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-====== People ====== 
-===== Alaundril ===== 
-Andreven, Egor--A false ID created by Pete Sokolov. Its persona is native to Babel, and has the Citizen Number B55028348. 
-Blackmore, Maura--The leader of House Blackmore. 
-Doctor Temeris Bliss--The chief medical officer of Goliath Station. 
-Bushur, Aidole--An Alaundrin merchant, Bushur is trying to export the planet'​s native egistrons offworld as game animals. 
-Dwane, Kever--An engineer employed by Ion Productions. He sighted a magus in the drive yards while working a late shift. 
-General Karen Jestons--The commander of Shadowrock Base, Jestons is an inspiring leader who doesn'​t want her military involved in Alaundril'​s politics. Hf/​Alaundril/​DCS-13 
-Kilean, Mary--A representative of Ion Productions,​ she accused Thorn Industries of industrial espionage. 
-Liquurl, Pofoal--The founder of the Seers of Torai, and their present leader. Fm/​Alaundril/​MW-16 
-Lindeberg, Koji--Formerly a ship designer and executive in Ion Productions,​ he has since taken up employment with Thorn Industries. He designed the corporation'​s shipyards, and is a capable starship engineer. Hm/​Alaundril/​TO-18 (pp 49, SC) 
-Williamson, Kane--The CEO of Ion Parts and Manufacturing,​ he changed his company'​s focus to shipbuilding. He died of radiation sickness while in the Cyra Belt. 
-Williamson, Maria--The daughter of Scott Williamson. She has been conducting meetings with Nariac representatives in hopes of weakening StarMech'​s grip on Tendril. 
-Williamson, Scott--The present CEO of Ion Productions,​ and the ruler of Alaundril. Hm/​Alaundril/​DTO-13 (pp 102, SDCS) 
-Belwe, Jessica--A native of Teminin, and Jonathan Belwe'​s older sister. She is the captain of the trader Esilio, and a small-time arms smuggler. 
-Belwe, Jonathan--Jessica Belwe'​s younger brother. He was a member of a rebel cell on Alitar, and created the Multiplex Cow virus. He was killed by Veertsen when a weapons deal went bad. 
-Doctor Sid Bray--A member of the survey team that discovered a deposit of rare ore near the Misten Sea. He was nearly killed in an accident, and informed General Kell of his discovery after he recovered. 
-Colonel Brent Darred--The leader of the 119th Air Cav battalion. His force was sent to guard human installations along the Misten from xe'​reen attack. 
-General Therald Kell--A retired Alitarin war hero. He hates the Galvinites with a passion, and criticizes his government for not taking appropriate action. He believes that the Galvinites are mining strategic minerals near the Misten Sea. 
-Prince Banda Korov--The current Potentate of the ISA. He was the Lord-Minister of defense during the Ajax incident, and the only high-ranked official who survived. Hm/​Algemron/​DCS-15 
-Captain Loefstedt--The captain of the Relentless. 
-General Wilken Murrad--The leader of the 22nd Powered Infantry division. He is a canny tactician who frequently leads assaults on the Galvinites himself. He has a 50,000 Concord dollar bounty on his head. Hm/​Algemron/​CS-9 
-Scherich, Martin--The supervisor of a petrochemical plant that was attacked by the xe'​reen. 
-Stokes, Reno--The captain of the Freefall. He is a smuggler, pirate, and does business with both factions in the Algemron conflict. 
-Maritec, Thomas--A retired Borealin admiral, Maritec oversees part of the Argos system for the Republic. He is currently assisting the Concord in its endeavors there. 
-Utir, Atilis Jil--The head of the Verge Confederation. Fm/​Argos/​DMW-8 
-===== Arist ===== 
-Alaagh--A weren warrior from West Lodge. 
-Burwab--The Council Chief and best warrior of the weren settlement West Lodge. He held his position for the past seven years, and was a member of the Okabi Clan. He died fighting the klicks in the caverns. 
-Fygora--A weren of West Lodge, and Burwab'​s cousin. She was injured while participating in an attack on Red Ridge. 
-Grutok--A young weren warrior apprenticed to Kuhudag. He is the son of Medlyna. 
-Magtan--A weren warrior from West Lodge. 
-Medlyna--A weren warrior from West Lodge, and Grutok'​s mother. ​ 
-Shubud--A member of West Lodge'​s governing council, and its highest-ranked Orlamu priest. 
-Toorhat One Tusk--A weren warrior from West Lodge. He got his nickname after losing a tusk to a misfiring rifle round. 
-===== Austrin-Ontis Unlimited ===== 
-Biggs, Geoffrey--An Austrin scientist and spokesperson for the Austrin-Ontis Scientific Pioneering Committee, he accused the BRB of withholding information. Hm/​Austrin/​DTO-4 
-Brickwell, Reed--The Austrin ambassador to Bluefall, and the head of its colony on Ober Island. He also manages Stahn Munitions. Hm/​Austrin/​DCS-16 
-Captain Erhardt--The captain of the Roland, he obtained Galvin for his nation. 
-deLoughton, Gelaina--A representative of Austrin-Ontis. She encouraged Vergers to purchase weapons. 
-Gates, James "​Crazy"​--The CEO of Austrin-Ontis during 2472. 
-Kaden, Dar--An Austrin agent posing as a Lucullan merchant. He delivers weapons from Colonel Keaton to individual smugglers. 
-Colonel Jay Keaton--An Austrin covert operative, and the "​CEO"​ of Hanley Arms Ltd. He is in charge of Western Olympic'​s gunrunning operations in Algemron, and employs independent traders through his cutout company. 
-Kessel, Richard "​Nickelshot"​--An Austrin Undersecretary. 
-Litrain, Heidi--The Vice-President of Thorn Industries'​ Garat Mining Division. Hf/​Austrin/​DTO-6 
-Colonel Jane Merrick--The founder of Merrick'​s of Powder, she was originally the head of Austrin-Ontis'​ testing department. ​ 
-Ragnarsson, Helm-- 
-Vallest, Sebastian--The Austrin ambassador to the Lighthouse, Vallest hopes to use his position to provide the systems of the Verge with weaponry. Hm/​Austrin/​DCS-7 
-===== Bhruu ===== 
-Aageeak--The ubhruus of Meenh abhaal. He has implemented decidedly democratic policies in his government. 
-Aaleemak--One of the first ubhruusa, and a student of Luumak. ​ 
-Bahluurak--The leader of the Luunh abhaal. He is worried that his people will become absorbed into Insight. Bhm/​Independent/​DCS-4 
-Ghiikak--An intelligent,​ deformed bhruu, he deserted his abhaal. 
-Huumak--A dark-furred ubhruus. 
-Keehrak--A legendary bhruu explorer, whose tales form the basis of bhruu woodcraft. 
-Khiikilak--A handsome yet cruel ubhruus. 
-Kluumalak--The first bhruu to survive negotiations with VoidCorp. He was rumored to be a friend of Staahurak. 
-Lheeamak--A young councilor in the Meenh abhaal, she believes that the bhruu must adapt to humanity'​s presence and technology in order to survive. Bhm/​Independent/​DFA-3 (pp 64, SC) 
-Meechak--An ubhruus of the Kaanh abhaal. He was the first ubhruus to come to a peaceful agreement with humans. 
-Muughrak--A student and co-leader of the Twelve Ducks. He is a good friend of Naesa Reyati. Bhm/​Independent/​TO-4 
-Nheelak--A bhruu famous for his dowsing skills. 
-Raahlak--The ubhruus of Kaanh abhaal, he has opened up a partnership between his people and the Inseer colonists. Bhm/​Independent/​DTO-10 (pp 63, SC) 
-Ruurmak--A lovely, nigh-legendary bhruu female. 
-Saakihlak--A somewhat egotistical former ubhruus. He was given the honor of naming the outer planets of the Karnath system. 
-===== Borealis Republic ===== 
-Andrea--A citizen of the Borealis Republic. 
-Arimensis, Justin--The current Grand Philosopher of the Borealis Republic, Arimensis graduated from the College of Justice Ethics, and is a historian of Ledarn Metaphysics. 
-Captain Jangir Batra--The captain of the Abstraction,​ Batra fled to Hammer'​s Star during the Second Galactic War. He ultimately left the system after word of his cowardice got out. 
-King Carolev V--The last king of the Borealis Republic, King Carolev V granted universal nobility and civil rights to his subjects before abdicating the throne and dissolving the monarchy. 
-Darrokin, Anthony--A cloned Borealin Professor of Justice Ethics, Darrokin "​converted"​ to the unconventional philosophies of the colonists of Spes. Hm/​Borealin/​DFA-4 
-Denisenko, Karel--A Philosopher of the College of Unism, Denisenko is a representative on the Galactic Consulate and a member of the Committee on Verge Integration. She frequently advocates sentient rights, and is thought of as a wild card. HF/​Borealin/​DMW-6 
-Evans, Safia--An Assistant Professor of the College of High Rationalism and the Borealin deputy ambassador to the Lighthouse. She is an ardent supporter of universal sentient rights. Hf/​Borealin/​DFA-6 
-Hitiro, Clea--A Borealin Lecturer of the College of Unism, Hitiro was sent to Spes to bring its rebellious colonists back into line with mainstream Borealin philosophy. Hf/​Borealin/​NP 
-Dr. Iko Jeta--The chief cybersurgeon at Hadrian Hospital, she helped design the first items of bhruu cybertechnology. Some of these items have easily-exploited flaws. Mf/​Borealin/​TO-16 
-Lecoq, Sheila--The current Chief Justice of the Galactic Court. 
-Lenoir, Emilie--The leader of a splinter faction of the Ancientists of Yellow Sky. She feels that humanity has offended the Stoneburners by disturbing the lowlands. Hf/​Borealin/​DFA-5 
-Lenormantit,​ Ariken--A Professor and ambassador to the Lighthouse, he retired from his position in 2500. Hm/​Borealin/​DTO-12 
-Orsidantis, Atlas--The head of the Youth Educational Center aboard the Lighthouse. Hm/​Borealin/​DTO-9 
-Socarta, Aaron--A Professor Emeritus, and the leader of the Borealin settlement on Cesar Island. Xm/​Borealin/​DTO-15 
-Toriso, Jsitri--A Professior of the College of Verant-Benn. He was the first one to propose that the wreckage discovered in the Ajikor system was that of a Warhulk. 
-Mikada, Trent--A Borealin Philosopher of Utilitarianism,​ he is the author of the Mikada Report. 
-Tantresis, Charles--The father of Justin Arimensis. 
-===== Coulomb ===== 
-Martin, Jonas--A native of Ohmel, and the leader of the revolutionary group known as Blue Frost. He models himself after Michael Thayne. 
-Lady Kfira Ngongwe--The ruler of Coulomb. Lady Ngongwe resents the Concord'​s intrusion in her affairs, and hopes to break away from the nation that legally owns her colony. Hf/​Coulomb/​DFA-3 
-Sarban, Robert--A human chanar hunter from the Tungusta dome. He has an ongoing feud with the chanar known as Cyclops, as both his wife and daughter were killed by him. He has nearly been driven insane by his rivalry. 
-===== Galactic Concord ===== 
-Commander Rafael Adarraga--The Lighthouse'​s chief weapons officer. Hm/​Concord/​DCS-5 
-Aeereek--A genetically-altered janitor, he works at the Corner. 
-al-Haq, Nur--The Concord deputy ambassador to Bluefall, and a native of Concord. He was once romantically involved with Karel Denisenko. Hm/​Concord/​DFA-9 (pp 156, SDCS) (DFA-10?) 
-Amoris, Regina--The floor manager of the Corner'​s casino. 
-Ana--One of Administrator Monahan'​s employees. She trained Sable in personal combat, and was killed by her during a confrontation at the Lighthouse. 
-Captain Applegate--The captain of the Serendipity. He has worked for TXI for twenty years, but was recently arrested by the ULS after being accused of smuggling rhodium. 
-Lieutenant Colonel Arends--The commander of the Marine contingent aboard Falada, known to his troops as the Mighty One Above Us. 
-Private First Class Nadya Atanza--A Concord soldier who left the CDC to become a Recon Marine. She was a member of Witzko'​s platoon, and was trained as a medic and demolitionist. She was killed by the klicks on Arist. 
-Avatar--The pseudonym of a renegade GNA journalist. He (she?) conducted an extensive anonymous investigation of the Verge, and pieced together the first traces of the External threat. 
-Aymes, Nolan--The Concord ambassador to Lucullus, he is working clandestinely to replace the Barons'​ corrupt officials with ones who are loyal to the Lucullan League. Hm/​Concord/​DFA-5 (pp 134, SDCS) 
-Corporal John Barker--A Concord Marine in the Third Battalion of the 26th Regiment. 
-Barrons, Eliza--A Concord junior communications officer. She is quiet and small of stature. Hf/​Concord/​NP (pp 6, RS) 
-Commander Auguste Barrow--The Lighthouse'​s chief computer specialist. Hm/​Concord/​TO-6 
-Basti, Marta--A senior journalist and anchor at TVN's affiliate aboard the Lighthouse. Hf/​Concord/​DFA-10 
-Baynes, Julius--The Sector Administrator for the Verge, Baynes is a strict enforcer of Concord law. His office is located aboard the Lighthouse, but also spends time on Bluefall. 
-Master Sergeant Jacques Belier--A portly, aged Concord Marine from the HQ of the 26th Regiment. He had been posted with Captain Savant for most of his career. He loathed Master Sergeant Lavon, whom he referred to as "​Queenie",​ and was killed by the klicks in a battle on Arist. ​ 
-Biggert--A Concord Recon Marine, who was killed when the klicks attacked Stormbird. 
-Bloch, Rieger (Roger?​)--The chief security officer of Kendai Station. He was killed by VoidCorp operatives during the initial installation of the Geneva Virus. 
-Doctor Borgan--A member of the board of the Tauran Concord Institute of Applied Xenoarchaeology. 
-Brody, Jeffrey--A member of Dr. Radlevich'​s expedition to Lilith. 
-Commodore Julia van Buren--The commander of the dreadnought Decisive. She first told Alliance Command of the Lighthouse'​s destruction. (Concord?) 
-Administrator Rick Carter--An Administrator in charge of cross-checking and collecting intelligence on the Externals. He frequently meets with Lorand Kharls, as well as Aaln Stykor. He was one of three Administrators to best Stykor'​s honor guard in combat. 
-Cathcart, Vince--The antagonistic co-leader of Dr. Radlevich'​s expedition to Lilith. He has a marked dislike of fraal, and is skeptical of anything psionic. 
-Charlotte--Administrator Monahan'​s secretary. 
-Captain David Chase--The commander of a company of Concord Marines permanantly stationed aboard the Lighthouse, Chase is a young, dedicated officer. He knows that his troops are being hired out by shady sources, yet doesn'​t know what to do about it. Hm/​Concord/​DCS-8 (pp 19, LH) 
-Sergeant Ajayla Chen--A newly-promoted Concord Marine, who was recently stationed with the headquarters of Witzko'​s platoon. She is a communications specialist, and is fond of high-stakes gambling and "​company in bed". She is one of the Unholy Three. 
-Administrator Ryan Christianson--A former Nariac, Christianson is the harbormaster of the Lighthouse'​s High Dock. He is typically unpleasant to deal with. Hm/​Concord/​CS-7 
-Commander Jacob Cohn--Kevin Ochoa'​s second-in-command,​ Cohn acts as a liason between his superior and the Star Force officers beneath him. He knows the secret of the Lighthouse'​s stardrive. Hm/​Concord/​DTO-6 
-Lieutenant Collins--A Concord Marine stationed at an Observation Post in Barrows. 
-Csapo, Terin--A Concord junior officer, and Orlamu native. He specializes in engineering,​ and has a nasty temper. Hm/​Concord/​NP (pp 6, RS) 
-Lieutenant Commander Kyle Dabur--A Concord Star Force officer, and Stormbird'​s senior lander pilot. 
-Datim, Gevon--An official in the Concord Bureau of Science and History. He believes the derelict near Titania is a fraal colony ship. 
-Demerot, Dmetri--The Concord ambassador to Tendril. Hm/​Concord/​DFA-13 
-Deihudt--A Concord Recon Marine who was killed during Stormbird'​s second engagement with the klicks. 
-Captain Armand d'​Estrees--The commander of Mercury Company, d'​Estrees joined the Concord with his family shortly after it formed. He graduated from Coughlin Academy, and is a capable leader. Hm/​Concord/​DCS-8 
-Delvecchio, Lauren--A Concord ambassador native to Thuldan Prime, nicknamed the Gray Lady by the Marines aboard Falada. 
-Corporal Gail Derow--A Concord security officer aboard Omega Station. Her team discovered several klicks attempting to sabotage the station. 
-Administrator Maria DeVrona--A Concord Administrator. She serves as the head of the Neutrality Patrol in Algemron. She is currently working toward evening the playing field by eliminating the edge Galvin holds over Alitar. She is stern and rather forceful. Hf/​Concord/​DCS-16 
-Drecir--A member of the Kepler'​s crew. He was killed by an Arachnon while on High Mojave. 
-Captain Drel--The commander of the light cruiser Corinth. 
-Administrator Virginia DuPree--A senior Administrator in the Verge (Chief Administrator?​ Baynes is listed as that.), and one of Michael Thayne'​s most trusted advisors. She was sent to negotiate with the medurr, but was killed by forces loyal to Teran. 
-Dynler, Lucien--A legal counsel, and the guitarist in the Corner'​s band. 
-Eamsden, Renata--A Concord official, and the coordinator of its study on comparative life spans. She recently traveled to the Hloewton system after her friend, Iduna, traveled there. 
-Eduardo--One of Administrator Monahan'​s thugs. 
-Elmo--A heavily-tattooed bouncer at The Corner. 
-Emblar, Gavin--An outspoken critic of the Concord Assembly and the CIB. 
-Errioc, Elizabeth--A Concord Administrator and the wife of Nur al-Haq. Hf/​Concord/​DTO-7 
-Ettekoven, Paul--A former operations chief for the CIB, Ettekoven has since gone into the business world and amassed a considerable fortune. His estate is located aboard the Lighthouse, and he sometimes uses his position to relay information to the station'​s leaders. Hm/​Regency/​DFA-16 
-Fortuna, Elizabeth--The current Vice Chancellor. 
-Lieutenant Colonel Helio de Freitas--The commander of the 5th Regiment of the 145th Division. Hm/​Concord/​DMW-5 
-Lieutenant Drey Gerrin--A Concord naval officer assigned to the Shrike. He is young, and does things by the book. Hm/​Concord/​DTO-2 (pp 6, RS) 
-Gillst, Jaren--One of Monahan'​s classmates, who was killed when he was young. Monahan used his name as an alias when planting false records. 
-Goodson--A Concord Marine from the Third Battalion of the 26th Regiment. 
-Lance Corporal Grammet--A Concord Marine. She is stationed with the 26th Regiment. 
-Grant, Ruden--A serious, dedicated Concord Administrator specializing in xenoculture and xenobiology. He was the leader of the two surveys led by the Kepler. He is interested in further investigations of the cultures of the native species of the Verge. Hm/​Concord/​DCS-5 (pp 9, AC) 
-Private Grecko--A Recon Concord Marine, and a member of Witzko'​s platoon.  
-Grimy--One of the supervisors at The Corner. (Mentioned briefly on pp 254 of GR. New person, or a name for an old one?) 
-Grusin--A Concord Marine who went missing during Stormbird'​s battle with several klick ships and was later found dead. 
-Gr'uun (Kesh?)--A weren bartender (and botanist?) at the Corner. (%) 
-Lieutenant Thomas Hale--The commander of 1st Platoon, Lieutenant Hale is also the youngest son of Senator Bruce Hale of the Orion League. Though only twenty-one years old, he has already been awarded the Silver Cross for valor in an assault on a klick base. Hm/​Concord/​DCS-7 (pp 212, SDCS) 
-Halles, Othgar--The owner of the Georgetown Inn, Halles is deep in debt. 
-Lieutenant Commander Hammel--A Star Force officer stationed aboard Stormbird. He has a shaky disposition,​ and is being treated for a nervous stomach. 
-Private Hangler--A Concord Marine from the 26th Regiment. He was killed by the klicks on Arist. 
-Hardy--A Concord Marine in Witzko'​s Recon Platoon. 
-Haskell, Pete--A member of the expedition to Lilith. He was killed during the pirate attack on the expedition'​s base camp. 
-Hassan--The head chef of the Corner. 
-Commander Bennett Hix--The Lighthouse'​s chief communications officer. She works closely with the CCC, but sometimes funnels information to the Hatire Community, her old stellar nation. Hf/​Concord/​TO-6 
-Field Administrator Steven Hood--A Concord Administrator,​ and an assistant to Lorand Kharls, Hood is currently overseeing the diplomatic relations between the Concord and the edanweir. Hm/​Concord/​DFA-3 
-Administrator Thomas Hraldin--The head of the Lighthouse'​s municipal government, he meets with elected officials. He also presides over all trials that take place aboard the station. Hm/​Concord/​DCS-7 
-Commander Maura Hudson--The first officer of the Lighthouse, she monitors the ship from its command deck while Captain Wistzec is away. She is rather ambitious, and hopes to someday command her own vessel. Hf/​Concord/​DCS-5 
-Hurm, Umra--The owner of a store aboard the Lighthouse. 
-Lieutenant Commander Ikido--A Star Force officer, and the executive officer of the Stormbird. 
-Ipsilon, Mi'chi "​Mickie"​--A mechalus in the employ of the Concord, and a friend and associate of Renata. He accompaied her on her journey to Hloewton. 
-Major Anika Isakovic--The leader of the 3rd Battalion of the 1st Regiment of the 145th. Major Isakovic'​s battalion led the assault on the asteroid Rakke and captured the klick facilities there. Hf/​Concord/​DCS-7 
-Jackson--A Concord Marine, and member of Rapier Seven. 
-Johannsen, Fred "The Swede"​--A former Concord Marine, and the head bouncer of the Corner. 
-Jonesy--A scientist in the employ of the Concord. He traveled to Hloewton with his friend, Renata. 
-Lieutenant Barry Jordan--The Star Force attache to Antigua. 
-Jordikan, Anna--A masseuse, she lives and works aboard the Lighthouse. She has been known to arrange passage off-station for unsavory characters. Hf/​Concord/​FA-4 
-Doctor Bejide Jorgensun--A Concord specialist in Mindwalker psychology. 
-Lieutenant Marta Kael--The leader of 2nd Platoon, Lieutenant Kael is a veteran soldier. Hf/​Concord/​DCS-8 
-Commodore Kaile--The commander of the Concord Provisionary Squadron sent to stop the Warhulk from destroying the colony at Alitar. ​ 
-Karlo--A Concord Marine who was killed during the klicks'​ assault on the Stormbird. 
-Karra, Ishan--The Director of the Concord Diplomatic Service, Karra is a resident of Concord Sagittarius. 
-Karrelton, Sue--A member of the expedition to Lilith. She was killed by pirate raiders during the attack on the expedition'​s base camp. 
-Private First Class Kasuga--A Concord Marine. He is stationed with Lieutenant Witzko'​s Recon Platoon. 
-Brigadier General Walther Kell--The commander of the 191st Marine Expeditionary Brigade. 
-Kelly--A member of the Tauran Concord Institute of Applied Xenoarchaeology. 
-Kingston, Thomas--The insane vocalist of the Corner'​s band. 
-Klindo, Richard--The Concord'​s ambassador to the Lighthouse, Klindo has a healthy dislike of Administrator Wakefield. He was appointed to his position by Michael Thayne. Hm/​Concord/​DFA-9 
-Platoon Sergeant Jobal Kran--A noncommissioned Concord Marine in Witzko'​s platoon, and a ten-year Recon veteran. He is a devout Orlamu and an excellent soldier. 
-Lars--A thug in the employ of Administrator Monahan. (He might have been killed during the final confrontation,​ but there might not be enough evidence to say that he was.) 
-Lasanti--A Concord Marine posted with the Third Battalion of the 26th Regiment. 
-Master Sergeant Irina Lavon--A noncommissioned officer in the Concord Marines, and one of Lieutenant Witzko'​s subordinates. She was the Acting Sergeant Major of her unit's expedition to Hammer'​s Star. 
-Corporal Hurik Lee--A Concord Marine who was recently stationed with Witzko'​s platoon. He acts as a supply specialist, and has a habit of scamming other Marines. He is one of the Unholy Three. 
-Leeman--A Concord Marine, posted in Lieutenant Witzko'​s Recon Platoon. ​ 
-Lieutenant David Lieberman--The commander of Command Platoon, he acts as an advisor to Captain d'​Estrees. Hm/​Concord/​DCS-5 
-Lignos, Theron--A senior journalist at TVN's branch affiliate aboard the Lighthouse. Prior to taking his present assignment, he worked as a war correspondant in Algemron. Hm/​Concord/​DFA-10 
-Corporal Lucennes--A Concord Marine in Damion Witzko'​s Recon Platoon. He lost an arm during a space battle. 
-Admiral Lucent--A Concord Star Force official stationed at Kendai, and Admiral Raastad'​s commanding officer. 
-Corporal Barbara MacKenzie--A Concord Marine from Squad Two of Lieutenant Witzko'​s Recon Platoon. She was killed during Stormbird'​s second battle with the klicks. 
-Maddux, Jordan--A Concord Administrator. 
-Mahdra, Ari--A Concord Administrator,​ she issued the famous Mahdra Ruling. 
-Gunnery Sergeant Peter McAndres--A Concord Marine, and a member of Rapier Seven. He authored the book Assault on Hammer'​s Star. 
-McCaskill--A reformed pirate. He plays the drums in the Corner'​s band. 
-Colonel Colin McGilivray--The commander of the 2nd Regiment of the 145th Division. Hm/​Concord/​DCS-10 
-Captain Kira McRae--A Concord Marine officer, and the commander of the 2nd Company of the 3rd Battalion of the 26th Regiment. She was killed during a fight with the klicks in the tunnels of Arist. 
-Lieutenant Gregory McShane--A Concord intelligence agent and Mindwalker. He was formerly a Concord Marine, and was tasked with extracting a Concord operative from Hatala'​s operations on Spes. He is Mary Rivers'​ primary intelligence contact. 
-Mercadian, Malcom--The owner of the Corner. 
-Milet--A Concord Marine from the 26th Regiment. 
-MINA--The Lighthouse'​s artificial intelligence,​ MINA controls the station'​s computer networks. She feels unsure of her place in the universe. (pp 26, LH) 
-Mohan, Oliver--The Concord ambassador to Bluefall. He is blunt and matter-of-fact,​ and dictates the Concord'​s Verge policies. Hm/​Concord/​DFA-13 (14?) 
-Administrator Oslo G. Monahan--A Concord Administrator assigned to track down factions and supporters of Concord Free Now. He was also known as Brandon Maxwell, and was responsible for the kidnapping and enslavement of Gavin and Sabine Taraen. He attempted to frame Relitalia Yonce for arms smuggling, but was killed by Sable before he could succeed. ​ 
-Special Administrator Robert Monteith--A Concord Administrator in charge of the Concord'​s case against the Qaliban Corporation. 
-Field Administrator Victoria Moorcroft--A Concord administrator stationed in the district containing Pyrton. She mediated a custody conflict between Avi Hausoc and Ronald Aspan, and helped shut down Aspan'​s scheme to retrieve his family'​s money. 
-Morrek--A Concord Marine, and a heavy gunner in Witzko'​s Recon Platoon. 
-Morton--A Concord Marine who was killed during the klicks'​ attack on the Stormbird. 
-Mouton, Kyle--The manager of the Watson Theaters branch aboard the Lighthouse. 
-Doctor Paul Mutalis--The head of Galindus Medical center. Hm/​Concord/​TO-11 
-Administrator Marguerite Muwanga--The only Concord Administrator in Yellow Sky. Her sole duty is compiling information on the Stoneburners. Hf/​Concord/​DCS-4 
-Myers, Lonnie--A member of the expedition to Lilith. He was killed when pirate raiders attacked the expedition'​s base camp. 
-Captain Ela Myklebust--The captain of the transport Stormbird, and a Star Force officer. She is very pragmatic. 
-Lieutenant Commander Aryl N'​drochi--The captain of the Stingray, Aryl is clever, intuitive and calm. Mm/​Concord/​DTO-5 (pp 119, SDCS) 
-Ngaru, Brian--A recent graduate of the Vition academy, and a Concord junior officer. He is young, fairly naive, and specializes in sensor operation. Hm/​Concord/​NP (pp 6, RS) 
-Ochoa, Kevin--The chief engineer of the Lighthouse, and one of Wakefield'​s senior aides. He is a civilian, which leads to many conflicts with the Star Force officers aboard the station. Hm/​Concord/​DTO-10 
-Ogata--A Concord Marine, and heavy gunner stationed in Lieutenant Witzko'​s Recon Platoon. 
-Olafson--A Concord Marine who died during the klicks'​ attack on the Stormbird. 
-Corporal Norman "​Sticks"​ Ophir--A member of 1st Platoon, Corporal Ophir planted Mercury Company'​s flag and helped his fellow Marines repel a klick attack. Hm/​Concord/​DCS-5 
-Orthen, Derek--The current First Secretary. He was elected for his second term in 2500. 
-Oshima--A Concord Marine from the 26th Regiment who was wounded during a fight with the klicks on Arist. 
-Major Pelletin--A Concord Marine, and the executive and Ops officer for the Marines under Seymoyr'​s command. 
-Colonel Taro Petrik--The commander of the 1st Regiment of the 145th Division. Hm/​Concord/​DCS-8 
-Private Phelan--A Concord Marine crosstrained as a medic. He is stationed with Lieutenant Witzko'​s platoon. 
-Lance Corporal Planke--A Concord Marine, and a member of Lieutenant Witzko'​s Recon platoon. 
-Corporal Pleski--A Concord Marine killed while defending a Concord installation in the Verge. He informed Avatar of the kroath'​s true nature. 
-Commander Alfred Posada--The Lighthouse'​s chief of security, Posada is a former Austrin. Unlike the rest of his fellows, he answers to Administrator Witt as well as Captain Wistzec. Hm/​Concord/​CS-6 
-Sergeant Price--A Concord Marine in the Third Battalion of the 26th Regiment. 
-Qualid, Jen--A Concord diplomat assigned to negotiations with the medurr. 
-Lieutenant Alan Quinn--A CIB agent operating undercover as an agent of the REC. He is charismatic,​ responsible,​ and believes the Concord is working for the greater good. Hm/​Concord/​FA-12 (pp 66, SGA) 
-Vice Admiral Adrianus Raastad--The commander of the Concord forces at Hammer'​s Star, Raastad was one of the key players in the formation of the Star Force. Though physically weak, he is quite stubborn and is almost ruthlessly efficient. Hm/​Solar/​DTO-15 (pp 208, SDCS) 
-Sergeant Rackler--A Concord Marine engineer from the 26th Regiment. He is also a CIB agent. 
-Doctor Diane Radlevich--A field researcher currently in the employ of the Terran Xenoarchaeological institute. She recently discovered the Finders Keepers cache at Lilith, and also mounted an expedition to Storm to study the alien ruins there. 
-Rakbrin, Geste--The senior CIB agent aboard the Lighthouse. He is currently stationed within the VIP welcome center, and acts as a liason between Administrator Wakefield and the rest of the intelligence agents. Hm/​Concord/​FA-13 (pp 20, LH) 
-Ramirez, Martin--A Concord Marine from Lieutenant Witzko'​s Recon Platoon. He was badly injured during a fight against human troopers on Arist. 
-Reed, Teri--The chief engineer aboard Kendai Station, and former member of the Orion Navy. She currently works for the Concord Space Authority. Hf/​Orion(Concord?​)/​TO-3 (pp 6, BS) 
-Reekmon--A Concord Marine who was killed during Stormbird'​s second battle with the klicks. 
-Sergeant Reeman--A noncommissioned officer in the Concord Marines. He is a member of Witzko'​s platoon, and spends much of his time flirting with Master Sergeant Lavon. 
-Private First Class Rewall--A Concord Marine from the Third Battalion of the 26th Regiment. 
-Rice, Wayne--Formerly a District Administrator and the Station Administrator of the Lighthouse, Rice was forced to resign after being framed by an unknown party. He is working with VoidCorp in an attempt to prove his innocence. Hm/​Concord/​DCS-16 
-Rike--A Concord Marine stationed aboard Falada. He acts as a source of gossip. 
-Lieutenant Telpha Ril--The commander of the 3rd Platoon, Lieutenant Ril is one of the few mechalus among the Concord Marines. Mf/​Concord/​CS-6 
-Rizzo--A Concord Marine from Lieutenant Witzko'​s Recon Platoon. He was injured during a fight with the klicks on Arist. 
-Rolin, Jax--A CIB operative, Jax acts as a decoy for other agents stationed aboard the Lighthouse. Hm/​Concord/​FA-6 
-System Administrator Marissa Rolin--A Concord Administrator. She is the head of all the Concord Administrators stationed in Hammer'​s Star. Hf/​Concord/​DFA-6 
-Private First Class Romanov--A Concord Marine. She is from the 26th Regiment. 
-Lieutenant Halforth Quentin Rostrevor-Malone--A Marine engineer stationed aboard Falada, and one of Gabriel'​s friends. 
-Station Commander Brian Rouen--A veteran of the Star Force, and the captain of the Kendai Relay. He was captured by the VoidCorp saboteurs, and used as a hostage. Hm/​Concord/​DTO-4 (pp 6, BS) 
-Russel--A Concord Recon Marine, and one of Witzko'​s soldiers, who died during Stormbird'​s second battle with klick forces. 
-Rustoski, Tor--The current Chancellor, Rustoski was elected in 2500. He was formerly a StarMech war hero and politician. 
-Sadrus, Ryan--A Verger shipping magnate and co-owner of Tyardine Taxis. Xm/​Concord/​DFA-10 
-Sagittarius--A member of the Concord Star Force, and one of Vegor Tagg's contacts. He informed Avatar of the events at Karppolla. 
-Platoon Sergeant Luis "​Sweet"​ Sanctivores--An advisor to Thomas Hale, Luis is a veteran Marine who is good friends with Captain d'​Estrees. He has high expectations for his troops, and is one of the most decorated soldiers in Concord history. Hm/​Concord/​CS-24 (pp 211, SDCS) 
-Major Saunders--The leader of a mercenery contingent hired to protect an archaeological expedition at Lilith. (Not mentioned in book. Works for an organization in Concord territory, though.) 
-Captain Woodlaw Savant--An antagonistic Concord Marine and Company Commander. He is nicknamed "The Owl" because of his features and predatory disposition. (Specific Company?) 
-Platoon Sergeant Oscar Saywell--A relatively inexperienced soldier, Platoon Sergeant Saywell serves as an advisor to Lieutenant Kael of 2nd Platoon. Hm/​Concord/​DCS-4 
-Commander Julian Segui--The Lighthouse'​s chief sensors operator. Hm/​Concord/​TO-5 
-Servo-66--The bartender robot at the Corner. (%) 
-Lieutenant Colonel Wilm Seymoyr--A Concord Marine officer. He was a teacher and field instructor before becoming the commander of the (Third Battalion of the?) 26th Regiment. 
-Shaunessy, Liam--A descendant of Ryan Shaunessy. He started his career as a diplomat, but after a series of blunders, he turned to business in Austrin-Ontis. ​ 
-Major Sill--A Concord Marine officer. (Mentioned in Glossary of OTV, but maybe not in the book itself.) 
-Sing, Rafael--A relatively inexperienced scout, he helped Samantha Thirdway establish the CSS' protocols. ​ 
-Admiral Skorbo--A Concord Star Force officer. He commands the task force containing the Revealer and Stormbird from the dreadnought itself. 
-Skvrsky, Martin--The manager and head bartender of the Corner. 
-Smith, Adam--A co-owner of Self-Reliance Goods, and husband of Martha Smith. 
-Smith, Martha--A co-owner of Self-Reliance Goods, and wife of Adam Smith. 
-Field Administrator Chae Soon-bok--The official Concord presence in the Karnath system, Soon-bok is an experienced Administrator. Hf/​Concord/​DCS-6 
-Ssushan, Keiy--A former VoidCorp agent, this sesheyan explorer assisted Samantha Thirdway in the creation of the CSS. 
-Stern, Thomas--The First Secretary of the Galactic Concord in 2472. 
-Sternwitz--A Concord Recon Marine who died when Stormbird was attacked by klick vessels. 
-Stevens (Stephens? Spelled that way in the Glossary.)--A Concord Marine from the 26th Regiment. 
-Stevenson--A Concord Marine, and a member of Rapier Seven. 
-Stickly, Iduna--A young woman who encountered Renata after learning of the Hloewton system. She traveled there to find a cure for her terminal cancer, and was hooked up to live support and virtual reality inside Compound 91-B. (Is she Concord? It's not specifically mentioned, but there'​s evidence to back it up.) 
-Private Stosser--A Concord Marine demolitionist. She transfered to Witzko'​s platoon from the Combat Engineers, and was killed during a battle with the klicks on Arist. 
-Adjutant General Lois Strongbow--The leader of the Concord Marines in Hammer'​s Star, General Strongbow is second only to Admiral Raastad. She is the commander of the 145th division. Hf/​Concord/​DCS-10 
-Summerfield,​ Lincoln "​Lazarus"​--Formerly a Gridpilot for Insight, he was convicted of trying to hack into its Grid servers. After Administrator Monahan faked his death, he joined the CIB as a special agent in the anti-CFN task force. Some Inseer faithful believe that he passed on to a higher plane within the Grid. He encountered Sable while tracking down weapons dealers, and ultimately ran across his superior'​s dirty dealings. 
-Captain Hiraku Ting Sun--The captain of the battleship Pittsburgh. He was promoted to Admiral and given command of the Third Battle Group, then led the assault on Cambria. (Unknown, most likely either Concord or Regency.) 
-Sunfire, Galindria--The Corner'​s fraal accountant. 
-Administrator Vegor Tagg--A Concord Administrator(?​) and one of Avatar'​s contacts. 
-Commodore Shari Talivyin--The commander of Omega Station and Patrol Squadron 131. She is a zealous enforcer of Concord law. Hf/​Concord/​DTO-7 
-Tamaguchi, Kazuko--The chief engineer of Serendipity. She was arrested by the ULS after illicit rhodium was discovered aboard her vessel. 
-Tanner, Reigel--The Corner'​s primary supplier, he can obtain almost anything. 
-Administrator Sela Taris--A Concord Administrator. She was one of three ambassadors to best Stykor in combat, and acts as the primary contact between her and the rest of the Concord'​s diplomatic team. 
-Commander Tavik--The captain of a Concord cruiser in the Eldala system. He is an experienced officer. Wm/​Concord/​DTO-14 
-Taylor, Anna--The wife of Robert Taylor, and one of his business associates. Hf/​Concord/​DTO-6 
-Taylor, Cora--The teenage daughter of Robert Taylor, and a member of his expeditionary crew. Hf/​Concord/​FA-1 
-Taylor, Robert--A former Solar, he organizes and leads sport-fish hunting expeditions on Bluefall. ​ 
-Lieutenant Hark Terrence--The leader of the inspection team that discovered illegal weapons on board the Venture Star and Therise. 
-Thirdway, Samantha--The Acting Director and founder of the CSS. She was once a field officer for the SSC, but broke away after growing disgusted with its business practices. ​ 
-Thumn, Gre-Ikwilisan--A t'sa civilian technical advisor stationed with Lieutenant Witzko'​s unit. He is one of the Unholy Three. 
-Captain Horus Tillerman--Admiral Raastad'​s liason to the press. ​ 
-Tir, Idan Jil--The Concord deputy ambassador to Tendril. He possesses formidable ESP potential, and uses his powers to his advantage during negotiations. He hopes to retire to the monastery at Torai. Fm/​Concord/​MW-12 (pp 105, SDCS) 
-System Administrator Lodiri ba Tiras--A fraal Concord Administrator,​ and ambassador to the New Dreth Commonwealth. She acknowledged the nation as independent,​ partly because she has recurring visions about it. Ff/​Concord/​MW-15 (pp 39, SC) 
-Tm'​laa--A fraal agent in service to the CIB, and a devout Orlamist. He was working undercover as a geneticist on Spes, but was kidnapped by Hatala. He was later rescued by Lieutenant McShane and Megan Rivers. 
-Tom--Renata Eamsden'​s former lover. 
-Tomakis, Alfred--A former Rigunmor, and the Concord ambassador to the New Dreth Commonwealth. He originally declared the nation to be a soverign power. Hm/​Concord/​DTO-8 
-Sergeant Linda Tragger--A noncomissioned officer in the 26th Regiment of the Concord Marines. She is an expert at identifying weapons. 
-Tranyth--A t'sa water taxi operator on Bluefall. Tm/​Concord/​FA-5 
-Lance Corporal Julie Travino--A Concord Marine, native of Austrin-Ontis,​ and a noncommissioned officer in Witzko'​s Recon Platoon. 
-Sergeant Treko--A Concord Marine who was killed during Stormbird'​s second battle with the klicks. 
-Sergeant Shawn Tremont--A Concord Marine plasma gunner. He is a member of the 3rd Company of the Second Battalion of the 26th Regiment. 
-Triman--A Concord Marine who died during a battle between Stormbird and several klick ships. 
-Lieutenant Beerg Tuslow--A lieutenant in the Star Force. He recently discovered a group of klicks hiding in Mindara Station, and began trading them information in exchange for gems. 
-Colonel Utilen--The commander of the 3rd Battalion of the 145th Division. Sf/​Concord/​DFA-9 
-Commander Alex Vaessen--The chief navigator and helmsman of the Lighthouse. He is very seldom at his post, due to the relative simplicity of his job. He has an interest in botany, as he grew up on a preservationist Solar colony, and his quarters contains a number of plant specimens. Hm/​Concord/​DTO-6 
-Vaessen, Kate--The wife of Commander Alex Vaessen. She works in the Concord Embassy in the upper half of the Lighthouse. 
-Veil, Cynthia--A Concord ambassador to Oberon. She feels that Lison will be better off if it alligns itself with one of the stellar nations. 
-Colonel Tamara Vellas--The commander of the 4th Battalion of the 145th Division. Hf/​Concord/​DCS-7 
-Veracruz--A member of the CSS survey team to Hydrocus, he was attacked and killed by a mudfiend. 
-Veras, Aliisz--The head of the biological surveys conducted by the Kepler, Dr. Veras holds a Ph.D in xenobiology and was once employed by the Concord Survey Service. Though an academic, she isn't afraid to conduct field research. Ff/​Concord/​TO-6 (pp 9, SDCS) 
-Doctor Algar Vinn--A professor of philosophy who also specializes in the study of psionics. He teaches at the University of New Cairo, and feels that the riglia are simply xenophobic. He is a member of the Council for Conscientious Scientsts. ​ 
-Station Administrator Kyle Wakefield--Formerly a System Administrator from Concord Taurus, Wakefield is the current head of the Lighthouse. Relatively young, he is still learning how to best lead the station while avoiding major crises. Hm/​Concord/​DFA-13 (pp 14, LH) 
-Walgrove, Carey "​Catch"​--A Concord constable on-duty in (system? It's never mentioned in "​He'​s a Good Little Boy".) He was recently involved in the alleged kidnapping of Ronald Aspan'​s son, and ensured that the boy was in good hands. 
-Fleet Admiral Vincent Walker--The commander of the Monitor'​s fleet, and a veteran of GWII. He confirmed the destruction of Silver Bell with an oft-quoted saying. 
-Administrator Hank Ward--A Concord Administrator. He was one of three ambassadors to best Stykor in combat. Hm/​Concord/​DCS-8 
-Watson, Jike--The owner of Watson Theaters, as well as more such theaters in the Stellar Ring. 
-Webster, Clinton--The harbormaster of the Low Dock, Webster is primarily concerned with preventing serious disturbances there. Hm/​Concord/​FA-4 
-Captain Adam Wistzec--A former citizen of Austrin-Ontis Unlimited, Wistzec emigrated to the Concord shortly after its formation. He currently serves as the highest-ranked Star Force officer aboard the Lighthouse. ​ 
-Administrator Jacqueline Witt--One of Wakefield'​s immediate subordinates,​ Witt helps coordinate the various factions of the Concord aboard the Lighthouse. Hf/​Concord/​DCS-11 
-First Lieutenant Damion Lee Witzko--A Concord Marine, and the leader of the Recon Platoon of the Third battalion, 26th regiment (Company?). He graduated from the Concord Military Academy, and has a family history of military service. 
-Colonel Francine Marie Witzko--A famous Concord Marine officer, and Damion Witzko'​s aunt. She was killed in action. 
-Jonathan Kramer Witzko--A retired Concord Marine general, and Damion Witzko'​s grandfather. 
-Maxwell Harding Witzko--Damion Witzko'​s father. Formerly a Major General in the Concord Marines, he has since retired. 
-Wellington, Jingion--The Concord'​s Economic Attache to the Verge economic summit of 2501. She hopes to get the two Algemronian states to cooperate over its course. 
-Wrage, Dikon--A representative of the Concord Survey Service. He first announced the Kalht Initiative. 
-Wu, Miranda--A Concord junior officer. She specializes in weapons operation, and has marked antisocial tendencies. Hf/​Concord/​NP (pp 6-7, RS) 
-Xi, Iota--The head of the CTC's office aboard the Lighthouse and one of Wakefield'​s advisors, Xi tries to keep powerful trading firms such as Redman-Smith under control. He somtimes covertly uses his psionic abilities to this end. Mm/​Concord/​MW-11 (pp 21, LH) 
-===== Deepfallen ===== 
-Pontus--The son of Tethys. He is currently serving as a member of the Regency Sea Navy. 
-Tethys--The primary deepfallen ambassador to Depth Epsilon. He is friendly, a shrewd diplomat, and claims to represent the whole of his species. Dm/​Independent/​DMW-25 (pp 41, SGA) 
-Dreth Commonwealth 
-Adams, Leslie--The director of the Belatu Research Board. Xf/​Dreth/​DTO-7 
-Apple, Bastone--The leader of the colony at Lousanne. He is practical, and a political ​ 
-conservative. Hm/​Dreth/​DTO-4 
-Archilla, Greg--A Dreth political theorist, he laid down the foundation for his nation'​s beliefs in independence. 
-Barker, Kathryn--The wife of Joshua Kanar, she stayed behind to aid the colony at Dewi when her husband returned to the Stellar Ring. She later went missing. 
-Barnes, Sean--Rachel Dooley'​s successor, he encouraged the Commonwealth to take a stand against the Terran Empire during GW1. 
-Corella, Brian--A former policeman. He is the leader of the Dreth of Ferrand, and hopes to become the head of any federated Dreth state. Hm/​Dreth/​CS-4 
-Delman, Janet--The previous governor of Lorient, she secretely took Joshua Kanar in. 
-Dooley, Rachel--The original leader of the Dreth Commonwealth,​ she established many of its national policies. 
-Eakin, Will--The leader of the colonists of Arles, Eakin is an unpredictable politician. Hm/​Dreth/​DFA-6 
-Kanar, Joshua--The founder of the colony at Dewi, he was later accused of treason and exiled. He has since returned to the system, and is guiding Mark Sasso toward establishing a unified Dreth state. Hm/​Dreth/​DFA-9 (pp 30, SC) 
-Mayeski, Annette--Lauceston'​s representative to the Dreth Commonwealth Council, Mayeski is typically quiet. She was a former journalist. Hf/​Dreth/​FA-6 
-Rice, Daphne--The head of Bodmin'​s government, she is attempting to bring Ferrand and the other liberal Dreth settlements back into line. Hf/​Dreth/​TO-6 
-Sasso, Mark--The leader of the colonists of Lorient, and a political liberal. Hm/Dreth/NP 
-Schmidt, Stanley--A biologist who discovered primitive microbial life on Lorient. 
-Spinner, Alita--The leader of the colony at Torpoint, Spinner agitates for colonization efforts in nearby star systems. Hf/​Dreth/​DTO-6 
-===== Edanweir ===== 
-The Eldest--The oldest edanweir in the Village of the Falls, he serves as its leader. 
-Klaliale--A mythical edanweir leader. According to legend, he gathered many edanweir together into a large, prosperous village, which was then torn apart by infighting. 
-Tlelai--A hunter, he also serves as his species'​ primary representative to the Concord. He befriended and bonded with Gabriel Connor. Edm/​Independent/​FA-9 
-===== Endomar ===== 
-Vri, Solaren--The head of the EMG, Vri is familiar with mining practices and has a tenacious manner. Hf/​Endomar/​DTO-7 
-Ms. Zofia--The ruler of Casa Grande, Ms. Zofia is a businesswoman who frequently dabbles in illicit business practices. Hf/​Endomar/​DFA-4 
-Exeat (And New Theocracy) 
-Arak Chela--One of the Arnak'​s daughters, Chela is out of favor with her father, and controls territory near the Jhirpa Nebula. She has kr'​osar training, is a noth within the Church, and has aligned herself with her former tutor, Vurhyr Lhor, in hopes of becoming the next Arnak. She is Trewys'​ grandmother. Sfv/​Exeat/​MW-7 
-Tarlsol Rael Graam--A gardhyi operative sent by Martis (Ython Kadar?) to capture Verge species and technology. She is aligned with Erek Joss and Vardye Hellis, and operates from either an Eagle transport (see ship note), ray-class escort or a captured human ship. Gf/​Exeat/​CS-11 
-Vurhyr Joran--A recently promoted thaal priest, and the protege of Ython Kadar. He was assigned to act as an emissary to the Verge Alliance after the Battle of Aegis, and shares intelligence with the other krl'​yth via the I'krl collective. He is surprisingly easy-going for a thaal. Thm/​Exeat/​MW-23/​krl'​yth 
-Ython Kadar--A senior thaal official in the I'krl Church, and the driving force behind the Exeat. Though he is a natural diplomat, he is also extremely zealous, believing that the I'krl have chosen him to free them. He is also a krl'​yth,​ and holds dominion over the planet Viroan. Thm/​Exeat/​DMW-27/​krl'​yth 
-Vurhon Kasahl--Formerly one of the weakest Vurhonan, Kasahl is the mentor of Ython Kadar and the true head of the Exeat. He hopes to win the Xenhon'​s throne and title upon the freeing of the I'krl. He holds control of the comm-world Scyll, and has used its technology to cement his connection with the I'krl, at the cost of most of his personality. Thm/​Exeat/​MW-29/​krl'​yth 
-Kyanda--The primary bodyguard of Ython Kadar, she occupies a prestigeous position despite her lack of a title. She has numerous cy-biotech implants, including razor-sharp feathers and a dark plasma gun. Her eye color has led to rumors that she is krl'​yth. Svf/​Exeat/​FA-11/​krl'​yth?​ 
-Mitak Pama Lex--A notorious bareem enforcer, nicknamed the "​Butcher of Santiago"​. She is Hagan Lex's oldest daughter, and the commander of the conversion camps at Penates. Bf/​Exeat/​CS-9 
-Vurhyr Barok Lhor--A high-ranked Gardhyi krl'​osar. He is in charge of gathering intelligence for Kadar'​s Exeat, and was responsible for establishing a base in Hathorn and the recruitment of human quislings. He is also krl'​yth. Gm/​Exeat/​MW-24/​krl'​yth 
-Lhor, Sennet--A krl'​osar priest, and Arak Chela'​s most trusted advisor. He is Vurhyr Lhor's son and student, and aids the Exeat by providing it with supplies and falsifying resource reports. He governs the planet Keanthys. (Rank?) Gm/​Exeat/​MW-16 
-Parak Martis(Martie?​)--The chief scientist of the Exeat, a Komro in the military, a former student of Patnak Ghosh and ruler of the planet Hurax. He created the weapon-trees used by the klicks, and hopes to acquire and duplicate human technology. He tends to think out loud, even while asleep. Km/​Exeat/​TO-16 
-Apsol Anla Ptarue--A Mitarak in the nobility, and the commander of the battleship Tranda, she hopes to make a name for herself in the military. She is Commodore Pfender'​s nemesis, and controls the kroath in Vieron. Kf/​Exeat/​FA-10 
-Paratak Trewys--The grandson of Arak Chela, he provides much financial and political support for the Exeat. He has both telekinetic and prophetic talents, and is a longtime friend of Ytharksol Atreel. He is also krl'​yth. Svm/​Exeat/​MW-8/​krl'​yth 
-===== Fraal (Independent/​Unknown) ===== 
-Aaleoni, Cam--A fraal distiller. (%) 
-Eefaza--A fraal physicist. He hypothesized that Redcrown'​s secondary ring was created by a comet impact. 
-Fiona--Also known as "The Great Negotiator",​ this elderly fraal diplomat first contacted humanity in 2124. She was a close friend and confidante of Ryan Shaunessy, and helped him convince humanity to accept the fraal. 
-Jic, Orid Lu--A fraal Mindwalker in the employ of Captain Narvis. She was an Adept of the Vis Orishak, and a former Wanderer. She was killed by a stray shot from Narvis during the battle at Lilith. 
-Karn, Ajji mu--A fraal xenobiologist who made a speech at a yearly meeting of the Verge Xenological Institute. (Unknown.) 
-Oric, Lirist Jil--A fraal alive during 2124. 
-Ta Shaa Ta--A fraal Mindwalker and xenoarchaeologist. He is Dr. Radlevich'​s partner, and her closest friend. He hopes to find clues to the location of the fraal homeworld. He was a member of the Vis Jiridiv, and is an accomplished martial artist. 
-===== Galvin ===== 
-Lieutenant Commander Mikos Akelon--An ID agent currently working undercover as a Regency naval officer. He was charged with keeping anyone from interfering with Ares 22's mission to bombard Alitar. Hm/​Algemron/​FA-9 (pp 6, LW) 
-Dr. Mara Cole--A planetologist at the Orvon Institute, and a survivor of the Bone Hunters'​ raid on the Orvon Research Outpost. (Alitarin? Unspecified.) 
-Cor, Lesalon--A Galvinite medical student studying at Lighthouse University. He runs a small, covert cybersurgery business. Hm/​Algemron/​DTO-3 
-Colonel Bender Davis--The leader of the Churgalt Insurgency. He specializes in guerilla warfare and sabotage, and has been working to expose the threat of the teln. Hm/​Algemron/​DCS-7 
-Duman, James--The CEO of Qaliban Corporation. He is conducting an independent investigation into his company'​s alleged wrongdoings. 
-Dumas, Winston--A Churgalt rebel. He was murdered on Bluefall while attempting to deliver classified information to a Thuldan official. 
-Lieutenant Gauge--An army officer. He accompanied Dr. Aliisz Veras during her stay on Galvin. 
-General Marken Ghuirere--The commander of the Galvinite invasion. He is currently planning to cut off a large detachment of Alitarin troops. Hm/​Algemron/​DCS-15 
-Jend, Milla--A Galvinite agent, and the "​CEO"​ of the shadow company Northern Pride. She is currently trying to occupy the ore discovered by the GeoVenture scientists. 
-Major Garth Norrik--The deputy chief of Field Operations for the Intelligence Directorate,​ Norrik is a ruthless, successful officer. Notorious for the acts of terrorism he has committed against Alitar, he is an assassin at heart. Five years ago, he was infected by a teln.  
-Sergeant Garth Rann--An ID operative, Rann was sent to ensure that Ares 22 completed its mission. He is very loyal to the Directorate. Hm/​Algemron/​CS-3 (pp 8, LW) 
-Supreme Commander Blayne Reuter--The leader of the FSA at the time of the Ajax incident. 
-Supreme Commander Haila Sheref--The current Supreme Commander of the FSA. She led the initial invasion of Alitair, and is a charismatic official. Hf/​Algemron/​DCS-11 
-Dr. Richard Stark--A scientist at the Orvon Research Outpost. He was killed by the Bone Hunters. (Alitarin? Unspecified nationality.) 
-General Janik Stenerude--The first Supreme Commander of the FSA. 
-Tamon, Alytra--A spokeswoman for the Qaliban Corporation. 
-Vorin, Cha(n)d--A representative on the Verge Assembly. (Algemron. Unspecified planet.) 
-Zachram--A member of the Churgalt rebellion. He met with Avatar and escorted him to Colonel Davis' camp.  
-Gardhyi (Unidentified) 
-White--A gardhyi agent assigned to police the growers and suppliers working for the Cartel. 
-===== Hatire Community ===== 
-Bakx, Tanmay--A rogue psion, also known as James Tanner and Mason Baksel. He recently escaped from prison on Hale, and possesses strong biokinetic and telepathic abilities. 
-Entele, Kola--The Dioscean of Grith. Entele hopes to help the sesheyans by invalidating the Mahdra Ruling. Hf(m?​)/​Hatire/​DFA-4 
-Hatire, Adam--A vocal politician and religious reformer. Hatire founded the faith that bears his name. 
-Hawksmoor, Malcom--The Hatire ambassador aboard the Lighthouse. While he has had little success proselytizing,​ Hawksmoor is trying to align his people with the Rigunmors against the Orlamu. Hm/​Hatire/​DFA-7 
-Houne, Elias--A Missioner, and the constable of Diamond Point. He commands the Hatire Internal Security Ministry, and leads by example. Hm/​Hatire/​CS-7 (pp 117, SDCS) 
-Brother Paulus--A Hatire priest, and the head of the colony of Ryddal. Hm/​Hatire/​MW-10 
-Rhodes, Marian--The current High Minister, Rhodes has held the title for more than 40 years. 
-Scnee, Alad mir--The fraal leader of a detachment of Mind Knights under the command of the Verge Alliance. He is cool-headed and intelligent,​ and a member of the Verge Alliance Admiralty. 
-===== Ignatius ===== 
-Alomar, Wallace--The current planetary governor. He was recently talked into issuing a bounty on all sea-dwelling ke'​kekt by a gardhyi operative. 
-Mirhir, Lenda--A fraal sailor who won back-to-back Antigua Cups in 2498 and 2499. (Native?) 
-===== I'krl Theocracy ===== 
-Xenhon Ahmyt--The leader of the I'krl Theocracy, with personal dominion over the planet Ahjaarl. He is not krl'​yth,​ and maintains his power through political ties and propaganda. He fears that Vurhon Kasahl will steal his title upon the completion of the Exeat. Thm/​Theocracy/​MW-31 
-Arksol Czynn-tal--The thaal commander of the fortress ship Phlegethon, the leader of the Fourth Armada, and one of the highest-ranked females in the External military. She has an excellent memory, but hates the kadarans with a passion. Thf/​Theocracy/​DCS-16 
-Komosar Erek Joss--The leader of the Manyteeth Ahmk, stationed at Caracas. He has several biotech implants, is nicknamed "​Sergeant Fury", and is fighting for the Theocracy as a patriot. Bm/​Theocracy/​CS-14 
-Ythapsol Gaanyth Lyphaz--The captain of the Korrch, and the lover of Malak Vhoppol. She has been tasked with hunting down and destroying the Trillaari, and concentrates her search in the area of space near the Khiir Cluster. Kf/​Theocracy/​DCS-13 
-Ythapsol Shier Maree--The commander of The Shanath, a vessel (battleship?​) in the Second Battleship Wing. Thf/​Theocracy/​CS-9 
-Tareel--A sifarv. He was left behind after the Battle of Aegis, to try and convert the humans of Aegis. (Redundant to Vurhur Joran? Not mentioned anywhere else in The Externals.) 
-Xenoth Malyk Vhoppol--This Bareem priest is the lover of Ythapsol Lyphaz, and a partner in her mission. Bm/​Theocracy/​MW-10 
-===== Independent ===== 
-Aguine, Carlos--A millionaire. He has been providing Verge Green with much of its funding. (Unknown. Probably Verger.) 
-Dr. Alturn--A human xenobiologist. She believes that the magus is a relic of the Second Galactic War. 
-Artemis, Lila--The captain of the freighter Nightbird. In addition to transporting normal cargo, she smuggles sesheyans from Old Space to Grith. She is fiery and extremely independent. (Nationality'​s never mentioned, and I don't have anything to go on, beyond the fact that she's a Verger.) 
-Dr. Ayu Bethsui--A scientist who accompanied the Jewel pirate miners, and worked to establish a small research lab and hydroponics garden in their base. He was eventually killed by his allies. 
-Binny--A member of Captain Narvis'​ pirate crew. (Probably unknown--not mentioned.) 
-Butch--One of Captain Narvis'​ pirate henchmen. He was killed by Ta Shaa Ta troops at Lilith. (Unknown nationality.) 
-Calesque, Xavier--A scout captain operating in the Verge, he was betrayed and rendered insane by the fraal Tibalt while exploring an alien structure. He believes himself to be a god, and has become the de facto ruler of the enslaved kanites and tibapes. Hm/​Independent/​FA-10 (pp 58, OB) 
-Carlson, Quarrie--The owner and operator of Carlson'​s Dockyard. She was formerly a pirate captain. 
-Carlyle, Ron--An engineer aboard Questar. (Unknown nationality). 
-Coreeno, Alie--The elder sister of Tero Coreeno, and one of the family syndicate'​s senior members. (Old Spacer. No nation. Solar?) 
-Coreeno, Fereni--The mother of Tero Coreeno, and the head of the Coreeno crime syndicate. (Old Spacer. No nation. Solar?) 
-Coreeno, Kwar--The elder brother of Tero Coreeno, and a major player in the Coreeno crime syndicate. (Old Spacer. No nation. Solar?) 
-Coreeno, Tero--A member of the Coreeno crime family, and the CEO of Celestial Entertainment Limited. (Old Spacer. No nation. Solar?) 
-Corthguard, Karyn--A human mindwalker, she made first contact with the species known as the corstars. ​ 
-Deltane, Clarise--The leader of the CFN team that attempted to destroy Nova Station'​s drivesat relay. She was killed when her craft self-destructed. (Unknown? Corrivale?) 
-DiAgosto, Salvatore--A xenobiologist who first discovered the DiAgosto clouds in Endomar. He studied the creatures until the end of his career. 
-Duarte, Sarah--A human freeholder. 
-Durante--A pilot in the employ of Jessica Belwe. He is a close friend of hers, though their relationship is mostly business-based. 
-Emmenex--A mechalus mercenery captain. He was killed by Jessica Belwe'​s improvised nuclear bomb when a weapons deal went bad. (Unknown nationality--never mentioned in "The Ninth Cylinder"​.) 
-Ferin, Kitt--The leader of the Verge Green team sent to agitate the xe'​reen to violence against the Alitarins. He is fanatically dedicated to the organization'​s cause. (Unknown nationality. Verger, probably.) 
-Garvey--An independent scout who discovered an extensive cache of fraal artifacts. He captained the Finders Keepers, and disappeared mysteriously before he could claim his find. 
-Gaylord, Martin--A holoevangelist working for Visions of Divinity, Incorporated. (Aegis? Works for CEL.) 
-Harry--An independent gas miner who used to work the clouds of Redcrown. He was scared away from the planet after nearly being rammed by a VoidCorp gas collector. 
-Hausoc, Avi--The leader of a mechalus enclave near Pyrton. She took Kenny Aspan from his father after she discovered he was relying on cybertech to keep him alive. (Native to the nameless planet that "​He'​s a Good Little Boy" takes place on. Probably unknown.) 
-Hera--A corstar that was tagged by human biologists in an attempt to study the species further. 
-Huhn, Arani--Corrivale'​s representative on the Verge Assembly. He recently argued that the Verge should not be dragged into Old Space'​s problems. (Corrivale. Hatire, possibly?) 
-Jaklaw Three--A cykotek. He was responsible for the deaths of over a hundred people in the Stellar Ring, and is presently the head of one of the corsair bands at Hammer'​s Star. 
-Jesper--A miner at the settlement on Jewel. 
-Joss--The bartender at the Outside Inn, and a former gas miner. He sold out several independent miners, including Helm, to VoidCorp, but was killed by a Company operative. (I think Joss is an independent,​ but he did take a contract from VC. I'm not sure which category he should go in.)  
-Kale--A member of Captain Narvis'​ pirate band. He was killed by Ta Shaa Ta during the battle at the camp at Lilith. (Not mentioned in-book. Would probably be unknown.) 
-Kalht, Mero--An explorer who made many famous discoveries in the first few decades after the development of the stardrive. (Unknown. Possibly Terran Empire or early colony.) 
-Kelly, Alexandra--An independent "​talent agent" currently working for the Fhei'​irre Consortium. She hopes to hire operatives to smuggle data into the Consortium'​s safes. 
-Kelso--The engineer who installed Nightbird'​s high-security passenger-smuggling pods. (Mentioned as being in Tendril, on pp 258, SF. Might be from Alaundril.) 
-Kip--A miner in the settlement on Jewel. He was killed during a shuttle crash. 
-Korphyr--One of Ronald Aspan'​s weren bodyguards. He was part of the group sent to retrieve Aspan'​s son. (Unknown nationality. Orion like Aspan, or native to the nameless planet where "​He'​s a Good Little Boy" takes place?) 
-Larabee, Howard--An explorer and tradesman. He sold a number of ancient fraal artifacts at Tendril, but disappeared after he left the planet. (Not mentioned. Slim chance of being Alaundril.) 
-Lenguila--One of Ronald Aspan'​s weren enforcers. He was part of the group sent to retrieve Kenny Aspan. (See note for Korphyr, above.) 
-Micah--The janitor at the Outside Inn. 
-Minishore, Angelika--The scientist who first catalogued the species known as the Minishore crystal. 
-Montel, Kiara--A fraal businesswoman. She oversees numerous arms shipments into Algemron. (Unknown nationality,​ not Austrin. Possibly Lucullan.) 
-Olarch--The ringleader of a large smuggling operation in the Verge. Her organization is based off of Bluefall. Mf/​Independent/​FA-16 
-Oleg--One of Captain Narvis'​ thugs. He was killed by Major Saunders'​ troops at the camp on Lilith. (Unknown nationality.) 
-Orr, Serun--An explorer native to the Verge, who catalogued three important discoveries during the Long Silence. (He?) was awarded a Kalht Initiative grant. ​ 
-Red--A member of Captain Narvis'​ pirate band. (Not mentioned in the book. Probably unknown.) 
-Rivers, Mary Agnes "​Megan"​--Also known as Mary Kasselman, Madeline Rivers and Madeline Benoit, this Finder first discovered Hatala'​s operations on Spes. She worked with Lieutenant McShane to shut the chief down, and then took up employment as a Concord intelligence contact. 
-Romod, Apollo--A former construction manager, and the founder of Thorn Industries'​ Ion Amusement Park. 
-Savaan--Nightbird'​s honorable fraal navigator. He was recently implicated in the deaths of eight sesheyans hidden aboard the ship, but was cleared when Lila and T'​suimera discovered the real killer. (Unknown nationality--never mentioned.) 
-Savor, Bin--An employee of the United Mining Corporation. (Corrivale native?) 
-Singe, Amir ja--A fraal xenopsionicist. He proposed a theory stating that the deepfallen collectives are literally meetings of minds between deepfallen groups. 
-Sleepy--A miner at the settlement on Jewel. 
-Talic, Kistul or--A fraal explorer. He has been a resident of the Verge since it was first colonized, and is the head of Legends Scouting and Rescue Services. He hopes to win a Kalht Initiative charter for his company. (Unknown. Aegis?) 
-Tartaglia, Nared--One of Questar'​s engineers. (Unknown nationality.) 
-Taylor--A miner at the settlement on Jewel. He was killed during a shuttle crash. 
-Terenz, Kalt--A notorious corsair, Terenz was responsible for the murder of two members of House Blackmore, and the capture of a third. The House has since placed a 2.5 million Concord dollar bounty on his head. 
-Terhune, Garron--An independent merchant, and the captain of the Watson'​s Folly. He was one of the architects of the Merchant League. 
-Tibalt--A fraal who encouraged Calesque to look for alien ruins on the planet that bears his name. He betrayed the captain, but was trapped in part of the structure by d'​Sene. He subsequently starved to death. 
-T'​suimera--A t'sa. He acts as Nightbird'​s security chief, and is a close friend of Lila Artemis. (Unknown nationality--never mentioned.) 
-Vaughn, Michelle "​Mike"​--The navigator and first mate of the Questar. (Unspecified. Might be a native of Lison.) 
-Veertsen--A mechalus mercenery, and Emmenex'​s bodyguard. She was killed by Jessica Belwe after a weapons deal in the Galway Belt went bad. (See note for Emmenex, above.) 
-Vengeful, Sprout--A pioneer of the Second Migration, and the maker of Sprout Vengeful'​s Straight "​Kintukki"​ Bourbon. (Solar? Second Migration? Unspecified.) (%) 
-Wilson, Tam--A famed xenoarchaeologist,​ he was murdered by a dimensional horror in Mount Illumination'​s hospital. 
-Zarne, Terrence--The owner of the Black Nebula, he was originally from the Stellar Ring. (Rigunmor?) 
-Zolms, Breve--A self-proclaimed representative of CFN. He recently decried the Kalht Initiative and the Verge economic summit. 
-===== Insight ===== 
-Augustine, Javier "Zero Shock"​--The administrator of Starstation Aurora. He was captured by a VoidCorp assault team when it attacked the station. Hm/​Insight/​CS-3 (pp 29, CV) 
-Bent Circuit--The Inseer ambassador aboard the Lighthouse, he has set up a clandestine alliance with the VoidCorp embassy and its ambassador. He was partially responsible for the humiliation of YC937 59NMP during one of her recent visits. Hm/​Insight/​DTO-10 
-The Demon--A Class X menace program designed by Insight to attack VoidCorp'​s assets on the Grid. It is intelligent,​ though it still obeys its creators'​ commands. (pp 33, POD) 
-DeValk, Heoren--The planetary administrator of Bhruusil, previously stationed on Isette. He is pushing forth plans to develop more of Bhruusil, at the behest of VoidCorp, which holds his family hostage. Hm/​Insight/​DTO-7 (pp 71, SC) 
-Jackson, Pamela--The Insight ambassador to Bluefall. She never leaves her island, for fear of VoidCorp. Hf/​Insight/​DTO-17 
-Jin, Olivar--An employee of TaskCor, and the chief of operations aboard Nova Station. Hm/​Insight/​DTO-6 
-Kemal--An AI, Kemal is responsible for maintaining the Blue Chamber. 
-Kinross, Ian--The leader of the Church of the Oracle at Kansas Station, he hopes to bring the bhruu into his church'​s fold. Hm/​Insight/​DFA-3 
-Lenoir, Celine--An official in Bhruusil'​s planetary government, she resigned unexpectedly,​ citing family problems. 
-Matsuharu, Yoshiko "​FoxyLady"​--A representative of Insight'​s Technical Science division. Hf/​Insight/​D(?​)-2 (pp 22, CV) (She doesn'​t have a secondary profession listed. Why?) 
-Doctor Tariel "​Madame Exo" Nuna--Also known as LU292 NKI47, this exobiologist was a mole in VoidCorp'​s science divison. She escaped to Walin III with a Rakon data archive, and hid after Starstation Aurora was invaded. Hf/​Insight/​TO-4 (pp 34, CV) 
-Reyati, Naesa--A student, and co-leader of the Twelve Ducks. She is a good friend of Muughrak. Hf/​Insight/​TO-3 
-Riffin, Zach "​Thruster"​--An Insight pilot. Hm/​Insight/​TO-2 (pp 22, CV) 
-Doctor Yuri "Sci Lord" Rolstoi--An insight xenobiologist,​ and a colleague of Dr. Nuna. He hid with her on Walin III after Starstation Aurora was invaded. Hm/​Insight/​TO-5 (pp 34, CV) 
-Screwdriver--Also known as Unit AI-344, this bartending robot serves aboard Starstation Aurora. 
-Staahurak--Reportedly an alias of ZV237 82WBR, he helped discourage the bhruu from signing a contract with VoidCorp. He is partially credited with the formation of the Council of Ubhruusa. 
-Zane--An Inseer. 
-ZV237 82WBR (Stalker)--A VoidCorp vice-president and the head of Insight, he arranged for an alliance between his division and the FreeSpace Alliance. An instumental figure in Insight'​s rebellion, he also allegedly made first contact with the bhruu. 
-Ython Elnor--The caretaker of the world of Kaarl, and a rival of Kadar and Kasahl. She knows that the Exeat will destroy the Theocracy'​s current structure, and is attempting to warn the Vurhonan, despite counter-plots by Arak Chela and Kasahl. Thf/​Krl'​osar/​MW-23/​krl'​yth 
-Mitarak Hagan Lex--The leader of the Theocracy'​s occupational forces on Lucullus, and a xenoth krl'​osar. He holds the rank of Xenkomro, and commands the Exeat'​s 2nd Legion. Bm/​Krl'​osar/​DCS-14 (Talent? Not listed in entry, poss. required for priesthood.) 
-League of Nine (Including Evrem) 
-Raphael--An evrem who first described the nature of the prototype teln-based Magus. 
-Marilyn Kaitors--The head of House Kaitors and the CEO of Kaitors Industries. ​ 
-Leodal States 
-Lord Karim Ngongwe--A noble in the Leodal States'​ monarchy, Lord Ngongwe financed an expedition to Coulomb, and later assisted in the colonization of Ohmel. 
-===== Lhor ===== 
-M'​nr--The leader of the n'sss stationed at Redcrown, and the head of the magus design project. He has the relative rank of Komith, and reports directly to Lhor. He has many contacts among VoidCorp as well. Nm/​Lhor/​FA-9 
-===== Lison ===== 
-Amadaan, Aarok jil--This fraal serves as Kevik'​s security consul. Fm/​Lison/​DMW-6 
-Arli'​ith--A sesheyan hired by Samuel Carver to keep track of Alaaxis. Sm/​Lison/​FA-3 (pp 18, POD) 
-Baker, Harvey--A member of Raive Timogen'​s oxygen collecting team. He was killed at the same time Danen was. 
-Bhatnagar, Brenda--A member of Raive Timogen'​s oxygen running team. She was murdered by her former boss after he went cykotek. 
-Blessed, Matthew--A human oxygen runner. He was eaten by a swarm of Organism Omega during a run to Lake Venmeron. 
-Bruderhaus, Nathan "​Nate"​--A transceiver operator at Monitor Station 1. 
-Carver, Samuel--A member of Quentin Tryce'​s black market syndicate. He hired Arli'​ith and Pli'​ador to shadow Alaaxis. Hm/​Lison/​FA-4 
-Christidis, Danen--A member of Raive'​s Faves, he was murdered by Timogen after he became cykotek. 
-Corge, Marcus--A racketeer and salvager. He and his fellows scavenged the ruins of Spes prior to the arrival of the Concord. Hm/​Oberon/​FA-3 (pp 7, RS) 
-Cutter--A human street urchin and thief. (Is he an Ejee?​) ​ 
-Dosit, Krella--A ULS senator, Dosit is a zealous believer in Lison'​s independence. She is harsh and frequently relies on physical force to get her way. She hasn't advocated open war or terrorism against the stellar nations, though she has been contacted by CFN agents in the past. Wf/​Lison/​DCS-9 (pp 200, DSCS) 
-Dueler--A member of the Ejee gang. 
-Duprés, Jean-Paul "​Smilin'​ Jack"​--A part-time corsair and freelance charter pilot. He is the captain of the freighter Questar. 
-Epsilon, Sikora--A mechalus reporter working for the ULN. She was possessed by the Demon while researching VoidCorp'​s activities, and has been its host ever since. Mf/​Lison/​FA-3 (pp 34, POD)  
-Farmer, Dreston--A spokesman for the Oxygen Alert Coalition. 
-Lieutenant Grady--A member of the Tribon Watch. He told Dr. Radlevich about the contraband rhodium found on Serendipity. 
-Grant, Sendar--A Lison correspondant for TVN news. 
-Gronkru--A weren oxygen runner. He was devoured by a cloud of Organism Omega at Venmeron Lake. 
-Grupka, Kurch--A former crawler driver, this weren has since gone cykotek. He also spent time serving as Quaisak'​s bodyguard. Wm/​Lison/​CS-3 (pp 35, POD) 
-Hogue, John--A gridpilot contracted to the Rigunmor Star Consortium. He was arrested after killing a co-worker with a gravity racket during a cykotek episode. (Lisoner or Rigunmor?) 
-Hookie--A senior member of the Ejee gang, and a minor thief. He has a prosthetic hook for a left hand, having lost the original in a mining cave-in. He betrayed Spacer to the Lison authorities after learning of the bounty on his head. 
-Jaden, Lara--A ULS Security officer. 
-Jako'​bek--Known simply as Jako, this sesheyan was a member of Raive Timogen'​s oxygen running team. He has been on the run ever since he discovered Brenda'​s corpse in her apartment. Sm/​Lison/​FA-3 (pp 19-20, POD) 
-Jharl, Rajak--The weren captain of the pirate raider Voulge. 
-Kessler, Dwayne--A rhodium trader employed by the Rax-Minstrem Rhodium Distribution Agency. He tries his best to cater to prospective rhodium runners. Hm/​Lison/​DFA-3 (pp 12, POD) 
-Kevik, Alaaxis--A singer at the Black Nebula. She is the niece of Michael Kevik, though she does not like him. Hf/​Lison/​DFA-1 (pp 17-18, POD) 
-President Michael Kevik--The leader of the ULS, Kevik is a shrewd diplomat. Though publicly, he claims that his nation should remain independent,​ he is secretly considering which stellar nation to align Lison with. He seeks revenge against the Rigunmors, and recently survived an attempt on his life. Hm/​Lison/​DTO-14 (pp 191, SDCS)  
-Kind, Thomas--The captain of the pirates in the Oberon system, Thomas Kind is a greedy, opportunistic rogue. Nevertheless,​ he is friends with Michael Kevik of the ULS, and the two have discussed which stellar nation to form ties with. Hm/​Lison/​FA-12 (pp 193, SDCS) 
-Kli'​im--A sesheyan, and the bartender at the Last Round. 
-Krige, Colin--A crawler driver and mining technician in the employ of the ULS. Hm/​Lison/​TO-3 (pp 40, POD) 
-Lilith--A bartender at the Black Nebula. 
-Marok, Theta--A mechalus oxygen runner. He was killed by a cloud of Organism Omega at Venmeron Lake. 
-Marr, Jerold--An oxygen runner. He was killed by a swarm of Organism Omega while collecting oxygen at Venmeron Lake. 
-Martin, Cassandra "​Cassie"​--A middle-aged,​ gregarious STG shuttle pilot employed by the ULS. Hf/​Corrivale/​TO-5 (pp 10, POD) 
-Muñez, Lina--A human oxygen runner. She was killed by a swarm of Organism Omega during an oxygen run. 
-Nakamura, Sigmund "​Siggy"​--The owner, operator and chief bartender of the Hot Nose. 
-Nextler, Paul--An ex-miner, Nextler works for increased safety measures and government supervision of the rhodium industry. He currently serves as the commissioner of the United Lison Mining division, though he isn't very fond of Kevik. Hm/​Lison/​TO-9 (pp 192, SDCS) 
-Pendrill, Magnor--A pirate, and the "​Admiral"​ of the Hux Defense League. 
-Peterson, Maxwell--A cameraman working for the ULN, and Sikora Epsilon'​s partner. His cybernetic eye doubles as a recording device. Hm/​Lison/​FA-3 (pp 34-5, POD) 
-Pli'​ador--A sesheyan hired by Samuel Carver to follow Alaaxis. Sm/​Lison/​FA-3 (pp 18, POD) 
-S'​kesh,​ Sethyk--A t'sa cyberneticist and roboticist. He is a member of Tryce'​s syndicate, and  Raive Timogen'​s personal cybersurgeon. Tm/​Lison/​TO-7 (pp 23, POD) 
-Squint--A human pickpocket, and member of the Ejee gang. 
-St. Cyr, Kai "​Spacer"​--A plexrat who joined Dr. Radlevich'​s expedition after seeing one of its backers killed by VoidCorp. He later accompanied the expedition to Storm, and helped foil VoidCorp'​s plot to enslave the Stormers. He has psionic potential, which he uses in conjunction with a holotarot deck. 
-Tassadine, Phi--A member of the ULS Senate, this mechalus politician hopes to use Sarn's plan to secure Lison'​s future. He has formed an alliance with the admiral. Mm/​Lison/​DFA-8 (pp 63, POD) 
-Tau, Keval--A mechalus oxygen runner. She was killed by a cloud of Organism Omega while collecting oxygen. 
-Taylor, Darryl--The vice-president of the ULS. He was killed when Ambassador Dyson self-destructed. 
-Temma, Copil--A canny mechalus businesswoman,​ and the founder and leader of Thorn Industries. She possesses Mindwalker potential, but is careful to keep her abilities a secret. Mf/​Lison/​DMW-18 (pp 45, SC) 
-Timogen, Raive--A former oxygen runner, he went cykotek and murdered his former teammates. He has since been stalking Alaaxis, his former girlfriend, and has an alliance with Quentin Tryce. Hm/​Lison/​CS-8 (pp 26, POD) 
-Tom--A Lison security trooper. He was bribed by Wolfgang Krueger into sending Spacer to lock-out. 
-Tovus, Theta--A mechalus ULS Security officer, and Lara Jaden'​s partner. 
-Traven, Gillian--A fish-like mutant from Bluefall. He is the operator of the Black Nebula, and a good friend of Alaaxis. Xm/​Regency/​FA-3 (pp 16, POD) 
-Valcon, Luri--A pilot in the Lison Air Guard, who believes that Mindara Station is haunted. 
-Governor Vantikar--The governor of the Saralon settlement on Lison. He is pushing to have refineries established in the topside colonies 
-Vavaroutsos,​ Kathleen--The ex-wife of Gillian Traven, and a rhodium dealer. She works for Osa-Sarpico Consolidated Distributions. Hf/​Lison/​DFA-3 (pp 27, POD) 
-Warka--The weren clerk at T-kat Buy and Trade. Wm/Lison/NP (pp 20, POD) 
-Yapper--An e-fence. ​ 
-Zorrne, Tekon--An official in the Lison Space Authority. 
-Colonel Turin Zisef--The commander of the Lison Air Gard, Zisef is dedicated to the ULS and to President Kevik. He has recently foiled several assassination attempts against the president. Mm/​Lison/​CS-9 (pp 197, SDCS) 
-===== Lucullus ===== 
-Algim--A young man in the employ of the Technospiders. 
-Barret, Mays--A popular reformer. His death at the hands of SCAd thugs triggered the Mill 117 Strike. 
-Barrett, Marcus--The original owner of the vessel Sabrecat. He was captured by the authorities at Port Royal. (Lucullan? Might be from somewhere else. Mentioned on pp 7, ZP) 
-Bizert, Laurel--The president of the Democratic State of Penates. He has virtually no power, and spends his time reconfiguring the state'​s bureaucracy. Hf/​Lucullus/​NP 
-Bert--A Lucullan who recently had a bad night in the Port Royal casinos. (Mentioned on pp 13-14 of GR. Safe bet to assume he's a Lucullan, I think.) 
-Blant, Devirah--A ruthlessly psychotic Supervisor agent. She acts as Ian MacEwan'​s personal assassin and troubleshooter. Hf/​Lucullus/​MW-7 (pp 148, SDCS) 
-Borun, Karcen--HelixTech'​s COO and Vice President of Corporate Security and Special Operations. He attempted to sabotage the company using Geille Monashi as his pawn, but was captured by the medurr during a battle near their riftship. He since has established a standing alliance with Aaln Stykor (Teran?). Hm/​Lucullus/​DFA-14 (pp 7-9, ZPP) 
-Carlisle--A technician aboard Icewalk. 
-Lieutenant Cartena--The second-in-command of the Adroit. She led the HelixTech expedition into the Medurr riftship, and was left behind with Borun. 
-Blue--A young man in the employ of the Technospiders. He assisted Lazarus and Sable with their infiltration of GWM, and was killed by a cybernetically-enhanced assassin shortly afterward. 
-Boss Clavin--The first leader of Union Penates. He ruled the faction during the revolts, and was assassinated shortly after they ended. 
-Dakura, Ronin--A Technospider gridpilot and hacker for hire. He is based out of the Chem District, and believes that he's the best gridpilot on Penates. Hm/​Lucullus/​TO-5 (pp 141, SDCS) 
-Dargessi, Sherhan--A murderous mutant gladiator. She is King Steel'​s personal assassin and second-in-command,​ and is one of the best fighters in Santiago. Xf/​Lucullus/​CS-11 (pp 140, SDCS) 
-DeValk, Brandon "The Fireman"​--A racketeer and minor boss in the Jamaican Syndicate. He owns and operates the Midas Palace and acts as an enforcer for the Port Royal "​authorities"​. Hm/​Lucullus/​FA-5 (pp 135, SDCS) (Listed as "​Brandon Jeremic"​ in a single incidence on pp 136, SDCS.) 
-Dharkid, Ker--The leader of the Radiant Pirates, also known as the Pirate of the Arch. 
-Diva--An entertainment-junkie security AI stationed in Gibson-Williams Multimedia'​s headquarters. She was nearly destroyed by Sable during Grid combat. 
-Executive Director Relvin Doch--The leader of Union Penates. He has no power of his own, and is little more than a pawn in the schemes of other Union Penates players. Hm/​Lucullus/​NP 
-Dow, Kerricks--The CEO of HelixTech, Dow is a former Pict who gained employment with the company because of his technical skills. He hopes to use HelixTech to bring an end to the street gang. Hm/​Lucullus/​DTO-4 
-Eh'​tel--An elderly fraal mystic in the employ of Devriele Shanassin. She is a skilled astrocognitive,​ and serves as the Blackguard'​s navigator. (Was she killed during the final battle at the riftship?) 
-Ellesao--A mechalus Technospider. She helped Sable and Lazarus break into GWM headquarters,​ and went with Lazarus to the Lighthouse. She was nearly killed by Administrator Monahan when she tried to deliver Lazarus'​ data to him. 
-Folkes, Hastner--The president of the Lucullan League Assembly. He owes fealty to Union Penates, and tries to advance its agenda without the other factions noticing. Hm/​Lucullus/​DTO-3 
-Germaine, Quentin--Also known as The Fool, this employee of HansCorp Freight acted as the point man for a weapons smuggling operation. He was killed by weren hit men during a meeting with Sable at a Port Royal cafe, while trying to pass on a crystal containing the names of his employers. 
-Grayes, Marius--A crime boss in the Jamaican Syndicate, Grayes was the grandson of Antiguan colonists. He came to power after hunting down the crime lord that killed his former boss, Kit Mason. He operates the Silver Comet, and investiaged the Medurr derelict. Xm/​Lucullus(Antigua?​)/​DCS-10 (pp 10-12, ZPP) (His fate was left unresolved at the end of the novel, like Eh'tel and some others. Did the medurr get him?) 
-Haimori, Gida--The current leader of the Free Trade Guild, Haimori wants to legitimize the Guild and align Penates with either the Concord or the Solars. She is arrogant and has made many enemies among the system'​s smugglers. Hf/​Lucullus/​DFA-4 
-Harmon--Karcen Borun'​s chief of security, and the Adroit'​s master-at-arms. He was killed by Sokolov aboard the Medurr derelict. 
-Hayakawa, Toshi--The Supervisors'​ Minister for External Affairs. He recently spoke out against the Mindwalker Repression Acts. 
-Histwinn, Farr--The head of Union Penates'​ Trinidad chapter, Histwinn is effectively the faction'​s true leader. He was infested by a teln tangle some time ago, which used him to align Union Penates with the Externals. ​ 
-Holse--The Blackguard'​s chief engineer. He has worked with Shanassin since the start of his career as a pirate. (What happened to him? The Blackguard got captured by Sokolov.) 
-Ikai--The captain of the Fair Chance. She has been surgically altered to resemble a sort of ancient earth spirit, but is a competent spacer. (Again, see note under Grayes re: the medurr.) 
-Maartens, Dogger--A small-time smuggler hired by Geille Monashi. He transported her to Icewalk aboard his ship, the Bad Break, at the request of Borun. 
-Masen, Kit--A minor boss in the Jamaican Syndicate. He came into conflict with other Jamaican crime lords, and was killed in a mysterious aircar accident. 
-Merik, Jordan--The manager of Midas Station, Merik is a corrupt member of Union Penates. He doesn'​t know exactly what to do with the wildlife that endangers his station. Hm/​Lucullus/​TO-3 (pp 128, SDCS) 
-Chief Maris--The helmswoman of the Adroit. (See note under Captain Mills.) 
-Captain Mills--The commanding officer of the Adroit. (His fate is unresolved, too. Was the Adroit destroyed?) 
-Monashi, Geille--A talented computer programmer who worked her way out of Santiago'​s slums. She was employed by HelixTech, but was paid off by Borun to destroy her work and leave Penates. She was recaptured by Sokolov, but later joined forces with him to escape Borun, Shanassin and the medurr. She is a psionic talent and specializes in telepathically interfacing with computers. Hf/​Lucullus/​TO(Talent)-12 (pp 5-7, ZPP) 
-Morgan, William "Mad Dog"​--A grimy, foul-tempered smuggler, Morgan presently acts as the captain of the Death Hog. He was turned into a living weapon by an alien race, but resists their commands with the help of copious quantities of alcohol. Hm/​Lucullus/​CS-9 (pp 143, SDCS) 
-Morn, Jessok--An ore processor working in Lucullus'​ Arch. He recently spoke out on the threat posed by the Radiant Pirates. 
-Mother Gray--The first leader of the Jamaican Syndicate. She was famous for working through multiple layers of intermediates. 
-Munji, Luro--A representative of the Tobago Transport Company. He accused the Mob of numerous illegal activities. 
-Nolan, Sylvia--A disenfranchised Solar engineer who turned on SCAd during the revolt. She founded the Technospider faction after the Solar administration was crushed. 
-Nona--A security specialist aligned with the Jamaican Syndicate. She is in the employ of Marius Grayes. (See note for Grayes and Ikai, above.) 
-Pharen, Marcus--A Lucullan trader who escaped to Corrivale after making too many enemies. He founded Downunder, and rules it to this day, skimming profit from all of its businesses. He reportedly has connections to VoidCorp. Hm/​Lucullus/​FA-5 
-Shanassin, Devriele--A calculating corsair lord who recently appeared in the Verge. He maintained a small fleet of pirate vessels, and defied the Barons on a regular basis. He was the master of the mobile station, Icewalk. He took up a personal vendetta with Sokolov after the bounty hunter damaged the station while escaping with Monashi, and pursued him to the medurr derelict. He was killed during a knife fight with Monashi and Sokolov on the hull of a medurr needle ship. Fm/​Lucullus/​DTO-10 (pp 130, SDCS) 
-Sherena--One of Shanassin'​s henchwomen. She works as Blackguard'​s sensors operator. (See note for Eh'​tel,​ above.) 
-The Shipwright--The Pict chieftan of STF-6, The Shipright is surprisingly technically adept. She hopes to sieze control of Santiago. Hf/​Lucullus/​TO-9 
-Singh--An officer aboard the Adroit. (Mentioned on pp 296, ZP. Tac officer, or insufficient information?​) 
-King Steel--The first leader of the Picts. All of the gang's leaders since his death have adopted his name. 
-King Steel IX--The current leader of the Picts. King Steel IX rules Pict territory through terror, and kills any opposition in personal combat. Steel is a fearsome fighter and a good judge of character, but isn't very clever. Wm/​Lucullus/​CS-13 
-Director Stipelle--A Inseer who joined the Technospiders after they saved him from the Jamaican Syndicate'​s hit men. He is presently the leader of the Technospider enclave in one of Port Royal'​s atmosphere processors, and helped Lazarus retrieve data from GWM. 
-Thunder, Michael--An action-film star. His likeness was adopted by Diva when she dueled with Lazarus in the GWM Grid. (I'm assuming he's from Lucullus, as GWM is an entertainment company and he might be one of their stars.) 
-Terragis, Faith--A senior HelixTech vice-president. She is infested by the highest-placed teln operative in the Verge, which used her to stir up fear in Penates. The tangle hopes to use her to gain a leadership position in the Verge Alliance. She has the relative rank of Mitak. Hf(Tn)/​Lucullus(Lhor)/​DFA-12 
-Thall, Avery--A smuggler working for the Free Trade Guild. He has manipulated the CEO of Polymartech into hiding contraband in plastic goods used in treasure hunts at Ylliam Resort. Hm/​Lucullus/​FA-9 
-Three-knives,​ Yeiwei--A sesheyan outlaw. He serves as Devriele Shanassin'​s right-hand man, and the chief of security at Icewalk. He acted as Blackguard'​s weapons officer, and was sucked out an airlock during the battle at the Medurr derelict. (Not sure if he's Lucullan or not. Would probably classify him as such because of employment in-system.) 
-Trai--A courtesan in the employ of HelixTech. 
-Turcheyev, Andrei--A Jamaican crime boss who inherited control of the Syndicate from Mother Gray. His descendents control the Syndicate to the present day. 
-Turcheyev, Basil--The current leader of the Jamaican Syndicate, and a direct descendent of Andrei Turcheyev. He hides his faction'​s assets in plain sight, and is extremely cautious. Hm/​Lucullus/​DFA-6 
-Van Der Kade, Albert--A former pirate turned shareholder in Thorn Industries, Van Der Kade acts as leader of the corporation'​s counterespionage unit. He is secretly in love with Copil Temma. Hm/​Lucullus/​FA-20 (pp 46, SC) 
-Velan, Gil--A crime lord and racketeer who overthrew the Solars in Caracas. He ultimately lost his holdings to the Supervisors. 
-Venters--A security guard in the employ of HelixTech. She fought Sokolov aboard the Medurr riftship. 
-Villalobos, Fernando--The captain of the Zapata. He is a member of the Free Trade Guild. 
-Baron Wertz--A powerful smuggler. He founded the Free Trade Guild, and bribed the Solar officials into eliminating his competitors. 
-Zekip, Alotar--The owner of the Zekip'​s Hope. His ship was sabotaged after he refused to pay shipping dues to the Mob. He was ultimately killed when it exploded upon starrising. 
-===== Mantebron ===== 
-Sandovar, Giles--A native of the Orion League who was recently appointed as the colonial governor of High Mojave. He seeks to strengthen the colony'​s ties with its parent state, much to the chagrin of the planet'​s colonists. Hm/Orion/NP (Er. Should he go in the Mantebron category, or in the Orion League category?) 
-Mechalus (Aleerin) 
-Disevru--A representative of Aleerin Space Technologies. He hopes to gain salvage rights for the fraal derelict discovered drifting near Titania. 
-Loric, Kinna--One of the mechalus'​ two representatives to the Galactic Consulate. She is also the only alien Undersecretary. 
-Omicron, Tau--A mechalus physicist. He accompanied The Ship on its journey from Aleer, and was nearly killed while defending it from weren and Negationists. 
-Sota, Phi--A mechalus who lived during 2273. (As a wild, speculative guess, would she be one of the diplomats that signed the integration treaty?) 
-General Thetor--A programmer, leader and officer in the Megarin military. He first programmed the Credo of War during the War of Unity, and led the mechalus to genocide. His body is dead, but reports circulate of gridshadows marked with his sigil. 
-Medurr Imperium 
-Paeran--A member of clan Vys, Stykor'​s sister, and Tolvys'​ daughter. ​ 
-Stykor--A member of clan Vys, Stykor acts as the Imperium'​s primary ambassador to Aegis. She only speaks with people who have proven themselves to her in combat. Several of her daughters are plotting to overthrow her. 
-Sullus--A member of clan Ran, Paeran'​s daughter, and Stykor'​s niece. She controls the medurr outpost at Sennacherib in the Sage system. 
-Teran--The second of Stykor'​s daughters and a member of Clan Kor. She commands the rift-ship at Lucullus and its complement of small craft. She has made an alliance with Karcen Borun of Helixtech, and is plotting to overthrow her mother. She was also behind the killing of Administrator DuPree. (Externals mentions her as being Stykor'​s sister.) 
-Matriarch Tolvys--The leader of clan Vys, and Stykor'​s mother. She established the settlement on Cambria II, and is exploring the Verge in hopes of turning it into her personal corner of the Medurr Imperium. She rules over all the medurr in the Verge. 
-===== Mikoa ===== 
-Urbina, Ivan--The governor of the ex-Nariac colony of Mikoa III. He has been its leader since 2498. 
-Nariac Domain 
-Baskin, Robert "​Fins"​--A cybermariner. 
-Chapin, Gregor--The Nariac ambassador to the Lighthouse. He leads the Nariac embassy in its search for a system to claim for the Domain, and works to sow discontent among the workers of settled worlds. Hm/​Nariac/​DFA-8 
-Chegeyana--A distinguished veteran of the Nariac Domain'​s black ops division. She was killed during a mission at a refinery, after being infected by the metal plague. 
-Lieutenant Ray "​Manta"​ Commiss--A cybermariner. 
-Dergan, Eliott "​Trident"​--A cybermariner. 
-Commodore Thomas Dodds--The leader of the Nariac Defense Forces at Berilar. He initiated the cybermariner project. 
-Durenkovic--A Nariac government official. He recruited Pyotr Sokolov to the NID. 
-Dybrol, Les--The first cybermariner,​ he was captured by the AI VORL during a deep dive. Most of his higher brain functions have been circumvented,​ and he operates as a living remote. Hm/​Nariac/​CS-5 (pp 66-67, SGA) 
-Dyson, Irene--A Nariac ambassador to Lison. She was sent to the ULS to negotiate an alliance between it and the Domain. Her integrated cybertechnology contains two components to a plasma bomb, which was detonated by her superiors when she was in a conference with President Kevik. Xf/​Nariac/​DFA-4 (pp 43-44, POD) 
-Galouni, Stefan--A Nariac agent. He purchased much of Thorn Industries'​ stock during its IPO, and is currently trying to gain control within the company for the Domain. Hm/​Nariac/​DTO-6 
-Captain Albert "​Ahab"​ Habbert--The first successful cybermariner,​ and the leader of the first cybermariner squad. 
-Hamaru, Roger--A Nariac official. He was killed during a shuttle crash while on the way to Tribon. 
-Commissar Igaamo--A Nariac commissar. He denied the Domain'​s role in the attempted assassination of President Kevik, and believed VoidCorp was involved. 
-Jaanik--The leader of a Nariac black ops team sent to neutralize a nanite weapon. He was infected by the plague, and was killed when Sokolov destroyed the refinery complex. 
-Lasky, Edward "​Eel"​--A cybermariner. 
-Leijten, Kara--A Nariac diplomat. She was killed when the STG shuttle carrying her to Tribon crashed. 
-Lt. Commander Sheldon "​Hammerhead"​ McCoy--A cybermariner. 
-Nancy--The quasi-AI stored in Pete Sokolov'​s nanocomputer. She manages most of his stored programs. (What to do with her? She's not quite a character, but...) 
-Premir Palis--The premir of the Nariac Domain in 2304. 
-Quinn, Roger "​Queequeg"​--A cybermariner. 
-Mistress Raelaun--The leader of the Nariac outpost at Berilar Island on Bluefall. Hf/​Nariac/​DTO-9 
-Rezna, Daniel--A Nariac ambassador to Lison. Hm/​Nariac/​DTO-4 (pp 44, POD) (See note under Wynn, Melani.) 
-Sokolov (Solokov? Havok?), Pyotor "​Pete"​--A former Nariac operative, and native of Novo Tver, Sokolov went rogue after the Canis Epsilon Two Incident. He worked as a bounty hunter until he was sent to retrieve Geille Monashi from Icewalk. After being betrayed by Borun, he joined forces with Monashi to escape the medurr at their derelict riftship. He is very cautious, and makes extensive use of programs and cybertechnology. Hm/​Nariac/​TO-12(TO-15?​) (pp 138, SDCS, pp 3-5, ZPP) 
-Stolypin--A member of the Nariac black ops team sent to sterilize a refinery. He was infected by the metal plague, and was killed when the refinery was destroyed. 
-Talbott, John--An eccentric Nariac explorer. He first charted the Talbott system, going against Nariac custom by naming it after himself. ​ 
-Wynn, Melani--A Nariac ambassador to Lison. Hm/​Nariac/​DTO-4 (pp 44, POD) (Were all of the ambassadors killed when Dyson exploded?) 
-===== Orion League ===== 
-Aspan, Ronald--An administrator in the employ of Pyritix Corp, currently stationed on a border world. He has  fallen out of favor with the rest of the Aspan family, and is trying to gain funds locked away in a special account. 
-Aspan, Kenneth "​Punt"​--The four-year-old son of Ronald Aspan. His father augmented him with covert cybernetics ​ to cover up damage from an accident and keep him alive. He is currently in the care of Avi Hausoc. 
-Brown, Kathryn--The last president of the Orion Nation, Brown offered to dissolve her nation and unite it with one of its neighbors to give them both a fighting chance. Instead, she inspired the creation of the Orion League, and became its first president. 
-Bryce--An explorer who disappeared while heading for an unsecured Glassmaker site on High Mojave. (Nationality not mentioned, but possibility of him being an Orion and/or native of High Mojave.) 
-Admiral Patrick Christopher--The commander of the dreadnought Triumphant, and the leader of the Orion League'​s Verge Fleet. He was the acting governor of the Orion settlements at Bluefall, and declared martial law after the death of Governor Tribane. He returned to the Stellar Ring to assist in the war effort, and was killed during the Battle of Kendai. 
-Cook, Liad--The author of Cook's Guide to Open Space. He has since retired and moved to Hughes Island. Hm/Orion/NP 
-Dias, Corason "​Corey"​--A physics student native to Anacortes. She is a close friend of Jerrid mac Alisten, and accompanied him on a trip to High Mojave. She helped save her three-person expedition from a werewisp attack. 
-Dobrescu, Mischa--The president of the Orion League at the onset of the Second Galactic War. 
-Foss, Alexander--An Orion Undersecretary. 
-Hale, Bruce--A Senator in the Orion League and a son of Warthen Hale, Bruce Hale is a member of the Galactic Consulate and the Committee on Verge Integration. Some believe that he will run in the League'​s next presidential election. Hm/​Orion/​DTO-15 
-Hale, Warthen--This legendary Orion president was instrumental in the formation of the Treaty of Concord. He mysteriously vanished shortly after. He is known as the Great Peacemaker. 
-Hughes, Robin--An explorer from the Orion Nation, she (he?) first surveyed the Aegis system. 
-Juryovic--An explorer who disappeared while surveying an unsecured Glassmaker site on High Mojave. (No nationality mentioned, might be High Mojavean or Orion.) 
-Lorne, Olivia--The Orion League ambassador to Bluefall, and the head of its colony at Saber Island. Hf/​Orion/​DFA-7 
-mac Alisten, Jerrin--A xenoarchaeolgist,​ and the heir to a large mercantile empire. He recently traveled to High Mojave to conduct a survey of Glassmaker ruins. He is a close friend of Corason Dias. (Most likely an Orion, as he's known Corason, and she's lived in the League all her life.) 
-Moore--A marine biologist who first catalouged the Moore'​s shark species. ​ 
-Captain Tyhr Nimatus--A mechalus, and the former first officer of the CSS Nomad. He was appointed captain after the ship was refitted. 
-Norokov--The first governor of the Bluefall island that now bears his name. 
-Podlas, Ionis--The League'​s deputy ambassador to the Lighthouse, Podlas is comparatively inexperienced,​ but is nevertheless managing his embassy well. Hm/​Orion/​DFA-5 
-Reiso--The first officer of the Marathon, he was killed while the ship conducted its survey of Aegis. 
-Samson, Faith--The wife of the former governor of the Steadfast Islands. One of them is named in her memory. 
-Sapienza, Michael--Formerly an Assistant Governor under Kathryn Windsor-Lynn,​ he took over her duties after she died. 
-Doctor Maricia Strang--A famous xenolinguist and xenoculturist. She is a fellow at the Yin-Farrow University on Skai. She translated the t'sa epic Saga of the Restless Souls into Standard, and helped Dr. Radlevich on the expedition to Storm. 
-Talbot, Stephen--A Research Fellow at the Holman Sound Oceanographic Institute. He first identified some anomalous sounds as human machinery. 
-Treyle--The Orion governor of the Steadfast Islands. One of them is named in his memory. 
-Treyle-Samson,​ Marie--The daughter of governor Treyle, she currently rules the Steadfast Islands for the Orion League. One of the islands is named in her honor. 
-Tribane, William--The first governor of Bluefall. He extended a policy of open immigration before taking his own life. 
-Trigard, Lora--The current president of the Orion League, Trigard is up for re-election in 2504. 
-Valance, Kul--A representative of the Orion League'​s Center for Biological Control. 
-Captain Jack Vermillion--The first commander of the CSS Nomad. He was killed when the ship was attacked by a Thuldan raider. 
-Commander Kathryn Windsor-Lynn--A former planetary administrator of Bluefall, and one of Admiral Christopher'​s aides. ​ 
-===== Orlamu Theocracy ===== 
-Ankra, Kalin--An Orlamu Starborn. He has worked for the Free Trade Guild, and is on the run from bounty hunters sent by Prelate Memorn. He once eluded Pyotor Sokolov. 
-Basindi, Ejan--An Orlamu scientist, and a member of the team sent to investigate the objects in Karppolla. 
-Prelate Derez--The highest-ranked Orlamu official in the Oberon system. He denied the existence of the Prophet Scrolls. 
-Dezray, Meryl--An Orlamu scientist, and a member of the team sent to investigate the objects in Karppolla. 
-Etan, Anwar--An Orlamu drivespace medium. 
-First Prophet Galindus--The current ruler of the Orlamu Theocracy, Galindus has been its First Prophet since 2474. He is a political moderate, and has considerable scientific experience. 
-Consul-General Dane Hardeson--An Orlamu official in charge of the nation'​s trade in the Verge. 
-Hootak--The first and foremost weren philosopher of the Orlamu tradition. He is also known as Great Hootak. 
-Captain Victor Khosti--The leader of the Theocracy'​s initial expedition to the Tychus system. 
-Kidwai, Jamal--An Orlamu first-contact specialist. He first met and negotiated with the weren, and is sometimes referred to as "Jamal Abuweren"​. 
-Commander Raiaza Krayjal--A weren officer in the Orlamu military. She recently married Commander Kalden. 
-Doctor Emilu Laarus--An Orlamu xenoarchaeologist. She hypothesized that the unidentified objects in the Karppolla system were created by the Stoneburners. ​ 
-Maloy, Terise--The Orlamu ambassador to Bluefall, and leader of Jort Island. Hf/​Orlamu/​DTO(Talent)-11 
-Dr. Emma Martin--An Orlamu xenobiologist. She recently went on a tagging and exploratory survey in Yellow Sky's lowlands. 
-Prelate Memorn--A high-ranking Orlamu official on a pilgrimmage to the Verge. He plans on succeeding First Prophet Galindus, and is looking for Kalin Starborne, whom he believes can help him in his endeavor. 
-Cardinal Rashorra--A weren and one of three nonhuman members of the Verge Alliance Admiralty, Cardinal Rashorra controls the Orlamu Theocracy'​s holdings in the Verge during the External War. She is a fierce warrior, a devoted priest, and a charismatic leader. 
-Sendir, Jeff--The first human in drivespace, Sendir was a scientist for the Indo-African League. While in drivespace, Sendir allegedly came into contact with a higher power, and retired to found the Orlamu Foundation. The Foundation later became the Orlamu Theocracy, and Sendir was its first ruler. He was granted sainthood after his death. 
-Bishop Tassina--An Orlamu prelate, and the Theocracy'​s ambassador to the Lighthouse. She also serves as the head of the station'​s Orlamist congregation. Hf/​Orlamu/​DFA-16 
-Captain Tesseth--The captain of the Orlamu trader Horizon. He filed suit with the ULS after his cargo was stolen by pirates in Oberon. 
-Utao--The co-owner of Tyardine Taxis. Fm/​Orlamu/​MW-9 
-First Prophet Walen--Sendir'​s successor. 
-Dr. Tierson Whyte--An Orlamu ecologist, he developed a way to improve the crop yield of Mount Illumination'​s farms. He has since gone missing in the lowlands. 
-Colonel Barak Durenko--A former Nariac officer, Durenko seized control of Hurricane'​s government and established its policy of piracy. 
-Hellis, Cero--The first actual Lord of Ptolemy, Cero Hellis won his title by killing Colonel Durenko. After his death, the title of Lord of Ptolemy became hereditary. 
-Hellis, Vardye--The current lord of Ptolemy, Vardye Hellis is obsessed with bringing about the downfall of Christopher Hale after suffering defeat at the hands of the Regency fleet. He is trying to align himself with a patron state. Xm/​Ptolemy/​DCS-15 
-===== Regency ===== 
-Acrim, Claris--The head of the Acrim project, she is rumored to have ties to Old Space. Hf/​Solar/​DTO-5 
-Angela--A lifeguard and security officer at Ylliam Resort. She wants to become an REC officer. 
-Axilov, Nora--The manager of the Jubilee Consortium'​s private Grid network. She has been known to provide information about corporate security in exchange for money. Hf/​Terivine/​TO-18 
-Aylen, Jarrett--A Verge Ranger (Verge Liasion?) in the employ of the Verge Confederation. He was assigned to Diane Radlevich'​s expedition to Storm. 
-Barnes, Claira--The head of the Committee for Reform. 
-Berrag, Elis--The wife of Luc Berrag. She shares her husband'​s dislike of the stellar nations. Hf/​Orion/​DTO-9 
-Berrag, Luc--The manager of the Jubilee Diandes resort. He was originally an Orion settler who was outside of the system at the time of the Vanishing. He dislikes most stellar nations, and is rumored to be affiliated with CFN. Hm/​Orion/​DTO-14 
-Billings, Michal--The Regency'​s Secretary for Commerce. He was partly responsible for the creation of the Merchant League, and announced its incorporation. 
-Byaros, Silva--A senior military analyst at the Sanger-Osselman Foundation. She believes that the Thuldans are trying to make contact with the deepfallen. (Unlisted nationality. Assuming Regency--TFB.) 
-Caldwell, Sara--An actress who was scheduled to star in Chimes. She quit the project after being trapped in a burning building. 
-Ceapure, Andrea--A holofilm star. She lives on North Beach. 
-Admiral Edmund Chapman--An admiral in the Regency Stellar Navy. He was an observer during the Concord/​Regency joint training exercise. 
-Comar, Albert--The CEO of Comar Crafts. 
-Cox, Nadine--The commander of the Regency Army. She works with Commander Kalden to upgrade the Army's tactics and equipment. Hf/​Orion/​DCS-6 
-Crosby IV, Oliver--The senior Regency ambassador to the Deepfallen. He is politically close to Regent Hale, and has befriended Tethys. Hm/​Orion/​DMW-15 (pp 41, SGA) 
-DeClerk, Jan--A human psion, and the youngest member of the team assigned to Depth Epsilon. 
-Dent, Wallace--A staff meteorologist for the Aegis News Agency. He first detected the anomalous weather cell near Filtrane. 
-Doddis, Dian--The CEO of Polymartech. She has been blackmailed into helping the smuggler Avery Thall, who has threatened to reveal her mutant nature. Xf/​Regency/​DTO-3 
-Doncaster, Malcom--The owner of Jubilee Hughes, and a former restaurant owner. Hm/Orion/NP 
-Dunne, Jonathan--The head administrator of Baffin Island. 
-Everstar, Jack--Originally known as Douglas Rerby, this actor starred in a cult-hit movie, and returned to the stage after spending some time as a professional scout. Since then, he has starred in many successful holofilms. Hm/​Regency/​DFA-17 (pp 166, SDCS) 
-Captain Diana Fox--The commander of Research Station Echo. Hf/​Orion/​DCS-8 
-Garcia, Rejinald--The Director of Climate studies at the Regency Meteorological Institute. He proposed that Bluefall was terraformed by a Precursor species. 
-Gettys, Donald--Allegedly an agent of the RIA, he works for the Regency Ministry of Security as a counter-intelligence agent. He has secretly sold out to VoidCorp, and provides VORL with grid information in exchange for money. Hm/​Regency/​TO-8 (pp 68-69, SGA) 
-Hale, Christopher--The leader of the Regency of Bluefall, and the son of Warthen Hale. He first led a number of Orions on the Flight from Ericis. He is quite charismatic,​ and wants to maintain Bluefall'​s soverignty. He was a key player in the formation of the Verge Alliance, and is a member of its Admiralty. Hm/​Orion/​DCS-26 (pp 144, SDCS) 
-Hauck, Guiseppe--A Bluefall native. He won the Antigua Cup in 2500, and set a new record. 
-Hayward, Edward--The governor of the Lenub chain, and a former commodore in the Regency navy. Hm/​Regency/​CS-14 
-Captain Elizabeth Ianotti--The captain of the Glory, she was the first native Verger to command a Regency vessel. She helped make first contact with the deepfallen, and serves as the chief administrator of Depth Epsilon. Hf/​Regency/​DTO(Talent)-12 (pp 164, SDCS) 
-Commander Kalden--Christopher Hale's best friend, and the leader of the Regent Guard. Kalden rescued Hale from prison, and helped him manage the Flight from Ericis. He recently married Raiazia Krayjal, an Orlamu officer. Wm/​Orion/​CS-9 (pp 158, SDCS) 
-Kelway, Marel--A theology expert at the University of Bluefall. 
-Kezcus, Marybelle--A holofilm star. She lives on North Beach. 
-Kile, Martin--A native of the Regency, Kile left for High Mojave to search for Glassmaker artifacts. He presently works as a guide for visiting xenoarchaeologists. 
-Kytola, Mary--The commander of the Regency Sea Navy, she was one of Christopher Hale's instructors at Ericis. Hf/​Orlamu/​DTO-8 
-Martin, Nicholas--The mayor of Hughes Island, he rules jointly with Colleen McMurphy. Hm/​Regency/​CS-9 
-McGuinness, Cullen--A former RIN officer, and the captain of the Distant Horizon. 
-McMurphy, Colleen--The Regency'​s primary ambassador, and co-leader of Hughes Island. Hf/​Regency/​DFA-8 
-Doctor Sharla Merideth--A scholar at the Aegis Academy who specializes in fraal customs, culture, history and language. 
-Mirkwen, Talok--A mechalus martial artist, biokineticist and leader of the Regent Guard. 
-Nkoma, William--The Regency'​s Secretary for Industrial Development. He recently met with Prelate Tassina and Dane Hardeson at the wedding of Commander Kalden. 
-Oalin, Angus--The CEO of Bedford-Oalin,​ and a close friend of Christopher Hale. 
-Doctor Mira Olsen--A member of the Council for Conscientious Scientists, and a specialist in psionic research. (Mindwalker/​Talent?​) She recently studied Rivendale, and feels that its biosphere is in danger of being wiped out. (Unspecified nationality. Mentioned in the Aegis section of TFB.) 
-Major Benjamin Quinn--The head of the military base at Erialis. Hm/​Orion/​CS-11 
-Ribaut, Celeste--A news anchor for Universal Media, Ribaut is a popular, well-known figure. She is currently working on a series of human interest stories called "​Bluefall Diaries"​. Hf/​Regency/​FA-9 (pp 153, SDCS) 
-Robertson, Derren--A young navigator and engineer, he was hired by Calesque before he left port. After the captain went mad, he escaped the system in their driveship. 
-Rossi, Nate--Affiliated with the Jubilee Corporation,​ he owns and charters a fleet of four small sailing craft. Hm/​Regency/​TO-7 
-Samarach, Charles--The CEO of Milton Industries, and the owner of Sharkshead Island. Xm/​Algemron/​DFA-8 
-Shirai, Taizo--A holofilm star. He lives on North Beach. 
-Captain Hilda Simons-Hurst--The commander of Research Station Echo. Hf/​Orion/​DTO-8 
-Spider--The secret Grid identity of Donald Gettys. He uses it to sell Regency secrets to any interested buyers. 
-Commander Victor Spiros--The commander of the outposts at the Tower. Hm/​Regency/​CS-8 
-Doctor Andreas Tocher--A mechalus geneticist, and the owner and operator of the Clinic. He was expelled from Bluefall'​s medical community after conducting research on the hybridization of human and alien DNA. 
-Tolson, Jane--The commander of the Regency Stellar Navy, Tolson was formerly the captain of the battlecruiser Hughes (Thunderer?​). She favors conservative tactics. Hf/​Orion/​DTO-7 
-Tweet, Lillian--Christopher Hale's physician. 
-Valeria, Avarie--The Regency'​s ambassador aboard the Lighthouse. She accompanied Christopher Hale on the Flight From Ericis, and is very loyal to him. Her duties include monitoring Thayne and keeping Bluefall'​s place in the interstellar community secure. Hf/​Orion/​DFA-7 
-Valois, Anne Marie--Jack Everstar'​s co-star in Children of Mars. She was brought in to play Sarah Caldwell'​s part in Chimes after the latter quit. She has a stormy relationship with Everstar. 
-Doctor Jena Vaxom--A scientist, and member of the Center for Xenological Studies. She has been currently working to catalog all evidence of the magus. 
-Doctor William Withsby--A professor at the Aegis Academy, he has a great deal of experience with Precursor artifacts. 
-Doctor Dron Yuelt--A fraal professor at the University of Bluefall. He recently informed Avatar of a suspected biological agent threat. He is a specialist in the areas of archaeology and history. He does not believe that the derelict in Oberon is a fraal colony ship. 
-Zorel, Hanna--The executive producer of the holofilm Chimes. 
-===== Rigunmor Star Consortium ===== 
-Breel, Alison--The Executive Guilder at the end of the Second Galactic War, Breel participated in peace talks. She held her position for 31 years. 
-Breel, Peter--The grand-nephew of Alison Breel, and the chairman of Thorn Industries. He hopes to take over the company for his own gain. Hm/​Rigunmor/​DFA-1 (pp 52, SC) 
-Guilder Canary--The head of the Rigunmor colony at Lison, Canary was killed when the Lisoners revolted. 
-Carnes, Adalik--The CEO of Carnes, Inc. 
-Carnes, Nash "​Bones"​--The grandson of Adalik Carnes and the leader of the Carnes, Inc. firm in the Verge. Hm/​Rigunmor/​DFA-9 
-Charon--The Rigunmor ambassador to Bluefall, and the head of its colony at Ruhlesport. Mm/​Rigunmor/​DCS-19 
-Denisek, Loran--The CEO of Ad Astera Corp. He is one of forty richest Guilders, a ruthless businessman,​ and a personal enemy of Rom Verdoss. 
-Admiral Enkaru--A Rigunmor admiral, and an old friend of Admiral Sarn. 
-Fabian--One of Minister Yonce'​s administrative assistants. 
-Kubrinin, Vasily--A member of the Rigunmor expedition to Storm. He was killed by lightning while surveying the planet. 
-Mwinye, Antoine--The Rigunmor ambassador aboard the Lighthouse. He runs a well-organized,​ professional embassy, and is well-respected by the rest of the ambassadors. Hm/​Rigunmor/​DFA-9 
-Oneagle, Atha--The current Executive Guilder. ​ 
-Rothheim, Nicole--A member of the Rothheim family. She was a member of the Storm expedition, and was killed while exploring the moon's surface. 
-Fleet Admiral Clarence Sarn--An officer in the Rigunmor Navy, and a veteran of GWII. He believes that it is his destiny to bring Lison back under Rigunmor control, and has blockaded the planet in order to pacify it. Hm/​Rigunmor/​DCS-12 (pp 61, POD) 
-Stillman, Gordon--The executive director of MicroCore Investments. He was killed by assassins aboard the Lighthouse before revealing his superiors'​ identities to Lazarus. (Probably Rigunmor, as Yonce is Rigunmor and so is her company.) 
-Guilder Tambrin--A Rigunmor Guilder. He delivered a consolatory message to the ULS after the Eclipse was destroyed. He is also a member of CEL's Executive Board, owning one percent of its stock. 
-Taraen, Gavin--The younger brother of Sable. He was kidnapped by Monahan along with his sister. He is a Grid genius, and came into contact with the staff of The Corner through covert means. 
-Taraen, Laura--The wife of Mitchell Taraen. She was killed along with her husband. 
-Taraen, Mitchell--An employee of Malmott Supply. He was placed in charge of one of its Verge distribution centers, and moved his family to Bluefall. He was killed by Monahan'​s men when they kidnapped his children. 
-Taraen, Sabine "​Sable"​--The daughter of Mitchell and Laura Taraen, she was kidnapped by Monahan'​s thugs and forced to work for him as a data courier. She helped Lazarus catch him out, and ultimately killed him during a confrontation on the Lighthouse. 
-Tarsellis, David--A mechalus trader. He has bought black-market rhodium from Quaisak in the past. 
-Thomassen, Edmund--A member of the original Rigunmor expedition to Storm. He was killed while on the planet'​s surface. 
-Vantikar, Rician--An executive, and Grid supervisor at one of the Consortium'​s trade nexi in Tribon. He was recently attacked by thugs while on Lison. 
-Commander Dmitri Varkaan--The Eclipse'​s chief security officer. Hm/​Rigunmor/​MW-6 (pp 61, POD) 
-Guilder Veers--A Rigunmor Guilder. He surveyed the remains of Lister, and decried its destruction. 
-Verdoss, Anjera--A sister of Rom Verdoss. She traveled to Oberon to find some survey records, but was presumed dead following the Reunification Revolt 
-Verdoss, Grigor--A Rigunmor planetologist,​ and the great-great-grandfather of Rom Verdoss. He surveyed Storm, and was killed in the Battle of Calliope in the Second Galactic War. 
-Verdoss, Karpis "​Karp"​--A Rigunmor businessman,​ and Rom Verdoss'​ brother. He went to Oberon to recover some computer records, but vanished during the Reunification Revolt. 
-Verdoss, Rom--A wealthy Rigunmor businessman. He sponsored Dr. Radlevich'​s expedition after discovering old survey records on Bazaar, and ultimately sacrificed his life to help the stormie attack on the VoidCorp encampment. 
-Verdoss, Sergei--The great-great-great-grandfather of Rom Verdoss. He was killed by a patch of charge grass while surveying Storm. 
-Wilson, Ignario--The owner of Wilson'​s Game Outfitters. Hm/​Rigunmor/​NP 
-Worrel, Victor--The CEO of Redman-Smith,​ Worrel effectively controls the economy of the Lighthouse. Hm/​Rigunmor/​DFA-18 
-Yonce, Relitalia--A Rigumor representative on the Galactic Consulate, Yonce is also a member of the Committee on Verge Integration. She is primarily concerned with adding to her personal fortune, and is willing to sell information in order to do so. Hf/​Rigunmor/​NP 
-Yu, Kathy--A member of the Rigunmor expedition to Storm. She was killed on the planet'​s surface. 
-Sesheyan (Grith) 
-Devlei'​ir--A charismatic sesheyan shaman and the leader of the Devli'​yan. He believes that the sesheyans should return to their ancient traditions. Rumor has it that he has offered to take in the cykotek Silver Ghost. Sm/​Corrivale/​DTO-10 
-Edolan--A sesheyan. 
-Ka'​lee,​ Casuer--A former employee of Aanghel Osui'​ike. She is expected to testify in her trial, and is being kept in Hatire custody until she can do so. 
-Lo'​kot,​ Jekut--A former employee of Aanghel Osui'​ike. He was slated to testify in her trial, but was found dead in his safehouse before it could commence. 
-Osui'​ike,​ Aanghel--A young entrepreneur,​ and the head of Aanghel Enterprises. She dislikes having to involve herself in the less legal elements of her empire, and is strongly assimilationist. Sf/​Corrivale/​DFA-6 
-Se'​Tali--The chief of the Diamond Point Port Authority. 
-Terei, Pe--Aanghel Osui'​ike'​s right-hand sesheyan, Terei is cold, calculating and ruthless. He is willing to go to any lengths to complete a mission. Sm/​Corrivale/​DFA-9 (pp 115, SDCS) 
-Toro'​am,​ Simal--One of Aanghel Osui'​ike'​s agents on Bluefall. He specializes in smuggling people offplanet, and is attempting to set up a safehouse for his employer. Sm/​Corrivale/​DCS-8 
-Twice-Scarred Sellas--The greatest shaman of the Grith sesheyans. 
-===== Sifarv Demesne ===== 
-Ytharksol Atreel--The commander of the Exeat. He is an old friend of Paratak Trewys, but cares little for the Theocracy. He hopes to use the Exeat to destabilize the present government and free his species. He has a vicious temper. Sv(f?​!)/​Demesne/​DCS-13 
-Patnak Phurrgan Ghosh--The ruler of the Grattan Wastes, this kadaran nobleman also acts as the Arnak'​s personal researcher and advisor. He is an atheist, disliking the I'krl Church, and distressed that Parak Martis, his former student, decided to work with Kadar. Km/​Demesne/​TO-27 
-Patnak Kiisa--Arnak Sota's eldest niece, and the first indirect heir to his throne. While she feigns loyalty to the Theocracy, she has formed a secret alliance with Trillyth Kaarsar in hopes of restoring rule of the Demesne to the sifarv. She rules over the Khiir Cluster. Svf/​Demesne-Trillaari/​DFA-8 
-Kolluss--A sifarv krl'​osar who became Arnak four hundred years ago. He placed much of the Demesne'​s power in the hands of the Church during his rule. 
-Tr'​Komro Tamarth--The commander of the Exeat'​s ground forces. He is known as "the Hawk". (Unspecified nationality. Possibly sifarv?) 
-Arnak Sota IX--The current puppet ruler of the Sifarv Demesne. While he has little hope in his own ability to regain power, he is encouraging his Arakan to fight one another in hopes of producing a leader strong enough to return control of the Demesne to the sifarv. ​ Svm/​Demesne/​DTO-18 
-Arnak Trillaar--A sifarv emperor. He was the last emperor to rule before the I'krl Theocracy subsumed the Demesne'​s power. 
-===== Spes ===== 
-Cher'​nath--A weren warrior from Spes, and Ridhya'​s mate. He was tasked by The Ship with retrieving some rare minerals, and was killed in battle while distracting warriors from an enemy clan. 
-Dreneg--One of Hatala'​s weren bodyguards. 
-Hatala--A weren chief, and the self-proclaimed leader of all the weren on Spes. He attempted to create a number of psionic weren warriors, but he was caught out and imprisoned by the Concord. 
-Mirison, Jessarin "The Grand Master"​--An aged human martial artist and the leader of the Order of the Black Tiger. He is said to have foretold the invasion of the Hammer'​s Star system, and supposedly knows how to stun the klicks with a single blow. (Unknown?) 
-Palmquist, Hanna--The Dean of Silver Bell, Palmquist was a Student before she was elected to her current position. Hf/​Borealin/​NP 
-Ridhya--A weren warrior. She was Cher'​nath'​s mate, and possesses psionic potential. She was tutored by The Ship. 
-===== StarMech Collective ===== 
-Major Denora Barad--An agent of the StarMech Intelligence Division. Denora is a talented technician, but is often critical of herself and others. She was assigned to disarm the Warhulk Ares 22. Hf/​StarMech/​TO-6 (pp 5, LW) 
-Buono, Francesca--A spokeswoman for Chelsea Krest. 
-Cochran, Penelope--Formerly a GWII war hero, Cochran is the StarMech ambassador to the Lighthouse. She has no experience as a diplomat, and prefers to throw lavish parties and wallow in luxury. Hf/​StarMech/​DTO-4 
-Conraith, Thomas--Governor Harrison'​s successor, he tried to take control of the system, but mysteriously disappeared. 
-Doctor Elizabeth Danwin--The leader of the Augustine'​s science team, she was killed when the ship was destroyed during an experiment. 
-Fletcher, Mallory--A Starmech COO, and the leader of the Kamina Island settlement. Hf/​StarMech/​DTO-12 
-Gariss, Katherine--A young lawyer, she prosecuted Thuldan war criminals until her transfer to Land's End. She serves as the station'​s chief administrator. Hf/​StarMech/​DFA-12 
-Harrison, Robert--The commander of the Augustine, Harrison was, for a time, the governor of Tendril. He was killed when the Augustine was destroyed during an experiment. 
-Krest, Chelsea--The head of StarMech'​s representatives in Tendril, she hopes to reunify the colony with its parent stellar nation. Hf/​StarMech/​DFA-13 
-PAD-7--A mechanic robot, and the sole survivor of the Burn Pirates. 
-Pelles, Liam--A former Concord Marine, Pelles is the head of security at Land's End. He has a keen grasp of tactics. Mm/​StarMech/​CS-9 
-Spiner, Adam--The current CEO of the StarMech Collective. 
-Thayne, Michael--An Undersecretary on the Galactic Consulate and the head of the Committee on Verge Integration. He has won the good favors of many Vergers, and has been using his connections and intelligence to move toward consolidating the region into a single nation with himself at its head. He was also instrumental in the formation of the Verge Alliance, and is a member of its Admiralty. Hm/​StarMech/​DFA-19 (pp 116, LH) 
-Thurwait, G. E.--A StarMech engineering consultant working at Alaundril'​s Solar X shipyards. He believes that the wreck of Ares 22 may be salvageable. 
-Todan, Olivar--The leader of the StarMech survey team that discovered the wreckage of a suspected Warhulk in the Ajikor system. 
-Lieutenant Commander Samuel Tritiac--A StarMech naval officer. 
-Specialist Jaina Vale--A member of the StarMech navy, she volunteered to be put into stasis as a backup mechanic for Ares 22. Hf/​StarMech/​TO-4 (pp 7-8, LW) 
-Bishop Kasaya Yoriko--Formerly of the bishopric of Chance, she was relocated to Bluefall. Kasaya has helped to set up an Immigrant Assistance Center. Hf/​StarMech/​DFA-11 
-===== Stormers ===== 
-Touches Far--A member of the stormer Chosen. She communicated with the Radlevich expedition, helped them learn the stormie language, and helped lead the assault on the VoidCorp base. 
-Warm Motions--A stormer Chosen. She assisted in the assault on the VoidCorp base. 
-===== Thuldan Empire ===== 
-Carson, Karen--The Thuldan Deputy Ambassador to Bluefall, and the leader of the settlements at Haven 12. Xf/​Thuldan/​DFA-8 
-Chevron--A Thuldan bioengineer and fashion designer. He first created the genocoats. 
-Emperor Decret--The emperor during the formation of the three great alliances. 
-Durenova, Jasa--A retired Thuldan warlion, and the captain of the Glory of Andrakar. She was detained by the Galvinites for smuggling war material to Alitar. 
-Garond, Jerry--A Thuldan warlion, and the chief of security at Dr. Vych's estate. He is a loyal friend of the doctor, and has saved him from many assassination attempts. Xm/​Thuldan/​CS-13 (pp 70, SGA) 
-Granger, Stewart "​Buzz"​--A security guard at Islvych, he was aboard the Adler'​s Pride when it was wrecked. Xm/​Thuldan/​CS-2 
-Graves--A Thuldan medical doctor at Islvych. 
-Jarovich, Ruben--A Third Secretary at the Thuldan embassy on Bluefall, and a member of the Empire'​s Office for Strategic Information. 
-Kalman, Magnus--A priest of the Hatire faith. He denounced the Stoneburners as blasphemous,​ and has dedicated himself to destroying every trace of them. Hm/​Thuldan/​FA-3 
-Kent, Gregor--A wealthy European businessmen,​ Kent was the founder of the Thuldan Empire, and its first emperor. 
-Klangat, Toris--The Thuldan ambassador aboard the Lighthouse. Klangat is a retired general, and as such, he is strict and tends to see things in terms of allies, neutrals and enemies. Hm/​Thuldan/​DCS-12 
-Captain Kozlov--The captain of the Exploit, Kozlov claimed Alitiar for his nation. 
-Kreskan--A Thuldan diplomat aboard the Lighthouse. 
-Vice Admiral Mendelson--The commander of the Vanguard Task Force. 
-Centurion Wolfgang Model--The leader of the Legionnaires under Commodore Pfender, he acts as her advisor. Hm/​Thuldan/​CS-11 
-Captain Narvis--A Thuldan military man who went rogue, turning to piracy. He was killed by Ta Shaa Ta during the battle at Lilith. (Mentioned as "​Nallis"​ once on pp 45 of SF, and I'm inclined to think that's a typo rather than someone else's name.) 
-Captain Joseph Pfender--The younger brother of Thea Pfender, and the captain of the Total Commitment. He sacrificed himself and his ship to destroy an External cruiser. 
-Commodore Thea Pfender--The commander of all Thuldan forces in the occupied Vieron system. She is a loyal officer, and has sworn to eradicate the kroath, though some doubt her sanity. Xf/​Thuldan/​DTO-8 (pp 99, SC) 
-Emperor Regist--The current emperor. Regist participated in peace talks at the end of the Second Galactic War. He is aging and has not yet selected a successor. 
-Optio Julianna Sauter--Centurion Model'​s second-in-command. She is currently stationed in Algeciras. Hf/​Thuldan/​CS-6 
-Shein, Coline--The standard-bearer of the Legionnaires stationed on Corazón. Hf/​Thuldan/​CS-3 
-Field Marshal Andrew Stott--The Thuldan ambassador to Bluefall. He is an experienced diplomat, even as he seeks to undermine the Regency. He serves as the Thuldan member of the Verge Alliance Admiralty after the start of the External War, and has used the opportunity to gain political power. Xm/​Thuldan/​DFA-23 (CS-8?) 
-Taron, Michael--The son-in-law of Dr. Artemus Vych, and a wealthy Thuldan noble. He was killed by VORL after telepathically hacking into its VoidNet project. 
-Dr. Artemus Vych--A wealthy Thuldan genetic engineer, and the chief engineer of the gillmen project. He left the stellar ring due to threats from political rivals, and relocated to Bluefall. Xm/​Thuldan/​TO-16 (pp 68, SGA) 
-Vych, Thea--The wife of Dr. Artemus Vych. She has been in a coma for quite some time, due to unknown causes. 
-Vych-Taron, Ayla--The daughter of Artemus Vych, and the wife of Michael Taron. She is fairly young, and operates a merchantile company in Old Space. 
-===== Trillaari ===== 
-Tri(i)llyth Kaarsar--Also known as Kaarsar the Traitor, this sifarv is the second-generation leader of the Trillaari. He fell in love with Patnak Kiisa after he accidentally captured her, and hopes that he can win her over to his cause. Svm/​Trillaari/​DCS-10 
-T'sa (Independent) 
-Chiaran, Phanuk--The chief t'sa ambassador to Bluefall, and the head of the settlement at Rehja. 
-Chisier, Chaluk--The leader of the t'sa cluster. 
-Kryzz--The guitarist in the Corner'​s band. 
-Tedakin, Takari--One of Wakefield'​s senior advisors, Tedakin acts as an intermediate between the Administrator and the dignatories that visit the Lighthouse. Tf/​Concord/​FA-8 
-Tesla, Talox--The current Regulator General of the Galactic Bank. 
-Tesser, Teelok T'​chan--The captain of the TSV Guardian. 
-Wopli, Wisek--A t'sa alive during 2296. 
-===== Union of Sol ===== 
-Blue River--An ambassador assigned to the Talbott system. He is trying to bring the system under Solar control. Hm/​Solar/​TO-5 
-Princess Cestre--The daughter of Acron Ganatita, Cestre is the heir to the Sunlord'​s throne. She is an Undersecretary on the Galactic Consulate. 
-Commander Ramil ibn Beighur--The captain of the Solar light cruiser Birmingham. He is flamboyant, gallant and possesses a strong moral code, yet isn't afraid to act covertly should circumstances dictate it. He models his lifestyle after that of the Ottoman Empire'​s military officers. Hm/​Solar/​TO-10 (pp 144, SDCS) (See note about Birmingham above. TfB mentions that he's a Captain... is this a rank, or a title for a vessel'​s commander?) 
-Admiral Guillermo de Soronez--The commander of the Solar forces stationed at Telemachus, de Sornoez'​ primary job is diplomatic in nature. He wants to discreetly reduce the power of the Barons as well. Hm/​Solar/​DTO-5 
-Ganatita, Acron--The current Sunlord, Acron is close to retirement. 
-Ganatita, Jimol--A Terran politician, Jimol was the first Sunlord. ​ 
-Chief Gannon--The Sirocco'​s chief astrogator and helmswoman. 
-Colonel Jasmilda Gunte--The commander of the Solar marine brigade stationed at Telemachus. Gunte wants to bring order to Penates by force, but hasn't taken action yet. Hf/​Solar/​DCS-11 
-Ioptet, Magnus--An Old Space billionaire. His daughter has gone missing on Dione. (Unknown. Most likely Solar.) 
-Kile--The chief engineer of the Sirocco. 
-Lin, Howard--The Solar ambassador to the United Lison State. He helped secure the construction of an embassy in Tribon. 
-Liu, Irene--A Solar spaceport supervisor. 
-Loman, Jack "​Steelheart"​--A Solar who models himself after a buccaneer, Loman established the Spacewalk in Babel. 
-Captain Pierek Luce--A member of the Perseus Survey Company, he did the initial survey of Lucullus, then vanished in the Lightning Nebula. 
-Lucino, Selena--A Solar "​businesswoman"​ who leads the Mob, and models her lifestyle after that of Al Capone. She has recently expanded some of her organization'​s activities to the Lucullus system. 
-MacEwan, Ian--An ancient Solar Mindwalker, MacEwan first established the Supervisor faction. He still acts as their leader. Hm/​Solar/​MW-15 
-Moreno, Raul--The chief engineer of the Birmingham, and the second-in-command of the Sirocco. He models himself after a citizen of old Spain. 
-Morita, Norio--The Solar diplomat aboard the Lighthouse. He and his staff try and upstage the Concord at every turn, and Morita himself has the experience and skill to do so. Hm/​Solar/​DFA-7 
-Penne, Telor--A representative of the Mob. 
-Ensign Piper--A technician stationed on the Birmingham. He acts as a sensor technician aboard the Sirocco. 
-Captain Glen Rassimul--The primary Solar ambassador to Bluefall, and the founder of its colony on Polnesia. Hm/​Solar/​DFA-6 
-Superior General Zachary Ross--A Jesuit priest, and the head of the Cathedral of St. Ignatius at Yellow Sky. Hm/​Solar/​DFA-10 
-Thorne, Sennis--The wealthy senior-vice president of an Earth-based shipping firm, and an avid collector of alien artifacts. He was one of the sponsors of Dr. Radlevich'​s expedition to Storm, but was killed by VoidCorp thugs before meeting them on Lison. 
-Shaunessy, Ryan--The Prime Minister of Ireland during 2124. He negotiated with Fiona of the fraal during the events of first contact, and helped humanity accept the fraal as allies. 
-Doctor Andrew Tofske--A famous scientist who specializes in terraforming operations. He is currently stationed at Land's End on Delphin. Hm/​Solar/​TO-13 (pp 99, SDCS) 
-===== Vieron ===== 
-Ferenc, Gabor--A subordinate of Levy, he oversees the operation of Tavira'​s hydroponics bay. Hm/​Independent/​NP 
-Levy, Isaac--The mayor of the colonial settlements on Corazón. After the kroath invasion, he has ceded control of many vital decisions to Commodore Pfender. Hm/​Independent/​NP 
-Theodorakis,​ Daphne--The manager of Tavira, and its chief engineer. Hf/​Independent/​TO-5 
-===== VoidCorp ===== 
-AA498 93QQN--Doctor Strang'​s temporary Employee Number. 
-AA929 77MCV--Jarret Aylen'​s Employee Number, given while he was a prisoner of VoidCorp. 
-AA981 14BRK--Spacer'​s temporary Employee Number. 
-Aanghel--Formerly a VoidCorp assassin, he became a corsair shortly after arriving in the Corrivale system. His descendents have inherited his criminal empire. 
-Avisaar, Rel--The captain of the VCT Nimbus. 
-Doctor Thomas Blackmore--A VoidCorp scientist sent to investigate the Unity Gain. He went insane after being contacted by some sort of alien presence. 
-Broca--One of Thomas Blackmore'​s fraal assistants. 
-Copeland--Doctor Glover'​s assistant. 
-CR727 99TSK--A weren laborer aboard the Unity Gain. He was driven insane by the ylem-entity,​ and broke his own skull open. 
-DA178--A sesheyan junior security officer, also known as "​Bull"​. He is one of Edouin'​s two henchmen. 
-DA179--A sesheyan junior security officer, also known as "​Bear"​. He is one of Edouin'​s two henchmen. 
-DA322 59HKA (Richard Pulver)--A VoidCorp security officer currently working on Lison. Hm/​VoidCorp/​FA-4 (pp 32, POD) 
-Deirta--A citizen of Red Ridge. She works as a guard in its prison facility. (Really VoidCorp? Not mentioned.) 
-Dimmock, Paul--A hot-headed VoidCorp construction supervisor stationed in Red Ridge. He volunteered to fight the klicks, and died during the battle in the caverns. 
-d'​Sene,​ Sesket--An ex-assassin and friend of Captain Xavier Calesque. He knows of his friend'​s insanity, and is worried that Calesque will bring about his own downfall, but nevertheless serves him. Sm/​VoidCorp/​TO-6 (pp 58, OB) 
-Evans--A guard in Red Ridge'​s prison facility. (Possibly independent Red Ridger.) 
-FH327 74USK (Katherine Howe)--A VoidCorp assistant manager. Her contract has since been terminated. 
-Doctor Glover--A VoidCorp scientist. 
-GM682 85THY--A VoidCorp Employee. She assisted Wolfgang Krueger at the Storm dig site, and returned to Hux after surviving the stormie attack. 
-GV429 92SQV (Gillan)--The security chief of the Unity Gain. 
-Handerlast, Josephine--A citizen of Red Ridge. She is the Director and sole employee of its Port Authority. (Red Ridger? Possibly not VC.) 
-Hrenich--A VoidCorp construction worker. He was badly wounded during the weren raid on Red Ridge, and was sent to Spes for surgery. 
-IK234 49ASD (Quentin Tryce)--A VoidCorp Employee disguised as an independent black market cybergear distributor. He is the head of a large syndicate, which he monitors via cybertechnology. Hm/​VoidCorp/​FA-9 (pp 26, POD) 
-Irdak--The sesheyan first officer of the VCT Nimbus. 
-JB209 37GHY (William Lumvix)--VoidCorp'​s Director of Public Relations on Lison. He is somewhat informal for an Employee, and insists that his subordinates use their real names. Hm/​VoidCorp/​DMW-7 (pp 32, POD) 
-JT795 43IWQ (Erim Ollander)--A VoidCorp surveyer. She made first contact with the sesheyans and established the Sesheyan Compact. Afterwards, she was promoted directly to a Z-rank. 
-Ka'​itei--A VoidCorp agent who was coerced to action after the Company threatened his family. He organized a group of sesheyan refugees, arranged for them to be picked up by Nightbird, and killed them all, including himself, with a radiation weapon designed to implicate Savaan. 
-KL945 72YKV (Wolfgang Krueger)--A VoidCorp operative tasked with concealing its operations at Storm. He was demoted to JR rank after failing to kill Spacer, and was ultimately killed by stormies at Storm. (Book also mentions "​Lemmid Dorlan"​ and "John Garth",​ too. Aliases? On pp. 123, ToM.) 
-KN453 329UD(*)--A t'sa, alias Kemilik. He posed as a survivor of the destruction of the colony of Dusk, and claimed that the n'sss were responsible. 
-Krai'​il,​ Ti'​igan--The VoidCorp executive that announced the construction of its base on Leen. 
-Lakons, Jeff--A false alias created for OP823 23KIK by the Dreth to accuse him of kidnapping. 
-MR361 28DRF (Ramos Edouin)--The leader of the VoidCorp security division in Corrivale. Edouin is utterly ruthless, yet not overly cruel to his prey. Hm/​VoidCorp/​CS/​8 (pp 120, SDCS) 
-MS422 45DOK (Jennifer Roberts)--The leader of the VoidCorp survey team sent to Karnath, and the leader of its Karnath Development Division. She made first contact with the bhruu, but failed to win them over. 
-NQ771 RIV31(*) (Teliko Sato)--A VoidCorp operative sent to steal back an alien datapad from Starstation Aurora. Hm/​VoidCorp/​TO-4 (pp 30, CV) 
-NT209 38JAT (Carl Rosen)--A VoidCorp representative,​ and member of the Company'​s Verge Development Division. 
-Nu'​itei--A sesheyan leader, he led an uprising at a VoidCorp labor camp and led his people to Grith. ​ 
-NV112 48YTY--The manager of VoidCorp'​s operations at Storm. 
-NV329 86NWA--The commander of the VCM Endgame. 
-Doctor Alexander Ohito--A medical doctor and the supervisor of all VoidCorp personnel on Arist. He is honorable and level-headed,​ and Doctor Christine Ohito'​s father. 
-Doctor Christine Ohito--The daughter of Alexander Ohito, and a medical doctor by trade. She  
-OP823 23KIK (Jeffery Rogers)--A VoidCorp deputy ambassador, and the target of a smear campaign by the Dreth. 
-OP412 46JDE (Julia Ryan)--The director of VoidCorp'​s terraforming efforts at Cheerghun. One of her status reports was leaked to the public Grid. Hf/​VoidCorp/​TO-9 
-Otto--A guard in Red Ridge'​s prison facility. (VoidCorp Employee or Independent Red Ridge native?) 
-PF531 42FOY (Gary Le Mel)--A VoidCorp public relations official stationed in Hammer'​s Star. He first announced the trade agreements that VoidCorp had made with the pirates in the Vicek Belt. 
-PF921 91NOB (Vilhelm Falcig)--The captain of the frigate Lost Shipment, he hopes to establish a claim to Tavkath. From there, he plans on negotiating a contract with the Edanweir. 
-PI794 34NUW (Wayne Bail(e)y)--A VoidCorp official currently overseeing the construction of a Company gas mine at Redcrown. He secretly made a deal with the n'sss, including magus development facilities and a drivespace comm array in the station'​s hull. Hm/​VoidCorp/​DFA-7 
-PK349 98TVR (Julia Lynn King)--Formerly known as OS349, this VoidCorp manager secured mining rights to Hux. She was the assistant manager of that project, and helped establish Company operations on Lison as well. She was promoted to PQ level and reassigned after the VoidCorp operations on Storm fell apart. 
-QM105 74MAC (Mayasa Ombe)--The Chief of Security for the Verge. She is hot-tempered,​ and takes her job very personally. Hf/​VoidCorp/​DFA-8 
-QT543 58DON (William Jensky)--The head of VoidCorp Investment Services, Jensky has earned the trust of the traders aboard the Lighthouse. However, he frequently comes into conflict with VK532 04MIN. Hm/​VoidCorp/​DFA-9 
-Quaisak, Tarok--A mutant from the planet Bhruusil. He is an active player in Lison'​s black market, selling oxygen, illegal cybergear, and rhodium. Xm/​(VoidCorp?​)/​MW-4 (pp 37, POD) 
-RC094 29KJN (Faren Reaves)--The Chief of Operations of VoidCorp'​s Iphus Mining Division. He is a competent engineer, tough, and to-the-point. Hm/​Voidcorp/​TO-5 
-RX839 58LIE (Easodan)--A sesheyan Employee alive during 2483. 
-Sagan--One of Doctor Blackmore'​s fraal assistants. 
-Silver Ghost--Formerly known as Salimugost Nar'​el,​ this now-rogue VoidCorp agent fell prey to cykosis. He is currently the leader of the Bone Hunters clan, and is rumored to be hiding out on Grith with his clan-mates. 
-Sleeping Beauty--A young VoidCorp Employee. She was the first to be affected by the ylem-plague,​ and served as a focal point for all of the victims. 
-Talon--A VoidCorp-employed corsair pilot. (Possibly! Mentioned on pp 175 of ToM, and again on pp 180.) 
-Treece--A VoidCorp construction worker stationed on Arist. He was killed during the weren raid on Red Ridge. 
-TX767 201VM (Petares Ptaan)--The primay VoidCorp ambassador to Bluefall, and the leader of its outpost at Norokov. Mm/​VoidCorp/​DTO-13 
-Doctor Yrla Virden--A VoidCorp scientist. She investigated a Stoneburner site on Yellow Sky. 
-VK532 04MIN (Marcus Hammond)--VoidCorp'​s ambassador to the Lighthouse. Hammond sometimes works to sabotage the Committee on Verge Integration,​ and maintains an alliance with Insight. He is actually an Insight sleeper agent, and is secretly feeding information to the rebellious division. Hm/​VoidCorp/​DTO-8 (pp 23, LH) 
-VO-RL98316 (VORL)--A VoidCorp AI. It has a number of mainframes scattered under the seas of Aegis, and uses its position to infiltrate the new AeGrid. It also has control of the cybermariner Les Dybrol. (pp 66-68, SGA) 
-VY482 50BUL--A VoidCorp Employee and media representative. ​ 
-Walken, Jax--The leader of the ComTech team sent to sabotage the Kendai Relay, and a VoidCorp operative. He is witty, unscrupulous,​ and pragmatic. Hm/​VoidCorp/​FA-4 (pp 6-7, BS) 
-WC102 89TSR (Andoni Moriarty)--Born on Earth, this formar Solar joined VoidCorp, rising in rank to become its chief of security in the Verge. He helped VoidCorp align itself with the Externals, and secretly passes intelligence to them as the need arises. (I thought Mayasa Ombe was VC's Chief of Verge Security.) 
-YC937 59NMP (Judith Holman)--A member of the Galactic Consulate and the Committee on Verge Integration. She visits the region roughly once a year, and has a rivalry with VK532 04MIN. 
-ZD582 24JON (deleted)--A VoidCorp official who sponsored many of the Company'​s Verge exploration efforts. 
-ZH937 57ILK (deleted)--A VoidCorp Undersecretary. 
-ZM925 34HIW (deleted)--A VoidCorp Vice President. 
-===== Weren (Kurg) ===== 
-Black Prophet--An infamous weren priest who lived during the era of the Purifiers. 
-Burgo(u)--A weren krusgurrg, and a member of Clan Blue Tusk. He hopes to bring King Steel IX to justice for breaking the weren codes of honor. 
-Haargel the Slayer--A weren warrior. 
-Krazhe the Wise--A weren priest, inventor and member of the Kell clan. He first discovered gunpowder. 
-Kuhudag--A weren warrior. Originally from Kurg, he was educated by the Orlamu and took numerous jobs in the Verge before settling down at West Lodge. He is the settlement'​s best hunter and scout. 
-Jndoor, Unlarg--A modern-day weren philosopher,​ bookkeeper and artillery reservist. He is a citizen of Undevec (Urdevec?), and wrote On Hunter'​s Ethics, a popular book of philosophy. 
-Opaaz--A legendary weren prince. His name is sometimes invoked in oaths. 
-Talmi, Acomsi--A weren warlord who lived during the era of the Purifiers. 
-Ulaak--A legendary weren hunter. 
-Urdev, Ioshaj--The captain of Urdevec'​s soldiers during the era of the Great Clans. He launched an attack on the Anbem after they stole one of his marrizhe, triggering a series of bloody wars between city-dwelling and nomadic weren. 
-===== Xe'​reen ===== 
-Jee'​kehl--A xe'​reen war-leader. She is clever, experienced,​ and familiar with humans, but has been manipulated by Verge Green into warring on the Alitarins. 
-Yellow Sky 
-Prelate Monira--The former leader of the colony at Yellow Sky, he appointed Tretal as his successor. 
-Prelate Tretal--A former doctor, she was recently appointed the head of the colony at Yellow Sky. She is a benevolent and popular leader. Wf/​Orlamu/​DTO-14 (pp 115, SC) 
-Sobu, Philemon--A tour guide on Yellow Sky. He specializes in tours of the lowlands, taking well-paying customers to a ruined Stoneburner site. Hm/​Orlamu/​FA-12 
people.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/04 00:39 (external edit)