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-Content-Type:​ text/​x-zim-wiki 
-Wiki-Format:​ zim 0.4 
-Creation-Date:​ 2013-08-01T16:​33:​45-04:​00 
-====== Psionic Shield (Talent) ====== 
-Created Thursday 01 August 2013 
-Psionic Shield (Wis) 
-You can shield your mind from psionic influences. 
-**Requirements:​ ** [[Psionic Ability (Feat)|Psionic Ability]] feat 
-**Check: ** When you are the target of any psionic skill that grants a Will saving throw, you can make a Psionic Shield skill check instead. The attacker must make a skill check using the attacking psionic skill. If your check result is higher, the attack fails. If the attacker’s result is higher, the psionic skill affects you normally, but you still get a normal saving throw. You may choose to voluntarily lower your Psionic Shield as a free action (and can raise it again as a free action as well). Otherwise, your shield is assumed to always be active, even if you are unconscious or sleeping. 
-**Overcoming Psionic Shields:​** ​ An attacker can attempt to use extra effort to overcome your Psionic Shield and you can reinforce it at the same time. For each point of strain that the attacker suffers, your Psionic Shield bonus is reduced by 1 (but not to less than 0). For each point of strain you take, your Psionic Shield bonus is restored by 1 (but not greater than its normal value). This continues until both sides choose to stop spending effort, then psionic skill checks are made to determine whether the shield holds. This process takes no actual time, it happens as part of the check to overcome the Psionic Shield. An attacker trying to avoid notice cannot use extra effort. 
-**Shields and Maintained Skills:​** ​ Once a psionic skill check has overcome your Psionic Shield, it continues to affect you as long as the user maintains it. You’re still entitled to your normal saving throws (if any) but your shield no longer protects you. Once the attacker needs to make a new skill check, your shield comes into play again and must be overcome again. 
-**Deathblock:​** ​ In extreme cases, a psionic can prevent mental tampering of any sort by setting a deathblock. This requires a full-round action by the psionic. Thereafter, if the psionic fails both a Psionic Shield check and a Will save against a psionic skill that requires mental contact, his mind collapses in on itself rather than bend to the invading psyche. In essence, the psionic dies rather than allowing the psionic skill to affect him. Among other things, this prevents the character from being telepathically interrogated,​ controlled, or altered in any way. 
-Deathblocks are considered a last line of defense. Another psionic who achieves mental contact with the character can tell that there is a deathblock in place unless there’s a deliberate attempt to hide it, in which case an opposed Psionic Sense and Psionic Shield check is required to detect it. A psionic can set a deathblock for specific circumstances such as to protect a specific piece of information,​ or only to guard against specific psionic skills (such as Mind Reading or Domination). The character who set the deathblock always chooses whether to activate it, and can choose to deactivate it at the last second, if necessary. 
-**Special:​** You can’t take 10 or take 20 on Psionic Shield checks. 
-**Time:** Psionic Shield use is a free action. 
-**Strain:** 0 (plus any strain due to extra effort). ​ 
-@psi @skills ​ 
psionic_shield_talent.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/04 00:39 (external edit)