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-Content-Type:​ text/​x-zim-wiki 
-Wiki-Format:​ zim 0.4 
-Creation-Date:​ 2013-07-26T22:​26:​52-04:​00 
-====== Sniper (Prestige Class) ====== 
-Created Friday 26 July 2013 
-d20 UA WE 
-One shot, one kill—that’s the Sniper’s mantra. A 
-firearms expert with a careful eye and a steady hand, the 
-Sniper is a master not of the gunfight but rather of the 
-surgical shot that takes down an opponent from afar. 
-Snipers tend to strike swiftly and unexpectedly,​ then 
-fade into the background. 
-Select this prestige class if you want your character to 
-excel at the use of long-range weapons and be able to deal 
-grievous harm to specific targets from a distance. 
-The fastest path into this prestige class is via the Gunslinger 
-advanced class, though other paths are also possible. 
-To qualify as a Sniper, a character must fulfill the following 
-Base Attack Bonus: +5. 
-Skills: Concentration 4 ranks, Move Silently 8 ranks. 
-Feats: Dead Aim, Far Shot. 
-Special: Defensive position class feature. 
-Class Base Attack Fort Ref Will Defense Reputation 
-Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Bonus Bonus 
-1st +1 +0 +1 +0 Massive shot +1 +0 
-2nd +2 +0 +2 +0 Improved dead aim +3, +1 +0 
-improved far shot 
-3rd +3 +1 +2 +1 Center mass +2 +1 
-4th +4 +1 +2 +1 Improved dead aim +4, +2 +1 
-5th +5 +1 +3 +1 Critical shot +3 +1 
-Class Information 
-The following information pertains to the Sniper prestige 
-Hit Die 
-A Sniper gains 1d8 hit points per level. The character’s Constitution 
-modifier applies. 
-Action Points 
-A Sniper gains a number of action points equal to 5 plus onehalf 
-his character level, rounded down, every time he 
-advances a level in this class. 
-Class Skills 
-The Sniper’s class skills are as follows. 
-Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (electronic,​ 
-mechanical) (Int), Drive (Dex), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), 
-Knowledge (tactics) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), 
-Profession (Wis), Spot (Wis). 
-Skill Points at Each Level: 5 + Int modifier. 
-Class Features 
-The following features pertain to the Sniper prestige class. 
-Massive Shot 
-Professional snipers are trained to deliver particularly deadly 
-shots. When the Sniper succeeds on an attack with a ranged 
-weapon and deals damage that exceeds the target’s massive 
-damage threshold, the DC for the Fortitude save increases by 
-twice the Sniper’s level in this prestige class. For example, 
-when a 3rd-level Sniper deals massive damage with a ranged 
-weapon, the DC for the save is 15+6, or 21. 
-Improved Dead Aim 
-Using breathing techniques, impeccable timing, and finely 
-honed skill, the Sniper has mastered the art of careful aim. 
-When the Sniper reaches 2nd level, the circumstance bonus 
-he gains when using the Dead Aim feat increases to +3. When 
-he reaches 4th level, this bonus increases to +4. 
-Improved Far Shot 
-The Sniper is an expert at hitting a target at extreme range. 
-When a 2nd-level or higher Sniper uses a firearm or archaic 
-ranged weapon (such as a bow), its range increment is doubled. 
-(This benefit does not stack with the increase in range 
-increment from the Far Shot feat, but it does stack with 
-increases from scopes or other equipment.) This ability has no 
-effect on thrown weapons. 
-Center Mass 
-At 3rd level, the Sniper gains the ability to hit targets that 
-others would miss. When the Sniper uses the Dead Aim feat, 
-the cover bonus to the target’s Defense is reduced by 4 (minimum 
-+0). This benefit does not stack with the reduction in 
-cover bonus from the Gunslinger’s sharp-shooting ability. 
-The Sniper is skilled at correcting his aim. If a 4th-level or 
-higher Sniper using the Dead Aim feat misses his target, he 
-may spend 1 action point to reroll the attack, gaining a +1 
-bonus on the second attack roll. This second roll is made at 
-the same base attack bonus as the first roll, and all bonuses or 
-penalties that applied to the first roll also apply to the second. 
-This second roll does not count as a second attack. However, 
-the windage ability expends twice as much ammunition as the 
-attack would normally require, so it can be used only if the 
-weapon contains sufficient ammunition. 
-Critical Shot 
-The Sniper is a master at dropping a target with a single shot. 
-A 5th-level Sniper using the Dead Aim feat with a Large or 
-larger firearm may attempt an automatic critical hit with his 
-attack. The attempt requires a full-round action (in addition to 
-the full-round action required for lining up the shot) and the 
-expenditure of 1 action point. The Sniper takes a –8 penalty 
-on the attack roll, but if the attack is successful, it is automatically 
-a critical hit. The natural roll does not have to be within 
-the weapon’s threat range, and the sniper does not have to roll 
-to confirm the critical hit. 
-@advancedclass @uawe  
sniper_prestige_class.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/04 00:39 (external edit)