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helix_warrior_advanced_class [2013/08/31 05:17]
helix_warrior_advanced_class [2021/12/04 00:39]
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-====== Helix Warrior ====== 
-The subjects of rigorous scientific experimentation,​ Helix Warriors are soldiers whose DNA has undergone a process of conversion some-times referred to as "​forced evolution."​ Science corrects their physical flaws and enables Helix Warriors to surpass the natural limitations of the human form. The genetic mutation process is ongoing. As their DNA continues to transform, Helix Warriors manifest new abilities that make them into better, more resilient super-soldiers,​ security guards, and law enforcement officers. 
-Select this advanced class if you want your character to be a capable soldier with abilities beyond the reach of normal human beings. 
-The fastest path into this advanced class is from the Strong hero basic class, though other paths are possible. 
-===== REQUIREMENTS ===== 
-To qualify to become a Helix Warrior, a character must fulfill the following criteria. 
-  * **Species:​** ​ Human 
-  * **Base Attack Bonus:** +3. 
-  * **Skill:** Knowledge (tactics) 3 ranks. 
-  * **Feat:** Endurance. 
-===== HIT DIE ===== 
-The Helix Warrior gains 1d10 hit points per level. The character'​s Constitution modifier applies. 
-===== ACTION POINTS ===== 
-The Helix Warrior gains a number of action points equal to 6 + one-half her character level, rounded down, every time she attains a new level in this class. 
-===== CLASS SKILLS ===== 
-The Helix Warrior'​s class skills are as follows. 
-Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Computer Use (Int), Demolitions (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Navigate (Int), Spot (Wis). Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex). 
-**Skill Points at Each Level:** 2 + Int modifier 
-===== The HELIX WARRIOR ===== 
-|**Class Level**|**Base Attack Bonus**|**Fortitude Save**|**Reflex Save**|**Will Save**|**Class Features**|**Defense Bonus**|**Reputation Bonus**| 
-1st +1 +1 +0 +1 Haul, Light Sleeper, Survivor +1 +0 
-2nd +2 +2 +0 +2 Darkvision 60 ft +1 +0 
-3rd +3 +2 +1 +2 Bonus Feat +2 +1 
-4th +4 +2 +1 +2 Strong as an Ox +2 +1 
-5th +5 +3 +1 +3 Darkvision 90 ft, Superior +3 +1 
-6th +6 +3 +2 +3 Bonus Feat +3 +2 
-7th +7 +4 +2 +4 Improved Reaction +4 +2 
-8th +8 +4 +2 +4 Darkvision 120 ft +4 +2 
-9th +9 +4 +3 +4 Bonus Feat +5 +3 
-10th +10 +5 +3 +5 Decisive Attack +5 +3 
-===== CLASS FEATURES ===== 
-The following class features pertain to the Helix Warrior advanced class. 
-==== Haul ==== 
-Helix Warriors can carry more heavy gear than the typical soldier. A Helix Warrior'​s Strength is considered 4 points higher for the purpose of determining her carrying capacity. 
-==== Light Sleeper ==== 
-Helix Warriors are light sleepers and can make Listen checks even while asleep, with-out penalty. (A sleeping character normally takes a -10 penalty on Listen checks.) 
-==== Survivor ==== 
-When a Helix Warrior spends an action point to modify the result of a saving throw, she may roll an additionalld6 and take the best result, discarding the lower roll(s). 
-==== Darkvision ==== 
-Beginning at 2nd level, a Helix Warrior gains darkvision. She can see in total darkness out to a range of 60 feet. Darkvision is black-and-white only, but is otherwise like normal sight. 
-The range of the Helix Warrior'​s darkvision improves to 90 feet at 5th level and 120 feet at 8th level. 
-==== Bonus Feats ==== 
-At 3rd, 6th, and 9th level, the Helix Warrior gets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the following list, and the Helix Warrior must meet all the prerequisites of the feat to select it. 
-Advanced Combat Martial Arts, Advanced Firearms Proficiency,​ Armor Proficiency (light), Armor Proficiency (medium), Armor Proficiency (heavy), Armor Proficiency (powered), Athletic, Benevolent Mutation, Blind-Fight,​ Combat Expertise, Combat Reflex-es, Combat Throw, Dead Aim, Defensive Martial Arts, Elusive Target, Evolved Organ, Exotic Firearms Proficiency,​ Far Shot, Great Fortitude, Improved Combat Martial Arts, Improved Combat Throw, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Nerve Pinch, Planetary Adaptation, Surface Vehicle Operation, Ultra Immune System, Weapon Focus, Whirlwind Attack, Zero-G Training. 
-==== Strong as an Ox ==== 
-At 4th level and beyond, the Helix Warrior'​s carrying capacity increases as if she were one size category larger (Large instead of Medium-size,​ for example). 
-==== Superior Conditioning ==== 
-Beginning at 5th level, a Helix Warrior [earns how to shake off adverse conditions. When a Helix Warrior is subjected to one of the fol-lowing conditions, the duration of the condition'​s effect is halved: cowering, dazed, exhausted, fatigued, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, shaken, and stunned. If the condition'​s duration is only 1 round, the Helix Warrior is not affected at all. 
-==== Improved Reaction ==== 
-At 7th level, a Helix Warrior gains a +2 competence bonus on initiative checks. 
-==== Decisive Attack ==== 
-At 10th level, when a Helix Warrior spends an action point to modify the result of an attack 
helix_warrior_advanced_class.txt ยท Last modified: 2021/12/04 00:39 (external edit)