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Content-Type: text/x-zim-wiki Wiki-Format: zim 0.4 Creation-Date: 2013-08-04T23:17:03-04:00

Orlamism (Religion)

Created Sunday 04 August 2013

Unlike any other religion except the Church of the Oracle, Orlamism is a dynamic faith built on a foundation of technology and science. The Orlamist faith was born from the invention of the stardrive and subsequent discovery of drivespace. While testing the stardrive, pilot Jeff Sendir had an encounter with the divine. When he returned to normal space, he abandoned his former life and set forth the principles of the faith: drivespace is the groundwork of God. Just as the universe all around was the conscious act of the creator, the space behind space remains the source and origin of all things.

Drivespace is nothing less than the Divine Unconscious.

The doctrine of the Theocracy is centered around a single objective: understanding and contact with the Divine Unconscious. To accomplish this goal, the Orlamus constantly experiment to advance their understanding to drivespace. Doctrine changes as necessary to fit the latest theory supported by the scientific evidence. Disputes and disagreements among the Orlamist faithful are more than permitted; they are encourage, just as division and argument are vital to the scientific community. Not surprisingly, a secondary result of all this experimentation on the Divine Unconscious has been the superiority of Orlamu stardrives over the last 300 years.

The Theocracy can only loosely be considered a united religion, since it lack elders who preach a common doctrine. The only requirement for an Orlamist is that one’s activities help to understand the Divine Unconscious. By seeking to understand what drivespace truly represents, one comes closer to under-standing God. For example, the 121-hour duration of each starfall ahs led some Orlamists to suggest that this was the span of creation itself. A more radical Orlamu cult the very use of the Divine Unconscious as a means of travel; might not trespassing alter the very nature of God? At the same time, the religion’s openness and tolerance extend beyond its own faith. Orlamists are accepting of all religions.

orlamism_religion.1375718650.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/12/04 00:44 (external edit)