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The Technology Knowledge represents a broad acumen with electronics, computer hardware, and devices more elaborate than “machines,” which fall under the Crafts Skill. If it has a processor, a transistor, or an integrated circuit — if it’s electronic rather than electrical — manipulating it uses the Technology Knowledge. This is the wide-ranging Ability used to build one’s own computer, install (or subvert) a security system, repair a mobile phone, or kit-bash a shortwave radio.

  • * Student: You can perform simple modifications or repairs.
  • •• College: You could make your living in assembly or repair.
  • ••• Masters: You can design new technologies from a set of objective requirements.
  • •••• Doctorate: For you, it’s not, “Can this be done?” but “How can this be done?”
  • ••••• Scholar: A visionary in the field; you shape how people interact with their world through devices.

Possessed by: Engineers, Scientists, Defense Contractors, the Cable Guy

Specialties: Telecom, Computers, Security, Communications, Improvised Solutions, Industrial Espionage

technology.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/04 00:39 (external edit)