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-====== Random Mutation ====== 
-===== Overview ===== 
-The abilities and drawbacks of naturally occurring mutants rarely come in neat packages. ​ Mutations may arise due to exposure to strange radiations or energies, freak accidents, or genetic happenstance. ​ 
-===== Mutation Points ===== 
-Mutation Points (MP) provide a method of selecting mutations while preserving game balance. ​ All creatures (including player characters) begin play with 0 MP.  [[drawback|A creature gains MP by selecting one or more drawbacks—physical deformities and disabilities that make the creature less effective in play.]] ​ A creature can then “spend” the MP on one or more beneficial mutations. ​ The total MP spent on beneficial mutations cannot exceed the total MP the creature gains from drawbacks. This system allows for an a la carte approach to mutations, in which the player chooses her character’s mutations from a list.  The maximum amount of  Mutation Points from drawbacks a character is allowed to have is equal to their Constitution ability. 
-This system can be used to create genetically engineered mutants who are designed for purposes other than those deliberate genetic lines described in the [[Genetic Engineering]] section, or even to add to those existing packages, as long as all of the mutations balance out. 
-There are both positive mutations and negative drawbacks, and the player must balance the Mutation Points (MPs) of her character’s mutations with MP’s from drawbacks. ​ A creature may still have unspent MP after choosing beneficial mutations, however. These unspent MP can be spent on new mutations at a later time.  
-Because these mutations are balanced out by drawbacks, mutant characters designed using this system still receive the bonus feats and skill points that baseline [[Human (Species)|humans]] receive and they have no level adjustments,​ but they are considered to be of the Type: Humanoid (mutant), rather than Humanoid (human). ​ They are also likely to be discriminated against at least as frequently as genetically engineered mutants.  ​ 
-===== Mutation Descriptions ===== 
-There are four types of mutations: [[Cosmetic Mutations]],​ [[Minor Mutations]],​ [[Major Mutations]],​ and [[Drawbacks]]. 
-**Cosmetic Mutations:​** The simplest and least mechanically complicated mutation is a cosmetic mutation. A cosmetic mutation has no game effect other than to change the hero’s appearance in some fashion. Cosmetic 
-mutations cost 0 MP. 
-**Minor Mutations:​** A minor mutation not only changes a creature’s appearance, but also grants it a beneficial (if minor) special ability or useful feature, such as darkvision or gills. A minor mutation costs 1-3 MP and can usually be offset by a single drawback. 
-**Major Mutations:​** Major mutations fundamentally change the genetics and physiology of the creature. Moreover, they grant the creature a beneficial special ability or feature it couldn’t otherwise, such as the ability to fly or project energy. A major mutation costs 4 or more MP and are generally offset by one or more drawbacks. 
-**Drawbacks:​** A creature with minor or major mutations also has drawbacks to offset them. Drawbacks are special disabilities or vulnerabilities that negatively affect the creature. Each drawback has an MP value, and a creature can spend these MPs on minor and major mutations to offset the negative effects of the drawback. 
-=== Cosmetic Mutations === 
-  * [[Extra Digits (Mutation)|Extra Digits]] 0 
-  * [[Fins (Mutation)|Fins]] 0 
-  * [[Forked Tongue (Mutation)|Forked Tongue]] 0 
-  * [[Horns (Mutation)|Horns]] 0 
-  * [[Scaly Skin (Mutation)|Scaly Skin]] 0 
-  * [[Thin Fur Coat (Mutation)|Thin Fur Coat]] 0 
-  * [[Unnatural Eyes (Mutation)|Unnatural Eyes]] 0 
-  * [[Unnatural Hair (Mutation)|Unnatural Hair]] 0 
-  * [[Unnatural Skin (Mutation)|Unnatural Skin]] 0 
-  * [[Unnatural Voice (Mutation)|Unnatural Voice]] 0 
-=== Minor Mutations === 
-  * [[Acidic Saliva (Mutation)|Acidic Saliva]] 1 
-  * [[Adhesive Secretions (Mutation)|Adhesive Secretions]] 2 
-  * [[Adrenaline Jolt (Mutation)|Adrenaline Jolt]] 3 
-  * [[Armor Plates (Mutation)|Armor Plates]] 3 
-  * [[Claws (Mutation)|Claw]] 1 
-  * [[Darkvision (Mutation)|Darkvision]] 3 
-  * [[Energy Diffusion (Mutation)|Energy Diffusion]] 2 
-  * [[Expanded Lungs (Mutation)|Expanded Lungs]] 1 
-  * [[Fangs (Mutation)|Fangs]] 1 
-  * [[Filtered Lungs (Mutation)|Filtered Lungs]] 2 
-  * [[Fog Cloud (Mutation)|Fog Cloud]] 2 
-  * [[Force Barrier (Mutation)|Force Barrier]] 3 
-  * [[Gills (Mutation)|Gills]] 2 
-  * [[Glider (Mutation)|Glider]] 3 
-  * [[Great Horns (Mutation)|Great Horns]] 1 
-  * [[Heat Drain (Mutation)|Heat Drain]] 3 
-  * [[Hypersensitive (Mutation)|Hypersensitive]] 3 
-  * [[Leaper (Mutation)|Leaper]] 1 
-  * [[Pervasive Hearing (Mutation)|Pervasive Hearing]] 3 
-  * [[Pheromone,​ Energizing (Mutation)|Pheromone,​ Energizing]] 2 
-  * [[Pheromone,​ Enraging (Mutation)|Pheromone,​ Enraging]] 2 
-  * [[Pheromone,​ Soothing (Mutation)|Pheromone,​ Soothing]] 2 
-  * [[Piercing Howl (Mutation)|Piercing Howl]] 2 
-  * [[Radio Receiver (Mutation)|Radio Receiver]] 1 
-  * [[Radio Transmitter (Mutation)|Radio Transmitter]] 2 
-  * [[Scaly Armor (Mutation)|Scaly Armor]] 3 
-  * [[Scent (Mutation)|Scent]] 2 
-  * [[Second Wind (Mutation)|Second Wind]] 2 
-  * [[Shatter (Mutation)|Shatter]] 3 
-  * [[Shock Absorber (Mutation)|Shock Absorber]] 1 
-  * [[Smokescreen (Mutation)|Smokescreen]] 1 
-  * [[Sonic Vibrations (Mutation)|Sonic Vibrations]] 1 
-  * [[Sticky Ichor (Mutation)|Sticky Ichor]] 2 
-  * [[System Shock (Mutation)|System Shock]] 1 
-  * [[Tail (Mutation)|Tail]] 1 
-  * [[Thick Fur Coat (Mutation)|Thick Fur Coat]] 1 
-  * [[Ultra Immune System (Mutation)|Ultra Immune System]] 2 
-  * [[Uncanny Equilibrium (Mutation)|Uncanny Equilibrium]] 1 
-  * [[Wall Crawler (Mutation)|Wall Crawler]] 2 
-  * [[Webbed Digits (Mutation)|Webbed Digits]] 1 
-  * [[Zero-G Equilibrium (Mutation)|Zero-G Equilibrium]] 2 
-=== Major Mutations === 
-  * [[Chitin Darts (Mutation)|Chitin Darts]] 4 
-  * [[Chitin Rocks (Mutation)|Chitin Rocks]] 6 
-  * [[Choking Pollution (Mutation)|Choking Pollution]] 4 
-  * [[Echolocator (Mutation)|Echolocator]] 5 
-  * [[Elastic Limbs (Mutation)|Elastic Limbs]] 4 
-  * [[Elasticity (Mutation)|Elasticity]] 5 
-  * [[Energy Absorption (Mutation)|Energy Absorption]] 4 
-  * [[Enlarged Form (Mutation)|Enlarged Form]] 6 
-  * [[Exoskeleton (Mutation)|Exoskeleton]] 5 
-  * [[Extra Arms (Mutation)|Extra Arms]] 6 
-  * [[Fire Handler (Mutation)|Fire Handler]] 4 
-  * [[Flamethrower (Mutation)|Flamethrower]] 4 
-  * [[Gazing Eye (Mutation)|Gazing Eye]] 4 
-  * [[Gravity Anchor (Mutation)|Gravity Anchor]] 4 
-  * [[Gravity Burst (Mutation)|Gravity Burst]] 5 
-  * [[Massive Claw (Mutation)|Massive Claw]] 4 
-  * [[Pheromone Attraction (Mutation)|Pheromone Attraction]] 6 
-  * [[Power Drain (Mutation)|Power Drain]] 5 
-  * [[Power Source (Mutation)|Power Source]] 6 
-  * [[Prehensile Tail (Mutation)|Prehensile Tail]] 4 
-  * [[Prickly Pear (Mutation)|Prickly Pear]] 4 
-  * [[Radioactive (Mutation)|Radioactive]] 5 
-  * [[Rapid Dash (Mutation)|Rapid Dash]] 4 
-  * [[Reinforced Legs (Mutation)|Reinforced Legs]] 4 
-  * [[Shocking Discharge (Mutation)|Shocking Discharge]] 6 
-  * [[Skeletal Reinforcement (Mutation)|Skeletal Reinforcement]] 5 
-  * [[Slime Shooter (Mutation)|Slime Shooter]] 4 
-  * [[Spines (Mutation)|Spines]] 4 
-  * [[Stinger (Mutation)|Stinger]] 4 
-  * [[Tentacle (Mutation)|Tentacle]] 6 
-  * [[Thunder Fist (Mutation)|Thunder Fist]] 4 
-  * [[Venomous Bite (Mutation)|Venomous Bite]] 4 
-  * [[Vexing Voice (Mutation)|Vexing Voice]] 4 
-  * [[Wings (Mutation)|Wings]] 6 
-=== DRAWBACKS === 
-**Drawback MP Value** 
-  * [[Ability Decay (Mutation)]] 4 
-  * [[Blood Hunger (Mutation)]] 1 
-  * [[Brittle Bones (Mutation)]] 4 
-  * [[Cold Susceptibility (Mutation)]] 1 
-  * [[Combat Fear (Mutation)]] 4 
-  * [[Cybernetic Dependency (Mutation)]] 6 
-  * [[Festering Sores (Mutation)]] 2 
-  * [[Frailty (Mutation)]] 3 
-  * [[Heat Susceptibility (Mutation)]] 1 
-  * [[Hideous Visage (Mutation)]] 2 
-  * [[Lethargy (Mutation)]] 2 
-  * [[Light Sensitivity (Mutation)]] 1 
-  * [[Lost Arm (Mutation)]] 3 
-  * [[Mindslave (Mutation)]] 2 
-  * [[Neutrad Dependency (Mutation)]] 5 
-  * [[Nightmares (Mutation)]] 4 
-  * [[Pheromone Repulsion (Mutation)]] 1 
-  * [[Poisonous Blood (Mutation)]] 6 
-  * [[Psionic Vulnerability (Mutation)]] 2 
-  * [[Rapid Aging (Mutation)]] 2 
-  * [[Reduced Speed (Mutation)]] 3 
-  * [[Space Sickness (Mutation)]] 1 
-  * [[Thin Skin (Mutation)]] 5 
-  * [[Ultraviolet Allergy (Mutation)]] 3 
-  * [[Uncontrollable Rage (Mutation)]] 4 
-  * [[Weak Immune System (Mutation)]] 1 
-===== Mutations Master Index ===== 
-  * [[Ability Decay (Mutation)]] (DRAWBACK) 
-  * [[Acidic Saliva (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Adhesive Secretions (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Adrenaline Jolt (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Armor Plates (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Blood Hunger (Mutation)]] (DRAWBACK) 
-  * [[Brittle Bones (Mutation)]] (DRAWBACK) 
-  * [[Chitin Darts (Mutation)]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[Chitin Rocks (Mutation)]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[Choking Pollution (Mutation)]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[Claws (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Combat Fear (Mutation)]] (DRAWBACK) 
-  * [[Cybernetic Dependency (Mutation)]] (DRAWBACK) 
-  * [[Darkvision (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Echolocator (Mutation)]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[Elastic Limbs (Mutation)]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[Elasticity (Mutation)]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[Energy Absorption (Mutation)]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[Energy Diffusion (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Enlarged Form (Mutation)]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[Exoskeleton (Mutation)]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[Expanded Lungs (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Extra Arms (Mutation)]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[Extra Digits (Mutation)]] (COSMETIC) 
-  * [[Fangs (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Festering Sores (Mutation)]] (DRAWBACK) 
-  * [[Filtered Lungs (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Fins (Mutation)|Fins]] (COSMETIC) 
-  * [[Fire Handler (Mutation)]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[Flamethrower (Mutation)]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[Fog Cloud (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Force Barrier (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Forked Tongue (Mutation)]] (COSMETIC) 
-  * [[Frailty (Mutation)]] (DRAWBACK) 
-  * [[Gazing Eye (Mutation)]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[Gills (Mutation)|Gills]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Glider (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Gravity Anchor (Mutation)]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[Gravity Burst (Mutation)]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[Great Horns (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Healing Touch (Mutation)]] (MAJOR 
-  * [[Heat Susceptibility (Mutation)|Heat Susceptibility]] (DRAWBACK) 
-  * [[Cold Susceptibility (Mutation)]] (DRAWBACK) 
-  * [[Heat Drain (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Hideous Visage (Mutation)]] (DRAWBACK) 
-  * [[Horns (Mutation)]] (COSMETIC) 
-  * [[Hypersensitive (Mutation)|Hypersensitive]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Leaper (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Lethargy (Mutation)|Lethargy]] (DRAWBACK) 
-  * [[Light Sensitivity (Mutation)]] (DRAWBACK) 
-  * [[Lost Arm (Mutation)]] (DRAWBACK) 
-  * [[Massive Claw (Mutation)]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[Mindslave (Mutation)]] (DRAWBACK) 
-  * [[Neutrad Dependency (Mutation)]] (DRAWBACK) 
-  * [[Nightmares (Mutation)]] (DRAWBACK) 
-  * [[Pervasive Hearing (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Pheromone Attraction (Mutation)]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[Pheromone,​ Energizing (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Pheromone,​ Enraging (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Pheromone Repulsion (Mutation)]] (DRAWBACK) 
-  * [[Pheromone,​ Soothing (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Piercing Howl (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Poisonous Blood (Mutation)]] (DRAWBACK) 
-  * [[Power Drain (Mutation)]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[Power Source (Mutation)]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[Prehensile Tail (Mutation)]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[Prickly Pear (Mutation)]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[Psionic Vulnerability (Mutation)]] (DRAWBACK) 
-  * [[Radio Receiver (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Radio Transmitter (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Radioactive (Mutation)]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[Rapid Aging (Mutation)]] (DRAWBACK) 
-  * [[Rapid Dash (Mutation)]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[Reduced Speed (Mutation)]] (DRAWBACK) 
-  * [[Reinforced Legs (Mutation)]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[Scaly Armor (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Scent (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Second Wind (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Shatter (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Shock Absorber (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Shocking Discharge (Mutation)]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[Skeletal Reinforcement (Mutation)]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[Slime Shooter (Mutation)|Slime Shooter]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[Smokescreen (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Sonic Vibrations (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Space Sickness (Mutation)]] (DRAWBACK) 
-  * [[Spines (Mutation)]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[Sticky Ichor (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Stinger (Mutation)|Stinger]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[System Shock (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Tail (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Tentacle (Mutation)]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[Thick Fur Coat (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Thin Fur Coat (Mutation)]] (COSMETIC) 
-  * [[Thin Skin (Mutation)]] (DRAWBACK) 
-  * [[Thunder Fist (Mutation)]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[Ultra Immune System (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Ultraviolet Allergy (Mutation)]] (DRAWBACK) 
-  * [[Uncanny Equilibrium (Mutation)]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Uncontrollable Rage (Mutation)]] (DRAWBACK) 
-  * [[Unnatural Eyes (Mutation)]] (COSMETIC) 
-  * [[Unnatural Hair (Mutation)]] (COSMETIC) 
-  * [[Unnatural Skin (Mutation)]] (COSMETIC) 
-  * [[Venomous Bite (Mutation)|Venomous Bite]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[Vexing Voice (Mutation)|Vexing Voice]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[Wall Crawler (Mutation)|Wall Crawler]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Weak Immune System (Mutation)|Weak Immune System]] (DRAWBACK) 
-  * [[Webbed Digits (Mutation)|Webbed Digits]] (MINOR) 
-  * [[Wings (Mutation)|Wings]] (MAJOR) 
-  * [[Zero-G Equilibrium (Mutation)|Zero-G Equilibrium]] (MINOR) 
random_mutation.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/04 00:39 (external edit)