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instance_of_inspiration [2013/12/23 04:23]
storyteller created
instance_of_inspiration [2021/12/04 00:39]
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-====== Instance of Inspiration ====== 
-For many characters, [[Inspiration]] occurs in a single defining moment or as part of a life-changing event. Something happens that awakens the latent Z-wave energy within them and grants them abilities beyond those of ordinary men and women. Such characters will often begin to describe their Inspirations with the phrase “...and then, all of a sudden..."​ 
-Not all characters undergo Inspiration in a single defining moment. One might decide after a mugging that he must train himself rigorously so it never happens again. He still experiences the Inspiration but a little at a time. A devoted scholar might throw herself into her studies, only to realize after months or even years of research that she has bypassed ordinary human potential. Or, in a classic pulp schtick, the character'​s Inspiration might be the result of years of semi-mystical training in a remote monastery or hidden school. These characters might lack the shock and giddiness of those who experience sudden Inspiration,​ but that won't make role-playing them any less enjoyable. 
-The event that causes the character'​s Inspiration shapes the type of transformation that occurs. Stalwarts most commonly transform in the face of a physical challenge. Mesmerists'​ Inspirations often come from mental challenges or emotional shocks. Daredevils, in many ways the generalists of Adventure, attain Inspiration through some manner of tremendous heroism. 
-Here is a list of possible Inspirations and the types of adventurers most appropriate to result From them. Use these choices as a springboard For your own ideas: 
-===== Dawning Awareness ===== 
-in studying esoteric philosophies or branches of science, the character unlocks the true potential at her mind. This is likely to take a lot of study, although certain chemicals might aid the character in throwing off the chains of the conscious mind. This provokes psychic Inspiration,​ and the philosophy or science the character studies is sure to affect the kind of Knacks at which she excels. 
-===== Exposure to Z-waves ===== 
-This Inspirational event is exposure to Z-waves is wide open, as telluric energy permeates most of the world in the Adventure era. Perhaps the character was there at Hammersmith'​s original presentation. Maybe he has an associate (or mentor?) who created a Z-wave device, and exposure to it unleashed the character‘s own latent abilities. Or he might be an explorer who happened upon a natural phenomenon that stored telluric energy (this could be anything from ancient ruins made from just the right material to the venom of a particular Amazonian spider). Exposure to Z-waves can trigger any of the three character'​ types. 
-===== Fantastic Success ===== 
-This rare transformation occurs when the character finally accomplishes a deed in which she has invested a lot of work and emotion. She might be the first in her family to receive a college diploma; perhaps she climbs a high mountain; maybe she is elected to city council. Most often. these events generate heroic or psychic Inspiration. 
-===== Life-Threatening Accident ===== 
-The accident the character was in would have killed him, had his Inspiration not saved him at just that moment! This accident could be anything —— a train sideswiped his motorcar; he fell from a great height; he was in a house fire. The character’s friend or family member might suffer an accident instead, in which case he is transformed by the need to rescue his loved one. This typically produces dynamic Inspiration,​ transforming the character to survive the trauma in question. However. using ingenuity and courage to escape might trigger heroic inspiration. 
-===== Personal Stupidity ===== 
-Similar to the accident and violence options, with this event, the character undoubtedly brought her problems onto herself. Perhaps it seemed like a good idea to go kayaking in a thunderstorm;​ maybe she chose to rob the bank next door to the police station at lunchtime; perhaps she decided to go spelunking her way into an uncharted cave alone. Regardless of the reason, only Inspiration saved her from her predicament. This is a common cause of heroic inspiration (though plenty of daredevils keep that fact hidden). 
-===== Social Challenge ===== 
-The character faced down mortal embarrassment or the risk thereof or finally stood up for herself and threw off an oppressor or abuser. This kind of experience leans the character toward psychic Inspiration,​ as her mind and mental faculties become more highly attuned. 
-===== Training ===== 
-The character is the result of a long training period. Perhaps he spent his life pursuing physical or mental perfection in a distant monastery. Perhaps he traveled to learn from the finest teacher in the world. Perhaps he is the product of a secret government training program. Any type of Inspiration (heroic. psychic or dynamic) is justified with this origin. 
-===== Violence ===== 
-Directly or indirectly, the character suffered an attack. Perhaps he was caught in a battle in the Middle East or took a side in a running gunfight between police and gangsters or was a victim of domestic violence. Violence typically, though not always, induces dynamic Inspiration. One character might think his way out of a tough situation to become a mesmerist, while another uses sheer damn manliness to become a daredevil! 
-{{tag>​sys}} ​ 
instance_of_inspiration.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/04 00:39 (external edit)