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Expert Knowledge

Like Hobby and Profession, this is a catchall category. An Expert Knowledge is anything that is primarily intellectual or mental in nature and must be studied. Storytellers should first examine the list of existing Abilites to determine if a particular field of expertise might fall under one of those (e.g. Forensics would be a specialty of Investigation).

  • * Student: You’ve taken an undergraduate course or read a few books.
  • •• College: You may have minored in the field.
  • ••• Masters: You might hold a degree and are well versed in what’s been written.
  • •••• Doctorate: You are well-versed in what hasn’t been written.
  • ••••• Scholar: You know the hidden mysteries of your field and are a veritable font of information.

Suggested Expert Knowledges: Archaeology, Game Theory, Military Science, Psychology

expert_knowledge.1387767475.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/12/04 00:41 (external edit)