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Free Kyrena Society

The Free Kyrena Society originated as a conglomeration of like-minded mining and mercantile interests, arriving over many decades in Orion space with ties to several Terran nations. During GW1 they threw off allegiances to Earth, banding together for mutual protection. This allowed them to absorb smaller neighboring colonies for survival, while securing the resources to enable independence from Earth.

The Kyrenes stayed together as the FKS after the war but fiercely defended their individual rights and freedoms, electing a Prime Minister to see to the needs of the Society with a council comprised of individual colony leaders as advisors. They developed into an economic power by way of this freedom and diversity, providing their neighboring allies with the much-needed capital to survive. The Free Kyrena Society also proved instrumental in the development of the Orion government's political structure as it exists today. Many view their influence as one of the primary reasons for the League's success when dealing with other nations.

Those who hail from the original home systems of the Free Kyrena Society act as the major contributors to the PER score increase of all Orions. So a Kyrene naturally receives the usual 1-point boost to their Personality attribute (to a maximum of 15). Kyrenes have also honed their skills as businessmen and small-time traders for centuries now. Instead of the -1 bonus to all Culture skills, they automatically receive a -1 step bonus when using the Business-small business specialty skill. They gain no bonus to other uses of the Business broad skill or its specialties.

free_kyrena_society.1377844255.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/12/04 00:43 (external edit)