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sesheyan_species [2013/08/24 09:15]
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-====== Sesheyan (Species) ====== 
-//"​It'​s a pleasure to serve, Vice President. How else may I be of assistance?"//​ 
--RX839 58LIE (Easodan), 2483 
-===== Overview ===== 
-**For an in-depth look at the Sesheyan: ​ **[[the world of the sesheyan|The World of the Sesheyan]] 
-===== Roleplaying ===== 
-===== Species Traits ===== 
-All sesheyans share the following traits: 
-  * **Type:** Monstrous humanoid 
-  * **Size:** Medium. Sesheyans have no special bonuses or penalties due to size. 
-  * **Ability Modifiers:​** +2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma. Sesheyans are agile but lack social grace. 
-  * **Speed:** 30 feet, fly 40 feet (good). A sesheyan‘s fly speed is 40 ft. (average) in light armor and drops to 30 ft. (poor) in medium armor. A sesheyan cannot fly when wearing heavy or powered armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load. 
-  * **Armor Restrictions:​** A sesheyan cannot wear armor designed for another species. A sesheyan wearing heavy or powered armor cannot fly. 
-  * **Control Descent (Ex):** As long as a sesheyan is conscious and able to use his wings, he never takes damage from a fall. Instead, he simply takes flight or glides to the ground. If the sesheyan cannot use his wings, he takes normal damage from falling. 
-  * **Darkvision (Ex):** A sesheyan has darkvision out to a range of 120 feet. Darkvision is black and white, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and seshayans can function with no light at all. 
-  * **Light Sensitivity (Ex):** Abrupt exposure to bright light (such as sunlight) blinds a sesheyan for 1 round. On subsequent rounds, sesheyans take a –1 penalty on all attack rolls, saves, and checks while operating in bright light. Wearing dark tinted goggles negates the effects of light-blindness. 
-  * **Technophobic (Ex):** Seshyans are technophobic creatures. They take a –4 penalty on skill checks that require a knowledge of technological items, including Computer Use, Crafts (Mechanical,​ Electronic),​ Demolitions,​ Disable Device, Drive, Knowledge (Technology),​ Pilot, and Repair checks. 
-  * **Bonus Feat:** Sesheyans gain the bonus feat [[Stealthy (Feat)|Stealthy]]. 
-  * **Free Languages:​** Read/Write [[Sheyan (Language)|Sheyan]],​ Speak Sheyan, Read/Write [[Galactic Standard (Language)|Galactic Standard]], Speak Galactic Standard. 
-  * **Level Adjustment:​** +0 
-==== Species Demographics and Ecological Data ==== 
-  * **Sesheyans** (pronounced „se-shay-un) ​ 
-  * **Homeworld:​** Sheya (VoidCorp space) 
-  * **Current Population:​** 17 billion, highest within [[VoidCorp]] (95%) 
-  * **Average Lifespan:** 90 years 
-  * **Average Height:** 
-  * **Average Weight:** 
-  * **Biochemistry:​** ​ Series I 
-  * **Enviornment:​** ​ Class I 
-  * **GRAPH:** G1/​R1/​A2/​P3/​H2 
-  * **Biome:​**  ​ 
-  * **Organization:​**  ​ 
-  * **Niche:​**  ​ 
-  * **Intellegence:​** ​  ​sentient. 
-===== History ===== 
-===== Sesheyan ===== 
-===== Sesheyan ===== 
-===== Sesheyan ===== 
-==== Overview ==== 
-==== Description ==== 
-==== Encounter ==== 
-==== Habitat ==== 
-==== Society ==== 
-===== Sesheyan ===== 
-===== Sesheyan Character Concepts ===== 
-==== Ghostwalker ==== 
-Sesheyans utilize a lot of mythological references in their language and culture. A ghostwalker is the term they use for ones either willingly (or unwillingly) under the employ of VoidCorp. In playing a ghostwalker they are generally assassins, thieves, or trackers. He could be under servitude of a fellow VoidCorp player, or on assignment into the verge similar to the Corporate Agent character here. In general the prey and environment has changed, but the skills remain the same. Sesheyans are hunters out in the galaxy as they are on their homeworld. 
-==== Windspirit ==== 
-VoidCorp prefers to call them outlaws. These are the few who have escaped the clutches of corporate control. A windspirit player is generally considered a mercenary or free agent to whoever could use the skills of a sesheyan. They must be careful in dealing with VoidCorp officials, though, as they could be targeted for recapture or given their presence known to home office. Many claim Galactic Concord citizenship (whether true or false) to avoid repeat enslavement. 
-==== Free Heart ==== 
-This is the term used to describe those who are generally still living and hunting on Sheya. It's also the term to describe how life was before first contact. VoidCorp views Free Hearts as less than reliable and assigns them to hard labor. Few sesheyan heroes come from this primitive class, but windspirits and ghostwalkers almost always begin here before they learn the nuances of technology and become adapted to galactic life.  
-{{tag>​species sesheyan canon}} ​ 
-Outside the borders of VoidCorp, many sentients believe that the sesheyans of Grith got a raw deal. In fact, the entertainmentindustry relishes the situation as a forum for social criticism. In holofilm,​even the most nefarious sesheyan assassins are depicted as unwilling pawns to bepitied or even rescued. It's a sure bet that holos depicting such plots, oranything involving rebellious sesheyans, don't make it inside VoidCorp. ​ 
-VoidCorp survey ships landed on Sheya on July 13,2274. Since that day, the sesheyans have fallen under the control of thecorporate state. The sesheyans call it aikeita, 'The Day of Ghosts: That day,and the subsequent signing of the Sesheyan Compact, ended the sesheyan'​speaceful if primitive lifestyle. The interstellar community, represented by theTerran alliances, could do no more than stand by and express shock and dismay.Even the sesheyans who avoided conscription into the ranks couldn'​t completelyavoid VoidCorp'​s influence. VoidCorp personnel wander Sheya at will, inspecting,​analyzing,​ and monitoring all of sesheyan society. ​ 
-VoidCorp and its Employees, however, see theentire affair differently. VoidCorp found the sesheyans living in terriblestraits,​ victims of a stagnant culture. Far worse off than even the mostdestitute VoidCorp Employee, the sesheyans were living on the edge, forced tofend off dangerous predators with bone knives and animal skins. They lived in crude houses cut into trees. VoidCorp brought the sesheyans out of the darknessof their own ignorance, bringing enlightenment to the dark jungle world.VoidCorp provided the sesheyans with humanity'​s most advanced technology, andinvited them to join a growing, successful society in the stars. ​ 
-At what cost? None. The sesheyans became VoidCorpcitizens-Employees,​ actually-just like any other. They have clear and equalrights under official corporate memoranda. They have equal, if not superior,​opportunities for advancement,​ given their unique skills. The elevation of morethan a dozen sesheyans to vice presidential level (ZA or above) demonstratesVoidCorp'​s commitment to promotion through achievement. ​ 
-It's true that sesheyans are rarely found outsideVoidCorp,​ but their numbers were never very large. A few million among 17billion have made their way, illegally, to join other stellar nations. Someescaped with Insight during the Second Galactic War. And, to answer thecomplaints of many, VoidCorp legally recruited almost half a billion sesheyanemployees to join in the formation of the Galactic Concord. Even so, 95% of thesesheyan populace remain productive members of VoidCorp 
-[[VoidCorp]] survey ships landed on Sheya on July 13, 2274. Since that day, the Sesheyans have fallen under the control of the corporate state. The sesheyans became VoidCorp citizens-Employees,​ actually - just like any other. They have clear and equal rights under official corporate memorandas. A few million among 17 billion have made their way, illegally, to join other stellar nations. Even so, 85% of the sesheyan populace remain productive members of VoidCorp. 
-Standing approximately 1.7 meters tall and weighing 40 kilograms, sesheyans (pronounced „se-shay-un) are humanoid only in the broadest sense of the word. A bulbous head encircled by eight small eyes and capped by large, pointed ears flows into a light, muscular frame. Powerful wings that extend to a 6-meter span spread from a sesheyan‘s back, and a long tail with an expandable, fan-shaped tip provides stabilization while in flight. The wings can be folded tightly aganst the creature‘s back when not in use. Though they walk with a hunched, labored gait when on the ground, sesheyans exhibit a grace while airborn that is matched by few other creatures capable of flight. 
-Sesheyan heroes are among the small number of their species who have stepped into the galactic community thanks to the opportunites presented by humans and their starships. 
-Because of certain physical differences,​ such as their multiple eyes and strange head shape, sesheyans are the most "​alien"​ of the nonhuman player character species. Onve they believed they were the highest form of life in the world they knew– they were hunters and shamans of great power. Now that they have seen the "​magic"​ of the spacefaring species, their faith has been rocked. The typical sesheyan hunter maintains an outward appearance of confidence and power, but inside he struggles to stay brave in the face of so many frightening,​ strange, and seemingly magical things. 
-Most humans can‘t help feeling uneasy in the presence of a sesheyan. This attitude comes from humankind‘s innate fear of the dark and the creatures that inhabit it. Even the most primitive Sesheyan finds this reaction mildly amusing. Though a seshayan is a born hunter, he is also a being who might seem cold and aloof but actually has a profound respect for all lifeand his place in the natural cycle. 
-Technology is new and alien to the sesheyans. They can learn to use high-tech equipment, but mnay of them never become completely comfortable with it, and some deeply religious sesheyans will have nothing to do with it. Sesheyan heroes belong to the small group of sesheyans who have overcome their natural disinclination toward using high-tech gear– they‘ll operate a computer, or a station on a spaceship, if they have to, but that doesn‘t mean they have to like it. 
-=== ROGUE SPACE === 
-A primitive people who are forever under control of the monolithic VoidCorp as slaves or assassins. Few escape and become some of the galaxy'​s most feared hunters. 
-The world of Sheya, meaning “hunting land” in their language, is a dark tropical moon of a gas giant. They are far enough away from their sun to keep the world in a perpetual twilight, but receive enough heat from the core planet and sun to keep it warm. The sesheyan, meaning “hunters of the land”, were the undisputed masters. They believed the purpose of the world was to provide food for its children. They evolved to an aboriginal stage of development,​ keeping oral histories and working with tools no more complicated than stone blades and wood spears. Everything is mystical and magical to the sesheyan people, and tribes are often lead by the influential shamans. Then a VoidCorp survey ship landed on Sheya in 2273, and since that day they had fallen under control of the corporate state. They call the day aikeita (day of ghosts) and it ended their peaceful primitive lifestyle. Outside the borders of VoidCorp, many believe the sesheyans got a raw deal. Social criticism, media coverage, and holofilms depict even the most nefarious sesheyans as unwilling pawns to be pitied or even rescued. You can bet that any videos of rebellious sesheyan don’t make it inside VoidCorp. The company of course sees things differently. They saw a race living in terrible straits, victims of a stagnant culture. They brought them out of the darkness of their own ignorance, enlightening the dark jungle world. They became VoidCorp employees like any other. They actually have clear equal rights under official corporate memorandum. They have equal opportunities for advancement given their unique skills. The elevation of more than a dozen to vice presidential level (ZA or above) demonstrates VoidCorp’s commitment to promotion through achievement. It’s true few are found outside of VoidCorp, but their numbers were never very large. 
-A typical sesheyan hunter maintains an outward appearance of confidence and power, but inside struggles to stay brave in the face of so many frightening strange and seemingly magical things. Most humans can’t help but feel uneasy in their presence. This attitude stems from humankind’s innate fear of the dark, and the creatures that inhabit it. As born hunters they may seem to others as emotionless,​ but they actually have a profound respect for all life and its place in the natural cycle. Technology is new and alien to them. They can eventually learn to use high tech equipment, but generally never feel comfortable with it. Some deeply religious ones refuse to have anything to do with it. Sesheyan heroes would belong to the small group who have gotten familiar with technology. They will operate a computer, station, or ship, but that doesn’t mean they have to like it. 
-They have bulbous heads encircled by 8 small eyes, and capped by large pointed ears (male ears are generally larger than a female’s). Their body is a light muscular frame with powerful wings that extend to a 6 meter span that spread from their back, and a long tail with an expandable fan-shaped tip, which provides stabilization while in flight. Wings can be folded tightly against their back when not in use. They are considered the most alien of the new species that stepped out into the galaxy with the help of humans. They are built to function in darkness with extreme precision and grace. In perpetual twilight jungles of Sheya their senses serve them well. With hypersensitive eyes and ears, they become unparalleled hunters. When in normal light, they require goggles to shield their eyes. 
-[[VoidCorp]] survey ships landed on Sheya on July 13, 2274. Since that day, the Sesheyans have fallen under the control of the corporate state. The sesheyans became VoidCorp citizens-Employees,​ actually - just like any other. They have clear and equal rights under official corporate memorandas. A few million among 17 billion have made their way, illegally, to join other stellar nations. Even so, 85% of the sesheyan populace remain productive members of VoidCorp. 
-Standing approximately 1.7 meters tall and weighing 40 kilograms, sesheyans (pronounced „se-shay-un) are humanoid only in the broadest sense of the word. A bulbous head encircled by eight small eyes and capped by large, pointed ears flows into a light, muscular frame. Powerful wings that extend to a 6-meter span spread from a sesheyan‘s back, and a long tail with an expandable, fan-shaped tip provides stabilization while in flight. The wings can be folded tightly aganst the creature‘s back when not in use. Though they walk with a hunched, labored gait when on the ground, sesheyans exhibit a grace while airborn that is matched by few other creatures capable of flight. 
-Sesheyan heroes are among the small number of their species who have stepped into the galactic community thanks to the opportunites presented by humans and their starships. 
-Because of certain physical differences,​ such as their multiple eyes and strange head shape, sesheyans are the most "​alien"​ of the nonhuman player character species. Once they believed they were the highest form of life in the world they knew– they were hunters and shamans of great power. Now that they have seen the "​magic"​ of the spacefaring species, their faith has been rocked. The typical sesheyan hunter maintains an outward appearance of confidence and power, but inside he struggles to stay brave in the face of so many frightening,​ strange, and seemingly magical things. 
-Most humans can‘t help feeling uneasy in the presence of a sesheyan. This attitude comes from humankind‘s innate fear of the dark and the creatures that inhabit it. Even the most primitive Sesheyan finds this reaction mildly amusing. Though a seshayan is a born hunter, he is also a being who might seem cold and aloof but actually has a profound respect for all life and his place in the natural cycle. 
-Technology is new and alien to the sesheyans. They can learn to use high-tech equipment, but many of them never become completely comfortable with it, and some deeply religious sesheyans will have nothing to do with it. Sesheyan heroes belong to the small group of sesheyans who have overcome their natural disinclination toward using high-tech gear– they‘ll operate a computer, or a station on a spaceship, if they have to, but that does not mean they have to like it. 
-A primitive people who are forever under control of the monolithic VoidCorp as slaves or assassins. Few escape and become some of the galaxy'​s most feared hunters. 
-The world of Sheya, meaning “hunting land” in their language, is a dark tropical moon of a gas giant. They are far enough away from their sun to keep the world in a perpetual twilight, but receive enough heat from the core planet and sun to keep it warm. The sesheyan, meaning “hunters of the land”, were the undisputed masters. They believed the purpose of the world was to provide food for its children. They evolved to an aboriginal stage of development,​ keeping oral histories and working with tools no more complicated than stone blades and wood spears. Everything is mystical and magical to the sesheyan people, and tribes are often lead by the influential shamans. Then a VoidCorp survey ship landed on Sheya in 2273, and since that day they had fallen under control of the corporate state. They call the day aikeita (day of ghosts) and it ended their peaceful primitive lifestyle. Outside the borders of VoidCorp, many believe the sesheyans got a raw deal. Social criticism, media coverage, and holofilms depict even the most nefarious sesheyans as unwilling pawns to be pitied or even rescued. You can bet that any videos of rebellious sesheyan don’t make it inside VoidCorp. The company of course sees things differently. They saw a race living in terrible straits, victims of a stagnant culture. They brought them out of the darkness of their own ignorance, enlightening the dark jungle world. They became VoidCorp employees like any other. They actually have clear equal rights under official corporate memorandum. They have equal opportunities for advancement given their unique skills. The elevation of more than a dozen to vice presidential level (ZA or above) demonstrates VoidCorp’s commitment to promotion through achievement. It’s true few are found outside of VoidCorp, but their numbers were never very large. 
-A typical sesheyan hunter maintains an outward appearance of confidence and power, but inside struggles to stay brave in the face of so many frightening strange and seemingly magical things. Most humans can’t help but feel uneasy in their presence. This attitude stems from humankind’s innate fear of the dark, and the creatures that inhabit it. As born hunters they may seem to others as emotionless,​ but they actually have a profound respect for all life and its place in the natural cycle. Technology is new and alien to them. They can eventually learn to use high tech equipment, but generally never feel comfortable with it. Some deeply religious ones refuse to have anything to do with it. Sesheyan heroes would belong to the small group who have gotten familiar with technology. They will operate a computer, station, or ship, but that doesn’t mean they have to like it. 
-They have bulbous heads encircled by 8 small eyes, and capped by large pointed ears (male ears are generally larger than a female’s). Their body is a light muscular frame with powerful wings that extend to a 6 meter span that spread from their back, and a long tail with an expandable fan-shaped tip, which provides stabilization while in flight. Wings can be folded tightly against their back when not in use. They are considered the most alien of the new species that stepped out into the galaxy with the help of humans. They are built to function in darkness with extreme precision and grace. In perpetual twilight jungles of Sheya their senses serve them well. With hypersensitive eyes and ears, they become unparalleled hunters. When in normal light, they require goggles to shield their eyes. 
sesheyan_species.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/04 00:39 (external edit)