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tracer [2013/08/24 00:15]
storyteller [Urban Tracking]
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-====== Tracer ====== 
-The Tracer is always looking for someone or something, stalking his elusive quarry with unyielding resolve. His expertise in pursuing fugitives makes him the ideal bounty hunter or truant officer. Sometimes his skills are put to the test tracking down missing persons or packages. His talents also make him a skilled assassin, although only the most emotionally detached Tracers are comfortable with that role. Regardless of how the Tracer earns his keep, he invariably finds what he's looking for ... or dies trying. 
-Select this advanced class if you want your character to excel at hunting fugitives or locating missing persons or consignments. 
-The fastest path into this advanced class is from the Dedicated hero basic class, though other paths are possible. 
-To qualify to become a Tracer, a character must fulfill the following criteria. 
-**Base Attack Bonus:** +2. 
-**Skills:** [[investigate skill|Investigate]] 6 ranks, Knowledge ([[knowledge_criminal_skill|Criminal]] or [[knowledge_social_sciences_skill|Social Sciences]]) 6 ranks, [[survival_skill|Survival]] 6 ranks. 
-**Feat:** [[track_feat|Track]]. 
-=====Class Information===== 
-The following information pertains to the Tracer advanced class. 
-**Hit Die:** The Tracer gains 1d8 vitality points per level. The character’s Constitution modifier applies. 
-**Action Points:** The Tracer gains a number of action points equal to 6 + one-half his character level, rounded down, every time he attains a new level in this class. 
-=====Class Skills===== 
-The Tracer’s class skills are as follows. 
-[[climb_skill|Climb]] (Str), [[computer use skill|Computer Use]] (Int), [[disable device skill|Disable Device]] (Int), [[disguise skill|Disguise]] (Cha), [[drive skill|Drive]] (Dex), [[gather information skill|Gather Information]] (Cha), [[hide skill|Hide]] (Dex), [[investigate skill|Investigate]] (Int), [[jump skill|Jump]] (Str), [[listen skill|Listen]] (Wis), [[move silently skill|Move Silently]] (Dex), [[navigate skill|Navigate]] (Int), [[pilot skill|Pilot]] (Dex), [[research skill|Research]] (Int), [[search skill|Search]] (Int), [[sense motive skill|Sense Motive]] (Wis), [[spot skill|Spot]] (Wis), [[survival skill|Survival]] (Wis), [[swim skill|Swim]] (Str). 
-**Skill Points at Each Level:** 4 + Int modifier. 
-===== Table: The Tracer ===== 
-| Class Level | Base Attack Bonus | Fort Save | Ref Save | Will Save | Special | Defense Bonus |  Reputation Bonus  
-| 1st | +1 | +0 | +2 | +0 | Target species, Urban Tracking | +1 | +0 
-| 2nd | +2 | +0 | +3 | +0 | Swift strike +1d6 | +2 | +1 
-| 3rd | +3 | +1 | +3 | +1 | Bonus feat | +2 | +1 
-| 4th | +4 | +1 | +4 | +1|Uncanny stealth (full speed)| +2| +1 
-| 5th | +5 | +1 | +4 | +1|Swift strike +2d6| +3| +2 
-| 6th | +6 | +2 | +5 | +2|Bonus feat | +3 | +2 
-| 7th | +7 | +2 | +5 | +2|Uncanny stealth (charge/​run)| + 4| +2 
-| 8th | +8 | +2 | +6 | +2|Swift strike +3d6| +4| +3 
-| 9th | +9 | +3 | +6 | +3|Bonus feat | +4| +3 
-| 10th| +10| +3 | +7 | +3|Swift tracking| +5| +3 
-=====Class Features===== 
-The following class features pertain to the Tracer advanced class. 
-====Target Species==== 
-At 1st level, a Tracer selects a species or specific kind of creature his “target species. The Tracer must have previously encountered at least one member of the target species to select it. An expert tracker, the Tracer gains a +2 bonus on [[bluff skill|Bluff]],​ [[intimidate skill|Intimidate]],​ [[listen skill|Listen]],​ [[sense motive skill|Sense Motive]], [[spot skill|Spot]],​ and [[survival skill|Survival]] checks when using these skills against members of the target species. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures. 
-As a free action, a Tracer may spend an action point to change his target species. 
-====Urban Tracking==== 
-At 1st level, a Tracer gains the bonus feat [[urban_tracking_feat|Urban Tracking]]. 
-====Swift Strike==== 
-At 2nd level, the Tracer becomes skilled at taking down unwary targets quickly. He deals +1d6 points of damage on successful melee and ranged weapon attacks made against a flat-footed opponent. This extra damage can be lethal or nonlethal, as determined by the choice of weapon and the manner in which it’s used. 
-The extra damage increases to +2d6 at 5th level and +3d6 at 8th level. 
-====Bonus Feats==== 
-At 3rd, 6th, and 9th level, the Tracer gets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the following list, and the Tracer must meet all the prerequisites of the feat to select it. 
-Advanced Combat Martial Arts, Advanced Firearms Proficiency,​ Aircraft Operation (spacecraft),​ Alertness, Armor Proficiency (light), Armor Proficiency (medium), Armor Proficiency (powered), Athletic, Combat Throw, Dead Aim, Double Tap, Elusive Target, Far Shot, Improved Combat Martial Arts, Improved Combat Throw, Improved Initiative, Low Profile, Nerve Pinch, Precise Shot, Shot on the Run, Skip Shot, Spacer, Stealthy, Trustworthy,​ Unbalance Opponent. 
-====Uncanny Stealth==== 
-Tracers learn to move quickly yet quietly. 
-At 4th level, a Tracer no longer suffers the –5 penalty on Hide and Move Silently checks while moving at full speed. 
-At 7th level, a Tracer suffers only a –10 penalty on Hide and Move Silently checks while running or charging (instead of the normal –20 penalty). 
-====Swift Tracking==== 
-At 10th level, the Tracer can move a full speed without penalty when using the Survival skill to track. He can move at twice normal speed while tracking, but takes a –10 penalty on the check when doing so. 
tracer.1377303302.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/12/04 00:40 (external edit)