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Each doppelganger robot is modeled after a specific person. “Nuyu” bioreplicas are often used as doubles for politicians and movie stars during high-risk public appearances. Government agencies also use them as spies and infiltrators. A “Nuyu” is usually programmed with enough knowledge of its biological counterpart to maintain the charade for a period of a few hours or days.

Purchase DC: 32.

Restriction: Restricted (+2).

“Nuyu” Replacement Robot: CR 1; Medium-size construct; HD ldl0+l0; hp 15; Mas -; Init +2 (+2 equipment); Spd 30 ft.; Defense 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10; BAB +0; Grp +1; Atk +1 me-lee (ld3+1 nonlethal, 2 advanced hands) or +0 ranged; FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ construct traits, critical systems, darkvision 120 ft., doubled range increments, lifelike appearance; AL varies; SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +0; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 12, Dex 11, Con -, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12.

Skills: Bluff +5, Computer Use +4, Diplomacy +5, Disable Device +4, Disguise +5, Drive +4, Gather Information +5, Hide +4, Knowledge (current events) +4, Listen +6, Move Silently +4, Repair +4, Search +2, Sense Motive +4, Sleight of Hand +4, Spot +6, Survival +4.

Feats: Personal Firearms Proficiency. Equipment: Determined by the GM or owner..

The “Nuyu” doppelganger robot has the fol-lowing systems and accessories:

  • Frame: Bioreplica.
  • Locomotion: Legs (2, speed-enhanced).
  • Manipulators: Advanced hands (2).
  • Sensors: Class VII sensor system.
  • Skill Software: Language chips (2, chosen by GM or owner), skill net (Bluff 4 ranks, Diplomacy 4 ranks, Disguise 4 ranks, Gather Information 4 ranks), skill net (Computer Use 4 ranks, Disable Device 4 ranks, Knowledge [current events] 4 ranks, Repair), skill net (Drive 4 ranks, Hide 4 ranks, Move Silently 4 ranks, Sleight of Hand 4 ranks), skill net (Listen 4 ranks, Sense Motive 4 ranks, Spot 4 ranks, Survival 4 ranks).
  • Feat Software: Personal Firearms Proficiency progit.
  • Ability Upgrade: Charisma upgrade (+2).
  • Accessories: Integrated cell phone, self-destruct system, self-repair unit, vocalizer.
nuyu_doppelganger_robot_pl_7.1378336462.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/12/04 00:41 (external edit)