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spot_skill [2013/10/31 23:19]
spot_skill [2021/12/04 00:39]
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-====== Spot (Skill) ====== 
-=====SPOT (WIS)===== 
-Use this skill to notice opponents waiting in ambush, to see a mugger lurking in the shadows, or to discern a sniper hiding on a roof-top by making a quick scan of your surroundings. 
-**Check:** The Spot skill is used to notice items that aren't immediately obvious and people who are attempting to hide. The GM may call for a Spot check by a character who is in a position to notice something. You can also make a Spot check voluntarily if you want to try to notice something in your vicinity. 
-The GM may make the Spot check in secret so that you don't know whether not noticing anything means that nothing is there or that you failed the check. 
-A successful Spot check when there isn't anything to notice results in you noticing nothing. 
-Spot is often used to notice a person or creature hiding from view. In such cases, your Spot check is opposed by the [[Hide (Skill)|Hide]] check of the character trying not to be seen. Spot is also used to detect someone in [[Disguise (Skill)|disguise]],​ or to [[Systems|notice a concealed weapon on another person]]. 
-Your Spot check is modified by a -1 penalty for every 10 feet of distance between you and the character or object you are trying to discern. The check carries a further -5 penalty if you are in the midst of activity (a combat scene, a crowded street, a bustling airport, and so forth). 
-**Try Again?:** You can make a Spot check every time you have the opportunity to notice something in a reactive manner. As a full-round action, you may attempt to notice something that you failed (or believe you failed) to notice previously. 
-**Special:​** You can take 10 or take 20 when making a Spot check. 
-A character with the [[Alertness (Feat)|Alertness]] feat gets a +2 bonus on all Spot checks. 
-**Time:** A Spot check is either a reaction (if called for by the GM) or a full-round action (if you actively take the time to try to notice something). 
-{{tag>​skills wisbased}} 
spot_skill.txt ยท Last modified: 2021/12/04 00:39 (external edit)