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sultanate_of_fomalhaut [2013/08/15 16:22]
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sultanate_of_fomalhaut [2021/12/04 00:39]
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-====== Sultanate of Fomalhaut ====== 
-What Austrins are to guns, the Fomalhautians are to melee weapons. 
-The Orions provided the central ideal. The Orlamus provided the Lighthouse. VoidCorp transferred the contracts on a half-billion sesheyans. But perhaps the most defining gift to the Concord came from a defeated and dissolved Nation: the [[Tri-Staff (Equipment)|tri-staff]]. Sultanate researchers have long been known for furthering the development of personal combat weapons. [[Pulse Baton (Equipment)|Pulse batons]], [[Chain Sword (Equipment)|chain swords]] and [[Gravmace (Equipment)|gravmaces]] are merely the most commonly seen of their advances. They have even shared notes with the Austrins on the development of [[Things and Terms|exchangeable lanth cells]] so that a soldier would only need to carry one part. Thankfully for those who have to face weren in combat, the attempts to create a chainbladed [[Chuurkhna (Equipment)|chuurkhna]] have so far failed. 
-The Sultanate developed an extensive but thinly settled nation, governed from the desiccated husk of Fomalhaut. This was considered a blessing to the Sultanate, as it gave breathing room to a proud and contentious people and provided plenty of drivespace time for swordsmanship practice. With scattered settlements abounding, the Sultanate developed two useful institutions:​ an intelligence agency skilled at piecing together bits and pieces ([[The Eyes of the Vizier]]) and a large fleet of armed merchant craft with modular arrangements for adding extra weapons as needed. Both of these became lifesavers in the months leading up to [[GW2]]. As more and more fragmentary reports came in to Vizier Amel regarding the [[Taurean Star Republic]], the Sultan Bayazeid IX ordered the navy to arm the auxiliaries for an extended anti-corsair campaign. When the Taureans attacked, they charged right into the teeth of a waiting Task Force in what came to be referred to as the Jebel 6 Turkey Shoot. Subsequent campaigns revealed that the auxiliary navy was exceptionally good and that it’s very hard to defeat a Fomalhautian in close combat. And then the [[Thuldan Empire|Thuldans]] attacked. A Sultanate Task Group, built around the “Saleh-en-Din” escort carrier as flagship, served with the [[Austrin-Ontis Unlimited|Austrins]] until the end of the war. The peace split the fleet, with most returning home to serve the new [[Galactic Concord]] (most notably in the Sanguine Outriders of the 145th Division at Hammer’s Star). A few, however, have either remained with the Austrins or moved to the former Sultanate colony in the [[Far Reach]]. 
sultanate_of_fomalhaut.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/04 00:39 (external edit)