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-====== Ranged Weapons ====== 
-[[Weapon Accessories]] 
-  * [[9mm charge pistol equipment|9mm Charge Pistol]] 
-  * [[9mm charge rifle equipment|9mm Charge Rifle]] 
-  * [[a o caw equipment|A-O Caw]] 
-  * [[arc gun equipment|Arc Gun]] 
-  * [[Ice Pistol (Equipment)|Ice Pistol]] (Sheen'​esh) 
-  * [[Whip Pistol (Equipment)|Whip Pistol]] (Ch'​raak) 
-  * [[Whip Rifle (Equipment)|Whip Rifle]] (Ch'​raak) 
-===== BANTAM LAUNCHER (PL 6) ===== 
-This portable launcher fires miniature bantam rockets. Braced on the shoulder and fired like a bazooka, the [[bantam launcher equipment|bantam launcher]] is easy to use. It has four chambers that can hold a variety of bantam rocket loads. The pistol grip has four triggers, one for each load chamber, though only one rocket can be launched at a time. The built-in guidance system makes this weapon accurate to extreme ranges. 
-**Proficiency Type:** [[Exotic Firearms Proficiency (Feat)|Exotic Firearms (Indirect Fire)]] 
-This projectile has additional lift and guidance systems to lock onto and track low-flying aircraft. It can be triggered to seek a heat source such as a jet engine (requiring a move action) or to be targeted normally by the user. 
-If set to track a heat source, the rocket will circle around on the second round and allow the user a second attack roll as a free action if it misses on the first pass. 
-The [[bantam antiaircraft rocket equipment]] can only be fired from a bantam launcher and has a minimum range of 250 feet. If fired at a target closer than 250 feet, the rocket will not arm and does not detonate. 
-The purchase DC given represents a box of 4 rockets. 
-This rocket delivers a low-level radiation burst designed to inflict maximum damage on people while leaving buildings and vehicles relatively intact. 
-The bantam [[antipersonnel rocket equipment]] can only be fired from a bantam launcher and has a minimum range of 100 feet. If fired at a target less than 100 feet away, the rocket will not arm and does not detonate. 
-The purchase DC given represents a box of 4 rockets. 
-This weapon is designed to hinder or destroy armored vehicles, but can also be used against bunkers and other hardened installations. 
-The [[bantam antivehicular rocket equipment]] can only be fired from a bantam launcher and has a minimum range of 200 feet. If fired at a target less than 200 feet away, the rocket will not arm and does not detonate. 
-The purchase DC given represents a box of 4 rockets. 
-===== CHARGE MACHINE GUN (PL 6) ===== 
-This heavy machine gun makes use of charge technology to substantially improve upon the heavy machine gun of the previous era; this weapon has better range and stopping power than the M2HB. Because of its size and weight, the [[charge machine gun equipment]] imposes a –2 penalty to attack rolls when fired unmounted. Medium and small creatures must use a tripod to use this weapon without a mount, though large or bigger creatures may do so. 
-**Proficiency Type:** [[Exotic Firearms Proficiency (Feat)|Exotic Firearms (Heavy Machine Guns)]] 
-===== CHARGE PISTOL (PL 6) ===== 
-Charge weapons replace gunpowder and other chemical explosives with electrochemical propellant, ignited with a short but massive shock to the cartridge. The propellant converts to white-hot plasma with a smoother, more powerful expansion than gunpowder, resulting in a much higher muzzle velocity. The recoil is slightly greater than with gun-powder, though not enough to significantly affect the user’s aim. 
-**Proficiency Type:** Personal Firearms 
-===== CHARGE RIFLE (PL 6) ===== 
-The [[charge rifle equipment]] is a larger version of the [[charge pistol equipment]],​ with better range, increased firepower, and, of course, a full-automatic mode. 
-**Proficiency Type:** Personal Firearms 
-===== CONCUSSION RIFLE (PL 7) ===== 
-A [[Concussion Rifle  equipment]] fires an artificial gravity pulse at the target with enough force to hurlit through the air (along a path away from the shooter). The discharged gravity pulse is mostly transparent,​ but bends light around itself, creating a ripple effect along its path.The pulse deals 2d10 points of concussion damage with a successful hit. In addition, the target is thrown back 5 feet for every 5 points of damage dealt by the weapon. The targetmust also make a Fortitude save (DC= dam-age dealt) or be knocked prone. If the thrown target strikes a wall or other solid sur-face, it takes falling damage as though it had fallen the distance it was thrown. 
-**Proficiency Type:** Personal Firearms 
-  * [[falcon 55 equipment|Falcon .55]] 
-===== FLECHETTE PISTOL (PL 6) ===== 
-Flechette weapons fire bundles of tiny, razor-sharp aerofoils. The bundles expand upon exiting the barrel, maximizing the damage area (though the aerofoils lack any real penetrating power). The majority of the damage is due to blood loss and nerve and muscle damage, rather than any serious internal injuries. The aerofoils also lose momentum more quickly than normal rounds; the damage is halved at greater than 2 range increments. 
-**Proficiency Type:** Personal Firearms 
-===== FLECHETTE RIFLE (PL 6) ===== 
-The larger version of the [[flechette pistol equipment]],​ the [[flechette rifle equipment]] boasts improved range and a slightly larger aerofoil bundle, as well as an autofire setting– perfect for clearing a room full of opponents without damaging the room itself. 
-**Proficiency Type:** Personal Firearms 
-===== FLINTLOCK, WEREN (PL 3) ===== 
-Similar to the flintlock weapons used on ancient earth, [[weren species|weren]] flintlocks make use of an exterior firing mechanism that lights a wick, which is strung into the firing chamber, where it ignites hand-packed gunpowder and propels a simple lead slug. It is a full round action to load a flintlock. The [[weren flintlock equipment]] is available as either a pistol or a musket (rifle). All weren are automatically proficient with both versions, others must take the Alien Weapon Proficiency feat in or-der to use them without penalty. 
-**Proficiency Type:** [[alien weapons proficiency feat|Alien Weapons]] 
-===== GAMMA RAY GUN (PL 6) ===== 
-The [[gamma ray gun equipment]] us a potent and danger-ous weapon that fires bundles of gamma radiation at a target, similar to the effects of a standard laser weapon. These gamma ray bolts are small and intense, acting as a stand-ard energy attack when damaging a target. Any creature damaged by a gamma ray bolt is also exposed to Low intensity radiation, however, and must make saving throws ac-cordingly. The gamma ray gun does not use standard ammunition, but is instead pow-ered by power packs. 
-**Proficiency Type:** Personal Firearms 
-===== GAUSS RIFLE (PL 7) ===== 
-Gauss rifles use magnetic energy to damage the target’s internal organs– making armor ineffective and powered armor a liability. A [[gauss rifle equipment]] deals 2d6 points of damage with a ranged touch attack. A target wearing pow-ered armor must also succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 13) or the armor becomes nonfunc-tional for 1d3 rounds. When used against robots or mecha, the gauss rifle’s damage is doubled and the robot or mecha becomes nonfunctional for 1d3 rounds unless it suc-ceeds at a Fortitude save (DC 13). 
-**Proficiency Type:** Personal Firearms 
-===== GRAV-GLOB GUN (PL 7) ===== 
-Grav-globs are high-density blobs made of magnetized, adhesive metal alloy. When properly charged, grav-globs quickly increase in size and mass. A grav-glob initially weighs 1 pound, but doubles in weight each round to 2, 4, 8, and finally 16 pounds (its upper limit). Because a successful attack with a grav-glob merely encumbers the target, grav-glob guns are extremely popular as nonlethal crowd-control devices. 
-If an attack roll with a [[grav-glob gun equipment]] results in a critical hit, the grav-glob makes contact not only with the target, but also with a nearby solid surface, as well (usually the floor or ground, but possibly a wall or vehicle instead). A critical hit sticks the target in place unless the target makes a Reflex save (DC 15). Failure means the target is unable to move, and takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls and a =4 penalty to Dexterity. Success means that the target is not stuck in place, but still has the grav-glob attach to her and moves at only one-half speed. 
-A character struck by a grav-glob can remove it with a DC 17 Strength check. 
-**Proficiency Type**: Personal Firearms 
-===== GRAVITY GUN (PL 7) ===== 
-An unique application of gravity-altering technology, the [[gravity gun equipment]] fires a microscopic piece of highly modified matter at the target. The gravity gun alters the intensity of the gravity generated by this matter, in essence creating an energy bolt-sized gravity field. A gravity gun does not used ammunition, but is instead powered by power packs. 
-**Proficiency Type:** Personal Firearms 
-===== GRAVITY SNARE (PL 7) ===== 
-The [[gravity snare equipment]] resembles a laser rifle but has two metal prongs where the muzzle should be. When fired, the prongs generate a strip of luminescent white energy that leaps from the end of the rifle toward the target. When the strip of energy strikes a target, the energy bolt bends and creates a ring of gravi-ty around the target. A creature hit by the gravity ring must make a Reflex save (DC 13) to avoid its effects. On a failed save, the tar-get is entangled and unable to move for 1d6 rounds, until the gravity ring dissipates. An entangled creature can escape the gravity ring with a successful Escape Artists check (DC 40) or break free with a successful Strength check (DC 30). 
-**Proficiency Type:** Personal Firearms 
-===== GYROJET PISTOL (PL 6) ===== 
-Gyrojet weapons fire miniature self-propelled rockets rather than solid slug projectiles. Though somewhat heavier than standard ammunition, gyrojet ammo has the ad-vantage of being slightly more accurate overlong distances, while the weapons them-selves are lighter and don’t require any sort of power source. 
-**Proficiency Type:** Personal Firearms 
-===== GYROJET RIFLE (PL 6) ===== 
-The larger version of the [[gyrojet pistol equipment]],​ the [[gyrojet rifle equipment]] has a greater range and a larger clip capacity, but is otherwise basically the same. 
-**Proficiency Type:** Personal Firearms 
-===== HEAVY RAIL GUN (PL 6) ===== 
-[[heavy rail gun equipment]] 
-This weapon consists of a powerful electro-magnetic accelerator that fires a stream small projectiles a extremely high velocity. 
-**Proficiency Type:** Exotic Firearms (Direct Fire) 
-===== LASER WEAPONS (PL 7) ===== 
-Laser weapons come in many different shapes and sizes, from pistols to rifles and other longarms. Many different forms of technology can be used to create laser weapons, resulting in many different forms of lasers; short, self-contained beams are as common as longer, solid stream lasers, while others produce spherical balls of energy and still others fire laser rings. The coloration and noise created by the laser may vary, but the effect is the same. Laser weapons do not use ammunition, but are powered by power packs. 
-**Proficiency Type:** Personal Firearms 
-===== LIGHT ANTITANK PISTOL (PL 7) ===== 
-The [[light antitank pistol equipment]] is a disposable, one-shot pistol version of the PL 5 M72A3 LAW rocker launcher. Like the LAW, it is collapsible and must be extended (as a move action) be-fore firing. Its overall length is just over one foot. 
-With a successful hit, the LAP’s high explosive warhead detonates, dealing 10d6 points of damage to all creatures and objects within a 10-foot radius (Reflex DC 18 for half). Furthermore,​ the rocket’s shaped charge enables it to bypass up to 10 points of hardness when used against a vehicle, building, or object (this apples only on a direct hit, not to objects caught in the blast radius). The LAP has a minimum range of 20 feet. If fired against a target closer than 20 feet, it does not arm and will not explode. 
-**Proficiency Type:** Exotic Firearms 
-===== MASS WEAPONS (PL 7) ===== 
-Utilizing the gravity induction technology also employed in shipboard weapons systems, [[mass weapons equipment]] throw an artificial, short-lived mass singularity at the target. This gravity point causes terrible damage through tidal effects to both animate and inanimate ob-jects, but is short-ranged and consumes an enormous amount of energy. Mass weapons are available in both pistol and rifle form. 
-**Proficiency Type:** Personal Firearms 
-===== MINI-GRENADE LAUNCHER (PL 6) ===== 
-Though personal grenade launchers were commonly found in the Information Age, the [[mini-grenade launcher ​ equipment]] is somewhat different in that it is reduced to roughly the size of a large pistol. Additionally,​ the ammunition it uses, while still as potent as its hand-held counterparts,​ is reduced in size to match the weapon. 
-**Proficiency Type:** Personal Firearms 
-===== MINI-ROCKET LAUNCHER (PL 6) ===== 
-Though shoulder-carried rocket launchers were commonly found in the Information Age, [[the mini-rocket launcher equipment]] is somewhat different in that it is reduced to roughly the size of a large pistol. Additionally,​ the ammunition is reduced in size to match the weapon. 
-**Proficiency Type:** Personal Firearms 
-===== NEEDLE WEAPONS (PL 7) ===== 
-[[Needle weapons equipment]] (or “needlers”) are a variation of the PL 6 flechette weapon, firing streams of tiny, pointed slivers of titanium rather than the bundles of tungsten darts. These needles deal less damage than the aver-age bullet, but the weapons fire virtually silently and can hold considerably more am-munition than other projectile weapons. 
-Because they are autofire-only weapons, needle weapons deal their damage over an area and are typically not used to target an individual. However, a needle weapon targets a 5-foot square , rather than the 10-foot square for other autofire weapons. These weapons are most dangerous when used by someone with the Burst Fire feat, which makes the most of the needle stream. 
-Despite the ammunition’s logical adaptability to such a use, needle weapons cannot be used to deliver poisons. The magazine is actually a coil of titanium wire, which is cut to size as part of the firing process. Coating the coil with poison invariably jams the weapon. 
-Needle weapons are available in both pistol and rifle form. 
-**Proficiency Type:** Personal Firearms 
-===== NEURAL PISTOL, FRAAL (PL 7) ===== 
-Originally created to facilitate the [[Fraal (Species)|fraal]] abductions of humans during their long period of observing and watching the humans, the [[neural pistol equipment]] fires an invisible ray that disrupts the nervous system of the target. The ray is treated as a ranged touch attack, and any living creature struck by the ray must make a successful Fortitude save (DC 20) or be paralyzed for 1d4 minutes. All Fraal are automatically proficient with this weapon. 
-**Proficiency Type:** Alien Weapons 
-  * [[oicw assault rifle equipment|OICW Assault Rifle]] 
-===== PLASMA WEAPONS (PL 7) ===== 
-Plasma occurs when gases become electrically charged after losing electrons. [[Plasma weapons equipment]] condense this electrically charged gas into a destructive force that can eat through solid objects and cause severe damage. Like laser weapons, plasma weapons come in many varieties. ​ Most plasma weapons generate their destructive ammunition by superheating gases held inside special power packs and then compressing those gases into a focused plasma round. Standard plasma weapons come in both pistol and rifle form. 
-Plasma weapons do not use ammuni-tion,​ but are instead powered by power packs. 
-**Proficiency Type:** Personal Firearms 
-===== PLASMA CANNON (PL 7) ===== 
-A [[plasma cannon equipment]] consists of a backpack and attached gun. Using a powerful electromag-netic accelerator,​ it throws blasts of super-heated plasma generated using the same principles as other plasma weapons 
-**Proficiency Type:** Exotic Firearms (Direct Fire) 
-===== QUANTUM MINIGUN (PL 7) ===== 
-[[quantum minigun equipment]] 
-This weapon adds a backpack accelerator to the quantum rifle, producing particle beams with longer range and more lethal force. All personal quantum weapons are extremely expensive and highly restricted, making them rare and often illegal to own and operate. ​ 
-**Proficiency Type:** Exotic Firearms (Heavy Machine Guns) 
-===== RAIL CANNON (PL 7) ===== 
-A [[rail cannon equipment]] consists of a backpack and attached gun. The backpack contains an elec-tromagnetic accelerator that releases a pow-ered 25mm projectile with amazing speed and force. 
-**Proficiency Type:** Exotic Weapons (Direct Fire) 
-===== RAIL GUN (PL 7) ===== 
-The Gravity Age [[rail gun equipment]] uses gravity pulses to propel a projectile at high velocity. Metal shards are accelerated along the rail gun’s length, leaving the barrel at extreme velocityand doing significant damage when striking a target. 
-**Proficiency Type:** Personal Firearms 
-===== RAZORSLING (PL 6) ===== 
-A particularly nasty weapon favored by outlaws, the [[razorsling equipment]] is a wrist-mounted weap-on that fires fist-sized spinning saw blades at incredible velocities. Intense magnetic fields propel the blades, simultaneously spinning them for maximum damage. Razorslings can be worn beneath clothing and concealed with ease, making them a favorite among un-dercover assassins and criminals who do not wish to draw the attention that comes with a firearm. 
-**Proficiency Type:** Personal Firearm 
-===== RENDER RIFLE (PL 7) ===== 
-[[Render rifle equipment|Render rifles]] use gravitic inducers to cycle rapidly back and forth between repulsion and attraction, literally tearing the target to pieces. A target struck by a render rifle’s beam not only takes the given damage, but must also make a Reflex save (DC 15) or take 1d4 Constitution damage as well. 
-**Proficiency Type:** Personal Firearms 
-===== SABOT PISTOL (PL 7) ===== 
-[[sabot pistol equipment]] 
-This small, handheld electromagnetic accelerator hurls a special, discarding-rocket slug at supersonic velocities. The round fired by this weapon is a miniature scramjet that ignites soon after leaving the muzzle and quickly accelerates to incredible speed. Due to its extremely high velocity, the rocket round is designed to splatter against any appreciable resistance so as to transfer as much kinetic energy as possible to the target. 
-**Proficiency Type:** Personal Firearms 
-  * [[sleep pistol equipment|Sleep Pistol]] 
-===== STUTTER WEAPONS (PL 7) ===== 
-Stutter weapons use sonic energy– audible as a loud, low-frequency rumble– to incapacitate targets. Since stutter weapons deliver nonlethal damage, they are favored by law enforcement and riot response teams. Stutter weapons do not function in a vacuum. Stand-ard stutter weapons are available in both pis-tol and submachine gun forms. 
-**Proficiency Type:** Personal Firearms 
-===== STUTTER CANNON (PL 7) ===== 
-A [[stutter cannon equipment]] is a heavy weapon that consists of a backpack and attached gun. It works on the same principles as other stutter weapon, but with more power and range. 
-The stutter cannon is so powerful that its pulse can affect all creatures within a 10-foot radius of the target. Any susceptible creature within the area of effect must make a Fortitude save (DC 15) or take 2d8 points of nonlethal damage. The target of a direct hit gets no save. 
-**Proficiency Type:** Exotic Firearms (Direct Fire) 
-  * [[tactical military tacmil sniper rifle equipment|Tactical Military (TacMil) Sniper Rifle]] 
-With the success of the [[OICW assault rifle equipment|OICW assault rifle]], a sniper rifle equivalent was developed. The rifle fires a standard 7.62mm round and sports a rangefinding scope that can connect to a [[Land Warrior Armor  (Equipment)|Land Warrior]] combat armor computer system. Additionally,​ the TacMil sniper rifle features flash suppression and an effective [[Suppressor,​ Rifle  (Equipment)|sound suppressor]] for maximum stealth. 
-**Proficiency Type:** Personal Firearms. 
-===== TANGLER GUN (PL 6) ===== 
-The [[tangler gun equipment]] fires condensed balls of an incredibly sticky compound that can render a target immobile in a few short moments. The weapon fires pellets an inert compound that, when broken, expand into a gelatinous substance that covers large portions of the target. Within a second, a single pellet no larger than a finger nail expands into a large ball of goop and then hardens into an immobilizing layer of tough chitin. 
-Any time a creature is struck by a tangler gun, that creature suffers a cumulative –2 penalty to Dexterity. This penalty remains until the compound is dissolved. If the creature is hit by enough pellets that the penalty equals or exceeds his Dexterity, he is immobi-lized and may make no actions until the com-pound is dissolved. Dexterity penalties from tangler guns stack with those from tangler grenades. 
-The hardened compound dissolves naturally after eight hours, or can be re-moved using the solvaway chemical or another solvent. 
-**Proficiency Type:** Personal Firearms 
ranged_weapons.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/04 00:39 (external edit)