Table of Contents

Universal Equipment Gadgets

The following gadgets are universal and can apply to equipment found in any era, provided all gadget-specific restrictions are observed.


By eliminating wasted space and using smaller components, some engineers are capable of producing equipment far smaller than its standard counterparts. Any piece of equipment that makes use of the compact gadget is one size smaller than normal, to a minimum size of Diminutive.


Some items can be installed (and operated from) inside other items. For example, communicators that fit into hollowed-out false teeth, a flash-seal that looks like a personal music storage device, and so forth. The item cannot be properly identified except through close examination, or when it is in use. The item cannot be larger than the item in which it is to be concealed.


The hit point total of the equipment is increased by 50% of the original total. This gadget can be selected multiple times, each time increasing the hit point total of the equipment by 50% of the original total.


By eliminating wasted space and using microscopic components, some engineers are capable of producing equipment vastly smaller than normal. Any item that makes use of the miniaturized gadget is two size categories smaller than normal, to a minimum size of Diminutive.

Multiple Use Item

Similar in function to the alternate weapon gadget, the multiple use item gadget allows the character to integrate the function of two separate items into a single device. When selecting the multiple use item gadget, choose a second object. That object is integrated into the base object and can be used at any time. Additionally. you must choose whether or not the alternate object may be physically separated from the base weapon or not at the time of purchase. This gadget may be selected multiple times. each time adding a single additional piece of equipment to the base object.

Paint-On LCD

One of the most revolutionary advances in computer technology during the Information Age and beyond is the paint-on LCD gadget. This allows almost any surface to be used as a computer display, as it grafts the color-changing pixels common to all display devices onto another surface. While mundane applications of this technology might be used in fields like advertising (to display company logos and advertisements on cars, the sides of buildings, and even clothing, for example), other applications are found almost everywhere. The surface of a desk can be transformed into a display for face-to-face communications, or a riot shield can be made do display warnings in multiple languages to potential dissidents.

Any piece of equipment with the paint-on LCD gadget can be used as a display for any piece of computer or communications equipment. Additionally, weapons and armor may make use of the paint-on LCD gadget at the normal cost, but gain no special benefit from the modification other than being able to display data.

Reduced Size

The size of the equipment is reduced by one category (from Large to Medium, for example).

Reduced Weight

The weight of the equipment is reduced by 25%.

At the dawn of the Information Age, the value of knowledge and accurate intelligence became a crucial aspect of warfare. The ability to connect to a global communications network was critical to the success of any army, as intelligence traveled at the speed of light across the globe to command centers safe behind defended battle lines. The satellite datalink gadget enables any piece of equipment, from computer to communication device to heads-up display, to connect to a global (or, if in place, galactic) satellite net-work and communicate with computer systems in far remote areas.

Storage Compartment

Like the gadget used for armor, the ability to store and carry small items in a safe place can sometimes be of critical importance. The storage compartment gadget accomplishes just that, incorporating an empty space where other objects can be carried with relative ease. Each storage compartment gadget allows the wearer to carry two items of size Small or smaller in a container built into the piece of equipment. This gadget may be taken multiple times, each time providing another compartment where small items may be carried.


The hardness of the equipment is increased by +2. This gadget can be selected multiple times.

PL 6 Equipment Gadgets

The following gadgets are found in the Fusion Age and can apply to equipment of that era or later, provided all gadget-specific restrictions are observed.

Graphic Weave

Graphic weave changes the color of the wearer's clothing and can be programmed to mimic the appearance of a different cut of clothing, though the actual cut doesn't change. (For example, a jumpsuit made with graphic weave could be made to resemble a tuxedo, but it would still be a one-piece article of clothing under the illusion.)

Activating a change in the graphic weave is a move action.

Changing the apparent cut of the clothing grants the wearer a +1 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks. At the GM's discretion, changing the clothing's color might grant the wearer a +2 circumstance bonus on Hide checks. Programming unusual patterns into the clothing (such as matching the wallpaper of a specific room, so as to appear to blend in) requires a DC 15 Computer Use check. The graphic weave's computer memory can store up to six different variations.

A piece of software for the heads-up display device, the sensor link allows the user to directly link any computer sensor to the HUD. As a result, any sensor can be used hands-free as a free action. provided they are present on the character's person.

HUD Software, Targeting

A piece of software for the heads-up display device, targeting software links directly to a ranged weapon’s video scope. This allows the character to see exactly what the video scope displays without having to look at the weapon. The character may fire around corners without exposing himself as normal. The software also grants a +1 equipment bonus on all ranged attack rolls using the weapon to which it is attached.

A piece of software for the heads-up display device, the vehicle link allows the on-board computer system of any vehicle to be displayed on the HUD. This grants a +1 equipment bonus on all Drive or Pilot checks made on a vehicle linked to the device.


The self-repairing gadget implements nano-technology in its infancy to repair minor problems with any piece of equipment. Whenever the equipment is damaged, the self-repairing gadget immediately issues commands to a set of nanites that move to the problem spot and begin making repairs. The gadget repairs one point of damage per minute to the equipment.

PL 7 Equipment Gadgets

The following gadgets are found in the Gravity Age and can apply to equipment of that era or later, provided all gadget-specific restrictions are observed.

Anti-Scan Weave

Microcircuit fibers can be combined with Carbon-nanotube Fiber (CF) or normal fabric to create a material that hampers several types of scanning technology, including infrared, radar, magnetic, X-ray, and weapon detectors. Any Search check target an individual or item with anti-scan weave takes a –5 penalty to the check.

HUD Software, Ammunition Tracker

A piece of software for the heads-up display device, the Ammunition Tracker is able to keep track of exactly how many shots have been expended from a particular weapon. Additionally, when a character starts to get low on ammunition, a warning flashes on the HUD indicating that a reload must occur soon.

Sound Suppressor

Similar to the technology that produced the silent suit, the sound suppressor gadget silences almost any noise. It generates a field of sonic energy that cancels sound produced within field, reducing all noise to a mere whine of sonic energy discharge. The sound suppressor adds +10 to the DC of Listen checks made to hear the object operating.

Zero-Point Energy (ZPE) Battery

Zero-point energy batteries utilize gravitic capacitors in a precise array to yield extraordinary amounts of energy. The energy output is six times higher than conventional electrical batteries (multiplying the number of charges by 6)

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