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nasal_filter_cyberware [2013/08/27 21:14] external edit
nasal_filter_cyberware [2021/12/04 00:39]
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== Nasal Filter (Cyberware) ====== 
-===== NASAL FILTER (PL 6) ===== 
-A nasal filter is a microfilter built into both the nose and throat, filtering out toxins and impurities in the air the recipient breathes. 
-**Benefit:​** ​ The cyberware recipient gains a +6 equipment bonus on Fortitude saves made for gases or airborne poisons and diseases. ​ A nasal filter does not count against the total number of cybernetic implants a character can have implanted. ​ Also available as [[WetWare|wetware]]. 
-**Type:​** ​ Internal. 
-**Location:​** ​ None. 
-**Hardness/​Hit Points:​** ​ -/14. 
-**Base Purchase DC:**  18. 
-**Restriction:​** ​ None. 
-{{tag>​cyb pl6 headware wetware internal wetware}} ​ 
nasal_filter_cyberware.txt ยท Last modified: 2021/12/04 00:39 (external edit)