally integrated with the Concord or the stellar nations. It is most frequently applied to a number of hostile, mysterious species encountered in the Verge.
 +Field Fence--A kind of electrical fence, designed to kill or stun anything that touches it with a massive discharge.
 +Finder--A Mindwalker who specializes in locating veins of ore through extrasensory abilities.
 +First Plague--One of the Great Plagues. It was responsible for the downfall of the nation of Pesh.
 +Flimsies--A slang term for documents printed on paper.
 +Floater Chair--A type of hovering seat.
 +Foamboard--A type of lightweight material used to make packing boxes.
 +Foamplast--A lightweight material used to make crates.
 +Forced-Culture Bioproduction--A technologically advanced method of food production.
 +Freezo--(Mentioned on pp 42 of OTV. Some sort of medical product? Medicine?)
 +Fusion Generator--A power plant that generates energy through the fusion of hydrogen into helium. Most fusion generators run on water, and are practically foolproof. ​
 +General Purpose Implant (GP Implant)--This cybernetic module can be customized to contain almost any sort of normal equipment.
 +Gill A4--A make of respirator mask in the PlanetWide lineup. It protects its wearer from toxic or low-pressure atmospheres,​ as well as gas weapons.
 +Gillpack--A form of advanced SCUBA gear.
 +Gliese 300--A model of habitat dome in the Terra X product line. It comes with its own airlock, and can withstand vacuum and extreme pressure.
 +Glittergold--A type of golden material used in clothing.
 +Gravbelt--This device is a harness equipped with lanth cells and a gravity induction device. When activated, it lets its user fly without any sort of vehicle.
 +Gravimetic (Gravometric?​)--A general term for a containment field or other device that employs both gravitics and magnetism.
 +Gravity Assisted Feed--A long tube-like structure used by gas miners to harvest gas.
 +Gravity Induction--A process that powers most gravity manipulation technology. It employs a cyclotron to generate gravitons by accelerating a particle to near the speed of light. The gravitons are siphoned off, and may be used to alter the local gravity.
 +Gravitics--A general term for gravity-based technology.
 +Great Plagues--A series of engineered bioweapons that devastated the mechalus populations.
 +Gunsight--Meant to be used with an optical cybernetic implant, this device, when mounted on a gun, shows the user exactly where the weapon is pointing.
 +Habitat Dome--A heavy-duty camping shelter designed for use in hostile environments. They'​re usually equipped with airlocks and air purification equipment.
 +Heads-Up Vidgear--This vidphone variant is worn like comm gear, and includes a receiver, display screen, and a camera that transmits anything the user is looking at. It comes in cellular models as well as ones with independent comm circuits.
 +Heliogyro--The type of solar sail used on mechalus lightships. In a heliogyro sail, the solar sails are oriented like the rotor blades of a helicopter.
 +Hendricks Classifications--A series of classifications for life of various biochemistries.
 +Holocam--A type of camera that records images in three dimensions and plays them back as a hologram.
 +Holocomm--A communications device that transmits real-time images in holographic form.
 +Holocube--A small plastic cube-like device that stores and plays holographic images.
 +Holodisplay--The part of a holocomm that displays the image. It can be configured to display a two-dimensional picture as well.
 +Holophone--This device consists of two holo pickups, which are placed to capture the user in three dimensions, and a transmitter. The user can communicate in portrait mode, or in full-body mode. (Same thing as holocomm?)
 +Holoset--A device designed to pick up holovision signals and broadcast them over its own holographic emitters.
 +Holosextant--A holographic navigational aid.
 +Holovision--A three-dimensional media form, typically broadcast much like 20th century broadcast or cable television. Holovision sets are also known as holoviewers,​ and can play holo recordings from 3D crystals.
 +HotSpot--A pocket fire-starter listed in the EcoTour product line. It uses an ignition filament to ignite anything flammable it's touched to.
 +Hurricane Margo--Officially known as EST-2184, this tropical storm devastated much of Filtrane. It was inadvertently created by a Thuldan weather-control experiment.
 +Hyperdine Mark XII--A type of powerful sensor package, geared toward heat and long-wave emissions. Fury-class corvettes have them in their sensor suites.
 +Ille Noor--The sesheyan term for an elder, solitary veractor.
 +Imaging Scanner--A small sensor device that uses magnetic resonance technology to see into inanimate objects and living beings. ​
 +Impulsion Drivers--A set of components in a gravity induction engine. ​
 +Induction Disk--This disk-like device uses a gravity induction engine to lift people and objects. It is meant to be used like a stepladder, and includes a safety tether, handheld control and warning device.
 +Induction Governance Coil--A component of a mass cannon.
 +Inertial Navkit--This navigation device determines its user's position by recording how far it's moved, and in which direction. ​
 +Infrared Scanner--A sensor device designed to pick up thermal emissions. It is also known as an IR scanner.
 +Interspatial Shield--A prototype shielding device developed by the Concord scientists at the Blacklight Project. It was designed to help a ship survive when very close to a star.
 +Iolification--The mechalus term for a process that turns an organic being into a robot. It involves nanites and magnetic imaging, although the exact nature of the process is unknown. The Kiscae took the last iolification devices with them when they left Aleer.
 +IPK Rough Terrain Walker--A brand of powered exoskeleton manufactured by Marsstat Motors.
 +K90--A carbon camping lamp in the EcoTour product line. 
 +Kaidman Dark-Matter Assumption--The present theory of dark matter.
 +Lanthanide Cell--A more powerful form of battery, also known as a lanth cell. They are used to power most man-portable gravity-age equipment.
 +Laser Comm Pack--A vehicle-portable laser transceiver. It has a more limited range than its ship-system cousin.
 +Laser Microphone--A surveilance sensor that detects sound within a room by measuring the movement of its window panes. ​
 +Laser Ranger--A handheld or e-suit-mounted device that uses laser beams to measure distance.
 +Laser Torch--A cutting tool that uses a laser beam to melt or burn through various materials. The beam can be adjusted to cut through materials of varying thickness.
 +Laser Transceiver--A communications device that uses a pulsing laser beam to transmit messages to a receiver in its line of sight.
 +Life Support Pack--A medical device designed to stabilize mortally wounded patients. It helps circulate and oxygenate the victim'​s blood, and adds drugs to the bloodstream as required.
 +Lithiumerol--A powerful tranquilizer and antipsychotic.
 +LOX Rod--A canister used for storing collected oxygen.
 +Mafluon--A special hydrocarbon compound that can easily shift between liquid and gaseous states. Helm Ragnarsson uses it in his heavy breather gear.
 +Mass Comm Pack--A smaller version of the mass transceiver. It is powered by its own lanth cells, and is vehicle-portable,​ but has a greatly reduced transmission range.
 +Mass Reactor--A type of reactor that generates energy by harnessing the decay of certain types of dark matter. A mass reactor is required to power a stardrive.
 +Mass Transceiver--A communications device that uses gravitational energy to transmit messages. Most mass transceivers are too large to be man-portable.
 +Medical Walker--A set of powered leg braces designed to help immobilized patients walk normally.
 +Medtech--A medical technician.
 +Melt Mining--A method of mining used by the Dreth to extract minerals from Belatu.
 +Microcam--This tiny recording device can capture video and audio feed covertly. It needs a transmitter to upload its data, but it can also take recordings through a special fiber-optic wire attachment.
 +Microinduter--A miniaturized induction engine.
 +Mind Blast--A potent form of psionic attack intended to inflict brain damage.
 +Mindwalker--A term for a sentient being with psionic potential.
 +Minicam--A small vidcam that can be carried by hand, attached to a helmet, or carried on a belt.
 +Mining Suit--A type of specialized powered armor equipped with mining tools.
 +Minitorch D30--A brand of small flashlight in the EcoTour gear line. It comes with a StickPlas surface that can be attached to just about anything.
 +Molecular Bonder--A type of extremely strong glue.
 +Molecular Weld--One of the strongest types of adhesive in common use, also known as molecular weld. It is an electrochemical glue that is virtually impossible to break.
 +Monkey House--The nickname for the section of the Unity Gain containing the victims of Sleeping Beauty.
 +Mr. Foamy--A brand of fire extinguisher.
 +Multiband Comm Gear--An advanced, agile-frequency radio. It comes in headset, card and handset models.
 +Multiband Radar--A type of advanced radar system.
 +MusclePlus--A form of muscle wire designed to replace organic muscle tissue. When implanted as a cybernetic device, it increases its user's strength.
 +Nanosurgery Kit--An extremely high-tech surgical device, the nanosurgery kit produces and controls specialized nanites that can be used to perform delicate surgeries. It requires specialized training to be used properly.
 +Neural Stimulator--A skullcap-like device equipped with thousands of tiny electrodes. When attached to a brain-dead patient and activated, it has a chance of restoring brain activity, as long as only a short time has passed.
 +Neurobabble--A term describing psionic cacophony or white noise.
 +Neurocircuitry--Cybertech designed to link biological tissues with cybernetic devices.
 +Neutronite--A dense, tough alloy made by enriching depleted uranium with neutrons using a gravity induction device.
 +Numaplas--A type of plastic laced with tiny inflatable bladders. ​
 +Number Ten Inductor Drive--A powerful type of induction engine.
 +NutriMix--A brand of ration bar in the Terra X product lineup. NutriMix Bars come in four different flavors: Meaty Loaf, Beany-Rito, Tangy Bar-B-Q and Wild Berry. They contain enough nutrients and water to satisfy a human-sized organism'​s daily requirements.
 +NX-48--A kind of microcircuit board.
 +NX-63--A type of microcircuit board.
 +NX-77--A type of microcircuit board.
 +Orbiter--A saucer-like,​ unmanned, remotely-operated launch vehicle. Orbiters are designed to put satellites of various types into orbit.
 +Orbiter C1--A model of soft environment suit in the PlanetWide collection. It includes built-in comm gear and a rebreather system that lets its user change air cartriges while not interrupting his air supply.
 +Orb of Foreshadowing--A gardhyi artifact that gives its user a limited precognitive ability. (pp 52, POD)
 +Orb of the Psion--A gardhyi artifact that allows its user to telepathically communicate over long distances. (pp 52, POD)
 +Orb of Teleportation--A gardhyi artifact. It gives its user the ability to teleport to any place he or she can visualize. (pp 52, POD)
 +Overthought Cluster--A fleshy, membranous sac that controls the bodily functions of a single ylem-plague victim.
 +Oxygenator Cartrige--A kind of oxygen candle used to generate breathable air in some e-suits.
 +Oxygen Runner--A generic term for workers who collect oxygen from Lison'​s surface to replenish Tribon'​s air supply. They are also known as "lox runners",​ for the LOX rods they use.
 +Oxymite--A type of trademarked liquid fuel used in some types of portable generator.
 +Pathfinder--A model of plasma flare gun in the EcoTour product line. It was meant to be used as an emergency signal, and fires both smoke and light flares.
 +Plague of Slow Rot--One of the Great Plagues.
 +Plastisteel--A type of flexible, cheap steel. (Mentioned on pp 256 of GR.)
 +Plexglass--A kind of clear material used to make viewports. (Mentioned on pp 20, ZP. Same thing as plexglass?)
 +Plexsteel--A type of clear, durable material used to make starship viewports.
 +Polylam--A type of flimsy plastic-like material.
 +Point of Contraction--The point at which, according to the Big Bang Theory, the physical universe becomes greatly stressed by its continual expansion.
 +Polymere--A dense, nano-engineered carbon-fiber plastic used in some types of armor.
 +Polyplas--A type of plastic-like material used to make clothing.
 +Polythericlene--A type of radiation-resistant fabric manufactured on Alaundril. ​
 +Polymelded Duralloy--A type of tough, corrosive-resistant material.
 +Portable Cabin--A man-portable shelter designed to withstand Class 1 and Class 2 environments.
 +Postcognition--An extrasensory discipline that enables a psionic being to see into the past.
 +PowerAid--A trademarked type of piston used in TyKo-brand carbide shears.
 +Powered Jaws--This power tool is used to pry open wreckage to retrieve people or objects trapped inside. Powered jaws can also be used to cut through some materials.
 +Powermike--A high-powered microphone.
 +Power Restraints--A type of security device designed to keep prisoners from using cybernetics or consciously-activated mutant powers. They come in gauntlet, helmet, implant and collar models.
 +Precursors--The collective term for a group of alien civilizations that lived in human space long ago. Many of the Precursor species possessed incredibly advanced technology, and relics crafted by them are incredibly valuable. Humanity has discovered five of them thus far. (pp 232 of ToM mentions at least 100, contradicting the Externals. Mentions that they'​re separated by time and space, too.) 
 +Primary Treatment--A type of medical (procedure or drug?)
 +Project Donar--A Thuldan effort to develop weather control technology for use in driving the Regency from Bluefall.
 +Project Nereid--The codename for the Thuldan Empire'​s gillfolk engineering project.
 +Project XCL12--The codename for VoidCorp'​s terraforming efforts on Cheerghun.
 +Project White Glare--A top-secret Concord initiative dedicated to the study of various External species, particularly the kroath. Its laboratories are located inside Section 21-C of Omega Station.
 +Pseudo-Skin--A kind of artificial skin used in the manufacture of cybernetic limbs. It's also known as synthskin or pseudo-flesh.
 +Psi-Enhancer--A type of drug that helps a Mindwalker recover psionic energy, at the expense of producing distracting mental interference.
 +Psi-Restraint--A security device that uses neural interference circuitry to keep captive Mindwalkers from using their powers. Psi-restraints come in collar, helmet and implant models.
 +Psychoactive Booster--A potent drug that enhances a Mindwalker'​s psionic talents, at the expense of his ability to function in the physical world.
 +Psychometry--A psionic discipline that lets its users see emotions and thoughts "​attached to" physical objects.
 +Puddles--A gas miner term for pools of noble gases found directly above convection spots in a gas giant'​s atmosphere.
 +Qwik-Freeze--A trademarked type of cryogenic stasis bag included on the TimeOut-brand stasis stretcher.
 +Radar Gauntlet--A small phased-array radar system built into a gauntlet. It is useful for keeping track of large moving objects.
 +Rad Detector--A specialized EM detector used to identify and measure sources of particulate radiation. ​
 +Radilyn--An anti-radiation supplement added to Alaundril'​s water supplies. It requires several months to take effect.
 +Radlevich-Strang Expedition--An archaeological and survey mission headed by Diane Radlevich and Maricia Strang. It headed to Storm to survey the moon's ruins and natives. It's also known as the Storm Expedition.
 +Readyever--A brand of lanthanide cell.
 +Red Rain--A biological weapon designed by the Alitarins and unleashed upon Galvin. This microbe converts any organic material into a deadly toxin, rendering whole areas of a planet uninhabitable.
 +Regency Journal of Theoretical Studies--A prestigeous journal featuring articles and theoretical reports from numerous scientists. ​
 +Regenecells--A kind of injected medical treatment that speeds up the subject'​s natural healing.
 +Remotely Piloted Vehicle (RPV)--A small, flying drone unit with a gravity induction engine. They are used as scouts by the Concord Marines.
 +Repellant Weave--A special type of stainproof fabric. It uses microcircuits to generate a low-powered electrical field to keep liquids and powers from adhering to it.
 +Reprocessing Feed--A sewer line that connects a building within a city to a central recycler unit.
 +Rhodium--A metallic element. It is used to make the catalytic enamel inside mass reactors, and must be replaced frequently. Thus, it's extremely valuable. (It's a real-life material with a unique Star*Drive use. I think it should go in there, just for that.)
 +Rillaar--The base Rakon unit of measure, equivalent to about two thirds of a meter.
 +Rockbiter--A brand of adhesive climbing piton in the EcoTour line. 
 +RocketBoy--A model of self-propelled grapnel in the EcoTour product line. It comes with hooked, magnetic and contact-glue grapnels.
 +S40--A model of climbing harness in the EcoTour product line.
 +Salamancan Lights--Mysterious lights on the gas giant Salamanca. While they were originally thought to be a meterological phenomeon, they were later recognized as coming from the Salamanca Intelligence.
 +Satnav--A navigation system that uses satellites to determine position and distance.
 +Scarlet Plague--One of the Great Plagues, it was employed against the nation of Pesh. Cases occasionally occur on Aleer today.
 +Sealer Strips--A kind of bandage designed to seal off wounds and stop bleeding.
 +Seamask--A trademarked name for a type of gel-filled mask marketed by Stolnis Sea Products. It seals to the skin, working much like a pair of goggles.
 +Secretary--An electronic device that contains personal information,​ downloaded currency and cash cards.
 +Security Curtains--Geille Monashi'​s term for the virtual matter security barriers aboard medurr vessels.
 +Sensor Gauntlet--A gauntlet containing a variety of sensor devices. Sensor gauntlets can be customized for different jobs, possessing different types of scanners.
 +Shimmerweave--A type of shiny material used in designer suits.
 +Skamimine 92--A kind of drug used to treat drivespace sickness.
 +Skinfilm--1) A type of artificial membrane designed to mimic skin. 2) A clingy material used to make skintight clothing.
 +Smart Paint--This paint-like material can change its appearance at the command of an attached computer.
 +Sniffer--A special sensor designed to identify some specific substance. Sniffers can identify chemical compounds, radiation, or even biological compounds.
 +Sonic Goggles--These goggles convert sound to visible light. They can either be worn independently,​ or linked to a specialized processor implant that enhances their effects.
 +Sonic Tracker--This sensor analyzes the movement of air in the area, using the data to detect moving objects. It is useful against large or fast-moving targets.
 +Spaceport--A landing facility for starships, usually located on the surface of a planetary body.
 +Standing-Wave Vortex--A kind of phenomenon in the atmospheres of gas giants.
 +Stardrive--A device that allows a driveship to enter the dimension known as drivespace. It combines gravity induction technology with mass reaction technology, and requires time to recharge after a successful jump.
 +Starfall--The process of entering drivespace using a stardrive. Starfalls emit light at various frequencies,​ and a black starfall is considered a good omen.
 +Starport--A docking facility for spacecraft, usually located in a zero-g environment.
 +Starrift--A sort of large, static gate used by the medurr for interstellar travel. Travel using a starrift is much quicker than travel using a stardrive, but the destination must have a starrift as well, if the user doesn'​t wish to make a blind jump.
 +Starrise--The process of returning to normal space after a drivespace transit. Like a starfall, a starrise emits light, and a red starrise is considered bad luck.
 +Starweb--An implanted technological device that allows a Gardhyi to traverse drivespace without a ship. Its destruction or removal always kills its owner.
 +Stasis Stretcher--A type of emergency gear. It floats using a gravity inducer, and includes a bag and a store of cryogenic gases. By using it, medical professionals can put a patient into cryogenic stasis indefinitely.
 +Stationkeeping Jets--Spacecraft engines designed to help a ship hold position at a certain altitude while in atmosphere.
 +Stealth Weave--A type of fabric. It uses microcircuitry to change its coloration, blending in with its surroundings.
 +Steel Polyalloy--An extremely tough metal alloy.
 +Stellar Converter--A solar-based power source used by the Rakon.
 +Stellar Nation Guidelines--A set of rules laid down by the Concord and Council of Independent scientists that govern ethical methods of experimentation.
 +Stevens A20--A model of camping module in the Terra X line of products.
 +Stickplas--A type of smart plastic covered in thousands of tiny hooks. When activated, the substance sticks to anything it is held to.
 +Stonecutter Arc--A type of mining tool used to cut rock with an electrical arc.
 +Stormfire--Rom Verdoss'​ nickname for an unusual type of fulgurite found on Storm. Stormfires conduct and amplify certain types of energy, and are used by the stormie Chosen as decorative ornaments. ("Fire gems" is mentioned on pp 302. Alternate name for the same thing?) They are created when males of the species are struck by lightning, resulting in fulgurites forming from minerals concentrated in their bodies.
 +Storm Passage--The period of time that Storm spends in Salamanca'​s shadow and ion trail. During the Passage, the moon's weather patterns produce violent storms.
 +Strain Six--An eariler version of Strain Seven. Designed to augment soldiers'​ tolerance for pain, it induced aggressive behavior in most of its test subjects.
 +Strain Seven--Also known as hce7, this mutagen was developed by the Qaliban corporation to enhance the fighting ability of soldiers. Little data about it remains.
 +Subdermal Communicator--A tiny communications implant installed in the user's jaw. It can transmit and receive messages soundlessly,​ and breaks down after about a month.
 +Sunrunner 60 Climate Suit--A make of light environmental suit manufactured by EdgeTech. It was designed to be worn for long periods of time in non-vacuum conditions, and is part of the PlanetWide collection.
 +SuperFly--A kind of climbing guard included in the EcoTour line of products. Their gripping surfaces are covered with StickPlas, giving their user excellent gripping power.
 +Survey Ephemeris--A research book containing data on surveyed stellar bodies.
 +Synthi-Leather--A kind of CF weave designed to look like leather.
 +Synthleather--A type of leather-like material used in clothing.
 +Synthsilk--A type of soft, silk-like material, frequently used in clothing.
 +System Drive--Any type of slower-than-light spacecraft engine, used to move from place to place in a star system.
 +Systemic Reinforcement--This cybernetic device consists of non-intrusive augmentation designed to supplement the user's natural organ systems. It allows its user to equip more cyber gear.
 +System Link--A type of interface device designed to improve a user's connection to certain types of hardware. They act something like a mechalus'​ natural data tendrils, directly connecting to the device in question.
 +Tanking Up--A gas miner term for the process of acclimating oneself to higher pressures.
 +Taster--A type of sniffer that has to be physially touching the object it's analyzing.
 +Tattime--A (bioart?) tattoo that doubles as a watch.
 +Telephoto Lens--An attachment for a vidcam. It allows the device to take clear pictures over a greater range.
 +TerrainMaster 5--A model of portable cabin in the Terra X brand line. It includes a built-in mass neutralizer and a camping unit.
 +The Thaw--An Ohmel term for the planet'​s short winter.
 +Thermoplast--A type of conductive plastic-like material used to make electrical parts.
 +Thomsen--A line of power generation devices built into Solar X's vehicles.
 +Thomsen 55--A fail-safe fusion generator built into the Condor skycar.
 +Thomsen 60--A model of fusion generator with built-in failsafes. It is included in the Grizzly ATV.
 +Thomsen X30--A kind of Oxymite-burning fuel cell engine included in the Invader cycle.
 +Thomsen X70--A larger model of Oxymite-burning fuel cell engine built into the Falcon sky cycle.
 +TimeOut--A brand of stasis stretcher.
 +Tissue Graft--This smart polymer gel is used to repair soft tissue wounds. It sets to the consistency of muscle, automatically forming artificial blood vessels and tendons, and disintegrates after the wound heals.
 +Transplas--A type of clear, durable plastic.
 +Trauma Pack--An automated medical kit designed to aid in the treatment of wounded individuals. They are sometimes known as "​autodocs"​. There are two basic types--the first-aid-kit-like Trauma Pack I, and the automatic Trauma Pack II.
 +Universal Translation Project--A linguistic initiative started by Dr. Strang of the Yin-Farrow University.
 +VacMaster 77--A model of vacuum mask in the PlanetWide collection. It is an emergency device designed to provide temporary protection from hard vacuum.
 +Vibrohammer--A type of powered mining tool.
 +Vidcam--A media device used to record sounds and two-dimensional images in real-time.
 +Vidphone--This small communications device lets its user communicate in real-time using audio, video or both.
 +Vidscanner--A kind of visual-light sensor device with a built-in zoom function.
 +Vidviewer--A device that lets its user watch 3Ds containing video recorded from vidcam devices.
 +Virtual Matter--A type of technology that simulates the presence of matter. The I'krl Theocracy uses it to make shielding systems, while the medurr use it to partition the insides of their ships.
 +WaterCaddy 100--A portable water purification and collection device. It's part of the Terra X camping gear line.
 +Weathersat--A type of satellite designed to monitor local atmospheric conditions.
 +Web Gear--A type of harness designed to carry tools and other equipment. It is also known as a utility harness.
 +Weight Neutralizer--This paperback-book-sized device uses gravity induction technology to negate the weight of almost any large object it's attached to.
 +Wire Rope--A type of aluminum-tungsten wire encased in CF sheathing. It's heavy, but very strong.
 +Xaqalite--A solid fuel used by the Rakon in their first interplanetary rockets.
 +Xenoarchaeologist--A term for a scientist who studies ancient alien civilizations.
 +Xenobiologist--A scientist who studies alien life forms.
 +Xenologist--The technical term for a scientist who studies aliens.
 +Xenotechnologist--A scientist who studies alien technology.
 +Yenden--The Grith sesheyan term for a pack of veractors.
 +Ylem--A term for a theoretical type of matter that existed before the Big Bang. It was used by the victims of a plague aboard the Unity Gain to describe themselves. Blackmore also used the term to describe a theoretical race that supposedly contacted them.
 +Zero-g Web--This tool, designed to be worn outside a space-suit, includes multiple thrusters that allow its user to maneuver about in zero gravity.
 +Zero-Point Energy--A name for a type of energy derived from the fluctuations of quantum particles in a vacuum. Medurr spacecraft use zero-point reactors to power their systems.
 +===== Religious =====
 +Aikai--A sesheyan term, meaning ghost, denoting an ancestral figure or archetype. Each aikai is a self-contained mentality, and they are called up by sesheyans who wish to take on a task related to the aikai. Some common aikai include the Hunter, Dreamer, Dancer, Traveler and Maker. There are also sub-classes of aikai, as well.
 +Beruvey the Barterer--A sesheyan hero and spiritual figure.
 +Ch'​Nal--The central creator-god of Ch'​Nalism. According to their beliefs, he leaves the working of the universe to the Ch'​Nakan.
 +Ch'​Nakan--A group of lesser spirits, assigned by Ch'Nal to oversee various aspects of his creation. The singular form is "​Ch'​Nak"​.
 +Chosen of the Eye--A Stormie religious term used to describe Stormies that have been altered by the Salamancan Intelligence. The Chosen have jury-rigged eyes, and the brain centers necessary to use them.
 +Ch'​Sa--A Ch'​nalist priest, or "guide of the people"​. Unlike priests of many other religions, they typically hold other roles in addition to their ones in the clergy.
 +City of the Brrowls--A component of some Ko-Fam-Att beliefs. According to them, evil Ko-Fam-Att are taken to this place after being carried off by a brrowl.
 +Clutch Ritual--A t'sa ritual intended to drive away demons.
 +The Cosimir--The chief deity of the Hatire faith, adopted after the discovery of alien religious texts on Haven.
 +Credo of War--A program developed by General Thetor during the War of Unity. It contains a set of beliefs stressing the glory of combat. It has since been driven underground,​ though some mechalus still practice it. Possessing either Credo hardware or software is illegal in Rigunmor space.
 +Cureyfi the Father of Stars--A sesheyan deity. (Mentioned as "​Curufyi"​ in a single spot on pp 199 of ZP.)
 +The Dire Unconscious--Unique to the Orlamist colonists of Yellow Sky, the Dire Unconscious is, according to their beliefs, the source of evil in the Universe.
 +The Divine City--A sacred site supposedly located on the moon of Hymn.
 +The Divine Unconscious--The Orlamu term for drivespace. Where normal space is said to be God's unconscious creation, the Divine Unconscious is said to be connected to God's unconscious thought.
 +Drounli the Provider--A sesheyan god.
 +Enoshai--Meaning "​Twilight Dream",​ this sesheyan term refers to the home of the gods, a higher state of being associated with space and night. Legend has it that their species originated there.
 +The Eye--An adopted Stormie term for the Salamancan Intelligence. The Stormies revere it as a god.
 +Feral Hunter--A subclass of sesheyan aikai.
 +Fhar--An I'krl Common term for a sacred object or place.
 +First Barem--One of four key figures from Bareem mythology. He exemplifies the Warrior traits of Strength and Sinew.
 +First Prophet--The spiritual and political leader of the Orlamu Theocracy.
 +Four Bareem--The collective term for the four key figures from Bareem mythology. They are now believed to have been made part of the I'krl.
 +Fourth Barem--The Protector, one of four key figures from Bareem mythology. She exemplifies the best traits of the other Three, and is viewed as the mother of all Bareem.
 +Gontal--The Purifier term for a spirit in its final, ultimate incarnation. It means "​avatar"​.
 +Great Ska--A sesheyan aikai.
 +Great Sky--A weren term for drivespace. Rumors say that anyone who goes into it fades to nothingness.
 +Greater Glories--A weren religious term.
 +High Hunter--An old weren deity.
 +Humble Spirit--A sesheyan aikai.
 +Hunter Who Speaks With Spirits--A subclass of sesheyan aikai.
 +Ishaimai the North Wind--A figure from sesheyan mythology. ​
 +KG228 712ZA(**)--A Vice President and figure in a modern sesheyan fable.
 +Krl'​han--The senior leadership of the I'krl Church, consisting of the Xenhon, the Vurhonan, the Ythonan and the Vurhyran. It means "​Mouths of the Mysteries"​ in Standard.
 +Krl'​osar--A member of the I'krl Church'​s priesthood, a "holy servant of mystery"​. The krl'​osar are all Mindwalkers,​ and act as both priests and trouble-shooters,​ possessing power over the Theocracy'​s military and nobility. They are also known as the "​Bodies of the Mysteries"​. They are highly dogmatic in their naming and use of psionic powers, and all Theocracy Mindwalkers are trained by them.
 +Krl'​rin--The lower-ranked members of the I'krl priesthood, also known as the "Ears of the Mysteries"​. They consist of the Nothan, the Kihla and the Ojekhan.
 +Krl'​san--The middle-ranked priesthood of the I'krl Theocracy, or the "Eyes of the Mysteries"​. It consists of the Oharel, the Vurythan and the Xenothan.
 +Krl'​yth--A being possessed by a fragment of the I'krl collective. All krl'​yth are either thaal, gardhyi or sifarv, and are highly ranked. Upon possession, a krl'​yth'​s eyes, fingernails and psionic signature turn a dark, blackish purple. They are said to possess unique powers granted to them by the I'krl. They are also known as "those of the Great Mystery"​.
 +K'san Ch'​Nak--According to Ch'​Nalism,​ he is the Ch'​Nakan guide appointed to protect the t'sa race. He is said to embody the traits the t'sa most value in themselves, and first established the Ch'​Nalist faith.
 +K'​vast--A weren religious figure.
 +Last Pilgrimmage--A concept developed by followers of a heretical weren variant of Orlamism. It involves leaving Kurg as a metaphor for leaving the mortal realm.
 +Losaika--The title for a sesheyan shaman, meaning "​keeper of ghosts"​. The losaika enter their profession after receiving specific portents, and hold considerable authority. ​
 +Luumak--A member of the ghree, and a figure in bhruu mythology. He first helped organize the bhruu into abhaal.
 +Medium--The Orlamu title for a drivespace navigator.
 +Mirraved the Thinker--A sesheyan hero and spiritual figure.
 +Neshii'​en--A sesheyan hero and spiritual figure, and one of Vec'​t'​lir'​s sons. He is known as the Trickster, and is associated with one of Gamma Leonis III's smaller moons.
 +New Storm--A new world promised to the stormer people by the Salamanca Intelligence.
 +Nura the Brave--A ska, and the companion of the fabled Neshii'​en the Trickster.
 +Old Ways--A term for the ancient weren shamanstic faiths.
 +Ositan--An ancient mechalus sky-god.
 +Patient Hunter--A subclass of sesheyan aikai.
 +Patriarchs--A deepfallen religious term for the Glassmakers.
 +Poltoitec the Crafter--A sesheyan hero and spiritual figure.
 +Precursor Resurrection--Unique to the Ancientist faith, this doctorinal point states that the Precursors will one day return to judge humanity.
 +Prophet Scrolls--These apocryphal documents supposedly contain the visions of Jeff Sendir, as well as selected prophecies from Orlamu mystics. They were reportdly suppressed by First Prophet Walen. One prophecy in the Scrolls reportedly mentions the moon Hymn.
 +Qurum--The Rakon holy book. Its teachings center around peace, harmony and unity.
 +Return of the Peacemaker--The Warthenist term for the return of Warthen Hale. They claim this will happen on December 29, 2502, at midnight, aboard the Lighthouse.
 +Sanaremn--The I'krl Theocracy'​s name for the event that caused the Vanishing and let the I'krl possess senior krl'​osar. It literally means "The Miracle Wave".
 +Second Barem--One of four key Bareem mythological figures. She is the Hunter, and is the master of Stealth and Stalking.
 +Ska Mother--A figure from a sesheyan fable.
 +SZ472 556XX(**)--The Foolish Manager, a figure from a modern-day sesheyan fable.
 +Tal--A figure from sesheyan mythology, he is known as the Hunter, and is one of Vec'​t'​lir'​s two sons. He is associated with one of Gamma Leonis III's smaller moons.
 +"The Tale of Neshii'​en and the Foolish Manager"​--A modern-day sesheyan fable.
 +"The Tale of Neshii'​en the Trickster and the Great Ska Mother"​--A traditional sesheyan fable.
 +Third Barem--The Keeper, and one of four key figures from Bareem mythology. He protected the Bareem community by Building and Binding.
 +Time of Great Cold--A period in sesheyan mythology.
 +Time of Three Darknesses--A period in sesheyan mythology.
 +Twilight Realm--The sesheyan concept of space and night, as well as the domain of the spirits.
 +Ulaak'​s Eyes--A weren oath.
 +Vec'​t'​lir--A sesheyan hero and spiritual figure. She is referred to as the Brood-Mother,​ and is said to have created the first sesheyans. She is associated with Gamma Leonis III's second-largest moon and a class of aikai.
 +Vohshey the Hunter--A sesheyan hero and spiritual figure.
 +Vur--An I'krl Theocracy term meaning "​sacred"​. It is applied to people and ideas.
 +Weyshe the Wanderer--A sesheyan hero and spiritual figure.
 +Xenhon--The spiritual and political leader of the I'krl Theocracy.
 +===== Computer =====
 +3D Crystal--A data-storage medium. 3D crystals can store an incredible amount of information in a crystalline holographic matrix, and can be played on a variety of devices.
 +Accelerator--A cybernetic device designed to enhance its user's reaction time. It requires a nanocomputer and reflex device in order to be used properly.
 +Active Interpreter--This computer device consists of a translate, an earpiece, and a throat-mounted speaker. It provides real-time interpretation of foreign languages, and silences anything the user says, replacing it with the equivalent in the foreign language.
 +AeGrid--The new Grid network in the Aegis system, it is organized to make use of virtual reality technology. It has been partially compromised by a VoidCorp AI.
 +AI Board--A special computer board that lets certain advanced computers support artificial intelligences.
 +AI Emulator--This program uses a library of programmed protocols and responses to simulate the personality and consciousness of a true AI. Its primary purpose is to assist sentients using the computer it's installed on.
 +Andreven-Nine--An override programmed into Icewalk'​s security computers by Sokolov.
 +Antivirus Fortress Code (AFC)--A kind of program designed to protect a shadow from viruses and hacking attempts. They are also known as "​afsees"​.
 +Artificial Intelligence (AI)--A type of sophisticated computer program designed to emulate human intelligence and, to a certain extent, personality. Most AIs have incredible computing power, and require large amounts of input in order to maintain their programs'​ integrity. The mainframes required to house an AI are large and expensive, but most AIs interact with the outside world via the use of remotes.
 +Blackware--Software designed to attack shadows in Grid combat.
 +Blade-Three--A program developed by Sokolov. It activates his subdermal fighting blade, and enhances his reaction time and skill when using it.
 +Buff Dude--A make of store-bought shadow model. The Fool used a modified one to communicate with Sable.
 +Chat Node--A Grid chat room mirroring a real-life location.
 +Chop Shop--A slang term for a low-quality cyberware clinic. Chop shops are frequently unlicensed, and usually install sub-par equipment in substandard conditions.
 +Class X Menace Program--A type of semi-sentient program designed by Insight to attack VoidCorp'​s computer systems.
 +Comptech--A technician specializing in computer repair, programming and construction.
 +Computer Gauntlet--This device, meant to be worn on a user's hand and forearm, contains all the parts of a desktop computer in one convenient place. Specialized computer gauntlets are produced, to help professionals in certain fields. ​
 +Concord Intelligence Grid--A private Grid that distributes information among the personnel in the Concord military.
 +Crystal Lattice--The complex network of crystal processors required to run an AI system.
 +Cybermind--A Negationist'​s mind upon transferrence into a computer.
 +Cybersickness--A temporary feeling of disorientation and nausea that can result from being prematurely unplugged from a direct neural interface.
 +Cytronic Circuitry--This cybernetic device consists of wiring connecting a nanocomputer to its user's nervous system. It helps enhance illusions created by virtual reality.
 +Databank--A large data storage device.
 +Datacore--A massive computer core used to store large amounts of data.
 +Data Cube--A small cube-like device intended to store data.
 +Data Node--(Mentioned on pp 213 of GR. What is it?)
 +Dataprinter--A combination fax, scanner, printer and copier. ​
 +Dataslate--A computer the size and shape of a notebook, designed to be carried easily.
 +Datastream--The process of transmitting data over a long distance.
 +Datastream Link--A computer peripheral that connects its parent machine to a communications network, allowing it to transfer data directly.
 +Datastream Module--A key-card sized computer that acts as an interface between a computer and a communications device, allowing data to be streamed over the comm frequency.
 +Dataware--A slang term for computer technology.
 +Deadeye--A pistol marksmanship enhancer program used by Pyotr Sokolov.
 +Deadman--A program protocol set by Sokolov. It was designed to make Peregrine self-destruct if his heartbeat stopped.
 +Deaf Grid--A Grid with no access to a drivesat.
 +Dillon Lattice Pseudo-AI--The standard CPU system for most human-built robots. While not a true AI, it allows a robot some preprogrammed personality traits and basic reasoning ability.
 +Dogfight Eight--An enhance program used by Sokolov to boost his space combat skills.
 +Duress Nine--A set of security protocols in Peregrine'​s computer. They activate if Sokolov is under duress.
 +Encode-Decode--This program type allows two users on the Grid to converse using coded transmissions. Encode-Decode programs are also known as Eds. 
 +Encryption Module--These computerized devices come in pairs. When attached to communications devices, they encrypt everything the device transmits, and only the other module can decode any transmissions.
 +Enhance Program--A kind of program designed to be used in conjunction with a nanocomputer and reflex hardware. It increases its user's speed, reaction time, or manual dexterity.
 +Erebus--Icewalk'​s primary computer system. It controls all of the station'​s security systems.
 +Fast Chip--A cybernetic implant that greatly increases its user's reaction speed when activated. Fast chips are highly illegal, as prolongued use can lead to mental degradation and eventual cykosis. ​
 +Flashpoint Seventeen--A program in Peregrine'​s main computer. It tells the ship's AI that Sokolov is in distress.
 +Geneva Virus--A virus designed by VoidCorp to cripple drivesats throughout Concord space. It was installed aboard the drivesat relay at Kendai.
 +Gerald-Model--A make of store-bought shadow.
 +Getaway--A program used by Pyotr Sokolov to prepare Peregrine for emergency takeoff.
 +Ghost Hunter Five--A program used by Sokolov to infiltrate Icewalk'​s primary computer.
 +Ghostship--A file that Monashi surreptitiously uploaded into Sokolov'​s nanocomputer. It contains coordinates and data on the Medurr riftship derelict.
 +Grid--A computer network spanning multiple planets or star systems. Individual settlements,​ planets, systems or nations have their own Grids, all of which tie into a greater whole.
 +Gridbox--A Grid e-mail box.
 +Gridburst--A bit of information transmitted via the Grid.
 +Gridcall--A communications transmission relayed over the Grid.
 +Gridcaster--A generic term for hardware that allows a Gridpilot to connect to the Grid, either through cybernetics or an ordinary computer (Gridware? Mentioned on pp 122 of ToM). Gridcasters come in helmet and gauntlet models.
 +Gridcomm--A conversation over the Grid, akin to a phone call.
 +Gridsearch--A way of searching for information on the Grid.
 +Gridlink--A link leading a specific site on the Grid.
 +Gridpilot--A person who uses the Grid on a regular basis, or a computer technician specialized in its use.
 +Gridrunner--A person who is especially adept at navigating the Grid.
 +Gridseer--A type of Grid technician.
 +Gridshot--A picture transmitted via the Grid.
 +Gridstim--A type of illegal program designed to mimic the effects of a stimulant.
 +Gridsuit--A kind of full-body jumpsuit. It is designed to be hooked up to a computer or VR device, and allows a user to experience full VR without a nanocomputer.
 +Gridware--Hardware designed to interact with the Grid.
 +Grid Zombie--A slang term for a person ignorant of Grid protocols.
 +Holobroadcast--A holographic transmission or broadcast.
 +Homesite Unit--This piece of hardware maintains a user's personal grid-site, and helps defend it and the user's computer system from attack.
 +Hyper-Resolution Lattice--A type of extremely advanced computer graphic.
 +Identipad--A small computer containing data about a specific individual.
 +Indelible Drive--This backup drive permanantly records all data transcription that takes place on a computer. It is especially useful as a financial record, and can't be erased by any method short of its destruction.
 +Junction Node--(Mentioned on pp 154 of GR. What is it?)
 +Loading Zone--A virtual club located in the Port Royal Grid.
 +Linguicomp--A kind of computer designed to interpret and analyze alien language. Field units are bulky, and roughly backpack-sized.
 +Light Sleep--A program designed by Pete Sokolov. He uses it to put himself to sleep.
 +Linebacker--A program implemented by Sokolov to watch for any intrusion attempts against his nanocomputer.
 +Medical Gauntlet--A computer gauntlet equipped with blood chemistry sensors, a magnetic resonance imager, a stockpile of drugs, and a library of medical programs.
 +Memory Harness--Designed to be worn by a humanoid, this computer device can hold a stripped-down copy of an AI. It contains sensors and comm devices that let the AI-echo interact with the harness'​s wearer, its "​parent",​ and the outside world.
 +Met-Plan File--A kind of immersive VR file, designed to give its user the impression of alien weather patterns.
 +Microcomputer--A small, easily-carried computer. It has hookups that let it connect to communications devices and play 3D crystals.
 +Monashi-01--A command interface and uplink protocol installed into Sokolov'​s nanocomputer by Monashi.
 +Monashi-04--A command interface installed into Sokolov'​s nanocomputer by Geille Monashi.
 +Monashi-05--An imaginary command interface created by Monashi.
 +Monashi-12--A program interface installed into Sokolov'​s nanocomputer by Geille Monashi.
 +Multiplex Cow--A computer virus programmed by Jonathan Belwe. The Alitarin rebels used it to crack the Galvinites'​ Alitarin Grid before the Big Slate Offensive.
 +NA518-00 Nanocomputer--A model of top-notch nanocomputer manufactured by the Nariac Domain. Nancy is an example of one.
 +Nanocomputer--A cybernetic implant that lets its user control other cybernetic systems installed in his or her body. A nanocomputer is, essentially,​ a tiny computer installed inside the user's body.
 +Netspec--A term for rampant Internet or Grid speculation.
 +Neural Interface Jack--Also known as a NIJack, this type of cybernetic device allows a cyber-equipped user to interface directly with computer systems. They are usually located on the back of a user's neck.
 +Ops Gauntlet--A computer gauntlet designed to interface with the control consoles of various shipboard systems. It helps its wearer use them with greater efficiency.
 +Override Geille Atlas--An override programmed into Peregrine'​s computer by Monashi.
 +Peace--A program designed by StarMech to neutralize the Warhulk Ares 22.
 +Pilot Gauntlet--This computer gauntlet augments its user's reflexes, and contains a variety of navigational programs. ​
 +Prisoner Handling Protocol Three--A ship-wide security protocol programmed by Sokolov.
 +Pushover--A virus designed by a t'sa hacker to gain revenge on a mechalus who cheated him. It gradually deletes programs that control cybernetic equipment, and reconfigures bioart and cybernetics to display images of the mechalus.
 +Red Dog Seven--A set of protocols for the Linebacker program.
 +Reflex Device--A cybernetic implant. When hooked up to a nanocomputer and cytronic circuitry, it lets its user run certain types of enhance programs. ​
 +Remote--A robot designed to be controlled by an AI. Remotes are usually designed to take on a specific task, such as guard duty or information-gathering.
 +Riposte--A counter-intrusion program stored in Sokolov'​s nanocomputer.
 +Sanction--A program designed to purge Peregrine'​s computer of all information,​ beyond that designated by Sokolov. ​
 +Say When--An accounting program designed to be installed in a starship'​s computer. It calculates fuel, weapons and other expenditures,​ and informs the user if certain actions exceed a set budget.
 +Scanner Implant--A cybernetic device consisting of a magnetic resonance imager and a visual input device. Together, the implants let their user see through walls and other objects.
 +Scenario Foxtrot--A security response scenario programmed by Sokolov. It was designed to emulate the security response of Icewalk'​s personnel.
 +Science Gauntlet--This gauntlet contains a library of programs, assisting its user in scientific inquiry.
 +Screen Pad--A type of handheld computerized device with a touch-screen interface.
 +Security Gauntlet--This gauntlet has a variety of emission detectors, and is capable of spotting most covert transmissions.
 +Shadow--An individual Grid avatar. Shadows are designed to help Grid-users interact on a more immersive level, and come in many varieties.
 +Shuttling Program--A program designed to transport its user from one Grid location to another.
 +Softcheat--A program used to bypass certain types of password protection.
 +Sokolov Alpha--A program that alters Peregrine'​s environment to Sokolov'​s specifications.
 +Sokolov-Last Laugh--A program installed in Sokolov'​s nanocomputer. It was designed to keep Monashi from interfering with his cybernetics.
 +Speed-Five--Sokolov'​s code-name for a speed-enhancer program.
 +Stimcrystal--A small 3D crystal carrying a program designed to stimulate the brain'​s pleasure centers.
 +Subdermal NIJack--A type of NIJack installed in its user's forearm. It is designed to directly interface with a Gridcaster gauntlet without the need for dangling cables.
 +Tactical Gauntlet--A computer gauntlet equipped with weapons readouts, comm circuits and terrain readouts. It is designed to help officers keep track of their troops.
 +Test Mode Zulu--A covert transmission protocol programmed into Sokolov'​s subdermal transceiver. It breaks through lockouts by functioning like a system test.
 +Tongue Cracker--A type of AI or pseudo-AI program designed to "​crack"​ alien languages and provide real-time communication.
 +Translate--A data slate designed to translate speech into foreign languages. When a language 3D is plugged in, it translates anything the speaker says into the equivalent in the language in the 3D, and broadcasts it through a speaker. ​
 +Uplink Module--This computer device, when plugged into a communications device, allows it to home in on signal markers transmitted by satellites and ships in orbit.
 +Victory--A program designed by Mikos Akelon to bring Ares 22 under his control.
 +Virtuality--Another term for virtual reality.
 +VoidNet--A secret shadow parallel of the AeGrid engineered by VORL. Through it, it has access to most of the Regency'​s computers.
 +Voice Modulation Module--This device plugs into any communications device, and allows its user to alter his or her voice.
 +V-Sphere--A dome-shaped enclosure designed to enhance the effects of a virtual reality program.
 +Waypoint Eleven--A waypoint programmed into Peregrine'​s navigation computer.
 +Wetware--A hacker slang term for biological tissues.
 +Whisper One--A covert program used by Sokolov to communicate with Peregrine. It also sends back warnings if someone has tampered with the vessel.
 +X3D--A larger version of a 3D crystal. It can store more data than the smaller version.
 +===== Cultural =====
 +Adah--A fraal name for a family of colors in the infrared.
 +Aerocaster--A brand of music gauntlet.
 +AeroStart--A brand line of athletic clothes.
 +Age of Warlords--The term used by weren historians to denote their Middle Ages.
 +Ahu Jisha Pendant--A special type of pendant worn by adherents of the Vis Orishak. ​
 +Aikaloska--A sesheyan saying literally meaning "Does the ghost grasp you?", used in place of "Do you get it?"
 +Aikaya--Meaning "Ghost Walkers",​ this term is used by sesheyans to describe members of their species in the employ of VoidCorp. They are considered to have left the land of the living.
 +Aikeita--A sesheyan term referring to the day of the arrival of VoidCorp. It literally means "Day of Ghosts"​.
 +Aleer Eshtal--A special form of Grid arena used by the mechalus for coming-of-age ceremonies and ritual Grid duels.
 +Aleerindo--A kind of mechalus settlement.
 +Anah--A fraal name for a family of colors invisible to humans.
 +Antigua Cup--A sailing competition held on Antigua'​s seas. It is a test of endurance, due to the high gravity and thick atmosphere.
 +Arriver--A term for someone who has emigrated to the Verge after the end of the Long Silence.
 +Ashilen--A decorative shawl commonly worn by fraal to formal occasions.
 +Assault on Hammer'​s Star--A book published by Gunnery Sergeant Peter McAndres, describing the Exeat invasion of the Hammer'​s Star system.
 +Att-Tep--A type of spoon-like paddle used to carry the ball in Fam-Att.
 +Ayaishe--The sesheyan equivalent of leather gloves. They are sometimes worn with a sort of leather face-mask, as well as wing-guards.
 +Bad Sky People--A stormer term for VoidCorp.
 +Battlecruiser--A holographic game program.
 +Beishen--The sesheyan equivalent of a leather coat.
 +Bhruu Olympics--An Inseer nickname for a series of competitions held by the bhruu in order to determine mating rights.
 +Builders--A faction of fraal that have integrated into human society at the cost of many of their old customs.
 +Capone--A nickname for a member of the Mob.
 +Concord Standard Time--The official time scheme of the Galactic Concord.
 +Chronex--A brand line of high-quality watches.
 +Ch'​tass--This t'sa term is used to denote a group of siblings. The human equivalent is "​egg-clutch"​.
 +The City Age--A term used by t'sa historians to denote their Bronze Age.
 +Common Weren--The most commonly-spoken language among the weren.
 +Cook's Guide to Open Space--A catalog of planets formerly authored by Liad Cook.
 +Children of Mars--A famous holofilm about the Second Galactic War. It stars Jack Everstar.
 +Chimes--A new holofilm about the tragedy at Silver Bell, starring Jack Everstar. Its production has been sabotaged several times.
 +Cyko Riots--A series of riots that broke out in the Stellar Ring during 2314 and 2315. They are believed to have been started by cykoteks, though many cyber-enhanced beings participated in them.
 +Cultural Preservation Districts--A number of areas set aside by the Orlamu to provide shelter to hard-pressed clans of weren.
 +Dark Years--A Lisoner term for the period the planet spent as a Rigunmor mining colony.
 +Darut-eg Iermarkhta--A weren saying. It translates roughly into "Where is the honor in such a criminal?"​.
 +Delta Synthesizer--A type of musical instrument.
 +Design du Jour--A line of fashionable dresses.
 +Det'​sya--A t'sa term for tattoos. Det'​sya serve as visual representations of a t'​sa'​s heritage, profession, achievements and tastes.
 +Diehards--A slang term for a type of illegal drug. (Mentioned on pp 22 of ToM, might be something else.)
 +Doka--A fraal name for a family of colors in the infrared spectrum.
 +Dopestick--(Mentioned on pp 23, ToM, "​dopestick vendor"​. Maybe a drug of some sort, maybe something else.)
 +Downtunnel--A tunnel leading downward from Tribon'​s surface to its lower levels.
 +Dril--A fraal name for a scent produced by a kind of flowering plant.
 +Dueling Jacket--A type of formal jacket inspired by military uniforms from the First Galactic War. It is short and tight-fitting,​ leaving any carried sidearms free.
 +EcoTour--A line of outdoor gear produced by TrailTech.
 +E-Fence--A fence skilled in hacking ownership registries of stolen goods, and accessing others bank accounts.
 +E'​krl--A word in I'krl Common, meaning "​conundrum"​ or implying a confusing series of events.
 +En-Ko-Fam-Att--The eldest player at a Fam-Att game, he acts as an announcer.
 +Esosha--A sesheyan term, it refers to the primitive sesheyans still living on Sheya. It means "Free Hearts"​.
 +Et Ghaj Ic--A fraal term for psychometry,​ with connotations of smell as well.
 +Eye of the Storm--A nickname for the Aegis system.
 +Eyes of the Gate--A Stormie name for stormfire gems.
 +Facet--A period of the Rakon calender year.
 +Fam-Att--A bloody sport played by the Ko-Fam-Att of Praxitel. The game is played using a multi-tiered court divided into different zones. The object is to get the ball into the opposing team's goal, and violence among its players is quite common.
 +Far-Touching--The Stormie term for vision.
 +Flash-Upgrade--A mechalus term for a routine software upgrade.
 +Flesh-Upgrade--The mechalus term for a yearly hardware upgrade. The process takes several weeks, and requires a special diet and upgrade nanites.
 +Flight From Ericis--A term used to describe the mass exodus of Christopher Hale and his followers from Orion League space.
 +Fliidrun--A meditation ritual practiced by some mechalus, including the ones at the enclave near Pyrton. At ages that correspond to powers of two, they spend four days, isolated, inside a specialized faraday cage.
 +Flow-Tasting--A Stormie name for their species'​ ability to sense magnetic fields.
 +Founder'​s Day--A Regency holiday, featuring parades and fireworks, that celebrates the arrival of the Orion colonists to Bluefall. (Also mentioned on pp 157 on ToM. Different holiday?)
 +Fra--A fraal name for a certain scent.
 +Fraal-na-Kilach--A fraal name meaning "​People of the Crossing"​. It refers to all the fraal that settled the Sol system at the Wandering'​s End.
 +Françaislison--A dialect of French spoken on Lison.
 +Gailghe--The sesheyan term for dark goggles.
 +Galactic Standard--The official trade language of most of human space, also known as "​Standard"​.
 +Galway'​s History of the Driveship--A book about the history of ships equipped with stardrives. It comes in sixteen volumes.
 +Garraut--A weren coat. It consists of multiple panels attached to each other by snaps, and can easily be removed so a weren warrior can employ his natural camouflage.
 +Garvey Cache--A cavern full of fraal artifacts discovered by a scout named Garvey.
 +Gateway to the Verge--An Arriver nickname for the Tendril system.
 +Gem of the Verge--Another nickname for the Aegis system.
 +Genocoat--A type of furry long coat. It is a living organism, capable of keeping its wearer warm through its fur and body heat.
 +Gha--A fraal name for a kind of scent.
 +Ghost Moon--A local nickname for Nevin.
 +Good Sky People--A stormer term for the Radlevich expedition personnel.
 +Gorud Chah--Translated as "​deaththrust",​ this fraal psionic discipline is a form of swift, vicious mental assault.
 +Grand Roll--The local nickname for Bluefall'​s surfing season, it occurs once every nine years.
 +Gravclimber--A type of exercise equipment.
 +Great Wheel--A fraal name for the Milky Way Galaxy. (Referenced as "Great Wheel of Thought"​ on pp 48, SF. Extended version of the first name?)
 +Green Gem--A nickname for Grith.
 +Growler--A street name for a kind of illegal drug. (Mentioned on pp 22, ToM, might be something else.)
 +Gru-vat--A weren term for success. It literally means "​meat-bringing"​.
 +Hero's Game--Traditionally occuring on Founder'​s Day, this Bluefall event features the best players in the Bluefall Baseball League.
 +Hgoumas Mat Nate--A weren term for poverty. It literally means "A diet of hgoumas"​.
 +High Fraal--An ancient, formal fraal language.
 +Hold--A term used to describe the collective wealth of a Rigunmor family. The size of a Hold determines the family'​s standing in Rigunmor society.
 +Hologown--An extremely expensive evening gown with built-in holographic projectors. They'​re typically programmed to display abstract patterns or colors and light around the wearer.
 +Holotarot--A holographic version of a traditional Tarot deck.
 +Holovid--A form of holographic entertainment,​ analagous to 20th-century television.
 +Honored Ceremony of Contemplation--A fraal quasi-religious observance.
 +Hulis Ic--A fraal term literally meaning "scent of evil". It is a combination of a psionic impression, scent and sight.
 +Hunter'​s Age--A term used by weren historians to describe the species'​ Stone Age.
 +Huraikai--A sesheyan term, it refers to outlaw sesheyans who've escaped the employ of VoidCorp. It means "Wind Spirits"​.
 +Hyast--A fraal name for a particular smell.
 +Hymn of Q'​uabal--The national anthem of the Rakon Fusion.
 +Ice Cube Express--A ​ term used to describe the t'sa habit of using cryosleep chambers in slow-moving passenger vessels.
 +Icedeath--A 2502 holofilm starring Jack Everstar. ​
 +I'krl Common--The official language of the I'krl Theocracy. It includes elements from all of the Theocracy species'​ native languages, and its written alphabet is pictographic.
 +Induced Renaissance--The term used to describe the state of Kurg today. Over its course, the Orlamu have been gradually introducing the weren to improved medical and communications technology.
 +Interbellum--A term used to describe the period between GWI and GWII.
 +Iolite--A mechalus term for robot. It is sometimes used to describe the Kiscae.
 +Iron Oath--A traditional weren binding oath.
 +Jewel of the Verge--A nickname for the Aegis system.
 +Jewelsphere--A kind of jewelry, composed of gemmed spheres that float magnetically behind the wearer'​s head.
 +Jiz Viddie--Jeffrey Brody'​s mangling of the term "Vis Jiridiv"​.
 +Jowh--An Aleerin term for tyrant.
 +Kalamav--A fraal scent, frequently described as being reddish-brown.
 +Kenjir Sak--A fraal term, it refers to a minor nuisance that can become dangerous if ignored.
 +Kickball--A popular team sport.
 +Kiscae--An Aleerin term, literally meaning "​Negationist"​. It refers to the mechalus who viewed their organic natures as incompatible with peace. They used iolification technology to turn themselves into machines before leaving in the Aleerin stellar fleet.
 +Klimaar Vach--A psychic invocation used by the Vis Jiridiv.
 +Krl--A word in I'krl Common meaning "​mystery"​ or "​unknown"​.
 +Kurg Kommandos!--A make of pinball machine. One is located in the Last Round.
 +Law of Sanctuary--An unspoken agreement among Arist'​s colonists, stating that conflict be kept out of the settled underground caverns.
 +Lazers--A sports team from Penates.
 +Length-Touching--A Stormie word for "​measuring"​.
 +Lifesong--The first day of the edanweir hunting season, it celebrates the kitiete. Many edanweir marry on it, as well.
 +Lison Revolt--The uprising of the Lison miner colonists against their Rigunmor masters.
 +The Long Silence--The 121-year-long period in which the Verge was cut off from the Stellar Ring. It is sometimes known as the Silence.
 +Mahlahnwe'​ir Yahein--Also known as seers, these are edanweir children with extraordinary psionic potential. They occupy privledged positions in edanweir society.
 +Mewesh--An edanweir term for nonconsensual telepathic content. It literally means "​defilement"​.
 +Mill 117 Strike--A massive strike among Lucullan workers. It happened after the death of Mayes Barret, and triggered a massive crackdown by SCAd.
 +The Mikada Report--An annual analysis of the stellar nations'​ economies and political situations. Trent Mikada, its author, has been writing it for the past twenty years.
 +Mirithid--A kind of fraal herb or spice.
 +Mong Pit--A type of device used by the weren for executions.
 +Music Gauntlet--A gauntlet computer designed to mimic various musical instruments. It keeps track of the wearer'​s hand motions, and replicates the appropriate sounds depending on the instrument being "​played"​.
 +Mutant Uprising--The triggering event of the Second Galactic War. This rebellion among mutants native to Tau Ceti was reportedly bankrolled by the Austrins and Thuldans.
 +Na-Doka--A fraal name for a family of infrared colors.
 +Narislavic--The official language of the Nariac Domain.
 +Negationists--Another name for the Kiscae.
 +Nleer Na'​o--A heavy, cowled robe worn by mechalus to formal events. The garment is extremely long, and some mechalus use induction platforms to move about while wearing them.
 +O'​krl--An I'krl Common term for an unknown thing or anomaly.
 +On Hunter'​s Ethics--A volume of philosophy written by Unlarg Jndoor. It is popular among the weren, and was also popular among the Orlamu for a time.
 +The Others--An edanweir term for the thaal, who once visited their world and nearly enslaved their species.
 +Outback Provisioners--A brand-name line of rugged outdoor clothing.
 +Outcasts--Gardhyi who have been exiled from the Technarchy relatively recently. They have little control over their own starwebs, and usually act as information-gatherers,​ apprenticed to elder Gardhyi. They aren't afraid of physical combat.
 +Pax Concordia--The ideal that the Concord will bring about a permanant peace through understanding.
 +Pegont (Pegon?)--A mechalus term meaning "Those Who Remember"​. It refers to mainstream mechalus, who feel that both their organic and technological components are compatible with peace.
 +Peppers--A street name for a type of illegal drug. (Mentioned on pp 22 of ToM, might be something else.)
 +Planet of Darkness--A local nickname for Lison.
 +Planet of Opportunity--A Rigunmor advertising nickname for Lison.
 +PlanetWide--A line of e-suits and protective devices produced and sold by Terra X.
 +Poker Pentad--An annual event on Aegis, the Poker Pentad consists of five straight nights'​ worth of blue-chip poker. To participate in the Pentad, a gambler must first pay 100,000 Concord dollars as a stake.
 +Psiphobe--A term describing a person displaying irrational fear and hatred of psionic powers and Mindwalkers.
 +Regent'​s Day--A Regency holiday honoring Christopher Hale.
 +Release--A fraal last rite.
 +Remembrance--A holiday honoring the colonists lost during the Vanishing. It has become the equivalent of Halloween on Bluefall.
 +Reunification Revolt--A term for the riots that happened after President Kevik broadcast tapes of a Rigunmor conference.
 +Rhodium Run--A term used to describe the rush of mining activity near newly-opened rhodium veins.
 +Rhu'​ev--A scent described by the fraal as being golden or yellow-green.
 +Rigunmor Tapes--A series of recordings made of a Rigunmor diplomatic conference, where representatives discussed their plans for Lison.
 +Rlin Noch'​i--A tight-fitting bodysuit commonly worn by mechalus.
 +Rogues--Gardhyi who have learned to control their starwebs. They make up the bulk of the Exeat'​s intelligence-gathering forces, and typically possess psionic potential.
 +Ropet--(Mentioned on pp 23 of ToM, "ropet store"​. Robotic pet, perhaps, or something else?)
 +Rurrka--A type of footwear worn by weren. They are designed to give their wearer additional purchase in icy or slippery conditions.
 +Saaval--A style of robe commonly worn by t'sa.
 +Saga of the Restless Souls--A t'sa epic. It was recently translated into Standard by Dr. Strang.
 +Sarabel--Fraal formal dress. It comes in male and female varieties, consisting of either a kilt or skirt and tunic.
 +Seeker--A term for a fraal. (...Mentioned on pp 16, AEG, with absolutely no context.)
 +Seen and Unseen--A variant of hide-and-seek played by weren children.
 +Sendir and the Divine Unconscious--A play produced by the Orlamu Operatic Theater.
 +Shaa--A fraal term indicating perfect control of both mind and body.
 +Shaansi--A type of sandals worn by t'sa. Shaansi have a paddle-like device located at the arch of the foot, and work like flippers to increase a t'​sa'​s swimming speed.
 +Shades--Gardhyi Rogues who also possess supernatural talents of unknown origin. These talents are most commonly oriented towards darkness and shadows, and are sometimes mistaken for magic by primitive species.
 +Shadow Knights--A fictitious holovid series allegedly starring Lazarus and Sable.
 +Shamondendra Days Festival--A yearly holiday celebrated by the colonists of Simon'​s Leap, signifying their rebellion against their government. It features parades, a recreation of the battle, and a number of activities featuring Shamondendra.
 +Shreel--A sifarv term meaning "​prey"​. It is often applied to species the sifarv view as inferior.
 +The Silent Years--A holofilm epic about the Verge, starring Jack Everstar.
 +Songmeet Day--An edanweir holiday. During Songmeet Day, communities of edanweir tell stories and celebrate their communal bonds.
 +Spaceman'​s Jumpsuit--A full-body garment designed to resist vacuum. A spaceman'​s jumpsuit usually comes with a compatible vacuum mask.
 +Spatball--A competitive team sport, also known as spat.
 +Spike--The street name for biaxinin, a powerful and highly illegal hallucinogen.
 +Stimhead--A person addicted to stimcrystals.
 +Stochastics--A mechalus book of philosophy. (What is it? Is it a real-world book? I couldn'​t find anything with its exact title.)
 +Stompede--A brand of armored boots.
 +Suvah--A fraal term. It refers to a sense of instinctive psionic knowing.
 +T'ak Tau--"​The mating time", a t'sa term for a biological cycle. This period occurs for about a week every three to five years, and when it occurs, t'sa feel the urge to mate.
 +Terra X--A line of camping equipment manufactured by EdgeTech.
 +This Week--A weekly Regency news program broadcast via the Grid.
 +Thurumi--The sesheyan term for Gamma Leonis III. (Not sure quite what astronomical body it is. It's mentioned as being "​bright"​ on pp 15 of AEG.)
 +Tightsuit--A snug bodysuit.
 +Tilienen--A style of slipper-like shoe commonly worn by fraal.
 +ToolTote--A brand of utility harness.
 +Touch-But-Feel-Things-Wrong--A Stormie term for the Chosen that have been driven insane by their gift of sight.
 +TrailTech--A brand-name line of outdoor gear.
 +Triglyphic Poetry--A type of poetry created by the Rakon, consisting of three symbols that represent concrete thoughts.
 +Turitaa--The bhruu term for humans. It literally means "​people of the moon".
 +U'​krl--An I'krl Common term for an unknown person or stranger.
 +Uptunnel--A tunnel leading upward to Tribon'​s surface from its lower levels.
 +UV Robe--A type of long, hooded robe designed to keep out ultraviolet radiation.
 +The Vanished Colony--A holofilm about the Verge, starring Jack Everstar.
 +The Vanishing--A human term used to describe the mysterious disappearance of the original colonists of Bluefall.
 +Vidmag--A portable digital magazine.
 +Vis--A fraal term that is usually mistranslated as "​brotherhood"​. It refers to a philosophical organization,​ or a school of thought.
 +Vis Jiridiv--A philosophical order of fraa Wanderersl. Its teachings include peaceful acceptance of unchangable circumstances,​ but the order itself has a decidedly martial bent.
 +Vis Orishak--A fraal Builder philosophical order. Its members wear blue robes and ahu jisha pendants, and have a martial outlook.
 +Wanderers--A faction of the fraal that has opted to remain aboard their ancient city-ships. They keep to themselves, following their own traditions.
 +Wandering'​s End--The fraal decision to settle the Sol system.
 +Warm-Tasting--A translated Stormie term for the species'​ innate ability to sense electricity.
 +The Work--A large repair-and-salvage project run by the mechalus at an enclave near Pyrton. The salvaged items are incorporated into a massive sculpture integrated into the Aleerindo itself.
 +Worthy--A weren title indicating respect.
 +Xakksha--Loosely translating into "​kingdom",​ this t'sa term refers to their frequently chaotic system of government. In a xakksha, each egg-clutch is loyal to other egg-clutches in a vaguely feudal arrangement.
 +Zimf--A fraal name for an infrared color group.
 +===== Slang =====
 +Bagging--A slang term for smuggling data.
 +Bauble--A Lisoner term for any sort of tyrant, derieved from the moon where the Rigunmors set up their headquarters in Oberon.
 +Big Nada--A High Mojave term describing the planet'​s empty wilderness.
 +Buzz--A slang term meaning "​talk"​.
 +Clamp It Down--A slang term meaning "shut up".
 +Corpse--A derogatory slang term for a VoidCorp Employee.
 +Cube--A slang term for an home in one of Lison'​s poor districts.
 +Deleted--A slang term meaning "​killed"​.
 +First-Downer--A term used to describe someone new to Lison.
 +Flapper--An insulting term for a sesheyan.
 +Frack--A slang obscenity.
 +Frail--A derogatory term for fraal.
 +Freak--A slang term for "radio frequency"​.
 +Goldie--A slang term for a member of the Tribon Watch.
 +Goldroid--A slang term for a Tribon Watchman.
 +Grab For Night--A slang term for "​starfall"​.
 +Grade-One--A Lisoner slang term meaning "very good".
 +Grep--A slang obscenity.
 +Handstand Howard--A code-word used by Gavin and Martin Skvrsky to indicate someone who knows of Sable'​s whereabouts.
 +High-Grade--A Lisoner slang term meaning "​good"​.
 +Juiced--A slang term for a the process of being cybernetically augmented.
 +Light--A slang term for "​light-year"​.
 +Lissie--A nickname for a native of Lison.
 +Low-Grade--A Lisoner insult, usually considered a fighting word. It means "​worthless"​.
 +Mech--A slang term for mechalus.
 +Mutie--A derogatory term for a mutant.
 +Naffing--A slang term for babbling.
 +Neg Feed--A slang term for "bad news".
 +Nullhead--1) A slang term for a person too poor to own a secretary, nanocomputer,​ or other mobile data and news source. 2) A slang term meaning "​idiot"​. ​
 +Offie--A Lisoner slang term for "​offworlders"​.
 +Plexbanger--A slang term for a young, poor criminal in Tribon'​s underworld.
 +Plexgang--A slang term for a gang of plexrats.
 +Plexrat--A slang term, used to describe young petty criminals in Lison.
 +Pure-Grade--A Lisoner slang term meaning "​completely honest"​
 +Pushing--A slang term for psionic suggestion.
 +Rig--A slang term for a citizen of the Rigunmor Star Consortium.
 +Riggie--A slang term for a Rigunmor citizen.
 +Scrag--A slang term meaning "​kill"​.
 +Scrammed--A slang term for "​powered down".
 +Scuttlegrab--A slang term for someone who scavenges off, or steals from others.
 +Secure It--A slang term meaning "shut up".
 +Seshe--A shortened version of "​sesheyan"​.
 +Skiploading--A Lisoner term meaning "​kidding"​.
 +Slekhead--An insult.
 +Space--The process of dumping an unsuited person out of an airlock into open space.
 +Spark--A derogatory term for a mechalus.
 +Sparkweep--A slang term for mechalus blood.
 +Spoo-Brain--An insulting term.
 +Straight Shaft--A Lisoner slang term indicating good intentions.
 +Those Who Crawl Between the Walls--A nickname for the Technospiders.
 +Tooth-Head--A derogatory term for a weren.
 +T-P--A slang term for telepathy.
 +Tunnel Rat--Another term used to describe Tribon'​s petty criminals.
 +Tunnelrunner--A term used to describe the style of life led by plexrats in Tribon.
 +VoidCorper--A nickname for a VoidCorp Employee.
 +VoidCorpser--A nickname for a VoidCorp Employee.
 +Voider--A Lisoner term for a VoidCorp Employee.
 +Washbrain--A slang term meaning "​idiot"​.
 +Wide Open--A High Mojave slang term for the planet'​s vast expanses.
 +===== Food and Drink =====
 +Aaleoni (Granite?) Wine--A type of alcoholic beverage (made from moss. It is traditionally produced by the Aaleoni clan of fraal.) (%)
 +Algahol--A type of alcoholic drink made from fermented algae.
 +Barbed Tusk Gr'​vat--A popular brand of gr'​vat. (%)
 +Beef Lichen--A type of lichen served as food. (%)
 +Black Chai--A strong, coffee-like drink.
 +Black Hole Beer--A type of strong, heavy beer. (%)
 +Black Mountain Gateau--A type of cake.
 +Blackworm Soup--A type of soup imported from Bhruusil, it is made with blackworm meat.
 +Bluefall Schnapps--A type of hard liquor made on Bluefall.
 +Blue Meanie--A type of potent alcoholic beverage.
 +Bols Luculliana--A noxious, extremely alcoholic beverage. It comes in small, square bottles. (%)
 +Broadleaf Maleaster--A variety of plant served as food. (%)
 +Butter Tart--A high-calorie snack. (%)
 +Chemin Rouge, VSOP--A type of port made by the vineyards at Proxima Prime. (%)
 +Concord Commemorative Lager (CCL)--A type of beer. Batches are released every year on the anniversary of the founding of the Concord. (%)
 +Crooked Rings--A kind of beer made by a brewery in Old Space. It gets its name from the fact that the original brewery was aboard a space station orbiting a ringed planet. (%)
 +Delya--A popular, traditional fraal meal. (%)
 +Devil Mist--A mixed drink made from devil nebula beer and nova mist. It is notorious for its noxious taste. (%)
 +Devil Nebula--A type of smooth beer. (%)
 +Electrical Surge--An unusual mixed beverage made from supernova mist and other liquors. It is usually blue, and contains internal convection currents. It is a favorite of many mechalus. (%)
 +Eshk--A hot, spicy entree served in red brandy sauce. It is popular among the fraal. (%)
 +Evrem Nectar--A type of wine-like alcoholic beverage sold by the evrem. It sometimes causes unusual changes in the body of its imbiber.
 +Exit Wound Sandwich--A sandwich served exclusively at the Corner. Nobody but the bar regulars know how the food got its name.
 +Golden Nova--A variety of alcoholic beverage. (It is a blend of Highland Caern CYO and Nova Mist.) (%)
 +Grosgrain Brew--A strong, thick beer typically served half-and-half with milk.
 +Gr'​vat--A type of alcoholic beverage made by the weren. (%)
 +Haley'​s Chocolati--A type of chocolate liqueur. (%)
 +Hammer'​s Star Stout--A variety of strong beer, favored by soldiers. (%)
 +Hgoumas--A type of fatty, thick-shelled vegetable found on Kurg. It is a staple of the weren diet.
 +Highland Caern CYO--Brewed in the Scottish Highlands, this single-malt scotch is aged for 100 years in genetically-engineered oak casks. (%)
 +Honeypod Highlander--A less alcoholic version of the Honeypod Supernova, made with Highland Caern CYO instead of Supernova Mist. (%)
 +Honeypod Supernova--A sweet, intensely alcoholic drink. (It is made from supernova mist and the sap of the dewpod bush.)
 +Jake Danyell'​s Blue Label--A brand of whiskey, also known as "​JD"​. It has been manufactured for more than 500 years. (%)
 +Kalwine--A sort of wine. Its taste is almost universally appreciated,​ and is a common after-dinner beverage. (%)
 +Killberry Tea--A type of hot, spicy beverage brewed using parts from the killberry plant. It acts as a mild analgesic.
 +Klaht Steak--A variety of lean meat.
 +'​Ktaamer Dinner--A ceremonial t'sa meal. They are expensive, as they require much time and effort to prepare. (%)
 +Meatroll--A popular appetizer. (%)
 +Muskovite Pure Vodka--A traditional,​ award-winning vodka brand. (%)
 +Mythleaf Tea--A kind of hot beverage manufactured in the Borealis Republic.
 +Narcola--A popular kind of soda.
 +Nova Mist--A flavorless alcoholic beverage with a low boiling point. It is either added to other drinks or inhaled. (%)
 +One-Eyed Martin--A type of beer brewed by pirates. (%)
 +Oothoora Bark--An type of bark distilled to make Tree Bark and Strawberries. (%)
 +Orion Belter--A type of alcoholic drink.
 +Orlamu Martini--A martini made with vodka and sake instead of vermouth. (%)
 +Palna--A variety of fatty root vegetable native to Kurg, used by the weren for food.
 +Pico Skurch, ODOS--A particular, trend-setting brand of skurch. It is the only brand of skurch that non-t'​sa find tolerable. (%)
 +Pink Death--A mysterious, pink-colored mixed drink. There is no set mixture, and each bartender has his or her own recipe. (%)
 +Potatoe Wedgies--An oven-fried, butter-coated appetizer. (%)
 +Rocket Fuel--A mixed drink made from liquor and tabasco sauce. (%)
 +Sake--A traditional Solar wine made from rice. (%)
 +Salty Sponger--A type of (alcoholic?​) beverage.
 +Schlaumberg'​s Blue Schnapp'​s--A type of alcoholic beverage. (%)
 +Screaming Blue Clone--A type of mixed beverage created by Martin Skvrsky. It acts as a mild hallucinogen,​ and some imbibers have reported seeing duplicates of themselves. (%)
 +Skurch--A type of alcoholic beverage brewed by the t'sa. Most other races find skurch too harsh. (%)
 +Sloiposak Stew--A type of rich (meat) stew.
 +Sprout Vengeful'​s Straight "​Kintukki"​ Bourbon--A popular type of traditional,​ sour-mash whiskey. (%)
 +Starlight Breeze--A less potent version of the Starmist, made with Two T'sas Ale and whitefruit juice. (%)
 +Starmist--A mixed drink made with nova mist, white sunwine and assorted fruit juices. (%)
 +Sugar Ring--A type of junk food. 
 +Sunwine--A sort of wine. It is fermented in zero-g, and comes in red and white varieties. (%)
 +Supernova Mist--Nova mist mixed with nitrous oxide. It is even more potent than nova mist, and even small amounts can be enough to induce alcohol poisoning. (%)
 +Tama Nut--A type of nut served at the Corner during sporting events. They are somewhat rare. (%)
 +Thuli Leaf--A type of plant used as a garnish. (%)
 +Trail Biscuit--A kind of bread.
 +Tree Bark and Strawberries--A specialty drink served at the Corner. It is a distillate of oothoora bark mixed with strawberries,​ and is served with a strawberry on an oothoora sprig. (%) (What'​s a Fsha? Anything to do with Fshaila?)
 +T'sa coffee--A type of coffee with extra caffeine. (And pico skurch and Haley'​s Chocolati and nova mist and whipped cream?) (%)
 +Two T'sas Ale--A type of beer made by the t'sa, it acts as a stimulant rather than a depressant. (%)
 +Veggie Platter--An entree served at the Corner. It consists of beef lichen, broadlead maleaster and other vegetables. (%)
 +Verge Surge--A type of alcoholic beverage. (Made from Aaleoni granite wine, Schlaumberg'​s blue schnapps and whitefruit juice, with a garnish of cinnamon and crushed thuli leaf.) (%)
 +Waldmeister--A variety of alcoholic beverage.
 +Weren Ale--A variety of beer made by weren brewers, famous for its high alcohol content. (%)
 +Weren Mead--A type of mead brewed by the weren. Its alcohol content is high enough to induce unconsciousness in a human. (%)
 +Whitefruit--A type of nutritious fruit. They can also be made into juice. (%)
 +Zsi Burger--A type of hamburger-like food.
 +===== Robots =====
 +Floater Eye--A type of floating camera drone. Floater eyes are typically used as remotes by AIs.
 +Flyer--A type of flying sensor drone. They'​re typically used by law enforcement officials for surveilance.
 +J700 Construction Robot--A model of construction robot.
 +Medtech Robot--This robot is designed to treat injured people when no organic doctors are available. (pp 18-19, AEG)
 +Model 15 Security Robot--A StarMech design, these robots are designed for internal security aboard spacecraft. (pp 42-43, LW)
 +Model 25 Security Robot--Heavier than the Model 15, this robot is used as a heavy security drone aboard spacecraft. (pp 47, LW)
 +Model 3 Mainteinance Robot--These StarMech-designed robots are intended to act as mechanics in routine situations. (pp 51-52, LW)
 +Phymech--A model of medical robot. They'​re commonly found on small vessels.
 +Remote Unit M04/M07--A pair of maintainance robots at the Kendai relay. They were co-opted by the Geneva Virus. (pp 13, BS)
 +T-kat--A common household cleaning robot. It looks vaguely like a small metal box with wheels.
 +T'sa Robot--A type of t'​sa-like robot made by Sethyk S'​kesh. Several of them are stationed as guards within his workshop. (pp 21-22, POD)
 +Unit 329--A service robot at Starstation Aurora. It was booby-trapped by Teliko Sato. (pp 26, CV)
 +Watchdog--These small, hovering drone units are used as remotes by AIs. They are generally designed to protect things, and are equipped with sophisticated sensors and weapons.
 +====== Organizations ======
 +===== Stellar Nations (as of 2501) =====
 +Austrin-Ontis Unlimited--A corporate stellar nation dedicated to the manufacture and sale of weapons. Most of its citizens are fiercely independent but altruistic, and are notorious for being somewhat trigger-happy. ​
 +Borealis Republic--A democratic stellar nation. Its citizens are highly intellectual,​ and the nation as a whole is one of the best-educated in known space. It is infamous for being aloof, and preferring philosophy over real-life action.
 +Galactic Concord--A democratic stellar nation formed from the remains of the losers of the Second Galactic War. It has been tasked with keeping the peace in human space, and acts as a neutral arbiter in conflicts between other parties. Its citizens tend to be fair-minded,​ firm and duty-bound.
 +Hatire Community--A theocratic stellar nation founded by members of the Hatire faith. Its members tend to be strongly religious, and are notorious for their dislike of modern technology. Many Hatire use technology, but hope to unite humanity and eliminate all need for it.
 +Insight--A stellar nation that was once one of VoidCorp'​s subsidiaries. It broke away from its parent company during the Second Galactic War. It created the mass transceiver and greatly improved Grid technology, and many of its citizens are deeply involved in the Grid. Inseers tend to be rebellious and free-thinking,​ but are experts at everything Grid-related.
 +Nariac Domain
 +Orion League--An open, tolerant democratic stellar nation that values diversity, freedom and equal rights for all.
 +Orlamu Theocracy--A theocratic stellar nation founded by Jeff Sendir and the early members of the Orlamu faith. It is the largest producer of stardrives in human space, and its citizens are equally comfortable with religion and science.
 +Rigunmor Star Consortium--A plutocratic stellar nation founded on the principles of free enterprise. Its citizens are notorious for being greedy, and the nation as a whole is oriented towards making profit off of all of its endeavors.
 +StarMech Collective--A corporate stellar nation that produces top-quality starships and robotics. It is heavily invested in high technology, and extensive automation gives its citizens unheard-of amounts of leisure time. They are infamous for indulging in whatever makes them happy.
 +Thuldan Empire--A militaristic stellar nation with an imperial governing structure. It is extremely militaristic and xenophobic, and believes that it must unite all of humanity under its banner. It frequently dabbles in genetic engineering,​ and its citizens tend to be proud.
 +Union of Sol
 +VoidCorp--A corporate stellar nation infamous for its draconian policies. It manufactures high-quality software and electronic goods, but has branches that manufacture almost everything. Its citizens may not emigrate, and are frequently Machiavellian in outlook.
 +===== Stellar Nations (defunct) =====
 +Anarchist Union
 +Chrysanthemum Imperium
 +Delavan Autonomous Region
 +Dreth Commonwealth--A nation founded on the principles of freedom and self-perfection. It was part of the Expansion Pentad, but was betrayed by VoidCorp and conquered by it and the Rigunmors. ​
 +Free Kyrene Society--An economic alliance in the Orion Sector. It was one of the four nations that formed the Orion League.
 +Leodal States
 +Middle Kingdom
 +New Colombia--An Old Earth colony in the Orion Sector. It was one of four nations that formed the Orion League.
 +New Foundland
 +Nordic Independent State--An Old Earth colony in the Orion Sector. It was one of the four nations that formed the Orion League.
 +OGAM, Inc.
 +Orion Nation--An economic alliance in the Orion Sector, it was left out of the Treaty of Earth. It initially proposed the League, and became part of it when it was formed.
 +Pioneer Coprosperity Zone
 +Sothvec Industries--A corporation that specialized in adapting terrestrial species for alien environments. It was overwhelmed by the Thuldan Empire during the Second Galactic War, and swiftly absorbed.
 +Sultanate of Fomalhaut
 +Taurean Star Republic--This stellar nation was allied with the Thuldan Empire during its lifetime, and was highly corrupt. Ultimately, it was attacked and conquered by its erstwhile ally, and its territories became divided at the end of the war. Its intelligence agency was largely intact at the end of GWII, and was absorbed by the Concord.
 +Terran Empire--The nation that claimed ownership of human-explored space. It was defeated during the First Galactic War and converted into the Union of Sol.
 +Thuldan Colonial Authority--The nation that gave rise to the Thuldan Empire.
 +Utopia Now
 +===== Old Earth Nations (Defunct) =====
 +African Union--A union of African states. (Mentioned on pp 157, SF. I could'​ve sworn it's a real organization,​ but like the ECU, is it redundant to a larger nation that exists in 2124?)
 +European Common Union--A governmental union composed of most of the European powers. (Mentioned on pp 152 of SF, but it doesn'​t match with any of the other nations of 2124. Is this the full name of the present-day EU?)
 +Houses, Clans and Noble Families
 +Aaleoni--A fraal clan. Its members have been distilling granite wine for nearly two millennia. (%)
 +Aspans--The family that owns and operates Pyritix Corp. They have a marked dislike of anyone equipped with cybernetic technology.
 +Clan Blue Tusk--A weren clan.
 +Clan Okabi--A weren clan. Its members make up most of the population of West Lodge.
 +Clutch Thumn--A famous t'sa clutch.
 +House Baoli--A noble house based off of Alaundril, and a rival of House Calefir. They have set up an economic alliance with the Rigunmors. ​
 +House Blackmore--This Borealin noble family holds a majority share of Solar X. It has put out a bounty for the head of Kalt Terenz, who was responsible for the murder of two of its members.
 +House Calefir--A noble house that set up shop on Alaundril when the moon was settled. They have since grown into a powerful mercantile empire, with many important holdings such as EdgeTech and Solar X.
 +House Hale--A stellar noble family with roots in the Orion League. Some of its more prestigious members include Warthen Hale, the great Peacemaker, Christopher Hale, the Regent of Bluefall and Bruce Hale, a senator in the Orion League.
 +House Kaitors--A stellar noble family, the most prominent member of House Kaitors is Marilyn Kaitors, the CEO of Kaitors Industries.
 +House Maritec--This Borealin family is headquartered in the Argos system. Its leader, Thomas Maritec, governs a small portion of the system.
 +Kell--A weren clan. Its members first discovered gunpowder.
 +Ketern--A present-day weren clan. It formerly held territory on the eastern coast of Kurg's main continent.
 +Rladh--A clan of weren on Spes. It is currently skirmishing with Cher'​nath and Ridhya'​s clan.
 +Rothheims--A wealthy Rigunmor family. Most of its members live on Bazaar. (Call it House Rothheim? Not mentioned that way on pp 203, ToM).
 +Turcheyevs--A wealthy crime family that controls the Jamaican Syndicate. (House Turcheyev?)
 +Verdosses--A wealthy Rigunmor family that has since fallen upon hard times. (Call it House Verdoss?)
 +===== Alien Governments =====
 +Aalnorum--The central decision-making body of the Medurr Imperium. It consists of the Empress and eleven of the most powerful matriarchs.
 +Biometricians--A mechalus political party. Its members believe that the mechalus should adopt the profit-and-loss models used by the Rigunmors.
 +Devli'​yan--A group of sesheyans who work against the crime lords of Grith. Led by Devlei'​ir,​ they favor a return to their old traditions.
 +Chuunh Abhaal--This abhaal has completely disappeared.
 +Clan Kor--A medurr clan led by Stykor.
 +Clan Ran--A medurr clan led by Teran.
 +Clan Vys--Led by Matriarch Tolvys, this medurr clan is trying to establish numerous strongholds in the Verge.
 +The Collective--The governing body of the deepfallen. Scientists have theorized that each deepfallen city possesses one collective.
 +Council of Thought--Little is known of this body, which governs the individual city-ships of the Wanderers.
 +Council of Tribes--The government of the Grith sesheyans. The Council is dominated by the Grith crime lords, and it thus highly ineffective.
 +Council of Ubhruusa--This governing body was formed by the bhruu after the arrival of VoidCorp. Though comparatively disorganized,​ it provides the abhaal with a forum for discussion.
 +Creedans--1) A militant mechalus political party, based off the Credo of War. It agitates for more aggressive policies. 2) A member of the Creedan nationality. ​
 +Evrem Federation--Formerly large, powerful and technologically advanced, this Evrem-built government has since given up or lost much of its territory. Now it is comparatively small, and works in an advisory capacity to the League of Nine.
 +Gardh Technarchy--The ancient goverment of the Gardh. It was once aligned with the Evrem Federation, but broke away after schisms in its monarchy and the outlawing of psionics. It offers equal rights to its robots, AI citizens and client races, but is otherwise stagnant.
 +Kaanh Abhaal--A large, comparatively liberal abhaal that has strong ties to Bhruusil'​s Inseer colonists. It is one of the oldest of all abhaal.
 +League of Nine--An alien government located in the Perseus Arm, composed of nine member species. Its primary goal is fending off the I'krl Theocracy and Medurr Imperium, which attempted to enslave its people. It has close ties with the remnants of the Evrem Federation, but is not acknowledged by the Gardh Technarchy.
 +Leenest--A defunct mechalus nation. It possessed fertile farmlands, hydroelectric power, and a large population.
 +Luunh Abhaal--Politically moderate, the Luunh abhaal is comparatively small, and is somewhat skeptical of Insight'​s motives.
 +Medurr Imperium--The governing body of the Medurr, located in the Perseus Arm. It is ruled by the Aalnorum, and includes many subservient slave species. It has several colonies in the Verge, and is looking to expand into the region. (pp 82 of AC2 mentions colonies at "​Dolthan,​ Strome and Walin"​. Are those in existence, or planned?)
 +Meenh Abhaal--Open and technologically saavy, the Meenh abhaal hopes to master human technology in order to secure their species'​ place in the Concord.
 +Megarin Biometric Republic--A defunct mechalus nation. It traded with Pesh, and was famous for its early exploration of Aleer. Its name survives as that of a mechalus nationality.
 +Oldurreg--A defunct mechalus nation founded by refugees from Megarin. Its citizens were adept miners and metalworkers,​ and were considered quite stable.
 +Pesh--A defunct mechalus nation. It was founded by members of the priesthood, and was first responsible for the discovery of electricity.
 +Peshtar--A present-day mechalus nationality,​ derived from the nation of Pesh. Peshtar are more comfortable with using war robots, and view the Kiscae as holy.
 +Rakon Fusion--The peaceful central governing body of the Rakon. It is located somewhere near the Verge.
 +Traditionalists--The largest political party on Aleer. Its members believe that the mechalus government should remain as it is.
 +T'sa Cluster--A sector of space claimed by the t'sa, the Cluster is located in the heart of Concord Prime. It is governed according to t'sa law and customs, and is technically a Concord Neutrality.
 +United--A mechalus nationality.
 +Witnesses--A mechalus nationality.
 +===== Governmental Divisions =====
 +Adaptive Research Division--A division of VoidCorp dedicated to genetic engineering and cybertechnology.
 +Advisory Board--The ruling body of the Rigunmor Star Consortium. Its primary function is to oversee the Rigunmor economy.
 +Alaundril Ministry of Trade--This facet of the Alaundril government runs the Alaundrin Freight Exchange and regulates trade in the Tendril system.
 +Austrin-Ontis Scientific Pioneering Committee--A division of Austrin-Ontis dedicated to scientific progress.
 +Austrin Partners, Ltd.--A division of Austrin-Ontis. (Dedicated to shipping arms and armor to Vergers?)
 +Board of Policy Review--An entity within the Regency government designed to mediate disputes between bureaus. It is effectively a five-member court.
 +Bureau of Public Information--The division of the Concord dedicated to keeping records. ​
 +Command Directorate--The division of the War Powers Council dedicated to keeping the Supreme Commander in power. It also includes Galvin'​s District Governors.
 +Committee on Intelligence--A division of the Galactic Consulate dedicated to reviewing intelligence gathered by the CIB and other such agencies.
 +Committee on Verge Integration--Led by Undersecretary Michael Thayne, this committee of the Galactic Consulate is responsible for reintegrating the Verge with the Stellar Ring. Only five out of twelve of its members regularly visit the region.
 +Common Council--The governing body of Alaundril. The Common Council is composed of businesses based off of Tendril, as well as StarMech. Seats on the council are granted on the basis of the profits a company makes, as well as projects it starts that benefit the Alaundrin people.
 +Conclave of Lords--The ruling body of the Borealis Republic. ​
 +Concord Administrators--The troubleshooters of human space, the Administrators patrol known space, keeping the peace and solving disputes. They are authorized to act as judge, jury and executioner. Their motto is "Our duty is peace",​ and their standard weapon is the tri-staff. ​
 +Concord Assembly--The legislative body of the Concord. It has over 1200 representatives,​ and meets on the Grid. The Assembly has full jurisdiction within Concord Neutralities.
 +Concord Bureau of Science and History--A Concord organization devoted to science and history.
 +Concord Communications Commission (CCC, 3C)--The Concord agency in charge of regulating communications in human space.
 +Concord Diplomatic Service--Part of the executive branch, the Diplomatic Service oversees the Concord'​s ambassadors and works with the CIB.
 +Concord Executive Authority--The branch of the Concord that includes its Administrator corps.
 +Concord Executive Council--A group of high-ranked Concord officials, including the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, and Executive Directors. It controls the CIB and other Concord organizations.
 +Concord Investigative Bureau (CIB)--The Concord'​s intelligence agency. Most of its agents were formerly of the Taurean Star Republic. It's nicknamed "the Silent Bureau",​ and has grown increasingly independent of late.
 +Concord Space Authority--The civilian equivalent of the Concord Star Force.
 +Concord Trade Commission (CTC)--The division of the Concord dedicated to monitoring commerce. ​
 +Council of Sciences--A cabinet in the Regency government dedicated to scientific progress.
 +Council of Trade/​Economics--A cabinet in Bluefall'​s government that monitors economic matters.
 +Department of Hospitality--A division of the ID, the Department provides visitors to Galvin with escorts.
 +Department of State--A fragment of Lison'​s executive branch dedicated to conducting relations with other powers.
 +Diamond Point Port Authority--An organization overseeing the spaceport facilities at Diamond Point.
 +Directorate for Internal Security--A division of the FSA dedicated to hunting down dissidents. (Redundant to ID?)
 +Dreth Commonwealth Council--A small body of the New Dreth Commonwealth dedicated to coordinating the actions of the moon-states of Dewi. It meets in Chelt, and among its members are the leaders of each moon.
 +Education and Social Engineering Committee--A cabinet in Bluefall'​s government dedicated to looking after its citizens.
 +Foreign Relations Cabinet--A part of the Regency government dedicated to diplomacy.
 +Galactic Bank--This branch of the Concord regulates the Concord dollar and investigates the operations of financial institutions.
 +Galactic Concord Intelligence--An intelligence-gathering arm of the Concord. (Not sure if it's a proper noun. In the "​aliens"​ section of Externals, fraal paragraph. Most likely redundant to CIB. "​Concord Intelligence"​ is mentioned in "​Starrise at Corrivale",​ is this MI?) 
 +Galactic Consulate--The primary diplomatic branch of the Concord. It's composed of up to 91 ministers: six per stellar nation, two per alien race, and nine from the Concord itself. It creates diplomatic regulations and ratifies laws passed by the Concord Assembly using a two-thirds vote.
 +Galactic Court--The branch of the Concord that addresses legal disputes. It has thirteen Justices, and each one serves a twenty year term. The Justices cannot be re-elected, and have the power to impeach any Concord official with a two-thirds vote.
 +House of Equals--The legislative body of the Orion League. It meets on Jaeger for three months out of every year.
 +Imperial Council--The governing body of the defunct Terran Empire.
 +Information Services Bureau--A division of StarMech dedicated to conducting surveys and gathering information.
 +Intelligence Directorate (ID) (ISD?)--A Galvinite division dedicated to stopping Alitarin sabotage and espionage, as well as strategic action against enemy assets. Its headquarters is well hidden.
 +Lison Space Authority--A branch of the Lison government dedicated to space travel.
 +Lower Hall Administration--The bureaucracy that runs Lison'​s Lower Hall.
 +Ministry of Intelligence--A component of the RIA.
 +Ministry of Mutations and Specialized Adaptations--A Thuldan governmental division dedicated to researching and developing new mutant strains. A branch of it is headquarted on Filtrane Island.
 +Ministry of Science--A division of the Thuldan Empire'​s government dedicated to scientific advances.
 +Ministry of Security--A department of the Thuldan Empire dedicated to protecting its secrets.
 +Office for Stategic Information--The Thuldan Empire'​s intelligence agency.
 +Office of the Dean--The executive component of Spes' Borealin government.
 +Red Ridge Port Authority--A one-woman organization dedicated to enforcing landing procedures around Red Ridge. (**Misplaced. Where should it go?)
 +Regency Defense Forces Command--An advisory board dedicated to the defense of the Regency of Bluefall.
 +Regency Ecological Service--A branch of the Regency government dedicated to protecting Bluefall'​s environment and studying its native flora and fauna.
 +Regency Ministry of Security--A department of the Regency dedicated to its own security. (redundant to RDFC?)
 +Security Bureau--The intelligence and military bureau of the ISA.
 +Solar Council--The ruling body of the Union of Sol. Earth presently holds 42 out of its 100 seats.
 +Strategic Information Agency (SIA)--The intelligence agency of the Taurean Star Republic. It was absorbed into the CIB after the Second Galactic War.
 +Tourist Bureau of Yellow Sky--A branch of Yellow Sky's colonial government, it specializes in helping offworlders find lodging. It also hires out tour guides.
 +United Lison Mining--A division of the ULS dedicated to supervising the rhodium industry.
 +United Lison State Senate--The lawmaking body of the United Lison State.
 +Verge Alliance Admiralty--The central planning body of the Verge Alliance. It consists of twenty-three members, one from each member state.
 +Verge Assembly--A body of representatives speaking for the Verge. It meets aboard the Lighthouse.
 +Verge Development Division--A division of VoidCorp dedicated to exploiting the Verge.
 +War Department (of Alitar)--The military command bureau of the ISA.
 +War Powers Council--The alleged governing body of Galvin. The Council consists of a number of Directorate which look after specific aspects of the government.
 +Western Olympic Division--Austrin-Ontis Unlimited'​s covert operations division. It is running several arms smuggling operations in Algemron.
 +===== Criminal =====
 +Aanghel Empire--The largest sesheyan crime family on Grith. It works behind a cover of legitimate business activities and the nuances of the Mahdra Ruling.
 +Anbem--A group of nomadic weren raiders. They were largely slaughtered by Ioshaj Urdevec after they stole one of his marrizhe.
 +Blue Frost--A revolutionary group intent on overthrowing Ohmel'​s dictatorial oligarchy. It is the largest such organization on the planet.
 +Bone Hunters--A group of cykoteks that travel the Verge in a small cutter. They are led by a sesheyan known as Silver Ghost.
 +The Cartel--A criminal organization that harvests, processes and sells biaxinin. It controls the government of Wreathe, and eliminates independent competitors. Several gardhyi agents have been placed within it.
 +The Clinic--A hospital run by Doctor Andreas Tocher. It provides medical services, including cybersurgery and gene therapy, to criminals. It is located in the Rinstoke system.
 +Concord Free Now (CFN)--A terrorist organization dedicated to driving the Concord and stellar nations out of the Verge. It recently claimed responsibility for the sabotage of a StarMech cruiser in Tendril, as well as numerous other terrorist acts against the Old Space powers. ​
 +The Coreeno Syndicate--A large crime syndicate operated by the Coreeno family. It is closely tied with Celestial Entertainment Limited, and is moving some of its assets into the Verge.
 +Death Wires--A group of cykoteks that roams the Verge in a squadron of traders.
 +Ejees--A gang of petty thieves and plexbangers loosely based in Tribon'​s B-level. ​
 +Gridlock--This organization of hackers is dedicated to stopping the efforts of Arrivers by tripping them up on the Grid.
 +Hux Defense League--An alliance of pirates dedicated to stopping VoidCorp mining operations on Hux.
 +Independent Union of Hux--An unrecognized "​government"​ that claims to represent the independent settlers of Hux.
 +The Mateo Family--A powerful crime family within the Jamaican Syndicate. They are currently supplying a gunrunning syndicate with ties to CFN.
 +The Mob--A Solar criminal empire. It patterns itself after the gang operated by Al Capone, and has a standing alliance with the Supervisors of Lucullus. ​
 +Verge Green--A radical alien rights group. It is currently providing the xe'​reen with modified human weapons, and is urging them to fight the Alitarins.
 +===== Verge Governments =====
 +Algemron Exploration Company (AEC)--The original government of Galvin, it was overthrown by the FSA.
 +The Barons--The leaders of the six most powerful factions on Lucullus: The Jamaican Syndicate, the Picts, the Technospiders,​ the Supervisors,​ the Free Trade Guild and Union Penates.
 +The Bureau of Directors--A euphemism for the Barons of Lucullus.
 +Colonial Diocese--The Hatire government of Grith. ​
 +Delphin Development Division (Triple D)--A branch of the StarMech Collective dedicated to terraforming Delphin.
 +Democratic State of Penates (DSP)--The name for the territories governed by Union Penates. The Union has complete control over its electoral process.
 +Endomar Mining Guild (EMG)--An organization of miners in the endomar system, the EMG is rapidly growing. It frequently agitates for better training and standard wages.
 +Federal State of Algemron (FSA)--The military dictatorship of Galvin, the FSA is governed by a Supreme Commander and the War Powers Council.
 +Free Trade Guild (FTG)--An organization of smugglers and free traders in the Lucullus system. Members of the Guild are subject to vicious social Darwinism.
 +Imperial State of Algemron (ISA)--The colonial government of Alitar, the ISA is a Thuldan institution in all but name. It is ruled by a potentate and a State Assembly.
 +Jamaican Syndicate--A wealthy old crime family named for the "​Jamaican Triangle",​ its three most populous city-domes. Its assets are disguised as corporations,​ law firms and holding companies. ​
 +Lucullan League--The powerless "​official"​ government of Lucullus, the Lucullan League was created by the Barons, for the Barons. The only positive side-effect of its presence is the current cease-fire.
 +Penates Artificial Habitat Control Company (PAHCC)--The ruling body of the Technospiders.
 +Picts--A violent street gang based in Santiago and the surrounding cities. The Picts are organized in a feudal system, and have few major industries. They have close ties with the system'​s corsair fleets.
 +Regency of Bluefall--The government of Bluefall, also known as the Hale Regency. The Regency is techically a military dictatorship,​ yet is relatively benevolent towards its citizens. It is ruled by Christopher Hale.
 +Solar Colonial Administration--Also known as SCAd, this administration oversaw the population of Lucullus before it was overthrown by the Barons. It established many of Lucullus'​ industries.
 +Supervisors--A group of Mindwalkers who acted as the "​thought police"​ of Penates. After the rebellion, they formed their own government at Caracas. They are effectively shadow rulers, and seek to reunify Lucullus with the Union of Sol.
 +Technospiders--An organization of technicians tasked with maintaining Penates'​ habitat domes. They are somewhat more benevolent than the planet'​s other factions, and maintain control of key facilities in the other powers'​ territory.
 +Union Penates (UP)--A corrupt labor union, Union Penates controls most of Penates'​ industries and the Democratic State of Penates.
 +United Lison State (ULS)--The official government of the planet Lison, the ULS is a democracy of the purest sort. All of its citizens may propose new laws and vote on critical issues. It is governed by a single elected president and a number of figurehead senators.
 +Verge Confederation--A clearinghouse for talent in the Verge. It is, for all intents and purposes, dead. It only met twice while still a viable government.
 +===== Corporations =====
 +Aanghel Enterprises--A holding company that serves as cover for the illegal activities of the Aanghel Empire.
 +Aakhi Bros. Goods & Trade--A t'sa trading firm that also deals in armor. ​
 +ABC Services--This investment corporation is based off of Galvin, and has an office aboard the Lighthouse.
 +AccuTron Optics Ltd.--A manufacturer of targeting sights and other optical equipment.
 +Acrim Industries--The corporation that owns the Acrim Desalination Facility, and many surrounding research facilities.
 +Ad Astera Corp--A Rigunmor company locked in a rivalry with Periapsis Systems. It has been looking to acquire its competitor.
 +Adrenaline Trade Company--This corporation salvaged the OSS Shiva in the Songham system. It has since gained the rights to operate it as the SS Karma.
 +Aegis News Agency--A local news carrier in the Aegis system.
 +Akeltrow Suppliers--A company owned by the Ngongwe family of Ohmel. This corporation has been shipping thousands of dhros offworld for use in laboratories and pets.
 +Aleerin Space Technology, Inc.--A mechalus-owned company based out of Rigunmor space. It discovered a derelict in Oberon while testing new radiation shielding systems.
 +A.M. Industries--An arms manufacturer in the Orion League. Its designs are frequently adopted by the Orion military.
 +AstroSys Shipyards--An independent space technology contractor. It rebuilt the drivesat relay in the Kendai system.
 +Atris Department Stores--A chain of popular department stores in the Stellar Ring. Most are located in the Orion League.
 +Austrin Arms--One of the two parent companies of Austrin-Ontis Unlimited. Austrin Arms specialized in sales to civilian customers, and acquired its rival.
 +Austrin Limited--The remains of Austrin-Ontis'​ corporate assets on Galvin, this weapons manufacturing complex is loyal to the FSA.
 +Austrin-Ontis Armor Division--A division of Austrin-Ontis Unlimited dedicated to manufacturing armor.
 +Austrin-Ontis Munitions Div. 1--A corporate division of Austrin-Ontis,​ Divison One manufactures weapons and particle screens that are employed by the Concord Marines and the CDC.
 +Baoli Trading House--This Alaundrin organization acts as an ordering center for the RSCME. (Is it the same thing as House Baoli? It's mentioned on pp 6 of the AEG.)
 +Bastin-Crane Electronic Imaging Systems, Inc.--A defense contractor based off of Bluefall. It recently installed a prototype multiphase radar system at Regency Island.
 +Bedford-Oalin--A shipbuilder and naval contractor on Bluefall. It has close ties with the Regency, though its own struture is riddled with corruption.
 +BerTek--A manufacturer of power tools and other professional equipment.
 +Blightworth Security Consultants--A group of independent private investigators operating off Leen, these investigators are among the best in the Verge.
 +Bluefall Baseball League--A sporting league on Bluefall.
 +Boman Corp.--An independent,​ employee-owned terraforming corporation located in Austrin-Ontis Unlimited. It has set up stations on Spes in an attempt to reverse the planet'​s runaway greenhouse effect. Its technicians also double as soldiers, should the planet itself be invaded by klicks.
 +Boman-Sendir Drive Systems--An Orlamu company specializing in the manufacture of stardrives. It has agreed to send a number of stardrives to Ion Productions.
 +Brusilev Armor Manufacturing--A division of Karadnya-Brusilev Industries specializing in armor and protective gear.
 +Callocorp--A mining corporation. It used to have facilities and operations on XJR3978, but relocated them to a more profitable site.
 +Carnes, Inc.--A Rigunmor-owned brokerage firm, this investment company is nearly as old as the Consortium itself. It has an office aboard the Lighthouse near LIEX.
 +Celestial Casinos--A division of Celestial Entertainment Limited devoted to gambling.
 +Celestial Entertainment,​ Limited (CEL)--A large entertainment corporation based in Old Space. It is owned by the Coreeno crime family.
 +Concord Starlines (Concord Lines?)--A corporation specializing in interstellar transport.
 +Comar Crafts--This shipbuilding corporation,​ located on Bluefall, was in operation before the Vanishing and is still in business. It manufactures hovercrafts and gravboats. Its headquarters are on Haven 9.
 +ComTech--A manufacturer of computers. It replaced the computers and drivesat equipment aboard the Kendai drivesat relay.
 +Copernicus Capital--A trade corporation. Copernicus Capital sometimes employes independent traders for risky runs.
 +Crooked Rings--A large beer company based in Old Space. (%)
 +DarkTech Inc.--A manufacturer of stealth and antiscanning technology.
 +DhuuQeshQhe Maarhak--A weren armor manufacturer.
 +Dietterlich Industries--An arms and armor manufacturer.
 +DiNardo Laboratories--This corporation owns the like-named laboratories aboard the Lighthouse.
 +Division One--A subsidiary of VoidCorp, Division One manufactures computers and other high-tech equipment. It is possibly the most ethical and responsible branch of the Company.
 +Dynamic Response, Ltd.--The largest manufacturer of personal firearms in the Tendril system.
 +EdgeTech--One of the key holdings of House Calefir, this company manufactures top-quality exploration equipment. ​
 +Encryptix--This corporation developed an encryption method used in the Tendril Grid.
 +Engis Unlimited--A corporation based off of Bluefall.
 +(VoidCorp) Entertainment Division--A branch of VoidCorp dedicated to all types of entertainment.
 +Esmer Technologies--A Solar Grid firm, Esmer Technologies is one of the companies competing for the Aegis Grid contract. After winning it, it maintains the requisite hardware.
 +Esterum'​s Salvage Company--A salvage corporation based in the Verge. It was one of five companies that initially earned Kalht Initiative grants.
 +Fhei'​irre Consortium--This Grith-based,​ sesheyan-owned corporation specializes in aerospace technology, and has filed a claim to terraform Lordan. They were recently awarded a Kahlt Initiative grant.
 +Galactic News Agency (GNA)--A news service based on Old Space. The government of Tendril has uncovered evidence that it is a fraud.
 +Gefflech Pharmaceuticals--A major drug manufacturer. Its corporate headquarters is located on Bonair III in Rigunmor space.
 +General Arms Manufacturing--A manufacturer of powered armor, including that worn by the Concord Marines.
 +General Industries--A manufacturer of lighting equipment and other professional tools. It is based in the Rigunmor Star Consortium, and discovered the derelict in Oberon.
 +GeoVenture--An Alitarin survey corporation. One of its survey teams discovered a large deposit of strategic elements near the Misten Sea.
 +Gibson-Williams Multimedia (GWM)--An entertainment company involved in the production and distribution of everything from holofilms to live entertainment to Grid services. It serves as a front for the Mateo family'​s illegal activities. Its headquarters is located in Port Royal.
 +Haimori House--A fleet in the control of the Free Trade Guild. It consists of some twenty tradeships, and is controlled by Gida Haimori. (Should it go under naval forces? Noble houses?)
 +Hanley Arms Ltd.--A cutout company established in Oberon by Colonel Jay Keaton. It funnels weapons and war material from Austrin-Ontis to Galvin via independent traders.
 +HansCorp Freight--A shipping company based in Port Royal. Some of its employees are involved in an illegal gunrunning operation. It is owned by MicroCore Investments.
 +Haynes Co.--A manufacturer of leather goods.
 +HelixTech--A corporation based on the outskirts of Santiago, in Pict territory. It specializes in research and computer manufacturing. Its slogan is "One Step Ahead"​.
 +(HelixTech) Research and Development Division--A branch of HelixTech dedicated to breaking new ground in the fields of hardware and software.
 +(HelixTech) Security Divison--A division of HelixTech dedicated to security.
 +Ikarin Storage--A company specializing in self-storage space.
 +Ion Parts and Manufacturing--The parent company of Ion Productions.
 +Ion Productions--The largest corporation native to Tendril, Ion Productions specializes in shipbuilding. ​
 +Innishaal Space Industries--A fraal-owned corporation that manufactures armor.
 +(Insight) Technical Science Division--A technology-oriented division of Insight.
 +Interimin--A Verge temporary employment service. It was recently purchased by Malcom Doncaster.
 +InterSystem Services--A trade corporation based on Alaundril.
 +Iphus Mining Division--A VoidCorp division dedicated to operations on Iphus, it holds control over 44 of the planet'​s mines and processing facilities.
 +Iphus United--An organization formed by VoidCorp'​s Iphus miners during the Long Silence, it was reabsorbed by the Company after it returned.
 +IsoMed Industries--A manufacturer of medical products. Its corporate headquarters is located on Rixella II.
 +The Jennings Family--A family of Rigunmor entrepreneurs.
 +Jubilee Consortium--The collective term for the franchised Jubilee Resorts on Bluefall, and the rest of the Jubilee Corporation'​s holdings.
 +Jubilee Corporation--An Orion corporation. It owns the Jubilee Resorts of Bluefall.
 +Kaitors Industries--A Leen-based corporation that specializes in manufacturing electronic components. The company is ruled by House Kaitors.
 +Karadnya-Brusilev Industries--A government-owned arms manufacturer located in the Nariac Domain.
 +Karnath Development Division--A division of VoidCorp dedicated to the exploitation of the Karnath system.
 +Kile Excursions, Ltd.--A one-man tour business operated by Martin Kile. It is based out of Olympus.
 +Koshimi Industries--A manufacturer of arms and armor.
 +Krund Armsworks--An arms manufacturer with headquarters on Thulda Prime.
 +Legends Scouting and Rescue Services--A scouting company based in the Verge. It is owned by Kistul or Talic.
 +Lison Miner'​s Union--An organization dedicated to protecting the rights of Lison'​s miners. Its headquarters are located in the Deep Warrens in Tribon. (Needs its own category--it'​s a union, not a business.)
 +Lotran-Katavi Holofilms--An Orlamu-owned producer and distributer of holofilms. Its headquarters are located on the Tyardine islands of Bluefall.
 +Malmott Supply--A successful construction materials corporation headquartered in the Rigunmor Star Consortium.
 +MacroEntertainment--The corporation that runs the crooked entertainment facilities in Subsector 17.
 +Marque Charters and Chances--Affiliated with the Jubilee Corporation,​ this company arranges activities for tourists at Jubilee resorts.
 +Marsstat Motors--A commpany that manufactures powered exoskeletal walkers.
 +Mask and Bauble Studios--A major Verge production studio located on Hughes Island. ​
 +McLachlan Spacelines--An Orion League-based corporation specializing in interstellar transport. It operates a number of commercial liners in the Verge, which carry passengers and cargo.
 +Medcare One--A manufacturer of medical supplies. Its corporate headquarters are located in Delta Orionis. ​
 +Merrick Industries--A manufacturer of neutralizer coats.
 +Merrick'​s of Powder--An organization dedicated to evaluating weapons. It publishes its findings in Merrick'​s Personal Security Report.
 +MicroCore Investments--A subsidiary of Yonce Enterprises. It is fairly small, but owns a number of Verge-based companies. It has offices aboard the Lighthouse.
 +Microtel--VoidCorp'​s parent corporation,​ now defunct. It held a stranglehold on the computer and software industry until it was defeated and acquired during the First Galactic War.
 +Mikee--An athletic shoe manufacturer.
 +Milton Industries--A company owned by the Redman-Smith Trading Corp. It owns Sharkshead island.
 +MRA Technologies,​ Inc.--An arms and armor manufacturer.
 +Munson Co.--A clothing manufacturer.
 +Mu'ray Medical Investigators--A firm, located in the Verge, specializing in medical gear. 
 +Netcoast--An Orion multimedia firm. Netcoast is competing for the Aegis Grid contract. After winning it, it maintains the software.
 +New EuroTech Manufacturing--A manufacturer of body armor.
 +NiteSite Manufacturing Inc.--A manufacturer of night-vision sights and imaging technology.
 +Nori Cho' Manufacturing--A mechalus company that manufactures armor.
 +Northern Pride--A cutout mining company set up by Galvinite agent Milla Jend to extract rare transuranic ore from a deposit near the Misten Sea. Its operations have provoked the xe'​reen into attacking human settlements and facilities.
 +Occam Ship Repair Co.--A small company specializing in repairs to small ships. It is based off of the Lighthouse.
 +October Corporation--A fictitious corporation created by the Dreth to slander VoidCorp. It allegely specializes in travel booking throughout the Verge.
 +Olsen Personal Defense Corp.--A manufacturer of armor.
 +Ontis Ordnance--One of the two parent companies of Austrin-Ontis Unlimited. Ontis Ordnance specialized in sales to military and paramilitary organizations.
 +Osa-Sarpico Consolidated Distributions--A rhodium distribution company based off of Lison. It sells to the accounts of many stellar nations.
 +Paradise Tours--A travel agency based off of Alaundril.
 +Par-Tech--This traders'​ alliance, based on Darkhold, specializes in acquiring and trading Old Space technology.
 +Periapsis Systems--A Rigunmor company. It is owned in part by the Verdoss family, and has encountered financial trouble.
 +Perseus Survey Company--An Earth-based survey corporation. One of its explorers was the first to survey Lucullus.
 +Polymartech--A Bluefall-based corporation specializing in the manufacture of plastic goods. It is owned by Acrim Industries.
 +Pulan-Tough Job Corporation--An arms manufacturer.
 +Pyritix Corp.--A mining corporation with interests in several Verge systems. Its headquarters are located in the Orion League, and it has been known to discriminate against employees with cyberware. Its motto is "​Family products by families for families."​
 +Qaliban Corporation--A chemical corporation with headquarters in Rhesa Bhar. The Concord recently charged it with conducting illegal and immoral research.
 +Quartz Pyramid, Limited--A fake corporation allegedly based on the planet Bluefall.
 +Quest, Inc.--An Alaundril-based corporation,​ Quest, Inc. manufactures the body armor used by Alaundrin security forces.
 +Raupp Arms--A Thuldan arms and armor manufacturer. Its headquarters are located on Thulda Prime.
 +Rauss Co.--A clothing manufacturer. It has been in business for over five hundred years.
 +Rax-Minstrem Rhodium Distribution Agency--A company specializing in the sale of rhodium to rodium runners. It is based out of Tribon on Lison.
 +Redcrown Resources Unlimited (RRU)--A company formed to mine resources from Redcrown'​s ring system. It went bankrupt after two years.
 +Redman-Smith Trading Corp (R-STC)--Originally set up to transport ore and other materials from Lison to Alaundril, Redman-Smith has since become an economic giant. Its headquarters are located on the Lighthouse. Free traders may join the organization,​ though membership requires an annual fee.
 +Redstar Media Network--An Orlamu-owned media network based in the Verge.
 +Rigunmor Consortium--An alliance of free traders, and the precursor to the Rigunmor Star Consortium.
 +Ronyo--A manufacturer of holographic imaging technology.
 +Sagorn Lumber Company--A logging corporation based in Bhruusil'​s Buulil forests. It has harvested only a small percentage of the forest'​s trees thus far.
 +Secure Trust--A spinoff of the Redman-Smith Trading Corp, this corporation specializes in investment brokering.
 +SekureTek--A manufacturer of security devices, weaponry and armor.
 +Shadow Syndicate--An illegal organization that provides its members with financial services.
 +Sobu Tours--Owned and operated by Philemon Sobu, this one-man company provides visitors to Yellow Sky with tours in its lowlands.
 +Solar X--A company specializing in mining equipment, outdoor gear and small spaceships. House Blackmore of the Borealis Republic owns 51 percent of its stock.
 +Solar X Motors--A corporation headquarted on Alaundril. It manufactures skycars, as well as small spaceships, the latter of which are produced in an orbital shipyard.
 +Soze Arms Ltd.--An arms and armor manufacturer. Most of its weapons are decidedly overpowered. (Verge-native?​)
 +Stahn Munitions--A division of Austrin-Ontis Unlimited based off of Ober Island.
 +StarMech Edge One Division--A subsidiary of StarMech Incorporated,​ this division manufactures weapons and armor.
 +Starreth Cruise Lines--A corporation specializing in pleasure cruises on Bluefall. It is affiliated with the Jubilee Corporation.
 +Stellar Survey Corporation (SCC)--This organization was founded after the end of the Second Galactic War. Specializing in surveys of uncharted systems, it quickly angered many scouts with its unfair practices. ​
 +Stevens--An Alaundrin company that manufactures camping units.
 +Stolnis Sea Products--A manufacturer of diving equipment headquartered on Bluefall.
 +TaskCor Communications--The StarMech-based corporation that runs Alaundril'​s drivesats. ​
 +TDK Shuttle Service--A corporation specializing in shuttling passengers to and from the Lighthouse. It has made a considerable profit off of this alone.
 +Terhandis Company--A manufacturer of sailboats and skysails. It is based on Bluefall.
 +TexMex Munitions Inc.--A manufacturer of specialized ammunition.
 +Thorn Industries--Based in the Talbott system, this corporation specializes in the manufacture of starships, and competes with Tendril'​s Ion Productions.
 +ThunderCorp Arms, Ltd.--An arms manufacturer.
 +Tobago Transport Company--A shipping company operating off of Lucullus.
 +Transtate Industries--A subsidiary of VoidCorp. One of its holdings is the October Corporation.
 +TransVerge Network (TVN)--A news service based in the Verge.
 +Tricus Development Corporation Inc., (TDC Inc.)--A mining corporation in the Corrivale system. It is in the process of installing planetary defenses on Flyspeck.
 +Tyardine Taxis--A water taxi service based off of Cantardyss on East Tyardine on Bluefall.
 +TyKo--A manufacturer of power tools and professional equipment.
 +Union of Arch Miners (UAM)--This organization is part of Union Penates, and is in charge of staffing Midas Station on Polyphemus and other mining stations in Lucullus'​ Arch. (Misplaced? Sounds more like a union.)
 +United Lison Network (ULN)--A news network based off of Lison.
 +United Mining Corporation--A mining and ore processing company located in Corrivale'​s Outer Belt.
 +Universal Media--A Bluefall-based subsidiary of a Borealin colony with the same name. It broadcasts five news programs and the latest entertainment from the Stellar Ring.
 +VentureMax Inc.--A small courier company with headquarters on Bluefall. It is run by a group of retired Regency naval officers.
 +Verge Explorations Inc.--This corporation explored the Ptolemy system and sold the development rights to the Nariac Domain.
 +(Verge) Merchant League--An economic organization,​ supported by the Concord and Regency. It was created to help protect the interests of individual merchants and small businessmen,​ for a small fee. Its headquarters are aboard Nectaris Orbital Station.
 +Verge News Network (VNN)--A news agency based in the Verge.
 +VergeTech--A Verge-based corporation aligned with House Calefir of Alaundril.
 +Visions of Divinity, Inc. (VDI)--A privately-owned holoevangelical service with ties to Celestial Entertainment Limited. Its headquarters are located in Aegis.
 +VoidCorp Investment Services--A subsidiary of VoidCorp specializing in brokerage services. ​
 +VoidCorp Subdivision of Aaleemun Resources--A division of VoidCorp that oversees the mines at Aaleemun.
 +Watson Theaters--A chain of theaters owned by Jike Watson.
 +White Comet Freight Consortium--A StarMech-based freight company.
 +Wilson'​s Game Outfitters--This Grith-based corporation organizes tours and hunting expeditions in the moon's jungles.
 +XTreme ActiveWear--Another holding of House Calefir, XTreme ActiveWear manufactures clothing designed with scouts and outdoorsmen in mind.
 +Yonce Enterprises--A Rigunmor holding company. Relitalia Yonce owns most of its stock. It owns MicroCore Investments and all of its subsidiaries.
 +===== Military =====
 +Air Guard--An elite military force charged with controlling Lison'​s rampant crime and protecting its oxygen supplies. Its colors are black and white.
 +Alaundrin System Patrol--A division of the Alaundrin government dedicated to keeping the peace in the Tendril system.
 +Alliance Command--The commanding body of the Verge Alliance. (Redundant to Admiralty?)
 +Archangel One--A codename for a Concord Marine evacuation unit.
 +Bad-Guy Company--The opposing force on Training Course D.
 +Battle Group Seymoyr--A nickname for the Concord Marines commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Seymoyr.
 +Borealin Defensive Guard (BDG)--The military of the Borealis Republic.
 +Burn Pirates--A group of pirates in the Tendril system. They were named for their unusual tactic of preying on vessels during the Burn.
 +Captains of Urdev--A group of professional weren soldiers that existed during the time of the Purifiers.
 +The Churgalt Insurgency--An underground Galvinite rebellion against the FSA. The Churgalt rebels claim that the State is in league with an unknown alien power.
 +Command Platoon--One of four platoons in Mercury Company, Command Platoon coordinates the actions of the other three. In addition to serving in an intelligence capacity, Command Platoon is responsible for the safety of the company commander.
 +Concord Admiralty--The uppermost corps of officers in the Concord Star Force.
 +Concord Defense Corps (CDC)--The army of the Concord. Most of its members are reservists, and service is entirely voluntary. Its motto is "We defend the galaxy"​.
 +Concord Marines--An elite organization of Concord soldiers, the Marines are always ready for battle. Their motto is "Eager to strike"​. ​
 +Concord Star Force (CSF)--The Concord'​s stellar navy. Its officers must undergo five years of training at one of three academies. Its motto is "​Excellence outshining the stars"​. ​
 +Concord Survey Service (CSS)--A branch of the Star Force, tasked with exploring uncharted regions, aiding frontier colonists and monitoring pirate activity. It is a descendent of the Stellar Survey Corporation,​ and also contracts scouts for survey missions.
 +Damarithan--A general term for the I'krl Theocracy'​s military.
 +Division 8--A top-secret division of the Concord Executive Authority. Several telekineticists from this division are seeking information on Precursor relics aboard the Lighthouse.
 +Encounter Squad--A squad in Witzko'​s Recon Platoon.
 +Exeat--An armada assembled by Ython Kadar and Paratak Trewys at the behest of the I'krl. Publicly, its mission is to convert the Verge to I'krl worship, though Kadar plans on using it to free the I'krl.
 +Fifth Fleet--A Regency fleet assigned to defend the space near Bluefall.
 +First Army--The military forces of the nation of Megarin, led by General Thetor.
 +1st Diplomatic Service Squadron--A unit of Concord Marines assigned to the cruiser Falada on its diplomatic mission to Thalaassa.
 +First Fleet--A Regency fleet assigned to patrol the space near Research Station Echo.
 +1st Platoon--This platoon, part of Mercury Company, traditionally takes the lead during battle.
 +First Squad--A squad in Damion Witzko'​s Recon Platoon.
 +Fleet Command--The upper leadership of the Solar Navy.
 +4th Company (of the 3rd(?) battalion of the 26th Regiment)--A unit of Concord Marines. It fought against the klicks on Arist.
 +Fourth Fleet--A Regency training fleet assigned to the Starcrest military academy.
 +Grith Port Police--A police force that oversees the Diamond Point Spaceport.E
 +Guards Templar--A cadre of elite Orlamu bodyguards. Many of the Guards Templar possess psionic talent, and some are stationed aboard the Lighthouse.
 +Hatire Internal Security Ministry--The law enforcement branch of the Colonial Diocese of Grith.
 +Hidden Army--A term applied to the troops gathered in secret in preparation for the Exeat.
 +Jamaican League Security Forces--The security forces of the Jamaican Syndicate. (Shouldn'​t it be Jamaican Syndicate?)
 +Jo-Rika--A highly decorated unit of Concord Marines, composed solely of weren. Its members fought in many battles during the External War. Its name means "Happy Bayonets"​ in Standard.
 +Ka'​Nak--A secret t'sa intelligence bureau. It was created to preserve the safety and soverignty of the T'sa Cluster, and its agents frequently spy on the stellar nations. Its name translates into Standard as "​Guiding Protectors"​. ​
 +Komothan--An I'krl Common term for "​stellar army".
 +The Legions--The elite shock troops of the Thuldan Empire. The Legions use an anachronistic Roman system of ranking.
 +Manyteeth Ahmk--The 77th External Ahmk. It is stationed at Caracas, is commanded by Komosar Erek Joss, and consists of 32 bareem, kroath, klicks and sifarv.
 +MedCorps--The medical division of the Concord Marines.
 +Mercury Company--A part of the 3rd Battalion of the 1st Regiment of the 145th Division. The soldiers of this company led the assault on Rakke, suffering few casualties in the process. The company is stationed aboard Vallis Station, but uses the frigate Innsbruck as transportation to battlefields throughout the system.
 +Nariac Defense Force--The military of the Nariac Domain.
 +Nariac Intelligence Directorate (NID)--A Nariac organization dedicated to covert operations and intelligence-gathering.
 +Neutrality Patrol--A small Concord force based in Algemron. It is tasked with protecting neutral ships bringing supplies to Galvin and Alitar.
 +Nidrazh--A now-defunct mechalus term for a number of elite cavalry units. It translates loosely into "​marauder"​.
 +Occupation Police--An Exeat organization dedicated to enforcing order in occupied Lucullus.
 +Order of the Black Tiger--An order of martial artists based in the Hammer'​s Star system. Members of the Order are allegedly trained in the art of fighting klicks in hand-to-hand combat.
 +Ordnance Branch--A division of the Austrin military that tests, stocks and maintains weapons.
 +Orion Navy--The Orion League'​s stellar navy. (Generic term? Mentioned in BS, in Reed's entry. Redundant to Orion Star Service?)
 +Orion Planetary Defense Directorate--The army of the Orion League.
 +Orion Star Service--The navy of the Orion League.
 +118th Psychological Operations Division (Battalion?​)--Part of the Regency military, this elite unit is composed of psions of extraordinary talent and flawless character. Their motto is "​Securité!",​ and were formed to protect the Regency from external threats. They are nicknamed the "Aegis Rangers"​.
 +119th Air Cav Battalion--An airborne Alitarin army unit sent to guard installations near the Misten Sea.
 +191st Marine Expeditionary Brigade--A brigade of Concord Marines stationed aboard the Lighthouse.
 +Patrol Squadron 131--A Concord squadron based at Omega Station in Corrivale. It is composed of two drive cutters and seven escorts.
 +Powered Infantry Command--A division of the Regency army consisting mostly of soldiers trained in the use of powered armor.
 +Psionic Repression Unit (PRU)--A specialized unit formed and trained by the Lucullan League to enforce the Mindwalker Repression Acts.
 +Radiant Pirates--A group of pirates operating in Lucullus'​ Arch. 
 +Raive'​s Faves--The unofficial name for a group of oxygen runners led by Raive Timogen.
 +Rapier Seven--The codename of a Concord Marine unit stationed on Spes at the time of the Exeat invasion.
 +(Damion Witzko'​s) Recon Platoon--A platoon of Concord Marines within the (number) company of the Third Battalion of the 26th Regiment. Their primary function is gathering reconaissance.
 +Regency Enforcement Command (REC)--The commanding body of the Regency Enforcers.
 +Regency Enforcers--The military police of the Regency of Bluefall. They are a division of its army.
 +Regency Intelligence Service (Agency? RIA?) (RIS)--An intelligence organization dedicated to keeping the Regency safe through information-gathering.
 +Regency Planetary Defense Force (RPDF)--The army of the Regency of Bluefall. It is fairly small, and composed mostly of light infantry.
 +Regency Sea Navy--The ocean-based defense force of the Bluefall Regency. It helps prevent ​  ​landings,​ and keeps the sea lanes open.
 +Regency Stellar Navy (RIN)--The stellar navy of the Regency of Bluefall. ​
 +Regent Guard--The elite guard of Regency Island. Some of its members possess biokinetic talent.
 +Rigunmor Third Fleet--A fleet assigned to patrol the borders of Rigunmor space. Admiral Sarn served as its commander.
 +Sanguine Outriders (the 145th)--A reinforced division of Concord Marines currently stationed in Hammer'​s Star.
 +2nd Battleship Wing--A wing of battleships in the 2nd fleet(?) captained by Ythapsol Maree.
 +2nd Battalion (of the 26th Regiment)--A unit of Concord Marines.
 +2nd Company--A unit of Concord Marines, led by Captain Kira McRae. It is a part of the Third Battalion of the 26th Regiment.
 +2nd Diplomatic Service Squadron--A unit of Concord Marines assigned to diplomatic duty aboard Falada.
 +2nd (Exeat) Fleet--A fleet in the Exeat commanded by Arksol Czynn-tal. (This section is disorganized. Czynn-tal commands the Fourth Armada, referenced in her entry and the naval org chart.)
 +Second Fleet--A RIN fleet assigned to patrol the area near Redcrown.
 +2nd Platoon--This platoon acts in a supporting role to the 1st Platoon, though its members are just as combat-ready.
 +Second Squad--A squad in Lieutenant Witzko'​s platoon.
 +Seventh Fleet--A Regency fleet assigned to protect Bluefall itself. Its flagship is the Sanctuary.
 +Sha'​cre'​ta--A traditional t'sa fighting style. It emphasizes superior speed, agility, and is similar to Judo.
 +Sha'​cre'​tasa--A t'sa term for a martial artist trained in traditional t'sa fighting styles.
 +Shining Sabers--A Concord fighter squadron stationed aboard the Inamorata.
 +Sixth Fleet--Assigned to gather reconnaissance on the Externals, this Regency fleet has been equipped with advanced sensors technology.
 +The Snow Tigers--The nickname of the 22nd Powered Infantry division of Alitar. They are one of the most well trained units in the Alitarin army.
 +Solar Navy--The stellar navy of the Union of Sol. Its uniforms are black and gold.
 +Solothan (Solithan?​)--An I'krl Common term meaning "​stellar fleet"​.
 +Special Operations Division (of the NID)--A division of the NID devoted exclusively to black ops.
 +Star Navy--The interstellar navy of Galvin.
 +StarMech Security Consulate--A branch of the StarMech government dedicated to collecting intelligence. (Poss. tied to SSD?)
 +StarMech Security Division (SSD)--The law enforcement and military arm of the StarMech government. (Redundant?​)
 +(Theocracy) Fifth Army--One of five major divisions of the I'krl Theocracy'​s army. It is known as the Xenhon'​s Hand, and obeys his orders alone.
 +(Theocracy) First Armada--An armada in the Exeat. Its flagship is the fortress ship Styx.
 +(Theocracy) First Army--One of five major divisions of the I'krl Theocracy army. It has been assigned to guard the core worlds.
 +(Theocracy) First Fleet--One of three large fleets in the I'krl Theocracy navy. It is assigned to protect the core systems.
 +(Theocracy) Fourth Armada--One of four large fleets in the Exeat navy. It is captained by Arksol Czynn-tal from the fortress ship Phlegethon.
 +(Theocracy) Fourth Army--One of five large divisions in the I'krl Theocracy army. It patrols the frontier.
 +(Theocracy) Legion One--One of three legions in each I'krl Theocracy army division. It contains the primary assault forces, including armor and infantry.
 +(Theocracy) Legion Three--One of three legions in each I'krl Theoracy army division. It contains the long-term occupation forces.
 +(Theocracy) Legion Two--One of three legions in each I'krl Theocracy army division. It contains the kroath conversion forces and engineering corps.
 +(Theocracy) Second Armada--An armada in the Exeat'​s navy. Its flagship is the fortress ship Acheron.
 +(Theocracy) Second Army--One of five major divisions of the I'krl Theocracy'​s army. It guards the slave worlds.
 +(Theocracy) Second Fleet--One of three fleets in the I'krl Theocracy navy. It patrols the borders and frontier areas.
 +(Theocracy) Third Armada--One of four armadas in the Exeat navy. Its flagship is the fortress ship Lethe.
 +(Theocracy) Third Army--One of five major divisions in the I'krl Theocracy army. It has been assigned to the numerous heretic worlds.
 +(Theocracy) Third Fleet--One of three major fleets in the I'krl Theocracy navy. It is assigned to active combat zones and hot spots.
 +Third Battalion (of the 26th Regiment)--A unit of Concord Marines. It was recently assigned to Hammer'​s Star.
 +3rd Company (of the Third Battalion of the 26th Regiment)--A unit of Concord Marines. It took part in a battle against the klicks on Arist.
 +3rd Company (of the Second Battalion of the 26th Regiment)--A unit of Concord Marines. It took part in a skirmish with the klicks on Arist.
 +3rd Company (Fifth Marines, does it mean Battalion?​)--A Concord Marine unit that fought the klicks on Arist. It lost nearly a quarter of its strength in an orbital drop.
 +3rd Diplomatic Service Squadron--A unit of Concord Marines assigned to duty aboard Falada.
 +Third Fleet--A fleet in the RIN assigned to patrol the Regency'​s Verge colonies. It also works with Concord forces in the sector.
 +3rd Platoon--This platoon, part of Mercury Company, is highly trained in close combat. It sometimes changes places with 1st Platoon if such tactics are needed.
 +Thuldan Heavy Infantry--A division of the Thuldan Empire'​s ground forces.
 +Thuldan Maritime Navy--The ocen-based navy of the Thuldan colonies of Bluefall.
 +Tliss Ta Klee--This elite unit of t'sa commandos was trapped on Penates when the Externals invaded the system. They have taken up a guerilla campaign against the occupying forces. Their name means "Army of Dissension"​.
 +Tribon Legal Authority--The law-enforcement branch of Tribon'​s local government. (ULS? Maybe the Tribon Watch and Tribon Security are branches of the Legal Authority. Mentioned on pp 102, ToM.)
 +Tribon Watch--The police force of Tribon, also known as the Plexwatch. Their uniforms are black and gold. (The book mentions "​Authority"​ on pp. 7. Lison Port Authority? Lison Space Authority? "​Tribon Security"​ is mentioned on pp 9. "Lison Security"​ is mention on pp 38.)
 +Trillaari--A group of sifarv and bareem separatists who wish to free the Demesne from the I'krl Church'​s rule. 
 +26th Regiment--A unit of Concord Marines.
 +Unicorn Flight--A squadron of Concord cutters assigned to provide fire support for Damien Witzko'​s Marines.
 +Unified Aleer Army (UAA)--The army of the planet Aleer as it existed under Thetor, now defunct.
 +United Lison State Security--The police force of the ULS.
 +United Lucullan Defense Force (ULDF)--A naval force composed of ships from all of Lucullus'​ factions. It remained independent of the Verge Alliance'​s battle group, and turned traitor when the Exeat invaded the system.
 +Vanguard Task Force--A Thuldan task force assigned to Vanguard Station in Aegis.
 +Verge Alliance--An alliance consisting of the Concord'​s Verge forces and the governments of Aegis, Tendril, Corrivale, Terivine, Mantebron, Argos, Rinstoke and formerly Lucullus. It was formed in response to the Exeat invasion.
 +(Verge Alliance) First Battle Group--The first and strongest of the Verge Alliance'​s four battle groups. It was led by the Lighthouse, and assigned to Argos.
 +(Verge Alliance) Fourth Battle Group--One of four Verge Alliance battle groups. It was stationed at Aegis.
 +Verge Alliance Intelligence--The intelligence-gathering body of the Verge Alliance.
 +(Verge Alliance) Second Battle Group--Centered on the Sanctuary, this battle group was originally sent to defend Lucullus.
 +(Verge Alliance) Third Battle Group--A Verge Alliance battle group. It was stationed at Tendril, with standing orders to return to Old Space if the Alliance won the battle at Lucullus. Its flagship was the Gandolf.
 +Wandering Daughters--A group of mercenery weren exiles that existed during the time of the Purifiers.
 +West Lodge Militia--A group of weren from West Lodge assembled to help fight against the human troopers from the north.
 +===== Religious =====
 +Ancientists--A religion based in the Borealis Republic. According to Ancientist philosophy, the Precursors are actually godlike beings who will one day return to judge humanity. Ancientists are, as can be expected, heavily involved in archaeological expeditions and the sciences.
 +Ch'​Nalism--A t'sa religion, originally developed during the City Age. Ch'​Nalists believe that each aspect of the universe has its own patron spirit, or Ch'​Nakan. They are appointed by a central creator-power,​ Ch'​Nal.
 +The Chorus--This group of Hatire biokineticists believes that faith and psionic ability can heal injuries as well as, if not better than, medical technology. ​
 +Church of the Purifier--A native weren faith that has existed since the rise of the warlords. Its doctrine dictates that struggle and accomplishment will purify the soul. After death, purified souls become avatars called gontal, which are revered by Purifiers.
 +Hatire--A religion that stresses simplicity and purity of body and mind. Hatires view cybertechnology and genetic manipulation as sinful. The bulk of the Hatire faith'​s adherents live in the Hatire Community, though, ironically, many Thuldans follow the faith as well. Its deity is of alien origin, and is known as the Cosimir.
 +Humanity Reformation--A semi-deistic faith based in the StarMech Collective, Humanity Reformation encourages its followers to right wrongs and work for the greater good.
 +I'krl Church--A religious organization formed by the thaal and dedicated to the worship of the I'krl, a species long since locked away. Its priesthood consists almost entirely of Mindwalkers,​ and relative psionic ability is directly tied to a priest'​s rank.
 +Insightful--Also known as the Church of the Oracle, the Insightful believe that the Grid itself is divine. They feel that the free flow of information is what will lead humanity to enlightenment.
 +Orlamism--Members of this faith view drivespace as the unconscious mind of God. Orlamists are very active in many scientific fields, particularly drivespace research, and the Orlamu faith itself sometimes changes to accomodate new scientific discoveries.
 +Seers of Torai--A monastic order of Hatire mystics on Alaundril. The Seers are famous for their startlingly accurate predictions.
 +The Spiritual Reckoning--This native weren faith was at its strongest centuries ago. Its adherents believe that one's bloodline is everything, and that upon death, weren are judged by their ancestors. They also believe that killing one's foes increases spiritual worthiness. Its followers are called "​Reckoners"​.
 +Thetites--An alternate name for mechalus who follow Thetor'​s Credo of War. They tend to be violent, and somewhat like human cykoteks in mentality. They are also known as Warmongers.
 +Warthenists--A fringe cult with members aboard the Lighthouse. They believe that Warthen Hale was humanity'​s messiah, and that he will one day return to leade the Concord to greatness.
 +===== Scientific =====
 +Belatu Research Board (BRB)--This private scientific institution is dedicated to studying Belatu and Dewi. It is based off of the Belatu Research Facility.
 +Brotherhood of Computer Technicians--A Verge-wide organization that provides job opportunities and technical training to aspiring comptechs.
 +Center for Biological Control--An Orion League institution dedicated to controlling biological weapons.
 +Center for Xenological Studies--An organization assembled on Bluefall to study the unknown lifeforms in the Verge.
 +The Collective--A group of Ancientists interested in searching for Precursor sites beyond Hammer'​s Star. They were awarded a Kalht Initiative grant.
 +Council for Conscientious Scientists--An organization dedicated to helping policymakers and scientists make informed, moral decisions. It recently told the governments of Aegis and Alaundril to abandon their colonies in Rivendale.
 +Council of Independent Scientists--An organization of scientists that helped develop guidelines for ethical research.
 +Galactic Medical Authority (GMA)--All doctors operating in human space belong to this organization,​ which oversees testing and certification. Its Verge headquarters is in Sunfall on the planet Leen.
 +Hoff Academy of Scientific Studies--A scientific institution in the Verge. It was recently awarded a Kalht Initiative grant.
 +Holman Sound Oceanographic Institute--An organization dedicated to studying Bluefall'​s oceans and structure. Its headquarters are located on Saber Island.
 +Lison Planetological Anomalies Research Institute (LiPARI)--A planetological institution based in Aegis. It studies Lison'​s planetary oddities, and hires native Lisoners to do field work.
 +Ministry of Health Sciences--An institution dedicated to the medical sciences. (%)
 +Orlamu Brookings Foundation--An Orlamu organization dedicated to the biological sciences.
 +Orvon Institute--A scientific institution providing personnel to the Ovron Research Outpost.
 +Oxygen Alert Coalition (OAC)--A group of ULS citizens pushing to conserve oxygen by sending more people to the topside colonies.
 +Radix Institute--A xenobiological institute. (Insight, most likely. Mentioned in CV by Dr. Nuna.)
 +Regency Meteorological Institute--A division of the Regency dedicated to studying Bluefall'​s climate and weather patterns.
 +Shade--This network of hackers and Gridpilots maintains an extensive database of security protocols and other things needed to break into systems. It's rumored to be a part of Insight.
 +Spes Research Association (SRA)--A group of independent explorers, this organization surveyed the Hathorn system for Utopia Now. The SRA, along with the Borealis Republic and the Orlamu Theocracy, led the first expedition to Hammer'​s Star.
 +Tauran Concord Institute of Applied Xenoarchaeology--A xenoarchaeological institution based in Kendai and funded by the Concord. It sent out an expedition to Lilith. (Redundant to TXI? It employed Dr. Radlevich, but she might have taken up employment with TXI after the Finders Keepers incident.)
 +Terran Xenoarchaeological Institute (TXI)--A scientific institution sponsored by the Concord. It engages in xenoarchaeological studies and field research. It has several branch offices in Kendai.
 +Verge Rangers--A group of guides who provide expert advice to travelers, representatives and explorers in the Verge. They are authorized to go armed just about everywhere.
 +Vychlabs--A public genetic research laboratory owned by Dr. Artemus Vych.
 +===== Scholastic =====
 +Academie du Monde--A Hatire Mind Knight academy on the planet Haven.
 +Aegis Academy--A university on Bluefall, Aegis Academy is well-known for its scholarly faculty.
 +Akkar University--A university on Hughes Island.
 +Alexandran--A preparatory school on Cesar Island.
 +Ascension--The academy of the Concord Administrators,​ Ascension is located on the planet Concord.
 +Citizens for a Free Republic (CFR)--Based off Bluefall, this group is trying to establish free elections for Regency citizens.
 +College of Justice Ethics--This Borealin college was formed near the end of the Second Galactic War. It stresses the fact that individuals must act to protect the innocent and bring justice to the guilty.
 +College of Unism
 +College of Virtue
 +College of Aestheticism
 +College of Neosolipsism
 +College of Deism-Unism
 +College of Platonism
 +College of Exonihilism
 +College of Neokantian ​
 +College of Verant-Benn
 +College of High Rationalism
 +Committee for Reform--A group agitating for greater enfranchisement for the citizens of the Regency. (Redundant to CFR?)
 +Concord Military Academy--An officer academy operated by the Concord Marines. (Redundant to or synonymous with Coughlin? Mentioned on pp 31 of OTV, in conjunction with Witzko).
 +Coughlin Academy--An exclusive college that trains much of the Concord Marines'​ officer corps.
 +Crusade--A respected Orlamu military academy orbiting Prophethome.
 +DiNardo Laboratories--This fine research facility is located aboard the Lighthouse. It rents its facilities and expertise out to anyone in need of professional assistance.
 +Galindus Medical Center--Located aboard the Lighthouse, this hospital treats the station'​s sick and injured. Its xenobiological wing is Verge-reknowned. ​
 +Hadrian Hospital--Located in Kansas Station, this hospital specializes in cybersurgery and the treatment of bhruu.
 +Hughes College--A university located on Hughes Island on Bluefall.
 +Immigrant Assistance Center--An organization dedicated to helping newcomers to Bluefall. (Misplaced, needs different category.)
 +Itrius Foundation--A privately-funded research group and census organization.
 +Kane Academy--A military academy set up by Scott Williamson to train Alaundril'​s navy.
 +Kent Hospital Insitute--The most advanced medical hospital in human space. It's located in the Thuldan Empire.
 +Liberty 3000--An organization dedicated to sentient rights.
 +Lighthouse University--This institute of higher education is located aboard the Lighthouse, though most of its courses are correspondant. Rumor has it that CFN is recruiting new members here.
 +Military Institute of Galvin--One of the most rigorous military academies in the Verge, students here are required to take a five-year course and are commissioned as officers in the Galvinite military.
 +Mindanaoth Academy--Located in Diamond Point, this academy is a training ground for Hatire mind knights. Its graduates share one distinct mark--three concentric rings tattooed on their left palm.
 +Orlamu Operatic Theater--This company of actors is most famous for its regular productions of the play Sendir and the Divine Unconscious.
 +Sanger-Osselman Foundation--A foundation dedicated to analyzing political and economic trends.
 +Society for the Arts--A Hatire charity, the Society hires entertainers of all stripes, as long as their acts don't involve advanced technology.
 +St. Andrews--A preparatory school on Cesar Island.
 +Staahurak Studio--A school in Kansas Station dedicated to the education of both humans and bhruu. ​
 +Starcrest--An Orion military academy in the Ericis system. It was the site of a massive student uprising during the Second Galactic War. (Ericis Military Academy is mentioned in Kalden'​s entry in SDCS, Starcrest in SGA.)
 +The Stradivarians--A band performing at the Black Nebula.
 +Striker Naval Academy--A Rigunmor naval academy located on Bazaar.
 +Student Reform Coalition (SRC)--Formed and led by Christopher Hale, this student group lobbied for peace during the Second Galactic War.
 +Twelve Ducks--A group of students that have dedicated themselves to stopping the exploitation of Bhruusil and the bhruu.
 +University of Alitar--Located in Beronin, this school is the best college in the Algemron system.
 +University of Bluefall--A university located on Bluefall.
 +University of Ceres--A venerable institution located in Old Space.
 +University of New Cairo--A university located in the city of New Cairo on the planet Hale.
 +Verge Xenological Institute--An organization dedicated to studying the creatures of the Verge. This body holds annual meetings.
 +Vition--One of the Concord Star Force'​s three officer academies, Vition is located on the planet Concord. It is considered to be the best of the trio.
 +Yin-Farrow University--A university located on the planet Skai. It sponsored the Universal Translation Project.
 +Youth Educational Center--Known to its students as "​Yec",​ this school is responsible for the education of the children that live aboard the Lighthouse. ​
 +====== Places ======
 +===== Planets =====
 +Aaleemun--A hot, mineral-rich world in the Karnath system. VoidCorp has several automated strip-mines there.
 +Adalcus--The second capital of the Dreth Commonwealth.
 +Afsha--A mechalus second world in Rigunmor space.
 +Afterglow--A planet in former Dreth space.
 +Agema--A mechalus second world in Rigunmor space.
 +Ahjaarl--A habitable planet in the Dbaal system, and the homeworld of the fraal and thaal.
 +Aleer--The mechalus homeworld, located in the Agemar system. It is slightly smaller and warmer than Earth, but still within Series I tolerance ranges.
 +Alhambra--An inhabited world in Rigunmor space, and the birthplace of Rom Verdoss.
 +Alitar--The temperate, habitable fourth planet of the Algemron system. Alitar has virtually no axial tilt, and is home to both the Imperial State of Algemron and a native sentient species.
 +Almaz--A slushy planet in the Corrivale system, Almaz possesses an unusually strong magnetic field and a nickel-iron core.
 +Amaethon--A Jovian world in the Dewi system. Its four largest moons have Series IV biospheres, and are home to Dreth colonies, though Amaethon itself is relatively undeveloped.
 +Anacortes--A first world in the Orion League. Most of the planet is covered with large cities.
 +Anselmo--An airless, unsettled world in the Vieron system.
 +Antigua--A large, metal-poor world in the Ignatius system, Antigua is habitable yet home to a xenophobic alien species and high gravity.
 +Archilla--A planet in former Dreth space. It was the second world claimed by the nation.
 +Arianrhod--A small, icy world in the Dewi system. It is uninhabited.
 +Atlas--An airless world in the Tendril system. It is home to a variety of archaeological sites, as well as a small colony of radical Orlamists.
 +Backlog--An airless, cold world in the Tychus system.
 +Banisese II--A first world located in Concord Taurus.
 +Bazaar--Technically the capital planet of the Rigunmor Star Consortium, Bazaar is not the nation'​s center of government or trade.
 +Belatu--A boiling hothouse world in the Dewi system. Though inhospitable in the extreme, the Dreth are in the process of mining the world'​s rich mineral deposits.
 +Beta Hydri--A system in known space, it has one habitable planet.
 +Bhruusil--A habitable world in the Karnath system. It has relatively little water, cold winters and a native sentient species.
 +Big Heat--A large gas giant in the Tychus system.
 +Blackball--The barren, airless, outermost world in the Tychus system.
 +Blackmore--Located in the Talbott system, this world has an unusually low albedo and no resources worth exploiting.
 +Blagieur--A cold, sterile world in the outer reaches of the Agemar system.
 +Bluecharm--A cold, airless world in the Tychus system.
 +Bluefall--A beautiful ocean world in the Aegis system. Bluefall was terraformed by the Glassmakers millions of years ago, and is considered to be the "jewel of the Verge"​. It is governed by the Regency of Bluefall, and is arguably the cultural, political and economic center of the sector.
 +Boiling Ball--The first planet in System 2253, this world is a scorched, uninhabitable rock. Most of its surface is molten, though stray mining posts have been set up there.
 +Bonair III--A planet in Rigunmor space, home to the corporate headquarters of Gefflech Pharmaceuticals.
 +Brallis--A second world located in the Thuldan Empire, near the border it shares with Concord Taurus.
 +Bran--A small gas giant in the Dewi system, Bran might be subject to mining operations in the future.
 +Bruelt--A tiny planet in the outer reaches of Hammer'​s Star, Bruelt is insignificant and largely ignored.
 +Cadros--An airless, inhospitable world in the Dewi system.
 +Caina--A large gas giant in the Rinstoke system, Caina has a powerful EM field and an extensive system of satellites. These moons are rumored to be home to numerous pirate bases.
 +Calderon--A molten planet with significant deposits of heavy metals. The Galvinites have five extraction plants on its surface, each guarded.
 +Callin--A beautiful, ringed world in the Agraine system.
 +Cambria II--Also known as the "​Dinosaur Planet",​ Cambria II is the only inhabitable world in the Cambria system. Its previous colonists were wiped out by the planet'​s vicious wildlife, and the world was eventually re-colonized by the medurr, who refer to the planet as "​Marvystarkol"​. ​
 +Canis Epsilon Two--An inhabited industrial planet in Nariac space. It was the site of the Canis Epsilon Two Incident.
 +Caridwen--A large gas giant in the Dewi system. Several of its moons are home to Dreth colonies.
 +Catalog--The capital planet of VoidCorp.
 +Causeway--The sole habitable world of the Crow system, Causeway has little water. The planet has been home to four failed colonies, as well as indigenous life.
 +Chance--The capital planet of the StarMech Collective, Chance his home to some of the most sophisticated shipyards in human space.
 +Chark--A small, slush-covered world in the Corrivale system. Exploration of its surface is extremely hazardous.
 +Cheerghun--A cold, inhospitable planet in the Karnath system. Cheerghun is currently being terraformed by VoidCorp, despite the fact that it has native life-forms. ​
 +Chelt--A planet in former Dreth space.
 +Colet--A mechalus second world in Rigunmor space.
 +Concord--The capital planet of the Galactic Concord, Concord is open to people of all nations, but is nevertheless well defended.
 +Condree--A mechalus second world, located in Rigunmor space.
 +Corazón de Fuega--A large, metal-rich world in the Vieron system. Corazón is a hostile planet, with turbulent weather and crushing gravity. All settlements on the surface are domed cities.
 +Corvale--A planet in known space. One of its native animal species is the voltang. (Mentioned on pp 215, ToM. Name is a bit uncertain, but probably not related to Corrivale).
 +Dalius--A small gas giant in the Algemron system. Scientists believe that it might support some varieties of life. It has six moons.
 +Danwell--Located in the Eldala system, Danwell is dry and chilly, yet still within the range of habitability. It is home to a sentient species known as the edanweir.
 +Delight--Formerly a StarMech world, Delight was conquered by the Thuldans during the Second Galactic War.
 +Delphin--An inhospitable world in the Tendril system. Delphin is a radiation-seared ball of metallic compounds that is prone to violent sandstorms. Recent surveys have led scientists to believe that life has evolved there.
 +Delta Taurus--A beautiful gas giant in Rigunmor space, known for its spectatular ring system.
 +Derelliger--A planet in explored space.
 +Dione--A water giant in the Lucullus system, home to Class V lifeforms. ​
 +Dioscuri--A nearly tide-locked world in the Lucullus system. Dioscuri has a thin, toxic atmosphere and is prone to fierce storms along its terminator.
 +Dothan VI--A gas giant in the Dothan system. One of its moons is marginally habitable. (pp 329 and pp 34, SF mention it being in the Strome system, but there'​s a Dolthan system listed separately on the Verge map. VC seems to have claimed Strome, as evidenced by its mention in Convergence,​ so I'm inclined to put Dothan VI in the Dolthan system and leave Strome to VC. But how would that affect the names? There'​s an "​l"​ in the system name. It's mentioned as "​Dolthan"​ in a single incidence on pp 56, SF. ARGH.)
 +Dreth--A planet in Old Space, and the site of the Dreth Commonwealth'​s old capital. It was one of three inhabitable worlds in its system.
 +Drochi--A mechalus second world in Rigunmor space.
 +D'​Sene--Named after Sesket d'​Sene,​ this hothouse world has a thick, toxic atmosphere and seas of molten rock and metal. It is located in the Calesque system.
 +Dull Regret--An airless, cold world in the Tychus system.
 +Dylan--A gas giant in the Dewi system. It is currently in the process of forming a ring system from the remnants of a collision.
 +Dystopia--A cold, airless world in the Tychus system.
 +Ensueno--An airless world in the Vieron system.
 +Far Sky--(...What is it? Mentioned on pp 241 of SF, but there'​s no indication of what it is. Might be a planet, or a moon, or a system, anything.)
 +Fatehpur--A large, watery world in the Chisholm system. Fatehpur'​s ecosystem is in the process of being manipulated by alien nanites, which are seemingly trying to engineer a species of sentient creatures.
 +Fearnleah--An inhabited world in the Hloewton system. It is pristine and beautiful, and home to members of a sect that believe in technology'​s power to conquer death.
 +Fharuthen--The second planet in the Hathorn system. It is habitable, possessing three ring systems and seven moons. A number of bareem tend to slaves and logistical matters in bases on its surface, and its largest moon has been converted into a comm-array. Its name means "​Sacred State"​.
 +Fletcher--A gas giant in the Talbott system.
 +Florirt--A planet in VoidCorp space.
 +Fontis (Gontis?​)--A hot terrestrial world located in the Agemar system.
 +Frost--A gas giant in the Talbott system.
 +Fshaila--A planet. One of its indigenous plant species is the dewpod bush.
 +Galvin--The third planet in the Algemron system. Galvin is a warm, swampy world with little tectonic activity and landlocked seas. It is home to the FSA.
 +Galvy--A mechalus second world in Rigunmor space.
 +Gamma Leonis III--A large gas giant in the Gamma Leonis system. One of its moons, Sheya, has native life.
 +Geshlor--A hot gas giant in the Agemar system.
 +Ghiikun--An outer planet in the Karnath system, it is irregularly-shaped as a result of a collision.
 +Gobi--The arid second planet of the Kendai system. It is recovering from planetary bombardment,​ and is home to a number of Concord settlers. The Kendai Relay is positioned in one of its LaGrange points.
 +Gwydion--A small gas giant in the Dewi system. It was formerly a haven for pirates and criminals.
 +Hale--The capital world of the Concord Taurus neutrality.
 +Halo--A small gas giant in the Algemron system, Halo was captured by Algemron after it encountered another solar system. It has five moons, and possesses a strange electromagnetic aura.
 +Hanan--The innermost planet in the Talbott system. It is a frozen rock with little in the way of valuable resources.
 +Hartrest--A world in the Argos system, Hartrest is another likely candidate for terraforming.
 +Haven--The capital planet of the Hatire Community, Haven is also home to ancient alien ruins.
 +Havryn--A Jovian gas giant in the Algemron system, Havryn collided with a planet when its solar system passed through Havryn'​s. As a result, all of its moons are mere fragments, and its orbit has been altered.
 +High Mojave--This ancient world is the only inhabited planet in the Mantebron system. It is home to the bulk of the Glassmaker ruins in the Verge, as well as a small group of Orion colonists. It is the oldest colonized world in human space, and is quickly losing its habitability.
 +Hivehome--A planet in I'krl Theocracy'​s space, and the klick homeworld. It is currently occupied by the bareem.
 +Hopewell--A world in Orlamu space, Hopewell was devastated by an orbital bombardment during the Second Galactic War. Most of the Yellow Sky colonists were native to this world.
 +Hurax--A planet in I'krl Theocracy space. (Poss. located in Grattan Wastes.)
 +Hurricane--This world, located in the Ptolemy system, is comparatively young. As such, it is prone to violent storms and tectonic activity. Its atmosphere and seas are toxic, but its pirate colonists are making some efforts to terraform it.
 +Huumun--A rocky world in the outer reaches of the Karnath system. Its atmosphere is composed largely of hydrocarbons,​ and the Rigunmors considered leasing it to mine them.
 +Hux--A frigid world in the Oberon system, also known as "​Oberon Five". Though Hux possesses relatively little in the way of  rhodium, it is nevertheless being mined by VoidCorp.
 +Hydrocus--A planet in the Corrivale system. Hydrocus was formerly terrestrial,​ but has since been turned into an acidic hothouse by tectonic activity. It is home to complex yet elusive Series V lifeforms.
 +Ilmater--This hot, rocky planet is the closest planet to Galvin. The Alitarins tried to establish a base there before the cease-fire.
 +Inderon--The innermost planet of the Corrivale system. Inderon is very hot, yet rich in metals.
 +Infierno--A scorched, tide-locked world in the Vieron system.
 +Iniad--An enormous gas giant in the Hammer'​s Star system. Its twenty-one moons are rumored to be home to a number of klick and pirate outposts.
 +Ino--One of two inhabited worlds in the Thalaassa system. It has a large equatorial continent and polar seas.
 +Iphus--A cold, slushy, hydrocarbon-covered world in the Corrivale system. Iphus is home to numerous VoidCorp processing and mining plants. ​
 +Iris--A small planet in the Oberon system. The ULS has established a listening post here to monitor the activity of incoming vessels.
 +Iridis--A planet in Old Space, Iridis'​ atmosphere was terraformed in record time by Dr. Andrew Tofkse.
 +Isette--A world in former Dreth space. It was devastated by VoidCorp ships during the betrayal of the Commonwealth.
 +Ixax--A planet in explored space. It is home to the Sacred Circle, a mysterious alien ruin.
 +Jaeger--The unusually open capital planet of the Orion League.
 +Jelant--A planet in the former Dreth Commonwealth.
 +Jetsam--An ice-covered rocky planet in the Aegis system, Jetsam was once home to an Orion base and shipyard. It was largely abandoned after the Vanishing, but a number of Orion operatives remain there in secret.
 +Jewel--Technically known as the Sisters'​ Jewel, this world in System 2253 is marginally habitable, and home to life. It is periodically subject to intense radiation. Several groups of miners set up base camps on it.
 +Kaarl--The legendary homeworld of the I'krl, and one of the I'krl Church'​s focal points.
 +Kadar III--A desert planet in the Kadar system, and the homeworld of the kadarans. It is scarce in resources, and irradiated as a result of nuclear warfare.
 +Ka'​Taasa--Originally called Za'​lor,​ this planet in the Ch'​Nara system was renamed when it was terraformed and settled. Its name means "New Taasa"​.
 +Kaventaar--A planet (system? Mentioned on pp 33, ToM. Could be either.) in Old Space(?).
 +Keanthys--A small, slightly inhospitable world in the Jhirpa Nebula with abundant mineral resources.
 +Keehrun--A barren inner planet in the Karnath system.
 +Khiikilun--A ringed planet in the outer Karnath system.
 +Kliot--A large, metal-rich world in the Tarsis system. The planet is inhabited by independents,​ though the Dreth have also established colonies there.
 +Kluumalun--A barren outer planet in the Karnath system. StarMech constructed a refueling depot there, which is rumored to play host to CIB agents.
 +K1--The first world in system K, K1 is marginally habitable, and home to many varieties of plant life. It is hot and humid, with a thick, somewhat toxic atmosphere.
 +Kreshaw--A large gas giant in the Oberon system, Kreshaw has a very active gravity field and high rotation rate. Most of its moons have been destroyed--only three are left.
 +K3--The largest world in system K. A super-terran planet, K3 has recently entered a long ice age. It is inhabited by a sentient species known as the underdwellers.
 +Kurg--A habitable, if cold planet in the Tinnale system. It has a sparse biosphere, and is the homeworld of the weren.
 +Lecterion--An enormous, electromagnetically active gas giant in the Corrivale system. It has eleven noteworthy moons.
 +Leen--A semi-terrestrial planet in the Oberon system. Leen is mostly Earthlike, but its atmosphere contains too much oxygen for human habitation. It possesses a native biosphere, scattered human colonies and two moons.
 +Liber--Formerly the StarMech capital world, Liber was conquered by the Thuldans during the Second Galactic War.
 +Lirea--A beautiful, pristine second world on Austrin-Ontis'​ outermost border.
 +Lison--The inhospitable,​ tide-locked fourth world of the Oberon system. The only valuable asset Lison has is rhodium. Most of Lison'​s colonists live in underground cities, and only venture aboveground to gather oxygen from pools on the planet'​s nightside. ​
 +Lordan--A Mars-like planet in the Corrivale system. It is a likely candidate for terraforming,​ but its ownership is uncertain.
 +Luumun--The innermost planet in the Karnath system, Luumun has few valuable resources. It was named after Luumak, a ghree.
 +Malvado--A large gas giant in the Vieron system.
 +Maray--A mechalus second world in Rigunmor space.
 +Marybelle--A planet in the Argos system, Marybelle is currently undergoing terraforming. The Verge Confederation'​s headquarters is located there.
 +Medal III--The homeworld of the Medurr, located in the Perseus Arm.
 +Meechun--This icy, mineral-poor world is located in the Karnath system.
 +Megalen--A planet (system? Mentioned on pp 75 of ToM) back in Old Space. It was the site of a battle during the Second Galactic War.
 +Meriden IV--(A planet in the Meriden system? Meriden the system is mentioned in Red Starrise, and it would make sense if they'​re related.) Once home to a human colony, this planet'​s ecosystem was disrupted by packs of dogs introduced by the colonists.
 +Mikoa B1--A hothouse world in the Mikoa system. Insight planted a stash of fake crystals here in an attempt to lure VoidCorp into making a long-term investment.
 +Mikoa V--This planet, located in the Mikoa system, has abundant mineral resources that its system'​s colonists are in the process of exploiting.
 +Mikoa III--Located in the Mikoa system, this planet isn't a Class 1 world, yet is still home to a small colony.
 +Mindara--A tide-locked world in the Oberon system. The Rigunmors constructed a refuling base in its orbit, but it has since been abandoned.
 +Naigyun VII--A second world located within StarMech space. Its ecosystem was ruined during the Second Galactic War, and some of its more religious inhabitants reloated to the Hloewton system.
 +Naria--The capital planet of the Nariac Domain, Naria was originally a harsh world.
 +Neighbor--An airless, rocky world, Neighbor is the innermost world of the Tychus system.
 +Nheelun--An outer world in the Karnath system, Nheelak has a liquid ocean underneath a thin crust of ice. VoidCorp plans to use its water in the terraforming of Cheerghun.
 +Norn--This planet, located in the Oberon system, was once one of Kreshaw'​s moons. Its orbit is highly unstable, and the moon will smash into its parent in 2503. Rumor has it that the planet is home to a pirate base.
 +Novo Tver--A war-ravaged world in the Nariac Domain, home to many refugees.
 +Ohmel--This icy world has a highly elliptical orbit, resulting in long, extremely cold winters and short thaws. Several settlements are located here, all of them established by the now-defunct Leodal States. It is also home to Glassmaker ruins.
 +Orod--The second inhabitable planet in the Agemar system. It was once home to the Oridin, but after they became extinct, it was colonized by the mechalus.
 +Oyente--A gas giant in the Vieron system.
 +Pale Ton--A cold, airless world in the Tychus system.
 +Palshizon--An ice-covered rocky planet in the Algemron system. Pariah Station is in orbit around it.
 +Pax--A planet in the Orion League.
 +Penates--A frozen, lifeless world in the Lucullus system. Penates was originally settled as part of a convict relocation program initiated by the Solars, but has since been taken over by the descendents of those criminals. It relies heavily on the elements in its crust to fuel its plastics and atmosphere production industries, and is largely lawless.
 +Pimiento--A gas giant in the Vieron system.
 +Platon--A small gas giant in the Hammer'​s Star system. One of its moons, Arist, is inhabitable.
 +Polyphemus--Orbiting Lucullus A and B, Polyphemus'​ surface is partially molten, and full of metal and mineral resources. It is rumored to be home to Series VI life.
 +Powder--The heavily-protected capital of Austrin-Ontis Unlimited. ​
 +Pox--A gas giant in the Tendril system.
 +Praxetel--A world in the Armstrong system, Praxitel is the homeworld of the Ko-Fam-Att. It is rich in wood and mineral resources.
 +Prophethome--The capital planet of the Orlamu Theocracy.
 +Proteasa--A world in the Argos system. Proteasa has a native biosphere of sulfur-based organisms.
 +Pwyll--A world in the outer reaches of the Dewi system. The Dreth are leasing it to the Thuldans, who hope to use it as a staging area and spaceport.
 +Q'​uabal--The homeworld of the Rakon. Its atmosphere is toxic to humans.
 +Ravas IV (VI? Planet "next to" Ravas V)--A planet in the Ravas system, formerly the home of a race of sentient arachnids. Its inhabitants were conquered by the n'sss, and bred into subsentient creatures.
 +Ravas V--A gas giant located in Ravas system in the Chavol Expanse, and the homeworld of the n'sss.
 +Redcrown--An enormous gas giant in the Aegis system. Redcrown is currently home to VoidCorp and Orlamu mining operations, and a n'sss base has been covertly hidden there by the Company. It has twenty-five moons and a ring system.
 +Red Earth--An airless world in the Tychus sytem.
 +Reliance--A slushball planet in the Algemron system. It is home to Series II lifeforms, and not much else.
 +Retradat--The location of the destruction of the Borealin fleet in 2442.
 +Rickson--A large gas giant in the Tychus system.
 +Rivel--The outermost planet in the Eldala system, Riven is a large, unexplored gas giant.
 +Rivendale--A beautiful, habitable world in the Terivine system. Rivendale'​s native biosphere hangs in a precarious balance, but humans have settled here nevertheless.
 +Rixella II--A planet in Rigunmor space, home to IsoMed Industries'​ corporate headquarters.
 +Robertson--Located in the Calesque system, this world is named after Derren Robertson. Its atmosphere and oceans are toxic, though its poles are fairly temperate. It has a single, airless moon.
 +Ruurmun--An airless, cratered world in the Karnath system.
 +Saakihlun--The barren, outermost planet in the Karnath system.
 +Salado--A large gas giant in the Vieron system.
 +Salamanca--A gas giant in the Loman system. Salamanca possesses rings, as well as a system of moons, one of which is habitable. It is unusually close to its parent star.
 +Sapphire--The capital planet of the Borealis Republic. Sapphire resembles a planetary college campus.
 +Sargon--A gas giant in the Sage system. One of Sargon'​s moons, Sennacherib,​ is inhabitable,​ and has its own ecosystem.
 +Scyll--A far-flung comm-world located in the Trean Hanuthen, and Vurhon Kasahl'​s base of operations. The Vurhon has used its systems to foster a strong link with the I'krl.
 +Sealshine--An inhospitable,​ unsettled world in the Tychus system.
 +Simon'​s Leap--An inhabited planet in the Annahoy system, home to a variety of mobile, carnivorous plants. Its colonists rebelled against a tyrannical occupation force.
 +Skai--An inhabited planet in Orion League space. It is home to the Yin-Farrow University.
 +Songham--A planet in StarMech space, Songham was home to one of the bloodiest battles of the Second Galactic War.
 +Spenner--A tide-locked world in the Oberon sytem, Spenner'​s orbit is destabilizing and will send the planet tumbling into its primary. It has few resources, and the only human structure on the it is a StarMech solar research base.
 +Sperous--The cloud-covered,​ Veneran second world of the Tendril system. Sperous'​ surface has only been partially mapped, and few probes have survived the descent through its atmosphere. (N'sss base in atmosphere?​)
 +Spes--Located in the Hammer'​s Star system, Spes is a habitable world covered in lush forests. It is currently undergoing terraforming to reverse the runaway greenhouse effect caused by an asteroid impact engineered by the klicks.
 +Ssiihr--The third planet in the Hathorn system. It is a gas giant, and is home to a sizeable population of n'sss.
 +Summerdown--An airless, uninhabited world in the Tychus system.
 +Sunder--Located in System 2253, this world is characterized by a long crack in its crust, made by an impact with one of its moons. It has some mineral wealth, though its heat and atmosphere make mining attempts hazardous.
 +Taasa--The homeworld of the t'sa, located in the Ch'​Nara system. It is swampy and comparatively mineral-poor,​ with a humid, chlorine-tainted atmosphere.
 +Tallis--Formerly a StarMech world, Tallis was conquered by the Thuldans during the Second Galactic War.
 +Tarshad--A first world located in Orion League space.
 +Tavkath--A gas giant in the Eldala system. VoidCorp is planning on purchasing it for its argon supplies, and for use as a base. One of its moons was discovered comparatively recently.
 +Telemachus--A rocky planet in the Lucullus system. The Solars have a sizeable military force stationed there, and are in the process of building a base.
 +Theodolius--A habitable planet in the core of Solar space.
 +Thuldan--The site of the original Thuldan Colonial Authority settlement.
 +Thuldan Prime--The capital cluster of the Thuldan Empire. It consists of five habitable planets, and is heavily populated. ​
 +Tibalt--A habitable world located in the Calesque system, Tibalt was named after a fraal explorer. It is populated by a number of Series I lifeforms, and was previously inhabited by members of an unknown alien race. It has a single moon.
 +Tilburn--A planet in former Dreth space, it boasted a number of military youth academies.
 +Toal III--The third planet in the Toal system, and the homeworld of the Bareem.
 +Tricus--A metal-rich inner planet in the Corrivale system. It is currently being mined by the Tricus Development Corporation.
 +Turcador--An airless world in the Vieron system.
 +Umbra V--This planet, located in the Rigunmor Star Consortium, is home to the Merchant Exchange.
 +Viroan--A planet in the I'krl Theocracy, and the domain of Ython Kadar.
 +Virrey--A gas giant in the Vieron system.
 +Vision--The capital planet of Insight, Vision is home tone of the most advanced Grids in human space.
 +Walin III--An inhabitable,​ if icy water planet in the Walin system. Insight established a colony and space station here through subterfuge. Some of its life-forms are whale-like.
 +Werth--A gas giant in the Oberon system. The planet and its five moons are largely unexplored, though Werth itself has several unusual characteristics,​ including an abundance of neon in its atmosphere. The Orlamus are currently trying to purchase it and its satellites.
 +Wet Dog IV--A planet (star system?) absent from Concord star charts. A Concord Marine major was reportedly transfered there after offending Master Sergeant Lavon.
 +Yellow Sky--This world, located in the Tychus system, sustains both Series I and Series III lifeforms. A small Orlamu colony is located here, as are a number of Stoneburner ruins.
 +===== Moons =====
 +Abdiel--A moon of Halo, Abdiel is an ice-covered rock.
 +Alaundril--The third and largest satellite of Sperous. Alaundril is mostly desert, yet still habitable. It is governed by a number of large corporations.
 +Alimonde--A satellite of Delphin. A solar research satellite is locked in its orbit.
 +Antigone--A satellite of Dalius, Antigone is wracked by violent tectonic activity.
 +Aocho--A satellite of Redcrown. It has a thick chlorine atmosphere, and few mineral resources. The t'sa have established a small scientific outpost there.
 +Apone--A tiny satellite of Caina. It is home to Carlson'​s Dockyard.
 +Arist--The third and largest satellite of Platon. It is cold by human standards, but still habitable. Several groups of weren and human refugees have set up homesteads on the moon's surface, and in its lengthy cave systems. It has a small biosphere.
 +Arles--A satellite of Amaethon, and a co-orbiter with Lousanne. ​
 +Avob--The smallest satellite of Redcrown. Though uninhabited,​ the moon is home to a small unmanned survey station.
 +Azure--The larger of Bluefall'​s two tiny moons, it was once believed to be part of a larger body.
 +Azure Prime--The name for a hypothetical body that split into Bluefall'​s two moons.
 +Baja--A satellite of High Mojave. Its orbit is decaying, and it will impact its primary in 30,000 years.
 +Bardo--The airless, barren tenth moon of Iniad. It is home to a small but growing domed settlement occupied by mostly by vagrants from the outer system.
 +Bauble--One of Leen's two moons, Bauble was once home to a Rigunmor base. Lately, rumors of ships and energy readings on the moon's surface have been flying about.
 +Bodmin--A satellite of Cairdwen. It is home to the most conservative of Dreth, and a primitive biosphere.
 +Cerulea--The smaller of Bluefall'​s two tiny moons, it was once believed to be part of a larger body.
 +Charitas--A moon of Spes, Charitas is believed to be a captured asteroid.
 +Cherbourg--A moon of Amaethon, Cherbourg is home to a small Concord base. 
 +Clymnestra--The largest of Dalius'​ satellites, Clymnestra is a desert moon with a thin carbon dioxide atmosphere. VoidCorp has purchased the rights to terraform it.
 +Cormis--A satellite of Sperous. Cormis is little more than a cratered chunk of rock.
 +Cuchain--A cold, inhospitable satellite of Caridwen.
 +Demimomde--A satellite of Delphin, Demimonde is boiling hot, and sometimes even molten.
 +Falmouth--An uninhabited satellite of Caridwen.
 +Ferrand--A moon of Amaethon, home to a Dreth colony. Ferrand has a comparatively primitive Series IV biosphere, but is also a candidate for terraforming.
 +Fhare--A habitable satellite of Fharuthen. Nine Theocracy colonies, including a large cathedral complex, have been established on its surface. Its name means "​Sacred Place"​.
 +Fides--The largest satellite of Spes. The Borealins are planning on constructing a domed city on the moon in case Spes' rising temperatures cannot be reversed. ​
 +Flotsam--The only satellite of Jetsam, its surface is nearly featureless. It is home to Research Station Echo, as well as a small settlement of Hatire colonists.
 +Flyspeck--A satellite of Tricus. Flyspeck will soon be equipped with planetary defenses.
 +Garian--A satellite of Dalius, Garian is little more than a captured asteroid.
 +Grith--The only satellite of Hydrocus, and the sole inhabitable world in Corrivale. Grith is a lush jungle world that was once home to a sentient species. It is currently divided between "​native"​ sesheyan settlers, and Hatire colonists.
 +Hephaestus--An Io-like satellite of Lecterion.
 +Hudson--The largest of Caina'​s satellites, Hudson is an icy world kept active by tidal forces from its parent. The moon has a native biosphere, including a species of subsentient Series I lifeforms.
 +Hymn--The largest of Werth'​s five moons, Hymn is covered in a thick atmosphere of nitrogen compounds and neon. It is mentioned in the Prophet Scrolls as the site of a "​Divine City" that the Orlamu must occupy before the "Dark Cloud" falls upon the Verge.
 +Iona--A satellite of Dalius, Iona is a captured asteroid.
 +Jess--A satellite of Kreshaw, Jess is rumored to be home to a smuggler base.
 +Kralc--The innermost moon of Redcrown. The Concord has purchased Kralc in order to construct repair and mining facilities there.
 +Lhop--A volcanic moon of Redcrown, once the moon of Bluefall. It is home to a sizeable Thuldan spaceport.
 +Lilith--Technically known as Dothan VIe, this moon is marginally habitable, if cold and prone to tectonic instability. It is home to an ancient, ruined fraal settlement, as well as the Finders Keepers cache. ​
 +Lokatha--A moon of Walin III. It has a distinct reddish color.
 +Lorient--A moon of Amaethon, Lorient is home to a Dreth colony and primitive Series IV life.
 +Lousanne--A satellite of Amaethon. Lousanne has more water than the other satellites, and is a co-orbiter with Arles.
 +N'​Chalak--The larger of Taasa'​s two satellites, it was terraformed by the t'sa long ago.
 +Nemos--A satellite of Dalius, Nemos is a captured asteroid.
 +Nevin--A satellite of Redcrown, Nevin is home to many mining operations. Some of these facilities were abandoned during the Vanishing, giving it the nickname "the Ghost Moon".
 +Nike--A satellite of Lecterion. Nike is covered in a layer of dense methane fog. Omega Station is currently in orbit around it.
 +Nileer--The only satellite of Aleer. It is cold and airless, much like Earth'​s moon.
 +Nirb--A mineral-rich satellite of Redcrown, Nirb is home to many Orlamu and independent mining facilities. It has a tenuous atmosphere, and shallow ammonia seas.
 +Nosredna--A satellite of Redcrown, it contains numerous private mines and independent colonies.
 +N'​Shona--The smaller satellite of Taasa. It has no atmosphere or biosphere, but is mined for its mineral resources.
 +Ouros--A satellite of Dalius, Ouros is a captured asteroid.
 +Penzance--An airless satellite of Amaethon, it is slowly being torn apart by its parent'​s gravity well.
 +Ptars IV--A moon in I'krl Theocracy space. It was the site of a supply raid by the Trillaari.
 +Qualv IV--A moon of a large gas giant in the Qualv system. It is the homeworld of the Qualvans, and its biosphere was nearly destroyed when the I'krl Theocracy poisoned its atmosphere. The Qualvans are trying to restore it. (Redundant to Qualv VIII? Mentions "​atmosphere poisoning",​ not radioactive bombardment. Not specifically mentioned as Qualvan homeworld, but presumed, due to context.)
 +Qualv VIII--A satellite of a large gas giant in the Qualv system, and the homeworld of the Krosh. Its biosphere and atmosphere were all but ruined by the I'krl Theocracy, but the Qualvans are attempting to restore them.
 +Rachle--A satellite of Kreshaw.
 +Raeb--A satellite of Redcrown. Though it has plentiful resources, no one has developed it, as the Regency has declared it a gravesite for the crew of a survey vessel that crashed there. The Orion League has several hidden facilities there.
 +Reiso--A satellite of Redcrown. It contains numerous private mines, including one owned by Acrim Industries, and several hidden outposts owned by the Orion League.
 +Saerie (Saeril?​)--A habitable satellite of Toal III, and the homeworld of the sifarv.
 +Salton--A satellite of High Mojave. Its orbit is decaying, and it is expected to impact its primary in 30,000 years.
 +Sennacherib--This moon of Sage is periodically wracked by violent tectonic activity. It is home to precious mineral resources as well as herds of great tudd--the latter are in the process of being exploited by the Medurr.
 +Sheya--The largest satellite of Gamma Leonis III. Though its highlands are much like the tundra, its valleys are home to life. It is also the sesheyan homeworld.
 +Storm--A satellite of Salamanca. Storm is subject to tidal stress from both its parent and another moon, and generates electricity through its interactions with the stellar wind. It is nevertheless marginally inhabitable,​ and is home to sentient life and Precursor ruins.
 +Tallifiero--A large, uninhabitable satellite of Salamanca. Tallifiero is partially responsible for the tidal stress on Storm (Mentioned as "​Taliafiero"​ in ToM).
 +Tavistock--An unpopulated moon of Caridwen.
 +Testament--A satellite of Sperous, Testament is barren, yet home to a small colony of Muslims.
 +Tin--A satellite of Kreshaw, Tin is rumored to be home to a smuggler base.
 +Torpoint--A satellite of Caridwen, Torpoint is home to the Commonwealth'​s largest spaceport.
 +Torquay--An uninhabited satellite of Caridwen.
 +Trinket--One of Leen's two satellites, Trinket is an airless rock. The ULS has a base there, used to monitor conditions on Lison.
 +Uriel--The largest satellite of Halo, Uriel is shrouded in nitrogen fog.
 +Vomisa--A barren satellite of Redcrown. It is home to a small VoidCorp mining base.
 +===== Asteroids and Comets =====
 +Argolos--An asteroid in the Algemron system, Argolos is home to Glassmaker ruins and valuable minerals. It was claimed by the colonists of Galvin.
 +The Cloud--A dense, mineral-rich asteroid belt in System 2253. Several groups of pirate miners set up bases there.
 +Cyra Belt--A mineral-rich belt in the Tendril system. ​
 +Delille--A large asteroid in the Focault Belt, Delille is home to overpriced accomodations for visitors to Thorn Shipyards.
 +Focault Belt--Located in the Talbott system, this asteroid belt serves as a basing area for Thorn Industries. Several of its largest asteroids are home to corporate facilities.
 +Galsworthy Belt--A crowded asteroid belt in the outer Cambria system. ("The Ninth Cylinder"​ takes place there, I'm assuming in the present day. Maybe it took place under the medurr radar. Furthermore,​ pp 225 of SF mentions it as "​Galsworthy",​ where pp 331 mentions it as "​Galsworth"​.)
 +Garat--An asteroid in the Focault Belt. Located near Thorn Shipyards, it will someday serve as a source of refined metals.
 +Glitter Field--A mineral-rich asteroid belt in the Tychus system.
 +Hitaki-Adams--A comet in the Dewi system. In October of 2502, it will approach Dewi, then head out to deep space.
 +Inner Belt--The primary asteroid belt in the Corrivale system. ​
 +Ion--A large asteroid in the Focault Belt, Ion is home to an amusement park for Thorn employees and visitors.
 +K4--A comet belt in system K.
 +K2--An asteroid field in system K. The klicks have set up a number of weapons testing facilities inside the belt.
 +Lucullus'​ Arch--An irradiated, hazardous band of asteroids surrounding Lucullus A and B. The Union of Arch Miners has 17 stations within the belt ("Arch of Lucullus"​ is mentioned on pp 40 of ZP. Same thing, or different?​).
 +Moëbius Belt--This dense, braid-shaped asteroid belt is located in the Endomar system. Oddly enough, the Belt is home to a variety of lifeforms adapted to live in the vacuum of space.
 +Outer Belt--A relatively sparse asteroid belt in the outer reaches of the Corrivale system.
 +Psyche--The largest asteroid in the Revik Belt. Several mining stations have been set up there.
 +Rakke--A large asteroid in the Vicek Belt. It was the site of the first real skirmish between the klicks and the Concord Marines.
 +Red Rock--A large asteroid in Corrivale'​s Outer Belt. It is reddish in coloration, and is home to a sizeable colony of mutants, as well as tunnels built by a vanished alien species.
 +Revik Belt--The inner asteroid belt in the Hammer'​s Star system. The Revik Belt isn't particularly dense, and is lacking in mineral resources.
 +Vicek 62--An asteroid in the Vicek Belt. It was the site of a battle between the Concord and the klicks.
 +Vicek Belt--The outer and denser of the two asteroid belts in Hammer'​s Star. This belt is the primary engagement zone for Concord vessels fighting the klicks.
 +Wreathe--An unusually large asteroid in the Algemron system'​s main asteroid belt. Wreathe is home to a biosphere of Series IV lifeforms, as well as valuable metals. It was colonized by Alitar, but is now mostly independent of its parent nation.
 +XJR3978--An asteroid located somewhere in the Verge. It was originally mined for rhodium, but the involved corporations abandoned it when a richer source was discovered nearby. It has a small domed settlement on its surface.
 +XJR3979--A make-believe sister world of XJR3978, made up by Megan Rivers.
 +Zefir--This Focault Belt asteroid is home to the private residences of Thorn Industries'​ executives. It is very well defended.
 +===== Star Systems =====
 +Aegis--A Verge system. It is a binary system, composed of Aegis, a G2 V-class star and a smaller M9-VI-class red dwarf companion called Phantasm. It is the zero point on most maps of the Verge, and is arguably its political and cultural center.
 +Agemar (Agemac? Colee? Ågemac?​)--A system in Rigunmor space, and the home system of the mechalus. Its primary is a K-class star.
 +Agraine--A system in the Borealis Republic.
 +Algemron--A Verge system. Its star is a G5-class, and possesses nine planets, two of which are easily inhabitable. It is currently the site of an interplanetary war.
 +Ajikor--A system located in the space between Tendril and Kendai. While otherwise unremarkable,​ the wreckage of an unknown, Warhulk-like ship was discovered here.
 +Annahoy--A Verge system. Its colonists have displayed separatist tendencies. One of its planets is inhabitable.
 +Argos--A Verge system. Argos is a binary system, consisting of Argos A, a K5 star with four planets, and Argos B, a G5 star. Argos is home to many independent settlers and the Verge Confederation.
 +Armstrong--A Verge system. A class K7, one of its planets is somewhat habitable, and home to sentient life.
 +Banisese--An inhabited system in Concord Taurus.
 +Bertram'​s Hope--A system deep in Old Space.
 +Bonair--A system in Rigunmor space. Its third planet is inhabited, and Gefflech Pharmaceuticals is located there.
 +Calesque--A Verge system. Its primary is a class G star with three planets, one of which is inhabitable,​ and home to Series I life. It is named for its discoverer, Xavier Calesque.
 +Cambria--A Verge system. Cambria is a K6 star with five planets and an asteroid belt. Cambria II is home to a number of saurian life-forms, as well as a colony of medurr.
 +Canis Epsilon--A settled system in Nariac space.
 +Ch'​Nara--The home system of the t'sa, and the heart of the T'sa Cluster. Its primary is a class G star.
 +Chigon--A system in External space. It the greatest and most populous of three systems controlled by the Gardhyi.
 +Chisholm--A Verge system. Its star is a G4, and one of its worlds, Fatehpur, is home to a variety of engineered creatures.
 +Coulomb--A Verge system. Its primary is a red dwarf, and Ohmel, the only planet it possesses, is barely habitable.
 +Corrivale--A Verge system. Its primary star, Corrivale is an F2-class. It is mostly independent,​ though the Hatires and VoidCorp have staked several claims there. One of its inhabited worlds is home to a large colony of "​native"​ sesheyans.
 +Crow--A Verge system. Its primary is a K6-class star, and it represents a vital stopover on the way to Aegis.
 +Dbaal--A system in I'krl Theocracy space, and the location of the homeworld of the fraal and thaal.
 +Delta Orionis--A system in Rigunmor space. The corporate headquarters of Medcare One is located here.
 +Dewi--A Verge system. Its primary is a K0-class star, and it has a total of nine planets. The system is also home to the New Dreth Commonwealth.
 +Ditticar--A system in the Concord Taurus neutrality. It was the site of a diplomatic conference in 2495.
 +Dyclyffe--A system deep in Orlamu space. The Lighthouse was nearly destroyed by a Solar task force here.
 +Eldala--A Verge system. A G0 star, Eldala has three planets, one of which is inhabitable and home to a sentient species.
 +Epsilon Eridani--A system in Old Space. One of its planets is inhabitable.
 +Endomar--A Verge system. Endomar is a binary system, composed of a K2-class star and an M4 class star orbiting each other at 2 AU. It has no habitable planets, and is instead home to a large, dense asteroid belt.
 +Exile--A Verge system. The Regency has interests there.
 +Gilex--A Verge system. The New Dreth Commonwealth has a colony there.
 +Gamma Leonis--A system in VoidCorp space. It is a binary, and the home system of the sesheyans.
 +Hammer'​s Star--A Verge system. Its primary is a G5-class star known as Hammer Alpha. It possesses four planets and a black hole in relatively close proximity. It is the farthest colonized system from Earth.
 +Hathorn--A Verge system. Its primary is a M-class star, and it possesses four planets and an asteroid belt. The system serves as the primary staging base for the Exeat'​s forces, and is known as the "​Sacred See of Kadar"​.
 +Hloewton--A Verge system. It was first settled by members of a religious sect, who migrated there from StarMech space.
 +Ignatius--A Verge system. Its primary is an orange star, which is orbited by five planets, including one that is home to Series I life.
 +K--A Verge system. Still unnamed, this K-class star possesses two planets, one of which is inhabited by a primitive race, an asteroid belt and a comet belt. The klicks have set up a base there.
 +Kadar--A system in the Great Pyaar Territories. Its third planet is the kadarans'​ homeworld.
 +Karnath--A Verge system. Its primary is an F5-class star with thirteen rocky planets, two of which are home to life.
 +Karppolla--A Verge system. Its contains an A-class star and six uninhabitable planets, one of which has been fortified by a Concord Marine base. A number of Stoneburner constructs containing dimensional horrors are in close orbit around the star.
 +Kendai--A system in Concord Taurus, near the fringe of Old Space. Its primary is a K8-class orange dwarf, and one of its planets is inhabitable. It is also home to the Kendai drivesat relay.
 +Loman--A Verge system. Its primary is an M1-class red dwarf. One of its planets, Salamanca, is orbited by a moon that is home to Series I life.
 +Lucullus--A Verge system. Lucullus is a trinary system, composed of Lucullus A and B, class A stars that orbit each other at 1 AU, and Lucullus C, a red dwarf orbiting the pair at 1 AU. The system is largely lawless, and infested with pirates and criminals.
 +Mantebron--A Verge system. Mantebron is an aging G2-class star that will soon become a red giant, engulfing its inner system. It has eight planets, including the cold, marginally habitable High Mojave.
 +McComb'​s Star--A Verge system. Its primary is a K-class orange star with several asteroid belts.
 +Meriden--A system that was once home to a human colony. (Verge system? On the map, as well as in Red Starrise. "​Barren"​.)
 +Mikoa--A Verge system. Mikoa is a binary system, composed of Mikoa A, a K-class star, and Mikoa B, an M-class star orbiting further out. Both have planets, and one of Mikoa A's is inhabited. The system also possesses mineral wealth. ​
 +Naigyun--A system in StarMech space. One of its worlds was home to a human colony.
 +Nyoth--A system deep in I'krl Theocracy space. It is near the Whalon Nebula, and includes some of the celestial bodies that make up the Aerie.
 +Oberon--A Verge system. Oberon is a binary, composed of Titania, a blue supergiant, and Oberon, an orange star. The system'​s planets orbit Oberon, and none of them are truly inhabitable.
 +Oscar 44--A Verge system. Technically known as Orion Stellar Cartography Mission 625844, it is a K-class star with five orbiting planets.
 +Proxima Prime--A system (planet?) famous for its vineyards.
 +Ptolemy--A Verge system. Ptolemy is a young class K8 star with seven planets, one of which is marginally habitable. The system is ruled by Vardye Hellis, a vicious corsair lord.
 +Qualv--A binary system in League of Nine space. One of its planets is a large gas giant with sixteen moons, two of which are home to sentient species.
 +Ravas--A system in the Chavol Expanse. Its fifth planet is the n'sss homeworld.
 +Red Crossing--A system deep in Old Space.
 +Red 72--A Verge system. A red dwarf, Red 72 has a single, airless planet. It is also known as ITS 533672.
 +Reyjaa--A Verge system.
 +Riga 9--A Verge system. Its primary is a red dwarf, and it contains three barren planets. It is used as a naval staging area by the Thuldans.
 +Rinstoke--A Verge system. Rinstoke itself is an orange dwarf with a retinue of six inhospitable planets.
 +Rixella--A system in Rigunmor space. Its second planet is inhabited, and home to the headquarters of IsoMed Industries. ​
 +Sage--A Verge system. Its primary is a G4 star. One of the system'​s gas giants, Sargon, is home to an inhabitable world named Sennacherib. ​
 +Strome--A Verge system. Strome is an M-class red dwarf. VoidCorp has planetary and orbital installations there. ("Two Primaries"?​ Was mentioned that way in "The Scent of Evil", but that was all confused with the Dolthan system.)
 +System 2253--A Verge system. Technically a trinary, the core of the system is the F-class star 2253A and the K-class 2253B. A red dwarf orbits the binary at a considerable distance, and the system has three planets and an asteroid field.
 +Talbott--A Verge system. Talbott is an M9 star with no habitable worlds, and the only activity of note in it is that generated by Thorn Shipyards.
 +Tarsis--A Verge system. Tarsis is an M4 star with eight planets, one of which is marginally habitable and home to a Dreth colony.
 +Tendril--A Verge system. Its star, Tendril, is an unstable F1-class, and is prone to periodic flares every 67 days. Known as the "​gateway to the Verge",​ it is highly populated. It was originally claimed by StarMech, but gained its independence during the Long Silence.
 +Terivine--A Verge system. A trinary system, Terivine is composed of Terivine A and B, two class G stars orbiting each other, and Terivine C, a K-class star orbiting the pair at 100 AU. Terivine C is orbited by a single habitable planet.
 +Tinnale--A system in Orlamu space. Its primary is a bright G-class star, and one of its planets is Kurg, the homeworld of the weren.
 +Toal--A system in the core of I'krl Theocracy space. Its third planet is the Bareem homeworld, and its moon is the homeworld of the sifarv.
 +Tremaine--A system deep in Old Space.
 +Tychus--A Verge system. Its star is a K2-class, with thirteen planets and an asteroid belt. The system itself is remote, and is nearly twenty light-years away from any other settlement.
 +Umbra--A star system in the core of Rigunmor space. One of its planets is habitable.
 +Vieron--A Verge system. Vieron is an F9 star with ten planets. The only habitable one, Corazón de Fuega, was home to a Sothvec Industries colony that was taken over by the Alitarins.
 +Walin--A Verge system. Its primary is a K-class star, and its third planet is inhabitable.
 +Wet Dog--A system absent from Concord Star charts. (Possibly just a rumor. Mentioned on page 7 of OTV. May be redundant to Wet Dog IV.)
 +X92-Zed-Zed-Alpha--A system on the frontier.
 +Zin Point--A Verge system. It was the site of numerous n'sss attacks.
 +The Jhirpa Nebula--A nebula near the borders of I'krl Theocracy and League of Nine space.
 +The Lightning Nebula--This dense nebula is located at the far end of the Verge, and is the product of a supernova that happened 700 years ago. Oddly enough, it is home to lifeforms, believed to have arrived with another, smaller nebula.
 +LN-1--The neutron star at the heart of the Lightning Nebula. Its high energy output makes it virtually impossible for scientists to study the region of space beyond the nebula. It is rumored to be the location of an External staging base.
 +The Pit--A large black hole at the fringes of the Hammer'​s Star system. The Pit has captured the system so that it actually orbits the black hole.
 +The Whalon Nebula--A nebula located in External Space near Nyoth. Some of the Aerie'​s worlds are situated nearby.
 +===== Bodies of Water =====
 +Acheron River--A river on Regency Island.
 +Aimara--A large meteoric lake on Ino's equatorial continent.
 +Amughu River--A river on Bhruusil, near Kansas Station.
 +Apulian Sea--A sea on Alaundril.
 +Aviero Bay--A bay on Regency Island.
 +Bannister River--A river in the Cembria Highlands.
 +Bertrand Ocean--An ocean on Spes.
 +Bipisian Ocean--An ocean on Spes.
 +Boreal Sea--A sea on Grith.
 +Churga Sea--A sea on Galvin.
 +Cold River--A river in the Cembria Highlands.
 +Comte Ocean--An ocean on Spes.
 +The Downfall--An enormous, three-kilometer-high waterfall on Danwell.
 +Gheemee River--A river on Bhruusil, near Kansas Station.
 +Great Sea--A sea on Grith.
 +Hume Ocean--An ocean on Spes.
 +Kaam Sea--A sea on Bhruusil.
 +Kisor Ocean--An ocean on Spes.
 +Kliigh Sea--A sea on Bhruusil.
 +Lake Biibaa--A lake on Bhruusil.
 +Lake Buulil--A lake on Bhruusil.
 +Lake Rich--The deepest lake on Causeway.
 +Laptev Ocean--An ocean on Spes.
 +Lazy River--A river on Alaundril.
 +Lousac River--A river in the Cembria highlands.
 +Misten Sea--A large inland sea on Alitar. The Misten is home to the xe'​reen.
 +Narrow Sea--A sea on Grith.
 +Noumara--A sister lake of Aimara, also located on Ino's equatorial continent.
 +Otean Sea--A sea on Aleer, located near the territory formerly controlled by the Oldurreg.
 +Phleghethon--A river on Regency Island, the Phlegethon is heated by underground springs and is a common vacation spot. 
 +Ruumar Sea--A sea on Bhruusil.
 +Sea of Glass--A sea on Grith.
 +Sea of Providence--A sea on Alaundril.
 +Sedorn Ocean--An ocean on Alaundril.
 +Sorel Ocean--An ocean on Spes.
 +South Bay--A bay in Beronin.
 +Southern Ocean--An ocean on Alitar.
 +Southern Sea--A sea on Grith.
 +Steaming Sea--A sea on Grith.
 +Venmeron Lake--A large crater lake of oxygen, located near the exit of Tunnel 13 on Lison.
 +Welcome Point--A bay on Regency Island.
 +West Bay--A bay in Beronin.
 +Wester River--A river on Regency Island.
 +Wester Sea--A sea on Galvin.
 +The Yellow Pan--A landlocked sea on Alitar.
 +===== Military Bases =====
 +Alliance Base--A military base on Hathan.
 +Camp Penphal--A military base on the Tower.
 +Commander'​s Dome--A large building containing a variety of command and control facilities.
 +Damage Control Gamma--A damage control station aboard the Stormbird (*Misplaced,​ needs its own category.).
 +Dome of the Admiralty--Located at the top of the Regency Hall complex, the Dome is the site of meetings between Christopher Hale and his advisors.
 +Erialis--A military base located on the island of the same name.
 +Lander Bay Green--A lander bay aboard the Stormbird (*Misplaced,​ needs its own category.).
 +Lison Surveillance Post Twilight-5--A surveillance post located near Lison'​s terminator.
 +Marine Tactical Command Center--The Marine command post aboard Stormbird (*Misplaced,​ needs its own category.).
 +Mess Compartment D--A mess compartment aboard Stormbird (*Misplaced,​ needs its own category).
 +Monitor Station 1--A communications station on Lison. It monitors the oxygen runners working on its surface.
 +Office of the Regent--Christopher Hale's personal residence and offices. ​
 +Outpost C1-C9--A series of military outposts on Samael'​s Wall.
 +Outpost Taron--A Nariac military base on Berilar Island.
 +Pariah Station--Formerly owned by the Thuldans, this Concord base is a hotbed for violence among Galvinites and Alitarins. It orbits Palshizon, and is the only place where neutral shipping may obtain escort to the inner system.
 +Port Entry-D--A boarding port aboard Stormbird (*Misplaced,​ needs its own category.).
 +Primary Command Installation (PriCom)--A large, well defended military base near Fort Drum, and the home of the Supreme Commander.
 +Recon Base--A temporary headquarters set up by Damien Witzko'​s Recon Platoon.
 +Regency Hall--This government complex is located on Regency Island and is home to Christopher Hale and his support staff. It contains a communications network, and is partially shielded by Mount Tribane.
 +Research Station Echo--A Regency listening post and scientific station. Its sensors include astrometric equipment and a drivespace detector, and it is technically classified as a Regency vessel.
 +Rhesa Bhar Security District Command Center--A command hub and detention center run by the FSA's police.
 +Secondary Command (SecCom)--Auxiliary bases for Galvin'​s government.
 +Shadowrock Base--Alaundril'​s primary military base, Shadowrock is highly organized. It is home to the system headquarters of the Concord Star Force, as well as advanced jamming and intelligence gathering equipment.
 +Sigma Two--Located on the coast of Regency Island, this base is used by the Regency Sea Navy. It contains drydocks for ship repair and also helps safeguard the island against intruders.
 +Sublevel 17--The Supervisors'​ base of operations. Sublevel 17 is located deep under Caracas.
 +Tactical Command Center--A meeting room and base of operations aboard Stormbird (*Misplaced,​ needs its own category.)
 +Third Battalion Wall of Honor--A memorial to the Third Battalion'​s combat dead, located aboard Stormbird. (*Misplaced. Where should it go?)
 +Training Course D--A Concord Marine training course on Rimfire Island.
 +Vanguard Station--A Thuldan military base on Lhop.
 +Verge Imperial Shipyards--The Thuldan Empire'​s shipyards on Bluefall.
 +===== Features =====
 +Akeeki--A continent on Bhruusil.
 +Amazuria Jungle--A rain forest on Galvin.
 +Arandia--An island in the Iskandera Archipelago of Antigua, Arandia is home to a colony of settlers.
 +Amena--An island on Bluefall. It is owned by the Concord, and many of its diplomats have homes there.
 +Arinis Island--An island on Spes.
 +Arlun--An independent island on Bluefall.
 +Ascut Peak--A mountain in the Cembria Highlands.
 +Balears--An island on Corazón de Fuega.
 +Bayle Island--An island on Spes.
 +Bedford--A Bluefall island owned by Bedford-Oalin.
 +Beekhal--A continent on Bhruusil.
 +Belvinex Mountain--A mountain in the Cembria Highlands.
 +Berilar--An island on Bluefall. It is owned by the Nariac Domain.
 +Beron Point--A peninsula in Beronin.
 +Big Knob--A mountain in the Cembria Highlands.
 +Big Slate Mountains--A chain of mountains on Alitar near the Occupied Zone. It was the site of a major battle between the Galvinite occupation forces and the Alitarin rebels.
 +Big Sprawl--The largest continent on Tibalt, the Big Sprawl contains a number of diverse biomes.
 +The Blast Zone--The area of Beronin that was destroyed by the Ajax. Tourists are advised to stay clear of these ruins.
 +The Blender--A massive storm in Redcrown'​s upper atmosphere, akin to Jupiter'​s Great Red Spot. 
 +Brandeu Peak--A mountain in the Cembria Highlands.
 +Bruen Peak--A mountain in the Cembria Highlands.
 +Buliil Forest--A series of forests on Bhruusil. Several companies have established logging interests there.
 +Caerak--An island on Bluefall, located south of the Cutthroats.
 +Camel'​s Hump--A mountain in the Cembria Highlands.
 +Catalas--A continent on Corazón de Fuega.
 +Cembria Highlands--Located on Lousanne, these mountainous highlands feature very fertile terrain. They have been set aside by the Dreth as a wildlife preserve.
 +Cesar--An island on Bluefall owned by the Borealis Republic.
 +Charketh--An independent island on Bluefall.
 +Club Ataren--A small island on Bluefall, located between South Bicasne and the Zaerlis.
 +Contacook Hills--A mountain range in the Cembria Highlands.
 +Crescent Range--A mountain range in the Cembria Highlands.
 +The Cuttroats--A series of Bluefall islands located near Dharx.
 +D2 Ravine--A ravine on Rimfire Island.
 +Deep Desert--A desert on Alaundril.
 +Dharx--A small Bluefall island located near the Pearls.
 +Diandes Archipelago--A chain of islands on Bluefall.
 +Diandes Island--An island on Bluefall. Diandes is home to a sizeable Concord presence, though its facilities are still under construction.
 +D'​mar--An island on Bluefall. It is owned by Visions of Divinity, Incorporated.
 +Downs Mountain--A mountain in the Cembria Highlands.
 +Dybbaeth--An island in the Lenub chain, its main exports are carved coral and jewelry.
 +East Tyardine--A Bluefall island, it is alternately known as Haven 7.
 +Eastern Shelf--A continent in Tibalt'​s northern hemisphere. It was once connected to the Western Reaches.
 +Erialis--An island in the Lenub chain, and the eighth Haven Island. Its previous settlers died of a mysterious disease, and it has since been used as a training base by the military. It is also known as Haven 8.
 +Elyissa--A continent on Corazón de Fuega.
 +Faith--One of the Steadfast islands, and the eleventh Haven island. It was named after the wife of its last governor.
 +Fhirgaal--A continent on Bhruusil.
 +Filtrane Island--Located on Bluefall, this island is the Thuldan Empire'​s headquarters in the Verge. Its native ecosystem has been eliminated, and replaced with one more to the Empire'​s liking.
 +Fire Lake--A region of bright, crystalline ejecta on Nosredna. It got its name from the eerie glow it emits when Redcrown rises and sets.
 +Gavar'​s Eye--A Bluefall island located near the Cutthroats.
 +The Goldpan--A low region on Hydrocus, home to a high concentration of wildlife.
 +Gomera--A continent on Corazón de Fuega.
 +Gore Mountain--A mountain in the Cembria Highlands.
 +Granite Peak--A mountain in the Cembria Highlands.
 +Great Caverns--A series of caverns in the planet K3. They are inhabited by the underdwellers,​ as well as the rest of the planet'​s lifeforms.
 +Great Hills--A mountain range in the Cembria Highlands.
 +Great Southern Steppes--A raised area on Galvin.
 +Greyback Mountain--A mountain in the Cembria Highlands.
 +Greycliffs--A Bluefall island located near the Cutthroats.
 +Grotius Island--An island on Spes.
 +Gumad Mountains--A mountain chain on Arist.
 +Hathan--An island in the Diandes Archipelago. It is populated with a mix of Concord and Regency settlers.
 +Haven 4--One of Bluefall'​s Haven islands, it is home to a tiny fishing community.
 +Haven 5--An independent Haven island.
 +Haven 6--A Haven island. It is owned by Insight.
 +Haven 9--An independent Haven island.
 +Haven 12--A Haven island, it is owned by the Thuldan Empire. Many Imperial diplomats and officials have homes here.
 +Heerhil Plains--A semi-mountainous region of Bhruusil. Heoren DeValk hopes to turn it into a mining center in order to make the colony valuable to Insight.
 +Hegel--A continent on Spes, Hegel possesses thick, verdant jungles and a range of tall mountains.
 +Holman Sound--A geographic feature on Saber Island.
 +H'​rmal--A tiny island, located on Bluefall near Caerak and Sharolk'​s Claw.
 +Hughes Island--A popular vacation site on Bluefall, Hughes is also home to most of the planet'​s diplomatic and economic activity. It is alternately known as Haven 2.
 +Isla Regina--Owned by the Thuldan Empire, this island serves as Andrew Stott'​s private estate.
 +Islvych--A Bluefall island. It is owned by Dr. Artemus Vych, and contains his manor and a number of secret laboratories.
 +Iskandera Archipelago--An archipelago on Antigua.
 +Jaén--A peninsula on Corazón de Fuega.
 +Jort Island--An island on Bluefall, Jort is home to the Orlamu Theocracy'​s Verge headquarters. It is currently being studied for evidence of the Vanishing.
 +Kaarmaagh Mountains--A mountain range on Bhruusil.
 +Kaertaan--A large island located on Bluefall near Berilar.
 +Kahina Beach--A beach in the Par-Ylliam Resort Islands.
 +Kamina--An island in the Diandes Archipelago. It is owned by the StarMech Collective, and contains a number of small shipyards contracted to the Regency.
 +Kangur Mountain--A mountain in the Cembria Highlands.
 +Khalan--Owned by the Orion League, this Bluefall island is home to the estates of numerous officials.
 +Kholm Reef--A series of reefs near the Lenub Islands.
 +King's Isle--This island, owned by the Thuldan Empire, is being terraformed for use as a hunting preserve. It also holds many well-defended scientific outposts.
 +La Palma--A continent on Corazón de Fuega.
 +Learma--A continent on Corazón de Fuega.
 +Lenub Island--An island on Bluefall. Lenub is home to a large number of Hatire (Regency?) colonists, as well as a well-established fishing industry.
 +Lesser Kaertaan--A small island on Bluefall, close to Kaertaan Island.
 +Libaak Plains--A series of plains on Bhruusil.
 +Lindam--An independent island on Bluefall.
 +Lomile Mountains--A mountain range in the Cembria Highlands.
 +Luiza Bay--A bay on Hughes Island.
 +Mabillion--The smallest continent of Spes, Mabillion is home to the largest concentration of human settlements on the planet.
 +Magma Sea--A sea of molten rock located on Lison'​s dayside equator, where Oberon'​s light shines constantly. It is nigh-legendary among Lisoners, and its origin is still unknown.
 +Mangrove Sea--A swamp on Galvin.
 +Marie--A Steadfast Island, also known as Haven 10. It was named after the daughter of the last governor.
 +Markham--An independent island of Bluefall.
 +Midnight Valley--A large circular area of Nevin'​s surface coated with smooth, dark magma.
 +Monad Peak--A mountain in the Cembria Highlands.
 +Moore'​s Island--An island of Bluefall with no clear owner. Its surrounding waters are a popular ​ vacation site for skin divers.
 +Mount Guthru--A large ice-covered peak located near West Lodge.
 +Mt. Ashland--A mountain in the Cembria Highlands.
 +Mt. Filtrane--An active volcano on Filtrane Island.
 +Mt. Hekla--A dormant volcano on Regency Island.
 +Mt. Jort--An extinct volcano on Jort Island.
 +Mt. Keassage--A mountain in the Cembria Highlands.
 +Mt. Kohn--A dormant volcano on Regency Island.
 +Mt. Lafayette--A mountain in the Cembria Highlands.
 +Mt. Scott--A mountain in the Cembria Highlands.
 +Mt. Tribane--A dormant volcano on Regency Island.
 +Multacen Peak--A mountain in the Cembria Highlands.
 +Naatoca--A Bluefall island claimed by a group of Vergers. It is known as the Vergers'​ Island, as only people native to the Verge may settle there.
 +The Needle--A tiny island, located on Bluefall between Caerak and South Bicasne.
 +Nestor Hills--A geological feature on Orod.
 +New Kurg--A Bluefall island the Orlamu Theocracy hopes to purchase for weren settlers.
 +Norokov--An island on Bluefall, owned by VoidCorp. It is alternately refered to as Outpost 9113542.
 +North Beach--Famous for its high waves, this beach is located on Hughes Island.
 +North Bicasne--An island on Bluefall, located near Caerak.
 +Northern Steppe--A series of steppes on Alaundril.
 +North Polar--A continent near Tibalt'​s north pole.
 +North Stricken--One of the Stricken Islands of Bluefall.
 +Northrip Mountains--A chain of mountains on Alaundril.
 +Oalin--A Bluefall island owned by Bedford-Oalin.
 +Ober Island--An island on Bluefall. It is owned by Austrin-Ontis Unlimited.
 +Ohan's Point--An independent island of Bluefall.
 +Ohribil--An island in the Lenub chain. It is reported to have the best seafood restaurants in the Verge.
 +Old Scratch--A gouge in Kralc'​s surface, it was caused by an asteroid impact.
 +Olit--A semi-independent island on Bluefall. It profits from the planet'​s petrochemical industry.
 +Ota--A continent of Aleer, and the former territory of the Oldurreg nation. It is largely barren today, a result of constant chemical warfare.
 +Ota Plateau--A plateau on Aleer, located on the continent of Ota.
 +Oxygen Sea--A nigh-mythical sea of liquid oxygen located on Lison'​s nightside.
 +Parr Archipelago--A group of islands near the southwestern coast of Berilar.
 +Par-Denaris Resort Islands--A cluster of islands in the Parr Archipelago. They are owned by the same corporation that runs the Denaris Refuge resort.
 +Par-Ylliam Resort Islands--A group of islands in the Parr Archipelago owned by the corporation that owns the Ylliam Resort.
 +The Pearls--A chain of islands on Bluefall, located the Parr Archipelago and the rest of the nearby islands.
 +Polnesia--An island on Bluefall. It is owned by the Solars, and modeled after the 18th century sailing cultures of Polynesia.
 +Porto Santo--An island on Corazón de Fuega.
 +Pufendorf Island--An island on Spes.
 +Rancher Mountain--A mountain in the Cembria Highlands.
 +Regency Island--The largest island on Bluefall, Regency is home to the planet'​s government. Only people with direct permission from the Regency may go there. It is also known as Tribane Island.
 +Regency Mountains--A chain of mountains on Bluefall. (Regency Island?)
 +Rehja--An island on Bluefall. It was claimed by the crew of the colony ship Guardian.
 +Rhimas Chain--An island on Bluefall, located near Kaertaan.
 +Rimfire Island--An island on Bluefall, located near Diandes Island. Its rocky terrain is covered in a thick jungle. Training Course D is located there.
 +Ruhlesport--An island on Bluefall, claimed by the Rigunmor Star Consortium. It is a center of trade in the system.
 +Ruumar--A continent on Bhruusil.
 +Ryddal--An island on Bluefall. It has been claimed by the Hatire Community.
 +Saber Island--This Bluefall island is home to the Orion League'​s Verge headquarters. It is also a popular destination for vacationers.
 +Saddle Mountain--A mountain in the Cembria Highlands.
 +Salamancan--A continent on Corazón de Fuega.
 +Samel'​s Wall--An independent island on Bluefall, noted for its high cliffs.
 +Sanan--An independent island of Bluefall.
 +Sharkshead--An independent island in the Diandes Archipelago. It is owned by Milton Industries, and acts as a clearinghouse of goods. It has a diminished native shark population.
 +Sharolk'​s Claw--A large claw-shaped island. It is located on Bluefall, near the Pearls.
 +Sheelun--A continent on Bhruusil.
 +Silverbeach--An independent island of Bluefall.
 +Simal Isles--A series of islands, located on Bluefall near the southern tip of Kaertaan.
 +Sirensea--An island in the Diandes Archipelago,​ it is owned by the Concord and serves as a place of residence for its Deputy Ambassador.
 +Solace--Owned by Engis Unlimited, this island is the location of a number of estates and resorts.
 +Solitaire Point--The tallest cliff face on the Thunder Plateau.
 +Somau Hills--A mountain range in the Cembria Highlands.
 +Sommers Atoll--Also known as Temple Isle, this Bluefall island is home to a number of churches, including a Buddhist temple and a small fraal Mindwalker sanctuary.
 +South Beach--A beach on Hughes Island.
 +South Bicasne--An island on Bluefall, located next to Tor Danel.
 +South Polar--A continent near Tibalt'​s southern pole.
 +South Stricken--One of the Stricken Islands. It is owned by the Nariac Domain, though a number of small independent settlements are present as well.
 +Spinoza Peninsula--A peninsula at the southern end of the Utrecht continent of Spes.
 +Starrise Isle--Also known as Haven 1, observers on this Bluefall island saw Hale's fleet arriving in Aegis. It currently holds a small scientific outpost and orbital defense controls.
 +Steadfast Islands--A trio of islands on Bluefall. They are linked to Hughes Island via a secret tunnel complex.
 +Steamship Rock--A mountainous landmark on High Mojave. It bears some resemblance to an old steamship.
 +Stricken Islands--A pair of Bluefall islands owned by the Nariac Domain.
 +Sunbreak Mountain--A large active volcano near Thunder Plateau.
 +Sunburnt Mountains--A mountain range near Lison'​s terminator.
 +Sunrise Flats--A plateau located on Lison'​s terminator. The ULS government performs most of its lock-out executions there.
 +Tareth--An island on Bluefall. Its government is democratic, and is believed to be a testing ground for introducing democracy in the Regency.
 +The Tower--An island in the Diandes Archipelago occupied by the Regency military. It contains a number of research and testing facilities.
 +Three Peaks--An island of Bluefall jointly owned by the Regency and Orion League.
 +Thunder Plateau--A large, relatively stable plateau on Storm. The bulk of the planet'​s natives live there, and the area is also home to mysterious alien monuments.
 +Tor Danel--A tiny island on Bluefall, located near the southermost end of the chain containing South Bicasne and Caerak.
 +Torul--An independent island of Bluefall.
 +Treasure Island--A tiny island on Bluefall, it is home to Olarch'​s headquarters.
 +Trecliffs--An independent island of Bluefall.
 +Treyle--One of the Steadfast islands of Bluefall, it was named after its first governor. It is alternately known as Haven 3.
 +Trisera Island--An island in the Parr Archipelago. A small resort is located there.
 +Twilight Sea--A large sea on Storm, which stretches across the moon from pole to pole.
 +Usher Island--An island on Spes.
 +Utrecht Continent--The largest landmass on Spes, Utrecht is largely grassland and desert, with two distinct mountain chains.
 +Verdant Jungle--A rain forest on Galvin.
 +Verdant Mountains--A range of mountains surrounding Fort Drum on Galvin.
 +Wannor--An island in the Diandes Archipelago,​ it is owned mostly by Ion Productions. It serves as a resort for executives from Tendril.
 +West Beach--A beach on Hughes Island.
 +West Tyardine--An island in the Tyardine islands of Bluefall.
 +Western Reaches--A continent in Tibalt'​s northern hemisphere. It was once connected to the Eastern Shelf.
 +Weyrene Plains--A level region on Galvin.
 +Windsong Range--A mountain range in the Cembria Highlands.
 +Yimfar--An island on Bluefall. Its local government is closely linked with its aquaculture and petrochemical industries.
 +The Zaerlis--A small island range on Bluefall between Sharolk'​s Claw and the archipelago containing the Needle, Club Ataren and the Bicasne islands.
 +===== Shops =====
 +Advanced Electronics and Hobbies--This store, located aboard the Lighthouse, sells immersive virtual-reality programs for use in tadem with NIJacks.
 +Atris Department Store--Located aboard the Lighthouse, this store is part of an interstellar chain. ​
 +Beta Holovideo--Located next to T-kat Buy and Trade, this holovideo store went out of business. Sethyk purchased it, and converted its backroom into his own work space.
 +Church of the Pure Stellar Light--A brothel(?) on Lison'​s B-level. (Not mentioned as being such in-text, but there'​s evidence.)
 +Computer Design Inc. (CDI)--A hardware and software store, it is located aboard the Lighthouse. ​
 +DownBelow Beth'​s--A shop in Tribon'​s UnderMarket.
 +Evolve Point--This store, located aboard the Lighthouse, sells health foods and nutrient supplements. In addition, it also contains a gym and health spa.
 +The Flying Saucer--A holo-arcade located near one of Tribon'​s main lifts.
 +Happy Occasion Jewlers--A jewelry store located aboard the Lighthouse. Its owners are aligned with the Jamaican Syndicate of Lucullus, and run a small smuggling business in addition to their normal sales.
 +Ikarin Storage--A self-storage facility aboard the Lighthouse. Several other facilities are located elsewhere throughout the Verge.
 +Interstellar Blossom--A floral store aboard the Lighthouse, Interstellar Blossom is located next to Happy Occasion Jewlers, and also has ties to the Jamaican Syndicate. The Syndicate'​s business is conducted here.
 +Jordikan'​s Holistic Massage--A shop aboard the Lighthouse specializing in massotherapy. Its owner has access to an airlock, and will supply people with suits for covertly leaving the station.
 +Lake Union Hair Design--A beauty parlor located aboard the Lighthouse, it specializes in exotic hair and makeup design.
 +Oxygeneration--A specialty store in Tribon. It sells vacuum masks, bottled oxygen, and other breathing apparatus at high prices.
 +Pressure Point--A seedy massage parlor in Tribon'​s B-level.
 +Self-Reliance Goods--A small gun store located aboard the Lighthouse. Though its owners typically sell legal weaponry, they have been known to keep military-grade goods in the back room.
 +Street of the Tobbo Merchants--A market in Tribon'​s B-5 district.
 +T-kat Buy and Trade--A small store owned by Sethyk S'​kesh. It specializes in the sale and repair of t-kats, and is located on Lison'​s middle tier.
 +===== Spaceports =====
 +Afterglow Superport--The sole superport in the New Dreth Commonwealth'​s space, and the clearinghouse for space traffic in the Dewi system.
 +Banker Island--A spaceport located on an island near Beronin. The port's facilities are incomplete, and the area is heavily guarded.
 +Bay Three--A landing bay in Tribon Spaceport. Questar was docked there.
 +Bay Seven--A docking bay in Tribon Spaceport. The Radlevich expedition stored its equipment there.
 +Carlson'​s Dockyard--A small spaceport located inside Apone, a moon of Caina. It has an excellent technical crew, though its services are expensive.
 +Cheerghun Starport--Orbiting Cheerghun, this spaceport also houses most of VoidCorp'​s Employees in the Karnath system.
 +Del Christo Spaceport--The primary spaceport on Hughes Island.
 +Erhardt Field--The heavily defended primary spaceport of Fort Drum.
 +Grith Starport--A spaceport at Diamond Point, alternately known as Diamong Point Spaceport. It is osteniably run by the planet'​s Hatire authorities,​ but most of its contracted sesheyan workers have ties to the Aanghel Empire.
 +Hanover Station--A starport located on Penates.
 +High Dock--The Lighthouse'​s uppermost docking bay, the High Dock is pressurized,​ and divided into a number of individual compartments for small vessels.
 +Hopewell Spaceport--A spaceport under construction near Mount Illumination. Its construction has been slowed by sabotage.
 +Kansas Baseport--Kansas Station'​s small spaceport.
 +Lock One--The primary docking point at Tribon Spaceport, and the only point capable of handling large spacecraft.
 +Low Dock--The lower of the two docking bays aboard the Lighthouse, the Low Dock is open to space. If the deck is cleared of stray craft, it is capable of holding a ship of cruiser size.
 +Sigma One--Located on Regency Island, Sigma One is the primary starport of the Regency Stellar Navy.
 +Space Transit Facility 6 (STF-6)--A spaceport in Santiago, mostly used by corsairs.
 +The Spoke--A spaceport in Port Royal. The Spoke is a large pit with hangar bays dug into its sides. (Port Royal Spaceport is mentioned on pp 203 of GR. Might be a more generic name for the same facility.)
 +Tribon Spaceport--A spaceport located in the city of Tribon.
 +Wheeler Dome--The primary spaceport in Caracas.
 +===== Cities and Outposts =====
 +Afterglow--The capital of Torpoint.
 +Alamo--A settlement on Spes. It serves as the headquarters of the Boman Corp's employees.
 +Alcazar--A Concord city and outpost on Spes, Alcazar is home to most of the system'​s military personnel. Rumor has it that the vaults beneath the city contain captured klick technology and corpses.
 +Algeciras--A domed settlement on Corazón, Algericas is close to the planet'​s major mines. It is the center of most industry on the planet.
 +Angoweru--A Grith sesheyan settlement. Most of its citizens are loyal to the Aanghels, and provide the system'​s corsairs with a landing pad and repair facilities.
 +Archilla--The capital city of Bodmin, home to the most conservative Dreth in Dewi.
 +Atlantis--A polar research base on Grith.
 +Aviero--A port city on Regency Island.
 +Babel--The capital city of Alaundril.
 +Baffin Island--A Regency research station located on Hudson, the largest moon of Caina. Its scientists are developing ways to terraform the moon.
 +Barrows--A small town near Andeswaar. It is home to a Concord Observation Post.
 +Basilicus--A city on Jort.
 +Belatu Research Facility--A scientific institution on Belatu'​s dark side. The facility primarily engages in solar research, though it has to be evacuated during solar flares.
 +Beronin--The capital city of Alitar. Much of the original city was demolished during the Ajax incident, and has not been rebuilt. Its citizens are loyal and somewhat paranoid.
 +Blackport--A town on Olit lsland.
 +Bogardin--A city on Aleer, and the former capital of the nation of Leenest.
 +Bogota--A city on Penates.
 +Bonnis--A town on Dybbaeth.
 +Byelokus--A refugee camp on the Nariac planet of Novo Tver. Pyotr Sokolov grew up there.
 +Cape Maris--The main colony on Antigua, Cape Maris is technically administered to by the Concord, though Alaundrin merchants play a large role in its government.
 +Cape Tremayre--A town on Olit lsland.
 +Cape Yimfar--A city on Yimfar island.
 +Caracas--The capital city of the Supervisors. Caracas is clean and well-ordered,​ as well as completely self-sustaining.
 +Casa Grande--The largest asteroid settlement in Endomar, Casa Grande has a small shipyard and numerous assay offices. Casa Grande'​s newest immigrants are a group of sesheyan corsairs.
 +Cembria Camp--A camp in the Cembria highlands.
 +Charlotte--The capital of Ohmel, Charlotte is ruled by the dictatorial Ngongwe family.
 +Chelt--The capital city of Ferrand, and the largest settlement in Dewi.
 +Churgalt--A city on Galvin, reportedly home to anti-government rebels.
 +Colorado Outpost--A small outpost on Bhruusil.
 +Corinth--A city on Spes' Utrecht continent, Corinth is a comparatively small settlement.
 +Cranston'​s Lament--A small settlement on Galvin.
 +Cruz Bay--A city on Penates.
 +Depth Epsilon--One of the first underwater cities to be constructed on Bluefall. The Regency government faked its destruction,​ and it currently serves as a place where humans and deepfallen can interact freely.
 +Depth Eta--A floating city under construction off the coast of Hughes Island.
 +Depth Zeta--The first of Bluefall'​s new floating cities. Depth Zeta is moving from place to place, as well as diving to avoid storms.
 +Diamond Point--A large city near Grith'​s north pole, and the moon's planetary capital. The city is divided among the Hatire and the sesheyans; the sesheyan sectors are little more than shantytowns,​ while the Hatire regions are well-maintained. It has a small spaceport.
 +Dorado--A city on Haven 12.
 +Downunder--A city near Grith'​s south pole, Downunder is owned by Marcus Pharen. Many corsairs and criminals come there to pick up work.
 +Dusk--A topside colony on the planet Lison. It was invaded by a rogue swarm of Organism Omega, and was subsequently bombed by the Air Guard in order to kill the swarm.
 +Dutril--A port city on Regency Island.
 +East Station 3--A scientific outpost on Caina. It was destroyed when the crust it was built over flexed, releasing superheated gases.
 +Ecola Point--A small settlement on Antigua. Its construction has been adversely affected by metal shortages.
 +Evans--A city on Alaundril.
 +Floodtown--A city on Alaundril.
 +Fort Drum--The capital city of Galvin, Fort Drum is beautiful, clean and well-ordered. It is structured to minimize damage from an orbital strike, and is watched by the Internal Security Directorate.
 +Freedom--A colony on Lison.
 +Galtron--The capital city of Kamina Island.
 +Gardenia--The planetary capital of Fearnleah. ​
 +Goddard--A colony set up by the Dreth outside Dewi.
 +Grallus--A city on Haven 12.
 +Greenvale--A settlement on Grith home to the largest group of Chorus members in the Verge.
 +Groundfall--The capital city of Hurricane, and the private demesne of Lord Hellis.
 +Guardshope--A city on Rejha Island.
 +Halon--A city on Alaundril.
 +Havana--A city on Penates.
 +Hawkslight--A town on Haven 6.
 +High Gulch--A city on High Mojave. Its water was recently declared under quarantine. (Redundant to Olympus? Mentions Giles Sandovar, might be governmental seat.)
 +Iphus I--The center of VoidCorp'​s operations on Iphus. It is home to several large refineries, and is infamous for its squalid conditions. It has a small spaceport.
 +Isette--The capital of Arles, and the largest manufacturing center in the Dewi system.
 +Ixarn--A town on Kamina Island.
 +Jaén--Formerly the most plush of the three domed cities on Corazón, Jaén has since been taken over by the kroath. ​
 +Jelalt--The capital city of Lorient, home to the most liberal of Dreth.
 +Kansas Station--The largest settlement on Bhruusil, it was originally constructed by VoidCorp and has since been claimed by Insight.
 +Key West--A city on Penates.
 +Kingstown--A city on Penates, Kingstown is part of the Jamaican Triangle.
 +Land's End--A terraforming outpost on Delphin. ​
 +Leon--A city on Haven 12.
 +Lhenaar--A town on Olit island.
 +Lister--A subterranean twilight settlement on Lison. It was destroyed by an orbital bombardment from the Eclipse.
 +Malova--A settlement set up by the Dreth outside Dewi.
 +The Mary Rose--A traders'​ outpost in the Lucullus system. The merchants within the Rose specialize in acquiring and selling illegal merchandise and military-grade hardware.
 +Mearcol--The capital city of Ryddal.
 +Miansk--A domed city on Ohmel.
 +Midas City--The largest domed settlement on Wreathe. It was a former mining outpost.
 +Midas Station--The only mining outpost on Polyphemus, Midas Station is only active at night and relies on robots to do the mining.
 +Montserrat--A city on Penates.
 +Morist--A city on Alaundril.
 +Mount Illumination--The primary settlement on Yellow Sky, Mount Illumination sits atop a large plateau. It is comparatively small, composed mainly of farmlands and homesteads.
 +Narrow Point--A city on Galvin. It is on the end of the Wester Sea opposite Fort Drum.
 +Nevis--A city on Penates.
 +New Cairo--A city on the planet Hale.
 +New Cambar--A university city on Cesar Island.
 +New Liber--A city on Alaundril.
 +New Manhattan--A city on Umbra V, New Manhattan is home to the Rigunmor Star Consortium Merchant Exchange.
 +Newlan City--A city and technical outpost on Berilar Island.
 +Nokash--A town on Olit island.
 +Norcross--A city on Alaundril.
 +Norokopolis--The primary city on Norokov, it is also known as Colony VCO 9113542.
 +Nova 3--A city on Alaundril.
 +Novaya--A port city on Regency Island.
 +Novus Urbe--A city on Spes' Usher Island.
 +Ocho Rios--A city in Lucullus'​ Jamaican Triangle.
 +Old Clearmont--An abandoned settlement in the Cembria Highlands.
 +Olit City--A city on Olit island.
 +Olympus--The colonial capital of High Mojave.
 +Orvon Research Outpost--A scientific outpost in the Algemron system. It was the site of a killing spree by the Bone Hunters.
 +Otaheite--The capital of Polnesia island.
 +Outpost Blue--An outpost on Haven 6.
 +Outpost Nereid--A secret Thuldan genetics lab hidden under Islvych. It is the focal point of the gillfolk research.
 +Outpost Phyrian--A relatively unknown fraal-operated Mindwalker monastery.
 +Paral--A town on Amena island.
 +Parthen--The capital of Diandes Island.
 +Perom--A city on Alaundril.
 +Pitcairn--An outpost on Polnesia island.
 +Plymouth--A port city on Regency Island.
 +Point Janus--An old smuggler base on Dioscuri, Point Janus was destroyed by a Solar task force.
 +Port Catedral--A large city on Jort.
 +Port Elizabeth--A town on Ohribil.
 +Port Naral College--A college town on Cesar Island.
 +Port Royal--The capital city of Penates, Port Royal is owned by the Jamaican Syndicate. It makes a tidy profit from its numerous entertainment facilities.
 +Port Summit--A town on Amena island.
 +Primus--A large deepfallen city, located near the site of the Regency'​s first contact with the species. Tethys is reportedly from this city.
 +Providence--A scientific outpost on Alaundril specializing in terraforming and radiation research.
 +Quorum--A town on Diandes Island.
 +Raphal--The second-largest city on Lison, Raphal is a sprawling den of crime. The city is technically ULS-governed,​ though most of its citizens owe their loyalty to Thomas Kind.
 +Red Ridge--A human mining settlement on Arist, located to the north of the weren camp West Lodge.
 +Redknife--The largest settlement of Grith sesheyans. Its citizens make a healthy profit off the tourist industry.
 +Rhesa Bhar--The former capital of Galvin, Rhesa Bhar is a decidedly liberal city. The ID takes little action against the dissidents there, and often sends suspicious visitors there instead of sending them to Fort Drum.
 +Riversend--A town on Yimfar.
 +Rubicon--A city on Haven 12.
 +Ruhlesport--An island metropolis on the like-named island.
 +Ryshen--A city on Lenub.
 +Sailspoint--A city on Lenub.
 +Samelsport--A town on Samel'​s Wall.
 +Samrael--A small town on Amena island.
 +San Juan--A city on Penates.
 +Santiago--The capital city of the Picts, Santiago is also home to HelixTech and a spaceport.
 +Saralon--A ULS twilight settlement on Lison'​s surface.
 +Sebar--A scientific outpost on Ruhlesport.
 +Sedin--A settlement on Lousanne.
 +Seradam--A city on Haven 6.
 +Sharsen Colony--A colony located near a ziggurat on (or near?) Kaarl.
 +Silver Bell--The largest colony on Spes, Silver Bell was destroyed by the klicks in 2489. The city has since been rebuilt.
 +Sipor--A colony on Lison.
 +Sobel--A Dreth settlement outside Dewi.
 +South Station 6--A small research station on Hudson. Its personnel vanished while conducting research at volcanic hotspots.
 +Stade--A port city on Regency Island.
 +Stahn--The primary city on Ober Island.
 +Sunbreak--The largest settlement on Rivendale, and the Regency colonial capital.
 +Sunfall--A city on Leen. Sunfall is home to the GMA's Verge headquarters.
 +Tamarket--A town on Sharkshead Island.
 +Taparua--A town on Polnesia island.
 +Tavira--A domed city on Corazón de Fuega. It contains the planetary capital, a small spaceport, and transport lines to Jaén and Algecrias.
 +Tenslip--The capital city of Wannor.
 +Terminal--A Concord settlement on Spes.
 +Terminin--A city on Alitar, located on the south coast of the Yellow Pan. The Belwe siblings were born there.
 +Teryl--A town on Hathan Island.
 +Thorn--A settlement set up by the Dreth outside Dewi.
 +Tilburn--The only sizeable settlement on Lauceston.
 +Tobago--A city on Penates.
 +Torai--A temple outpost on Alaundril, home to an order of Hatire mystics.
 +Tribon--The largest subterranean city on Lison, Tribon is the planet'​s capital. ​
 +Trinidad--The capital city of Union Penates. Trinidad is grim, ugly industrial center, and was the focal point of the rebellion of 2385.
 +Tungusta--A domed farming city on Ohmel.
 +Urdevec (Undevec?​)--An ancient weren city.
 +Uyellin--A modernized sesheyan settlement on Grith. Many of its citizens hire themselves out as guides.
 +Village of the Falls--Located near the Downfall on Danwell, this small edanweir village serves as the Concord'​s planetary home base.
 +West Lodge--The largest weren settlement on Arist.
 +Whitehead--This city, located on Spes, was rebuilt by Borealins and independent colonists.
 +Zadon--A city on Alaundril.
 +===== Districts =====
 +Andeswaar--A state in the Occupied Zone of Alitar.
 +B-Level--A level in the city of Tribon.
 +B-Level Bazaar--A sprawling, crowded, neon-lit marketplace located near a High Road exit on Tribon'​s B-level. ​
 +The Chem District--Port Royal'​s industrial quarter. The Chem District is home to numerous chemical refineries and the dome's atmosphere processing facilities.
 +Consular Row--A district and major street on Hughes Island.
 +Deep Warrens--The lowermost of Tribon'​s districts. It contains numerous government buildings, high-class businesses, and high-rent housing. It's nicknamed the "Blue Level",​ for the color it's labeled as on maps.
 +District B-5--A section of the B-level on Tribon'​s Upper Tier ("​First Tier" is mentioned on pp 103, ToM).
 +Domar District--A district in Tribon.
 +Foundingstones--The local term for the collective residences of Babel'​s upper class.
 +Girbek District--A district in Tribon.
 +Golden Quarter--The red-light district of Port Royal. ​
 +Government District--A district on Tribon'​s lowest tier, and the seat of the ULS government.
 +Kelvar District--A district on Tribon'​s upper tier.
 +Landsedge Boulevard--A major street on Hughes Island.
 +Market District--A section of Tribon occupied by numerous shops and vendors. Its power has a tendency to fail.
 +Middle Tier--The middle tier of Tribon.
 +Muricht--A state in the Occupied Zone of Alitar.
 +Orion Way--This street, located on Hughes Island, is home to almost all of the stellar nations'​ Bluefall embassies and consulates.
 +Plaza of Freedom--A plaza in Tribon'​s Deep Warrens. The Blue Star Arms is located nearby. (Listed as "Plaza of Liberty"​ on the map in the front of the book. Same place. Same thing?)
 +Refinery District--A district near the Ortis Refinery. It extends to all three tiers, covering all territory near the refinery.
 +Regency Row--A district on Hughes Island, and its accompanying road.
 +Spacers'​ District--A seedy sector of Port Royal'​s Golden Quarter. (Listed as being the location of the Midas Palace in Brandon DeValk'​s sidebar. Might be a district in and of itself.)
 +Subsector 17--A squalid, seedy gambling and entertainment district in Iphus I.
 +Tribon Low--An area (building?) in Tribon'​s Government District.
 +The UnderMarket--A crowded district in Tribon.
 +Upper Tier--The uppermost primary tier in Tribon (First Tier, pp 103, ToM).
 +Uptown--A district located in the surface layer of Port Royal. Numerous high-quality hotels, restaurants and nightclubs are located there.
 +Watertower District--A high-profile entertainment district on Bluefall'​s Hughes Island.
 +===== Hotels, Restaurants and Tourist Attractions =====
 +Alexandria'​s Rest--A bar located aboard the Lighthouse, Alexandria'​s Rest has an ancient Egyptian theme.
 +Algemronian Arms--A rebuilt, relatively cheap hotel in Beronin.
 +Atigar'​s Imports--A rowdy bar and dance club located aboard the Lighthouse. Most of its clients are young Arrivers, and it specializes in drinks from Old Space.
 +Bank of Faith--A bank located on the Lighthouse. Its security vaults have never been compromised.
 +Beginner'​s Luck Casino--A casino on Tribon'​s B-level.
 +Bergenhost--A four-star hotel in Babel.
 +Bjorn Sports Arena--A large sports arena located on Tribon'​s lowest level.
 +The Black Nebula--A bar and entertainment complex located on Tribon'​s middle tier. It is operated by Gillian Traven.
 +The Blast Zone--The area of Beronin that was destroyed by the destruction of the Ajax.
 +Blue Star Arms--An upscale hotel in Tribon'​s lowest tier.
 +Borr-Mikalton--A hotel in Beronin.
 +Celestial Entertainment Complex--A large entertainment complex owned by Celestial Entertainment Limited. It is located in Babel.
 +The Colosseum--Located on the second deck of the Lighthouse, the Colosseum was patterned after an ancient Roman ampitheater. It serves as a center for citizens to gather, ​ sporting arena and concert hall.
 +The Corner--A popular bar and casino aboard the Lighthouse, the Corner has a familiar atmosphere and plenty of regulars.
 +Corporate Travel Suites--A hotel in Iphus I. Only VoidCorp Employees of rank HA or better and their guests may book rooms.
 +Crash Site--A lounge located on Icewalk'​s entertainment deck.
 +Denaris Refuge--A resort in the Parr Archipelago.
 +Diamond Point Plaza--An upscale hotel in Diamond Point. Owned by the Aanghels, it serves as a way to accumulate money through its crooked casinos.
 +Dinner and a Conversation--Located aboard the Lighthouse, this restaurant offers diners a chance to debate in Borealin fashion while they eat. 
 +Double Star--A large hotel and casino located in the heart of Port Royal.
 +EdgeTech Retail Warehouse--A store located in Babel on Alaundril, it sells goods manufactured by the companies owned by House Calefir. ​
 +Emerald Hostel--A Diamond Point flophouse owned by the Cordiel family.
 +Family Accomodations--This hotel, located aboard the Lighthouse, caters to the family traveler, but has become involved in unsavory activities. It is comparatively cheap.
 +Galactic Arms Hotel--A hotel located in Tribon.
 +Galvin Interstellar Arms--A relatively cheap, clean hotel owned by the Galvinite government and used for meetings and conferences.
 +Georgetown Inn--An overpriced hotel aboard the Lighthouse. Its owner is deep in debt, and may sell it soon.
 +The Grotto--A restaurant located near one of Tribon'​s main lifts.
 +Hannoley'​s--A four-star restaurant in Babel.
 +His Emperor'​s Delight--A restaurant aboard the Lighthouse specializing in Thuldan cuisine.
 +His Emperor'​s Palace--This opulent hotel is owned by a retired ambassador, and is located next to His Emperor'​s Delight. It is famous for its excellent service and luxurious suites.
 +Holocean--A nightclub on Hughes island.
 +Holocourt Hall--An opulent luxury hotel in Babel. It is usually booked, and always expensive.
 +The Hot Nose--A restaurant and bar built into an old mining mole of the same name. It is located in the Refinery District on the Lower Tier, and is a common meeting place for offworld spacers. Its decor has a mining theme.
 +Ion Amusement Park--Located inside the asteroid Ion, this attraction specializes in virtual-reality entertainment.
 +Jilly'​s Den--This bar aboard the Lighthouse was a popular hangout for Concord Marines until it was destroyed in a bombing engineered by CFN.
 +Jubilee Hughes--The most famous of all the Jubilee Resorts.
 +Jubilee Resorts--An Orion-owned chain of luxury hotels on Bluefall.
 +Kaheina Beach Hotel--A hotel at the Ylliam Resort.
 +Kanstoi'​s--A four-star restaurant in Babel.
 +Khalyr'​s Peace--A resort in the Parr Archipelago.
 +The Last Round--A seedy bar in Tribon.
 +Lighthouse Community Center--The building housing the municipal government of the Lighthouse.
 +Lighthouse Exchange (LIEX)--The central commodities exchange aboard the Lighthouse. ​
 +The Lucky Ace--A run-down hotel in Port Royal'​s Uptown district. Its rooms are small, but fairly clean.
 +The Lucky Elfman--Located on board the Lighthouse, this bar replicates traditional Dreth monthly gatherings.
 +Lucky Strike--A casino located on Icewalk'​s entertainment deck.
 +The Midas Palace--A less-than-reputable entertainment complex in Port Royal'​s Golden Quarter. It is owned and operated by Brandon DeValk, and is famous as a place to pick up information. (See note under "​Spacer District",​ above.)
 +Miner'​s Rest--A cheap hotel located on Tribon'​s B-level.
 +Mongolian Grill--A Solar-owned restaurant aboard the Lighthouse. The Grill serves authentic Mongolian food in a historical setting.
 +The National Zoo--The best of its kind in the Verge, the National Zoo is located in Fort Drum, Galvin, and is home to species from all over the planet, as well as numerous research facilities.
 +The Old Bay--A hotel in Beronin.
 +O-S Level Lounge--A lounge and bar for middle VoidCorp management stationed at Orbital Blast-Mining Facility 278N.
 +Outside Inn--A bar located in a domed settlement on Nevin. Many local miners go there during breaks in their work.
 +198 West--A restaurant aboard the Lighthouse, 198 West serves native Verger foods in traditional cafeteria style.
 +Pacific Plaza Hotel--A comparatively cheap hotel aboard the Lighthouse. The Plaza'​s rooms feature secure terminals for conducting financial business.
 +Pirandello'​s--A restaurant on Bluefall. It caters to businesspeople,​ featuring power lunches and relative privacy.
 +The Planetfall--A seedy, criminal-infested bar built into the hull of a crashed spaceship. It is located in Diamond Point.
 +Prospector 7--A comfortable hotel in Caracas. Only the Supervisors and their guests may stay there.
 +Rigunmor Star Consortium Merchant Exchange (RSCME)--The center of Rigunmor commerce, the Exchange is located in New Manhattan on the planet Umbra V in Old Space. It also publishes a catalog of wares, available quarterly.
 +Sendir Park--A municipal park aboard the Lighthouse. It contains a small forested area with trees from both Earth and Prophethome,​ and a number of marble statues, including one of Warthen Hale.
 +The Silver Comet--An upscale hotel and casino in Port Royal. The Silver Comet is owned by the Jamaicans, and regularly hosts concerts.
 +Skendle Gamie--(What -is- it? Couldn'​t even find anything on Google, might be a made-up word. Appears on pp 21, ToM, with "Jack Parlor",​ "​Feeler"​ and "Tobbo Shop"​.) ​
 +The Spacewalk--A pirate-themed nightclub in Babel.
 +Star Balcony--A park on Nova Station. The hull surrounding the park is transparent,​ offering a spectacular view of space.
 +Submarine Park--A popular tourist attraction on Hughes Island.
 +Tavira Zoo--This zoo is a relic of Sothvec Industries, and contains a number of animals adapted to Corazón'​s environment.
 +Trannis Retreat--A resort in the Parr Archipelago.
 +Transient Quarters--A cheap hotel in Caracas that offers customers a cubicle-sized room and a single meal a day.
 +Traol Resort--A resort on Wannor Island.
 +Traveler'​s Sanctuary--A four star hotel in Babel.
 +Varenwa Enclave--A plush apartment complex in Tribon'​s lowest tier, featuring purified air and other amenities.
 +Volcano Mountain--A popular tourist attraction on Hughes Island.
 +The Westham--A hotel on Hughes Island. Winston Dumas was staying there when he was murdered.
 +The Weyr-Moraine--An independent hotel in Port Royal, it is also home to golfing facilities and other forms of entertainment.
 +Whale'​s Tooth--A seedy nightclub on Hughes Island.
 +Yesterdays--A four-star restaurant in Babel.
 +Ylliam Resort--A resort in the Parr Archipelago. Its surrounding waters contain a number of beautiful reefs.
 +===== Buildings =====
 +Acrim Desalination Facility--The largest desalination plant on Bluefall, Acrim Desalination is located on Hughes Island.
 +Acrim Farms--A series of kelp farms off the coast of Regency Island.
 +Administration Building--The headquarters of the Concord Administrators aboard the Lighthouse.
 +Administration Level--A central administration level on Orbital Blast-Mining Facility 278N (See note under Icewalk).
 +Airlock 9V--An airlock connecting Tribon'​s tunnel network with Lison'​s surface.
 +Assembly Building--A small, well-defended builsing in Beronin. It is mostly underground,​ and serves as a meeting place for the Imperial government.
 +Bhruu Consulate--A large building in Kansas Station, it was designed to accomodate bhruu. The Council of Ubhruusa meets there to discuss matters with Insight.
 +The Blood Pit--The most infamous gladiator arena in Santiago.
 +CCC Support Equipment Room Number 4--An electronics compartment aboard Icewalk.
 +The Civic Dome--The primary government building in Caracas.
 +Compound 91-B--A building on a desolate planet in the Hloewton system. It contains a number of dying sentients, kept alive via cybernetics and permanantly routed into virtual reality.
 +Council Chamber--The central building in Hatala'​s outpost, where he holds council.
 +The Dark Tower--The heavily fortified residence of King Steel, the Dark Tower was once a Solar planetary defense garrison.
 +Deck 6--A high-security engineering deck aboard Icewalk. (Where should it go? It's not a true building.)
 +Deck Three--An entertainment deck aboard Icewalk. (See deck 6 note.)
 +The Defense Research Center--A research and testing facility in Beronin. The Red Rain toxin was developed here, and an antidote is reportedly stored somewhere on its grounds.
 +Downtunnel Twelve--A tunnel in Tribon Spaceport.
 +Ettelkep Hold--The Hold of the Verdoss family. It has come under scrutiny from creditors.
 +Executive Tower--Located on Iphus, the Executive Tower is VoidCorp'​s headquarters in the Verge. No one under rank MA is even allowed inside.
 +Faclor Trail--A trail running through the Cembria Highlands.
 +Gifhorn Farms--A series of kelp farms off the coast of Regency Island.
 +Grand Concourse--The main concorse of Tribon Spaceport.
 +The Guildhall--The meeting place of the Guilders of the planet Bazaar.
 +The Hall of Justice--A Concord courtroom on Diandes island.
 +The High Road--A series of transport shafts that connects Tribon to Lison'​s crust. (And the spaceport to the rest of the city, mentioned on pp. 11, ToM?)
 +IAC Farms--A series of kelp farms off the coast of Hughes Island.
 +Justice Dome--A government building on Tribon'​s lowest level.
 +Lake of Air--Located in the Lighthouse'​s lowest city deck, this large pool of nutrient fluid is home to algae that help reprocess the station'​s air supply. In addition, excess algae can be skimmed off and used for food.
 +Lift Three--A lift leading down from the Tunnel of the Beggar to Tribon'​s main business district.
 +Lift Seven--A lift aboard Icewalk.
 +Lower Hall--This series of buildings, located in Tribon, serves as a living and working space for the president of the ULS.
 +Mill 117--A steel mill and smelter in Trinidad. It was the site of a massive strike among colonial workers.
 +Mine 935--A mine in Tribon. It was the site of a cave-in.
 +Miner'​s Hold--A cluster of offices, businesses and residences in Tribon'​s B-5 district. It was originally the site of a large vein of ore.
 +Main Concourse--The main area of Tribon'​s spaceport. (Significant enough to be included? From TOM.)
 +Municipal Building--The main government building and prison in Red Ridge.
 +National Farms--A series of kelp farms off the coast of Hughes Island.
 +Olaris Dam--This structure on Bluefall is widely regarded as a worthless piece of engineering.
 +Ortis Refinery--The largest rhodium processing plant in Tribon. The refinery is owned by the ULS, and also has air recyclers on its premises.
 +Prince Albert Mine--The largest strip mine on Yellow Sky.
 +Production Bay 12--A bay inside Ion Productions'​ shipyards. A magus was sighted there by an engineer.
 +Production Bay 17--A manufacturing bay in Ion Productions'​ shipyards. It was the site of an accident that killed 26 workers.
 +Project Management Center--A VoidCorp headquarters facility aboard Orbital Blast-Mining Facility 278N.
 +Section 21-C--A top-secret laboratory facility aboard Omega Station. Its scientists are secretly studying the kroath.
 +Tower of Equality--Located in Tribon, this building houses the planetary communications networks and several major media firms. (Also a monument to Lison'​s independence,​ according to pp 23, ToM.)
 +Transit Corridor Five--A transit walkway that was nearly torn free from Icewalk when Peregrine took off.
 +Tunnel of the Beggar--A natural tunnel connecting the B-Level Bazaar with the area near Lift Three.
 +Tunnel 13--A tunnel connecting the city of Tribon with Lison'​s surface.
 +Vehicle Lot 3--A parking lot in Midas City.
 +Verge Stock Exchange (VSE)--Also known as "​Vessy",​ the VSE is located on Hughes Island. It is arguably the Verge'​s center of economic activity.
 +Vych Manor--Located on Islvych, this compound is Artemus Vych's estate.
 +Watson Theaters--This theater complex, located aboard the Lighthouse, is home to both conventional live performances and holographic films.
 +===== Ruins =====
 +Blue Chamber--A region of the Skyward caverns currently being fought over by the Ancientists and the Hatire.
 +The Crazy Cross--A large Glassmaker site on High Mojave.
 +Danwin Site--The first dig site on Atlas, named for the Augustine'​s chief researcher.
 +Gateway of God--A mysterious arch located at the bottom of an extinct volcano caldera on Storm'​s Thunder Plateau. It is composed of thousands of stormfires, and is intended to transport the stormers off to another world.
 +The Great Temple--An ancient structure in the middle of a ruined city on Lilith.
 +Horseshoe Site--A mysterious ruin on Hydrocus. No one knows the exact purpose of the site, though some believe it to be evidence of a sentient race that once inhabited the planet.
 +Jenner'​s Arch--A large Glassmaker site on High Mojave.
 +Pipe Organ Gallery--A site in the Skyward Caverns that is currently being investigated by the Borealins.
 +Quenaalt--A large ruined city on Grith. Recent estimates place its age at 5000 years.
 +Sacred Circle--A mysterious alien ruin on the planet Ixax. It consists of a circle of standing stones, and is believed to have served a religious purpose.
 +Site 17--A Stoneburner site recently unearthed in Yellow Sky's lowlands.
 +Six Spires--An important Glassmaker site on High Mojave.
 +Skyward Caverns--A series of artificial caverns on Atlas. The Skyward Caverns are rich in artifacts, and are currently being explored by the Hatire, the Ancientists and the Borealin College of Justice Ethics.
 +Stonehenge--A ring of standing stones on Storm, named such for its similarity to a site on Earth. It was constructed by the Stormies to help the Salamancan Intelligence make measurements.
 +Tailor Gallery--An archaeological site in the Skyward Caverns.
 +Throne Gallery--An archaoelogical site in the Skyward Caverns.
 +White Temple--A large Glassmaker site on High Mojave. It was originally located on a cliff overlooking the sea, and Jerrin mac Alisten believes it was once a power station.
 +===== Churches =====
 +Bastion of Light--Located on Orion Way at Hughes Island, this church is the Humanity Reformation headquarters in the Verge.
 +Cathedral of St. Ignatius--A Catholic church located on a rise near Yellow Sky. A good percentage of its staff are scholars who study the Stoneburners. ​
 +Church of the Cosimir--A Hatire house of worship aboard the Lighthouse.
 +Church of the Oracle--An Insightful temple in Kansas Station, and its accompanying Gridsite.
 +Forest Cathedral--The headquarters of the Hatire government of Diamond Point.
 +Hall of Worship--The gathering hall in the Orlamist Temple of the Divine Unconscious aboard the Lighthouse.
 +Orlamist Temple--The center of Mount Illumination,​ this building acts as a town hall and center of worship.
 +Sendir Cathedral--The center of Orlamist worship, this cathedral is located on Prophethome in Old Space.
 +Temple of the Divine Unconscious--The Orlamist temple at the top of the Lighthouse.
 +====== People ======
 +===== Alaundril =====
 +Andreven, Egor--A false ID created by Pete Sokolov. Its persona is native to Babel, and has the Citizen Number B55028348.
 +Blackmore, Maura--The leader of House Blackmore.
 +Doctor Temeris Bliss--The chief medical officer of Goliath Station.
 +Bushur, Aidole--An Alaundrin merchant, Bushur is trying to export the planet'​s native egistrons offworld as game animals.
 +Dwane, Kever--An engineer employed by Ion Productions. He sighted a magus in the drive yards while working a late shift.
 +General Karen Jestons--The commander of Shadowrock Base, Jestons is an inspiring leader who doesn'​t want her military involved in Alaundril'​s politics. Hf/​Alaundril/​DCS-13
 +Kilean, Mary--A representative of Ion Productions,​ she accused Thorn Industries of industrial espionage.
 +Liquurl, Pofoal--The founder of the Seers of Torai, and their present leader. Fm/​Alaundril/​MW-16
 +Lindeberg, Koji--Formerly a ship designer and executive in Ion Productions,​ he has since taken up employment with Thorn Industries. He designed the corporation'​s shipyards, and is a capable starship engineer. Hm/​Alaundril/​TO-18 (pp 49, SC)
 +Williamson, Kane--The CEO of Ion Parts and Manufacturing,​ he changed his company'​s focus to shipbuilding. He died of radiation sickness while in the Cyra Belt.
 +Williamson, Maria--The daughter of Scott Williamson. She has been conducting meetings with Nariac representatives in hopes of weakening StarMech'​s grip on Tendril.
 +Williamson, Scott--The present CEO of Ion Productions,​ and the ruler of Alaundril. Hm/​Alaundril/​DTO-13 (pp 102, SDCS)
 +Belwe, Jessica--A native of Teminin, and Jonathan Belwe'​s older sister. She is the captain of the trader Esilio, and a small-time arms smuggler.
 +Belwe, Jonathan--Jessica Belwe'​s younger brother. He was a member of a rebel cell on Alitar, and created the Multiplex Cow virus. He was killed by Veertsen when a weapons deal went bad.
 +Doctor Sid Bray--A member of the survey team that discovered a deposit of rare ore near the Misten Sea. He was nearly killed in an accident, and informed General Kell of his discovery after he recovered.
 +Colonel Brent Darred--The leader of the 119th Air Cav battalion. His force was sent to guard human installations along the Misten from xe'​reen attack.
 +General Therald Kell--A retired Alitarin war hero. He hates the Galvinites with a passion, and criticizes his government for not taking appropriate action. He believes that the Galvinites are mining strategic minerals near the Misten Sea.
 +Prince Banda Korov--The current Potentate of the ISA. He was the Lord-Minister of defense during the Ajax incident, and the only high-ranked official who survived. Hm/​Algemron/​DCS-15
 +Captain Loefstedt--The captain of the Relentless.
 +General Wilken Murrad--The leader of the 22nd Powered Infantry division. He is a canny tactician who frequently leads assaults on the Galvinites himself. He has a 50,000 Concord dollar bounty on his head. Hm/​Algemron/​CS-9
 +Scherich, Martin--The supervisor of a petrochemical plant that was attacked by the xe'​reen.
 +Stokes, Reno--The captain of the Freefall. He is a smuggler, pirate, and does business with both factions in the Algemron conflict.
 +Maritec, Thomas--A retired Borealin admiral, Maritec oversees part of the Argos system for the Republic. He is currently assisting the Concord in its endeavors there.
 +Utir, Atilis Jil--The head of the Verge Confederation. Fm/​Argos/​DMW-8
 +===== Arist =====
 +Alaagh--A weren warrior from West Lodge.
 +Burwab--The Council Chief and best warrior of the weren settlement West Lodge. He held his position for the past seven years, and was a member of the Okabi Clan. He died fighting the klicks in the caverns.
 +Fygora--A weren of West Lodge, and Burwab'​s cousin. She was injured while participating in an attack on Red Ridge.
 +Grutok--A young weren warrior apprenticed to Kuhudag. He is the son of Medlyna.
 +Magtan--A weren warrior from West Lodge.
 +Medlyna--A weren warrior from West Lodge, and Grutok'​s mother. ​
 +Shubud--A member of West Lodge'​s governing council, and its highest-ranked Orlamu priest.
 +Toorhat One Tusk--A weren warrior from West Lodge. He got his nickname after losing a tusk to a misfiring rifle round.
 +===== Austrin-Ontis Unlimited =====
 +Biggs, Geoffrey--An Austrin scientist and spokesperson for the Austrin-Ontis Scientific Pioneering Committee, he accused the BRB of withholding information. Hm/​Austrin/​DTO-4
 +Brickwell, Reed--The Austrin ambassador to Bluefall, and the head of its colony on Ober Island. He also manages Stahn Munitions. Hm/​Austrin/​DCS-16
 +Captain Erhardt--The captain of the Roland, he obtained Galvin for his nation.
 +deLoughton, Gelaina--A representative of Austrin-Ontis. She encouraged Vergers to purchase weapons.
 +Gates, James "​Crazy"​--The CEO of Austrin-Ontis during 2472.
 +Kaden, Dar--An Austrin agent posing as a Lucullan merchant. He delivers weapons from Colonel Keaton to individual smugglers.
 +Colonel Jay Keaton--An Austrin covert operative, and the "​CEO"​ of Hanley Arms Ltd. He is in charge of Western Olympic'​s gunrunning operations in Algemron, and employs independent traders through his cutout company.
 +Kessel, Richard "​Nickelshot"​--An Austrin Undersecretary.
 +Litrain, Heidi--The Vice-President of Thorn Industries'​ Garat Mining Division. Hf/​Austrin/​DTO-6
 +Colonel Jane Merrick--The founder of Merrick'​s of Powder, she was originally the head of Austrin-Ontis'​ testing department. ​
 +Ragnarsson, Helm--
 +Vallest, Sebastian--The Austrin ambassador to the Lighthouse, Vallest hopes to use his position to provide the systems of the Verge with weaponry. Hm/​Austrin/​DCS-7
 +===== Bhruu =====
 +Aageeak--The ubhruus of Meenh abhaal. He has implemented decidedly democratic policies in his government.
 +Aaleemak--One of the first ubhruusa, and a student of Luumak. ​
 +Bahluurak--The leader of the Luunh abhaal. He is worried that his people will become absorbed into Insight. Bhm/​Independent/​DCS-4
 +Ghiikak--An intelligent,​ deformed bhruu, he deserted his abhaal.
 +Huumak--A dark-furred ubhruus.
 +Keehrak--A legendary bhruu explorer, whose tales form the basis of bhruu woodcraft.
 +Khiikilak--A handsome yet cruel ubhruus.
 +Kluumalak--The first bhruu to survive negotiations with VoidCorp. He was rumored to be a friend of Staahurak.
 +Lheeamak--A young councilor in the Meenh abhaal, she believes that the bhruu must adapt to humanity'​s presence and technology in order to survive. Bhm/​Independent/​DFA-3 (pp 64, SC)
 +Meechak--An ubhruus of the Kaanh abhaal. He was the first ubhruus to come to a peaceful agreement with humans.
 +Muughrak--A student and co-leader of the Twelve Ducks. He is a good friend of Naesa Reyati. Bhm/​Independent/​TO-4
 +Nheelak--A bhruu famous for his dowsing skills.
 +Raahlak--The ubhruus of Kaanh abhaal, he has opened up a partnership between his people and the Inseer colonists. Bhm/​Independent/​DTO-10 (pp 63, SC)
 +Ruurmak--A lovely, nigh-legendary bhruu female.
 +Saakihlak--A somewhat egotistical former ubhruus. He was given the honor of naming the outer planets of the Karnath system.
 +===== Borealis Republic =====
 +Andrea--A citizen of the Borealis Republic.
 +Arimensis, Justin--The current Grand Philosopher of the Borealis Republic, Arimensis graduated from the College of Justice Ethics, and is a historian of Ledarn Metaphysics.
 +Captain Jangir Batra--The captain of the Abstraction,​ Batra fled to Hammer'​s Star during the Second Galactic War. He ultimately left the system after word of his cowardice got out.
 +King Carolev V--The last king of the Borealis Republic, King Carolev V granted universal nobility and civil rights to his subjects before abdicating the throne and dissolving the monarchy.
 +Darrokin, Anthony--A cloned Borealin Professor of Justice Ethics, Darrokin "​converted"​ to the unconventional philosophies of the colonists of Spes. Hm/​Borealin/​DFA-4
 +Denisenko, Karel--A Philosopher of the College of Unism, Denisenko is a representative on the Galactic Consulate and a member of the Committee on Verge Integration. She frequently advocates sentient rights, and is thought of as a wild card. HF/​Borealin/​DMW-6
 +Evans, Safia--An Assistant Professor of the College of High Rationalism and the Borealin deputy ambassador to the Lighthouse. She is an ardent supporter of universal sentient rights. Hf/​Borealin/​DFA-6
 +Hitiro, Clea--A Borealin Lecturer of the College of Unism, Hitiro was sent to Spes to bring its rebellious colonists back into line with mainstream Borealin philosophy. Hf/​Borealin/​NP
 +Dr. Iko Jeta--The chief cybersurgeon at Hadrian Hospital, she helped design the first items of bhruu cybertechnology. Some of these items have easily-exploited flaws. Mf/​Borealin/​TO-16
 +Lecoq, Sheila--The current Chief Justice of the Galactic Court.
 +Lenoir, Emilie--The leader of a splinter faction of the Ancientists of Yellow Sky. She feels that humanity has offended the Stoneburners by disturbing the lowlands. Hf/​Borealin/​DFA-5
 +Lenormantit,​ Ariken--A Professor and ambassador to the Lighthouse, he retired from his position in 2500. Hm/​Borealin/​DTO-12
 +Orsidantis, Atlas--The head of the Youth Educational Center aboard the Lighthouse. Hm/​Borealin/​DTO-9
 +Socarta, Aaron--A Professor Emeritus, and the leader of the Borealin settlement on Cesar Island. Xm/​Borealin/​DTO-15
 +Toriso, Jsitri--A Professior of the College of Verant-Benn. He was the first one to propose that the wreckage discovered in the Ajikor system was that of a Warhulk.
 +Mikada, Trent--A Borealin Philosopher of Utilitarianism,​ he is the author of the Mikada Report.
 +Tantresis, Charles--The father of Justin Arimensis.
 +===== Coulomb =====
 +Martin, Jonas--A native of Ohmel, and the leader of the revolutionary group known as Blue Frost. He models himself after Michael Thayne.
 +Lady Kfira Ngongwe--The ruler of Coulomb. Lady Ngongwe resents the Concord'​s intrusion in her affairs, and hopes to break away from the nation that legally owns her colony. Hf/​Coulomb/​DFA-3
 +Sarban, Robert--A human chanar hunter from the Tungusta dome. He has an ongoing feud with the chanar known as Cyclops, as both his wife and daughter were killed by him. He has nearly been driven insane by his rivalry.
 +===== Galactic Concord =====
 +Commander Rafael Adarraga--The Lighthouse'​s chief weapons officer. Hm/​Concord/​DCS-5
 +Aeereek--A genetically-altered janitor, he works at the Corner.
 +al-Haq, Nur--The Concord deputy ambassador to Bluefall, and a native of Concord. He was once romantically involved with Karel Denisenko. Hm/​Concord/​DFA-9 (pp 156, SDCS) (DFA-10?)
 +Amoris, Regina--The floor manager of the Corner'​s casino.
 +Ana--One of Administrator Monahan'​s employees. She trained Sable in personal combat, and was killed by her during a confrontation at the Lighthouse.
 +Captain Applegate--The captain of the Serendipity. He has worked for TXI for twenty years, but was recently arrested by the ULS after being accused of smuggling rhodium.
 +Lieutenant Colonel Arends--The commander of the Marine contingent aboard Falada, known to his troops as the Mighty One Above Us.
 +Private First Class Nadya Atanza--A Concord soldier who left the CDC to become a Recon Marine. She was a member of Witzko'​s platoon, and was trained as a medic and demolitionist. She was killed by the klicks on Arist.
 +Avatar--The pseudonym of a renegade GNA journalist. He (she?) conducted an extensive anonymous investigation of the Verge, and pieced together the first traces of the External threat.
 +Aymes, Nolan--The Concord ambassador to Lucullus, he is working clandestinely to replace the Barons'​ corrupt officials with ones who are loyal to the Lucullan League. Hm/​Concord/​DFA-5 (pp 134, SDCS)
 +Corporal John Barker--A Concord Marine in the Third Battalion of the 26th Regiment.
 +Barrons, Eliza--A Concord junior communications officer. She is quiet and small of stature. Hf/​Concord/​NP (pp 6, RS)
 +Commander Auguste Barrow--The Lighthouse'​s chief computer specialist. Hm/​Concord/​TO-6
 +Basti, Marta--A senior journalist and anchor at TVN's affiliate aboard the Lighthouse. Hf/​Concord/​DFA-10
 +Baynes, Julius--The Sector Administrator for the Verge, Baynes is a strict enforcer of Concord law. His office is located aboard the Lighthouse, but also spends time on Bluefall.
 +Master Sergeant Jacques Belier--A portly, aged Concord Marine from the HQ of the 26th Regiment. He had been posted with Captain Savant for most of his career. He loathed Master Sergeant Lavon, whom he referred to as "​Queenie",​ and was killed by the klicks in a battle on Arist. ​
 +Biggert--A Concord Recon Marine, who was killed when the klicks attacked Stormbird.
 +Bloch, Rieger (Roger?​)--The chief security officer of Kendai Station. He was killed by VoidCorp operatives during the initial installation of the Geneva Virus.
 +Doctor Borgan--A member of the board of the Tauran Concord Institute of Applied Xenoarchaeology.
 +Brody, Jeffrey--A member of Dr. Radlevich'​s expedition to Lilith.
 +Commodore Julia van Buren--The commander of the dreadnought Decisive. She first told Alliance Command of the Lighthouse'​s destruction. (Concord?)
 +Administrator Rick Carter--An Administrator in charge of cross-checking and collecting intelligence on the Externals. He frequently meets with Lorand Kharls, as well as Aaln Stykor. He was one of three Administrators to best Stykor'​s honor guard in combat.
 +Cathcart, Vince--The antagonistic co-leader of Dr. Radlevich'​s expedition to Lilith. He has a marked dislike of fraal, and is skeptical of anything psionic.
 +Charlotte--Administrator Monahan'​s secretary.
 +Captain David Chase--The commander of a company of Concord Marines permanantly stationed aboard the Lighthouse, Chase is a young, dedicated officer. He knows that his troops are being hired out by shady sources, yet doesn'​t know what to do about it. Hm/​Concord/​DCS-8 (pp 19, LH)
 +Sergeant Ajayla Chen--A newly-promoted Concord Marine, who was recently stationed with the headquarters of Witzko'​s platoon. She is a communications specialist, and is fond of high-stakes gambling and "​company in bed". She is one of the Unholy Three.
 +Administrator Ryan Christianson--A former Nariac, Christianson is the harbormaster of the Lighthouse'​s High Dock. He is typically unpleasant to deal with. Hm/​Concord/​CS-7
 +Commander Jacob Cohn--Kevin Ochoa'​s second-in-command,​ Cohn acts as a liason between his superior and the Star Force officers beneath him. He knows the secret of the Lighthouse'​s stardrive. Hm/​Concord/​DTO-6
 +Lieutenant Collins--A Concord Marine stationed at an Observation Post in Barrows.
 +Csapo, Terin--A Concord junior officer, and Orlamu native. He specializes in engineering,​ and has a nasty temper. Hm/​Concord/​NP (pp 6, RS)
 +Lieutenant Commander Kyle Dabur--A Concord Star Force officer, and Stormbird'​s senior lander pilot.
 +Datim, Gevon--An official in the Concord Bureau of Science and History. He believes the derelict near Titania is a fraal colony ship.
 +Demerot, Dmetri--The Concord ambassador to Tendril. Hm/​Concord/​DFA-13
 +Deihudt--A Concord Recon Marine who was killed during Stormbird'​s second engagement with the klicks.
 +Captain Armand d'​Estrees--The commander of Mercury Company, d'​Estrees joined the Concord with his family shortly after it formed. He graduated from Coughlin Academy, and is a capable leader. Hm/​Concord/​DCS-8
 +Delvecchio, Lauren--A Concord ambassador native to Thuldan Prime, nicknamed the Gray Lady by the Marines aboard Falada.
 +Corporal Gail Derow--A Concord security officer aboard Omega Station. Her team discovered several klicks attempting to sabotage the station.
 +Administrator Maria DeVrona--A Concord Administrator. She serves as the head of the Neutrality Patrol in Algemron. She is currently working toward evening the playing field by eliminating the edge Galvin holds over Alitar. She is stern and rather forceful. Hf/​Concord/​DCS-16
 +Drecir--A member of the Kepler'​s crew. He was killed by an Arachnon while on High Mojave.
 +Captain Drel--The commander of the light cruiser Corinth.
 +Administrator Virginia DuPree--A senior Administrator in the Verge (Chief Administrator?​ Baynes is listed as that.), and one of Michael Thayne'​s most trusted advisors. She was sent to negotiate with the medurr, but was killed by forces loyal to Teran.
 +Dynler, Lucien--A legal counsel, and the guitarist in the Corner'​s band.
 +Eamsden, Renata--A Concord official, and the coordinator of its study on comparative life spans. She recently traveled to the Hloewton system after her friend, Iduna, traveled there.
 +Eduardo--One of Administrator Monahan'​s thugs.
 +Elmo--A heavily-tattooed bouncer at The Corner.
 +Emblar, Gavin--An outspoken critic of the Concord Assembly and the CIB.
 +Errioc, Elizabeth--A Concord Administrator and the wife of Nur al-Haq. Hf/​Concord/​DTO-7
 +Ettekoven, Paul--A former operations chief for the CIB, Ettekoven has since gone into the business world and amassed a considerable fortune. His estate is located aboard the Lighthouse, and he sometimes uses his position to relay information to the station'​s leaders. Hm/​Regency/​DFA-16
 +Fortuna, Elizabeth--The current Vice Chancellor.
 +Lieutenant Colonel Helio de Freitas--The commander of the 5th Regiment of the 145th Division. Hm/​Concord/​DMW-5
 +Lieutenant Drey Gerrin--A Concord naval officer assigned to the Shrike. He is young, and does things by the book. Hm/​Concord/​DTO-2 (pp 6, RS)
 +Gillst, Jaren--One of Monahan'​s classmates, who was killed when he was young. Monahan used his name as an alias when planting false records.
 +Goodson--A Concord Marine from the Third Battalion of the 26th Regiment.
 +Lance Corporal Grammet--A Concord Marine. She is stationed with the 26th Regiment.
 +Grant, Ruden--A serious, dedicated Concord Administrator specializing in xenoculture and xenobiology. He was the leader of the two surveys led by the Kepler. He is interested in further investigations of the cultures of the native species of the Verge. Hm/​Concord/​DCS-5 (pp 9, AC)
 +Private Grecko--A Recon Concord Marine, and a member of Witzko'​s platoon.
 +Grimy--One of the supervisors at The Corner. (Mentioned briefly on pp 254 of GR. New person, or a name for an old one?)
 +Grusin--A Concord Marine who went missing during Stormbird'​s battle with several klick ships and was later found dead.
 +Gr'uun (Kesh?)--A weren bartender (and botanist?) at the Corner. (%)
 +Lieutenant Thomas Hale--The commander of 1st Platoon, Lieutenant Hale is also the youngest son of Senator Bruce Hale of the Orion League. Though only twenty-one years old, he has already been awarded the Silver Cross for valor in an assault on a klick base. Hm/​Concord/​DCS-7 (pp 212, SDCS)
 +Halles, Othgar--The owner of the Georgetown Inn, Halles is deep in debt.
 +Lieutenant Commander Hammel--A Star Force officer stationed aboard Stormbird. He has a shaky disposition,​ and is being treated for a nervous stomach.
 +Private Hangler--A Concord Marine from the 26th Regiment. He was killed by the klicks on Arist.
 +Hardy--A Concord Marine in Witzko'​s Recon Platoon.
 +Haskell, Pete--A member of the expedition to Lilith. He was killed during the pirate attack on the expedition'​s base camp.
 +Hassan--The head chef of the Corner.
 +Commander Bennett Hix--The Lighthouse'​s chief communications officer. She works closely with the CCC, but sometimes funnels information to the Hatire Community, her old stellar nation. Hf/​Concord/​TO-6
 +Field Administrator Steven Hood--A Concord Administrator,​ and an assistant to Lorand Kharls, Hood is currently overseeing the diplomatic relations between the Concord and the edanweir. Hm/​Concord/​DFA-3
 +Administrator Thomas Hraldin--The head of the Lighthouse'​s municipal government, he meets with elected officials. He also presides over all trials that take place aboard the station. Hm/​Concord/​DCS-7
 +Commander Maura Hudson--The first officer of the Lighthouse, she monitors the ship from its command deck while Captain Wistzec is away. She is rather ambitious, and hopes to someday command her own vessel. Hf/​Concord/​DCS-5
 +Hurm, Umra--The owner of a store aboard the Lighthouse.
 +Lieutenant Commander Ikido--A Star Force officer, and the executive officer of the Stormbird.
 +Ipsilon, Mi'chi "​Mickie"​--A mechalus in the employ of the Concord, and a friend and associate of Renata. He accompaied her on her journey to Hloewton.
 +Major Anika Isakovic--The leader of the 3rd Battalion of the 1st Regiment of the 145th. Major Isakovic'​s battalion led the assault on the asteroid Rakke and captured the klick facilities there. Hf/​Concord/​DCS-7
 +Jackson--A Concord Marine, and member of Rapier Seven.
 +Johannsen, Fred "The Swede"​--A former Concord Marine, and the head bouncer of the Corner.
 +Jonesy--A scientist in the employ of the Concord. He traveled to Hloewton with his friend, Renata.
 +Lieutenant Barry Jordan--The Star Force attache to Antigua.
 +Jordikan, Anna--A masseuse, she lives and works aboard the Lighthouse. She has been known to arrange passage off-station for unsavory characters. Hf/​Concord/​FA-4
 +Doctor Bejide Jorgensun--A Concord specialist in Mindwalker psychology.
 +Lieutenant Marta Kael--The leader of 2nd Platoon, Lieutenant Kael is a veteran soldier. Hf/​Concord/​DCS-8
 +Commodore Kaile--The commander of the Concord Provisionary Squadron sent to stop the Warhulk from destroying the colony at Alitar. ​
 +Karlo--A Concord Marine who was killed during the klicks'​ assault on the Stormbird.
 +Karra, Ishan--The Director of the Concord Diplomatic Service, Karra is a resident of Concord Sagittarius.
 +Karrelton, Sue--A member of the expedition to Lilith. She was killed by pirate raiders during the attack on the expedition'​s base camp.
 +Private First Class Kasuga--A Concord Marine. He is stationed with Lieutenant Witzko'​s Recon Platoon.
 +Brigadier General Walther Kell--The commander of the 191st Marine Expeditionary Brigade.
 +Kelly--A member of the Tauran Concord Institute of Applied Xenoarchaeology.
 +Kingston, Thomas--The insane vocalist of the Corner'​s band.
 +Klindo, Richard--The Concord'​s ambassador to the Lighthouse, Klindo has a healthy dislike of Administrator Wakefield. He was appointed to his position by Michael Thayne. Hm/​Concord/​DFA-9
 +Platoon Sergeant Jobal Kran--A noncommissioned Concord Marine in Witzko'​s platoon, and a ten-year Recon veteran. He is a devout Orlamu and an excellent soldier.
 +Lars--A thug in the employ of Administrator Monahan. (He might have been killed during the final confrontation,​ but there might not be enough evidence to say that he was.)
 +Lasanti--A Concord Marine posted with the Third Battalion of the 26th Regiment.
 +Master Sergeant Irina Lavon--A noncommissioned officer in the Concord Marines, and one of Lieutenant Witzko'​s subordinates. She was the Acting Sergeant Major of her unit's expedition to Hammer'​s Star.
 +Corporal Hurik Lee--A Concord Marine who was recently stationed with Witzko'​s platoon. He acts as a supply specialist, and has a habit of scamming other Marines. He is one of the Unholy Three.
 +Leeman--A Concord Marine, posted in Lieutenant Witzko'​s Recon Platoon. ​
 +Lieutenant David Lieberman--The commander of Command Platoon, he acts as an advisor to Captain d'​Estrees. Hm/​Concord/​DCS-5
 +Lignos, Theron--A senior journalist at TVN's branch affiliate aboard the Lighthouse. Prior to taking his present assignment, he worked as a war correspondant in Algemron. Hm/​Concord/​DFA-10
 +Corporal Lucennes--A Concord Marine in Damion Witzko'​s Recon Platoon. He lost an arm during a space battle.
 +Admiral Lucent--A Concord Star Force official stationed at Kendai, and Admiral Raastad'​s commanding officer.
 +Corporal Barbara MacKenzie--A Concord Marine from Squad Two of Lieutenant Witzko'​s Recon Platoon. She was killed during Stormbird'​s second battle with the klicks.
 +Maddux, Jordan--A Concord Administrator.
 +Mahdra, Ari--A Concord Administrator,​ she issued the famous Mahdra Ruling.
 +Gunnery Sergeant Peter McAndres--A Concord Marine, and a member of Rapier Seven. He authored the book Assault on Hammer'​s Star.
 +McCaskill--A reformed pirate. He plays the drums in the Corner'​s band.
 +Colonel Colin McGilivray--The commander of the 2nd Regiment of the 145th Division. Hm/​Concord/​DCS-10
 +Captain Kira McRae--A Concord Marine officer, and the commander of the 2nd Company of the 3rd Battalion of the 26th Regiment. She was killed during a fight with the klicks in the tunnels of Arist.
 +Lieutenant Gregory McShane--A Concord intelligence agent and Mindwalker. He was formerly a Concord Marine, and was tasked with extracting a Concord operative from Hatala'​s operations on Spes. He is Mary Rivers'​ primary intelligence contact.
 +Mercadian, Malcom--The owner of the Corner.
 +Milet--A Concord Marine from the 26th Regiment.
 +MINA--The Lighthouse'​s artificial intelligence,​ MINA controls the station'​s computer networks. She feels unsure of her place in the universe. (pp 26, LH)
 +Mohan, Oliver--The Concord ambassador to Bluefall. He is blunt and matter-of-fact,​ and dictates the Concord'​s Verge policies. Hm/​Concord/​DFA-13 (14?)
 +Administrator Oslo G. Monahan--A Concord Administrator assigned to track down factions and supporters of Concord Free Now. He was also known as Brandon Maxwell, and was responsible for the kidnapping and enslavement of Gavin and Sabine Taraen. He attempted to frame Relitalia Yonce for arms smuggling, but was killed by Sable before he could succeed. ​
 +Special Administrator Robert Monteith--A Concord Administrator in charge of the Concord'​s case against the Qaliban Corporation.
 +Field Administrator Victoria Moorcroft--A Concord administrator stationed in the district containing Pyrton. She mediated a custody conflict between Avi Hausoc and Ronald Aspan, and helped shut down Aspan'​s scheme to retrieve his family'​s money.
 +Morrek--A Concord Marine, and a heavy gunner in Witzko'​s Recon Platoon.
 +Morton--A Concord Marine who was killed during the klicks'​ attack on the Stormbird.
 +Mouton, Kyle--The manager of the Watson Theaters branch aboard the Lighthouse.
 +Doctor Paul Mutalis--The head of Galindus Medical center. Hm/​Concord/​TO-11
 +Administrator Marguerite Muwanga--The only Concord Administrator in Yellow Sky. Her sole duty is compiling information on the Stoneburners. Hf/​Concord/​DCS-4
 +Myers, Lonnie--A member of the expedition to Lilith. He was killed when pirate raiders attacked the expedition'​s base camp.
 +Captain Ela Myklebust--The captain of the transport Stormbird, and a Star Force officer. She is very pragmatic.
 +Lieutenant Commander Aryl N'​drochi--The captain of the Stingray, Aryl is clever, intuitive and calm. Mm/​Concord/​DTO-5 (pp 119, SDCS)
 +Ngaru, Brian--A recent graduate of the Vition academy, and a Concord junior officer. He is young, fairly naive, and specializes in sensor operation. Hm/​Concord/​NP (pp 6, RS)
 +Ochoa, Kevin--The chief engineer of the Lighthouse, and one of Wakefield'​s senior aides. He is a civilian, which leads to many conflicts with the Star Force officers aboard the station. Hm/​Concord/​DTO-10
 +Ogata--A Concord Marine, and heavy gunner stationed in Lieutenant Witzko'​s Recon Platoon.
 +Olafson--A Concord Marine who died during the klicks'​ attack on the Stormbird.
 +Corporal Norman "​Sticks"​ Ophir--A member of 1st Platoon, Corporal Ophir planted Mercury Company'​s flag and helped his fellow Marines repel a klick attack. Hm/​Concord/​DCS-5
 +Orthen, Derek--The current First Secretary. He was elected for his second term in 2500.
 +Oshima--A Concord Marine from the 26th Regiment who was wounded during a fight with the klicks on Arist.
 +Major Pelletin--A Concord Marine, and the executive and Ops officer for the Marines under Seymoyr'​s command.
 +Colonel Taro Petrik--The commander of the 1st Regiment of the 145th Division. Hm/​Concord/​DCS-8
 +Private Phelan--A Concord Marine crosstrained as a medic. He is stationed with Lieutenant Witzko'​s platoon.
 +Lance Corporal Planke--A Concord Marine, and a member of Lieutenant Witzko'​s Recon platoon.
 +Corporal Pleski--A Concord Marine killed while defending a Concord installation in the Verge. He informed Avatar of the kroath'​s true nature.
 +Commander Alfred Posada--The Lighthouse'​s chief of security, Posada is a former Austrin. Unlike the rest of his fellows, he answers to Administrator Witt as well as Captain Wistzec. Hm/​Concord/​CS-6
 +Sergeant Price--A Concord Marine in the Third Battalion of the 26th Regiment.
 +Qualid, Jen--A Concord diplomat assigned to negotiations with the medurr.
 +Lieutenant Alan Quinn--A CIB agent operating undercover as an agent of the REC. He is charismatic,​ responsible,​ and believes the Concord is working for the greater good. Hm/​Concord/​FA-12 (pp 66, SGA)
 +Vice Admiral Adrianus Raastad--The commander of the Concord forces at Hammer'​s Star, Raastad was one of the key players in the formation of the Star Force. Though physically weak, he is quite stubborn and is almost ruthlessly efficient. Hm/​Solar/​DTO-15 (pp 208, SDCS)
 +Sergeant Rackler--A Concord Marine engineer from the 26th Regiment. He is also a CIB agent.
 +Doctor Diane Radlevich--A field researcher currently in the employ of the Terran Xenoarchaeological institute. She recently discovered the Finders Keepers cache at Lilith, and also mounted an expedition to Storm to study the alien ruins there.
 +Rakbrin, Geste--The senior CIB agent aboard the Lighthouse. He is currently stationed within the VIP welcome center, and acts as a liason between Administrator Wakefield and the rest of the intelligence agents. Hm/​Concord/​FA-13 (pp 20, LH)
 +Ramirez, Martin--A Concord Marine from Lieutenant Witzko'​s Recon Platoon. He was badly injured during a fight against human troopers on Arist.
 +Reed, Teri--The chief engineer aboard Kendai Station, and former member of the Orion Navy. She currently works for the Concord Space Authority. Hf/​Orion(Concord?​)/​TO-3 (pp 6, BS)
 +Reekmon--A Concord Marine who was killed during Stormbird'​s second battle with the klicks.
 +Sergeant Reeman--A noncommissioned officer in the Concord Marines. He is a member of Witzko'​s platoon, and spends much of his time flirting with Master Sergeant Lavon.
 +Private First Class Rewall--A Concord Marine from the Third Battalion of the 26th Regiment.
 +Rice, Wayne--Formerly a District Administrator and the Station Administrator of the Lighthouse, Rice was forced to resign after being framed by an unknown party. He is working with VoidCorp in an attempt to prove his innocence. Hm/​Concord/​DCS-16
 +Rike--A Concord Marine stationed aboard Falada. He acts as a source of gossip.
 +Lieutenant Telpha Ril--The commander of the 3rd Platoon, Lieutenant Ril is one of the few mechalus among the Concord Marines. Mf/​Concord/​CS-6
 +Rizzo--A Concord Marine from Lieutenant Witzko'​s Recon Platoon. He was injured during a fight with the klicks on Arist.
 +Rolin, Jax--A CIB operative, Jax acts as a decoy for other agents stationed aboard the Lighthouse. Hm/​Concord/​FA-6
 +System Administrator Marissa Rolin--A Concord Administrator. She is the head of all the Concord Administrators stationed in Hammer'​s Star. Hf/​Concord/​DFA-6
 +Private First Class Romanov--A Concord Marine. She is from the 26th Regiment.
 +Lieutenant Halforth Quentin Rostrevor-Malone--A Marine engineer stationed aboard Falada, and one of Gabriel'​s friends.
 +Station Commander Brian Rouen--A veteran of the Star Force, and the captain of the Kendai Relay. He was captured by the VoidCorp saboteurs, and used as a hostage. Hm/​Concord/​DTO-4 (pp 6, BS)
 +Russel--A Concord Recon Marine, and one of Witzko'​s soldiers, who died during Stormbird'​s second battle with klick forces.
 +Rustoski, Tor--The current Chancellor, Rustoski was elected in 2500. He was formerly a StarMech war hero and politician.
 +Sadrus, Ryan--A Verger shipping magnate and co-owner of Tyardine Taxis. Xm/​Concord/​DFA-10
 +Sagittarius--A member of the Concord Star Force, and one of Vegor Tagg's contacts. He informed Avatar of the events at Karppolla.
 +Platoon Sergeant Luis "​Sweet"​ Sanctivores--An advisor to Thomas Hale, Luis is a veteran Marine who is good friends with Captain d'​Estrees. He has high expectations for his troops, and is one of the most decorated soldiers in Concord history. Hm/​Concord/​CS-24 (pp 211, SDCS)
 +Major Saunders--The leader of a mercenery contingent hired to protect an archaeological expedition at Lilith. (Not mentioned in book. Works for an organization in Concord territory, though.)
 +Captain Woodlaw Savant--An antagonistic Concord Marine and Company Commander. He is nicknamed "The Owl" because of his features and predatory disposition. (Specific Company?)
 +Platoon Sergeant Oscar Saywell--A relatively inexperienced soldier, Platoon Sergeant Saywell serves as an advisor to Lieutenant Kael of 2nd Platoon. Hm/​Concord/​DCS-4
 +Commander Julian Segui--The Lighthouse'​s chief sensors operator. Hm/​Concord/​TO-5
 +Servo-66--The bartender robot at the Corner. (%)
 +Lieutenant Colonel Wilm Seymoyr--A Concord Marine officer. He was a teacher and field instructor before becoming the commander of the (Third Battalion of the?) 26th Regiment.
 +Shaunessy, Liam--A descendant of Ryan Shaunessy. He started his career as a diplomat, but after a series of blunders, he turned to business in Austrin-Ontis. ​
 +Major Sill--A Concord Marine officer. (Mentioned in Glossary of OTV, but maybe not in the book itself.)
 +Sing, Rafael--A relatively inexperienced scout, he helped Samantha Thirdway establish the CSS' protocols. ​
 +Admiral Skorbo--A Concord Star Force officer. He commands the task force containing the Revealer and Stormbird from the dreadnought itself.
 +Skvrsky, Martin--The manager and head bartender of the Corner.
 +Smith, Adam--A co-owner of Self-Reliance Goods, and husband of Martha Smith.
 +Smith, Martha--A co-owner of Self-Reliance Goods, and wife of Adam Smith.
 +Field Administrator Chae Soon-bok--The official Concord presence in the Karnath system, Soon-bok is an experienced Administrator. Hf/​Concord/​DCS-6
 +Ssushan, Keiy--A former VoidCorp agent, this sesheyan explorer assisted Samantha Thirdway in the creation of the CSS.
 +Stern, Thomas--The First Secretary of the Galactic Concord in 2472.
 +Sternwitz--A Concord Recon Marine who died when Stormbird was attacked by klick vessels.
 +Stevens (Stephens? Spelled that way in the Glossary.)--A Concord Marine from the 26th Regiment.
 +Stevenson--A Concord Marine, and a member of Rapier Seven.
 +Stickly, Iduna--A young woman who encountered Renata after learning of the Hloewton system. She traveled there to find a cure for her terminal cancer, and was hooked up to live support and virtual reality inside Compound 91-B. (Is she Concord? It's not specifically mentioned, but there'​s evidence to back it up.)
 +Private Stosser--A Concord Marine demolitionist. She transfered to Witzko'​s platoon from the Combat Engineers, and was killed during a battle with the klicks on Arist.
 +Adjutant General Lois Strongbow--The leader of the Concord Marines in Hammer'​s Star, General Strongbow is second only to Admiral Raastad. She is the commander of the 145th division. Hf/​Concord/​DCS-10
 +Summerfield,​ Lincoln "​Lazarus"​--Formerly a Gridpilot for Insight, he was convicted of trying to hack into its Grid servers. After Administrator Monahan faked his death, he joined the CIB as a special agent in the anti-CFN task force. Some Inseer faithful believe that he passed on to a higher plane within the Grid. He encountered Sable while tracking down weapons dealers, and ultimately ran across his superior'​s dirty dealings.
 +Captain Hiraku Ting Sun--The captain of the battleship Pittsburgh. He was promoted to Admiral and given command of the Third Battle Group, then led the assault on Cambria. (Unknown, most likely either Concord or Regency.)
 +Sunfire, Galindria--The Corner'​s fraal accountant.
 +Administrator Vegor Tagg--A Concord Administrator(?​) and one of Avatar'​s contacts.
 +Commodore Shari Talivyin--The commander of Omega Station and Patrol Squadron 131. She is a zealous enforcer of Concord law. Hf/​Concord/​DTO-7
 +Tamaguchi, Kazuko--The chief engineer of Serendipity. She was arrested by the ULS after illicit rhodium was discovered aboard her vessel.
 +Tanner, Reigel--The Corner'​s primary supplier, he can obtain almost anything.
 +Administrator Sela Taris--A Concord Administrator. She was one of three ambassadors to best Stykor in combat, and acts as the primary contact between her and the rest of the Concord'​s diplomatic team.
 +Commander Tavik--The captain of a Concord cruiser in the Eldala system. He is an experienced officer. Wm/​Concord/​DTO-14
 +Taylor, Anna--The wife of Robert Taylor, and one of his business associates. Hf/​Concord/​DTO-6
 +Taylor, Cora--The teenage daughter of Robert Taylor, and a member of his expeditionary crew. Hf/​Concord/​FA-1
 +Taylor, Robert--A former Solar, he organizes and leads sport-fish hunting expeditions on Bluefall. ​
 +Lieutenant Hark Terrence--The leader of the inspection team that discovered illegal weapons on board the Venture Star and Therise.
 +Thirdway, Samantha--The Acting Director and founder of the CSS. She was once a field officer for the SSC, but broke away after growing disgusted with its business practices. ​
 +Thumn, Gre-Ikwilisan--A t'sa civilian technical advisor stationed with Lieutenant Witzko'​s unit. He is one of the Unholy Three.
 +Captain Horus Tillerman--Admiral Raastad'​s liason to the press. ​
 +Tir, Idan Jil--The Concord deputy ambassador to Tendril. He possesses formidable ESP potential, and uses his powers to his advantage during negotiations. He hopes to retire to the monastery at Torai. Fm/​Concord/​MW-12 (pp 105, SDCS)
 +System Administrator Lodiri ba Tiras--A fraal Concord Administrator,​ and ambassador to the New Dreth Commonwealth. She acknowledged the nation as independent,​ partly because she has recurring visions about it. Ff/​Concord/​MW-15 (pp 39, SC)
 +Tm'​laa--A fraal agent in service to the CIB, and a devout Orlamist. He was working undercover as a geneticist on Spes, but was kidnapped by Hatala. He was later rescued by Lieutenant McShane and Megan Rivers.
 +Tom--Renata Eamsden'​s former lover.
 +Tomakis, Alfred--A former Rigunmor, and the Concord ambassador to the New Dreth Commonwealth. He originally declared the nation to be a soverign power. Hm/​Concord/​DTO-8
 +Sergeant Linda Tragger--A noncomissioned officer in the 26th Regiment of the Concord Marines. She is an expert at identifying weapons.
 +Tranyth--A t'sa water taxi operator on Bluefall. Tm/​Concord/​FA-5
 +Lance Corporal Julie Travino--A Concord Marine, native of Austrin-Ontis,​ and a noncommissioned officer in Witzko'​s Recon Platoon.
 +Sergeant Treko--A Concord Marine who was killed during Stormbird'​s second battle with the klicks.
 +Sergeant Shawn Tremont--A Concord Marine plasma gunner. He is a member of the 3rd Company of the Second Battalion of the 26th Regiment.
 +Triman--A Concord Marine who died during a battle between Stormbird and several klick ships.
 +Lieutenant Beerg Tuslow--A lieutenant in the Star Force. He recently discovered a group of klicks hiding in Mindara Station, and began trading them information in exchange for gems.
 +Colonel Utilen--The commander of the 3rd Battalion of the 145th Division. Sf/​Concord/​DFA-9
 +Commander Alex Vaessen--The chief navigator and helmsman of the Lighthouse. He is very seldom at his post, due to the relative simplicity of his job. He has an interest in botany, as he grew up on a preservationist Solar colony, and his quarters contains a number of plant specimens. Hm/​Concord/​DTO-6
 +Vaessen, Kate--The wife of Commander Alex Vaessen. She works in the Concord Embassy in the upper half of the Lighthouse.
 +Veil, Cynthia--A Concord ambassador to Oberon. She feels that Lison will be better off if it alligns itself with one of the stellar nations.
 +Colonel Tamara Vellas--The commander of the 4th Battalion of the 145th Division. Hf/​Concord/​DCS-7
 +Veracruz--A member of the CSS survey team to Hydrocus, he was attacked and killed by a mudfiend.
 +Veras, Aliisz--The head of the biological surveys conducted by the Kepler, Dr. Veras holds a Ph.D in xenobiology and was once employed by the Concord Survey Service. Though an academic, she isn't afraid to conduct field research. Ff/​Concord/​TO-6 (pp 9, SDCS)
 +Doctor Algar Vinn--A professor of philosophy who also specializes in the study of psionics. He teaches at the University of New Cairo, and feels that the riglia are simply xenophobic. He is a member of the Council for Conscientious Scientsts. ​
 +Station Administrator Kyle Wakefield--Formerly a System Administrator from Concord Taurus, Wakefield is the current head of the Lighthouse. Relatively young, he is still learning how to best lead the station while avoiding major crises. Hm/​Concord/​DFA-13 (pp 14, LH)
 +Walgrove, Carey "​Catch"​--A Concord constable on-duty in (system? It's never mentioned in "​He'​s a Good Little Boy".) He was recently involved in the alleged kidnapping of Ronald Aspan'​s son, and ensured that the boy was in good hands.
 +Fleet Admiral Vincent Walker--The commander of the Monitor'​s fleet, and a veteran of GWII. He confirmed the destruction of Silver Bell with an oft-quoted saying.
 +Administrator Hank Ward--A Concord Administrator. He was one of three ambassadors to best Stykor in combat. Hm/​Concord/​DCS-8
 +Watson, Jike--The owner of Watson Theaters, as well as more such theaters in the Stellar Ring.
 +Webster, Clinton--The harbormaster of the Low Dock, Webster is primarily concerned with preventing serious disturbances there. Hm/​Concord/​FA-4
 +Captain Adam Wistzec--A former citizen of Austrin-Ontis Unlimited, Wistzec emigrated to the Concord shortly after its formation. He currently serves as the highest-ranked Star Force officer aboard the Lighthouse. ​
 +Administrator Jacqueline Witt--One of Wakefield'​s immediate subordinates,​ Witt helps coordinate the various factions of the Concord aboard the Lighthouse. Hf/​Concord/​DCS-11
 +First Lieutenant Damion Lee Witzko--A Concord Marine, and the leader of the Recon Platoon of the Third battalion, 26th regiment (Company?). He graduated from the Concord Military Academy, and has a family history of military service.
 +Colonel Francine Marie Witzko--A famous Concord Marine officer, and Damion Witzko'​s aunt. She was killed in action.
 +Jonathan Kramer Witzko--A retired Concord Marine general, and Damion Witzko'​s grandfather.
 +Maxwell Harding Witzko--Damion Witzko'​s father. Formerly a Major General in the Concord Marines, he has since retired.
 +Wellington, Jingion--The Concord'​s Economic Attache to the Verge economic summit of 2501. She hopes to get the two Algemronian states to cooperate over its course.
 +Wrage, Dikon--A representative of the Concord Survey Service. He first announced the Kalht Initiative.
 +Wu, Miranda--A Concord junior officer. She specializes in weapons operation, and has marked antisocial tendencies. Hf/​Concord/​NP (pp 6-7, RS)
 +Xi, Iota--The head of the CTC's office aboard the Lighthouse and one of Wakefield'​s advisors, Xi tries to keep powerful trading firms such as Redman-Smith under control. He somtimes covertly uses his psionic abilities to this end. Mm/​Concord/​MW-11 (pp 21, LH)
 +===== Deepfallen =====
 +Pontus--The son of Tethys. He is currently serving as a member of the Regency Sea Navy.
 +Tethys--The primary deepfallen ambassador to Depth Epsilon. He is friendly, a shrewd diplomat, and claims to represent the whole of his species. Dm/​Independent/​DMW-25 (pp 41, SGA)
 +Dreth Commonwealth
 +Adams, Leslie--The director of the Belatu Research Board. Xf/​Dreth/​DTO-7
 +Apple, Bastone--The leader of the colony at Lousanne. He is practical, and a political ​
 +conservative. Hm/​Dreth/​DTO-4
 +Archilla, Greg--A Dreth political theorist, he laid down the foundation for his nation'​s beliefs in independence.
 +Barker, Kathryn--The wife of Joshua Kanar, she stayed behind to aid the colony at Dewi when her husband returned to the Stellar Ring. She later went missing.
 +Barnes, Sean--Rachel Dooley'​s successor, he encouraged the Commonwealth to take a stand against the Terran Empire during GW1.
 +Corella, Brian--A former policeman. He is the leader of the Dreth of Ferrand, and hopes to become the head of any federated Dreth state. Hm/​Dreth/​CS-4
 +Delman, Janet--The previous governor of Lorient, she secretely took Joshua Kanar in.
 +Dooley, Rachel--The original leader of the Dreth Commonwealth,​ she established many of its national policies.
 +Eakin, Will--The leader of the colonists of Arles, Eakin is an unpredictable politician. Hm/​Dreth/​DFA-6
 +Kanar, Joshua--The founder of the colony at Dewi, he was later accused of treason and exiled. He has since returned to the system, and is guiding Mark Sasso toward establishing a unified Dreth state. Hm/​Dreth/​DFA-9 (pp 30, SC)
 +Mayeski, Annette--Lauceston'​s representative to the Dreth Commonwealth Council, Mayeski is typically quiet. She was a former journalist. Hf/​Dreth/​FA-6
 +Rice, Daphne--The head of Bodmin'​s government, she is attempting to bring Ferrand and the other liberal Dreth settlements back into line. Hf/​Dreth/​TO-6
 +Sasso, Mark--The leader of the colonists of Lorient, and a political liberal. Hm/Dreth/NP
 +Schmidt, Stanley--A biologist who discovered primitive microbial life on Lorient.
 +Spinner, Alita--The leader of the colony at Torpoint, Spinner agitates for colonization efforts in nearby star systems. Hf/​Dreth/​DTO-6
 +===== Edanweir =====
 +The Eldest--The oldest edanweir in the Village of the Falls, he serves as its leader.
 +Klaliale--A mythical edanweir leader. According to legend, he gathered many edanweir together into a large, prosperous village, which was then torn apart by infighting.
 +Tlelai--A hunter, he also serves as his species'​ primary representative to the Concord. He befriended and bonded with Gabriel Connor. Edm/​Independent/​FA-9
 +===== Endomar =====
 +Vri, Solaren--The head of the EMG, Vri is familiar with mining practices and has a tenacious manner. Hf/​Endomar/​DTO-7
 +Ms. Zofia--The ruler of Casa Grande, Ms. Zofia is a businesswoman who frequently dabbles in illicit business practices. Hf/​Endomar/​DFA-4
 +Exeat (And New Theocracy)
 +Arak Chela--One of the Arnak'​s daughters, Chela is out of favor with her father, and controls territory near the Jhirpa Nebula. She has kr'​osar training, is a noth within the Church, and has aligned herself with her former tutor, Vurhyr Lhor, in hopes of becoming the next Arnak. She is Trewys'​ grandmother. Sfv/​Exeat/​MW-7
 +Tarlsol Rael Graam--A gardhyi operative sent by Martis (Ython Kadar?) to capture Verge species and technology. She is aligned with Erek Joss and Vardye Hellis, and operates from either an Eagle transport (see ship note), ray-class escort or a captured human ship. Gf/​Exeat/​CS-11
 +Vurhyr Joran--A recently promoted thaal priest, and the protege of Ython Kadar. He was assigned to act as an emissary to the Verge Alliance after the Battle of Aegis, and shares intelligence with the other krl'​yth via the I'krl collective. He is surprisingly easy-going for a thaal. Thm/​Exeat/​MW-23/​krl'​yth
 +Ython Kadar--A senior thaal official in the I'krl Church, and the driving force behind the Exeat. Though he is a natural diplomat, he is also extremely zealous, believing that the I'krl have chosen him to free them. He is also a krl'​yth,​ and holds dominion over the planet Viroan. Thm/​Exeat/​DMW-27/​krl'​yth
 +Vurhon Kasahl--Formerly one of the weakest Vurhonan, Kasahl is the mentor of Ython Kadar and the true head of the Exeat. He hopes to win the Xenhon'​s throne and title upon the freeing of the I'krl. He holds control of the comm-world Scyll, and has used its technology to cement his connection with the I'krl, at the cost of most of his personality. Thm/​Exeat/​MW-29/​krl'​yth
 +Kyanda--The primary bodyguard of Ython Kadar, she occupies a prestigeous position despite her lack of a title. She has numerous cy-biotech implants, including razor-sharp feathers and a dark plasma gun. Her eye color has led to rumors that she is krl'​yth. Svf/​Exeat/​FA-11/​krl'​yth?​
 +Mitak Pama Lex--A notorious bareem enforcer, nicknamed the "​Butcher of Santiago"​. She is Hagan Lex's oldest daughter, and the commander of the conversion camps at Penates. Bf/​Exeat/​CS-9
 +Vurhyr Barok Lhor--A high-ranked Gardhyi krl'​osar. He is in charge of gathering intelligence for Kadar'​s Exeat, and was responsible for establishing a base in Hathorn and the recruitment of human quislings. He is also krl'​yth. Gm/​Exeat/​MW-24/​krl'​yth
 +Lhor, Sennet--A krl'​osar priest, and Arak Chela'​s most trusted advisor. He is Vurhyr Lhor's son and student, and aids the Exeat by providing it with supplies and falsifying resource reports. He governs the planet Keanthys. (Rank?) Gm/​Exeat/​MW-16
 +Parak Martis(Martie?​)--The chief scientist of the Exeat, a Komro in the military, a former student of Patnak Ghosh and ruler of the planet Hurax. He created the weapon-trees used by the klicks, and hopes to acquire and duplicate human technology. He tends to think out loud, even while asleep. Km/​Exeat/​TO-16
 +Apsol Anla Ptarue--A Mitarak in the nobility, and the commander of the battleship Tranda, she hopes to make a name for herself in the military. She is Commodore Pfender'​s nemesis, and controls the kroath in Vieron. Kf/​Exeat/​FA-10
 +Paratak Trewys--The grandson of Arak Chela, he provides much financial and political support for the Exeat. He has both telekinetic and prophetic talents, and is a longtime friend of Ytharksol Atreel. He is also krl'​yth. Svm/​Exeat/​MW-8/​krl'​yth
 +===== Fraal (Independent/​Unknown) =====
 +Aaleoni, Cam--A fraal distiller. (%)
 +Eefaza--A fraal physicist. He hypothesized that Redcrown'​s secondary ring was created by a comet impact.
 +Fiona--Also known as "The Great Negotiator",​ this elderly fraal diplomat first contacted humanity in 2124. She was a close friend and confidante of Ryan Shaunessy, and helped him convince humanity to accept the fraal.
 +Jic, Orid Lu--A fraal Mindwalker in the employ of Captain Narvis. She was an Adept of the Vis Orishak, and a former Wanderer. She was killed by a stray shot from Narvis during the battle at Lilith.
 +Karn, Ajji mu--A fraal xenobiologist who made a speech at a yearly meeting of the Verge Xenological Institute. (Unknown.)
 +Oric, Lirist Jil--A fraal alive during 2124.
 +Ta Shaa Ta--A fraal Mindwalker and xenoarchaeologist. He is Dr. Radlevich'​s partner, and her closest friend. He hopes to find clues to the location of the fraal homeworld. He was a member of the Vis Jiridiv, and is an accomplished martial artist.
 +===== Galvin =====
 +Lieutenant Commander Mikos Akelon--An ID agent currently working undercover as a Regency naval officer. He was charged with keeping anyone from interfering with Ares 22's mission to bombard Alitar. Hm/​Algemron/​FA-9 (pp 6, LW)
 +Dr. Mara Cole--A planetologist at the Orvon Institute, and a survivor of the Bone Hunters'​ raid on the Orvon Research Outpost. (Alitarin? Unspecified.)
 +Cor, Lesalon--A Galvinite medical student studying at Lighthouse University. He runs a small, covert cybersurgery business. Hm/​Algemron/​DTO-3
 +Colonel Bender Davis--The leader of the Churgalt Insurgency. He specializes in guerilla warfare and sabotage, and has been working to expose the threat of the teln. Hm/​Algemron/​DCS-7
 +Duman, James--The CEO of Qaliban Corporation. He is conducting an independent investigation into his company'​s alleged wrongdoings.
 +Dumas, Winston--A Churgalt rebel. He was murdered on Bluefall while attempting to deliver classified information to a Thuldan official.
 +Lieutenant Gauge--An army officer. He accompanied Dr. Aliisz Veras during her stay on Galvin.
 +General Marken Ghuirere--The commander of the Galvinite invasion. He is currently planning to cut off a large detachment of Alitarin troops. Hm/​Algemron/​DCS-15
 +Jend, Milla--A Galvinite agent, and the "​CEO"​ of the shadow company Northern Pride. She is currently trying to occupy the ore discovered by the GeoVenture scientists.
 +Major Garth Norrik--The deputy chief of Field Operations for the Intelligence Directorate,​ Norrik is a ruthless, successful officer. Notorious for the acts of terrorism he has committed against Alitar, he is an assassin at heart. Five years ago, he was infected by a teln. 
 +Sergeant Garth Rann--An ID operative, Rann was sent to ensure that Ares 22 completed its mission. He is very loyal to the Directorate. Hm/​Algemron/​CS-3 (pp 8, LW)
 +Supreme Commander Blayne Reuter--The leader of the FSA at the time of the Ajax incident.
 +Supreme Commander Haila Sheref--The current Supreme Commander of the FSA. She led the initial invasion of Alitair, and is a charismatic official. Hf/​Algemron/​DCS-11
 +Dr. Richard Stark--A scientist at the Orvon Research Outpost. He was killed by the Bone Hunters. (Alitarin? Unspecified nationality.)
 +General Janik Stenerude--The first Supreme Commander of the FSA.
 +Tamon, Alytra--A spokeswoman for the Qaliban Corporation.
 +Vorin, Cha(n)d--A representative on the Verge Assembly. (Algemron. Unspecified planet.)
 +Zachram--A member of the Churgalt rebellion. He met with Avatar and escorted him to Colonel Davis' camp. 
 +Gardhyi (Unidentified)
 +White--A gardhyi agent assigned to police the growers and suppliers working for the Cartel.
 +===== Hatire Community =====
 +Bakx, Tanmay--A rogue psion, also known as James Tanner and Mason Baksel. He recently escaped from prison on Hale, and possesses strong biokinetic and telepathic abilities.
 +Entele, Kola--The Dioscean of Grith. Entele hopes to help the sesheyans by invalidating the Mahdra Ruling. Hf(m?​)/​Hatire/​DFA-4
 +Hatire, Adam--A vocal politician and religious reformer. Hatire founded the faith that bears his name.
 +Hawksmoor, Malcom--The Hatire ambassador aboard the Lighthouse. While he has had little success proselytizing,​ Hawksmoor is trying to align his people with the Rigunmors against the Orlamu. Hm/​Hatire/​DFA-7
 +Houne, Elias--A Missioner, and the constable of Diamond Point. He commands the Hatire Internal Security Ministry, and leads by example. Hm/​Hatire/​CS-7 (pp 117, SDCS)
 +Brother Paulus--A Hatire priest, and the head of the colony of Ryddal. Hm/​Hatire/​MW-10
 +Rhodes, Marian--The current High Minister, Rhodes has held the title for more than 40 years.
 +Scnee, Alad mir--The fraal leader of a detachment of Mind Knights under the command of the Verge Alliance. He is cool-headed and intelligent,​ and a member of the Verge Alliance Admiralty.
 +===== Ignatius =====
 +Alomar, Wallace--The current planetary governor. He was recently talked into issuing a bounty on all sea-dwelling ke'​kekt by a gardhyi operative.
 +Mirhir, Lenda--A fraal sailor who won back-to-back Antigua Cups in 2498 and 2499. (Native?)
 +===== I'krl Theocracy =====
 +Xenhon Ahmyt--The leader of the I'krl Theocracy, with personal dominion over the planet Ahjaarl. He is not krl'​yth,​ and maintains his power through political ties and propaganda. He fears that Vurhon Kasahl will steal his title upon the completion of the Exeat. Thm/​Theocracy/​MW-31
 +Arksol Czynn-tal--The thaal commander of the fortress ship Phlegethon, the leader of the Fourth Armada, and one of the highest-ranked females in the External military. She has an excellent memory, but hates the kadarans with a passion. Thf/​Theocracy/​DCS-16
 +Komosar Erek Joss--The leader of the Manyteeth Ahmk, stationed at Caracas. He has several biotech implants, is nicknamed "​Sergeant Fury", and is fighting for the Theocracy as a patriot. Bm/​Theocracy/​CS-14
 +Ythapsol Gaanyth Lyphaz--The captain of the Korrch, and the lover of Malak Vhoppol. She has been tasked with hunting down and destroying the Trillaari, and concentrates her search in the area of space near the Khiir Cluster. Kf/​Theocracy/​DCS-13
 +Ythapsol Shier Maree--The commander of The Shanath, a vessel (battleship?​) in the Second Battleship Wing. Thf/​Theocracy/​CS-9
 +Tareel--A sifarv. He was left behind after the Battle of Aegis, to try and convert the humans of Aegis. (Redundant to Vurhur Joran? Not mentioned anywhere else in The Externals.)
 +Xenoth Malyk Vhoppol--This Bareem priest is the lover of Ythapsol Lyphaz, and a partner in her mission. Bm/​Theocracy/​MW-10
 +===== Independent =====
 +Aguine, Carlos--A millionaire. He has been providing Verge Green with much of its funding. (Unknown. Probably Verger.)
 +Dr. Alturn--A human xenobiologist. She believes that the magus is a relic of the Second Galactic War.
 +Artemis, Lila--The captain of the freighter Nightbird. In addition to transporting normal cargo, she smuggles sesheyans from Old Space to Grith. She is fiery and extremely independent. (Nationality'​s never mentioned, and I don't have anything to go on, beyond the fact that she's a Verger.)
 +Dr. Ayu Bethsui--A scientist who accompanied the Jewel pirate miners, and worked to establish a small research lab and hydroponics garden in their base. He was eventually killed by his allies.
 +Binny--A member of Captain Narvis'​ pirate crew. (Probably unknown--not mentioned.)
 +Butch--One of Captain Narvis'​ pirate henchmen. He was killed by Ta Shaa Ta troops at Lilith. (Unknown nationality.)
 +Calesque, Xavier--A scout captain operating in the Verge, he was betrayed and rendered insane by the fraal Tibalt while exploring an alien structure. He believes himself to be a god, and has become the de facto ruler of the enslaved kanites and tibapes. Hm/​Independent/​FA-10 (pp 58, OB)
 +Carlson, Quarrie--The owner and operator of Carlson'​s Dockyard. She was formerly a pirate captain.
 +Carlyle, Ron--An engineer aboard Questar. (Unknown nationality).
 +Coreeno, Alie--The elder sister of Tero Coreeno, and one of the family syndicate'​s senior members. (Old Spacer. No nation. Solar?)
 +Coreeno, Fereni--The mother of Tero Coreeno, and the head of the Coreeno crime syndicate. (Old Spacer. No nation. Solar?)
 +Coreeno, Kwar--The elder brother of Tero Coreeno, and a major player in the Coreeno crime syndicate. (Old Spacer. No nation. Solar?)
 +Coreeno, Tero--A member of the Coreeno crime family, and the CEO of Celestial Entertainment Limited. (Old Spacer. No nation. Solar?)
 +Corthguard, Karyn--A human mindwalker, she made first contact with the species known as the corstars. ​
 +Deltane, Clarise--The leader of the CFN team that attempted to destroy Nova Station'​s drivesat relay. She was killed when her craft self-destructed. (Unknown? Corrivale?)
 +DiAgosto, Salvatore--A xenobiologist who first discovered the DiAgosto clouds in Endomar. He studied the creatures until the end of his career.
 +Duarte, Sarah--A human freeholder.
 +Durante--A pilot in the employ of Jessica Belwe. He is a close friend of hers, though their relationship is mostly business-based.
 +Emmenex--A mechalus mercenery captain. He was killed by Jessica Belwe'​s improvised nuclear bomb when a weapons deal went bad. (Unknown nationality--never mentioned in "The Ninth Cylinder"​.)
 +Ferin, Kitt--The leader of the Verge Green team sent to agitate the xe'​reen to violence against the Alitarins. He is fanatically dedicated to the organization'​s cause. (Unknown nationality. Verger, probably.)
 +Garvey--An independent scout who discovered an extensive cache of fraal artifacts. He captained the Finders Keepers, and disappeared mysteriously before he could claim his find.
 +Gaylord, Martin--A holoevangelist working for Visions of Divinity, Incorporated. (Aegis? Works for CEL.)
 +Harry--An independent gas miner who used to work the clouds of Redcrown. He was scared away from the planet after nearly being rammed by a VoidCorp gas collector.
 +Hausoc, Avi--The leader of a mechalus enclave near Pyrton. She took Kenny Aspan from his father after she discovered he was relying on cybertech to keep him alive. (Native to the nameless planet that "​He'​s a Good Little Boy" takes place on. Probably unknown.)
 +Hera--A corstar that was tagged by human biologists in an attempt to study the species further.
 +Huhn, Arani--Corrivale'​s representative on the Verge Assembly. He recently argued that the Verge should not be dragged into Old Space'​s problems. (Corrivale. Hatire, possibly?)
 +Jaklaw Three--A cykotek. He was responsible for the deaths of over a hundred people in the Stellar Ring, and is presently the head of one of the corsair bands at Hammer'​s Star.
 +Jesper--A miner at the settlement on Jewel.
 +Joss--The bartender at the Outside Inn, and a former gas miner. He sold out several independent miners, including Helm, to VoidCorp, but was killed by a Company operative. (I think Joss is an independent,​ but he did take a contract from VC. I'm not sure which category he should go in.) 
 +Kale--A member of Captain Narvis'​ pirate band. He was killed by Ta Shaa Ta during the battle at the camp at Lilith. (Not mentioned in-book. Would probably be unknown.)
 +Kalht, Mero--An explorer who made many famous discoveries in the first few decades after the development of the stardrive. (Unknown. Possibly Terran Empire or early colony.)
 +Kelly, Alexandra--An independent "​talent agent" currently working for the Fhei'​irre Consortium. She hopes to hire operatives to smuggle data into the Consortium'​s safes.
 +Kelso--The engineer who installed Nightbird'​s high-security passenger-smuggling pods. (Mentioned as being in Tendril, on pp 258, SF. Might be from Alaundril.)
 +Kip--A miner in the settlement on Jewel. He was killed during a shuttle crash.
 +Korphyr--One of Ronald Aspan'​s weren bodyguards. He was part of the group sent to retrieve Aspan'​s son. (Unknown nationality. Orion like Aspan, or native to the nameless planet where "​He'​s a Good Little Boy" takes place?)
 +Larabee, Howard--An explorer and tradesman. He sold a number of ancient fraal artifacts at Tendril, but disappeared after he left the planet. (Not mentioned. Slim chance of being Alaundril.)
 +Lenguila--One of Ronald Aspan'​s weren enforcers. He was part of the group sent to retrieve Kenny Aspan. (See note for Korphyr, above.)
 +Micah--The janitor at the Outside Inn.
 +Minishore, Angelika--The scientist who first catalogued the species known as the Minishore crystal.
 +Montel, Kiara--A fraal businesswoman. She oversees numerous arms shipments into Algemron. (Unknown nationality,​ not Austrin. Possibly Lucullan.)
 +Olarch--The ringleader of a large smuggling operation in the Verge. Her organization is based off of Bluefall. Mf/​Independent/​FA-16
 +Oleg--One of Captain Narvis'​ thugs. He was killed by Major Saunders'​ troops at the camp on Lilith. (Unknown nationality.)
 +Orr, Serun--An explorer native to the Verge, who catalogued three important discoveries during the Long Silence. (He?) was awarded a Kalht Initiative grant. ​
 +Red--A member of Captain Narvis'​ pirate band. (Not mentioned in the book. Probably unknown.)
 +Rivers, Mary Agnes "​Megan"​--Also known as Mary Kasselman, Madeline Rivers and Madeline Benoit, this Finder first discovered Hatala'​s operations on Spes. She worked with Lieutenant McShane to shut the chief down, and then took up employment as a Concord intelligence contact.
 +Romod, Apollo--A former construction manager, and the founder of Thorn Industries'​ Ion Amusement Park.
 +Savaan--Nightbird'​s honorable fraal navigator. He was recently implicated in the deaths of eight sesheyans hidden aboard the ship, but was cleared when Lila and T'​suimera discovered the real killer. (Unknown nationality--never mentioned.)
 +Savor, Bin--An employee of the United Mining Corporation. (Corrivale native?)
 +Singe, Amir ja--A fraal xenopsionicist. He proposed a theory stating that the deepfallen collectives are literally meetings of minds between deepfallen groups.
 +Sleepy--A miner at the settlement on Jewel.
 +Talic, Kistul or--A fraal explorer. He has been a resident of the Verge since it was first colonized, and is the head of Legends Scouting and Rescue Services. He hopes to win a Kalht Initiative charter for his company. (Unknown. Aegis?)
 +Tartaglia, Nared--One of Questar'​s engineers. (Unknown nationality.)
 +Taylor--A miner at the settlement on Jewel. He was killed during a shuttle crash.
 +Terenz, Kalt--A notorious corsair, Terenz was responsible for the murder of two members of House Blackmore, and the capture of a third. The House has since placed a 2.5 million Concord dollar bounty on his head.
 +Terhune, Garron--An independent merchant, and the captain of the Watson'​s Folly. He was one of the architects of the Merchant League.
 +Tibalt--A fraal who encouraged Calesque to look for alien ruins on the planet that bears his name. He betrayed the captain, but was trapped in part of the structure by d'​Sene. He subsequently starved to death.
 +T'​suimera--A t'sa. He acts as Nightbird'​s security chief, and is a close friend of Lila Artemis. (Unknown nationality--never mentioned.)
 +Vaughn, Michelle "​Mike"​--The navigator and first mate of the Questar. (Unspecified. Might be a native of Lison.)
 +Veertsen--A mechalus mercenery, and Emmenex'​s bodyguard. She was killed by Jessica Belwe after a weapons deal in the Galway Belt went bad. (See note for Emmenex, above.)
 +Vengeful, Sprout--A pioneer of the Second Migration, and the maker of Sprout Vengeful'​s Straight "​Kintukki"​ Bourbon. (Solar? Second Migration? Unspecified.) (%)
 +Wilson, Tam--A famed xenoarchaeologist,​ he was murdered by a dimensional horror in Mount Illumination'​s hospital.
 +Zarne, Terrence--The owner of the Black Nebula, he was originally from the Stellar Ring. (Rigunmor?)
 +Zolms, Breve--A self-proclaimed representative of CFN. He recently decried the Kalht Initiative and the Verge economic summit.
 +===== Insight =====
 +Augustine, Javier "Zero Shock"​--The administrator of Starstation Aurora. He was captured by a VoidCorp assault team when it attacked the station. Hm/​Insight/​CS-3 (pp 29, CV)
 +Bent Circuit--The Inseer ambassador aboard the Lighthouse, he has set up a clandestine alliance with the VoidCorp embassy and its ambassador. He was partially responsible for the humiliation of YC937 59NMP during one of her recent visits. Hm/​Insight/​DTO-10
 +The Demon--A Class X menace program designed by Insight to attack VoidCorp'​s assets on the Grid. It is intelligent,​ though it still obeys its creators'​ commands. (pp 33, POD)
 +DeValk, Heoren--The planetary administrator of Bhruusil, previously stationed on Isette. He is pushing forth plans to develop more of Bhruusil, at the behest of VoidCorp, which holds his family hostage. Hm/​Insight/​DTO-7 (pp 71, SC)
 +Jackson, Pamela--The Insight ambassador to Bluefall. She never leaves her island, for fear of VoidCorp. Hf/​Insight/​DTO-17
 +Jin, Olivar--An employee of TaskCor, and the chief of operations aboard Nova Station. Hm/​Insight/​DTO-6
 +Kemal--An AI, Kemal is responsible for maintaining the Blue Chamber.
 +Kinross, Ian--The leader of the Church of the Oracle at Kansas Station, he hopes to bring the bhruu into his church'​s fold. Hm/​Insight/​DFA-3
 +Lenoir, Celine--An official in Bhruusil'​s planetary government, she resigned unexpectedly,​ citing family problems.
 +Matsuharu, Yoshiko "​FoxyLady"​--A representative of Insight'​s Technical Science division. Hf/​Insight/​D(?​)-2 (pp 22, CV) (She doesn'​t have a secondary profession listed. Why?)
 +Doctor Tariel "​Madame Exo" Nuna--Also known as LU292 NKI47, this exobiologist was a mole in VoidCorp'​s science divison. She escaped to Walin III with a Rakon data archive, and hid after Starstation Aurora was invaded. Hf/​Insight/​TO-4 (pp 34, CV)
 +Reyati, Naesa--A student, and co-leader of the Twelve Ducks. She is a good friend of Muughrak. Hf/​Insight/​TO-3
 +Riffin, Zach "​Thruster"​--An Insight pilot. Hm/​Insight/​TO-2 (pp 22, CV)
 +Doctor Yuri "Sci Lord" Rolstoi--An insight xenobiologist,​ and a colleague of Dr. Nuna. He hid with her on Walin III after Starstation Aurora was invaded. Hm/​Insight/​TO-5 (pp 34, CV)
 +Screwdriver--Also known as Unit AI-344, this bartending robot serves aboard Starstation Aurora.
 +Staahurak--Reportedly an alias of ZV237 82WBR, he helped discourage the bhruu from signing a contract with VoidCorp. He is partially credited with the formation of the Council of Ubhruusa.
 +Zane--An Inseer.
 +ZV237 82WBR (Stalker)--A VoidCorp vice-president and the head of Insight, he arranged for an alliance between his division and the FreeSpace Alliance. An instumental figure in Insight'​s rebellion, he also allegedly made first contact with the bhruu.
 +Ython Elnor--The caretaker of the world of Kaarl, and a rival of Kadar and Kasahl. She knows that the Exeat will destroy the Theocracy'​s current structure, and is attempting to warn the Vurhonan, despite counter-plots by Arak Chela and Kasahl. Thf/​Krl'​osar/​MW-23/​krl'​yth
 +Mitarak Hagan Lex--The leader of the Theocracy'​s occupational forces on Lucullus, and a xenoth krl'​osar. He holds the rank of Xenkomro, and commands the Exeat'​s 2nd Legion. Bm/​Krl'​osar/​DCS-14 (Talent? Not listed in entry, poss. required for priesthood.)
 +League of Nine (Including Evrem)
 +Raphael--An evrem who first described the nature of the prototype teln-based Magus.
 +Marilyn Kaitors--The head of House Kaitors and the CEO of Kaitors Industries. ​
 +Leodal States
 +Lord Karim Ngongwe--A noble in the Leodal States'​ monarchy, Lord Ngongwe financed an expedition to Coulomb, and later assisted in the colonization of Ohmel.
 +===== Lhor =====
 +M'​nr--The leader of the n'sss stationed at Redcrown, and the head of the magus design project. He has the relative rank of Komith, and reports directly to Lhor. He has many contacts among VoidCorp as well. Nm/​Lhor/​FA-9
 +===== Lison =====
 +Amadaan, Aarok jil--This fraal serves as Kevik'​s security consul. Fm/​Lison/​DMW-6
 +Arli'​ith--A sesheyan hired by Samuel Carver to keep track of Alaaxis. Sm/​Lison/​FA-3 (pp 18, POD)
 +Baker, Harvey--A member of Raive Timogen'​s oxygen collecting team. He was killed at the same time Danen was.
 +Bhatnagar, Brenda--A member of Raive Timogen'​s oxygen running team. She was murdered by her former boss after he went cykotek.
 +Blessed, Matthew--A human oxygen runner. He was eaten by a swarm of Organism Omega during a run to Lake Venmeron.
 +Bruderhaus, Nathan "​Nate"​--A transceiver operator at Monitor Station 1.
 +Carver, Samuel--A member of Quentin Tryce'​s black market syndicate. He hired Arli'​ith and Pli'​ador to shadow Alaaxis. Hm/​Lison/​FA-4
 +Christidis, Danen--A member of Raive'​s Faves, he was murdered by Timogen after he became cykotek.
 +Corge, Marcus--A racketeer and salvager. He and his fellows scavenged the ruins of Spes prior to the arrival of the Concord. Hm/​Oberon/​FA-3 (pp 7, RS)
 +Cutter--A human street urchin and thief. (Is he an Ejee?​) ​
 +Dosit, Krella--A ULS senator, Dosit is a zealous believer in Lison'​s independence. She is harsh and frequently relies on physical force to get her way. She hasn't advocated open war or terrorism against the stellar nations, though she has been contacted by CFN agents in the past. Wf/​Lison/​DCS-9 (pp 200, DSCS)
 +Dueler--A member of the Ejee gang.
 +Duprés, Jean-Paul "​Smilin'​ Jack"​--A part-time corsair and freelance charter pilot. He is the captain of the freighter Questar.
 +Epsilon, Sikora--A mechalus reporter working for the ULN. She was possessed by the Demon while researching VoidCorp'​s activities, and has been its host ever since. Mf/​Lison/​FA-3 (pp 34, POD) 
 +Farmer, Dreston--A spokesman for the Oxygen Alert Coalition.
 +Lieutenant Grady--A member of the Tribon Watch. He told Dr. Radlevich about the contraband rhodium found on Serendipity.
 +Grant, Sendar--A Lison correspondant for TVN news.
 +Gronkru--A weren oxygen runner. He was devoured by a cloud of Organism Omega at Venmeron Lake.
 +Grupka, Kurch--A former crawler driver, this weren has since gone cykotek. He also spent time serving as Quaisak'​s bodyguard. Wm/​Lison/​CS-3 (pp 35, POD)
 +Hogue, John--A gridpilot contracted to the Rigunmor Star Consortium. He was arrested after killing a co-worker with a gravity racket during a cykotek episode. (Lisoner or Rigunmor?)
 +Hookie--A senior member of the Ejee gang, and a minor thief. He has a prosthetic hook for a left hand, having lost the original in a mining cave-in. He betrayed Spacer to the Lison authorities after learning of the bounty on his head.
 +Jaden, Lara--A ULS Security officer.
 +Jako'​bek--Known simply as Jako, this sesheyan was a member of Raive Timogen'​s oxygen running team. He has been on the run ever since he discovered Brenda'​s corpse in her apartment. Sm/​Lison/​FA-3 (pp 19-20, POD)
 +Jharl, Rajak--The weren captain of the pirate raider Voulge.
 +Kessler, Dwayne--A rhodium trader employed by the Rax-Minstrem Rhodium Distribution Agency. He tries his best to cater to prospective rhodium runners. Hm/​Lison/​DFA-3 (pp 12, POD)
 +Kevik, Alaaxis--A singer at the Black Nebula. She is the niece of Michael Kevik, though she does not like him. Hf/​Lison/​DFA-1 (pp 17-18, POD)
 +President Michael Kevik--The leader of the ULS, Kevik is a shrewd diplomat. Though publicly, he claims that his nation should remain independent,​ he is secretly considering which stellar nation to align Lison with. He seeks revenge against the Rigunmors, and recently survived an attempt on his life. Hm/​Lison/​DTO-14 (pp 191, SDCS) 
 +Kind, Thomas--The captain of the pirates in the Oberon system, Thomas Kind is a greedy, opportunistic rogue. Nevertheless,​ he is friends with Michael Kevik of the ULS, and the two have discussed which stellar nation to form ties with. Hm/​Lison/​FA-12 (pp 193, SDCS)
 +Kli'​im--A sesheyan, and the bartender at the Last Round.
 +Krige, Colin--A crawler driver and mining technician in the employ of the ULS. Hm/​Lison/​TO-3 (pp 40, POD)
 +Lilith--A bartender at the Black Nebula.
 +Marok, Theta--A mechalus oxygen runner. He was killed by a cloud of Organism Omega at Venmeron Lake.
 +Marr, Jerold--An oxygen runner. He was killed by a swarm of Organism Omega while collecting oxygen at Venmeron Lake.
 +Martin, Cassandra "​Cassie"​--A middle-aged,​ gregarious STG shuttle pilot employed by the ULS. Hf/​Corrivale/​TO-5 (pp 10, POD)
 +Muñez, Lina--A human oxygen runner. She was killed by a swarm of Organism Omega during an oxygen run.
 +Nakamura, Sigmund "​Siggy"​--The owner, operator and chief bartender of the Hot Nose.
 +Nextler, Paul--An ex-miner, Nextler works for increased safety measures and government supervision of the rhodium industry. He currently serves as the commissioner of the United Lison Mining division, though he isn't very fond of Kevik. Hm/​Lison/​TO-9 (pp 192, SDCS)
 +Pendrill, Magnor--A pirate, and the "​Admiral"​ of the Hux Defense League.
 +Peterson, Maxwell--A cameraman working for the ULN, and Sikora Epsilon'​s partner. His cybernetic eye doubles as a recording device. Hm/​Lison/​FA-3 (pp 34-5, POD)
 +Pli'​ador--A sesheyan hired by Samuel Carver to follow Alaaxis. Sm/​Lison/​FA-3 (pp 18, POD)
 +S'​kesh,​ Sethyk--A t'sa cyberneticist and roboticist. He is a member of Tryce'​s syndicate, and  Raive Timogen'​s personal cybersurgeon. Tm/​Lison/​TO-7 (pp 23, POD)
 +Squint--A human pickpocket, and member of the Ejee gang.
 +St. Cyr, Kai "​Spacer"​--A plexrat who joined Dr. Radlevich'​s expedition after seeing one of its backers killed by VoidCorp. He later accompanied the expedition to Storm, and helped foil VoidCorp'​s plot to enslave the Stormers. He has psionic potential, which he uses in conjunction with a holotarot deck.
 +Tassadine, Phi--A member of the ULS Senate, this mechalus politician hopes to use Sarn's plan to secure Lison'​s future. He has formed an alliance with the admiral. Mm/​Lison/​DFA-8 (pp 63, POD)
 +Tau, Keval--A mechalus oxygen runner. She was killed by a cloud of Organism Omega while collecting oxygen.
 +Taylor, Darryl--The vice-president of the ULS. He was killed when Ambassador Dyson self-destructed.
 +Temma, Copil--A canny mechalus businesswoman,​ and the founder and leader of Thorn Industries. She possesses Mindwalker potential, but is careful to keep her abilities a secret. Mf/​Lison/​DMW-18 (pp 45, SC)
 +Timogen, Raive--A former oxygen runner, he went cykotek and murdered his former teammates. He has since been stalking Alaaxis, his former girlfriend, and has an alliance with Quentin Tryce. Hm/​Lison/​CS-8 (pp 26, POD)
 +Tom--A Lison security trooper. He was bribed by Wolfgang Krueger into sending Spacer to lock-out.
 +Tovus, Theta--A mechalus ULS Security officer, and Lara Jaden'​s partner.
 +Traven, Gillian--A fish-like mutant from Bluefall. He is the operator of the Black Nebula, and a good friend of Alaaxis. Xm/​Regency/​FA-3 (pp 16, POD)
 +Valcon, Luri--A pilot in the Lison Air Guard, who believes that Mindara Station is haunted.
 +Governor Vantikar--The governor of the Saralon settlement on Lison. He is pushing to have refineries established in the topside colonies
 +Vavaroutsos,​ Kathleen--The ex-wife of Gillian Traven, and a rhodium dealer. She works for Osa-Sarpico Consolidated Distributions. Hf/​Lison/​DFA-3 (pp 27, POD)
 +Warka--The weren clerk at T-kat Buy and Trade. Wm/Lison/NP (pp 20, POD)
 +Yapper--An e-fence. ​
 +Zorrne, Tekon--An official in the Lison Space Authority.
 +Colonel Turin Zisef--The commander of the Lison Air Gard, Zisef is dedicated to the ULS and to President Kevik. He has recently foiled several assassination attempts against the president. Mm/​Lison/​CS-9 (pp 197, SDCS)
 +===== Lucullus =====
 +Algim--A young man in the employ of the Technospiders.
 +Barret, Mays--A popular reformer. His death at the hands of SCAd thugs triggered the Mill 117 Strike.
 +Barrett, Marcus--The original owner of the vessel Sabrecat. He was captured by the authorities at Port Royal. (Lucullan? Might be from somewhere else. Mentioned on pp 7, ZP)
 +Bizert, Laurel--The president of the Democratic State of Penates. He has virtually no power, and spends his time reconfiguring the state'​s bureaucracy. Hf/​Lucullus/​NP
 +Bert--A Lucullan who recently had a bad night in the Port Royal casinos. (Mentioned on pp 13-14 of GR. Safe bet to assume he's a Lucullan, I think.)
 +Blant, Devirah--A ruthlessly psychotic Supervisor agent. She acts as Ian MacEwan'​s personal assassin and troubleshooter. Hf/​Lucullus/​MW-7 (pp 148, SDCS)
 +Borun, Karcen--HelixTech'​s COO and Vice President of Corporate Security and Special Operations. He attempted to sabotage the company using Geille Monashi as his pawn, but was captured by the medurr during a battle near their riftship. He since has established a standing alliance with Aaln Stykor (Teran?). Hm/​Lucullus/​DFA-14 (pp 7-9, ZPP)
 +Carlisle--A technician aboard Icewalk.
 +Lieutenant Cartena--The second-in-command of the Adroit. She led the HelixTech expedition into the Medurr riftship, and was left behind with Borun.
 +Blue--A young man in the employ of the Technospiders. He assisted Lazarus and Sable with their infiltration of GWM, and was killed by a cybernetically-enhanced assassin shortly afterward.
 +Boss Clavin--The first leader of Union Penates. He ruled the faction during the revolts, and was assassinated shortly after they ended.
 +Dakura, Ronin--A Technospider gridpilot and hacker for hire. He is based out of the Chem District, and believes that he's the best gridpilot on Penates. Hm/​Lucullus/​TO-5 (pp 141, SDCS)
 +Dargessi, Sherhan--A murderous mutant gladiator. She is King Steel'​s personal assassin and second-in-command,​ and is one of the best fighters in Santiago. Xf/​Lucullus/​CS-11 (pp 140, SDCS)
 +DeValk, Brandon "The Fireman"​--A racketeer and minor boss in the Jamaican Syndicate. He owns and operates the Midas Palace and acts as an enforcer for the Port Royal "​authorities"​. Hm/​Lucullus/​FA-5 (pp 135, SDCS) (Listed as "​Brandon Jeremic"​ in a single incidence on pp 136, SDCS.)
 +Dharkid, Ker--The leader of the Radiant Pirates, also known as the Pirate of the Arch.
 +Diva--An entertainment-junkie security AI stationed in Gibson-Williams Multimedia'​s headquarters. She was nearly destroyed by Sable during Grid combat.
 +Executive Director Relvin Doch--The leader of Union Penates. He has no power of his own, and is little more than a pawn in the schemes of other Union Penates players. Hm/​Lucullus/​NP
 +Dow, Kerricks--The CEO of HelixTech, Dow is a former Pict who gained employment with the company because of his technical skills. He hopes to use HelixTech to bring an end to the street gang. Hm/​Lucullus/​DTO-4
 +Eh'​tel--An elderly fraal mystic in the employ of Devriele Shanassin. She is a skilled astrocognitive,​ and serves as the Blackguard'​s navigator. (Was she killed during the final battle at the riftship?)
 +Ellesao--A mechalus Technospider. She helped Sable and Lazarus break into GWM headquarters,​ and went with Lazarus to the Lighthouse. She was nearly killed by Administrator Monahan when she tried to deliver Lazarus'​ data to him.
 +Folkes, Hastner--The president of the Lucullan League Assembly. He owes fealty to Union Penates, and tries to advance its agenda without the other factions noticing. Hm/​Lucullus/​DTO-3
 +Germaine, Quentin--Also known as The Fool, this employee of HansCorp Freight acted as the point man for a weapons smuggling operation. He was killed by weren hit men during a meeting with Sable at a Port Royal cafe, while trying to pass on a crystal containing the names of his employers.
 +Grayes, Marius--A crime boss in the Jamaican Syndicate, Grayes was the grandson of Antiguan colonists. He came to power after hunting down the crime lord that killed his former boss, Kit Mason. He operates the Silver Comet, and investiaged the Medurr derelict. Xm/​Lucullus(Antigua?​)/​DCS-10 (pp 10-12, ZPP) (His fate was left unresolved at the end of the novel, like Eh'tel and some others. Did the medurr get him?)
 +Haimori, Gida--The current leader of the Free Trade Guild, Haimori wants to legitimize the Guild and align Penates with either the Concord or the Solars. She is arrogant and has made many enemies among the system'​s smugglers. Hf/​Lucullus/​DFA-4
 +Harmon--Karcen Borun'​s chief of security, and the Adroit'​s master-at-arms. He was killed by Sokolov aboard the Medurr derelict.
 +Hayakawa, Toshi--The Supervisors'​ Minister for External Affairs. He recently spoke out against the Mindwalker Repression Acts.
 +Histwinn, Farr--The head of Union Penates'​ Trinidad chapter, Histwinn is effectively the faction'​s true leader. He was infested by a teln tangle some time ago, which used him to align Union Penates with the Externals. ​
 +Holse--The Blackguard'​s chief engineer. He has worked with Shanassin since the start of his career as a pirate. (What happened to him? The Blackguard got captured by Sokolov.)
 +Ikai--The captain of the Fair Chance. She has been surgically altered to resemble a sort of ancient earth spirit, but is a competent spacer. (Again, see note under Grayes re: the medurr.)
 +Maartens, Dogger--A small-time smuggler hired by Geille Monashi. He transported her to Icewalk aboard his ship, the Bad Break, at the request of Borun.
 +Masen, Kit--A minor boss in the Jamaican Syndicate. He came into conflict with other Jamaican crime lords, and was killed in a mysterious aircar accident.
 +Merik, Jordan--The manager of Midas Station, Merik is a corrupt member of Union Penates. He doesn'​t know exactly what to do with the wildlife that endangers his station. Hm/​Lucullus/​TO-3 (pp 128, SDCS)
 +Chief Maris--The helmswoman of the Adroit. (See note under Captain Mills.)
 +Captain Mills--The commanding officer of the Adroit. (His fate is unresolved, too. Was the Adroit destroyed?)
 +Monashi, Geille--A talented computer programmer who worked her way out of Santiago'​s slums. She was employed by HelixTech, but was paid off by Borun to destroy her work and leave Penates. She was recaptured by Sokolov, but later joined forces with him to escape Borun, Shanassin and the medurr. She is a psionic talent and specializes in telepathically interfacing with computers. Hf/​Lucullus/​TO(Talent)-12 (pp 5-7, ZPP)
 +Morgan, William "Mad Dog"​--A grimy, foul-tempered smuggler, Morgan presently acts as the captain of the Death Hog. He was turned into a living weapon by an alien race, but resists their commands with the help of copious quantities of alcohol. Hm/​Lucullus/​CS-9 (pp 143, SDCS)
 +Morn, Jessok--An ore processor working in Lucullus'​ Arch. He recently spoke out on the threat posed by the Radiant Pirates.
 +Mother Gray--The first leader of the Jamaican Syndicate. She was famous for working through multiple layers of intermediates.
 +Munji, Luro--A representative of the Tobago Transport Company. He accused the Mob of numerous illegal activities.
 +Nolan, Sylvia--A disenfranchised Solar engineer who turned on SCAd during the revolt. She founded the Technospider faction after the Solar administration was crushed.
 +Nona--A security specialist aligned with the Jamaican Syndicate. She is in the employ of Marius Grayes. (See note for Grayes and Ikai, above.)
 +Pharen, Marcus--A Lucullan trader who escaped to Corrivale after making too many enemies. He founded Downunder, and rules it to this day, skimming profit from all of its businesses. He reportedly has connections to VoidCorp. Hm/​Lucullus/​FA-5
 +Shanassin, Devriele--A calculating corsair lord who recently appeared in the Verge. He maintained a small fleet of pirate vessels, and defied the Barons on a regular basis. He was the master of the mobile station, Icewalk. He took up a personal vendetta with Sokolov after the bounty hunter damaged the station while escaping with Monashi, and pursued him to the medurr derelict. He was killed during a knife fight with Monashi and Sokolov on the hull of a medurr needle ship. Fm/​Lucullus/​DTO-10 (pp 130, SDCS)
 +Sherena--One of Shanassin'​s henchwomen. She works as Blackguard'​s sensors operator. (See note for Eh'​tel,​ above.)
 +The Shipwright--The Pict chieftan of STF-6, The Shipright is surprisingly technically adept. She hopes to sieze control of Santiago. Hf/​Lucullus/​TO-9
 +Singh--An officer aboard the Adroit. (Mentioned on pp 296, ZP. Tac officer, or insufficient information?​)
 +King Steel--The first leader of the Picts. All of the gang's leaders since his death have adopted his name.
 +King Steel IX--The current leader of the Picts. King Steel IX rules Pict territory through terror, and kills any opposition in personal combat. Steel is a fearsome fighter and a good judge of character, but isn't very clever. Wm/​Lucullus/​CS-13
 +Director Stipelle--A Inseer who joined the Technospiders after they saved him from the Jamaican Syndicate'​s hit men. He is presently the leader of the Technospider enclave in one of Port Royal'​s atmosphere processors, and helped Lazarus retrieve data from GWM.
 +Thunder, Michael--An action-film star. His likeness was adopted by Diva when she dueled with Lazarus in the GWM Grid. (I'm assuming he's from Lucullus, as GWM is an entertainment company and he might be one of their stars.)
 +Terragis, Faith--A senior HelixTech vice-president. She is infested by the highest-placed teln operative in the Verge, which used her to stir up fear in Penates. The tangle hopes to use her to gain a leadership position in the Verge Alliance. She has the relative rank of Mitak. Hf(Tn)/​Lucullus(Lhor)/​DFA-12
 +Thall, Avery--A smuggler working for the Free Trade Guild. He has manipulated the CEO of Polymartech into hiding contraband in plastic goods used in treasure hunts at Ylliam Resort. Hm/​Lucullus/​FA-9
 +Three-knives,​ Yeiwei--A sesheyan outlaw. He serves as Devriele Shanassin'​s right-hand man, and the chief of security at Icewalk. He acted as Blackguard'​s weapons officer, and was sucked out an airlock during the battle at the Medurr derelict. (Not sure if he's Lucullan or not. Would probably classify him as such because of employment in-system.)
 +Trai--A courtesan in the employ of HelixTech.
 +Turcheyev, Andrei--A Jamaican crime boss who inherited control of the Syndicate from Mother Gray. His descendents control the Syndicate to the present day.
 +Turcheyev, Basil--The current leader of the Jamaican Syndicate, and a direct descendent of Andrei Turcheyev. He hides his faction'​s assets in plain sight, and is extremely cautious. Hm/​Lucullus/​DFA-6
 +Van Der Kade, Albert--A former pirate turned shareholder in Thorn Industries, Van Der Kade acts as leader of the corporation'​s counterespionage unit. He is secretly in love with Copil Temma. Hm/​Lucullus/​FA-20 (pp 46, SC)
 +Velan, Gil--A crime lord and racketeer who overthrew the Solars in Caracas. He ultimately lost his holdings to the Supervisors.
 +Venters--A security guard in the employ of HelixTech. She fought Sokolov aboard the Medurr riftship.
 +Villalobos, Fernando--The captain of the Zapata. He is a member of the Free Trade Guild.
 +Baron Wertz--A powerful smuggler. He founded the Free Trade Guild, and bribed the Solar officials into eliminating his competitors.
 +Zekip, Alotar--The owner of the Zekip'​s Hope. His ship was sabotaged after he refused to pay shipping dues to the Mob. He was ultimately killed when it exploded upon starrising.
 +===== Mantebron =====
 +Sandovar, Giles--A native of the Orion League who was recently appointed as the colonial governor of High Mojave. He seeks to strengthen the colony'​s ties with its parent state, much to the chagrin of the planet'​s colonists. Hm/Orion/NP (Er. Should he go in the Mantebron category, or in the Orion League category?)
 +Mechalus (Aleerin)
 +Disevru--A representative of Aleerin Space Technologies. He hopes to gain salvage rights for the fraal derelict discovered drifting near Titania.
 +Loric, Kinna--One of the mechalus'​ two representatives to the Galactic Consulate. She is also the only alien Undersecretary.
 +Omicron, Tau--A mechalus physicist. He accompanied The Ship on its journey from Aleer, and was nearly killed while defending it from weren and Negationists.
 +Sota, Phi--A mechalus who lived during 2273. (As a wild, speculative guess, would she be one of the diplomats that signed the integration treaty?)
 +General Thetor--A programmer, leader and officer in the Megarin military. He first programmed the Credo of War during the War of Unity, and led the mechalus to genocide. His body is dead, but reports circulate of gridshadows marked with his sigil.
 +Medurr Imperium
 +Paeran--A member of clan Vys, Stykor'​s sister, and Tolvys'​ daughter. ​
 +Stykor--A member of clan Vys, Stykor acts as the Imperium'​s primary ambassador to Aegis. She only speaks with people who have proven themselves to her in combat. Several of her daughters are plotting to overthrow her.
 +Sullus--A member of clan Ran, Paeran'​s daughter, and Stykor'​s niece. She controls the medurr outpost at Sennacherib in the Sage system.
 +Teran--The second of Stykor'​s daughters and a member of Clan Kor. She commands the rift-ship at Lucullus and its complement of small craft. She has made an alliance with Karcen Borun of Helixtech, and is plotting to overthrow her mother. She was also behind the killing of Administrator DuPree. (Externals mentions her as being Stykor'​s sister.)
 +Matriarch Tolvys--The leader of clan Vys, and Stykor'​s mother. She established the settlement on Cambria II, and is exploring the Verge in hopes of turning it into her personal corner of the Medurr Imperium. She rules over all the medurr in the Verge.
 +===== Mikoa =====
 +Urbina, Ivan--The governor of the ex-Nariac colony of Mikoa III. He has been its leader since 2498.
 +Nariac Domain
 +Baskin, Robert "​Fins"​--A cybermariner.
 +Chapin, Gregor--The Nariac ambassador to the Lighthouse. He leads the Nariac embassy in its search for a system to claim for the Domain, and works to sow discontent among the workers of settled worlds. Hm/​Nariac/​DFA-8
 +Chegeyana--A distinguished veteran of the Nariac Domain'​s black ops division. She was killed during a mission at a refinery, after being infected by the metal plague.
 +Lieutenant Ray "​Manta"​ Commiss--A cybermariner.
 +Dergan, Eliott "​Trident"​--A cybermariner.
 +Commodore Thomas Dodds--The leader of the Nariac Defense Forces at Berilar. He initiated the cybermariner project.
 +Durenkovic--A Nariac government official. He recruited Pyotr Sokolov to the NID.
 +Dybrol, Les--The first cybermariner,​ he was captured by the AI VORL during a deep dive. Most of his higher brain functions have been circumvented,​ and he operates as a living remote. Hm/​Nariac/​CS-5 (pp 66-67, SGA)
 +Dyson, Irene--A Nariac ambassador to Lison. She was sent to the ULS to negotiate an alliance between it and the Domain. Her integrated cybertechnology contains two components to a plasma bomb, which was detonated by her superiors when she was in a conference with President Kevik. Xf/​Nariac/​DFA-4 (pp 43-44, POD)
 +Galouni, Stefan--A Nariac agent. He purchased much of Thorn Industries'​ stock during its IPO, and is currently trying to gain control within the company for the Domain. Hm/​Nariac/​DTO-6
 +Captain Albert "​Ahab"​ Habbert--The first successful cybermariner,​ and the leader of the first cybermariner squad.
 +Hamaru, Roger--A Nariac official. He was killed during a shuttle crash while on the way to Tribon.
 +Commissar Igaamo--A Nariac commissar. He denied the Domain'​s role in the attempted assassination of President Kevik, and believed VoidCorp was involved.
 +Jaanik--The leader of a Nariac black ops team sent to neutralize a nanite weapon. He was infected by the plague, and was killed when Sokolov destroyed the refinery complex.
 +Lasky, Edward "​Eel"​--A cybermariner.
 +Leijten, Kara--A Nariac diplomat. She was killed when the STG shuttle carrying her to Tribon crashed.
 +Lt. Commander Sheldon "​Hammerhead"​ McCoy--A cybermariner.
 +Nancy--The quasi-AI stored in Pete Sokolov'​s nanocomputer. She manages most of his stored programs. (What to do with her? She's not quite a character, but...)
 +Premir Palis--The premir of the Nariac Domain in 2304.
 +Quinn, Roger "​Queequeg"​--A cybermariner.
 +Mistress Raelaun--The leader of the Nariac outpost at Berilar Island on Bluefall. Hf/​Nariac/​DTO-9
 +Rezna, Daniel--A Nariac ambassador to Lison. Hm/​Nariac/​DTO-4 (pp 44, POD) (See note under Wynn, Melani.)
 +Sokolov (Solokov? Havok?), Pyotor "​Pete"​--A former Nariac operative, and native of Novo Tver, Sokolov went rogue after the Canis Epsilon Two Incident. He worked as a bounty hunter until he was sent to retrieve Geille Monashi from Icewalk. After being betrayed by Borun, he joined forces with Monashi to escape the medurr at their derelict riftship. He is very cautious, and makes extensive use of programs and cybertechnology. Hm/​Nariac/​TO-12(TO-15?​) (pp 138, SDCS, pp 3-5, ZPP)
 +Stolypin--A member of the Nariac black ops team sent to sterilize a refinery. He was infected by the metal plague, and was killed when the refinery was destroyed.
 +Talbott, John--An eccentric Nariac explorer. He first charted the Talbott system, going against Nariac custom by naming it after himself. ​
 +Wynn, Melani--A Nariac ambassador to Lison. Hm/​Nariac/​DTO-4 (pp 44, POD) (Were all of the ambassadors killed when Dyson exploded?)
 +===== Orion League =====
 +Aspan, Ronald--An administrator in the employ of Pyritix Corp, currently stationed on a border world. He has  fallen out of favor with the rest of the Aspan family, and is trying to gain funds locked away in a special account.
 +Aspan, Kenneth "​Punt"​--The four-year-old son of Ronald Aspan. His father augmented him with covert cybernetics ​ to cover up damage from an accident and keep him alive. He is currently in the care of Avi Hausoc.
 +Brown, Kathryn--The last president of the Orion Nation, Brown offered to dissolve her nation and unite it with one of its neighbors to give them both a fighting chance. Instead, she inspired the creation of the Orion League, and became its first president.
 +Bryce--An explorer who disappeared while heading for an unsecured Glassmaker site on High Mojave. (Nationality not mentioned, but possibility of him being an Orion and/or native of High Mojave.)
 +Admiral Patrick Christopher--The commander of the dreadnought Triumphant, and the leader of the Orion League'​s Verge Fleet. He was the acting governor of the Orion settlements at Bluefall, and declared martial law after the death of Governor Tribane. He returned to the Stellar Ring to assist in the war effort, and was killed during the Battle of Kendai.
 +Cook, Liad--The author of Cook's Guide to Open Space. He has since retired and moved to Hughes Island. Hm/Orion/NP
 +Dias, Corason "​Corey"​--A physics student native to Anacortes. She is a close friend of Jerrid mac Alisten, and accompanied him on a trip to High Mojave. She helped save her three-person expedition from a werewisp attack.
 +Dobrescu, Mischa--The president of the Orion League at the onset of the Second Galactic War.
 +Foss, Alexander--An Orion Undersecretary.
 +Hale, Bruce--A Senator in the Orion League and a son of Warthen Hale, Bruce Hale is a member of the Galactic Consulate and the Committee on Verge Integration. Some believe that he will run in the League'​s next presidential election. Hm/​Orion/​DTO-15
 +Hale, Warthen--This legendary Orion president was instrumental in the formation of the Treaty of Concord. He mysteriously vanished shortly after. He is known as the Great Peacemaker.
 +Hughes, Robin--An explorer from the Orion Nation, she (he?) first surveyed the Aegis system.
 +Juryovic--An explorer who disappeared while surveying an unsecured Glassmaker site on High Mojave. (No nationality mentioned, might be High Mojavean or Orion.)
 +Lorne, Olivia--The Orion League ambassador to Bluefall, and the head of its colony at Saber Island. Hf/​Orion/​DFA-7
 +mac Alisten, Jerrin--A xenoarchaeolgist,​ and the heir to a large mercantile empire. He recently traveled to High Mojave to conduct a survey of Glassmaker ruins. He is a close friend of Corason Dias. (Most likely an Orion, as he's known Corason, and she's lived in the League all her life.)
 +Moore--A marine biologist who first catalouged the Moore'​s shark species. ​
 +Captain Tyhr Nimatus--A mechalus, and the former first officer of the CSS Nomad. He was appointed captain after the ship was refitted.
 +Norokov--The first governor of the Bluefall island that now bears his name.
 +Podlas, Ionis--The League'​s deputy ambassador to the Lighthouse, Podlas is comparatively inexperienced,​ but is nevertheless managing his embassy well. Hm/​Orion/​DFA-5
 +Reiso--The first officer of the Marathon, he was killed while the ship conducted its survey of Aegis.
 +Samson, Faith--The wife of the former governor of the Steadfast Islands. One of them is named in her memory.
 +Sapienza, Michael--Formerly an Assistant Governor under Kathryn Windsor-Lynn,​ he took over her duties after she died.
 +Doctor Maricia Strang--A famous xenolinguist and xenoculturist. She is a fellow at the Yin-Farrow University on Skai. She translated the t'sa epic Saga of the Restless Souls into Standard, and helped Dr. Radlevich on the expedition to Storm.
 +Talbot, Stephen--A Research Fellow at the Holman Sound Oceanographic Institute. He first identified some anomalous sounds as human machinery.
 +Treyle--The Orion governor of the Steadfast Islands. One of them is named in his memory.
 +Treyle-Samson,​ Marie--The daughter of governor Treyle, she currently rules the Steadfast Islands for the Orion League. One of the islands is named in her honor.
 +Tribane, William--The first governor of Bluefall. He extended a policy of open immigration before taking his own life.
 +Trigard, Lora--The current president of the Orion League, Trigard is up for re-election in 2504.
 +Valance, Kul--A representative of the Orion League'​s Center for Biological Control.
 +Captain Jack Vermillion--The first commander of the CSS Nomad. He was killed when the ship was attacked by a Thuldan raider.
 +Commander Kathryn Windsor-Lynn--A former planetary administrator of Bluefall, and one of Admiral Christopher'​s aides. ​
 +===== Orlamu Theocracy =====
 +Ankra, Kalin--An Orlamu Starborn. He has worked for the Free Trade Guild, and is on the run from bounty hunters sent by Prelate Memorn. He once eluded Pyotor Sokolov.
 +Basindi, Ejan--An Orlamu scientist, and a member of the team sent to investigate the objects in Karppolla.
 +Prelate Derez--The highest-ranked Orlamu official in the Oberon system. He denied the existence of the Prophet Scrolls.
 +Dezray, Meryl--An Orlamu scientist, and a member of the team sent to investigate the objects in Karppolla.
 +Etan, Anwar--An Orlamu drivespace medium.
 +First Prophet Galindus--The current ruler of the Orlamu Theocracy, Galindus has been its First Prophet since 2474. He is a political moderate, and has considerable scientific experience.
 +Consul-General Dane Hardeson--An Orlamu official in charge of the nation'​s trade in the Verge.
 +Hootak--The first and foremost weren philosopher of the Orlamu tradition. He is also known as Great Hootak.
 +Captain Victor Khosti--The leader of the Theocracy'​s initial expedition to the Tychus system.
 +Kidwai, Jamal--An Orlamu first-contact specialist. He first met and negotiated with the weren, and is sometimes referred to as "Jamal Abuweren"​.
 +Commander Raiaza Krayjal--A weren officer in the Orlamu military. She recently married Commander Kalden.
 +Doctor Emilu Laarus--An Orlamu xenoarchaeologist. She hypothesized that the unidentified objects in the Karppolla system were created by the Stoneburners. ​
 +Maloy, Terise--The Orlamu ambassador to Bluefall, and leader of Jort Island. Hf/​Orlamu/​DTO(Talent)-11
 +Dr. Emma Martin--An Orlamu xenobiologist. She recently went on a tagging and exploratory survey in Yellow Sky's lowlands.
 +Prelate Memorn--A high-ranking Orlamu official on a pilgrimmage to the Verge. He plans on succeeding First Prophet Galindus, and is looking for Kalin Starborne, whom he believes can help him in his endeavor.
 +Cardinal Rashorra--A weren and one of three nonhuman members of the Verge Alliance Admiralty, Cardinal Rashorra controls the Orlamu Theocracy'​s holdings in the Verge during the External War. She is a fierce warrior, a devoted priest, and a charismatic leader.
 +Sendir, Jeff--The first human in drivespace, Sendir was a scientist for the Indo-African League. While in drivespace, Sendir allegedly came into contact with a higher power, and retired to found the Orlamu Foundation. The Foundation later became the Orlamu Theocracy, and Sendir was its first ruler. He was granted sainthood after his death.
 +Bishop Tassina--An Orlamu prelate, and the Theocracy'​s ambassador to the Lighthouse. She also serves as the head of the station'​s Orlamist congregation. Hf/​Orlamu/​DFA-16
 +Captain Tesseth--The captain of the Orlamu trader Horizon. He filed suit with the ULS after his cargo was stolen by pirates in Oberon.
 +Utao--The co-owner of Tyardine Taxis. Fm/​Orlamu/​MW-9
 +First Prophet Walen--Sendir'​s successor.
 +Dr. Tierson Whyte--An Orlamu ecologist, he developed a way to improve the crop yield of Mount Illumination'​s farms. He has since gone missing in the lowlands.
 +Colonel Barak Durenko--A former Nariac officer, Durenko seized control of Hurricane'​s government and established its policy of piracy.
 +Hellis, Cero--The first actual Lord of Ptolemy, Cero Hellis won his title by killing Colonel Durenko. After his death, the title of Lord of Ptolemy became hereditary.
 +Hellis, Vardye--The current lord of Ptolemy, Vardye Hellis is obsessed with bringing about the downfall of Christopher Hale after suffering defeat at the hands of the Regency fleet. He is trying to align himself with a patron state. Xm/​Ptolemy/​DCS-15
 +===== Regency ​ =====
 +Acrim, Claris--The head of the Acrim project, she is rumored to have ties to Old Space. Hf/​Solar/​DTO-5
 +Angela--A lifeguard and security officer at Ylliam Resort. She wants to become an REC officer.
 +Axilov, Nora--The manager of the Jubilee Consortium'​s private Grid network. She has been known to provide information about corporate security in exchange for money. Hf/​Terivine/​TO-18
 +Aylen, Jarrett--A Verge Ranger (Verge Liasion?) in the employ of the Verge Confederation. He was assigned to Diane Radlevich'​s expedition to Storm.
 +Barnes, Claira--The head of the Committee for Reform.
 +Berrag, Elis--The wife of Luc Berrag. She shares her husband'​s dislike of the stellar nations. Hf/​Orion/​DTO-9
 +Berrag, Luc--The manager of the Jubilee Diandes resort. He was originally an Orion settler who was outside of the system at the time of the Vanishing. He dislikes most stellar nations, and is rumored to be affiliated with CFN. Hm/​Orion/​DTO-14
 +Billings, Michal--The Regency'​s Secretary for Commerce. He was partly responsible for the creation of the Merchant League, and announced its incorporation.
 +Byaros, Silva--A senior military analyst at the Sanger-Osselman Foundation. She believes that the Thuldans are trying to make contact with the deepfallen. (Unlisted nationality. Assuming Regency--TFB.)
 +Caldwell, Sara--An actress who was scheduled to star in Chimes. She quit the project after being trapped in a burning building.
 +Ceapure, Andrea--A holofilm star. She lives on North Beach.
 +Admiral Edmund Chapman--An admiral in the Regency Stellar Navy. He was an observer during the Concord/​Regency joint training exercise.
 +Comar, Albert--The CEO of Comar Crafts.
 +Cox, Nadine--The commander of the Regency Army. She works with Commander Kalden to upgrade the Army's tactics and equipment. Hf/​Orion/​DCS-6
 +Crosby IV, Oliver--The senior Regency ambassador to the Deepfallen. He is politically close to Regent Hale, and has befriended Tethys. Hm/​Orion/​DMW-15 (pp 41, SGA)
 +DeClerk, Jan--A human psion, and the youngest member of the team assigned to Depth Epsilon.
 +Dent, Wallace--A staff meteorologist for the Aegis News Agency. He first detected the anomalous weather cell near Filtrane.
 +Doddis, Dian--The CEO of Polymartech. She has been blackmailed into helping the smuggler Avery Thall, who has threatened to reveal her mutant nature. Xf/​Regency/​DTO-3
 +Doncaster, Malcom--The owner of Jubilee Hughes, and a former restaurant owner. Hm/Orion/NP
 +Dunne, Jonathan--The head administrator of Baffin Island.
 +Everstar, Jack--Originally known as Douglas Rerby, this actor starred in a cult-hit movie, and returned to the stage after spending some time as a professional scout. Since then, he has starred in many successful holofilms. Hm/​Regency/​DFA-17 (pp 166, SDCS)
 +Captain Diana Fox--The commander of Research Station Echo. Hf/​Orion/​DCS-8
 +Garcia, Rejinald--The Director of Climate studies at the Regency Meteorological Institute. He proposed that Bluefall was terraformed by a Precursor species.
 +Gettys, Donald--Allegedly an agent of the RIA, he works for the Regency Ministry of Security as a counter-intelligence agent. He has secretly sold out to VoidCorp, and provides VORL with grid information in exchange for money. Hm/​Regency/​TO-8 (pp 68-69, SGA)
 +Hale, Christopher--The leader of the Regency of Bluefall, and the son of Warthen Hale. He first led a number of Orions on the Flight from Ericis. He is quite charismatic,​ and wants to maintain Bluefall'​s soverignty. He was a key player in the formation of the Verge Alliance, and is a member of its Admiralty. Hm/​Orion/​DCS-26 (pp 144, SDCS)
 +Hauck, Guiseppe--A Bluefall native. He won the Antigua Cup in 2500, and set a new record.
 +Hayward, Edward--The governor of the Lenub chain, and a former commodore in the Regency navy. Hm/​Regency/​CS-14
 +Captain Elizabeth Ianotti--The captain of the Glory, she was the first native Verger to command a Regency vessel. She helped make first contact with the deepfallen, and serves as the chief administrator of Depth Epsilon. Hf/​Regency/​DTO(Talent)-12 (pp 164, SDCS)
 +Commander Kalden--Christopher Hale's best friend, and the leader of the Regent Guard. Kalden rescued Hale from prison, and helped him manage the Flight from Ericis. He recently married Raiazia Krayjal, an Orlamu officer. Wm/​Orion/​CS-9 (pp 158, SDCS)
 +Kelway, Marel--A theology expert at the University of Bluefall.
 +Kezcus, Marybelle--A holofilm star. She lives on North Beach.
 +Kile, Martin--A native of the Regency, Kile left for High Mojave to search for Glassmaker artifacts. He presently works as a guide for visiting xenoarchaeologists.
 +Kytola, Mary--The commander of the Regency Sea Navy, she was one of Christopher Hale's instructors at Ericis. Hf/​Orlamu/​DTO-8
 +Martin, Nicholas--The mayor of Hughes Island, he rules jointly with Colleen McMurphy. Hm/​Regency/​CS-9
 +McGuinness, Cullen--A former RIN officer, and the captain of the Distant Horizon.
 +McMurphy, Colleen--The Regency'​s primary ambassador, and co-leader of Hughes Island. Hf/​Regency/​DFA-8
 +Doctor Sharla Merideth--A scholar at the Aegis Academy who specializes in fraal customs, culture, history and language.
 +Mirkwen, Talok--A mechalus martial artist, biokineticist and leader of the Regent Guard.
 +Nkoma, William--The Regency'​s Secretary for Industrial Development. He recently met with Prelate Tassina and Dane Hardeson at the wedding of Commander Kalden.
 +Oalin, Angus--The CEO of Bedford-Oalin,​ and a close friend of Christopher Hale.
 +Doctor Mira Olsen--A member of the Council for Conscientious Scientists, and a specialist in psionic research. (Mindwalker/​Talent?​) She recently studied Rivendale, and feels that its biosphere is in danger of being wiped out. (Unspecified nationality. Mentioned in the Aegis section of TFB.)
 +Major Benjamin Quinn--The head of the military base at Erialis. Hm/​Orion/​CS-11
 +Ribaut, Celeste--A news anchor for Universal Media, Ribaut is a popular, well-known figure. She is currently working on a series of human interest stories called "​Bluefall Diaries"​. Hf/​Regency/​FA-9 (pp 153, SDCS)
 +Robertson, Derren--A young navigator and engineer, he was hired by Calesque before he left port. After the captain went mad, he escaped the system in their driveship.
 +Rossi, Nate--Affiliated with the Jubilee Corporation,​ he owns and charters a fleet of four small sailing craft. Hm/​Regency/​TO-7
 +Samarach, Charles--The CEO of Milton Industries, and the owner of Sharkshead Island. Xm/​Algemron/​DFA-8
 +Shirai, Taizo--A holofilm star. He lives on North Beach.
 +Captain Hilda Simons-Hurst--The commander of Research Station Echo. Hf/​Orion/​DTO-8
 +Spider--The secret Grid identity of Donald Gettys. He uses it to sell Regency secrets to any interested buyers.
 +Commander Victor Spiros--The commander of the outposts at the Tower. Hm/​Regency/​CS-8
 +Doctor Andreas Tocher--A mechalus geneticist, and the owner and operator of the Clinic. He was expelled from Bluefall'​s medical community after conducting research on the hybridization of human and alien DNA.
 +Tolson, Jane--The commander of the Regency Stellar Navy, Tolson was formerly the captain of the battlecruiser Hughes (Thunderer?​). She favors conservative tactics. Hf/​Orion/​DTO-7
 +Tweet, Lillian--Christopher Hale's physician.
 +Valeria, Avarie--The Regency'​s ambassador aboard the Lighthouse. She accompanied Christopher Hale on the Flight From Ericis, and is very loyal to him. Her duties include monitoring Thayne and keeping Bluefall'​s place in the interstellar community secure. Hf/​Orion/​DFA-7
 +Valois, Anne Marie--Jack Everstar'​s co-star in Children of Mars. She was brought in to play Sarah Caldwell'​s part in Chimes after the latter quit. She has a stormy relationship with Everstar.
 +Doctor Jena Vaxom--A scientist, and member of the Center for Xenological Studies. She has been currently working to catalog all evidence of the magus.
 +Doctor William Withsby--A professor at the Aegis Academy, he has a great deal of experience with Precursor artifacts.
 +Doctor Dron Yuelt--A fraal professor at the University of Bluefall. He recently informed Avatar of a suspected biological agent threat. He is a specialist in the areas of archaeology and history. He does not believe that the derelict in Oberon is a fraal colony ship.
 +Zorel, Hanna--The executive producer of the holofilm Chimes.
 +===== Rigunmor Star Consortium =====
 +Breel, Alison--The Executive Guilder at the end of the Second Galactic War, Breel participated in peace talks. She held her position for 31 years.
 +Breel, Peter--The grand-nephew of Alison Breel, and the chairman of Thorn Industries. He hopes to take over the company for his own gain. Hm/​Rigunmor/​DFA-1 (pp 52, SC)
 +Guilder Canary--The head of the Rigunmor colony at Lison, Canary was killed when the Lisoners revolted.
 +Carnes, Adalik--The CEO of Carnes, Inc.
 +Carnes, Nash "​Bones"​--The grandson of Adalik Carnes and the leader of the Carnes, Inc. firm in the Verge. Hm/​Rigunmor/​DFA-9
 +Charon--The Rigunmor ambassador to Bluefall, and the head of its colony at Ruhlesport. Mm/​Rigunmor/​DCS-19
 +Denisek, Loran--The CEO of Ad Astera Corp. He is one of forty richest Guilders, a ruthless businessman,​ and a personal enemy of Rom Verdoss.
 +Admiral Enkaru--A Rigunmor admiral, and an old friend of Admiral Sarn.
 +Fabian--One of Minister Yonce'​s administrative assistants.
 +Kubrinin, Vasily--A member of the Rigunmor expedition to Storm. He was killed by lightning while surveying the planet.
 +Mwinye, Antoine--The Rigunmor ambassador aboard the Lighthouse. He runs a well-organized,​ professional embassy, and is well-respected by the rest of the ambassadors. Hm/​Rigunmor/​DFA-9
 +Oneagle, Atha--The current Executive Guilder. ​
 +Rothheim, Nicole--A member of the Rothheim family. She was a member of the Storm expedition, and was killed while exploring the moon's surface.
 +Fleet Admiral Clarence Sarn--An officer in the Rigunmor Navy, and a veteran of GWII. He believes that it is his destiny to bring Lison back under Rigunmor control, and has blockaded the planet in order to pacify it. Hm/​Rigunmor/​DCS-12 (pp 61, POD)
 +Stillman, Gordon--The executive director of MicroCore Investments. He was killed by assassins aboard the Lighthouse before revealing his superiors'​ identities to Lazarus. (Probably Rigunmor, as Yonce is Rigunmor and so is her company.)
 +Guilder Tambrin--A Rigunmor Guilder. He delivered a consolatory message to the ULS after the Eclipse was destroyed. He is also a member of CEL's Executive Board, owning one percent of its stock.
 +Taraen, Gavin--The younger brother of Sable. He was kidnapped by Monahan along with his sister. He is a Grid genius, and came into contact with the staff of The Corner through covert means.
 +Taraen, Laura--The wife of Mitchell Taraen. She was killed along with her husband.
 +Taraen, Mitchell--An employee of Malmott Supply. He was placed in charge of one of its Verge distribution centers, and moved his family to Bluefall. He was killed by Monahan'​s men when they kidnapped his children.
 +Taraen, Sabine "​Sable"​--The daughter of Mitchell and Laura Taraen, she was kidnapped by Monahan'​s thugs and forced to work for him as a data courier. She helped Lazarus catch him out, and ultimately killed him during a confrontation on the Lighthouse.
 +Tarsellis, David--A mechalus trader. He has bought black-market rhodium from Quaisak in the past.
 +Thomassen, Edmund--A member of the original Rigunmor expedition to Storm. He was killed while on the planet'​s surface.
 +Vantikar, Rician--An executive, and Grid supervisor at one of the Consortium'​s trade nexi in Tribon. He was recently attacked by thugs while on Lison.
 +Commander Dmitri Varkaan--The Eclipse'​s chief security officer. Hm/​Rigunmor/​MW-6 (pp 61, POD)
 +Guilder Veers--A Rigunmor Guilder. He surveyed the remains of Lister, and decried its destruction.
 +Verdoss, Anjera--A sister of Rom Verdoss. She traveled to Oberon to find some survey records, but was presumed dead following the Reunification Revolt
 +Verdoss, Grigor--A Rigunmor planetologist,​ and the great-great-grandfather of Rom Verdoss. He surveyed Storm, and was killed in the Battle of Calliope in the Second Galactic War.
 +Verdoss, Karpis "​Karp"​--A Rigunmor businessman,​ and Rom Verdoss'​ brother. He went to Oberon to recover some computer records, but vanished during the Reunification Revolt.
 +Verdoss, Rom--A wealthy Rigunmor businessman. He sponsored Dr. Radlevich'​s expedition after discovering old survey records on Bazaar, and ultimately sacrificed his life to help the stormie attack on the VoidCorp encampment.
 +Verdoss, Sergei--The great-great-great-grandfather of Rom Verdoss. He was killed by a patch of charge grass while surveying Storm.
 +Wilson, Ignario--The owner of Wilson'​s Game Outfitters. Hm/​Rigunmor/​NP
 +Worrel, Victor--The CEO of Redman-Smith,​ Worrel effectively controls the economy of the Lighthouse. Hm/​Rigunmor/​DFA-18
 +Yonce, Relitalia--A Rigumor representative on the Galactic Consulate, Yonce is also a member of the Committee on Verge Integration. She is primarily concerned with adding to her personal fortune, and is willing to sell information in order to do so. Hf/​Rigunmor/​NP
 +Yu, Kathy--A member of the Rigunmor expedition to Storm. She was killed on the planet'​s surface.
 +Sesheyan (Grith)
 +Devlei'​ir--A charismatic sesheyan shaman and the leader of the Devli'​yan. He believes that the sesheyans should return to their ancient traditions. Rumor has it that he has offered to take in the cykotek Silver Ghost. Sm/​Corrivale/​DTO-10
 +Edolan--A sesheyan.
 +Ka'​lee,​ Casuer--A former employee of Aanghel Osui'​ike. She is expected to testify in her trial, and is being kept in Hatire custody until she can do so.
 +Lo'​kot,​ Jekut--A former employee of Aanghel Osui'​ike. He was slated to testify in her trial, but was found dead in his safehouse before it could commence.
 +Osui'​ike,​ Aanghel--A young entrepreneur,​ and the head of Aanghel Enterprises. She dislikes having to involve herself in the less legal elements of her empire, and is strongly assimilationist. Sf/​Corrivale/​DFA-6
 +Se'​Tali--The chief of the Diamond Point Port Authority.
 +Terei, Pe--Aanghel Osui'​ike'​s right-hand sesheyan, Terei is cold, calculating and ruthless. He is willing to go to any lengths to complete a mission. Sm/​Corrivale/​DFA-9 (pp 115, SDCS)
 +Toro'​am,​ Simal--One of Aanghel Osui'​ike'​s agents on Bluefall. He specializes in smuggling people offplanet, and is attempting to set up a safehouse for his employer. Sm/​Corrivale/​DCS-8
 +Twice-Scarred Sellas--The greatest shaman of the Grith sesheyans.
 +===== Sifarv Demesne =====
 +Ytharksol Atreel--The commander of the Exeat. He is an old friend of Paratak Trewys, but cares little for the Theocracy. He hopes to use the Exeat to destabilize the present government and free his species. He has a vicious temper. Sv(f?​!)/​Demesne/​DCS-13
 +Patnak Phurrgan Ghosh--The ruler of the Grattan Wastes, this kadaran nobleman also acts as the Arnak'​s personal researcher and advisor. He is an atheist, disliking the I'krl Church, and distressed that Parak Martis, his former student, decided to work with Kadar. Km/​Demesne/​TO-27
 +Patnak Kiisa--Arnak Sota's eldest niece, and the first indirect heir to his throne. While she feigns loyalty to the Theocracy, she has formed a secret alliance with Trillyth Kaarsar in hopes of restoring rule of the Demesne to the sifarv. She rules over the Khiir Cluster. Svf/​Demesne-Trillaari/​DFA-8
 +Kolluss--A sifarv krl'​osar who became Arnak four hundred years ago. He placed much of the Demesne'​s power in the hands of the Church during his rule.
 +Tr'​Komro Tamarth--The commander of the Exeat'​s ground forces. He is known as "the Hawk". (Unspecified nationality. Possibly sifarv?)
 +Arnak Sota IX--The current puppet ruler of the Sifarv Demesne. While he has little hope in his own ability to regain power, he is encouraging his Arakan to fight one another in hopes of producing a leader strong enough to return control of the Demesne to the sifarv. ​ Svm/​Demesne/​DTO-18
 +Arnak Trillaar--A sifarv emperor. He was the last emperor to rule before the I'krl Theocracy subsumed the Demesne'​s power.
 +===== Spes =====
 +Cher'​nath--A weren warrior from Spes, and Ridhya'​s mate. He was tasked by The Ship with retrieving some rare minerals, and was killed in battle while distracting warriors from an enemy clan.
 +Dreneg--One of Hatala'​s weren bodyguards.
 +Hatala--A weren chief, and the self-proclaimed leader of all the weren on Spes. He attempted to create a number of psionic weren warriors, but he was caught out and imprisoned by the Concord.
 +Mirison, Jessarin "The Grand Master"​--An aged human martial artist and the leader of the Order of the Black Tiger. He is said to have foretold the invasion of the Hammer'​s Star system, and supposedly knows how to stun the klicks with a single blow. (Unknown?)
 +Palmquist, Hanna--The Dean of Silver Bell, Palmquist was a Student before she was elected to her current position. Hf/​Borealin/​NP
 +Ridhya--A weren warrior. She was Cher'​nath'​s mate, and possesses psionic potential. She was tutored by The Ship.
 +===== StarMech Collective =====
 +Major Denora Barad--An agent of the StarMech Intelligence Division. Denora is a talented technician, but is often critical of herself and others. She was assigned to disarm the Warhulk Ares 22. Hf/​StarMech/​TO-6 (pp 5, LW)
 +Buono, Francesca--A spokeswoman for Chelsea Krest.
 +Cochran, Penelope--Formerly a GWII war hero, Cochran is the StarMech ambassador to the Lighthouse. She has no experience as a diplomat, and prefers to throw lavish parties and wallow in luxury. Hf/​StarMech/​DTO-4
 +Conraith, Thomas--Governor Harrison'​s successor, he tried to take control of the system, but mysteriously disappeared.
 +Doctor Elizabeth Danwin--The leader of the Augustine'​s science team, she was killed when the ship was destroyed during an experiment.
 +Fletcher, Mallory--A Starmech COO, and the leader of the Kamina Island settlement. Hf/​StarMech/​DTO-12
 +Gariss, Katherine--A young lawyer, she prosecuted Thuldan war criminals until her transfer to Land's End. She serves as the station'​s chief administrator. Hf/​StarMech/​DFA-12
 +Harrison, Robert--The commander of the Augustine, Harrison was, for a time, the governor of Tendril. He was killed when the Augustine was destroyed during an experiment.
 +Krest, Chelsea--The head of StarMech'​s representatives in Tendril, she hopes to reunify the colony with its parent stellar nation. Hf/​StarMech/​DFA-13
 +PAD-7--A mechanic robot, and the sole survivor of the Burn Pirates.
 +Pelles, Liam--A former Concord Marine, Pelles is the head of security at Land's End. He has a keen grasp of tactics. Mm/​StarMech/​CS-9
 +Spiner, Adam--The current CEO of the StarMech Collective.
 +Thayne, Michael--An Undersecretary on the Galactic Consulate and the head of the Committee on Verge Integration. He has won the good favors of many Vergers, and has been using his connections and intelligence to move toward consolidating the region into a single nation with himself at its head. He was also instrumental in the formation of the Verge Alliance, and is a member of its Admiralty. Hm/​StarMech/​DFA-19 (pp 116, LH)
 +Thurwait, G. E.--A StarMech engineering consultant working at Alaundril'​s Solar X shipyards. He believes that the wreck of Ares 22 may be salvageable.
 +Todan, Olivar--The leader of the StarMech survey team that discovered the wreckage of a suspected Warhulk in the Ajikor system.
 +Lieutenant Commander Samuel Tritiac--A StarMech naval officer.
 +Specialist Jaina Vale--A member of the StarMech navy, she volunteered to be put into stasis as a backup mechanic for Ares 22. Hf/​StarMech/​TO-4 (pp 7-8, LW)
 +Bishop Kasaya Yoriko--Formerly of the bishopric of Chance, she was relocated to Bluefall. Kasaya has helped to set up an Immigrant Assistance Center. Hf/​StarMech/​DFA-11
 +===== Stormers =====
 +Touches Far--A member of the stormer Chosen. She communicated with the Radlevich expedition, helped them learn the stormie language, and helped lead the assault on the VoidCorp base.
 +Warm Motions--A stormer Chosen. She assisted in the assault on the VoidCorp base.
 +===== Thuldan Empire =====
 +Carson, Karen--The Thuldan Deputy Ambassador to Bluefall, and the leader of the settlements at Haven 12. Xf/​Thuldan/​DFA-8
 +Chevron--A Thuldan bioengineer and fashion designer. He first created the genocoats.
 +Emperor Decret--The emperor during the formation of the three great alliances.
 +Durenova, Jasa--A retired Thuldan warlion, and the captain of the Glory of Andrakar. She was detained by the Galvinites for smuggling war material to Alitar.
 +Garond, Jerry--A Thuldan warlion, and the chief of security at Dr. Vych's estate. He is a loyal friend of the doctor, and has saved him from many assassination attempts. Xm/​Thuldan/​CS-13 (pp 70, SGA)
 +Granger, Stewart "​Buzz"​--A security guard at Islvych, he was aboard the Adler'​s Pride when it was wrecked. Xm/​Thuldan/​CS-2
 +Graves--A Thuldan medical doctor at Islvych.
 +Jarovich, Ruben--A Third Secretary at the Thuldan embassy on Bluefall, and a member of the Empire'​s Office for Strategic Information.
 +Kalman, Magnus--A priest of the Hatire faith. He denounced the Stoneburners as blasphemous,​ and has dedicated himself to destroying every trace of them. Hm/​Thuldan/​FA-3
 +Kent, Gregor--A wealthy European businessmen,​ Kent was the founder of the Thuldan Empire, and its first emperor.
 +Klangat, Toris--The Thuldan ambassador aboard the Lighthouse. Klangat is a retired general, and as such, he is strict and tends to see things in terms of allies, neutrals and enemies. Hm/​Thuldan/​DCS-12
 +Captain Kozlov--The captain of the Exploit, Kozlov claimed Alitiar for his nation.
 +Kreskan--A Thuldan diplomat aboard the Lighthouse.
 +Vice Admiral Mendelson--The commander of the Vanguard Task Force.
 +Centurion Wolfgang Model--The leader of the Legionnaires under Commodore Pfender, he acts as her advisor. Hm/​Thuldan/​CS-11
 +Captain Narvis--A Thuldan military man who went rogue, turning to piracy. He was killed by Ta Shaa Ta during the battle at Lilith. (Mentioned as "​Nallis"​ once on pp 45 of SF, and I'm inclined to think that's a typo rather than someone else's name.)
 +Captain Joseph Pfender--The younger brother of Thea Pfender, and the captain of the Total Commitment. He sacrificed himself and his ship to destroy an External cruiser.
 +Commodore Thea Pfender--The commander of all Thuldan forces in the occupied Vieron system. She is a loyal officer, and has sworn to eradicate the kroath, though some doubt her sanity. Xf/​Thuldan/​DTO-8 (pp 99, SC)
 +Emperor Regist--The current emperor. Regist participated in peace talks at the end of the Second Galactic War. He is aging and has not yet selected a successor.
 +Optio Julianna Sauter--Centurion Model'​s second-in-command. She is currently stationed in Algeciras. Hf/​Thuldan/​CS-6
 +Shein, Coline--The standard-bearer of the Legionnaires stationed on Corazón. Hf/​Thuldan/​CS-3
 +Field Marshal Andrew Stott--The Thuldan ambassador to Bluefall. He is an experienced diplomat, even as he seeks to undermine the Regency. He serves as the Thuldan member of the Verge Alliance Admiralty after the start of the External War, and has used the opportunity to gain political power. Xm/​Thuldan/​DFA-23 (CS-8?)
 +Taron, Michael--The son-in-law of Dr. Artemus Vych, and a wealthy Thuldan noble. He was killed by VORL after telepathically hacking into its VoidNet project.
 +Dr. Artemus Vych--A wealthy Thuldan genetic engineer, and the chief engineer of the gillmen project. He left the stellar ring due to threats from political rivals, and relocated to Bluefall. Xm/​Thuldan/​TO-16 (pp 68, SGA)
 +Vych, Thea--The wife of Dr. Artemus Vych. She has been in a coma for quite some time, due to unknown causes.
 +Vych-Taron, Ayla--The daughter of Artemus Vych, and the wife of Michael Taron. She is fairly young, and operates a merchantile company in Old Space.
 +===== Trillaari =====
 +Tri(i)llyth Kaarsar--Also known as Kaarsar the Traitor, this sifarv is the second-generation leader of the Trillaari. He fell in love with Patnak Kiisa after he accidentally captured her, and hopes that he can win her over to his cause. Svm/​Trillaari/​DCS-10
 +T'sa (Independent)
 +Chiaran, Phanuk--The chief t'sa ambassador to Bluefall, and the head of the settlement at Rehja.
 +Chisier, Chaluk--The leader of the t'sa cluster.
 +Kryzz--The guitarist in the Corner'​s band.
 +Tedakin, Takari--One of Wakefield'​s senior advisors, Tedakin acts as an intermediate between the Administrator and the dignatories that visit the Lighthouse. Tf/​Concord/​FA-8
 +Tesla, Talox--The current Regulator General of the Galactic Bank.
 +Tesser, Teelok T'​chan--The captain of the TSV Guardian.
 +Wopli, Wisek--A t'sa alive during 2296.
 +===== Union of Sol =====
 +Blue River--An ambassador assigned to the Talbott system. He is trying to bring the system under Solar control. Hm/​Solar/​TO-5
 +Princess Cestre--The daughter of Acron Ganatita, Cestre is the heir to the Sunlord'​s throne. She is an Undersecretary on the Galactic Consulate.
 +Commander Ramil ibn Beighur--The captain of the Solar light cruiser Birmingham. He is flamboyant, gallant and possesses a strong moral code, yet isn't afraid to act covertly should circumstances dictate it. He models his lifestyle after that of the Ottoman Empire'​s military officers. Hm/​Solar/​TO-10 (pp 144, SDCS) (See note about Birmingham above. TfB mentions that he's a Captain... is this a rank, or a title for a vessel'​s commander?)
 +Admiral Guillermo de Soronez--The commander of the Solar forces stationed at Telemachus, de Sornoez'​ primary job is diplomatic in nature. He wants to discreetly reduce the power of the Barons as well. Hm/​Solar/​DTO-5
 +Ganatita, Acron--The current Sunlord, Acron is close to retirement.
 +Ganatita, Jimol--A Terran politician, Jimol was the first Sunlord. ​
 +Chief Gannon--The Sirocco'​s chief astrogator and helmswoman.
 +Colonel Jasmilda Gunte--The commander of the Solar marine brigade stationed at Telemachus. Gunte wants to bring order to Penates by force, but hasn't taken action yet. Hf/​Solar/​DCS-11
 +Ioptet, Magnus--An Old Space billionaire. His daughter has gone missing on Dione. (Unknown. Most likely Solar.)
 +Kile--The chief engineer of the Sirocco.
 +Lin, Howard--The Solar ambassador to the United Lison State. He helped secure the construction of an embassy in Tribon.
 +Liu, Irene--A Solar spaceport supervisor.
 +Loman, Jack "​Steelheart"​--A Solar who models himself after a buccaneer, Loman established the Spacewalk in Babel.
 +Captain Pierek Luce--A member of the Perseus Survey Company, he did the initial survey of Lucullus, then vanished in the Lightning Nebula.
 +Lucino, Selena--A Solar "​businesswoman"​ who leads the Mob, and models her lifestyle after that of Al Capone. She has recently expanded some of her organization'​s activities to the Lucullus system.
 +MacEwan, Ian--An ancient Solar Mindwalker, MacEwan first established the Supervisor faction. He still acts as their leader. Hm/​Solar/​MW-15
 +Moreno, Raul--The chief engineer of the Birmingham, and the second-in-command of the Sirocco. He models himself after a citizen of old Spain.
 +Morita, Norio--The Solar diplomat aboard the Lighthouse. He and his staff try and upstage the Concord at every turn, and Morita himself has the experience and skill to do so. Hm/​Solar/​DFA-7
 +Penne, Telor--A representative of the Mob.
 +Ensign Piper--A technician stationed on the Birmingham. He acts as a sensor technician aboard the Sirocco.
 +Captain Glen Rassimul--The primary Solar ambassador to Bluefall, and the founder of its colony on Polnesia. Hm/​Solar/​DFA-6
 +Superior General Zachary Ross--A Jesuit priest, and the head of the Cathedral of St. Ignatius at Yellow Sky. Hm/​Solar/​DFA-10
 +Thorne, Sennis--The wealthy senior-vice president of an Earth-based shipping firm, and an avid collector of alien artifacts. He was one of the sponsors of Dr. Radlevich'​s expedition to Storm, but was killed by VoidCorp thugs before meeting them on Lison.
 +Shaunessy, Ryan--The Prime Minister of Ireland during 2124. He negotiated with Fiona of the fraal during the events of first contact, and helped humanity accept the fraal as allies.
 +Doctor Andrew Tofske--A famous scientist who specializes in terraforming operations. He is currently stationed at Land's End on Delphin. Hm/​Solar/​TO-13 (pp 99, SDCS)
 +====== Unknown ======
 +===== Vieron =====
 +Ferenc, Gabor--A subordinate of Levy, he oversees the operation of Tavira'​s hydroponics bay. Hm/​Independent/​NP
 +Levy, Isaac--The mayor of the colonial settlements on Corazón. After the kroath invasion, he has ceded control of many vital decisions to Commodore Pfender. Hm/​Independent/​NP
 +Theodorakis,​ Daphne--The manager of Tavira, and its chief engineer. Hf/​Independent/​TO-5
 +===== VoidCorp =====
 +AA498 93QQN--Doctor Strang'​s temporary Employee Number.
 +AA929 77MCV--Jarret Aylen'​s Employee Number, given while he was a prisoner of VoidCorp.
 +AA981 14BRK--Spacer'​s temporary Employee Number.
 +Aanghel--Formerly a VoidCorp assassin, he became a corsair shortly after arriving in the Corrivale system. His descendents have inherited his criminal empire.
 +Avisaar, Rel--The captain of the VCT Nimbus.
 +Doctor Thomas Blackmore--A VoidCorp scientist sent to investigate the Unity Gain. He went insane after being contacted by some sort of alien presence.
 +Broca--One of Thomas Blackmore'​s fraal assistants.
 +Copeland--Doctor Glover'​s assistant.
 +CR727 99TSK--A weren laborer aboard the Unity Gain. He was driven insane by the ylem-entity,​ and broke his own skull open.
 +DA178--A sesheyan junior security officer, also known as "​Bull"​. He is one of Edouin'​s two henchmen.
 +DA179--A sesheyan junior security officer, also known as "​Bear"​. He is one of Edouin'​s two henchmen.
 +DA322 59HKA (Richard Pulver)--A VoidCorp security officer currently working on Lison. Hm/​VoidCorp/​FA-4 (pp 32, POD)
 +Deirta--A citizen of Red Ridge. She works as a guard in its prison facility. (Really VoidCorp? Not mentioned.)
 +Dimmock, Paul--A hot-headed VoidCorp construction supervisor stationed in Red Ridge. He volunteered to fight the klicks, and died during the battle in the caverns.
 +d'​Sene,​ Sesket--An ex-assassin and friend of Captain Xavier Calesque. He knows of his friend'​s insanity, and is worried that Calesque will bring about his own downfall, but nevertheless serves him. Sm/​VoidCorp/​TO-6 (pp 58, OB)
 +Evans--A guard in Red Ridge'​s prison facility. (Possibly independent Red Ridger.)
 +FH327 74USK (Katherine Howe)--A VoidCorp assistant manager. Her contract has since been terminated.
 +Doctor Glover--A VoidCorp scientist.
 +GM682 85THY--A VoidCorp Employee. She assisted Wolfgang Krueger at the Storm dig site, and returned to Hux after surviving the stormie attack.
 +GV429 92SQV (Gillan)--The security chief of the Unity Gain.
 +Handerlast, Josephine--A citizen of Red Ridge. She is the Director and sole employee of its Port Authority. (Red Ridger? Possibly not VC.)
 +Hrenich--A VoidCorp construction worker. He was badly wounded during the weren raid on Red Ridge, and was sent to Spes for surgery.
 +IK234 49ASD (Quentin Tryce)--A VoidCorp Employee disguised as an independent black market cybergear distributor. He is the head of a large syndicate, which he monitors via cybertechnology. Hm/​VoidCorp/​FA-9 (pp 26, POD)
 +Irdak--The sesheyan first officer of the VCT Nimbus.
 +JB209 37GHY (William Lumvix)--VoidCorp'​s Director of Public Relations on Lison. He is somewhat informal for an Employee, and insists that his subordinates use their real names. Hm/​VoidCorp/​DMW-7 (pp 32, POD)
 +JT795 43IWQ (Erim Ollander)--A VoidCorp surveyer. She made first contact with the sesheyans and established the Sesheyan Compact. Afterwards, she was promoted directly to a Z-rank.
 +Ka'​itei--A VoidCorp agent who was coerced to action after the Company threatened his family. He organized a group of sesheyan refugees, arranged for them to be picked up by Nightbird, and killed them all, including himself, with a radiation weapon designed to implicate Savaan.
 +KL945 72YKV (Wolfgang Krueger)--A VoidCorp operative tasked with concealing its operations at Storm. He was demoted to JR rank after failing to kill Spacer, and was ultimately killed by stormies at Storm. (Book also mentions "​Lemmid Dorlan"​ and "John Garth",​ too. Aliases? On pp. 123, ToM.)
 +KN453 329UD(**)--A t'sa, alias Kemilik. He posed as a survivor of the destruction of the colony of Dusk, and claimed that the n'sss were responsible.
 +Krai'​il,​ Ti'​igan--The VoidCorp executive that announced the construction of its base on Leen.
 +Lakons, Jeff--A false alias created for OP823 23KIK by the Dreth to accuse him of kidnapping.
 +MR361 28DRF (Ramos Edouin)--The leader of the VoidCorp security division in Corrivale. Edouin is utterly ruthless, yet not overly cruel to his prey. Hm/​VoidCorp/​CS/​8 (pp 120, SDCS)
 +MS422 45DOK (Jennifer Roberts)--The leader of the VoidCorp survey team sent to Karnath, and the leader of its Karnath Development Division. She made first contact with the bhruu, but failed to win them over.
 +NQ771 RIV31(**) (Teliko Sato)--A VoidCorp operative sent to steal back an alien datapad from Starstation Aurora. Hm/​VoidCorp/​TO-4 (pp 30, CV)
 +NT209 38JAT (Carl Rosen)--A VoidCorp representative,​ and member of the Company'​s Verge Development Division.
 +Nu'​itei--A sesheyan leader, he led an uprising at a VoidCorp labor camp and led his people to Grith. ​
 +NV112 48YTY--The manager of VoidCorp'​s operations at Storm.
 +NV329 86NWA--The commander of the VCM Endgame.
 +Doctor Alexander Ohito--A medical doctor and the supervisor of all VoidCorp personnel on Arist. He is honorable and level-headed,​ and Doctor Christine Ohito'​s father.
 +Doctor Christine Ohito--The daughter of Alexander Ohito, and a medical doctor by trade. She 
 +OP823 23KIK (Jeffery Rogers)--A VoidCorp deputy ambassador, and the target of a smear campaign by the Dreth.
 +OP412 46JDE (Julia Ryan)--The director of VoidCorp'​s terraforming efforts at Cheerghun. One of her status reports was leaked to the public Grid. Hf/​VoidCorp/​TO-9
 +Otto--A guard in Red Ridge'​s prison facility. (VoidCorp Employee or Independent Red Ridge native?)
 +PF531 42FOY (Gary Le Mel)--A VoidCorp public relations official stationed in Hammer'​s Star. He first announced the trade agreements that VoidCorp had made with the pirates in the Vicek Belt.
 +PF921 91NOB (Vilhelm Falcig)--The captain of the frigate Lost Shipment, he hopes to establish a claim to Tavkath. From there, he plans on negotiating a contract with the Edanweir.
 +PI794 34NUW (Wayne Bail(e)y)--A VoidCorp official currently overseeing the construction of a Company gas mine at Redcrown. He secretly made a deal with the n'sss, including magus development facilities and a drivespace comm array in the station'​s hull. Hm/​VoidCorp/​DFA-7
 +PK349 98TVR (Julia Lynn King)--Formerly known as OS349, this VoidCorp manager secured mining rights to Hux. She was the assistant manager of that project, and helped establish Company operations on Lison as well. She was promoted to PQ level and reassigned after the VoidCorp operations on Storm fell apart.
 +QM105 74MAC (Mayasa Ombe)--The Chief of Security for the Verge. She is hot-tempered,​ and takes her job very personally. Hf/​VoidCorp/​DFA-8
 +QT543 58DON (William Jensky)--The head of VoidCorp Investment Services, Jensky has earned the trust of the traders aboard the Lighthouse. However, he frequently comes into conflict with VK532 04MIN. Hm/​VoidCorp/​DFA-9
 +Quaisak, Tarok--A mutant from the planet Bhruusil. He is an active player in Lison'​s black market, selling oxygen, illegal cybergear, and rhodium. Xm/​(VoidCorp?​)/​MW-4 (pp 37, POD)
 +RC094 29KJN (Faren Reaves)--The Chief of Operations of VoidCorp'​s Iphus Mining Division. He is a competent engineer, tough, and to-the-point. Hm/​Voidcorp/​TO-5
 +RX839 58LIE (Easodan)--A sesheyan Employee alive during 2483.
 +Sagan--One of Doctor Blackmore'​s fraal assistants.
 +Silver Ghost--Formerly known as Salimugost Nar'​el,​ this now-rogue VoidCorp agent fell prey to cykosis. He is currently the leader of the Bone Hunters clan, and is rumored to be hiding out on Grith with his clan-mates.
 +Sleeping Beauty--A young VoidCorp Employee. She was the first to be affected by the ylem-plague,​ and served as a focal point for all of the victims.
 +Talon--A VoidCorp-employed corsair pilot. (Possibly! Mentioned on pp 175 of ToM, and again on pp 180.)
 +Treece--A VoidCorp construction worker stationed on Arist. He was killed during the weren raid on Red Ridge.
 +TX767 201VM (Petares Ptaan)--The primay VoidCorp ambassador to Bluefall, and the leader of its outpost at Norokov. Mm/​VoidCorp/​DTO-13
 +Doctor Yrla Virden--A VoidCorp scientist. She investigated a Stoneburner site on Yellow Sky.
 +VK532 04MIN (Marcus Hammond)--VoidCorp'​s ambassador to the Lighthouse. Hammond sometimes works to sabotage the Committee on Verge Integration,​ and maintains an alliance with Insight. He is actually an Insight sleeper agent, and is secretly feeding information to the rebellious division. Hm/​VoidCorp/​DTO-8 (pp 23, LH)
 +VO-RL98316 (VORL)--A VoidCorp AI. It has a number of mainframes scattered under the seas of Aegis, and uses its position to infiltrate the new AeGrid. It also has control of the cybermariner Les Dybrol. (pp 66-68, SGA)
 +VY482 50BUL--A VoidCorp Employee and media representative. ​
 +Walken, Jax--The leader of the ComTech team sent to sabotage the Kendai Relay, and a VoidCorp operative. He is witty, unscrupulous,​ and pragmatic. Hm/​VoidCorp/​FA-4 (pp 6-7, BS)
 +WC102 89TSR (Andoni Moriarty)--Born on Earth, this formar Solar joined VoidCorp, rising in rank to become its chief of security in the Verge. He helped VoidCorp align itself with the Externals, and secretly passes intelligence to them as the need arises. (I thought Mayasa Ombe was VC's Chief of Verge Security.)
 +YC937 59NMP (Judith Holman)--A member of the Galactic Consulate and the Committee on Verge Integration. She visits the region roughly once a year, and has a rivalry with VK532 04MIN.
 +ZD582 24JON (deleted)--A VoidCorp official who sponsored many of the Company'​s Verge exploration efforts.
 +ZH937 57ILK (deleted)--A VoidCorp Undersecretary.
 +ZM925 34HIW (deleted)--A VoidCorp Vice President.
 +===== Weren (Kurg) =====
 +Black Prophet--An infamous weren priest who lived during the era of the Purifiers.
 +Burgo(u)--A weren krusgurrg, and a member of Clan Blue Tusk. He hopes to bring King Steel IX to justice for breaking the weren codes of honor.
 +Haargel the Slayer--A weren warrior.
 +Krazhe the Wise--A weren priest, inventor and member of the Kell clan. He first discovered gunpowder.
 +Kuhudag--A weren warrior. Originally from Kurg, he was educated by the Orlamu and took numerous jobs in the Verge before settling down at West Lodge. He is the settlement'​s best hunter and scout.
 +Jndoor, Unlarg--A modern-day weren philosopher,​ bookkeeper and artillery reservist. He is a citizen of Undevec (Urdevec?), and wrote On Hunter'​s Ethics, a popular book of philosophy.
 +Opaaz--A legendary weren prince. His name is sometimes invoked in oaths.
 +Talmi, Acomsi--A weren warlord who lived during the era of the Purifiers.
 +Ulaak--A legendary weren hunter.
 +Urdev, Ioshaj--The captain of Urdevec'​s soldiers during the era of the Great Clans. He launched an attack on the Anbem after they stole one of his marrizhe, triggering a series of bloody wars between city-dwelling and nomadic weren.
 +===== Xe'​reen =====
 +Jee'​kehl--A xe'​reen war-leader. She is clever, experienced,​ and familiar with humans, but has been manipulated by Verge Green into warring on the Alitarins.
 +Yellow Sky
 +Prelate Monira--The former leader of the colony at Yellow Sky, he appointed Tretal as his successor.
 +Prelate Tretal--A former doctor, she was recently appointed the head of the colony at Yellow Sky. She is a benevolent and popular leader. Wf/​Orlamu/​DTO-14 (pp 115, SC)
 +Sobu, Philemon--A tour guide on Yellow Sky. He specializes in tours of the lowlands, taking well-paying customers to a ruined Stoneburner site. Hm/​Orlamu/​FA-12
 +====== Species/​Genotypes ======
 +===== Animals =====
 +Aeloli--A species of electric eel-like amphibian commonly kept by sesheyans as pets. They generate natural bio-electric fields that affect sesheyans in the same way that caffeine affects humans.
 +Ammonite--A species of amorphous, multicellular organisms native to Reliance. Though relatively unintelligent,​ ammonites pose a significant threat to suited humans. ​
 +Argent--A species of pterodactyl-like aerial predator native to Cambria II. Though mostly diurnal, they present a considerable danger to anything with reflective surfaces, including skycars and spaceships.
 +Baker'​s Shark--A species of fish native to Bluefall.
 +Baldur'​s Hawk--A lesser relative of the sunsoarer, native to Bluefall.
 +Binie (Bini?)--A type of animal described as being "​busy"​ (pp 195 ToM, same context as "busy as bees)"​.
 +Blackworm--A species of worm native to Bhruusil. Blackworms are quite large, and possess venom capable of killing a human in minutes.
 +Blood Worm--A species of nematode native to Bluefall.
 +Blue Darter--A species of fish native to Bluefall. Blue darters are small, and travel in large schools.
 +Bobo--A chord at Galvin'​s National Zoo.
 +Brambersnake--A species of snake native to Grith.
 +Brandon'​s Kite--A species of fish native to Bluefall.
 +Briar Rat--A species of terratorial rodent-like creature native to Yellow Sky's lowlands.
 +Brimstone--An amorphous Series VI lifeform native to Polyphemus. Brimstones have been known to attack human travelers for the metals in their e-suits, but are rarely seen.
 +Brrowl--Natural enemies of the Ko-Fam-Att, the brrowl are large, furred carnivores native to Praxitel. They are in danger of being wiped out completely, as the Ko-Fam-Att consider them worthy prey.
 +Bunyip--A species of kangaroo-like forager native to Hydrocus. Scientists believe that the bunyips were engineered by some alien species, as they possess few genetic defects and no vestigal organs. ​
 +Buzzerbug--A type of small, flying insect-like creature.
 +Cambryonyx--A species of carnivorous saurian native to Cambria II. Cambryonyxes hunt in large packs, and are among the planet'​s most dangerous predators. ​
 +Chanar--Vaguely polar bear-like in appearance, chanar are large, surprisingly stealthy predators native to Ohmel. They typically hibernate during the planet'​s winter, but become vicious in the summertime.
 +Chord--A species of large, somewhat reptilian omnivores native to Galvin. Ponderous and heavily-armored,​ chords have voracious appetites, but are quite peaceful.
 +Chukka--A species of rat-sized mammal-analogue native to Canis Epsilon Two.
 +Coral Bore--A species of mollusk native to Bluefall.
 +Crawlie--A lowly animal.
 +Crow Eagle--A species of large avians native to Causeway, crow eagles typically prey on the planet'​s native arthropods, but aren't averse to attacking humans. ​
 +Crushjaw--A predatory marine animal native to Bluefall.
 +Curuy-Bird--A type of avian native to Sheya.
 +Cyblue Shark--A shark that has been cybernetically modified by VORL to act as an underwater scout and remote.
 +Cyclops--A one-eyed chanar, and one of the most vicious individuals of his species. He dwells near the Tungusta dome.
 +Damool--A species of furred, carnivorous animal native to Arist.
 +Dancing Spider--These large arachnids are native to Crow, and feed on large birds such as crow eagles. They lure their prey into their webs by pretending to be stuck.
 +Deep Fang--A species of venomous snake native to Bluefall.
 +Dew Boar--A species of mammal native to Galvin.
 +Dhros--Also known as "​Ohmonkeys",​ the dhros are playful, rodent-like creatures native to Ohmel. They have become popular pets, though they tend to cause trouble where food supplies are concerned.
 +Disruptor--These unusual Series VII lifeforms are essentially living batteries. They prey exclusively on beings that emit EM radiation--and human-made objects that do the same. They are native to the moon of Hudson.
 +Dodecapus--A species of large, octopus-like mollusk native to Bluefall.
 +Drexen--A species of large arachnid-analogues native to the deserts of Alitar. Drexen are venomous, though the only beings its venom poses a threat to are other creatures native to Alitar and t'​sa. ​
 +Drummond'​s Snail--A species of large, predatory mollusk encountered in Bluefall'​s coastal waters.
 +Egistron--A species of large, flight-capable pseudomammals native to Alaundril. Egistron are largely nocturnal, and have gained some popularity as wild game among the Alaundrin nobility. They are nicknamed "​ejees"​.
 +Elek--A species of naturally psionic creatures commonly kept by the fraal as pets. They vaguely resemble horseshoe crabs, and when resting, they emananate psionic vibrations that are relaxing to most Mindwalkers.
 +Elma--A jazelle at Galvin'​s National Zoo.
 +Fat Fish--A species of tuna-like fish native to Bluefall.
 +Flamering--An aerial predator that flies using a large sack of lighter-than-air gases. Flamerings are native to Polyphemus, and are quite dangerous to humans--their primary attack is a sort of extremely hot natural flamethrower.
 +Fowler'​s Newt--A species of amphibian native to Bluefall.
 +Fulgivore--A species of strange plant-like animal native to Storm. They obtain energy directly from the planet'​s weather systems by attracting lightning strikes (Hm. The Eaters are mentioned on pp 230 of ToM as being fulgivores, where the term before meant "​something that eats lightning"​. I'd be willing to make it into a generic term, describing Storm'​s lightning-eating life).
 +Gangleleap--An herbivorous creature native to the mountains of Tarshad. Their young are frequently described as being awkward.
 +Gearwerk--These small tadpole-like creatures are kept by mechalus as pets. They are usually equipped with cybernetic walkers, as well as tools that will enable them to assist their masters with whatever jobs they do.
 +Gevlin--A species of unusually large arachnids native to Alaundril. The gevlin possesses dangerous neurotoxic venom.
 +Gherek--A species of dog-like animal domesticated by the bedestrin of Hudson. They fill a very similar role in bedestrin society, as they are primarily kept as hunting companions and guards.
 +Giant Tunnelworm--A species of large, burrowing annelid tamed by the underdwellers of K3. Tunnelworms are used as both food and pack animals.
 +Giant Urchin--Another species of echinoderm native to Antigua, the giant urchin is, in most respects, a larger, more vicious version of its terrestrial namesake.
 +Gilded Floater--A species of fish native to Bluefall. Gilded floaters have an unusual defensive mechanism--they are capable of floating out of the water using hydrogen concentrated in special sacs. As such, they are also extremely voliatle.
 +Gopher Fish--A species of fish native to Bluefall.
 +Grasstall--A species of small, vaguely human-like creatures native to Bhruusil. They are common pests in the planet'​s farming settlements.
 +Great Tudd--A species of massive bovine herbivore native to Sennacherib. Great tudds are extremely territorial,​ and will charge anything that approaches them, including other great tudd. 
 +Haze Colony--Native to Galvin, haze colonies are groups of microorganisms that appear to be little more than steam or fog at first glance. They can cause disease or poisoning in their victims.
 +Heavenhawk--These avians, native to Bhruusil, prey on grasstall. They sometimes attack humans after mistaking them for their favored prey.
 +Hipolat--A species of large herd animal native to Aleer. They were used by the Nidrazh as mounts due to their thick skins, but went extinct after the Bleeding Air Offensive.
 +Inaillo--A marrizhe stud belonging to Ioshaj Urdev. It was stolen by nomadic raiders, sparking a war between Urdevec and the nomads. Its name means "dusty coat".
 +Issha--A species of tree-dwelling animal native to Sheya. They resemble large, six-eyed snakes. The sesheyans use their hide to make leather.
 +Jason'​s Medusa--A species of jellyfish native to Bluefall.
 +Jay-Boo--These reptiles vaguely resemble theropods, and are kept by the t'sa as pets and guard animals. They are rather skittish, and tend to bite if alarmed. ​
 +Jazelle--These creatures are graceful, timid herbivores native to Galvin'​s polar regions. They gather in herds, making it tough for predators to surprise them. They are popular sport animals.
 +Jumper Fish--A species of sport fish native to Bluefall.
 +Keena--A tagger at the National Zoo of Galvin.
 +Kelp Viper--A species of predatory marine animal native to Bluefall.
 +Kenjir Sak Flies--These swarming insects are an essential part of Sennacherib'​s ecosystem. They devour any plant and dead animal matter they come across, and have been known to attack living animals as well.
 +Kettledrake--A species of reptile native to Alitar. Kettledrakes hunt using a form of fire-breath,​ but are usually too lazy to attack humans.
 +Khalnothar--A species of monstrous, two-headed reptile native to Cambria II.
 +Kitiete--A species of bovine-like herd animal native to Danwell. These creatures are the favorite prey of edanweir hunters, though they instinctually charge anything that comes near them.
 +Levian--A species of ferocious, reptillian predators native to the planetary seas of Dione. These creatures will try and consume anything that even remotely looks like food, often attacking entire installations in order to get to their occupants.
 +Leviathan--A species of large fish native to Bluefall.
 +Lightning Eel--These amphibious creatures are native to Reliance. They typically attack from ambush, using a natural taser to stun their victims, but are easily driven off using bright lights.
 +Lurla--These small primate-like creatures are commonly kept as pets by the weren. They can be trained to locate and retrieve objects fairly easily, and are also adept at picking locks.
 +Man o' War--A species of jellyfish-like animal native to Bluefall. Much like the Terrestrial creature that it was named for, it hunts using poisonous tendrils and natural transparency.
 +Marrizhe--A large, furry herd-beast native to the planet Kurg. They have been domesticated by the weren, and are used as food animals and mounts.
 +Mhwada--A species of vicious predator native to Danwell, the Mhwada looks something like a cross between w badger and a flying squirrel. Mhwada possess innate psionic ability, much like the edanweir, and use a form of group telekinesis to fly.
 +Mite--These crustacean-like creatures are native to Theodolius. They are kept as pets by humans, and have a natural appetite for insects and other pests.
 +Moab--A type of aquatic animal native to the planet Derelliger. They navigate using sonar.
 +Moëtilus--Vaguely resembling the Old Earth nautilus, the moëtili of the Moëbius Belt travel from asteroid to asteroid via organic solar sails. Though they can survive on pure, elemental forms of nutrition, they usually hunt their prey.
 +Moore'​s Shark--A species of shark-like fish native to Bluefall. Moore'​s sharks travel in schools, and use natural psionic abilities to stun and incapacitate their prey.
 +Moor Rat--These rodents are native to Galvin. They are voracious in the extreme, feeding on carrion and attacking wounded creatures when there is none to be found. They carry diseases, as well.
 +Mote Swarm--These creatures are tiny, crystalline and possess natural magnetic fields. They feed off of the hulls of spaceships, disrupting the atomic structure of their component elements. ​
 +Mudfiend--A vicious reptillian predator native to Hydrocus. These creatures have been known to attack human explorers, and often use ambush tactics. ​
 +Nanofury--These large, bipedal herbivores are in the process of being weeded out of  Fatehpur'​s ecosystem by the nanites. Normally peaceful, nanofuries turn violent when they see another of their species, attacking until either they or their target have been killed. ​
 +Nanomutant, Type A--These unusual creatures are somewhat reptillian, and typically dwell in Fatehpur'​s forests, attacking their prey from the treetops. They are quite prone to random individual mutations, a result of nanite tampering. ​
 +Nanomutant, Type B--Distantly related to Type A nanomutants,​ Type B nanomutants are natural runners that are commonly found in Fatephur'​s forested regions. Type B nanomutants are quite similar to their Type A cousins in behavior, though their mutations are more extreme.
 +Noose Fish--A species of octopus-like mollusk native to Bluefall'​s coral reefs.
 +Peshka--The pet tishk of Sethyk S'​kesh. (pp 22, POD)
 +Porcupine Ray--A species of spine-covered ray native to Bluefall'​s deep sea.
 +Prenapar--Vaguely bird-like in appearance, prenapars are large herbivores native to Cambria II. They are quite docile, and usually run when faced with danger.
 +Raasha--A type of large, heavily armored predatory fish native to Arist'​s seas. They are sometimes caught for food by the moon's settlers.
 +Ravager--These humanoid, insect-like predators are commonly found on Spes, but aren't native to it. They are vicious in the extreme, and only retreat from battle after they'​ve been grieveously wounded. They are rumored to have been left behind by the klicks.
 +Razorjaw--These fish, native to Bluefall, have evolved a symbiotic relationship with the lightning anemone. They are typically found near the plants, and attack any creatures the anemone stuns with its fronds.
 +Red Darter--A species of fish native to Bluefall. Red darters are small, and travel in large schools.
 +Red-Fin--A species of sport fish native to Bluefall.
 +Rhelaur--Also known as snow striders, rhelaur are marsupials native to Coulomb. The planet'​s colonists have domesticated them for use as mounts, as well as food animals. They are quite stubborn.
 +Rockdove--A species of bird with pinkish-silver breast feathers.
 +Rock Mantis--Native to Causeway, the rock mantis is a species of relatively large, vaguely mantis-like predator. They attack in groups, swarming over their prey.
 +Ruvert--A jazelle at Galvin'​s National Zoo.
 +Sandgrotha--The most deadly of Alaundril'​s large carnivores, the sandgrotha vaguely resembles a terrestrial great cat. They typically hunt in pairs, and some researchers believe that they have latent psionic abilities.
 +Sandray-- A species of solitary, predatory mollusk native to Antigua, the sandray resembles an armored version of a terrestrial manta ray.
 +Scarlet Runner--A species of sport fish native to Bluefall.
 +Scarlet Sea Star--A species of echinoderm native to Bluefall.
 +Sea Ribbon--A species of snake native to Bluefall.
 +Sea Tangler--A species of constrictor snake native to Bluefall.
 +Seamare--A species of aquatic creature native to the Beta Hydri system. Their ancestors were land-dwellers that returned to the water.
 +Shaskan Fish--A species of fish native to Ohmel.
 +Shock Angular--A species of fish native to Bluefall'​s coral shelves. It hunts using electricity.
 +Shuriken--A species of aerial predators native to Delphin. Shuriken look much like their namesakes, and fly during the planet'​s sandstorms.
 +Silver Darter--A species of fish native to Bluefall. Silver darters are small, and travel in large schools.
 +Ska--Native to Sheya, these predators are somewhat similar to Earth'​s great cats. They are hexipedal, have natural camouflage, and are considered by sesheyans to be the best prey.
 +Sky Fisher--A species of fish native to Bluefall. The sky fisher has evolved to feed on aerial creatures, using a long, sticky tongue to snare its prey.
 +Snare Fisher--A species of amoeba-like creature, native to Bluefall. It drifts on the water'​s surface, and uses its long, sticky pseudopods to ensnare aerial prey.
 +Soap Bubble--These spherical filter-feeders are native to the Lightning Nebula. While normally passive, a ship that is engulfed by one may be damaged by sunlight reflected on it by the bubble.
 +Spider Leech--A species of swamp-dwelling venomous leech native to Bluefall. Some are found on Rimfire Island.
 +Spidermist--This creature, native to Rivendale, resembles a cloud of dust. Spidermists are collective entities composed of millions of tiny organisms, and uses the bioelectic energy generated by its component parts to hunt its prey.
 +Spit Crab--A species of arthropod native to Bluefall.
 +Spitfire--These avians are native to the planet Galvin. They hunt by spraying a powerful irritant at their prey, then swooping in for the kill. Many humans are allergic to this chemical.
 +Streamer--These egg-shaped organisms are native to the Lightning Nebula. They travel in clusters, connected to one another by filaments. They are unintelligent,​ though the energy stored in their bodies can shock an unwary traveler.
 +Strobe Fish--A species of fish, native to Bluefall'​s deep sea biomes. It uses a flash of bright light to catch its prey.
 +Struthar Lizard--A species of well-camouflaged predatory reptiles native to Cambria II.
 +Sunsoarer--A species of avian reptiles native to Bluefall. Sunsoarers typically nest in flocks, and are quite territorial.
 +Tagger--A species of reptilian predator native to Galvin. Taggers, much like Terrestrial cheetahs, are capable of sprinting at high speed for short periods of time. 
 +Terador--A species of bird native to Grith. Also known as the gelanan, teradors are colorful, loud and travel in large flocks.
 +Terannith--A species of cat-like creature native to Cambria II. They attack their prey in packs, using superior numbers to take it down.
 +Terragin--A shelled, arthropod-like scavenger native to Wreathe. Larger terragins have been known to attack humans, using their tentacles so ensnare unwary prey.
 +Thoarn--A species of six-legged reptile native to Cambria II.
 +Tishk--A species of animal commonly kept by the t'sa as pets. They vaguely resemble hairless, tailless cats.
 +Toni--A chord at Galvin'​s National Zoo.
 +Trac--A species of wily animal native to Arist.
 +Tudd--The lesser cousin of the great tudd of Sennacherib.
 +Tiger Fish--A species of fish native to Bluefall.
 +Thraat--The most dangerous animal on Alitar, the thraat is a large, vaguely ape-like predator that is equally at home on land or in the water. Thraats have been known to attack humans working in the planet'​s polar regions. Some Alitarin cities have offered rewards to anyone who kills one.
 +Trub Fish--A species of fish native to Kurg. Some weren use its swim bladders for breather masks.
 +Veeda Bird--An avian native to the swamps and jungles around Narrow Point.
 +Veerkiller--A species of graceful avian predators native to Wreathe. Veerkillers can't truly fly, but are capable of gliding for long distances.
 +Veractor--A variety of large, predatory saurians native to the moon of Grith. Veractors are bipedal, and typically hunt in packs that are structured similarly to those of terrestrial wolves. To the sesheyans, it is known as the yendor.
 +Volitus piscis--A species of flying fish native to Bluefall.
 +Voltang--A species of animal that defends itself with a powerful electrical shock.
 +Wyrna Bird--A species of bird native to Grith.
 +Xiim-Xiir--A species of vaguely snake-like animal native to Praxitel. The xiim-xiir normally limit themselves to small prey, but require the corpses of large beings in order to incubate their eggs--resulting in encounters with humans.
 +Zar'​each--A species of bipedal lizards native to Taasa. They are commonly used by the t'sa as mounts.
 +===== Constructs =====
 +Arachnon--These automatons were created by the Glassmakers,​ and are sometimes seen guarding important sites on High Mojave. Other arachnons have broken free of their programming over the years, and have become a part of the planet'​s ecology. Regardless of their programming,​ arachnons pose a threat to all but the most well-armed explorers.
 +Dimensional Horror--Believed to be engineered by the Stoneburners,​ these nightmarish creatures are frequently found guarding their creators'​ ruins. They have the unique ability to phase in and out of our dimension, and are tireless hunters. Some horrors have become detached from their duties over the milennia.
 +Kroath--These beings are quite literally walking corpses--sentient beings who have been turned into ruthless killing machines by the kadarans. A kroath is "​manned"​ by intelligent nanites, who control the kroath'​s original body much like crewmen on a starship. Kroath appear to be mostly humanoid, and are completely encased in green biotech armor. If the armor is breached, the kroath is quickly destroyed by acidic green gel. Kroath ships and commanders have also been sighted--they are made by merging multiple beings together during creation.
 +Metar--A Gardhyi designation for their sentient robots and AIs. Most Metar have opted to travel space in ships of their own, policing the Gardh Technarchy'​s space.
 +Magus--Created by the n'sss and improved using technology from VoidCorp, the magus is a deadly, bio-mechanical assassin. Magus, much like kroath, are sentient beings that have been altered and subverted by alien technology. They are "​grown"​ using large vats full of suspension solution, invasive nanites, genetically altered virii and a host body. They can be equipped with a variety of weapons, and are custom-designed to provoke terror in their victims. The first magi used teln to introduce the mutagenic virii into the host.
 +Orbweaver--Similar in design to the arachnons, the orbweavers were also created by the Glassmakers. These spider-like entities are sentient, but have no sense of self-awareness. They serve as living computer networks inside Glassmaker ruins, and can easily defend their posts with a variety of crystal-based weapons. ​
 +Organism Omega--Designed by VoidCorp, these insect-like creatures have integrated bio-circuitry,​ and can survive in a wide range of environments. They can devour almost anything they come across, and typically attack in swarms. They have been unleashed on Lison, and can be deactivated with a radio kill switch. (pp 46, POD, pp 67, TFB)
 +Warbeasts--A strain of vaguely canine creatures, the warbeasts were engineered by the Thuldan Empire during GWII. They are extremely adaptable, capable of using tools, and figuring out solutions to complex problems. Furthermore,​ warbeasts are capable of literally reforming if killed, becoming more resistant to the hazardous circumstances in the process. They are officially banned by the Treaty of Concord, though many are still roaming the spaceways.
 +Werewisp--These distinctly alien beings were created by the Glassmakers as prototype energy-based lifeforms. Werewisps are spherical orbs of greenish light and crystal, and levitate and attack using electromagnetism. They'​re drawn to sources of electricity,​ including biological ones, and feed by directly draining energy from them. They are solely nocturnal, and are believed to be sentient. There are thirteen of them on High Mojave.
 +===== Mutant Genotypes =====
 +Concord Shock Trooper--Engineered for combat, this strain of mutant was originally developed by the Taurean Star Republic. 1000 of these individuals serve aboard the Monitor.
 +Gillfolk--Engineered by Dr. Artemus Vych, this strain of mutant is adapted to survive underwater. They were partly based off of deepfallen DNA.
 +Hi-g Mutant--These mutants are engineered to work in high gravity conditions.
 +Thuldan Warlion--This mutant strain was engineered for combat by the Thuldan Empire. Warlions are stronger and tougher than normal humans, but appear slightly leonine. Many of them served in elite units during the Second Galactic War.
 +Vacuum Mutant--These mutants are engineered to work in vacuum and near-vacuum conditions, and can easily tolerate unusually high radiation levels.
 +===== Plants =====
 +Acrocyclia--A species of plankton-like creature native to Bluefall. It is believed to help regulate the planetary climate by absorbing greenhouse gases.
 +Black Moss--This moss is found in Spes' costal regions. It concentrates a powerful neurotoxin in red capsules, and employs it as a defensive mechanism.
 +Carpet Moss--This moss, native to Spes, is found in almost any biome. It is quite slippery.
 +Catchers--A generic stormie term for a class of plants that uses broad leaves to capture moisture and microorganisms. They are actually stormie males, and gather energy during a four-day life cycle to pass to female stormies when after they die, and are dug up and eaten.
 +Charge Grass--A type of fulgivoric grass native to Storm. It discharges a lethal electric shock when disturbed.
 +Crystallis--A crystalline lifeform native to Polyphemus. Crystallis channel energy in their bodies for use in a laser-like natural attack, and frequently grow in patches.
 +Dagba Tree--A species of low, broad tree native to Fatehpur.
 +Dephit Berries--A species of edible, berry-like plant native to Leen, and a staple of the colonial diet.
 +Dewpod Bush--A fruit-bearing bush native to the planet Fshaila. Its pods contain a syrup that can be used in tea.
 +DiAgosto Cloud--These enormous lifeforms are the primary producers of Endomar'​s Moëbius Belt. They are essentially clouds of organic molecules, held together by a thin membrane.
 +Dendrei-Thicket--A type of thick, pricky briar bush native to Sheya.
 +Eaters--A type of plant native to Storm, nicknamed by the Stormies. Eaters directly absorb energy from lightning strikes, storing it in "​batteries"​ underground.
 +Emerald Frond--A species of fern-like plant found on Bluefall'​s islands.
 +Fire Moss--Native to Spes, this moss uses sulfuric acid as a defense mechanism.
 +Firethorn--A species of hardy scrub native to Hydrocus. The firethorn gets its name from its primary defensive mechanism, as its thorns concentrate certain chemicals within them, and explode like magnesium flares when jostled. ​
 +Giant Spider Vine--These dangerous, carnivorous plants are native to the Epsilon Eridani system. ​
 +Grabber Grass--This plant, native to Spes, obtains nutrients by stealing fruit from other plants using sticky, sap-covered tendrils. Grabber grass patches are also notorious for snatching non-food objects, as well.
 +Greensward--A kind of ground-covering vegitation.
 +Killberry Plant--A type of plant used to make killberry tea.
 +Lightning Anemone--These plants, native to Bluefall, use electrical shocks as a powerful defensive mechanism. ​
 +Mirror Blossom--A species of photovoric flower native to Spes.
 +Mortar Tree--These trees are native to Spes. They reproduce in an unusual manner--four times a year, mortar trees fire seeds, which then secrete a gel that catches fire. Mortar tree sap is a common insect repellant.
 +Padak'​s thistle--A species of plant native to Ohmel.
 +Praxis Tree--A species of tree native to Praxitel. Its many flowers provide convenient hiding places for insect life. 
 +Qargrass--A species of grass native to Ohmel. ​
 +Ripper Weed--Also known as lumberjack vine, this photovoric plant possesses a number of barbed tendrils. It uses them to clear away anything that blocks its sunlight--including unwary travelers.
 +Rockfruit--A type of tree native to Tibalt, the rockfruit bears a number of hard-shelled,​ edible fruits. ​
 +Sapwillow--A species of plant native to Bluefall'​s islands.
 +Shamondendron--This species of mobile, carnivorous plant is native to Simon'​s Leap. It has a thirty-year-long bloom cycle, and is the centerpiece of a Simonian festival.
 +Skunk Moss--This moss is commonly found in Spes' equatorial regions. Its defensive mechanism is a mild, foul-smelling toxin that induces nausea in humans.
 +Speargrass--A variety of plant native to Yellow Sky, speargrass consists of a plush mat of leaves with a layer of razor-sharp stems underneath. The plant feeds off of careless animals that blunder into its thorns, and as such, they are very well camouflaged.
 +Spiny Bush--A type of carniviorous plant commonly found in the jungles of Tibalt. Carnivorous,​ the spiny bush uses toxin-coated spines to paralyze its prey, then drains it of bodily fluids.
 +Star Pod--This unusual plant is found on numerous worlds, and is capable of interstellar flight. After it reaches its full height, it launches into space, its trunk burning like a solid fuel rocket. The seed pod travels through space on solar sails until it reaches a compatible world. ​
 +Swimmer'​s Yeast--A type of microscopic,​ plankton-like animal native to Bluefall.
 +Tagui Fruit Tree--A species of tree native to Prophethome. It produces edible fruit.
 +Velvet Shag--This thick, spongy moss is found on Bluefall'​s islands.
 +Vurl Shrub--A species of bush native to Ohmel.
 +Waterfruit Tree--A species of tree, known for the large, bulb-like fruit it bears.
 +Whitespike--This lifeform, native to Wreathe, is coral-like in nature, and the only source of the hallucinogen biaxinin.
 +Yellow Moss--This moss is native to Bayle and Arinis Island, on Spes. It contains chemical compounds that may be used in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals.
 +Yellowknife Tree--A type of tree native to Bluefall, specifically the jungles on Rimfire Island. Its leaves are golden-yellow,​ and are razor-sharp.
 +Falkri--An ancient species of beings composed of pure psionic energy. They helped the Evrem imprison the I'krl before vanishing from known space.
 +Ghree--A species of enigmatic, red-skinned creatures that play an integral role in bhruu legends. According to the stories, they helped the bhruu form the first abhaal. They are generally believed to be Precursors of some sort.
 +Glassmakers--This ancient species specialized in silicon-based technology, and erected many colonies throughout the Verge. While the Glassmakers themselves either went extinct or left the galaxy, their creations, the orbweavers and the arachnon, still defend the ruins of their settlements on High Mojave.
 +I'​krl--A species of power-hungry sentient beings, and scions of the Stoneburners. They were sealed away in a dimensional prison, their bodies dissolved and their minds fused into one collective consciousness. They are worshipped by members of the I'krl Church, and are directing their highest-ranked followers to set them free. They are also known as "The Mysteries",​ "The Holy Unknown",​ "The Dark Veil" and "The Dark Cloud"​.
 +Starweavers--A Precursor species described to humanity by the Evrem. They are reported to be the progenitors of the Evrem, the Gardh and three species unknown to humans.
 +Stoneburners--A cephalopod-like species as ancient as the Glassmakers,​ the Stoneburners got their name from the chemical reactions they used to create buildings. Like the Glassmakers,​ the Stoneburners are either extinct or absent, though their ruins on Yellow Sky are heavily guarded by automated guns and dimensional horrors.
 +Those Who Think--A Precursor species described to humans by the Evrem. They are rumored to be the progenitor species of the Evrem, the Gardh, and three other species unknown to humanity.
 +===== Sentients =====
 +Aleerin--The mechalus'​ own species name.
 +Anthons--Native to the same tri-system cluster as the Doln and Gartese, the humanlike Anthons were at war with their neighbors for centuries. They joined the League of Nine with them, comparatively recently.
 +Bareem--These large, hulking primates are native to the planet Toal III. They are the slavers, wardens and enforcers of the Demesne and Theocracy, and this role is enforced by their mythology, which encourages them to dominate their enemies and protect their own. They are obedient to the sifarv and thaal, but have little respect for the other Theocracy species. They pass on their knowledge and traditions through stories, and can be very talkative if in peaceful moods.
 +Bedestrin--A species of cold-adapted creatures native to Hudson, the bedestrin possess a very primitive Stone Age society and some knowledge of tool use. While they appear to be much like bipedal polar bears, bedestrin are very good swimmers, and spend much of their time in and near their moon's icy seas.
 +Bhruu--Native to the planet Bhruusil in the Karnath system, the Bhruu are a race of peacable bovine herbivores. Though they have become close allies of the planet'​s Insight government, they have thus far resisted any attempt to integrate them into the nation. Their social structure revolves around a number of large, extended family groups, and they also possess formidable oratory skills.
 +Blix--These silent, dauntless aliens are natural technicians,​ always looking for new things to fix and upgrade. The blix first arrived in the Verge when they were sent to sabotage a kroath vessel by their evrem patrons, and were subsequently ejected in escape pods when the ship was destroyed. In terms of appearance, blix are small, four-armed humanoids.
 +Corstar--These fragile creatures are native to the planet Dione in the Lucullus system, and are innately psionic. They have been seen traveling in large groups, and will attack anyone who harms a member of their community. Despite this, they seem to be peacable creatures. ​
 +Deepfallen--A species of aquatic humanoids native to Bluefall, the deepfallen are peaceful, reclusive and possess incredible psionic potential. They were engineered by the Glassmakers to act as gatekeepers,​ and eventually sent their masters on a journey to another plane. When they used their powers again, they inadvertently caused the Vanishing. ​
 +Dhamrin--A species of hexipedal, cephalopod-like creatures enslaved by the medurr. Dhamrin are highly pacifistic, and believe that the Universe intended for them to be subjugated. All dhamrin possess latent psionic abilities, which aid them in their duties as pilots and navigators. They are unusually open to psionic contact--anyone touching a dhamrinni can contact it using telepathy.
 +Doln--A species of humanlike aliens native to a small tri-system cluster. They were at war with the Gartese and Anthons until they ended their conflicts and joined the League of Nine.
 +Edanweir--A species of short, vaguely bear-like mammals native to Danwell. The edanweir possess radios and airships, which were left on their homeworld by a species known as "the Others"​. All edanweir share a common telepathic bond, which grows stronger when there are many individuals gathered in a given area. Some edanweir children possess formidable Mindwalking potential, though any outsiders who contact them via telepathy can expect harsh retribution.
 +Esyor--An avian slave species of the medurr, the esyor were conquered fairly early in medurr history. They created the various harnesses used by the medurr.
 +Evrem--An ancient species, the evrem once possessed a vibrant, thriving empire. Now, they are on the verge of extinction at the hands of the I'krl Theocracy. The evrem speak via telepathy, and are formidable psions, though they only use their abilities in self-defense. Their city-ships double as bazaars, and individual evrem sometimes serve as mediators in human conflicts. They claim to be immune to krl'​osar powers.
 +Fraal--These slender, big-eyed humanoids are humanity'​s greatest allies. They were the first to contact the human race, and they collaborated with human scientists to produce the stardrive. Most fraal have psionic potential, which they view with religious reverence, though they are also technically inclined. The fraal are divided into two factions--the Wanderers, who remain aboard their own city-ships, keeping their own traditions; and the Builders, who have decided to integrate themselves with human society. Both factions have no idea where their species originated, only that they entered the Sol system after milennia of wandering.
 +Gandercat--These mysterious sloth-like mammals are native to Grith. They are primarily solitary creatures, but seem to communicate with each other via a series of songs. Some researchers believe that they were the ones who established the now-ruined cities on Grith, and gandercats have been seen frequenting the ruins four a month out of each year.
 +Gardh--An ancient species resembling tall, blue-skinned,​ vaguely shark-like humans in appearance. They have mastered warp gate technology, leaving control of space to the Metar. They were once a pupil species of the Evrem, but have grown more introverted and xenophobic, as well as intolerant of psions. Criminal Gardh are exiled from the Technarchy via starwebs, and become Gardhyi.
 +Gardhyi--These beings are the outcasts of the Gardh Technarchy, gardh who have been convicted of criminal acts. Though gardhyi rarely work toward the same end, many of them have joined forces with the I'krl Theocracy. Many act as advance scouts, and their presence on numerous species'​ homeworlds has been sketchily documented in legends of "​necromancers"​ and "Men in Black"​. All gardhyi possess starwebs, instruments of exile that allow them to jump from star to star without the need for a drive-capable ship.
 +Gartese--A race of human-like creatures, native to the same tri-system cluster as the Anthons and Doln. The three species were at war for centuries before they made peace and joined the League of Nine.
 +Humans--The dominant species of the Stellar Ring. Humans are intelligent and adaptable, but their violent tendencies have led them to interstellar war more than once. Human society is divided among a number of large stellar nations, as well as thousands of small, independent colonies. They are aligned with a number of sentient species, including the fraal, t'sa, weren, sesheyans and mechalus.
 +Kadarans--A race of six-limbed, tripedal insectoids from the planet Kadar III. The kadarans are the primary scientists of the Theocracy and Demesne, and are responsible for the creation of the kroath, the alteration of the klicks, and the mutation of their own people. They manufacture most of the Theocracy'​s biotechnology,​ and are inquisitive,​ productive, and literally capable of thinking of two things at once. They are extremely amoral, and show no qualms about experimenting on sentient beings, leading to them being labeled "​six-limbed sadists"​.
 +Ke'​kekt--Native to the planet Antigua in the Ignatius system, the ke'​kekt are sentient, xenophobic, tool-using echinoderms. They are amphibious, and have been known to attack human settlements. The ke'​kekt are divided into two main groups--land-dwelling and water-dwelling--and are also organized into tribes. Much competition takes place within these tribes, as only their leaders have the right to mate.  ​
 +Klicks--A species of arachnids from the planet Hivehome, they have been bioengineered by the kadarans to serve as shock troopers, which were initially named for the clicking noises they make. Altered klicks come in four different "​castes";​ warrior, technician, administrator and leader, and make use of advanced technology given to them by the of the I'krl Theocracy. They are fierce fighters, and possess a biological field that causes weakness in all known species except for the fraal. Unaltered klicks remain in a state of slavery on their homeworld, subjugated by the bareem and used for genetic stock.
 +Ko-Fam-Att--These tall, spindly beings are native to Praxitel. Their culture is divided into a number of castes, each with its own position in society. Different castes may increase their social status by winning a game known as Fam-Att, a blood-sport that forms the core of Ko-Fam-Att culture. They are comparatively primitive, but are nevertheless civilized.
 +Krosh--An avian species native to the moon Qualv VIII, and a member species of the League of Nine. They were nearly enslaved by the I'krl Theocracy, but managed to free themselves with the League'​s help. Their homeworld was rendered largely uninhabitable by nuclear winter, but the Qualvans are trying to restore its vitality.
 +Lugarites--A species of lion-like humanoids. They are the oldest member species of the League of Nine, and are particularly close to the Evrem. Many Lugarites are employed by the Evrem as honor guards.
 +Mechalus--A species of humanoids native to the planet Aleer in Old Space. They were a warrior race for most of their history, but turned to pacifism after rendering another sentient species extinct. All mechalus are born with integrated cybertechnology,​ and the race as a whole is very proficient with computers, the Grid, and other technological items. They are technically a client species of the Rigunmors, though mechalus are found throughout human space. They are also known as Aleerins.
 +Medurr--A species of bellicose, hexipedal reptilian creatures from the Perseus Arm. The Medurr are extremely territorial,​ and are continually looking to expand their empire by bringing new slave species and star systems into its fold. They are divided into four sub-species--Aaln,​ the leaders; Graaln, the warriors; Khaln, the assassins; and Traln, the hunters. They are further divided into clans according to birth-mother.
 +Nigram--A client species of the medurr, the nigram are natural slavemasters who developed the slave restraint devices used by the Imperium. They are somewhat cephalopod-like in nature.
 +N'​sss--These jellyfish-like aliens are native to the gas giant Ravas V, and are also known as the Ravans. Their adopted name was originally applied to demons from t'sa mythology, and their multitentacled pods are designed to intimidate others. The n'sss are proficient bio-engineers and vicious warriors, but are incapable of surviving outside of the atmosphere of a gas giant without an environmental suit.
 +Orodin--A extinct sentient species from the planet Orod. The Oridin were similar in appearance to non-bioengineered mechalus, but were not as advanced. They were rumored to have been either Precursor transplants or Aleerin colonists. They were driven extinct when the Aleerins bombarded their world with bioweapons.
 +Ossim--A species of highly adaptable, empathic cephalopods,​ and a member species of the League of Nine. They have developed the communications technology that links the League together.
 +Pafal--These short, rodent-like bipeds are among the lowest of slave races in the Medurr Imperium. They were comparatively primitive when they were enslaved, though unlike the dhamrin, they are willing to risk their lives by trying to escape. They are typically employed as menial laborers.
 +Payan--A race of primates that superficially resembles the Bareem. They are always born in groups of three or more, and Payan siblings can fuse into collective entities, combining physical and mental strength. They tend to prefer scientific pursuits, and are a member species of the League of Nine.
 +Qualvans--Native to (the moon Qualv IV in) the Qualv system, this amphibious species is more advanced than the Krosh. They are members of the League of Nine, and are working to restore (their homeworld, as well as) the homeworld of the Krosh.
 +Rakon--A species of egg-shaped, trilaterally symmetrical creatures from the planet Q'​uabal. They are creative, peaceful, curious and industrious,​ and their society values mathematics,​ science and art. They are nonviolent, and don't think of space and alien species as potentially threatening. They are somewhat resistant to toxins, ​
 +Riglia--Native to the planet Rivendale, the riglia are a species of sinuous, ribbon-like annelids that are capable of flight. They view themselves as the keepers of their planet'​s natural balance, and are somewhat xenophobic. While they haven'​t become outwardly warlike toward their planet'​s human colonists, individual riglia have been known to attack those who attempt to unbalance the environment in a specific area. Some believe that they are not native to the planet.
 +Salamanca Intelligence--A single, unified intelligence composed of the minds of trillions of creatures that live in the upper atmosphere of Salamanca'​s night side. It created the caste of Chosen stormies using engineered virii, and hopes to save its adopted species from extinction. The beings composing the Intelligence are psionic, and also communicate using phenomena in the gas giant'​s atmosphere.
 +Sesheyans--A species of winged, six-eyed, light-sensitive sentients from the moon of Sheya. The sesheyans were in their Stone Age when they were contacted and enslaved by VoidCorp. Most of them work for the company, though many others have gone renegade. They are natural hunters, adapted to the dark, and make excellent covert operatives and assassins. They are a spiritual people, following the example of numerous heroes and mythological figures in their daily lives.
 +Sifarv--A race of bipedal, bird-like aliens from the moon of Saerie. They are one of the more influential races of the I'krl Theocracy, though their feudal government has been subsumed by the I'krl Church. Sifarv, as a rule, are haughty, vain and arrogant, viewing themselves as superior to all other sentient species. They have an elaborate structure of nobility and ranking, and some noble families once possessed an unusual psionic power. ​
 +Stormers--These unusual creatures are native to Storm in the Loman system. Most are completely blind, and navigate by using an innate sense of echolocation,​ though some have been mutated by the Salamanca Intelligence so as to possess visual organs. Female and male stormers are quite different--females are mobile, tripedal creatures, while males are immobile and plant-like. They are also known as "​Stormies"​.
 +Teln--A species of parasitic worms that possess sentience and psionic ability when in large clusters or tangles. They are capable of infesting and controlling all of the major species except the mechalus, and live off the host's body until it dies. They act as spies and infiltrants for the I'krl Theocracy, though their long-term goals may come into conflict with the Exeat'​s. Most teln are found in Algemron, though they have taken hosts in Lucullus as well. They were formerly a client species of the n'sss, and are working in secret against them.
 +Thaal--These small, large-eyed humanoids are native to the planet Ajhaarl, and are of the same species as the fraal. They are the faction that favors faith, religion and exploitation of others over science and reason, and they remained behind when their kinsmen left for the stars. They have since taken up worship of the I'krl, and are the ruling species of the I'krl Theocracy. They tend to be cruel, manipulative and arrogant, but are always willing to accept new converts. All of them possess some form of psionic potential. ​
 +Timarn--A vaguely human-like species, the timarn were enslaved by the medurr and are on the brink of extinction. They had a hand in creating the virtual matter technology used by their masters.
 +T'​sa--A species of small, reptillian bipeds from the planet Taasa. T'sa, as a species, tend to be quick in body and mind, technologically adept, friendly, clever and intensely curious. They had already colonized several star systems before encountering humanity, despite their lack of stardrive technology. Their home cluster remains an independent nation under the protection of the Concord, and their continued independence has been attributed to the start of the two Galactic Wars.
 +Underdwellers--Native to K3, these beetle-like creatures eke out a living within their homeworld'​s tunnels. Their society is divided into small groups of hunter-gatherers and comparatively settled tribes, and is primarily focused on survival. They tend to be fatalist in outlook, though some hold hope for the eventual revival of their world'​s tectonic activity.
 +Weren--Native to the planet Kurg, these thick-furred,​ clawed, vaguely leonine humanoids are a client species of the Orlamu Theocracy. Though the species as a whole has a passion for war, they also have a very advanced appreciation for philosophy and the arts. They nearly drove themselves to racial suicide after the invention of the flintlock, and the Orlamus have tried their best to guide their technological advancements. Some weren are uncomfortable with human technology.
 +Xarians--A race of techno-organic crustaceans,​ and member species of the League of Nine. Their homeworld'​s oceans are effectively supercomputers,​ containing thousands of nanites. The Xarians have excellent computer technology, but must remain underwater at all times.
 +Xe'​reen--The xe'​reen,​ also known as sealphins, are a species of otter-like sentients native to the planet Alitar. They were initially thought to be subsentient,​ as they possessed no technology, but were later discovered to have a culture of their own. Most xe'​reen pay humans and their ilk little heed, but have become more and more fearful as the Alitarins encroach on their territory.
 +===== Subsentients =====
 +Calliope--A species of vaguely octopus-like creatures native to the desert world of Delphin. Calliopes hunt by shooting prey with a minigun-like natural attack.
 +Centurion--These seven-limbed creatures live in hive-like communities in Delphin'​s volcanic wastelands. Male centurions possess telepathic abilities, which they use to direct the actions of female centurions from the safety of their warrens.
 +Kanite--A species of vicious, vaguely dog-like creatures native to Tibalt. They hunt in packs, and have been known to take prisoners during inter-pack conflicts. Their front limbs are on the verge of becoming hands, though they do not use tools.
 +Kilishorn--Vaguely koala-like in appearance, the kilishorn are nomadic, nontechnological beings. The colonists of Leen have been known to give kilishorn food in exchange for their services as couriers, at the expense of their own territory.
 +Minishore Crystal--These unusual crystal-like beings have the ability to project holograms in order to hide themselves from predators. They are the sole Series V species on Leen, and are  on the brink of full sentience.
 +Nanate--These creatures are vaguely primate-like in appearance, and are native to the planet Fatehpur. Though still undergoing evolutionary changes, the nanates are in the process of forming their own distinct culture. They are somewhat territorial.
 +Razorcat--A species of felid predators native to Bhruusil. These creatures typically hunt in packs, and are capable of using crude tools to manipulate their environment. They are common pets among wealthy individuals.
 +Scraaghek--One of the more unusual lifeforms of Reliance, the scraaghek is a creature capable of merging with others of its kind to form a composite being. Though individually weak, scraaghek segments gain in intelligence,​ physical strength and psionic ability when joined.
 +Silicate--These Series VI lifeforms are somewhat intelligent,​ and have a natural mastery of Polyphemus'​ volcanic environment. They vaguely resemble brimstones, and have a sort of communal society.
 +Siren--These massive, tree-like animals are natural telepaths, using natural psionic suggestion to lure prey into their clutches. They are commonly encountered in the swamps and lowlands of Yellow Sky.
 +Spikespore--Native to the Moëbius Belt, these vicious animals are living killing machines. Spikespores can cocoon themselves in radiation-resistant spores to travel through space, and use some of their victims as living incubators for their young. They have even been known to hitch-hike to other star systems, attaching themselves to drive-capable ships. ​
 +Sauronine--A species native to Jewel, these velociraptor-like creatures are cunning, and are able to use primitive tools. They hunt in large packs, and hibernate during high-radiation periods.
 +Tibape--Native to the planet Tibalt, these primate-like creatures are non-belligerent and very skittish. They tend to travel in extended family groups, and have started to make their own tools. ​
 +Tibolfin--Encountered near the coasts of Tibalt'​s seas, tibolfins are aquatic mammals that are somewhat adept at using tools. They vaguely resemble bottlenose dolphins, though they have up to three pairs of tentacles, as well as two separate tails. They are organized into a number of loose, nomadic tribes.
 +Trilocean--These large, sea-dwelling arthropods are native to the planet Jewel. They are unusually active during the planet'​s high-radiation period, and lay their eggs right as it is ending.
 +===== Dates =====
 +230 B.C.E., Aleer, Agemar--The mechalus enter a period of questioning and religious struggle, like the human Renaissance.
 +182 B.C.E., Aleer, Agemar--The mechalus Renaissance ends as Oldurreg declares war on Megarin, triggering a bloody, centuries-long conflict.
 +150, Aleer, Agemar--Tactics such as total warfare become commonplace in mechalus strategy.
 +295, Aleer, Agemar--The mechalus nations start to place more power in the hands of individuals,​ rather than single leaders.
 +826, Aleer, Agemar--The Megarin nation adopts the practice of drafting its armies from the populace as a whole.
 +1100, Aleer, Agemar--The scaling-back of Aleerin leaders'​ power is complete.
 +1100s, Aleer, Agemar--The chuff firearm is invented.
 +1200s, Aleer, Agemar--The Pesh refine the electrical motor, adapting it for use in war machines.
 +1400s, Aleer, Agemar--Mechalus soldiers start implementing night-vision and integrated armor.
 +1498, Aleer, Agemar--The mechalus develop and implement biological ammunition for chuff weapons.
 +1573, Aleer, Agemar--The First Plague breaks out, destroying the nation of Pesh.
 +1576, Aleer, Agemar--The hipolat become extinct after the Bleeding Air Offensive.
 +1588, Aleer, Agemar--In response to the Blinding Plague, Megarin issues its citizens filter masks and corneal implants.
 +1649, Aleer, Agemar--The nation of Oldurreg collapses after massive chemical warfare. The mechalus face starvation as its farmlands grow unusable.
 +1757, Aleer, Agemar--In an attempt to save its citizens from the plagues, the Megarin nation develops and installs self-sustaining suites of cybergear, turning its people into biomechanical lifeforms.
 +1888, Aleer, Agemar--The Megarin nation launches its final offensive against Leenest.
 +1900, Aleer, Agemar--The city of Bogardin falls to Thetor'​s First Army. Aleer becomes unified under the government of Megarin.
 +1901, Agemar--The UAA launches expeditions to the other planets in the Agemac system using lightships.
 +1966, Orod, Agemar--The Aleerins make first contact with the Oridin. The survey ship is attacked by Oridin zealots, and its crew is massacred. In response, the Aleerins bombard Orod with biological weapons.
 +1976, Orod, Agemar--The Aleerins'​ biological warfare against the Oridin ends.
 +2020, Aleer, Agemar--General Thetor dies. The UAA's quarantine of Orod ends.
 +2032, Earth, Sol--The first Grid is created, enabling real-time visual communication.
 +2039, Orod, Agemar--The Aleerins launch a massive landing on Orod, only to discover that most of the Oridin were already dead from their bioweapons.
 +November 11, 2047, Earth, Sol--The first practical fusion generator is unveiled.
 +2050, Earth, Sol--The human population reaches 20 billion.
 +2050, Earth, Sol--Firearms reach their highest popularity.
 +2064, Luna, Sol--The Pacific Bloc establishes the first permanant lunar colony.
 +2073, Mars, Sol--The first permanant manned Martian outposts are established. ​
 +2073, Earth, Sol--The United Administrators are established.
 +2080, Callisto, Sol--The American States establish the first Jovian colony on Callisto.
 +2106, Sol--The Indo-African government announces the invention of the mass reactor.
 +2110, Sol--The Ulysses goes on a grand tour of the Sol system.
 +2117, Kurg, Tinnale--Krazhe the Wise discovers gunpowder, which is put to use by the army of the Kell clan. The Black Wars begin.
 +2122, Sol--The Apple Skirmishes occur.
 +July 17, 2124, Sol--The fraal make first contact with humanity.
 +October 27, 2124, Earth, Sol--The Contact Treaty is signed.
 +2137, Sol--The Satellite War occurs. ​
 +2145, Orod, Agemar--The last Orodin dies in the Nestor Hills, completing the Oridin genocide.
 +2154, Earth, Sol--The Borealis Republic is formed.
 +2154, Earth, Sol--The stardrive project is formed.
 +2155, Mars, Sol--The Martian War occurs.
 +November 11, 2159, 7:01 GMT, Martian Orbit, Sol--The first starfall takes place. (**)
 +2160, Martian orbit, Sol--The first stardrive is activated. (**)
 +2161, Orod, Aleer--The Aleerins establish their first permanant colony on Orod.
 +2170, Old Space--Jeff Sendir retires from public life and establishes the Orlamu Foundation.
 +2183, Old Space--The Orlamu Foundation establishes its first extrasolar colonies.
 +2193, Old Space--VoidCorp creates the first drivesat.
 +2195, Agemar--The Kiscae leave Aleer in the Aleerin stellar fleet, headed on a slower-than-light voyage for the galactic rim.
 +2198, Old Space--VoidCorp establishes the Insight subdivision.
 +2200, Kurg, Tinnale--The nomadic weren culture starts to become more powerful.
 +2200, Kurg, Tinnale--In a new cultural trend, power in weren society starts to shift toward traders and the wealthy.
 +2211, Old Space--The Orlamu Foundation becomes the Orlamu Theocracy.
 +2211-2216, Old Space--Jeff Sendir and his inner circle of mystics compile a number of visions and prophecies in the Prophet Scrolls.
 +2213, Old Space--The Orlamu Foundation establishes more colonies.
 +2214, Aleer, Agemar--The Aleerins lose contact with the Kiscae fleet. ​
 +2215, Prophethome--Sendir moves the Orlamu Foundation to Prophethome.
 +2216, Prophethome--Sendir dies, leaving First Prophet Walen as his successor.
 +2218, Sol--The first fortress ships are commissioned. ​
 +2230, Sol--Construction of the fortress ships is finished--these enormous craft have stardrives capable of jumping 25 light-years in a single starfall.
 +2233(02? 01? "270 years ago"), I'krl Theocracy--Kadar begins his career in the service of the I'krl Church.
 +2234-36, Kurg, Tinnale--The Kell Campaign takes place.
 +2241, Old Space--Humanity holds control over more than 100 solar systems.
 +2243, Old Space--The Borealins relocate their capital to the planet Sapphire. The Rigunmors move to Bazaar, the Austrins relocate to Powder, and VoidCorp moves to Catalog.
 +December 2246, Kurg, Tinnale--The OSS Brightfall re-surveys the Tinnale system and discovers the weren. (**)
 +2246, Kurg, Tinnale--The Orlamu Theocracy makes first contact with the weren. (**)
 +May 12, 2247, Kurg, Tinnale--The Orlamu External Affairs Ambassador signs the Contact Decree, and the Theocracy sends a first-contact party to the weren.
 +2250, Earth, Sol--The Terran Empire is created.
 +2250, Old Space--The Proxima Conflicts occur.
 +2258, Old Space--The Dreth Commonwealth is acknowledged as a colonial government by the Terran Empire.
 +2260, Old Space--86 different governments exist in the Orion Sector.
 +September 1, 2263, Thuldan--The Thuldan Colonial Authority is established.
 +2267, Naria--The Nariac Domain is created.
 +September 16, 2271, Haven--The Hatire Community is created.
 +2273, Aleer, Agemar--The Rigunmor Star Consortium makes first contact with the mechalus. (**)
 +2273, Old Space--The Thuldan Empire sends out five fleets and absorbs a dozen neighboring colonies.
 +July 13, 2274, Sheya, Gamma Leonis--VoidCorp encounters the sesheyan species. Shortly after initial contact, Erim Ollander negotiates the Sesheyan Compact, effectively enslaving them.
 +2281, Aleer, Agemar--The Rigunmor Star Consortium makes first contact with the mechalus. (**)
 +2291, Sapphire--The Borealis Republic erupts in civil war.
 +2296, T'sa Cluster--A group of independent (Orion League?) explorers contacts the t'sa. (**)
 +2298, Thuldan--The Thuldan Colonial Authority breaks away from Earth, and many other colonies follow suit.
 +2299, Old Space--The First Galactic War breaks out as numerous colonies declare war on the Terran Empire.
 +2299, Bazaar--The Guilder Conclave establishes the independence of the Rigunmor Star Consortium.
 +2304, Naria--The Nariac Domain declares its independence.
 +2308, Old Space--The Thuldans launch a massive campaign against the Terran Empire.
 +2310, Liber--StarMech declares its independence.
 +2311, Old Space--The Terran Empire proposes a cease-fire.
 +2312, Earth, Sol--The Treaty of Earth is signed, ending the Second Galactic War and recognizing 26 stellar nations, including the Terran Empire'​s successor, the Union of Sol.
 +2312, Old Space--The maximum stardrive range is improved from 25 to 50 light-years.
 +2314, The Verge--Scouts from StarMech explore the region.
 +2314, Old Space--Insight is granted the opportunity to choose its own president.
 +2314-15, Old Space--The Cyko Riots break out.
 +2315, Old Space--The four largest governments in the Orion Sector establish formal relations and ward off the Thuldans and Austrins.
 +2315, Tendril--Scouts from StarMech survey the system.
 +2315, Tendril--The first human colonists arrive in-system and establish a colony on Alaundril.
 +2315-16, Corrivale--Scouts from StarMech survey the system.
 +2316, Aegis--The Orion League (Nation?) ship Marathon surveys the system and claims it for its parent nation.
 +2317, Jaeger--The Second Jaeger Conference. Delegates from the four nations establish a permanant governmental forum.
 +2318, Old Space--The first true AI is activated.
 +2319, Corrivale--The Hatire Community purchases the rights to colonize Grith for 50 million Terran credits. ​
 +2319, Lucullus--Pierek Luce surveys the system for the Union of Sol.
 +2321, Jaeger--The Orion Nation, the Free Kyrene Society, New Columbia and the Nordic Independent State form the Orion League.
 +March-April 2321, Ignatius--An expedition from the Taurean Star Republic and the Thuldan Empire explores the system.
 +2322, Argos--A group of expatriates from New Columbia explores the system and settles it independently.
 +2323, Oberon--A group of independent explorers surveys the system and discovers rhodium on Lison.
 +2323, Oberon--The Aeneas'​ captain claims Oberon for the Rigunmors. ​
 +2324, Grith, Corrivale--Hatire colonists found Diamond Point.
 +2325, Antigua, Ignatius--The Taureans land colonists on the Iskandera Archipelago. They are promptly attacked by the ke'​kekt.
 +2326, Bluefall, Aegis--Three Orion colony ships deliver the first colonists to Bluefall. They establish their colony on Tribane island.
 +May 4, 2326, Algemron--The AOV Roland claims Algemron for Austrin-Ontis Unlimited.
 +May 20, 2326, Algemron--The ITV Exploit arrives in Algemron. After a brief bargaining session, the two ships' captains agree to divide the system'​s two habitable worlds.
 +2326, Algemron--The system'​s two powers colonize and develop its moons and worlds.
 +2327, The Verge--Joshua Kanar leads a group of Dreth to the Verge in search of a system to colonize.
 +2327, Bluefall, Aegis--The Orion colonists establish a number of smaller colonies on Bluefall'​s other islands.
 +October 2328, Mantebron--An Orion survey vessel explores the system and claims it for the League.
 +2329, Ptolemy--Verge Explorations Inc. surveys the Ptolemy system and sells the development rights to the Nariac Domain.
 +2329, Lison, Oberon--The first rhodium mine on the planet begins operation.
 +2330, Lison, Oberon--The first permanant living quarters on Lison are constructed.
 +2330, Old Space--Insight invents the mass transceiver.
 +2330, Old Space--The Death Oath memo is issued.
 +2330, Old Space--ZD582 24JON claims the Karnath system for VoidCorp.
 +2330, Bluefall, Aegis--Oil is discovered on Bluefall.
 +2331, Liber--The StarMech Collective is officially created.
 +2331, Lucullus--The Solars launch a full-scale exploration of the system and establish a relocation colony.
 +2332, The Verge--Lord Karim Ngongwe of the Leodal States leads an expedition into the Verge.
 +2333, Atlas, Tendril--A group of radical Orlamists settle Atlas.
 +2333, Ferrand, Dewi--Tensions rise in the Dreth colony as its citizens argue about what form of government to employ. Kathryn Barker goes missing, and the colony breaks apart into settlements on Amaethon'​s seven large moons.
 +February 2334, Coulomb--Lord Ngongwe'​s expedition arrives in Coulomb and claims the system for the Leodal States.
 +2334, Lison, Oberon--The lack of workers starts taking its toll on the rhodium mines. More than twelve of them are laying dorment at this time.
 +2334, Vieron--Sothvec Industries Survey Mission 5952 conducts a detailed survey of the system. ​
 +2335, Tendril--Nova Station is completed.
 +2335, Karnath--VoidCorp surveys the system, discovering a native sentient species.
 +2335, Bhruusil, Karnath--A VoidCorp first contact team is dispatched to Bhruusil in an attempt to Employ the bhruu. They meet with little success.
 +2335, Corazón de Fuega, Vieron--The first Sothvec colonists arrive in the system, setting up domed cities on Corazón.
 +2335, Old Space--The government of the Dreth Commonwealth discusses the possibility of expanding into the Verge.
 +2336, Powder--Colonel Jane Merrick founds Merrick'​s of Powder.
 +January 7, 2336, Hurricane, Ptolemy--The Workers'​ Colony of Ptolemy is established.
 +2336, Tychus--An Orlamu survey mission charts the system and claims it for the Theocracy.
 +2336, Grith--The polar research facility of Atlantis is founded by the Hatires.
 +September 2337, Ohmel, Coulomb--Lord Ngongwe establishes the Crown Colony of Coulomb.
 +2338, Penates, Lucullus--Penates'​ population reaches two million.
 +2339, Old Space--The desperate Spes Research Association solicits funding from the stellar nations.
 +2339, High Mojave, Mantebron--The Colonial Charter is signed, giving the colonists of High Mojave a right to self-government.
 +2340, Talbott--John Talbott surveys the system at the behest of the Nariac Domain.
 +2340, Old Space--The SRA, the Borealis Republic and the Orlamu Theocracy come to an agreement. The SRA relinquishes part of its naming rights and takes along observers from both nations on its journey to Hammer'​s Star.
 +February, 2341, Hammer'​s Star--The SRA arrives in Hammer'​s Star ane explores the system. The Borealins survey Spes, while the Orlamus head toward the Pit. Ultimately, both groups die when the Lightbringer is destroyed by the black hole, leaving the Borealins with no edible food.
 +2341, Hammer'​s Star--The Hammer Research Group explores the system.
 +August, 2341, Hammer'​s Star--A group of Borealins discovers the remains of the original expedition and reports back to the Republic with news of a habitable world.
 +August, 2342, Hammer'​s Star--The Borealis Republic establishes the colony of Silver Bell.
 +2342, Bluefall, Aegis--The Orion colonists establish the Verge Stock Exchange.
 +2343, Hammer'​s Star--The Hammer Research Group explores the system.
 +2344, Old Space--The Nariac Domain seals a military alliance with VoidCorp and the Dreth Commonwealth.
 +2344, Bluefall, Aegis--Tourism becomes a major industry in Bluefall.
 +2345, Bluefall, Aegis--Governor William Tribane extends an open immigration invitation.
 +2345, Spes, Hammer'​s Star--Spes'​ defensive systems are completed.
 +October, 2345, Spes, Hammer'​s Star--The Borealis Republic delivers a drivesat relay to the system.
 +2345, Old Space--The Adana and the Kurtalan depart Orlamu space for Yellow Sky.
 +February 2346, Yellow Sky, Tychus--The Adana and Kurtalan arrive in Yellow Sky, then leave. The colony of Mount Illumination is established.
 +2346, Tau Ceti--The Mutant Uprising occurs, triggering the Second Galactic War.
 +2346, Bluefall, Aegis--Bluefall'​s population reaches one million.
 +2346, Bluefall, Aegis--Jubilee Hughes is opened.
 +2347, Bluefall, Aegis--Governor William Tribane commits suicide.
 +2348, Bluefall, Aegis--Admiral Patrick Christopher appoints Commander Kathryn Windsor-Lynn as governor, and declares martial law.
 +2348, Antiga, Ignatius--The Taurean Star Republic, desperate to hold off the advances of the Sultanate of Fomalhaut, recalls its troops from Ignatius. The ke'​kekt overrun most of the colonial settlements in response.
 +2348, Storm, Loman--A Rigunmor survey team catalogs and explores the Loman system. ​
 +2349, Old Space--The Thuldan Empire invades and occupes the Taurean Star Republic.
 +June 12, 2349, Corazón de Fuega, Vieron--The Thuldans of Alitar launch a raid against the Sothvec colonists of Vieron.
 +2349, Aegis--Admiral Christopher splits the Verge Fleet into three task forces, sending one to the Stellar Ring, keeping one to defend Aegis, and sending the third to patrol the Verge.
 +2350, The Verge--Heavy Cruiser 319 bombards Diamond Point and several other colonies in nearby systems.
 +2350, Old Space--The prelate of Hopewell dispatches a vessel to contact the colonists at Yellow Sky. It disappears before it gets there.
 +2350, Penates, Lucullus--The Caracas habitat domes are built.
 +2350, Old Space--An Austrin-Ontis fleet attacks the Prophethome,​ destroying valuable government records.
 +May, 2350, Corazón de Fuega, Vieron--The last Sothvec defenders surrender to the Alitarins. The occupation of Vieron begins.
 +2350, Tendril--The first refugees from Old Space arrive, putting economic strain on the Verge.
 +2351, Grith, Corrivale--Plague breaks out in Diamond Point.
 +January, 2351, Tendril--A StarMech supply convoy fails to arrive.
 +2351, Hurricane, Ptolemy--The Workers'​ Colony of Ptolemy rebels after it learns of its parent state'​s concessions to VoidCorp.
 +2351, Old Space--Humanity ceases exploration. Its territory covers some 2,000 light-years.
 +June, 2351, Tendril--Nova Station'​s comm relays are badly damaged in the Burn.
 +2353(52? 51? "150 years ago"), Khiir Cluster, I'krl Theocracy--The I'krl contact Ython Kadar and Vurhyr Lhor during a solar storm, telling them to conquer the Verge and set them free.
 +2353, Grith, Corrivale--Diamond Point is attacked by corsairs.
 +2353, Old Space--The Taurean Star Republic is swallowed up by the Thuldan Empire.
 +2353, Aegis--Admiral Christopher reassigns the Valiant to the Orion fleet in the Stellar Ring.
 +2353, Simon'​s Leap, Annahoy--The indigenous colonists launch an attack against an occupational force, timed in conjunction with the Shamondendra bloom season. They succeed in retaking their planet.
 +2354, Lison, Oberon--Guilder Canary allows the population of Lison to join the local Rigunmor government and military.
 +2354, Bhruusil, Karnath--Kansas Station is all but abandoned by VoidCorp as the Second Galactic War breaks out.
 +2355, Old Space--The Leodal States are crushed by Austrin-Ontis.
 +2355, Hurricane, Ptolemy--Colonel Barak Durenko assumes control over the Workers'​ Colony, ousting its government in a military coup. Shortly after, he turns to piracy in an attempt to gain supplies for his colony.
 +2356, Aegis--Admiral Christopher takes the remains of the Orion Verge Fleet and returns to the Stellar Ring to help the League.
 +September 19, 2356, Old Space--Sothvec Industries surrenders to the Thuldans.
 +2356, Old space--The Anarchist Union, the Sultanate of Fomalhaut and the Taurean Star Republic are conquered by the Thuldans.
 +2356, Old Space--At least half of the existing stellar nations have been swallowed up.
 +2357, Old Space--The Thuldans begin to encroach on the Hatire border.
 +2358, Yellow Sky, Tychus--The Orlamu colonists at Yellow Sky realize that they'​ve been abandoned.
 +2358, The Verge--A depression sets in after the failure of the Tendril drivesat. Many colonists move to well-populated systems, deserting their original homes.
 +2359, Grith, Corrivale--Diamond Point is attacked by corsairs.
 +2359, Old Space--Nu'​itei leads a rebellion in a VoidCorp labor camp.
 +2359, Spes, Hammer'​s Star--The battlecruiser Abstraction arrives in Hammer'​s Star.
 +2360, The Verge--Refugees from the region start to arrive in Tendril, Hammer'​s Star and Aegis, putting economic strain on the three systems.
 +2360, Old Space--The Orions gain the upper hand against Austrin-Ontis.
 +2360, Grith, Corrivale--Diamond Point is invaded by renegade sesheyans, who set up their own colonies.
 +2361, Old Space--The three great alliances are formed.
 +2361, Algemron--The powers of Galvin and Alitar go to war.
 +2362, Old Space--The Hatire deploy a detachment of Mind Knights at the Battle of Morgan'​s Bluff.
 +2362, Corrivale--Diamond Point'​s remaining Hatire colonists flee to Tendril and Oberon.
 +2363(? "140 years ago", poss. 2362 or 2361), I'krl Theocracy--The teln break free of n'sss control.
 +2364, Lison, Oberon--The Lison workers'​ status as wage slaves becomes apparent.
 +2364, Known Space--The Exeat begins as Vurhyr Lhor and his gardhyi, teln and n'sss agents launch a coordinated infiltration of human space. They gather information on the cultures and societies of humans and their allies.
 +2365, Lucullus--Solar aggressions against neighboring colonies stop.
 +2367, Tendril--The Nova Station comm array is brought back online. The Verge learns of the Second Galactic War.
 +2367, Penates, Lucullus--Baron Wertz gains control of the Free Trade Guild.
 +2367, Hammer'​s Star--The Borealin colony learns of Captain Batra'​s cowardice. In response, the captain orders the Abstraction out of the system before he can be court-martialed.
 +2369, Old Space--Hopewell,​ the home of most of the Tychus colonists, is devastated by an orbital bombardment. All record of the colony is destroyed.
 +2369, Powder--Colonel Jane Merrick dies.
 +2370, Old Space--Merrick'​s Personal Security Report makes its first transstellar publication.
 +2370, Hathorn--The Exeat'​s intelligence agents establish a number of secret bases in the system.
 +2372, Old Space--The Borealis Republic joins the FreeSpace Alliance after losing a chunk of its space to the Thuldans.
 +2372, Old Space--The Profit alliance is formed.
 +2373, Lison, Oberon--A strike breaks out in a Tribon, then erupts into full-blown revolt. The Rigunmor rulers of Lison are massacred. The ULS is established as the new government.
 +2374, Hurricane, Ptolemy--Cero Hellis kills Colonel Durenko and becomes Lord of Ptolemy.
 +2375, Kendai--The Battle of Kendai is fought, during which the drivespace link to the Verge is destroyed. The Long Silence begins.
 +2377, Lucullus--The last Solar supply vessel reaches Lucullus.
 +2377, Aegis--Acting Governor Windsor-Lynn forms the BEACON project.
 +2380, Old Space--The Dreth Commonwealth fleet is defeated by the Rigunmors.
 +2381, Hathorn--Parak Martis and his colleagues arrive in-system aboard a destroyer with a klick escort. They set to work creating further infrastructure,​ including comm relays and additional habitats.
 +2383, Galvin, Algemron--The Federal State of Algemron overthrows the original colonial government.
 +2383, Old Space--VoidCorp changes its species codes to mark all Old Earth life forms as unclaimed.
 +2384, Bluefall, Aegis--Governor Windsor-Lynn dies in her sleep. Acting Governor Sapienza takes over her duties.
 +2385, Penates, Lucullus--The Mill 117 Strike occurs. Over a hundred protestors are killed by SCAd police, and a full-scale revolt begins as the penal colonists rise up against their Solar rulers.
 +2386, Adalcus, Old Space--A VoidCorp fleet invades Dreth space and devastates Adalcus.
 +2386, Dioscuri, Lucullus--Point Janus is located and destroyed by SCAd.
 +2387, Penates, Lucullus--The last Solar holding on Penates falls to the Barons.
 +2387, Galvin, Algemron--Supreme Commander Stenerude relocates the Galvinite capital from Rhesa Bhar to Fort Drum.
 +September, 2388, Dewi--A fleet of eight Dreth vessels arrives in the system, carrying Joshua Kanar and several Dreth officials. ​
 +2389, Dewi--Joshua Kanar goes into exile after being branded a traitor by his aides.
 +2389, Yellow Sky, Tychus--An expedition from Yellow Sky accidentally releases a dimensional horror while exploring a Stoneburner site. The horror follows the team to Mount Illumination,​ and slaughters many colonists before it is killed.
 +2393, Penates, Lucullus--Boss Clavin of Union Penates is assassinated.
 +2394, Old Space--Insight representatives meet and share information with the FreeSpace Alliance.
 +2395, Bluefall, Aegis--Governor Sapienza initiates Operation Safe Haven.
 +2398, Old Space--The Orlamu Theocracy begins construction of the Lighthouse of Faith. ​
 +2398, Penates, Lucullus--The Supervisors oust the gang in control of Caracas and take the dome for themselves.
 +2400, Old Space--Insight starts planning for its rebellion.
 +2400, Kurg, Tinnale--The weren raiding cultures start to lose influence as the townland weren counter their raids.
 +2401, Songham--The Battle of Songham occurs, and the Expansion Pentad is countered. The tentative alliance between Profit and the FreeSpace Alliance ends.
 +2402, Old Space--The Lighthouse is completed, a year behind schedule. ​
 +2404, Algemron--The two governments in the system agree to a cease-fire.
 +2405, Corazón de Fuega, Vieron--The Alitarin government recalls its troops from the system.
 +2405, Tendril--The SMS Augustine arrives in the system.
 +2409, Hurricane, Ptolemy--Cero Hellis dies. His son, Uric Hellis, becomes Lord of Ptolemy.
 +2414, Yellow Sky, Tychus--The trader Jacland enters the system, and begins gouging the Orlamu colonists for ore.
 +June 25, 2414, Brallis--A scout named Garvey lands on the planet, carrying a map leading to a cache of artifacts. He equips his ship, the Finders Keepers, and vanishes.
 +2415, Old Space--The Thuldan Empire is pushed back.
 +2415, Hudson, Rinstoke--The Orion government of Bluefall establishes the Baffin Island outpost.
 +2419, Penates, Lucullus--The Barons meet and create the Lucullan League.
 +2422, Old Space--The StarMech Collective begins construction of the first Warhulks.
 +2430, Old Space--The three alliances are at maximum military strength.
 +2430, The Verge--The Redman-Smith Trading Corporation is formed.
 +2433, Old Space--Insight assists the Orion League in a key Grid battle against VoidCorp.
 +2436, Zin Point--A number of raids are launched against outposts in the system. The attackers are later identified as n'sss, and the attack provides the first information about the species.
 +2440, Old Space--Insight develops a plan to relocate some of its intelligence personnel to Karnath.
 +July 28, 2442, Redatrat--The Borealin fleet is destroyed.
 +August 13, 2442, Old Space--The Borealins and Orions hold talks.
 +2442, Alaundril, Tendril--Howard Larabee sells a number of ancient fraal artifacts. One of his crew divulges information about the cache'​s source, and his ship disappears after leaving the planet.
 +2445, Atlas, Tendril--The archaeologists aboard the Augustine unearth an artifact on Atlas.
 +2445, Hurricane, Ptolemy--Vardye Hellis is appointed Lord of Ptolemy after his father dies.
 +2448, Tendril--The alien artifact previously unearthed on Atlas is installed aboard the Augustine.
 +November 23, 2448 14:22:36, Tendril--The alien artifact is activated. At 15:29:42, Nova Station stops receiving data from the experiment, and is struck by a massive shockwave at 15:30:07.
 +2448, Old Space--A group of Insight intelligence assets leaves the Stellar Ring for Karnath.
 +2448, I'krl Theocracy--The Theocracy sends more forces to the Lightning Nebula as its military plans out the Exeat.
 +2448 (47? 46? "55 years ago", Qualv (IV and) VIII, Qualv--The Qualvans and Krosh rebel against the I'krl Theocracy with the aid of xarian technology and the Doln stellar fleet. Both their homeworlds are bombarded in retaliation.
 +2449, Bhruusil, Karnath--A group of Inseer insiders arrives on Bhruusil and recolonizes Kansas Station.
 +2450, Marybelle, Argos--Stage two of the terraforming effort, the cooling of the planet, ends successfully.
 +2451, Tendril--Kane Williams dies of radiation sickness, leaving Ion Productions to his grandson, Scott.
 +2451, Bluefall, Aegis--The planet'​s population is more than 10 million.
 +2451, Algemron--The teln are brought to the system.
 +2452, Penates, Lucullus--The Picts seize control of a quarter of the planet. (Mentioned on pp 50 of ZP, but I think it's redundant to the prior date for the revolt.)
 +July 22, 2452, Aegis--The Vanishing occurs, caused by the deepfallen. In the I'krl Theocracy, members of the priesthood are possessed by the I'krl, as they use the dimensional breach to enter the minds of their followers. The new krl'​yth perform miracles using their new powers.
 +2452(53? Within a year of the Vanishing), I'krl Theocracy--The I'krl send visions of the Verge to Vurhyr Lhor, Paratak Trewys and Ython Kadar, telling them to conquer it in their name.
 +2454, Old Space--Insight representatives meet with Warthen Hale.
 +2454, Aegis--Most of the Bluefall navy abandons the system, making for the Stellar Ring, or elsewhere in the Verge. A few colonists opt to resettle Bluefall.
 +2455, Tendril--Alaundril passes a new law, giving itself the authority to reassign mining claims that haven'​t been worked in ten years.
 +2456, Ericis--Warthen Hale sends his son Christopher to the Starcrest military academy.
 +2457, Ericis--Christopher Hale begins to assemble a circle of allies at Starcrest, while calling for an end to the war.
 +2457, The Verge--The thaal arrive in the Verge, locating an ancient fraal city-ship. They strip it of its engines, then launch the derelict into space. It later ends up in Oberon.
 +2458, Ericis--In response to Starcrest'​s faculty, Christopher Hale forms the Student Reform Coalition.
 +2459, Ericis--Kalden leaves Kurg to attend the Ericis Military Academy.
 +2459, Ericis--The SRC disrupts a graduation ceremony at Starcrest, and many of its members, including Christopher Hale, are arrested. Student rebellion breaks out on the planet.
 +2459, Hathorn--The sifarv deliver three dreadnoughts with full crews to Hathorn, avoiding encounters with human scout vessels.
 +February 5, 2460, Old Space--Insight declares its independence and moves to former Dreth space.
 +May 10, 2460, Old Space--The VoidCorp Grid crashes.
 +2460, Ericis--The rebellion spreads throughout Ericis, and the planet declares independence from the Orion League. Christopher Hale leads a group of disaffected Orions to the Verge in the Flight from Ericis, as the planet surrenders to the League.
 +2460, Belatu, Dewi--Construction begins on the Belatu Research Facility, led by a group of scientists from Lauceston.
 +2460, Bluefall, Aegis--The colonists of Erialis die of a mysterious plague. (**)
 +2461, Old Space--The Union of Sol's Dyclyffe Campaign, a series of raids into Orlamu space, culminates in the destruction of the Lighthouse. ​
 +August 6, 2461, Alitar, Algemron--The FSA Ajax lands in Beronin and detonates a fusion bomb, destroying most of the city and killing over half a million of its citizens.
 +2461, Old Space--The Thuldans'​ advance into StarMech space comes to a halt.
 +2461, Old Space--Warthen Hale makes a speech, disowning Christopher Hale and revoking the citizenship of the people aboard his armada. He orders that they leave Orion space, but recalls the ships hunting them.
 +2462, Old Space--VoidCorp opens secret talks with the gardhyi, eventually forming a highly secret alliance between the Company the the I'krl Theocracy'​s forces.
 +2462, Old Space--Christopher Hale orders his armada to head for the Orion border.
 +2462-63, Galvin, Algemron--The Alitarins bombard Galvin with Red Rain microbes.
 +2463, Old Space--Christopher Hale's fleet heads for the Verge.
 +2463(02? 01? "40 years ago"), I'krl Theocracy--The Trillaari fleet breaks away from the Theocracy, turning to piracy to break the thaal hold on the sifarv.
 +2464, Aegis--Hale'​s fleet reaches the system.
 +2464, Bluefall, Aegis--Jubilee Hughes is reopened.
 +2465, Bluefall, Aegis--The people aboard Hale's fleet revive the deserted colonies on Bluefall. The Regency of Bluefall is created, and Hale is appointed leader.
 +2465, Alkaid--The leaders of the three alliances meet to discuss conditions for peace.
 +2465, Lorient, Dewi--Joshua Kanar comes out of hiding to make an alliance with the government of Lorient.
 +2466, The Verge--Vardye Hellis leads a corsair raid on the Regency. His squadron is driven off by the Regency fleet, which follows it back to Ptolemy and destroys most of the fortifications and shipyard facilities there.
 +2466, Old Space--The CSS Nomad is constructed at an Orion League shipyard.
 +2466, Old Space--Pyotr Sokolov is born.
 +2468, Bluefall, Aegis--The Verge governments meet on Bluefall and create the Verge Confederation.
 +2468, Alitar, Algemron--The Galvinites launch an invasion of Alitar, capturing nearly one fifth of the planet'​s surface.
 +2469, The Verge--Christopher Hale realizes that the Verge Confederation is too weak to be an effective government.
 +2469, Novo Tver--Pyotr Sokolov is born (Hm. The character sheet in ZPP says that he was born in 2469, but pp 128 says that he was born six years before the war ended. It also mentions that he was eleven when he moved into the internment camp, and fifteen when he was caught and sent to the NID.) 
 +2470, Old Space--The Orion League begins the construction of several more Trinity-class vessels.
 +2470, Bluefall, Aegis--The Regency Sea Navy is established. Mary Kytola is appointed as its Secretary.
 +2470, Old Space--The Warhulk Ares 22 is heavily damaged during a battle with a Thuldan fleet, and travels off through normal space in search of the resources it needs to conduct repairs.
 +2470, Algemron--The Alitarins launch a counter-attack,​ liberating half of the territory previously siezed by the Galvinites.
 +2470, Hathorn--VoidCorp constructs a small foldspace comms-relay on Fharuthen'​s fourth moon. It also builds a small colony in the system.
 +2472, Old Space--The Treaty of Concord is signed, recognizing 12 stellar nations and creating the Galactic Concord. The Second Galactic War ends.
 +2474, Old Space--Galindus is installed as the First Prophet of the Orlamu Theocracy.
 +2476, Penates, Lucullus--Marius Grayes'​ father relocates his family from Antigua to Penates, and opens a bar in Port Royal.
 +2477, Dewi--The Belatu Research Board, a private institution dedicated to the study of Belatu and Dewi, is formed. ​
 +2478, Bluefall, Aegis--The Depth Epsilon project is begun.
 +2480, Bluefall, Aegis--The planet'​s economy booms, making it one of the largest centers for trade in the Verge.
 +2480, Spes, Hammer'​s Star--Half of the planet'​s industries are dedicated to defense.
 +2481, Old Space--Skirmishes break out along the Rigunmor-Borealin border.
 +2481, Old Space--The year of an Itrius census.
 +August 2481, Novo Tver--Pyotr Sokolov is arrested for the murder of a gang member, and incarcerated. (This conflicts with the later date, which was listed in ZPP.)
 +August 31, 2481, Novo Tver--Durenkovic visits Sokolov in his cell, and recruits him to the NID. (See note for date above. It mentions that Sokolov is fifteen at the time, which conflicts with one listed birthdate.)
 +2482, Old Space--The Concord dollar becomes the standard currency.
 +November 14, 2483, Old Space--Sabine Taraen is born.
 +2483, Penates, Lucullus--Marius Grayes takes up work as an enforcer for Kit Masen.
 +2484, Rinstoke--The Regency Stellar Navy locates the Galvinite cruiser Sunhawk in the system and destroys it.
 +2485, Armstrong--The human colonies in-system are decimated by kroath forces.
 +2485, Bluefall, Aegis--A group of corporations and economic interests meet, and re-establish the Verge Stock Exchange.
 +2485, Novo Tver--Pete Sokolov attracts the attention of an NID recruiter after being caught during a robbery. He is drafted by the organization and equipped with top-notch cyberware.
 +2486, Spes, Hammer'​s Star--Spes is attacked by a squadron of well-organized,​ unknown vessels.
 +2486, The Verge--Albert Van Der Kade leaves behind his corsair fleet and joins the Redman-Smith Trading Corp.
 +2486, Bluefall, Aegis--The evrem, in response to the destruction of one of their crystal-ships, ​ send blix boarders to sabotage three kroath battleships. One battleship arrives in Aegis, and the blix abandon it before it self-destructs.
 +2487, Old Space--The Third Battalion of the 26th Regiment is formed.
 +2487, Bhruusil, Karnath--Insight technicians develop the first cybertechnology for bhruu.
 +July 13, 2488, Old Space--Gavin Taraen is born.
 +2488, Galvin, Algemron--Supreme Commander Sheref rises to power.
 +2488, Bluefall, Aegis--The Steadfast Islands are renamed in honor of their governor and his family.
 +May 3, 2489, Spes, Hammer'​s Star--The Borealin colony Silver Bell is attacked and destroyed by the klicks.
 +2489, Oberon--Marcus Corge strikes out for Hammer'​s Star after he loses his job at an asteroid mine.
 +2489, Ohmel, Coulomb--Robert Sarban'​s daughter is killed by Cyclops. ​
 +2489, Bluefall, Aegis--Christopher Hale creates the Regency Stellar Navy, and appoints Jane Tolson as its Secretary.
 +2489, Bluefall, Aegis--The Regency resettles Erialis Island.
 +2489, The Verge--In repsonse to the destruction of Silver Bell, many Verge colonies shore up their own defenses.
 +2490, Bluefall, Aegis--The Verge Confederation meets to discuss the destruction of Silver Bell.
 +2490, The Verge--The attackers at Armstrong are first identified as the kroath.
 +2490, Ferrand, Dewi--Brian Corella is elected governor of Ferrand.
 +2490, Cheerghun, Karnath--A survey of the planet is conducted.
 +2490, Penates, Lucullus--Kit Masen dies in an aircar accident, leaving Marius Grayes to assume command of his organization.
 +March 2491, Talbott, Focault Belt--Construction begins on Thorn Industries'​ shipyard in the Talbott system.
 +May, 2491, Talbott, Delille--The first supply shipment is delivered to the construction teams at Thorn. ​
 +2491, Terivine--The crew of the Desert Wind discovers the planet Rivendale after a navigation error.
 +2491, Bluefall, Aegis--The Acrim Desalination Facility is opened.
 +2491, Old Space--Pete Sokolov is assigned to an NID black ops team.
 +2492, Rivendale, Terivine--The powers of Alaundril and Bluefall divide Rivendale amongst themselves, agreeing to a 70-30 split.
 +2492, Ohmel, Coulomb--Robert Sarban'​s wife is killed by Cyclops.
 +2492, Lison, Oberon--Spacer'​s mother passes away, leaving him in the care of his grandmother.
 +2492, Penates, Lucullus--Geille Monashi takes up a job with HelixTech, leaving the slums of Santiago.
 +2493, Bluefall, Aegis--Construction begins on Depth Zeta.
 +2494, Rivendale, Terivine--A fraal scientist discovers the riglia.
 +2494, Old Space--The ITV Manticore is converted on the line.
 +2494, Old Space--The Canis Epsilon Two Incident occurs. A NID black ops team is sent in to clean up the affected facility, and is infected by the metal plague. The team's sole survivor, Pete Sokolov, escapes after sterilizing the area with a fusion device. (pp 147 of ZP says "the Domain abanded him five years ago", from 2502. Conflict?)
 +2494. Arist, Hammer'​s Star--Burwab becomes the Council Chief of West Lodge.
 +2495, Old Space--The Nomad is attacked by a Thuldan-built privateer vessel while working in an Orion border system. Captain Vermillion is killed in the conflict, as is half of the ship's crew.
 +2495, Old Space--Samantha Thirdway organizes a strike among the scouts working for the SSC.
 +2495, Old Space--The Concord holds a high-profile diplomatic conference, during which Administrator Wakefield makes several prominent arrests.
 +2495, Tendril--The Regency meets with the government of Alaundril to discuss Operation Homecoming, a joint mission to the Stellar Ring. 
 +November 11, 2496, Kendai--The drivesat relay is reconstructed,​ and Silver Bell's distress colony is heard. A fleet is dispatched to the Verge to assess the situation. Operation Homecoming is canceled. ​
 +2496, Old Space--The CSS is formed by the Galactic Concord, and Samantha Thirdway is appointed as its Acting Director.
 +2496, Old Space--Damion Witzko graduates from the Concord Military Academy.
 +2496, Yellow Sky, Tychus--The Prince Albert Mine begins operation.
 +2496, The Verge--The region finds out that the Second Galactic War is over.
 +2496, Bluefall, Aegis--Message traffic increases in the system.
 +2496, Bluefall, Aegis--The blix arrive in the Aegis system.
 +2496, Old Space--The Galactic Consulate reaches its maximum size.
 +2496, Galvin, Algemron--Major Norrik is infected by a teln parasite.
 +2497, Old Space--The Galactic Concord ties the CSS in with its own Bureau of Public Information.
 +2497, Old Space--Bruce Hale makes a speech honoring the CSS Nomad and its crew.
 +February 11, 2497, Aegis--The Monitor arrives in the system.
 +2497, The Verge--The Concord fortress ship Monitor tours the region.
 +2497, The Verge--Paul Ettekoven appears in the region.
 +2497, Zin Point--The Monitor visits the system. A local informs its captain of the existence of the Hloewton system.
 +2497, Yellow Sky, Tychus--Brother Magnus Kalman arrives on the planet.
 +2497, The Verge--The Verge Confederation meets to discuss the Return.
 +2497, Bluefall, Aegis--The Concord assumes control of the VSE, and starts pushing for the establishment of the Concord Dollar as the region'​s currency.
 +2497, Aegis--The last peak in the star's sunspot cycle.
 +2497, Old Space--Sokolov has his present nanocomputer,​ Nancy, installed, along with a cybernetic arm.
 +2497, Old Space--The Regency of Bluefall commissions the dreadnought Sanctuary from StarMech shipyards.
 +2497, Atlas, Tendril--Archaeological activity on Atlas starts to increase.
 +2497, Grith, Corrivale--A colony of sesheyans is discovered on Grith.
 +2497, Bluefall, Aegis--The Regency commissions a dreadnought from StarMech shipyards.
 +2497, Bluefall, Aegis--The Orlamus purchase Jort.
 +2497, Dewi--The Poulton arrives in the system. The two Administrators aboard declare the New Dreth Commonwealth to be an independent nation.
 +2497, Bluefall, Aegis--Children of Mars is released.
 +2497, Karppolla--The Monitor first surveys the system, noting the need for a surveilance post near Lison.
 +2497, Old Space--Heoren DeValk is appointed the planetary administrator of Bhruusil.
 +2497, Lison, Oberon--The citizens of Lison vote to rejoin the Rigunmor Star Consortium, but repeal the motion after President Kevik broadcasts the Rigunmor Tapes. The Reunification Revolt occurs, claiming the lives of hundreds.
 +2497, Lison, Oberon--A mob of Lisoners lynches a Rigunmor businessman near the Justice Dome. Spacer is among them.
 +March 23, 2497, Hammer'​s Star--The Monitor arrives in-system, then heads back to the Stellar Ring after deploying troops and fleets.
 +August, 2497, Hammer'​s Star--The Borealis Republic begins deploying warships to the region to defend Silver Bell. In addition, it begins to re-settle Silver Bell.
 +September 13, 2497, Algemron--Michael Thayne issues the Monitor Mandate.
 +October 28, 2497, The Lightning Nebula--Doctor Blackmore and his assistants board the Unity Gain. Gillan shows them the victims of the strange ylem-disease.
 +October 30, 2497, The Lightning Nebula--Blackmore prepares a report, then discusses the nature of the Ylem with Gillan.
 +October 31, 2497, The Lightning Nebula--Gillan evacuates the rest of the Unity Gain's sane crew, but stays behind with Blackmore and the fraal. They are contacted by some strange entity, which drives Blackmore insane.
 +2497, The Lightning Nebula--The Starfarer, an independent scout ship, discovers star tree pods inside the nebula.
 +January 1, 2498, Yellow Sky, Tychus--First Prophet Galindus delivers an encyclical to the Orlamu populace.
 +2498, Old Space--Ares 22 reaches a system with the resources it needs to fix its stardrive, and begins repairs.
 +2498, Alitar, Algemron--General Murrad leads an assault on the Big Slate Mountains, reclaiming them for the ISA.
 +2498, Mikoa III, Mikoa--Ivan Urbina is appointed governor of the Mikoa colony.
 +2498, Nike orbit, Corrivale--The Repulse brings Omega Station to Corrivale. ​
 +2498, Aegis--Orlamu vessels arrive in-system to investigate the Vanishing. They purchase Jort.
 +2498, The Verge--Copil Temma contacts Peter Breel, and recruits him to provide funds for Thorn Industries.
 +2498, Bluefall, Aegis--Nadine Cox becomes the leader of the Regency Army.
 +2498, Bluefall, Aegis--Borealin colonists construct a number of settlements on Cesar Island.
 +2498, Flotsam, Aegis--Research Station Echo is constructed.
 +2498, Bluefall, Aegis--Construction begins on Depth Eta.
 +2498, Raeb, Aegis--The Regency Survey Ship Aspirar crashes on Raeb, killing all aboard. The cause of the crash remains a mystery.
 +2498, Spes, Hammer'​s Star--Silver Bell holds its first election.
 +2498, Spes, Hammer'​s Star--The Boman Corp. establishes several terraforming stations on the Hegel continent.
 +2489, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--Kuhudag settles down at West Lodge.
 +2498, The Vicek Belt, Hammer'​s Star--A VoidCorp passenger liner is attacked by pirates, and its crew is slaughtered. VoidCorp locates the pirates'​ base of operations, then broadcasts a radio transmission with its coordinates. The base is subsequently destroyed by an unknown party.
 +March, 2498, Aegis--Thuldan vessels arrive in the system. They Thuldans attempt to invade Regency Island, but are routed by Bluefall'​s military.
 +March 24, 2498, Old Space--In a speech before the Galactic Consulate, Michael Thayne proposes that the Lighthouse of Faith be refitted and brought to the Verge.
 +2498, Antigua, Ignatius--Lenda Michir wins the Antigua Cup.
 +June, 2498, Yellow Sky, Tychus--A group of Orlamu xenoarchaeologists,​ led by Doctor Emilu Laarus, sets out to study the monoliths of Yellow Sky.
 +August, 2498, Redcrown, Aegis--Wayne Bailey, acting on behalf of VoidCorp, agrees to hide a small n'sss base on Redcrown within a VoidCorp gas mine.
 +2498, Old Space--The Integration Act is passed.
 +2498, Karnath--VoidCorp begins to transfer personnel to the system.
 +2498, Karnath--VoidCorp resurveys the system.
 +2498, Bhruusil, Karnath--Insight creates the Demon, a Class X menace program designed to invade VoidCorp'​s computer systems.
 +2498, Lucullus--An evrem city-ship arrives in the system.
 +2498, Penates, Lucullus--The Alaundril government appoints an ambassador to Port Royal.
 +2498, Bluefall, Aegis--By the end of the year, all of the stellar nations have claimed soverign territory on the planet.
 +2499 (2501?), Karppolla--The Concord frigate Amsterdam uncovers a number of large objects in orbit around the system'​s primary. It attempts to scan them with probes, but fails.
 +March 2499, Bluefall, Aegis--Mitchell Taraen moves his family to Bluefall.
 +March 3, 2499 (2501?), The Verge--The Concord requests help from a group of Orlamu xenoarchaeologists,​ hoping to find out what the objects in Karppolla are.
 +March 23, 2499--The Lighthouse arrives in Tendril.
 +March 23, 2499, Bluefall, Aegis--The Taraen family disappears during a vacation on Bluefall.
 +2499, Bluefall, Aegis--The Concord consulate on Diandes is completed.
 +April 11, 2499, Algemron--The Bone Hunters attack a tradesman in the Algemron system, and ritually murder its passengers and crew.
 +2499, Zefir, Talbott--Albert Van Der Kade claims the asteroid as his own personal residence.
 +2499, Aegis--The Concord cruiser Decouverte conducts an analysis of the system'​s primary.
 +2499, The Lighthouse, The Verge--The Redman-Smith Trading Corp transfers its headquarters from Alaundril to the Lighthouse.
 +May 7, 2499, Old Space--The Kepler makes starfall at Kendai.
 +2499, Grith, Corrivale--Ari Mahdra issues the Mahdra Ruling.
 +2499, Tendril--Alaundril gives control of Nova Station to StarMech.
 +2499, Alaundril, Tendril--StarMech is granted membership on the Common Council.
 +June 9, 2499 (2501?), Karppolla--The VCM Endgame arrives in the system, and is attacked and chased off by the Amsterdam.
 +June 20, 2499 (2501?), Old Space--The Concord'​s Administrator Generals meet to discuss the situation at Karppolla. ​
 +2499, Vomisa, Aegis--VoidCorp establishes a mining base.
 +2499, Bluefall, Aegis--Nur al-Haq is appointed Deputy Ambassador to Bluefall.
 +2499, Bluefall, Aegis--The Orion League purchases Saber Island. ​
 +2499, Bluefall, Aegis--The Galactic Concord completes its consulate on Hughes Island.
 +2499, Dewi--A census is conducted by the New Dreth Commonwealth.
 +2499, Tendril--A group of CFN agents sabotages a StarMech cruiser.
 +November 22, 2499, Lhop, Aegis--A Thuldan destroyer attacks and destroys a VoidCorp transport after it fails to answer a hail. 
 +Late 2499, Bluefall, Aegis--Christopher Hale secretly commissions the formation of an elite unit of Mindwalkers.
 +Late 2499, Hathorn--The full Exeat fleet arrives in the Verge, including four fortress ships and Ython Kadar'​s cathedral ship.
 +2499, Antigua, Ignatius--Lenda Michir wins the Antigua Cup.
 +2499, Lucullus--Pyotr Sokolov appears in-system after encountering trouble with his former employer, StarMech, in Tendril (Hm. pp 85 mentions that it was "one year ago". However, the date attached to the encounter with the Medurr ship in TFB was "​2502",​ so either one might not be accurate."​
 +2499, Argos--The kroath lead an attack on the system, and are repelled by Concord forces.
 +2499, Bhruusil, Karnath--The Meenh abhaal breaks away from the Chuunh abhaal.
 +2499, The Verge--A Concord cruiser engages and destroys a n'sss frigate. The Concord retrieves the bodies of several of its crewmen and starts to study them in earnest.
 +2499, Strome--VoidCorp tests Organism Omega on a barren moon. The Demon subsequently purges all files pertaining to it from the local Grid.
 +2499-2500, The Verge--The CSV Kepler conducts a detailed xenobiological survey of the region.
 +2500, Yellow Sky, Tychus--The crew of the CSV Kepler unearths a strange Stoneburner artifact during a survey mission, and returns it to Mount Illumination.
 +2500, Focault Belt, Talbott--Thorn Industries produces its first space fighter.
 +2500, Ion, Talbott--Ion Amusement Park opens its doors for the first time.
 +2500, Alaundril, Tendril--Celestial Entertainment Limited opens an entertainment complex in Babel.
 +2500, Alaundril, Tendril--Prelate Memorn begins his tour of the region.
 +2500, Alaundril, Tendril--Prelate Memorn meets with Scott Williamson to arrange the sale of Orlamu stardrives to Ion Productions.
 +2500, Alaundril, Tendril--Michael Thayne meets with the Seers of Torai.
 +2500, Alaundril, Tendril--A Magus is sighted inside Ion Productions'​ shipyards.
 +2500, Bhruusil, Karnath--Insight classifies all data from telescopes viewing Cheerghun.
 +2500, Algemron--The last light freighter makes it through the Galvinites'​ blockade of Alitar.
 +2500, Alitar, Algemron--GeoVenture discovers large quantities of superheavy elements within an asteroid crater. Most of the survey team is later killed by Galvinite agents, who set up a covert mine in the area.
 +January, 2500, The Lighthouse, The Verge--The Redman-Smith Trading Corp finishes negotiations with the Concord, allowing it to charge a tax on all transactions taking place within the vicinity of the Lighthouse.
 +2500, The Lighthouse, The Verge--Station Administrator Wayne Rice resigns after TVN uncovers records of deals made between him and VoidCorp. He later returns to the station to try and clear his name.
 +February, 2500, the Verge--A Concord installation is attacked by an External force. Corporal Pleski informs Avatar of the true nature of the Kroath.
 +February, 2500, Tendril--The Twelve Clutch arrives in Tendril.
 +Spring 2500, The Lighthouse, The Verge--Malcom Mercadian purchases the Corner.
 +2500, The Lighthouse, The Verge--Professor Ariken Lenormantit retires.
 +2500, The Verge--The Concord establishes a number of bases in strategic locations in the Verge.
 +12:02 PM GST, March 24, 2500, Tendril--The Twelve Clutch encounters the I'krl during a test of its experimental stardrive. The collective possesses the ship's computers, and it disappears into drivespace, not returning at its scheduled time.
 +2500, Bluefall, Aegis--Citizens for a Free Republic is formed.
 +April 15, 2500, Tendril--The Twelve Clutch reappears in normal space before the I'krl and its malfunctioning stardrive drag it back into drivespace.
 +2500, Bluefall, Aegis--Rejinald Garcia publishes an article in the Regency Journal of Theoretical Studies, citing evidence that Bluefall was terraformed.
 +2500, Nova Station, Tendril--A group of CFN terrorists attempt to destroy Nova Station'​s drivesats. They are killed in transit to the station when their ship mysteriously explodes.
 +2500, Spes, Hammer'​s Star--The average temperature of Spes increases by a record three degrees celsius.
 +2500, Vallis Station, Hammer'​s Star--The Concord starts routing personnel assigned to the system through Alcazar and the Vition and Inamorata.
 +May 21, 2500, Tendril--The Twelve Clutch appears in normal space again.
 +June, 2500, Aegis--The Regency makes first contact with the deepfallen.
 +June 26, 2500, (2501? Labeled as that in Externals.) Tendril--The Twelve Clutch emerges in normal space, broadcasting the word "​I'​krl"​ before disappearing again.
 +2500, Kluumalun, Karnath--StarMech constructs a small refueling station on the planet.
 +2500, Bhruusil, Karnath--The Twelve Ducks make their first appearance.
 +August, 2500, Bluefall, Aegis--Depth Epsilon falls victim to an undersea earthquake, and most of its crew is killed. In reality, the base has been partially flooded and turned into a consulate for the deepfallen.
 +2500, Aegis--A convoy from the Stellar Ring arrives in-system with no warning. A drivespace detector is installed aboard Research Station Echo.
 +2500, Antigua, Ignatius--Guiseppe Hauck wins the Antigua Cup.
 +2500, Redcrown, Aegis--VoidCorp begins construction of a gas mine at the planet'​s equator.
 +September, 2500, The Lighthouse, The Verge--CFN claims responsibility for a bombing that destroys Jilly'​s Den, a bar on the Lighthouse. Several CFN members are subsequently arrested by the Concord.
 +Fall, 2500, Algemron--The Bone Hunters attack a scientific outpost in the Algemron system, and kill many of its personnel before escaping.
 +2500, Old Space--Administrator Tiras' and ambassador Tomakis'​ decision is ratified by the Galactic Court.
 +November, 2500, Bluefall, Aegis--The Bone Hunters murder a group of students and children on a field trip to Bluefall'​s Regency Mountains.
 +November 30, 2500, The Verge--Avatar files a Grid report.
 +December 2500, Nova Station, Tendril--The n'sss send a magus to assassinate four Old Space diplomats who are attempting to secure mining rights to Sperous (Pox?). The magus savagely murders three of them, as well as several others, before it is captured by StarMech security.
 +2500, Lucullus--The Mob arrives in system and sets up a base in Caracas.
 +2500, Alaundril, Tendril, The Verge--A group of CFN terrorists infiltrate the Orion League embassy in Babel, covering a massive robbery elsewhere in the city.
 +2500, Tendril, The Verge--Maria Williamson is "​kidnapped"​ by a group of Nariac operatives, as part of a scheme to give the Domain mining rights to Pox and its moons.
 +December 21, 2500, The Verge--Avatar files a Grid report from Tendril.
 +2500, Lison, Oberon--Two VoidCorp plant inspectors are killed in a refinery explosion.
 +Early 2501, Hathorn--The Theocracy'​s world-comm array comes online.
 +January, 2501, Antigua, Ignatius--A group of Hatire colonists arrives on Antigua, possibly hoping to minister to the ke'​kekt.
 +January 14, 2501, Old Space--A CIB gridshadow tells a member of the Executive Council that one of the witnesses in the Aanghel case has been murdered, on the orders of Pe Terei.
 +January 16, 2501, Grith, Corrivale--One of two witnesses in the case against Aanghel Osui'​ike dies of unknown causes while in Hatire custody.
 +January 16, 2501, Grith, Corrivale--Celestial Entertainment Limited proposes a merger to the executives of Aanghel Enterprises.
 +2501, Focault Belt, Talbott--Thorn Industries shipyards produces its first corvette-class vessel.
 +January 29, 2501, Outer Belt, Corrivale--The Concord assaults and captures a space station belonging to the Qaliban Corporation,​ claiming it was developing an illegal mutagen.
 +2501, Grith, Corrivale--The Concord organizes an expedition to the moon's ruined cities, incorporating representives from the Aanghel family and the Hatire diocese.
 +2501, Grith, Corrivale--Diocesan Kola Entele issues an indictment against Aanghel Osui'​ike.
 +2501, Corrivale--Diocesan Entele reportedly makes a deal with VoidCorp.
 +2501, Corrivale--A group of Concord Marines capture a live kroath and bring it back to Omega Station for study.
 +2501, Corrivale--The Concord discovers and assaults a kroath base on Lordan.
 +2501, The Verge--McLachlan Spacelines sets up shop in the Verge.
 +2501, The Lighthouse, The Verge--The Orion ambassador retires.
 +2501, Exile--The Lighthouse arrives in-system.
 +2501, Grith, Corrivale--An estimated date for the trial of Aanghel Osui'​ike.
 +2501, Antigua, Ignatius--The governor of Cape Maris posts a standing bounty on all sea-dwelling ke'​kekt.
 +2501, Antigua, Ignatius--In response to Governor Alomar'​s bounty, the ke'​kekt plan an assault on Cape Maris.
 +February, 2501, Tendril--The Nariac Domain negotiates with StarMech for the rights to Pox's moons.
 +February 6, 2501, The Verge--Avatar files a report on the Ignatius system.
 +February 7, 2501, Omega Station--The Concord holds the first Lordan Conference aboard Omega Station. It lasts three days.
 +February, 2501, Omega Station--The Fhei'​irre Consortium plots to move a packet of data to its headquarters aboard Omega Station in order to undermine VoidCorp'​s claim to Lordan.
 +February, 2501, Aegis--The newly-built Sanctuary arrives at Aegis. ​
 +February, 2501, Rakke, Hammer'​s Star--The Concord forces at Hammer'​s Star clash with the klicks during the Battle of Rakke. Though the Concord sustains heavy infantry casualties, it gains a great deal of information regarding the arachnids.
 +February 25(?), 2501, Omega Station, Corrivale, 10:47 PM--A group of Concord security officers discovers and kills several klicks trying to sabotage Omega Station'​s framework. (Third day of the Lordan Conference. Dates are wrong?)
 +2501, Bluefall, Aegis--The planet'​s population reaches 427 million.
 +2501, Bluefall, Aegis--The Regency grants permission to visit the deepfallen to Rejinald Garcia and his team.
 +March, 2501, Hammer'​s Star--The 1st Platoon of Mercury Company leads an assault on a klick base, claiming it for the Concord.
 +March 19, 2501, The Verge--Avatar files a Grid report on the Corrivale system.
 +March 22, 2501, Lucullus--The freighter Zekip'​s Hope enters drivespace, bound for Aegis.
 +March 27, 2501, Aegis--The Zekip'​s Hope starrises, and explodes shortly after.
 +2501, Lucullus--Kalin Ankra arrives in-system, working a short time for the Free Trade Guild.
 +2501, Lucullus--A weren krusgurrg arrives in system to challenge King Steel.
 +2501, Spes, Hammer'​s Star--The first year that the measured temperature increase was less than three degrees celsius.
 +2501, Lucullus'​ Arch, Lucullus--The Radiant Pirates attack several civilian ships, as well as a Solar Union vessel.
 +May 3, 2501, Antigua, Ignatius--The scheduled date for the annual Antigua Cup race.
 +May 3, 2501, Lison, Oberon--The topside settlement of Dusk is destroyed by the Air Guard after it is attacked by a rogue swarm of Organism Omega. Its last transmission is intercepted by a group of oxygen runners.
 +May 28, 2501, The Verge--Avatar files a report on the Lucullus system.
 +June 11, 2501, Old Space--Admiral Sarn returns to Bazaar to teach a class on Advanced Tactical Command at the Striker Naval Academy.
 +June 12, 2501, Old Space--Nariac military advisors meet with the Rigunmors on Bazaar.
 +July, 2501, The Verge--Redman-Smith files a price index.
 +July, 2501, The Lighthouse, The Verge--A freighter captain threatens to destroy the Low Harbormaster'​s office, but is talked out of it by armed Concord Marines.
 +July 21, 2501, Ohmel, Coulomb--A riot erupts among the farmers of Tungusta. Several Coulombians are killed by Austrin merceneries sent to break up the mob.
 +2501, Ohmel, Coulomb--A group of scientists receives permission to set up a research station near Glassmaker ruins on the south pole.
 +July 23, 2501, The Verge--Avatar files a report on the Coulomb system.
 +2501, Bluefall, Aegis--The estimated date of completion for the Concord facilities on Diandes.
 +2501, Bluefall, Aegis--The t'sa colony ship Guardian enters the system and petitions for citizenship for its crew.
 +Early August, 2501, Aegis--The Regency and Concord build up their naval forces in-system in preparation for a joint wargame.
 +Early August, 2501, Aegis--Avatar arrives in the Aegis system.
 +August 10, 2501--Ares 22 arrives in Tendril and contacts Nova Station for a new mission briefing, then leaves shortly afterward.
 +August 15, 2501--TVN issues a news report.
 +2501, Karppolla--The Concord sends a survey team to investigate the mysterious objects in Karppolla.
 +2501, The Lighthouse, The Verge--CFN operatives steal explosives from a marine armory aboard the station.
 +2501, The Lighthouse, Aegis--A group of evrem are attacked by CFN thugs while conducting trade negotiations aboard the station.
 +2501, The Lighthouse, The Verge--The Lighthouse medical staff allegedly establishes a facility to treat victims of the Apocalypse virus.
 +September, 2501, The Verge--Redman-Smith issues a price index.
 +September 17, 2501, The Verge--Avatar files a news report on the Lighthouse.
 +September 19, 2501, The Lighthouse, The Verge--Theron Lignos files a report criticizing Avatar'​s report on CFN's activities aboard the Lighthouse.
 +September 20, 2501, The Lighthouse, The Verge--Theron Lignos criticizes Avatar for a report on Warthen Hale's disappearance.
 +September 21, 2501, Bluefall, Aegis--The Third Battalion of the 26th Regiment is briefed on the situation in Hammer'​s Star by Colonel Seymoyr.
 +2:00 PM, GST, September 21, 2501, Bluefall, Aegis--Damion Witzko'​s Recon Platoon reports for a training exercise at Training Course D.
 +9:30 PM, GST, September 21, 2501, Bluefall, Aegis--The Third Battalion is placed on Boarding Alert status. Jaques Belier changes that to the definite boarding time.
 +6:30 AM, GST, September 22, 2501, Bluefall, Aegis--The original scheduled departure time for the Third Battalion.
 +September 23, 2501, The Lighthouse, The Verge--Theron Lignos files a report denying the existence of the Apocalypse virus.
 +September 28, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--A number of weren settlers, including Kuhudag and Grutok, engage a group of humans encroaching on their territory.
 +2501, The Lighthouse, Aegis--The Concord Survey Service establishes the Kalht Initiative and awards the first five charters.
 +2501, The Lighthouse, Aegis--Michael Thayne gives a speech against Verge isolationism in response to a Hatire official'​s comments. Christopher Hale issues commentary of his own.
 +2501, The Lighthouse, The Verge--A t'sa explorer brings an alien artifact to the station.
 +2501, The Lighthouse, The Verge--Michael Thayne sends a message to Chand Vorin.
 +2501, Bluefall, Aegis--CFR allegedly conducts terrorist operations, dirsupting a Founder'​s Day parade.
 +October, 2501--An Orlamu survey team delivers a report on increased weathering in Yellow Sky's highlands.
 +October, 2501, Yellow Sky, Tychus--The first cases of sabotage at Hopewell Spaceport are reported.
 +October 9, 2501, Aegis--The Lighthouse re-visits the system for the start of the two-week-long Verge economic summit.
 +October 9, 2501, Aegis--Captain Myklebust and Lieutenant Colonel Seymoyr discuss Stormbird'​s departure tactics.
 +October 11, 2501, Aegis--Lieutenant Witzko, Lieutenant Colonel Seymoyr, Captain McRae and Captain Myklebust discuss the Thuldan vessel tailing Stormbird.
 +October 12, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--Kuhudag meets with several elders, including Burwab, to plan a retributive strike on Red Ridge.
 +5:00 PM, GST, October 13, 2501, Aegis--Lieutenant Witzko escorts Master Sergeant Lavon to her quarters after she is stricken with a bout of starfall sickness.
 +October 14, 2501, Drivespace, The Verge--Sergeant Chen challenges Corporal MacKenzie to a game of Battlecruiser. Lieutenant Witzko orders Thumn to intervene before Mackenzie loses more than she can afford.
 +October 14, 2501, Drivespace, The Verge--Master Sergant Lavon practices hand-to-hand combat with Lieutenant Witzko. After the match, Witzko is summoned by Lieutenant Colonel Seymoyr.
 +October 14, 2501, Drivespace, The Verge--Lieutenant Witzko is accused of sexual misconduct by Master Sergeant Belier and Captain Savant.
 +October 21, 2501, The Verge--Avatar files a report on the Galactic Concord.
 +October 24, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--The weren of West Lodge launch an attack on Red Ridge. During the fight, Kuhudag is shot while rescuing a human from a burning house.
 +October 25, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--Kuhudag awakens in prison in Red Ridge, and talks with Doctor Ohito.
 +October 25, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--Led by Paul Dimmock, a number of VoidCorp construction workers bomb a weren iron mine.
 +October 26, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--Doctor Ohito informs Kuhudag of an outcast attack on a weren settlement.
 +October 28, 2501, (Asteroid belt?), Hammer'​s Star--After starrising, the Stormbird tracks an unidentified external contact, which is destroyed by a cutter in its battle group. Damion Witzko'​s squad retrieves a cylinder from the wreckage.
 +October 28, 2501, (Asteroid belt?), Hammer'​s Star--Captain Myklebust receives a garbled distress transmission from a weren settlement on Arist, and argues with Colonel Seymoyr over whether or not to investigate.
 +October 28, 2501, (Asteroid belt?), Hammer'​s Star--Stormbird engages several klick vessels, suffering damage and the destruction of one of its escorts before the Revealer and its escorts destroy the transport'​s attackers. ​
 +October 28, 2501, (Asteroid belt?), Hammer'​s Star--Lieutenant Witzko and Sergeant Lavon discuss their situation. After they part company, Sergeant Belier tries to blackmail Sergeant Lavon into nominating him for the Star of Valor.
 +October 28, 2501, (Asteroid belt?), Hammer'​s Star--Colonel Seymoyr and Captain Myklebust discuss the klicks'​ tactics, and opt to take Stormbird to Arist to investigate the distress signal.
 +October 28, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--The weren lead an assault on Red Ridge, and are driven off. During the conflict, Grutok is captured.
 +October 28, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--Dr. Ohito meets with Kuhudag to tell him of the latest developments,​ and inform him of possible Concord intervention.
 +October 28, 2501, (Asteroid belt?), Hammer'​s Star--Recon Platoon meets to plan their upcoming mission on Arist.
 +October 28, 2501, (Asteroid belt?), Hammer'​s Star--Sergeant Lavon meets and argues with Captain Savant at the Third Battalion Wall of Honor.
 +October 28, 2501, (Asteroid belt?), Hammer'​s Star--The commanders of Stormbird and its Marine contingent meet to plot their overall strategy for dealing with the Arist situation.
 +October 30, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--Damion Witzko'​s Recon Platoon lands in weren territory, breaking up a fight between human and weren settlers.
 +October 30, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--Kuhudag learns of the Concord'​s arrival on Arist while talking with one of his captors.
 +October 30, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--Captain Myklebust informs Colonel Seymoyr of anomalous movement in one of the grids north of Red Ridge.
 +October 30, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--A squad from Damien Witzko'​s Recon Platoon tracks the northern movement signatures to a nearby cave.
 +October 30, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--More troops from the Third Battalion of the 26th Regiment touch down in Red Ridge, including Sergeant Lavon, Sergeant Belier and Captain Savant. They encounter trouble from the Port Authority.
 +October 30, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--Lieutenant Witzko deploys Marines and sensor gear to keep watch on the cave. The Unholy Three arrive, and Sergeant Kran tells Witzko of the various scams they'​ve played.
 +October 30, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--A sniper controlling a remote grenade launcher attacks the Concord Marines in Red Ridge. After the assault, Captain McRae sends Lavon and some others to locate some weren prisoners.
 +October 30, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--Witzko hears of the attack on the Marines in Red Ridge, and breaks off a squad to investigate the cave entrance.
 +October 30, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--The Unholy Three meet up with Witzko'​s squad while the latter is exploring the cavern mouth. They inform Lieutenant Witzko of the new sensor they have juryrigged, and offer to let him use it.
 +October 30, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--A squad of Marines, led by Irina Lavon, liberates Kuhudag and Grutok from prison. Kuhudag tells them of the soldiers from the north.
 +October 30, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--Lieutenant Wiztko'​s Marines uncover an arms and supply cache in the caverns, but inclement weather keeps them from informing Seymoyr. The Unholy Three set up and demonstrate their sensor.
 +October 30, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--Witzko contacts Seymoyr after the weather clears, and receives orders to remain in position.
 +October 30, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--Colonel Seymoyr meets with a number of weren and Red Ridgers for diplomatic negotiations aboard Stormbird.
 +October 30, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--Lieutenant Witzko'​s platoon is attacked by unknown hostiles employing missiles and grenades. During the battle, a lander is destroyed.
 +October 30, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--Sergeant Lavon speaks to Grutok and Kuhudag in Red Ridge, and recruits them to help defend against the humans from the north.
 +October 31, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--Witzko'​s Recon Platoon touches down at the cave mouth and proceeds inside. Once there, they encounter fierce resistance from its human defenders.
 +October 31, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--Colonel Seymoyr attempts to negotiate with the settlers of Red Ridge and West Lodge. Though no settlement is reached, Dimmock and Burwab agree to aid in the fight in the caves.
 +October 31, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--Burwab meets with Kuhudag during a lull in the battle, asking him to succeed him as Council Chief in the next election.
 +October 31, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--The Concord Marines in the northern caverns encounter klicks while searching for the last remaining human troopers. A fierce battle ensues.
 +October 31, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--More Marine reinforcements arrive in the caverns as the battle intensifies. Master Sergeant Belier is killed during a skirmish in a tunnel.
 +October 31, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--Colonel Seymoyr heads back to Stormbird to meet with Captain Myklebust before returning to the battle on Arist.
 +October 31, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--Colonel Seymoyr devises a plan to root the klicks out of the lower tunnels. During the assault itself, Witzko'​s unit defies one of Captain Savant'​s orders and takes him into custody.
 +October 31, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--After finishing off the remains of the klicks, the Concord Marines uncover a cavern containing alien machinery and dead klicks and kroath. Seymoyr shows it to Witzko, then swears him to silence.
 +October 31, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--Kuhudag walks through a cavern containing the dead, seeing both Dimmock and Burwab. Afterwards, he talks with the Ohitos.
 +November 1, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--The dead from the battle on Arist are given their funeral rites.
 +November 3, 2501, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--Kuhudag walks through a graveyard built for the battle dead, thinking of the future. He salutes the last Marine lander to lift off.
 +November 3, 2501, Hammer'​s Star--Colonel Seymoyr discusses the charges brought against Witzko and his platoon with Captain Savant. After he leaves, Sergeant Kran delivers a letter written by Sergeant Belier.
 +November 3, 2501, Hammer'​s Star--Sergeant Lavon meets Witzko in his quarters and tells him of the Unholy Three'​s transfer to the CIB. She also informs him that Savant conned Belier into lying, and tells him that the charges against them were dropped.
 +November 3(?), 2501, Hammer'​s Star--Star Force engineers open the container retrieved by the Marines in Hammer'​s Star. Inside, they find data crystals and star charts, but it is confiscated by Intelligence before they can analyze it further.
 +November 3, 2501, Hammer'​s Star--Seymoyr thinks about the External involvement in the mission, including the kroath and klicks.
 +Late 2501, Alitar, Algemron--The battlecruiser Relentless breaks out out Alitarin construction yards and leaves the system to prey on Galvinite merchant traffic.
 +2501, Algemron--Reno Stokes takes on several covert jobs for the FSA.
 +November, 2501, Alitar, Algemron--The Warhulk Ares 22 is destroyed in Alitarin orbit by a team of operatives. The ship crashes along the coast of the planet'​s Southern Ocean.
 +November, 2501, Alitar, Algemron--The ISA moves tugs in to retrieve Ares 22 for salvage, and hauls it to a secret shipyard.
 +2501, Bluefall, Aegis--Part of the set for the holofilm Chimes explodes, setting the production schedule back at least six weeks.
 +2501, Bluefall, Aegis--The Council for Conscientious Scientists delivers a report to the governments of Alaundril and Aegis, urging them to leave Rivendale'​s fragile ecosystems alone.
 +November 11, 2501, Mikoa--The Lighthouse arrives in-system.
 +(Three weeks before November 23, 2501), Bluefall, Aegis--Seismologists detect anomalous noise coming from the ocean floor between Berilar and Filtrane. It is identified as human machinery. The Thuldan submarine Agamemnon is spotted in the area.
 +(One week before November 23, 2501), Bluefall, Aegis--A group of Regency meteorologists detect an anomalous stationary weather cell near Filtrane.
 +(One week before November 23, 2501), Bluefall, Aegis--Filtrane island is devastated by Hurricane Margo, a tropical storm inadvertently caused by Thuldan weather-manipulation experiments. The Regency sends supplies to the island'​s citizens.
 +(One week before November 23, 2501), Nectaris Orbital Station, Aegis--The Merchant League opens its headquarters for the first time.
 +(One week before November 23, 2501), Bluefall, Aegis--Christopher Hale formally announces the existance of the 118th Psychological Operations Battalion.
 +(One week before November 23, 2501), Bluefall, Aegis--CFR organizes a march on Hughes Island, hoping to gain more governing authority for the general public.
 +(The weekend before November 23, 2501), Bluefall, Aegis--Diplomats from VoidCorp and the Concord meet to finalize the placement of three new drivesats. They will most likely go to Corrivale, Algemron, and Oberon.
 +November 20, 2501, Aegis--The Regency and Concord fleets begin their joint exercise.
 +November 21, 2501, Bluefall, Aegis--Winston Dumas arrives on the planet.
 +November 22, 2501, Bluefall, Aegis--Commander Kalden marries Commander Raiaza Krayjal in a private ceremony.
 +November 22, 2501, Bluefall, Aegis--Winston Dumas, a Churgalt Rebel, is found murdered in his hotel room in the Westham.
 +November 23, 2501, Bluefall, Aegis--Michal Billings announces the Regency'​s support for the Merchant League. The Redman-Smith Trading Corp reportedly threatens the nation with an embargo in response.
 +November 23, 2501, The Verge--Avatar files a report on the Aegis system.
 +December 12, 2501, Lison--The ULS freighter Strong Wind is attacked by pirates, and is saved by a pair of VoidCorp corvettes.
 +December 2501, Undisclosed Location--Insight meets with representatives of the New Dreth Commonwealth to discuss the ethnic Dreth living in Insight space.
 +December 2501, Lison, Oberon--President Michael Kevik is nearly assassinated by a joint plot between the Rigunmors and Nariacs. The ULS' vice-president is killed.
 +December 2501, Oberon--The RCV Eclipse, under the command of Admiral Sarn, blockades Lison and destroys the colony of Lister. It is destroyed by a fleet of pirate and ULS vessels. The Consortium does not retaliate.
 +December, 2501, Hammer'​s Star--The Concord begins construction of a second space station. Though it was originally supposed to be put in orbit around Platon, it has been moved to an undisclosed location.
 +2501, Cheerghun, Karnath--OP412 46JDE releases a progress report, which is broadcast on Bhruusil'​s Grid.
 +2501, Leen, Oberon--VoidCorp'​s projected date of construction for a base on the planet.
 +January, 2502, Focault Belt, Talbott--Thorn Industries produces its first frigate, and subsequently opens to the public.
 +January, 2502, Yellow Sky, Tychus--The Orlamu government conducts a census.
 +January 10, 2502, Hudson, Rinstoke--Jonathan Dunne reveals that rescue teams could not find any scientists near the site of South Station 6.
 +January 11, 2502, The Verge--Avatar files a report on the Rinstoke system.
 +January 11, 2502, Oberon--The Rigunmor government apologizes for the Eclipse'​s attack, and offers to make amends to the people of Lison.
 +January 17, 2502, Oberon--The Borealin tourist liner Philosopher'​s Stone is attacked by pirates from the Hux Defense League. It is rescued by VoidCorp ships.
 +February 2502, Pwyll, Dewi--The Thuldan Empire begins construction of a superport on the planet.
 +2502, Hux, Oberon--VoidCorp puts a constellation of drilling satellites in orbit around the planet. It also constructs two orbital space stations, to be used as its system headquarters.
 +2502, Oberon--A fraal colony ship is discovered near Titania.
 +February 27, 2502, The Verge--Avatar files a Grid report on the Oberon system.
 +2502, Redcrown, Aegis--The VoidCorp gas mine begins pre-operation checks.
 +March 2502, Danwell, Eldala--Gabriel Connor and Enda make first contact with the edanweir.
 +March 2, 2502, Oberon--Sendar Grant criticizes Avatar for his articles on "​haunted"​ Mindara Station, and says that the derelict near Titania is not a fraal colony ship.
 +March 3, 2502, Oberon--Sendar Grant critiques Avatar'​s report concerning the Prophet Scrolls, citing several Orlamu priests.
 +April 2502, Danwell, Eldala--The Concord sets up contact protocols after the discovery of the edanweir.
 +April 2502, Delille, Focault Belt--Thorn Industries turns its first profit.
 +2502, The Verge--Two shipments of supplies bound for the colony at Yellow Sky go missing. They are presumed to be stolen by pirates.
 +April, 2502, Yellow Sky, Tychus--The Orlamu administrators of Mount Illumination report damage to materials at the spaceport under construction as sabotage.
 +April 9, 2502, The Verge--Avatar files a report on the Tychus system.
 +April, 2502, Algemron--The Venture Star and Therise are captured by the Neutrality Patrol, after an Alitarin agent informs the Concord of a smuggling operation.
 +May, 2502, Dewi--Austrin-Ontis scientists accuse the BRB of withholding information from them. 
 +May, 2502, The Verge--The earliest possible date of activation for VoidCorp'​s three proposed drivesat donations.
 +May 3, 2502, 16:04 GST, Vieron--Several Thuldan vessels detect a number of unknown craft entering the system. They advance on Corazón de Fuega, destroying a Thuldan escort and a number of defense satellites. At 22:41, the fleet mysteriously vanishes after sending landing craft down to Jaén.
 +(The week before May 16), 2502, Palshizon, Algemron--The Therise'​s orbit destabilizes,​ and the ship crashes onto Palshizon'​s surface while its crew is aboard Pariah Station.
 +(The week before May 16), 2502, Algemron--The freighter Dierden makes starrise at Pariah Station. It later arrives at Alitar under the protection of the Neutrality Patrol.
 +2502, Alitar, Algemron--The xe'​reen launch numerous attacks on human facilities near the Misten Sea, employing human weapons and urged on by members of Verge Green.
 +May 9, 2502, The Verge--Pyotr Sokolov awakens after Monashi sabotages his nanocomputer. He fights her, and regains control of his ship, setting out to deliver her to Borun.
 +May 13, 2502, The Verge--While in drivespace, Sokolov awakens Monashi and discusses her fate with her.
 +May 16, 2502, The Verge--Avatar files a report on the Algemron system, revealing the existence of the teln.
 +May 16, 2502, Penates, Lucullus--Sokolov arrives at Lucullus and turns Monashi over to Borun. After she betrays him, he is forced to wipe Peregrine'​s computer core, and is taken in for interrogation.
 +May 17, 2502, Penates, Lucullus--Sokolov is taken aboard the Adroit, which leaves the system. (This conflicts with the later date, which was mentioned in TfB.)
 +May 21, 2502, The Verge--Borun talks with Sokolov in drivespace, and attempts to bargain for the coordinates in his nanocomputer. Later, Sokolov meets with Monashi and informs her of his escape plans.
 +May 21, 2502, The Verge--The Adroit makes starrise near the Medurr riftship.
 +May 22, 2502, Lucullus--The Adroit leaves Lucullus under the command of Karcen Borun.
 +May 24, 2502, Riga 9--The Storm Delay arrives in Riga 9 and alerts Commodore Pfender to the situation. The Total Commitment departs for Vieron, and the Storm Delay jumps to Aegis.
 +June 2, 2502, Vieron--The Total Commitment arrives in the system.
 +June 2, 2502, Lucullus 7:30 AM--The Sirocco arrives in-system. Its captain makes a report on the medurr rift-ship just outside the system, and the subsequent battle.
 +June 3, 2502, Corazón de Fuega--Commodore Pfender proposes a joint assault on Jaén. The External fleet re-appears and engages the Total Commitment, which sacrifices itself in order to destroy the enemy flagship.
 +June 7, 2502, Corazón de Fuega--Commodore Pfender commands an assault on Jaén, but retreats in the face of overwhelming odds.
 +June 8, 2502, Corazón de Fuega--The kroath assault Algeciras, but the Thuldans and Vieronites drive them off.
 +June 2502, Lucullus--Humans from the HelixTech corporation make first contact with the medurr.
 +June 11, 2502, The Verge--Avatar amends his original Lucullus report with a report on first contact with the medurr.
 +June 2502, The Verge--Thorn Industries initiates its IPO, selling off forty percent of the company'​s stock.
 +June, 2502, Hammer'​s Star--Michael Thayne visits the system, and questions Admiral Raastad'​s choice of tactics.
 +2502, Charitas, The Verge--Several CSF vessels detect three klick corvettes near Charitas. They are destroyed by the cruiser Corinth.
 +(The week before July 13,) 2502, Spes, Hammer'​s Star--A klick troop carrier deploys its forces near Novus Urbe while the Vition is engaged elsewhere. The Austrins of the Boman Corp attack and defeat them.
 +(The week before July 13,) 2502, Arist, Hammer'​s Star--The Concord corvette Poniard detects a klick cutter near the moon. When it moves to engage the vessel, it vanishes from its sensors, leaving only residual energy.
 +(The week before July 13,) 2502, Spes, Hammer'​s Star--The Borealin government denies a report claiming that Spes will be uninhabitable within several years.
 +2502, Spes, Hammer'​s Star--The Star Force orders a biological impact study of the Boman Corp's terraforming efforts. The resulting report largely dealt with the Austrins'​ ability to combat the klicks.
 +2502, Spes, Hammer'​s Star--Admiral Raastad meets with the Austrins of the Boman Corp, and solidifies ties between them and the Concord military forces in the system.
 +(The weekend before July 13,) 2502, Spes, Hammer'​s Star--A drunken doomsayer in Silver Bell predicts that humanity will be defeated by an alien menace.
 +July 13, 2502, The Verge--Avatar files a report on the Hammer'​s Star system.
 +July 25, 2502, The Verge--Avatar files his final report, detailing the outlines of his External conspiracy theory.
 +August 13, 2502, Beyond Hammer'​s Star--VoidCorp Survey Cruiser 547 retrieves an escape pod from the Unity Gain. The pod is investigated,​ and found to contain Blackmore, his assistants, and Sleeping Beauty. ​
 +Late 2502, Lucullus--The gardhyi first open contact with the Barons of Lucullus, as the latter become worried about the threat of the medurr.
 +September, 2502, Lucullus--The Concord starts informal negotiations with the medurr at their gate-ship outside the system.
 +2502, The Verge--The number of commercial liners in the Verge triples.
 +2502, Bhruusil, Karnath--The projected date for the start of development in the Heerhil region.
 +October, 2502, Belatu, Dewi--The scheduled date for the Belatu Conference.
 +October, 2502, Belatu, Dewi--Comet Hitaki-Adams passes between Dewi and Belatu, then heads out of the system.
 +2502, Bhruusil, Karnath--The Chuunh abhaal disappears.
 +2502, Bluefall, Aegis--In a ruling issued from Bluefall, Chief Justice Sheila Lecoq establishes the Concord as the final word in all disputes in the Verge.
 +2502, Bluefall, Aegis--The AeGrid is activated.
 +2502, Bluefall, Aegis--The Thuldan Empire sets its first batch of gillfolk to work.
 +December 4, 2502, Mindara Station, Oberon--The Concord'​s scheduled date for a survey mission aboard the station.
 +December 29, 2502, The Lighthouse, The Verge, 12 midnight--The Warthenists'​ date for the return of Warthen Hale.
 +December, 2502, Hammer'​s Star--Vice Admiral Raastad is promoted to Admiral, and awarded command of 
 +2503, Bluefall, Aegis--The Nariac government completes four more cybermariners.
 +January 15, 2503, Hammer'​s Star--The Exeat fleet arrives in-system.The crews of the Vition, Inamorata, and countless other vessels put up a valiant fight, sacrificing themselves so the colonists can escape. Once the fleet is decimated, the Exeat forces systematically destroy every settlement in the system, then bring in reinforcements.
 +January-February,​ 2503, The Verge--Refugees from the colonies at Spes flee to Aegis and Argos.
 +February, 2503--The Lethe'​s task force severs a critical link in the Verge'​s drivesat relay system, cutting it off from Old Space.
 +March, 2503, Bluefall, Aegis--Aaln Stykor arrives in-system for secret negotiations with the Concord.
 +March, 2503, Bluefall, Aegis--Undersecretary Thayne assumes command of the Concord'​s assets in the Verge. He sends out a call for unity to all the region'​s colonies.
 +April, 2503, The Verge--Led by the Galactic Concord and the Regency of Bluefall, a number of Verge powers pool their resources into one fighting force, dubbed the Verge Alliance. ​
 +April, 2503, Tendril--Humanity makes first contact with sifarv survivors captured during and after the Battle of Tendril. (The date is wrong. The Battle of Tendril takes place in September.)
 +April, 2503, The Lightning Nebula--The Verge Alliance conducts reconaissance of suspected External holdings.
 +May 2503, Redcrown, Aegis--Estimated date of completion for an Orlamu gas mine near Redcrown'​s south pole.
 +May 2503, The Verge--The Verge Alliance assigns its four Battle Groups to Tendril, Lucullus, Aegis and Argos.
 +May 2503, The Verge--The Medurr open talks with the Concord. (Official talks? Mentioned in timeline in The Externals, but after Aaln Stykor travels to Aegis.)
 +2503, Redcrown, Aegis--The estimated date of opening of a VoidCorp gas mine.
 +2503, Bluefall, Aegis--Dr. Artemus Vych goes into hiding at Depth Epsilon.
 +June 2503, Aegis--The Aegis Imperium Accords are signed, creating an alliance between the Concord and the medurr. (AC2 says "​tentative alliance",​ mentions the Accord in next paragraph. Another date in The Externals.)
 +June 7, 2503, Lucullus--The Battle of Lucullus occurs. During the battle, most of the ULDF betrays the Concord, siding with the invading Exeat fleet. An Evrem city-ship is destroyed in the crossfire.
 +July 2503, Penates, Lucullus--The Exeat begins its occupation of Penates. The bareem attack Port Royal, enslaving the Jamaicans and establishing a base camp there. Shortly after, the kadarans arrive, setting up their laboratories and experimenting on the planet'​s populace.
 +July, 2503, Mantebron--The Exeat launches an assault on the system, capturing it with little resistance. The Phlegethon sets up a sensor net, and numerous scientific craft are deployed to Precursor ruins.
 +July, 2503, Ignatius--A sizeable portion of the Exeat fleet invades the system, led by the fortress ship Acheron. The Ignatian government surrenders, rather than be slaughtered by the Externals.
 +August 2503, Penates, Lucullus--The Exeat'​s army storms Santiago, decimating the picts and uniting the Technospiders and Supervisors against the invaders.
 +September 2503, Hathorn--Ython Kadar'​s cathedral ship arrives in the Verge. (In-system? Did it arrive in 2499?)
 +September 2, 2503, Tendril--An Exeat fleet, led by the Lethe, arrives in the Tendril system, decimating its defenders, commencing the Battle of Tendril. During the battle, Tendril'​s drivesat array is destroyed, and Alaundril is laid to siege. ​
 +September 2503, Aegis--The final evrem city-ship arrives in-system. The evrem tell the Verge Alliance all they know about the I'krl Theocracy, its member species and its methods.
 +October 2503, The Verge--The Exeat fleet fights a number of small skirmishes against the Verge Alliance.
 +October 2503, Bluefall, Aegis--Administrator Sela Taris and Aaln Stykor seal the Aegis Imperium accords, aligning the Verge Alliance with the Medurr Imperium. (Didn'​t this happen in June of the same year?)
 +October 2503, Bluefall, Aegis--The leaders of the Verge Alliance meet to discuss the status of Hammer'​s Star, Tendril and Mantebron.
 +October 2503, Bluefall, Aegis--The Verge Alliance Admiralty restructures the remnants of its fleet into three Battle Groups. The First Battle Group is sent back to Argos while the Second remains in Aegis. The Third, now led by the Pittsburgh, is designated a mobile response force.
 +October 2503, Mantebron--The Externals start making modifications to the Phlegethon, incorporating the tachyon cannon into its structure.
 +November 2503, Cambria--In response to medurr aggression, the Concord sends Administrator DuPree to Cambria to negotiate. The medurr attack and destroy the vessel carrying her to the system.
 +November 2503, Cambria--Admiral Ting Sun leads the Third Battle Group in an assault on the medurr positions in Cambria. By the time the Alliance fleet withdraws, the medurr lose a sizeable percentage of their own ships.
 +November 2503, The Verge--A number of Lucullans escape the system, revealing the kadarans'​ plans for using Penates as a recruiting ground for kroath.
 +December 9, 2503, Aegis--The Exeat fleet assaults Aegis, led by the Styx and Phlegethon. The Externals capture Research Station Echo, then destroy the Hatire monastary on Jetsam. They then engage the Alliance fleet, the Phlegethon using its tachyon gun to great effect. In the end, the Externals withdraw, but not before destroying the Lighthouse.
 +December 2503, Aegis-- The thaal make first contact with the Verge Alliance, leaving behind several representatives after the Battle of Aegis is finished.
 +2503, Penates, Lucullus--The kadarans'​ tech-tree orchards at Port Royal become operational,​ and construction begins on a second orchard.
 +2503, Oberon--The planet Norn collides with Kreshaw.
 +2503-2504, Dewi--The estimated date of delivery of an Insight-built drivesat to Dewi.
 +2504, Focault Belt, Talbott--The estimated date of completion for Thorn Industries'​ two largest vessels, a cruiser and light carrier.
 +2504, The Verge--The estimated date of completion for the first of four mobile, drivesat-equipped space stations that will be stationed in the Verge.
 +2504, The Verge--The estimated date of completion for a Verge census.
 +2504, Ohmel, Coloumb--A projected date for Concord intervention in Coloumb.
 +2504, Old Space--The date of the Orion League'​s next election.
 +2505, Kralc, Aegis--The estimated date of construction of a Concord base.
 +2505, Known Space--It is estimated that by this date, the number of CIB operatives will outnumber the Concord'​s enlisted soldiers.
 +2505, Old Space--The date of the election of a new Secretary of the Galactic Consulate.
 +2505, Avob, Aegis--The estimated date of construction for an automated space traffic control center.
 +2506, The Verge--The estimated date of completion for the sixth and last moble drivesat-equipped station. ​
 +2507-2508, Aegis--The star's sunspot activity will peak.
 +2508, Bluefall, Aegis--The estimated date of completion for Bluefall'​s first four diving cities.
glossary.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/04 00:38 (external edit)