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Known Space Station Details

Space Stations

Berthing Compartment Alpha–A berthing compartment aboard Kendai Station.

Berthing Compartment Beta–A berthing compartment aboard Kendai Station.

Berthing Compartment Gamma–A berthing compartment aboard Kendai Station.

Blue Chamber–The drivesat relay housing Kemal, an AI. It was formerly known as Verge Relay 2.

Darkhold–A space station in orbit around a large asteroid in the Cyra Belt. It's home to a variety of seedy entertainment venues, but is losing ground to StarMech. Of late, it's been jamming the sensors of vessels that try and mine the Belt. StarMech offered to buy it for four billion Concord dollars.

Defender-Class Heavy Monitor–The largest class of External monitor. Defender battle stations are exclusively military in nature, with complements of fighters, heavy weapons and durable armor.

Defense Net–A complex system of remotely operated orbital defense stations protecting Galvin. They are armed with a variety of weapons, including nuclear missiles, infrared lasers and particle cannons.

Drivesats 1-5–A series of drivesats aboard the Kendai Relay. They were infected by the Geneva Virus. Drivesat 1 delivered the first messages from the Verge, including Silver Bell's distress call.

Far-Out Drones–A far-flung network of Concord recon drones positioned in the Hammer's Star system.

Frame 167B–An incomplete section of Omega Station. A group of klicks tried to sabotage it with explosives.

Goliath–A gas mining station in Sperous' upper atmosphere. It relies on induction engines and gas bags to keep aloft. Its crew is relatively small, and has a high turnover rate.

Guardian-Class Light Monitor–The lightest class of External monitor. These small space stations are lightly-armed, and are usually used as centers of scientific research or commerce.

Hermit–An automated science facility owned by the Regency. It is located at Avob, and monitors Redcrown's weather patterns and electromagnetic field. (Orbital station or land-bound base? I don't think that the SGA mentions which.)

Highport–A seedy space station in high polar orbit around Penates. Owned by the Free Trade Guild, it was originally an orbital defense station.

Junior–An instrument package attached to the Hermit scientific facility. It monitors Redcrown's rings.

Kendai Relay Station–A large, spherical drivesat station in the same orbit as the planet Gobi in the Kendai system. It was destroyed during the Second Galactic War, but was reconstructed afterwards. VoidCorp attempted to sabotage it. (FC, BS)

Melas Station–A Concord space station and listening post in Bluefall orbit.

Mindara Station–A space station orbiting Mindara. It was the site of an uprising during the Lison rebellion, and is rumored to be haunted. The klicks have set up a base there, and are using the ghost stories to scare off visitors.

Monitor–A generic term for a space station lacking a stardrive and system engines.

Nectaris Orbital Station–In orbit around Bluefall, Nectaris is the clearinghouse for anyone entering the Aegis system. It's also home to CCC offices and the system's drivesat.

Nova Station–A large space station in orbit around Atlas. It's home to Tendril's drivesat communications array, as well as maintainance facilities. An unknown, hostile xenoform killed several ambassadors there in 2500.

Omega Station–Only fifteen (20?) percent complete as of 2501, Omega Station is the Concord's base in Corrivale. It orbits Nike, a moon of the gas giant Lecterion. In addition to its military facilities, it's rumored to be home to more classified operations as well.

Orbital Blast-Mining Facility 278N–A VoidCorp drill-beam platform in orbit around Hux.

Outpost T-38–A small mining outpost located near Darkhold in Tendril's Cyra Belt. Maria Williamson conducts meetings with Nariac representatives there.

Platon Station–A space station under construction by the Concord. It was supposed to orbit Platon, but has been moved to an undisclosed location.

Protector-Class Monitor–An External monitor of medium strength. They are well armed and armored, and are almost always used for military purposes.

Solar X Shipyards–A series of orbital shipyards orbiting Alaundril. They are owned by Solar X, and manufacture small spacecraft.

Starstation Aurora (Aurora Station?)–An Insight-owned installation in orbit around Walin III. It extracts water vapor from the planet's upper atmosphere, and was recently attacked by VoidCorp. (pp 28, 36-39, CV)

Thorn 1–The largest of the assembly lines in Thorn Shipyards, capable of manufacturing vessels of cruiser class.

Thorn 3–The smallest assembly line in Thorn, it manufactures small craft.

Thorn 2–This Thorn assembly line manufactures bulk freighters and other medium vessels.

Thorn Shipyards–Located in the Focault Belt, these shipyards have only opened recently. They are divided into four main sections, including three assembly lines and an office complex.

Vallis Station–Originally built by the Borealins to house the system's drive relay, Vallis Station now plays host to a branch of the CCC and a repair yard. Newcomers to Hammer's Star are directed here. The station itself orbits Spes.

VCT SO850265 (Watcher) A VoidCorp space station in orbit around Hydrocus.

Verge Relays 5-3, 1–The drivesat relays spanning the 270 light-year distance from Tendril to Kendai.

VoidCorp Mining Platform VA-10391–A VoidCorp gas mine located near Redcrown's pole. It also contains a n'sss research facility and an External communications system.

Vortex–An aging, cantankerous space elevator that transfers passengers and cargo from Goliath station to upper Sperous orbit. Most of its cargo makes it to orbit intact.

known_space_station_details.1377638050.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/12/04 00:40 (external edit)