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mental_merits_and_flaws [2013/12/23 04:34]
mental_merits_and_flaws [2014/01/28 17:31]
storyteller [Jack-Of-All-Trades (4 pt. Merit)]
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 When you are determined and your mind is set, nothing can thwart you from your goals. ​ You have a tremendous ability to resist outside attempts to take over your mind.  You receive three extra dice to resist attempts to manipulate your mind, and may spend a Willpower point to shake off direct mental control. ​ This Merit works only against direct mental control, not emotional manipulation or other powers dealing with the emotions. ​ Characters will Willpower scores below 8 cannot take this Merit. When you are determined and your mind is set, nothing can thwart you from your goals. ​ You have a tremendous ability to resist outside attempts to take over your mind.  You receive three extra dice to resist attempts to manipulate your mind, and may spend a Willpower point to shake off direct mental control. ​ This Merit works only against direct mental control, not emotional manipulation or other powers dealing with the emotions. ​ Characters will Willpower scores below 8 cannot take this Merit.
-==== Jack-Of-All-Trades (pt. Merit) ==== +==== Jack-Of-All-Trades (pt. Merit) ==== 
-You have a little knowledge about a lot of things.+You have a little knowledge about a lot of things.  You can draw upon a large pool of skills and knowledge, obtained through your extensive travels, the jobs you've held or just all-around know-how. You automatically have one illusory dot in all Abilities. ​ The difficulty for any rolls using one of these Abilities are raised by 1 (requires a minimum of 2 successes). ​ These abilities may not be used in combat. 
 +This is an illusory level, used only to simulate a wide range of abilities. ​ If you train or spend experience in the Ability, you must pay the point cost for the first level a "​second time" before raising the Ability to 2 dots.
 ==== Self-Confident (5 pt. Merit) ==== ==== Self-Confident (5 pt. Merit) ====
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 You feel compelled to take certain actions at certain times or under specific circumstances. This psychological quirk sometimes takes a highly ritualized form (constant hand-washing or grooming) or else manifests in trigger situations (compulsive gambling, swearing, talking, stealing). ​ This Flaw not only causes problems for you, but for your team as well. You may spend a Willpower point to avoid your compulsion temporarily. Check with your Storyteller to find out how long you can resist before you must spend another Willpower point or succumb to your compulsion. You feel compelled to take certain actions at certain times or under specific circumstances. This psychological quirk sometimes takes a highly ritualized form (constant hand-washing or grooming) or else manifests in trigger situations (compulsive gambling, swearing, talking, stealing). ​ This Flaw not only causes problems for you, but for your team as well. You may spend a Willpower point to avoid your compulsion temporarily. Check with your Storyteller to find out how long you can resist before you must spend another Willpower point or succumb to your compulsion.
 +==== Deep Sleeper (1pt. Flaw) ====
 +When you sleep, it is very difficult for you to awaken. ​ The difficulty of any roll to awaken is increased by two and the character continues to stagger along bleary-eyed and uncomprehending for the rest of the scene (with a further one point penalty on all rolls).. ​
 +==== Impatient (1pt. Flaw) ====
 +You have no patience for standing around and waiting. ​ Now is the time for action. Some people are exceptionally patient, and can wait almost indefinitely to achieve their goals. ​ You are not one of these people, and find it very difficult to wait instead of acting now. Make a Willpower roll any time you try to wait rather than act immediately. ​ Failure means you’re off to tackle what’s got to be done, on your own if necessary.
 +==== Ineptitude (1 pt. Flaw) ====
 +Your character just sucks at one particular Ability. Maybe he can't handle driving worth a damn, or he makes radios burst into flames and emit pink smoke. Pick one Ability in which your character has at least one dot — preferably one that will be important to your character in some fashion. (Your Storyteller will know if you do otherwise, and he has nasty ways to make you pay.) You have 2 fewer dice on all rolls with that Ability.
 +==== Intolerance (1 pt. Flaw) ====
 +You have an irrational dislike of a certain thing: an animal, class of person, situation, or object. You gain a +2 difficulty on all dice rolls involving the focus of your intolerance. The Storyteller is the final arbiter of what you can choose to have an Intolerance of: some dislikes may be too trivial to count (doughnuts or mechanical pencils).
 +==== Lusty (1 pt. Flaw) ====
 +You have an insatiable libido coupled with an inability to control your desires. Any attempt to seduce you receives 3 extra dice, provided they are attractive to you. You are at +1 Difficulty to resist any such attempts. You can expend a Willpower point or take a cold shower to resist this flaw.
 +==== Nightmares (1 pt. Flaw) ====
 +You experience horrendous nightmares every time you sleep, and memories of them haunt you during your waking hours whether due to a natural condition like night terrors, a curse or perhaps a vivid replaying of a terrifying event. ​ Your character has trouble getting enough sleep, and he often wakes up horrified, soaked with sweat and exhausted. Upon awakening, you must make a Willpower roll or lose a die on all actions for that night. A botched Willpower roll indicates that, even when awake, you still believe that you are locked in a nightmare (and Storytellers will be quick to take advantage of this impression). ​ Naturally, you cannot take this Flaw in conjunction with the three-point version of the Light Sleeper Merit!
 +==== Overconfident (1 pt. Flaw) ====
 +You can do anything — or so you think. No challenge is too big for you to tackle, regardless of whether you actually have the skill to succeed. Never refuse to attempt something due to being outgunned, outclassed, or outnumbered. If you fail, you will find someone or something else to blame; it couldn’t have been any lack on your part, of course.
 +==== Soft-Hearted (1 pt. Flaw) ====
 +You cannot stand to watch others suffer. ​ Whether because of an abundance of empathy and compassion, or simply a weak stomach, you cannot stand to watch others suffer. ​ You must avoid or leave any situation that involves someone in physical or emotional pain, unless you succeed on a Willpower roll (difficulty 8).
 +==== Trademark (1 pt. Flaw) ====
 +You have a particular "​signature"​ and like to "​sign"​ your work. It may be leaving a poem or carving your initials into the scene; you feel compelled to do something to not it was your work. What makes it a flaw is your obsession to leave your mark and the extra risk you take to do it. To avoid leaving your trademark "​signature"​ behind you must spend a Willpower Point.
 +==== Pacifist (1 to 4 pt. Flaw) ====
 +You must spend a Willpower Point to commit a violent act, although you can defend yourself or others without having to expend Willpower. For 4 points you must spend a Willpower to fight at all. Normally, you use only bashing attacks and must spend a Willpower Point to use a Lethal weapon.
 +==== Amnesia (2 pt. Flaw) ====
 +You are unable to remember anything about your past, yourself, or your family, though your past might well come back to haunt you. Your origins and the circumstances behind your amnesia are for the Storyteller to determine, and she is encouraged to make it as interesting as possible.
 +==== Confused: (2 pt. Flaw) ====
 +You are often confused, and you perceive the world to be a very distorted and twisted place. Sometimes, you are simply unable to make sense of things. You need to roleplay this behavior all the time to a small degree, but your confusion becomes especially strong whenever stimuli surround you (such as a number of different people all talking at once or the pounding music of a nightclub.) You can spend Willpower to override the effects of your confusion, but it works only temporarily.
 +==== Curiosity (2 pt. Flaw) ====
 +You find mysteries of any sort irresistible. Whether it’s a closed drawer, a whispered conversation,​ or a mysterious light just beyond the trees, you have to know what is going on at all times. Anytime you are presented with the unknown, make a Wits roll or else you must go investigate. The difficulty varies with the roll involved: ​ (“What is in that storage unit?”) and up to difficulty 5 for intense circumstances (“I wonder what those guards are planning. I’d better go listen in. What could possibly go wrong?”)
 +==== Deranged (2 pt. Flaw) ====
 +Due to circumstances beyond her control, your character is permanently insane. This state may result from a congenital brain disorder, or maybe she saw things she wasn't meant to see that drove her mad. Although you can overcome this insanity temporarily with Willpower, your character might never overcome its grip. Choose or create a Derangement.
 +==== Group Mentality (2 pt. Flaw) ====
 +You are lost without your group. Their presence not only supports you, it helps define you. When you are not with at least one member of your group your difficulty increases by 2 on any task.  You sometimes have trouble making decision without your group to help you, even if you are the leader. In stressful situations, you may need to make a Willpower roll to act on your own.
 +==== Low Self Image: (2 pt. Flaw) ====
 +You just don't believe in yourself. You have two fewer dice in situations where you don't expect to succeed (at the Storyteller'​s discretion, although he might limit this penalty to one die if you do the brave thing and point out times when this Flaw could affect you). At the Storyteller'​s option, you may have to make Willpower rolls to do things that require self-confidence,​ or even to use a Willpower point when other players would not be obliged to do so.
 +==== Obsession (2 pt. Flaw) ====
 +You are fascinated with a particular place, person or behavior and do everything you can to fill this desire. If you are obsessed with a person you spend all your free time stalking them trying to learn all about them. If it is a place you try to spend all your free time there and are very reluctant to leave. If it is a behavior you try to perform that behavior all the time. To avoid expressing your Obsession, for one scene, you must spend a Willpower Point.
 +==== Overwhelmed (2 pt. Flaw) ====
 +You suffer from over stimulation,​ a common problem in the overcrowded 22nd century. Unless you are in an area of complete calm and relative silence, you’re distracted as you try to filter more sensory input than you can comfortably handle. All tasks attempted under chaotic conditions are at +1 to +3 difficulty, depending on the level of turmoil around you-combat is usually good for a +2 difficulty. You may temporarily focus and ignore this penalty for a number of turns equal to your Wits score by spending a Willpower point. You may not take this Flaw in conjunction with the Merit Concentration.
 +==== Phobia (2 pt. Flaw) ====
 +You have an overwhelming fear of something. Spiders, snakes, crowds, and heights are examples of common phobias. You must make a Willpower roll every time you encounter the object of your fear. The difficulty of the roll is determined by the Storyteller and based on the circumstances of the encounter. You must make at last three successes in order to approach the object of your fear or deal with the fearful situation. If you fail the roll, you must run away. Your Storyteller must approve your choice of phobia.
 +==== Short Fuse (2 pt. Flaw) ====
 +You are easily angered. ​ It takes two Willpower points to resist your Vice.
 +==== Vengeful (2 pt. Flaw) ====
 +You have a score to settle. ​ Taking revenge on the individual or group responsible is your overriding priority in any situation where you encounter them, or have the opportunity to come closer to your revenge. ​ You may temporarily resist your need for vengeance by spending a Willpower point.
 +==== Absent-Minded (3 pt. Flaw) ====
 +You forget things: important things like names, phone numbers, and which route to take to the grocery store. You often forget tasks you’ve been assigned, what day or time certain happenings are taking place, or even when you last ate.  Although you don’t forget Abilities, in order to remember specific details about anything more significant than your own name, you need to make an Intelligence roll.
 +==== Combat Paralysis (3 pt. Flaw) ====
 +Whether from inexperience or some past trauma you tend to "​freeze up" in combat. You must roll two initiative dice and take the lower result.
 +==== Driving Goal (3 pt. Flaw) ====
 +You are driven by a personal goal that compels you in sometimes startling ways. The goal is always unachievable. ​ Few are as consumed by the singular nature of your focus. ​ You must work toward your goal throughout the series (though you can avoid it for short periods by spending Willpower), and your one-track mind continually gets you into trouble with those who do not share the intensity of your vision. Choose your goal carefully, as it will be the focus of everything your character does.
 +==== Hatred (3 pt. Flaw) ====
 +Certain types of people or situations arouse an uncontrollable and irrational hatred in you, causing you to frenzy whenever you confront the object or objects of your hatred. Furthermore,​ you actively look for opportunities to wreak destruction on your chosen targets. You should choose your nemesis carefully, since the Flaw can affect your relationships.
 +==== Low Pain Threshold (3 pt. Flaw) ====
 +You just don’t deal well with physical trauma. All wound penalties are one higher than they would be for a normal individual. You’re down one die as soon as you’re Bruised, and a Crippled result knocks you down five dice on all your rolls. You may not spend Willpower to overcome your wound penalties.
 +==== Weak-Willed (3 pt. Flaw) ====
 +You have little resistance to attempts to dominate or intimidate you.  You are highly susceptible to intimidation by others; ​ Your difficulties to resist Social abilities such as Intimidation or Command, are increased by two.  Your Willpower Trait may never rise above 4.
 +==== Guilt-Wracked (4 pt. Flaw) ====
 +You feel crippling guilt when you cause any type of harm to another. ​ This leaves you unable to spend Willpower for the duration of the scene and increases the difficulty of all rolls by one.
 +==== Flashbacks (6 pt. Flaw) ====
 +You managed to make it through a traumatic experience, but not wholly intact. The most insignificant thing can throw you into a different mood or state of mind, and as such your behavior is extremely unpredictable. Because of your precarious emotional state, your Willpower fluctuates. At the beginning of each episode, make a Willpower roll (you may not spend Willpower for an automatic success). If you succeed, you may participate in the story as normal. If you fail, however, your Willpower score is considered to be 1 for the duration of that session, and you only have one Willpower point to spend. You may roll again at the beginning of the next session to see if you regain your Willpower.
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mental_merits_and_flaws.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/04 00:39 (external edit)