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new_foundland [2013/11/02 21:30]
new_foundland [2021/12/04 00:39]
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-====== New Foundland ====== 
- In the early years of the 23rd century, while Jeff Sendir led his followers to what would become the [[Orlamu Theocracy]],​ a rift occurred in the Church. Those with more of a scientific bent toward the [[stardrive]],​ rather than a religious belief regarding the Divine Unconscious,​ spurned Sendir and turned their backs on the fledgling theocracy. Their research turned up a small collection of star systems outside the Orlamu Foundation'​s territory that they wished to settle and study in more detail...leaving behind the constant search for the Divine Unconscious via drivespace. These dissenters named the region New Foundland, because of their discovery. ​ 
-When the First Galactic War broke out in [[timeline|2299]],​ New Foundland set its back against the non-aggressive Orlamu Theocracy, and managed to hold off what forces of the Terran Empire came for them. In 2312, the Treaty of Earth recognized New Foundland as an independent nation, with territory very near several other small nations, including the [[Free Kyrena Society]] and the [[Pioneer Co-prosperity Zone]]. ​ 
-In 2346, scarcely three decades later, the nations of the [[Stellar Ring]] fell into a [[Second Galactic War]]. By then, most of New Foundland'​s smaller neighbors had coalesced into the more powerful [[Orion League]]. Now surrounded by three more powerful nations, and witnessing the ongoing collapse of the Pioneers, [[Utopia Now]]! and [[Sothvec Industries]],​ the leaders of New Foundland decided to seek a renewed alliance with their former colleagues. Thus, in 2352, they signed a formal treaty with the Orlamu Theocracy. The two nations had maintained many cultural, economic, and scientific ties to the Orlamu over the last century and they made for logical allies. Perhaps they also feared an eventual aggressive move on the Theocracy'​s part to reclaim them. Soon, Orlamu fleets reinforced New Foundland borders, and special [[weren_species|weren]] shock troops helped defend their planets. ​ 
-When the Gentleman'​s Agreement between the [[FreeSpace Alliance]] and [[Profit Confederation]] broke down following the Battle of Songham in 2401, New Foundland soon became the target of the [[Union of Sol]]. Although their allies aided them considerably,​ they soon found that Theocracy forces were deployed more heavily within true Orlamu space. By 2404, the New Foundland capitol system was occupied by the Union‟s Planetary Defense Force. The surviving government fled in exile to [[prophetholme_planet|Prophethome]]. Although much of New Foundland territory was held or retaken by the Theocracy, the capitol remained firmly in Solar hands by the war's end. New Foundland'​s government and military had completely integrated with those of the Theocracy over the previous decades. With their citizens deeply entrenched in Orlamu culture and protection, New Foundland surrendered its independence during the negotiations for the [[the stellar nations|Treaty of Concord]], and became an official region of the Orlamu Theocracy. ​ 
-Starting heroes from the New Foundland region may opt for a slightly different set of stellar nation benefits than the typical Orlamu. New Foundland characters may choose one of the following benefits for free at 1st level: +2 cultural bonus on any Knowledge (Physical Science) and Autohypnosis checks, Psionic Ability, Wild Talent (Mental Contact), Wild Talent (Psionic Sense), Wild Talent (Suggestion),​ or Wild Talent (Sense Minds). The character must meet all of the prerequisites for the chosen feat. Despite this subtle difference, the interstellar community will still view the hero as a citizen of the Orlamu Theocracy. 
-{{tag>​geography stellarnation orlamu newfoundland}} 
new_foundland.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/04 00:39 (external edit)