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npc_robots [2013/08/12 06:35]
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-====== NPC Robots ====== 
-Most robots exist to perform mundane, routine, or dangerous tasks without argument or ambition. Except for biodroids and bioreplicas with heroic class levels, all robots are treated as constructs and share the general traits out-lined below. 
-Nonheroic robots don't get class levels. However, they can receive factory-installed skill and feat software, allowing them to emu-late specific skills and feats as part of their programming (see Skill Software and Feat Software). 
-As constructs, robots share the following traits that set them apart from organic beings: 
-**Hit Die:** d10. 
-**Base Attack Bonus:** 3/4 of total Hit Dice. 
-**Good Saving Throws:** None. 
-**Skill Points:** None. 
-**Feats:** None. 
-**Starting Occupation:​** Robots never get starting occupations. Starting occupations represent life experiences gained before acquiring 1st level. Robots have no life experiences before rolling off the assembly line; before then, they were nothing but parts. 
-**Weapon and Armor Proficiency:​** Robots are proficient with their manipulators only. They are not proficient with armor. 
-**Ability Scores:** Robots have no Constitution score and usually no Intelligence score. A robot'​s size and frame determines its ability scores, as shown on the tables included in the description of each type of robot frame. 
-**Extra Hit Points:** Robots gain extra hit points according to their size, as shown on the tables included in the description of each type of robot frame. 
-**Manipulators:​** A robot typically has two functioning manipulators,​ although Large or bigger robots can have a higher number of functioning manipulators based on their size. 
-**Immunities:​** As constructs, robots are immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless. They are not subject to nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, or the effects of massive damage. 
-Robots with armature and biomorph frames are not subject to critical hits. Bio-droids and bioreplicas,​ like the creatures they imitate, have vital areas and critical systems that can be attacked; consequently,​ they are susceptible to critical hits. 
-**Repairable:​** Robots cannot heal dam-age on their own but can be repaired using the Repair skill. A successful Repair check (DC 30) heals 1d10 points of damage to a robot, and each check represents 1 hour of work. 
-**Robot Resurrection:​** A robot reduced to 0 hit points is immediately destroyed and cannot be repaired, although its "​brain"​ may be removed and installed in an similar but intact frame. ​ 
-**Weight:** A robot is generally heavier than an organic creature of similar size. When estimating a robot'​s weight, find the appropriate weight for an organic creature of the same size and multiply the result by X1.5. 
-===== ROBOT FRAMES ===== 
-A robot'​s frame is the basic form the robot takes, from a simple bare-bones armature to a convincingly lifelike. It includes both the robot'​s chassis and its internal power source. 
-The frame determines a robot'​s base statistics and base purchase DC, as shown on the tables included with the description of each frame type, below.. 
-Frame Size: The size of the frame, which determines the robot'​s base purchase DC, base Hit Dice, and ability scores. 
-Base Purchase DC: The purchase DC of the frame (or its components). The base purchase DC does not include the cost of accessories (modes of locomotion, manipulators,​ armor, sensors, or equipment) or increased Hit Dice. 
-Base Hit Dice: The robot'​s Hit Dice, not counting any additional Hit Dice that may be added (see below). 
-Extra Hit Points: Additional hit points gained due to the robot'​s size. 
-Base Ability Scores: The robot'​s ability scores, before improvements. Robots that do not have Constitution or Intelligence scores cannot improve these abilities. 
-Maximum Hit Dice/​Purchase DC Modifier: The maximum Hit Dice the robot can have, and the amount by which the robot'​s purchase DC increases for each Hit Die added to its base Hit Dice. A dash (-) indicates that the robot cannot have its Hit Dice increased. 
-=== ARMATURE (PL 5) === 
-The most basic of robot designs, armatures are essentially mechanical skeletons. 
-To build an armature frame from scratch, a character must succeed at a Wealth check against the frame’s base purchase DC –2, and then a Craft (mechanical) check (DC 20) after investing time in the frame’s construction:​ 12 hours for a Tiny or smaller frame, 24 hours for a Small to Large frame, or 48 hours for a Huge or larger frame. A character without a mechanical toolkit takes a –4 penalty on the skill check. ​ The Armature Robot Frame table provides the base purchase DC, Hit Dice, and ability scores for factory-made armature models, as well as purchase DC modifiers for improving ability scores. 
-Immunities: Robots with the armature frame have all the normal construct immunities, including immunity to critical hits. 
-Restriction:​ None. 
-**Robot Base Base Extra —————Base Ability Scores——————- Max HD Purchase 
-Size Purchase DC HD hp STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA HD DC Modifier** 
-  * Colossal 44 32d10 120 47 6 - - 10 1 64d10 +3 per HD 
-  * Gargantuan 36 16d10 80 39 6 - - 10 1 31d10 +3 per HD 
-  * Huge 28 8d10 40 31 6 - - 10 1 15d10 +2 per HD 
-  * Large 24 2d10 20 23 8 - - 10 1 7d10 +1 per HD 
-  * Medium 20 1d10 10 15 10 - - 10 1 - - 
-  * Small 16 1/2d10 5 11 12 - - 10 1 - - 
-  * Tiny 12 1/4d10 - 7 14 - - 10 1 - - 
-  * Diminutive 8 1/8d10 - 5 16 - - 10 1 - - 
-  * Fine 4 1/16d10 - 1 18 - - 10 1 - - 
-=== BIOMORPH (PL 5) === 
-A biomorph frame is essentially a hard plastic or metallic casing, often in a shape that suggests a living creature—for example, a human, dog, cat, or chimpanzee—though the resemblance is vague, at best. 
-To build a biomorph frame from scratch, a character must succeed at a Craft (mechanical) check (DC 25) after investing time in the frame'​s construction:​ 24 hours for Large or smaller frame or 72 hours for a Huge or larger frame. A character without a mechanical tool kit takes a -4 penalty on the skill check. The character must also make a Wealth check against the frame'​s purchase DC –2. 
-The Biomorph Robot Frames table provides the base purchase DC, Hit Dice, and ability scores for factory-model biomorph robots, as well as purchase DC modifiers for improving ability scores. 
-Immunities: Robots with biomorph frames have all the normal construct immunities, including immunity to critical hits. 
-Restriction:​ None. 
-**Robot Base Base Extra —————Base Ability Scores——————- Max HD Purchase 
-Size Purchase DC HD hp STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA HD DC Modifier** 
-  * Colossal 48 32d10 120 46 6 - - 10 1 64d10 +3 per HD 
-  * Gargantuan 40 16d10 80 38 6 - - 10 1 31d10 +3 per HD 
-  * Huge 32 8d10 40 30 6 - - 10 1 15d10 +2 per HD 
-  * Large 28 2d10 20 22 8 - - 10 1 7d10 +1 per HD 
-  * Medium 24 1d10 10 14 10 - - 10 1 - - 
-  * Small 20 1/2d10 5 10 12 - - 10 1 - - 
-  * Tiny 16 1/4d10 - 6 14 - - 10 1 - - 
-  * Diminutive 12 1/8d10 - 4 16 - - 10 1 - - 
-  * Fine 8 1/16d10 - 1 18 - - 10 1 - - 
-=== BIODROID (PL 6) === 
-Biodroids are a step up from biomorphs, in that they can be mistaken, under certain conditions, for what they are made to resemble. However, reasonably close inspection reveals the presence of robotic parts and the lack of biological parts. Purchasing a factory-model biodroid requires a license. 
-To build a biodroid frame from scratch, a character must succeed at two skill checks-a Craft (mechanical) check (DC 30) and a Craft (electronic) check (DC 30). These checks are made after investing time in the frame'​s construction:​ 48 hours for a Large or smaller frame or 72 hours for a Huge or larger frame. A character without a mechanical tool kit or electrical tool kit takes a -4 penalty on the skill check (-8 if the character has neither). The character must also make a Wealth check against the frame'​s purchase DC –2.  The Biodroid Robot Frames table provides the base purchase DC, Hit Dice, and ability scores for factory-model biodroid robots, as well as purchase DC modifiers for improving ability scores. 
-Critical Systems: Although they are constructs, biodroids have vital areas and critical systems. Consequently,​ they are subject to critical hits. 
-Lifelike Appearance: Distinguishing a biodroid from members of its emulated species requires a successful Spot check (DC 10). A biodroid can use the Disguise skill to in-crease the Spot check DC. 
-Restriction:​ Licensed (+1). 
-**Robot Base Base Extra —————Base Ability Scores——————- Max HD Purchase 
-Size Purchase DC HD hp STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA HD DC Modifier** 
-  * Colossal 48 32d10 120 44 7 - 10 10 5 45d10 +4 per HD 
-  * Gargantuan 40 16d10 80 36 7 - 10 10 5 31d10 +3 per HD 
-  * Huge 32 8d10 40 28 7 - 10 10 5 15d10 +2 per HD 
-  * Large 28 2d10 20 20 9 - 10 10 5 7d10 +1 per HD 
-  * Medium 24 1d10 10 12 11 - 10 10 5 - - 
-  * Small 20 1/2d10 5 8 13 - 10 10 5 - - 
-  * Tiny 16 1/4d10 - 4 15 - 10 10 5 - - 
-  * Diminutive 12 1/8d10 - 2 17 - 10 10 5 - - 
-  * Fine 8 1/16d10 - 1 19 - 10 10 5 - - 
-=== MECHANOID (PL 6) === 
-The mechanoid frame is essentially an advanced version of the armature frame, using the PL 6 advances in neural networking and engineering to make the robot smarter and more capable. 
-Building a mechanoid from scratch calls for both a Craft (mechanical) check (DC 30) and a Craft (electronic) check (DC 30). These checks require an investment in construction time of 48 hours for Large or smaller frames and 72 hours for Huge or larger frames. A character performing such work without a mechanical tool kit or electrical tool kit takes a -4 penalty on the skill checks (-8 if the character has neither). The character must also make a Wealth check against the frame’s purchase DC. 
-The Mechanoid Robot Frames table provides the base purchase DC, Hit Dice, and ability scores for factory-model mechanoid robots, as well as purchase DC modifiers for improving ability scores. 
-Immunities: Robots with mechanoid frames have all the normal construct immunities, including immunity to critical hits. 
-Restriction:​ None. 
-**Robot Base Base Extra —————Base Ability Scores——————- Max HD Purchase 
-  * Size Purchase DC HD hp STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA HD DC Modifier** 
-  * Colossal 46 32d10 120 47 6 - 10 10 5 64d10 +3 per HD 
-  * Gargantuan 38 16d10 80 39 6 - 10 10 5 31d10 +3 per HD 
-  * Huge 30 8d10 40 31 6 - 10 10 5 15d10 +2 per HD 
-  * Large 26 2d10 20 23 8 - 10 10 5 7d10 +1 per HD 
-  * Medium 22 1d10 10 15 10 - 10 10 5 - - 
-  * Small 18 1/2d10 5 11 12 - 10 10 5 - - 
-  * Tiny 14 1/4d10 - 7 14 - 10 10 5 - - 
-  * Diminutive 10 1/8d10 - 5 16 - 10 10 5 - - 
-  * Fine 6 1/16d10 - 1 18 - 10 10 5 - - 
-=== BIOREPLICA (PL 7) === 
-A step up from biodroids, bioreplicas are robots so convincingly lifelike that they are virtually indistinguishable from their living counterparts. The bioreplica'​s components are made up of light-weight plastics in a synthetic sheath that looks and feels like real flesh and skin. Bioreplicants are restricted, and in some areas, buying or owning one is illegal. 
-To build a bioreplica frame from scratch, a character must succeed at two skill checks—a Craft (mechanical) check (DC 30) and a Craft (electronic) check (DC 30). These checks are made after investing time in the frame'​s construction:​ 48 hours for a Large or smaller frame or 72 hours for a Huge or larger frame. A character without a mechanical tool kit or electrical tool kit takes a -4 penalty on the skill check (-8 if the character has neither). The character must also make a Wealth check against the frame'​s purchase DC –2. 
-The Bioreplica Robot Frames table provides the base purchase DC, Hit Dice, and ability scores for factory-model bioreplica robots, as well as purchase DC modifiers for improving ability scores. 
-Critical Systems: Although they are constructs, bioreplicas have vital areas and critical systems. Consequently,​ they are subject to critical hits. 
-Lifelike Appearance: Distinguishing a bioreplica from members of its emulated species requires a successful Spot check (DC 20). A bioreplica can use the Disguise skill to in-crease the Spot check DC. 
-Restriction:​ Restricted (+2) or Illegal (+4) 
-**Robot Base Base Extra —————Base Ability Scores——————- Max HD Purchase 
-Size Purchase DC HD hp STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA HD DC Modifier** 
-  * Colossal 52 32d10 120 44 7 - 10 10 10 45d10 +4 per HD 
-  * Gargantuan 44 16d10 80 36 7 - 10 10 10 31d10 +3 per HD 
-  * Huge 36 8d10 40 28 7 - 10 10 10 15d10 +2 per HD 
-  * Large 32 2d10 20 20 9 - 10 10 10 7d10 +1 per HD 
-  * Medium 28 1d10 10 12 11 - 10 10 10 - - 
-  * Small 24 1/2d10 5 8 13 - 10 10 10 - - 
-  * Tiny 20 1/4d10 - 4 15 - 10 10 10 - - 
-  * Diminutive 16 1/8d10 - 2 17 - 10 10 10 - - 
-  * Fine 12 1/16d10 - 1 19 - 10 10 10 - - 
-  * [[Locomotion]] 
-  * [[Manipulators]] 
-  * [[Robot Armor]] 
-  * [[Sensors]] 
-  * [[Skill Software]] 
-  * [[Feat Software]] 
-  * [[Core Programming Affinity]] 
-  * [[More Special Robot Feats]] 
-  * [[Ability Upgrades]] 
-  * [[Robot Accessories]] 
-  * [[Known Robot Models]] 
-  * [[Robot Familiars]] 
npc_robots.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/04 00:39 (external edit)