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the_world_of_the_sesheyan [2013/08/29 00:57]
storyteller [Weapons & Technology]
the_world_of_the_sesheyan [2013/08/29 01:09]
storyteller [What The Sesheyans Think]
Line 656: Line 656:
 ==== The Sesheyan Homeworld ==== ==== The Sesheyan Homeworld ====
 +Sheya is the fourth and largest moon of the
 +gas giant Gamma Leonis III. Although it orbits more
 +than ten times the distance from its star than Earth
 +orbits its sun, GLIII puts out considerable heat,
 +warming the surface of Sheya and making it quite
 +The moon is cut with a network of deep val-
 +leys. While the higher altitudes are cold and arid, the
 +valleys are warm and lush. Native plant-life grows
 +riotously throughout the lowlands, forming a heavy
 +jungle canopy that soaks up the heat and limited
 +light that falls on the surface of Sheya, cloaking the
 +ground below in perpetual twilight. Sheya’s ecosys-
 +tem is filled with various lifeforms, of which the
 +sesheyans are the top of the food chain. Sesheyan
 +hunters stalk wild game in the jungles, from snake-
 +like reptiles to large, sleek jungle predators and
 +game animals. ​
 +Primary Gamma Leonis III
 +Planetary Class Class 1
 +Gravity G1 (0.84g)
 +Radiation R1 (9 rem/yr)
 +Atmosphere A2 (N, O, CO2)
 +Pressure P3 (1.12)
 +Heat H2 (22° C)
 +Orbital Distance 10.2 AU
 +Diameter 5,840 km
 +Year (Earth days) 6,716 days
 +Day (standard hours) 22.4 hours
 +Axial Tilt 8°
 +Density 1.07
 +# Satellites: None 
 +==== Sesheyan Weapons ====
 +Damage (O/G/A)
 +Bone Dagger Melee-
 +0 - Personal LI/O d4s/​d4w/​d4+1w 4 +3 10
 +Metal Dagger Melee-
 +0 - Personal LI/O d4w/​d4+1w/​d4+2w 4 +3 20
 +Spear Melee-
 +0 - Personal LI/O d4w/​d4+2w/​d4m 3 - 15
 +Blowgun Ranged-
 +0 F per STR
 +LI/O 1s/d4s/d4w, plus poison 1 +1 10
 +Dart Athletics-
 +0 F per STR
 +LI/O d4s/​d4w/​d4+1w,​ plus poison 2 +4 5
 +Wind Claw Athletics-
 +0 F per STR
 +LI/O d4w/​d4+2w/​d4m 4 +2 15
 +Bola Athletics-
 +0 F per STR
 +LI/O 1s/​d4s/​d4+1s,​ plus entangle* 1 +3 20
 +Special Effect – Entangle: The weapon entraps the target, restricting movement. Each level of success applies a +1
 +modifier to the target’s actions, so an Amazing success imposes a +3 penalty. Bolas affect only actions involving
 +use of the entangled limb(s). Getting out of the entanglement requires a Strength or Dexterity feat (including the en-
 +tanglement penalty). ​
 +New Careers
 +VoidCorp Assassin
 +One of the many areas in which VoidCorp
 +employs sesheyans is in a contemporary model of
 +their role as hunters. Skilled and patient hunters able
 +to fly silently and stalk prey in the dead of night,
 +sesheyans make superlative assassins. Once given
 +an assignment, the archetypical sesheyan assassin
 +never gives up until either successful or dead. The
 +activities of such assassins outside of VoidCorp
 +space has not helped to endear the sesheyans to
 +other stellar nations, which suits VoidCorp (and many
 +sesheyans) just fine.
 +Signature Equipment: laser rifle, CF softsuit
 +Free Agent Core Skills (25 points): Ranged
 +Weapons, Mod-
 +, Security-
 +security devices
 +In the Verge: VoidCorp assassins go wher-
 +ever they are ordered by the company. VoidCorp’s
 +strong interest in many systems of the Verge
 +(particularly Corrivale) is enough to warrant the atten-
 +tion of a trained assassin when a precise strike is
 +==== Sesheyan Shaman ====
 +Sesheyan shamans are the spiritual leaders of their people, keepers of sacred lore and history. While most shamans do not leave Sheya, some have found their way to the stars as employees of VoidCorp, especially shamans who possess skills useful to the company, or those potential rebels VoidCorp prefers to have off Sheya. Sesheyans continue to pass on the traditions and teachings of shamanism, even though such things are banned by VoidCorp.
 +Signature Equipment: dagger, bone necklace, talismans, and sacred items
 +Diplomat Core Skills (20 points): Knowledge-first aid 2; Deception-bluff;​ Entertainment;​ Leadership inspire.
 +In the Verge: Sesheyan shamans can often be found in the jungles or Girth, helping guide the tribes while working to maintain the traditions and rituals of their people.
 +Using Aikei
 +sing Aikei
 +sing Aikei
 +sing Aikei
 +The best means of simulating the
 +sesheyan use of aikei is through the Faith perk
 +Player’s Handbook
 +, page 104). The perk allows a
 +sesheyan hero a greater chance of success when in-
 +voking the appropriate ghost in a situation. Not all
 +sesheyans have this perk, only those with consider-
 +able faith and skill with the old ways (particularly sha-
 +mans). The use of the perk is limited to actions suit-
 +able to primitive sesheyans, not for actions involving
 +modern technology or ideas. A sesheyan might use
 +aikei to improve a use of Melee Weapons-
 +, but
 +not Melee Weapons-
 +or Computer Science.
 +Edolan, a sesheyan hunter, is try-
 +ing to sneak past a Hatire guard on Grith. She calls
 +upon the ghost of the Silent Stalker, focusing entirely
 +on making her movements as quiet as a jungle
 +stalker. Edolan has the Faith perk and rolls a Good
 +success on her perk check. This gives her an im-
 +provement of two degrees of success on her sneak
 +check result.
 +==== What The Sesheyans Think ====
 +Since their first fateful encounter with humans,
 +sesheyans have been exposed to many different races.
 +Although individual views vary, here is what the two main
 +sesheyan factions generally think of the other major races
 +of the STAR*DRIVE setting:
 +Fraal: “The fraal understand the value of
 +technology. They assisted humans in reaching the
 +stars much the same way humans later assisted
 +us.” –
 +Ghost Walker
 +“There is a quiet wisdom to these people,
 +much like the most enlightened of us. Although they
 +are not hunters or warriors, they have a great inner
 +strength.” –
 +Wind Spirit
 +Humans: “Humans were our patrons and
 +guides to the stars. They are a clever and inventive
 +people. We still have much to learn from them.” –
 +Ghost Walker
 +“Humans are as changeable as the wind,
 +and as dangerous as ska. They have equally great
 +capacities for kindness and cruelty.” –
 +Wind Spirit
 +Mechalus: “A capable and industrious race,
 +with an understanding of technology that makes them
 +valuable business partners.” –
 +Ghost Walker
 +“The Mechalus are fine examples of a race
 +that has put aside their need for violence, but they
 +have merged too much with their machines and lost
 +the fire of their spirit.” –
 +Wind Spirit
 +T’sa: “The t’sa foolishly reject all outsiders. If
 +their inventive and industrious nature could only be
 +harnessed, they could become truly productive mem-
 +bers of galactic society.” –
 +Ghost Walker
 +“The t’sa saw the dangers in accepting hu-
 +man aid and kept their independence. The question
 +is, are they willing to aid others in regaining what they
 +have?” –
 +Wind Spirit
 +Weren: “Brutal fighters, useful as mercenar-
 +ies, but they refuse to learn the lessons offered by su-
 +perior cultures.” –
 +Ghost Walker
 +“They have no idea how fortunate they are to
 +have the Orlamu rather than VoidCorp as patrons.
 +May their blood philosophy help them walk the dan-
 +gerous path between independence and slavery.” –
 +Wind Spirit
 +{{tag>​canon dragon sesheyan species}}
the_world_of_the_sesheyan.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/04 00:39 (external edit)