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-Content-Type:​ text/​x-zim-wiki 
-Wiki-Format:​ zim 0.4 
-Creation-Date:​ 2013-07-29T07:​08:​03-04:​00 
-====== Swim (Skill) ====== 
-Created Monday 29 July 2013 
-=== Swim (STR) === 
-//Armor Penalty// 
-Using this skill, a land-based creature can swim, dive, navigate underwater obstacles, and so on. 
-**Check:** A successful Swim check allows you to swim one-quarter your speed as a move action or half your speed as a full-round action. Roll once per round. If you fail, you make no progress through the water. If you fail by 5 or more, you go underwater. 
-If you are underwater (from failing a swim check or because you are swimming underwater intentionally),​ you must hold your breath. You can hold your breath for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution score, but only if you do nothing but take move actions or free actions. If you take an attack action or a full-round action (such as making an attack), the amount of breath you have remaining is reduced by 1 round. (Effectively,​ a character in combat can hold his breath only half as long as normal.) After that period of time, you must make a Constitution check (DC 10) every round to continue holding your breath. Each round, the DC of the check increases by 1. If you fail the check, you begin to drown. 
-The DC for the Swim check depends on the water: 
-**Water DC** 
-Calm water 10 
-Rough water 15 
-Stormy water 20 
-@skills @armorpenalty ​ @strskills ​ 
swim_skill.txt ยท Last modified: 2021/12/04 00:39 (external edit)