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Jay-Boo (Pet)

The jay-boo is a small, reptilian creature similar in many ways to the dinosaurs of Earth’s late Cretaceous period. Although smaller than their terrestrial cousins (generally standing about 3 feet tall), they are nimble, slender creatures with needle-like teeth and wickedly sharp talons on their hind legs.

Jay-boo have long, slender necks with angular heads and large, black eyes. They often seem nervous and jittery to humans, darting their gaze back and forth as if constantly searching for predators or prey.

Although the t’sa domesticated these creatures when they were still in their early stone age, they have never bred the aggressive, hunting instincts out of these carnivores. As such, the typical jay-boo is as much a guard animal as a pet. In combat, they attempt to bite first and, if they score a hit, follow up by raking with their rear claws.

Although popular among the t’sa, the jay-boo has never caught on with other species. They are skittish and tend to bite or nip even their keepers. Because they are strongly territorial, they act very aggressively when strangers approach. Only on Austrin-Ontis colonies can one find humans keeping jay-boo as pets.

jay-boo.1384581854.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/12/04 00:39 (external edit)