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sonar_skin_cyberware [2013/11/05 02:25]
storyteller created
sonar_skin_cyberware [2021/12/04 00:39]
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-SONAR SKIN (PL 7) Sonar skin (Cyberware) generates a subtle field of sound waves well below the normal hearing range of any creature, and receives the echoes of those waves on microscopic sensors covering the recipient'​s skin. This sonar system allows the recipient to “feel” his surroundings even in total darkness or when his sight would other-wise be obscured by his physical environment. Benefit: The sonar field emanates from the recipient out to 60 feet, granting the effect of a 360-degree field of vision. The recipient ignores blindness, invisibility,​ darkness, and concealment,​ though he must have line of effect to a creature or an object to discern it (a creature on the far side of a pane of glass is beyond the sonar'​s range). The recipient does not need to make Spot or Listen checks to notice creatures; he can detect and pin-point all creatures in line of effect within 60 feet automatically. The recipient must have a NIJack system in order to take advantage of this implant. Type: External. Location: One torso. Hardness/​Hit Points: 2/6. Base Purchase DC: 23. Restriction:​ Lic. (+1). +
sonar_skin_cyberware.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/04 00:39 (external edit)